Marvin Mandel, Governor 1057
the County Commissioners only for incompetence or other cause,
and after a hearing before the County Commissioners. All vacancies
shall be filled by appointment of the County Commissioners. The
County Commissioners also shall designate one alternate member of
the Appeal Tax Court who is empowered to sit on the court in the
absence of any member of the court; and if the alternate is absent,
the court may designate a temporary alternate. In Montgomery
County, on and after December 7, 1970, the County Executive, with
the approval of the County Council, shall appoint, remove, and fix
the compensation of the members of the Appeal Tax Court and desig-
nate the chairman and alternate member of the court. Any hearing
on the removal of a member on or after December 7, 1970, shall be
before the County Executive.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
on December 7, 1970.
Approved April 28, 1970
(House Bill 328)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments subsections (la),
1(1A, D), (1b), (1d), (3), (4), (9), (14), and (16) of Section 1 of
Chapter 446 of the Laws of Maryland 1957, as last amended by
Chapter 688 of the Laws of Maryland 1969, title "Montgomery
County Revenue Authority Act", being also Sections 2-145, 2-417,
2-148, 2-150, 2-152(m,r), 2-155(b), 2-156, 2-157, 2-161, 2-166, and
2-168 (a) of the Montgomery County Code 1965, as amended, Arti-
cle XIX, title "Revenue Authority", to authorize the County Execu-
tive, with the approval of the County Council to appoint, remove,
and fix the compensation of members of the Revenue Authority and
designate the chairman of the Authority; to require the consent
of the County Executive to the acquisition by the Authority of
property owned by Montgomery County and the retention of proj-
ects by the Authority as security for its revenue bonds; to require
submission of all new Authority projects and plans and specifica-
tions therefore to the County Executive for approval or rejection;
to authorize conveyance of property and assignment of rates, ren-
tals, fees or charges to the Authority by the County Executive
with the approval of the County Council; to authorize the County
Executive, with the approval of the County Council, to agree to
make advances of funds to pay deficiencies in debt service require-
ments of Authority bonds; to authorize the County Executive to
examine the books and accounts of the Authority to require delivery
of the Authority's annual audit to the County Executive, and re-
lating generally thereto.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That subsection (1a), 1(1A, D), (1b), (1d), (3), (4), (9), (14), and
16) of Chapter 446 of the Laws of Maryland 1957, as last amended by
Chapter 688 of the Laws of Maryland 1969, title "Montgomery County
Revenue Authority Act", being also Sections 2-145, 2-147, 2-148,