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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 1055   View pdf image
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Marvin Mandel, Governor                        1055

(1969 Replacement Volume), title "Revenue and Taxes," subtitles
"State Department of Assessments and Taxation," and "Appeal
Tax Courts," to authorize the County Executive of Montgomery
County, with the approval of the County Council, to submit a
list of persons to the State Department of Assessments and
Taxation to be considered for appointment as Supervisor of
Assessments, to authorize the County Executive to furnish an
office for the Supervisor of Assessments, to provide that the Super-
visor of Assessments shall receive such clerical help and expenses
as the County Executive and the County Council shall determine,
to authorize the County Executive, with the approval of the County
Council, to submit to the State Department of Assessments and
Taxation for the certification to the County Executive, lists of
applicants for assessor positions, to appoint assessors, and to
appoint, remove and fix the compensation of members of the
Appeal Tax Court, and to designate the chairman and alternate
member of the court.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 233, 237(h) and 248 of Article 81 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1969 Replacement Volume), title "Revenue and
Taxes," subtitles "State Department of Assessments and Taxation,"
and "Appeal Tax Courts," be and hereby are repealed and re-enacted
with amendments to read as follows:


In each county of the State and in Baltimore City there shall be a
supervisor of assessments who shall be a resident thereof and who
shall be appointed by the State Department of Assessments and Taxa-
tion from a list of five persons submitted to said Department by the
County Commissioners of each county and by the mayor of Baltimore
City in the case of the supervisor of Baltimore City, and by the
County Council of Baltimore County in the case of the supervisor of
Baltimore County and by the County Executive with the approval
of the County Council of Montgomery County in the case of the
supervisor of Montgomery County,
and said supervisors shall be
removable at any time by the State Department of Assessments and
Taxation for incompetency or other cause. The supervisor shall hold
no other public office of profit. If the State Department of Assess-
ments and Taxation deems fit to be appointed none of the persons
whose names are upon a list submitted as aforesaid, they may reject
all the nominations and call for a new list. In case the County
Commissioners of any county, the County Council of Baltimore
County, the County Executive of Montgomery County, or the mayor
of Baltimore shall fail to furnish the list herein provided for within
twenty days after notice from the State Department of Assessments
and Taxation the said department shall have power to fill such office
immediately after the expiration of such time. The supervisors shall
be furnished with an office at the county seat by the county com-
missioners of each county, and the supervisor of assessments for
Baltimore County shall be furnished with an office at the county seat
by the County Council, and the supervisor of Assessments for Mont-
gomery County shall be furnished with an office at the county seat
by the County Executive,
and the supervisors of assessments for
Baltimore City shall likewise be furnished an office in Baltimore City
by the mayor and city council; and they shall be allowed such clerical


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Session Laws, 1970
Volume 695, Page 1055   View pdf image
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