Dec. Ses. 1816
County court to
exercise certain
Judges to fix
the time for
holding court.
Either judge to
call and ad-
journ the court
and considered, as composing the city and precincts of Bal-
timore, within the meaning and intent of this act; that is to say,
Bounded on the north by a line, bound on the north by a line
drawn parallel with Baltimore-street in the said city, through
a point one mile and an half due north from the centre of
Baltimore and Calvert-streets in the said city, and extend-
ing eastwardly sonic hundred perches from the said point to
a public road passing from the Philadelphia post road, be-
tween the dwellings of Amos Loney, Thomas Worthington,
and others, and westwardly six hundred and forty perches
from the same point, on the east, by a line binding on the cast
side of said road, to the, Philadelphia post road, and from the
Philadelphia post road, by a straight line, to the north-east cor-
ner of the Lazarette lot, including said Jot, and then with the
lines of said lot to the Patapsco river, at the termination of the
last mentioned line, to the most southern part of Whitstone Point,
on the main branch of Patapsco river, and running with and
bounding on the said main branch, excluding the land ceded to
the United States on Whitestone Point, for the uses of a fort,
to the place called the. Ferry Point, being the junction of the
said main branch with the middle branch aforesaid, and thence
due west to the westward side of the middle branch aforesaid,
and on the west by a line running from the termination of the
last mentioned line on the western shore of the middle branch,
and binding on the said shore to the, mouth of Gwinn's Falls,
thence up and with the southwest side of Gwinn's Falls to a
point opposite to the mouth of Gwinn's Run, thence with a
straight course to the mouth of Gwinn's Run, and thence with
a straight line to the end of the aforementioned six hundred and
forty perch line; and it shall be the duty of the judges of the said
court, as soon as practicable, to cause the lines aforesaid to be
surveyed, marked and bounded, and two plots thereof to be
made, one of which to be returned to the office of the clerk of
the said court, and the other to the office of the, register of the
city of Baltimore, to be filed in their respective offices.
6. And be it enacted, That all the power, jurisdiction and au-
thority, heretofore vested in, and exercised by, the Court of Oyer
and Terminer and Gaol Delivery for Baltimore county, or the
judges thereof, in and over all that part of Baltimore county
which is not included in the said city and precincts as above de-
scribed, shall he and are hereby vested in, and may be rightfully
exercised by, Baltimore county court, or the judges thereof, and
the expenses thereof shall be assessed upon the county and not
upon the city or precincts aforesaid.
7. And be it enacted, That the times for holding the said Balti-
more City Court shall be fixed by the judges thereof at their
first meeting under this act, and may be altered from time to
time as to the said court may seem necessary.
8. And be it enacted, That the chief judge alone, or the two
associate judges, shall have power to call and hold the said court,
and to adjourn the same from time to time as they may think
proper: and either one of the associate judges shall have power
to call the said court, and adjourn the same from day to day, but
the said court shall not be considered in session for the adminis-