104 Laws of Maryland Ch. 96
(2) [There is hereby created] The Employment Security Ad-
ministration shall have a Board of Appeals consisting of three mem-
bers, a chairman and two associate members, who shall each take
the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution before entering
upon the duties of office.
[Effective June 1, 1957, the Governor shall, by and with the advice
and consent of the Senate, appoint a full-time chairman of the Board
of Appeals, whose term shall expire May 31, 1961, an associate
member of the Board of Appeals, whose term shall expire May 31,
1963, and an associate member of the Board of Appeals, whose term
shall expire May 31, 1959.] The members of the Board of Appeals
of the Department of Employment Security holding office on August
31, 1970, shall continue to hold office as members of the Board of
Appeals of the Employment Security Administration until the ex-
piration of the terms to which they were appointed. Upon the expira-
tion of [each of said terms,] the term of any member of the Board
of Appeals, the Secretary of Employment and Social Services, with
the approval of the Governor, [by and with the advice and consent
of the Senate,] shall appoint a successor who shall hold office for the
term of six years, and until his successor is duly appointed and
qualified. Any vacancy occurring during a term shall be filled by the
Secretary of Employment and Social Services, with the approval
of the Governor, [by and with the advice and consent of the Senate,]
for the unexpired portion of the term. If there is a vacancy in the
position of chairman of the Board the [Governor] Secretary of
Employment and Social Services may appoint one of the associate
members to be chairman, to serve as such for the remainder of the
term to which he was appointed as an associate member, such ap-
pointment to be subject to the approval of the Governor [advice and
consent of the Senate].
The chairman and associate members of the Board of Appeals shall
receive remuneration in such amount or amounts as may be fixed by
the Standard Salary Board or its successor.
Any two members of the Board of Appeals shall constitute a
quorum. No vacancy shall impair the right of the remaining mem-
bers to exercise the powers conferred upon the Board of Appeals
under the provisions of this article.
(a) It shall be the duty of the Executive Director to administer
this article; and he shall have power and authority to adopt, amend,
or rescind such rules and regulations, to employ such persons, make
such expenditures, require such reports, make such investigations,
and take such other action as he deems necessary or suitable to that
end. Such rules and regulations shall be effective upon publication
in the manner, not inconsistent with the provisions of this article,
which the Executive Director shall prescribe. The Executive Director
shall determine his own organization methods of procedure in ac-
cordance with the provisions of this article, and shall have an official
seal which shall be judicially noticed. Not later than the 1st day of
January of each year, the Executive Director shall submit to the
Secretary of Employment and Social Services and to the Governor
a report covering the administration and operation of this article
during the preceding fiscal year ending June 30th and shall make