Marvin Mandel, Governor 125
The Department of Public Improvements is hereby abolished.
From and after August 1, 1970, all rights, powers, duties, obligations
and functions heretofore conferred upon the Department of Public
Improvements, shall be transferred to and exercised by the Depart-
ment of General Services and the Secretary of General Services. All
rules, regulations, forms, orders and directives promulgated by or in
effect for the Department of Public Improvements as of July 31,
1970, shall continue in force unless and until changed by the Secre-
tary of General Services. All references in this Code, other laws,
ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations, directives, legal actions,
contracts or other documents to the Department of Public Improve-
ments or the Director of Public Improvements shall be deemed to
mean the Department of General Services and the Secretary of Gen-
eral Services.
The Bureau of Control Surveys and Maps and the Advisory Board
of the Bureau of Control Surveys and Maps, previously established
by Sections 30 through 35 of Article 91 of this Code, are both
abolished. Any functions or duties of the Bureau and the Advisory
Board yet to be performed, shall be performed by the Secretary of
General Services or such other agency as may be designated by the
The Purchasing Bureau, which was formerly part of the Depart-
ment of Budget and Procurement and which since July 1, 1969,
was under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Budget and Fiscal
Planning, together with all of its employees, funds, equipment,
papers, forms, and other personal property, is hereby transferred
to the Department of General Services. The Secretary of General
Services shall exercise all of the powers, duties and functions pre-
viously exercised by the Director of Budget and Procurement in
connection with the Purchasing Bureau and as successor to the
Central Purchasing Bureau and Purchasing Agent. However, the
Secretary of General Services may delegate any of such powers,
duties or functions, or any of his powers, duties and functions set
forth in Sections 231F, 231G, 231H, 231-I, 231J or 23IK of this
Article, to the Chief of the Purchasing Bureau.
(A) Every department, board, commission, bureau, division, insti-
tution and agency of this State, hereinafter called the using authori-
ties, shall purchase all materials, supplies and equipment, through
or with the approval of the Secretary of General Services. It shall be
the duty of the Secretary to prescribe rules and regulations under
which estimates of the needs of using authorities shall be submitted,
and requisition made, and under which contracts for purchases may
be made.
(B) The Secretary of General Services shall determine and formu-
late standards of all materials, supplies and equipment to be pur-
chased for the using authorities of the State.