Tarkington, John; see Table of |
¦ |
Robert, 6, 8. |
¦ |
Margaret, Mrs. Edward, of |
Cases. |
¦ |
Trustrum, 293. |
¦ |
St. Mary’s County, marks- |
Tarleton, Edward, of St. Mary’s |
¦ |
Wm., 33, 271, 302; see also |
¦ |
man, 134-135. |
County, mariner; see Table |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Mary, of St. Mary’s County, |
of Cases. |
¦ |
Thompkinson; see Tompkinson. |
¦ |
135. |
Edward, admr.; see Table of |
¦ |
Thompson, Arthur, of St. Mary’s |
¦ |
Tom [Thom?], Wm., 198. |
Cases; Burton, Robert. |
¦ |
County, 209; see also Table |
¦ |
Tompkinson (Thompkinson), |
Edward, & Co., of Dublin, |
¦ |
of Cases. |
¦ |
John, 1, 2. |
Ireland; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Geo:, 79, 132; see also Table |
¦ |
“Toms’ Point,” Calvert County, |
Tarr Bay, Dorchester County, |
¦ |
of Cases. |
¦ |
131. |
194, 196. |
¦ |
George, attorney, 18, 142, 174, |
¦ |
[Tovey] Tovy, Samuel [Kent |
Tarrkill Creek, Kent County, |
¦ |
175, 176, 365. |
¦ |
County], 296. |
372. |
¦ |
James, 43, 210, 265; see also |
¦ |
Towle, Roger; see Table of |
Tasker, Thomas; see Table of |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Cases. |
Cases. |
¦ |
Robert, of Charles County, |
¦ |
The Town Path, Anne Arundel |
Tassell, John, servant, 489. |
¦ |
gentleman, innholder; see |
¦ |
County, 12. |
Tawney; see Taney. |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Toyson, Thomas, a poor man, |
Taylor, ----------, 317. |
¦ |
Thornbush, John; see Table of |
¦ |
193. |
Daniell, marksman, 50. |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
Tracey, Timothy; see Table of |
Henry, 6, 8. |
¦ |
Thorpe, Roger, of Cecil County, |
¦ |
Cases. |
John, 131, 132, 193. |
¦ |
deceased, 402; see also |
¦ |
Tradesmen; see Blacksmith; |
Thomas; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Table of Cases; Inglish, |
¦ |
Boatswain; Boatwright; |
Thomas, of Anne Arundel |
¦ |
Edward, admr. |
¦ |
Bookkeeper; Bricklayer; |
County, merchant, 359. |
¦ |
Thropp, Thos.; see Table of |
¦ |
Carpenter; Carpenter’s |
Thomas, Sheriff of Dorches- |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
mate; Cook; Cooper; Far- |
ter County, and justice of |
¦ |
Thurings, Tho:, of Richmond, |
¦ |
rier; Seaman; Wine cooper. |
the Provincial Court, xii, |
¦ |
England, 182. |
¦ |
Transportation, 50, 82, 265, 266; |
xv, 317, 342, 360, 365, 400. |
¦ |
Thurston, Thomas, of Baltimore |
¦ |
see also Passage; Contract. |
Thomas, of Dorchester County, |
¦ |
County; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Transquaking River, Dorchester |
gentleman, 318; see also |
¦ |
Tilghman, Mary, extrx., 304, |
¦ |
County, 89. |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
305; see also Table of |
¦ |
Travel, Limitations on obliga- |
Thomas, of Dorchester County, |
¦ |
Cases; Warde, Mathew. |
¦ |
tion to, 10, 127, 188. |
planter; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Richard, deceased, 63, 160, |
¦ |
Travers (Traverse), ----------, |
Walter, 126. |
¦ |
209, 304, 305, 313; see also |
¦ |
317. |
William; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Table of Cases; Tilghman, |
¦ |
Traverse (denial), 238; see also |
Wm., Jr., of St. Mary’s |
¦ |
Mary, extrx. |
¦ |
Non assumpsit. |
County; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Tilley, Joseph, of Calvert |
¦ |
Tred Avon (Tredhaven), Tal- |
“Taylorsby,” Calvert County |
¦ |
County; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
bot County, 201, 490. |
(?), 131. |
¦ |
Timber, Felling and carrying |
¦ |
Tredhaven; see Tred Avon. |
Teate, Josias, mariner, of ffay- |
¦ |
away of, 288, 372; see also |
¦ |
Trego, William [of Bristol, |
land, Bristol, Somerset |
¦ |
Ejectment; Land. |
¦ |
England], 217, 219, 220; |
County, England, 215-216. |
¦ |
Tingle, John; see Table of |
¦ |
see also Table of Cases. |
Rachel, Mrs. Josias, of ffay- |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
Trespass and ejectment, xviii, |
land, Somerset County, Eng- |
¦ |
“Tinkerly,” St. Mary’s County, |
¦ |
295. |
land, 215, 216-217. |
¦ |
52. |
¦ |
Of assault, &c., 32, 33. |
“Temple Barr,” St. Mary’s |
¦ |
Title to land, Trial of, 38, 52, |
¦ |
Of breaking and entering, 33. |
County, 187. |
¦ |
288-289, 372-374, 490; see |
¦ |
Trial, Order that cases come to, |
Tenant by the custom of Eng- |
¦ |
see also Ejectment. |
¦ |
354, 407, 489. |
land, 303. |
¦ |
Tobacco, the Governor’s, 420. |
¦ |
Tripp, Henry, of Dorchester |
Tenant in possession, 38, 288, |
¦ |
Hanging, 108, 137. |
¦ |
County, 32, 138, 209; see |
373. |
¦ |
Oronoco (Arranoco), 225, |
¦ |
see also Table of Cases. |
Tenehill, Andrew; see Table of |
¦ |
456. |
¦ |
Trover and conversion, 439. |
Cases. |
¦ |
Payment of, for third party, |
¦ |
Trulock, Henry, of Calvert |
Tenison, John; see Tennison; |
¦ |
262, 490. |
¦ |
County; see Table of Cases. |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Public, 470. |
¦ |
Truman, Major Thomas, xxi- |
Tennison, John, the’lder; see |
¦ |
Rotting of, 419. |
¦ |
xxii, 291, 351; see also |
Tenison; Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Sweet-scented, 225, 226. |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
Justinian; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
And sterling, Relation of, 119, |
¦ |
Tully, Stephen, of Talbot |
Testamentary business, Allow- |
¦ |
419, 470; see also Sterling. |
¦ |
County; see Table of Cases. |
ance of costs in, 316. |
¦ |
Tobacco house, Breaking and |
¦ |
Turner, ----------, 317. |
Thackston, Thomas; see Table |
¦ |
entering of, 33. |
¦ |
Arthur, 209. |
of Cases. |
¦ |
Building of, 214. |
¦ |
Edward, of St. Mary’s |
Thimbleby, John, of St. Mary’s |
¦ |
Tobacco tongs, 104, 105. |
¦ |
County, 146, 340. |
County, deceased, xvii, 5, |
¦ |
Todd, Thomas, of Virginia and |
¦ |
Edward, extr.; see Table of |
6, 7. |
¦ |
Maryland, 219. |
¦ |
Cases; Singleton, Wm. |
Thom; see Tom. |
¦ |
Tolly, Edward, deceased, of St. |
¦ |
Edward, junr., 489. |
Thomas, ----------, 317. |
¦ |
Mary’s County, 134. |
¦ |
Edward, senr., 489. |
Bartholomew; see Table of |
¦ |
Edward, son of Edward, of |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
St. Mary’s County, 134, 135. |
¦ |