Beginning for the same at a point where the southeastern-
most side of the present right of way of the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad intersects the northeast side of the Patapsco
River, thence running northeasterly along said side of said right
of way to the centre of the Washington Turnpike Road, thence
southerly along the centre of said Turnpike Road to the north-
easternmost side of the Patapsco River, thence northwesterly
along said side of said River to the place of beginning.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 12th, 1914.
AN ACT to provide for the further publication of the archives of
WHEREAS, By Chapter 138 of the Acts of the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, passed at the session of 1882, the Maryland
Historical Society was appointed custodian of the records, ar-
chives and ancient documents of the province and State as
therein provided, on the conditions that said Society shall safely
keep, properly arrange and catalogue the same, and shall edit
and publish, under its supervision, such of the same as were of
historical importance; and
WHEREAS, Said Society, out of its own means, has constructed
an expensive vault for the safe keeping of said records, and has,
on its part, complied with the provisions of said Act and subse-
quent Acts, and it is proper that the publication of said archives
should be continued and concluded with diligence and care,
under the supervision of said Society; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the sum of two thousand dollars for each year for
the period of two years from this date be and the same is hereby
appropriated and shall be paid to the said Maryland Historical
Society out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appro-
priated, which sum shall be paid, one thousand dollars on the
first day of June and December of the years 1914 and 1915.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the archives of Maryland,
published by said Society, with the funds herein provided, shall,
as provided by the, Act of 1882, Chapter 138, be the property of