548/Maryland Manual
The University of Maryland System comprises
eleven campuses and four major research and ser-
vice components.
The System's earliest unit was founded in Bal-
timore in 1807 as the College of Medicine of
Maryland (Chapter 53, Acts of 1807). In 1812, it
enlarged its professional curricula and changed its
name to the University of Maryland (Chapter 159,
Acts of 1812).
In 1856, the Maryland State College of Agricul-
ture was founded, and in 1920 it merged with the
Baltimore professional schools to form the University
of Maryland with campuses at Baltimore (UMAB)
and College Bark (UMCP) (Chapter 480, Acts of
1920). The Baltimore County (UMBC) campus was
established in 1966. In 1970, the University of
Maryland was organized into a five-campus system,
restructuring two divisions—the Maryland State Col-
lege in Princess Anne (founded 1886) and the College
of Special and Continuation Studies (founded
1947)—as the University of Maryland Eastern Shore
(UMES) and University of Maryland University Col-
lege (UMUC), respectively
The University of Maryland achieved land-grant
status in 1865 (UMCP) and 1890 (UMES) and
was designated a national sea grant college in 1982.
As the components of the University of
Maryland were evolving, so too were the State's
teacher's colleges. The earliest of these was privately
founded in 1865 in Baltimore to train Negro
teachers. It would later become a State institution,
move to Bowie and assume the name Bowie State
University In 1866, the first public teachers' college
was created as the Maryland State Normal School,
nowTowson State University State Normal School
No. 2, now Prostburg State University followed in
1898. In 1900, the Baltimore City School Board
laid the foundation for what would later become
Coppin State College. The first normal school on
the Eastern Shore opened in 1925 and now bears
the name Salisbury State University In 1963, the
five former teachers' colleges were brought
together under the direction of a single governing
body, the Board ofTrustees of the State Universities
and Colleges. In 1975, the University of Baltimore,
privately founded fifty years earlier, joined the cam-
puses governed by the Board.
The University of Maryland System was created in
1988 through the merger of campuses and com-
ponents formerly under the Board ofTrustees of the
State Universities and Colleges and the University of
Maryland (Chapter 246, Acts of 1988). The System
is governed by the seventeen-membcr Board of
Regents. With Senate advice and consent, the Gover-
nor appoints sixteen of the Board's members. Fifteen
serve five-year terms and one, a student member, is
appointed for a one-year term. The Secretary of
Agriculture serves as an ex officio voting member
(Code Education Article, sec. 12-102).
The Board of Regents may issue revenue bonds
to finance the building of dormitories and other
student housing facilities. The Regents issue such
bonds dsrecdy, with the payments of principal and
interest made from revenues realized from the use
of the building.
The University's System Administration
(UMSA) directs and coordinates the eleven-cam-
pus system. Located in Adelphi, UMSA includes
the offices of the chancellor, the deputy chancellor,
and the six vice-chancellors. UMSA is also respon-
sible for the four major research and public service
components: the Maryland Agricultural Experi-
ment Station; the Maryland Cooperative Extension
Service; the Center for Environmental and Es-
tuarine Studies; and the Maryland Biotechnology
Institute as well as the Maryland Sea Grant College.
Campuses of the University are located in Bal-
timore (UMAB, UMBC, Coppin State College,
University of Baltimore); Bowie (Bowie State
University); College Park (UMCP); Frostburg
(Frostburg State University); Princess Anne
(UMES); Salisbury (Salisbury State University);
andTowson (Towson State University). University
College, from its headquarters in the Center of
Adult Education at College Park, administers adult
and continuing education courses and programs at
sites across Maryland and in Europe and Asia. The
University of Maryland System is developing an
academic and research center at Shady Grove and
also operates the Agricultural Experiment Station,
the Cooperative Extension Service, and Maryland
Biotechnology Institute throughout the State.
En-oil L. Reese, D.D.S., Ph.D., President
Lombard & Greene Sts.
Baltimore, MD 21201 328-2121
BUDGET (CODE 36.02.21)
FY1991 Total Appropriation .... $282,950,343
General Funds ..................... $111,956,209
Other Current Unrestricted Funds ......$ 72,846,130
Current Restricted Funds .............$ 98,148,004
FY1991 Total Authorized Positions . . . 3,892.78
Errol L. Reesc, D.D.S., Ph.D., PrtsuUnt (appointed by
Board of Regents) ...................328-7002
Appointed by fresuUnt: not yet appointed
Malinda B. Orlin, Ph.D.,Aa»»iy Vice-PrtsUtnt
far Academic Affiurs .............328-7004