road — how to
be made.
the said road, wherever the same may be found neces-
sary; shall lay out said road sixty feet wide, and shall
cause eighteen feet at least in breadth to be made ail
artificial road, which shall be made solid, durable, and
even to the surface, by bedding the same with wood,
stone, sand or gravel, a sufficient depth to secure a
good foundation to the same; and the said road shall
be faced with gravel, or stone pounded, or other small
hard substance, in such manner as to secure a firm,
and as near as the materials will reasonably admit,
an even surface, and so nearly level in its progress as
that it shall in no place rise or fail more than will form,
an angle of four degrees with an horizontal line, and
shall forever hereafter, during the continuance of the
said incorporation, maintain and keep the said road
in the same good order and repair.
Ferries and
14. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the toll for
any ferry over any navigable water which may be in
the line of the said road, when located and establish-
ed, shall appertain and belong to the proprietor or
proprietors thereof, so long as such ferry shall be by
him, her or them, supported and kept in good order
and repair; but if upon the presentment of a grand
jury, and verdict of a petit jury, any proprietor of any
such ferry shall be convicted of suffering the same
to be impassable, for neglect or repair, for the space
of five successive days, he, she or they shall, for the
first and second offences be fined in a sum not exceed-
ing one hundred dollars, and for the third offence in
the discretion of the court; such ferry shall be valued
by a jury of the county, to be summoned and sworn
by the sheriff of such county, and upon the payment
of such valuation, shall become vested in said corpo-
ration for the purposes of this act.
Road being
perfected five
miles, presi-
dent, &c. shall
give notice to
the governor
— he shall ap-
point persons
to examine &
report on said
road — if favor-
able, gates, &c.
may be erect-
ed under li-
15. AND BE IT ENACTED, That as soon as
the said president, managers and company shall have
perfected the road to the distance of five miles from
the district of Columbia, or from the city of Balti-
more, or for the like distance progressively, they
shall give notice thereof to the governor of this state,
who shall thereupon forthwith nominate and appoint
three skilful and judicious persons to veiw and exam-
ine the same, and report to him in writing, whether
the said road is so far executed in a masterly and
workman like manner, according to the true intent
and meaning of this act; and if their report shall be
in the affirmative, then the governor shall, by licence
under his hand,, and the seal of the State, permit and
suffer the president, managers and company, to erect