102 Laws of Maryland Ch. 96
of Employment Security shall be deemed to mean the Employment
Security Administration. From and after September 1, 1970, all
rights, powers, duties, obligations and functions heretofore conferred
upon or exercised by the Department of Employment Security shall
be transferred to and be exercised by the Employment Security
Administration subject to the authority of the Secretary of Em-
ployment and Social Services as set forth in Sections 205A, 205B,
and 205C of this Article or elsewhere in this Code.
(b) The Social Services Administration is established and con-
tinued as the same State Department of Social Services hitherto
existing. The Social Services Administration shall be part of the
Department of Employment and Social Services. The Social Services
Administration shall have the powers, duties, responsibilities and
functions provided in the laws of this State for the State Depart-
ment of Social Services. All references in this Code, in any other
laws of this State, or in ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations,
legal actions, directives or documents to the State Department of
Social Services or the State Department of Public Welfare, shall be
deemed to mean the Social Services Administration. From and after
September 1, 1970, all rights, powers, duties, obligations, and func-
tions heretofore conferred upon or exercised by the State Department
of Social Services shall be transferred to and be exercised by the
Social Services Administration, subject to the authority of the
Secretary of Employment and Social Services as set forth in Sec-
tions 205A, 205B, and 205C of this Article or elsewhere in this Code.
(c) The Vocational Rehabilitation Administration is established
and continued as the same Division of Vocational Rehabilitation of
the State Department of Education hitherto existing. The Vocational
Rehabilitation Administration shall be part of the Department of
Employment and Social Services. The Vocational Rehabilitation
Administration shall have the powers, duties, responsibilities and
functions provided in the laws of this State for the Division of Voca-
tional Rehabilitation of the State Department of Education. All
references in this Code, in any other laws of this State, or in
ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations, legal actions, directives, or
documents to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation of the State
Department of Education shall be deemed to mean the Vocational
Rehabilitation Administration. From and after September 1, 1970,
all rights, powers, duties, obligations and functions heretofore con-
ferred upon or exercised by the Division of Vocational Rehabilita-
tion of the State Department of Education shall be transferred to
and be exercised by the Vocational Rehabilitation Administration
subject to the authority of the Secretary of Employment and Social
Services as set forth in Sections 205A, 205B, and 205C of this Article
or elsewhere in this Code.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 11 (a), 12 (a), and 12 (e) of Article 95A
of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition, 1969 Replace-
ment Volume), title "Unemployment Insurance Law," subtitle "Ad-
ministrative Organization," be and they are hereby repealed and
reenacted, with amendments, and that a new Section 12A be and
it is hereby added to Article 95A of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1957 Edition, 1969 Replacement Volume), title "Unemployment
Insurance Law," subtitle "Administrative Organization," to follow
immediately after Section 12 thereof, all to read as follows: