Obstone, Thomas; see Table of |
¦ |
Paradieu, Stephen; see also |
¦ |
Peca; see Paca. |
Cases. |
¦ |
Table of Cases; Perdieu. |
¦ |
Peerce, John; see Table of |
Office for enrolling the consent |
¦ |
Paris, Richard [ , of Bristol, |
¦ |
Cases. |
of servants, xxi, 51. |
¦ |
England], 220. |
¦ |
Peighen (Peighin), Capt. |
Offley, Michael; see Table of |
¦ |
Parish, Edward, 454. |
¦ |
Thomas, 371; see also |
Cases. |
¦ |
Parker, Anne (Watson), Mrs. |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
Ogles, Cuthbert; see Table of |
¦ |
Laurence, marksman, of |
¦ |
Peirpoint, Henry; see Table of |
Cases. |
¦ |
Yorkshire, England, 180, |
¦ |
Cases. |
Oldfeild, George, of St. Mary’s, |
¦ |
181. |
¦ |
“Peirpoints Rock,” Anne Arun- |
Calvert and Cecil Counties; |
¦ |
George; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
del County, 288. |
see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
George, attorney, 109, 110, |
¦ |
Penry, Margaret, deceased, xiv, |
George, attorney, 23; see also |
¦ |
118, 120, 121, 136, 141, 163, |
¦ |
461; see also Irland, John, |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
166, 177, 230, 241, 257, 260, |
¦ |
extr. |
Petronella (----------) Carr, |
¦ |
261, 286, 296, 297, 302, 307, |
¦ |
Margaret, admrx., deceased, |
Mrs. George, admrx. Jno. |
¦ |
308, 309, 373, 376, 377, 384, |
¦ |
391; see also Table of |
Carr, 433; see also Table |
¦ |
394, 396, 404, 412, 428, 454, |
¦ |
Cases; Wright, ffrancis. |
of Cases; Carr, Jno., de- |
¦ |
473, 491; see also Table of |
¦ |
Pensax, Samuel, of London, |
ceased. |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
mariner, xvii, 315-316. |
Thomas, admr.; see Table of |
¦ |
Henry, 138; see also Table of |
¦ |
Perdieu (surname); see Para- |
Cases; ffreeman, Margaret. |
¦ |
Cases; Archives, LXV. |
¦ |
dieu. |
Oliver, Thomas, of St. Mary’s |
¦ |
Jno., deceased, of Weymouth, |
¦ |
Perin, Edward; see Table of |
County, mariner, 384; see |
¦ |
England, 52-53, 103, 149, |
¦ |
Cases. |
also Table of Cases. |
¦ |
165, 316, 320; see also Dare, |
¦ |
Perine, Mrs. Margaret (Wat- |
Orchard, William; see Table of |
¦ |
Wm., admr. |
¦ |
son), marksman, of York- |
Cases. |
¦ |
John, deceased, extr. John |
¦ |
shire, England, 180, 181. |
Wm., & Compa.; see Table |
¦ |
Drady, 258, 259. |
¦ |
Perry, Micaiah, London mer- |
of Cases. |
¦ |
Laurence, marksman, of York- |
¦ |
chant, 197. |
Order to answer petition, 362, |
¦ |
shire, England, 180, 181. |
¦ |
Pery, Capt. Richard, 277; see |
363. |
¦ |
Parnepley (Parneply), Robert, |
¦ |
also Table of Cases. |
Oronoco tobacco; see Tobacco, |
¦ |
482; see also Table of |
¦ |
Petition, Answer to, Order for, |
Oronoco. |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
362, 363. |
Orton, Henry, 317. |
¦ |
Parnes, Richard; see Table of |
¦ |
Hearing on, before Provincial |
Osborne, Thomas, of Kent |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
Court, xx, 50, 313, 362. |
County, 138, 209. |
¦ |
Parrett, Gabriel, marksman, 49. |
¦ |
For hearing before county |
William, of Baltimore County, |
¦ |
Parsons, Tho: xviii, 3, 38; see |
¦ |
court, 470-471. |
xix, 474, 475. |
¦ |
also Table of Cases. |
¦ |
For nonsuit, 360. |
William, of Talbot County; |
¦ |
Particular; see Account. |
¦ |
For payment of doctor’s bill, |
see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Partis, ffrancis, mariner, of |
¦ |
277. |
Overseer of will, 397. |
¦ |
Newcastle-on-Tyne; see |
¦ |
For poor widow’s allowance, |
Overton, Thomas, 148; see also |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
168. |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Partition, Writ of, 146, 147, 291- |
¦ |
For proof of deed of convey- |
Overzee, Simon, deceased, 307. |
¦ |
293. |
¦ |
ance, 196. |
Oxen, Exemption of, from ex- |
¦ |
Passage money, Lawsuit over, |
¦ |
For release from servitude, |
ecution, 43. |
¦ |
xx, 50, 82-83, 266-267; see |
¦ |
xx, 50, 51, 203-204, 278, |
Oyle, Cuthbert, of London, car- |
¦ |
also Transportation. |
¦ |
291, 313, 351, 360; see also |
penter; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Pattison (Paddison), of Dor- |
¦ |
Freedom. |
¦ |
chester County, innholder, |
¦ |
For relief from surveyor’s er- |
Paca, Robert, 295; see also |
¦ |
281, 349, 427, 431, 440, 455, |
¦ |
ror, xix, 474-475. |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
463, 464, 465, 472-473; see |
¦ |
For remission of fine, 289. |
Paddison; see Pattison. |
¦ |
also Table of Cases. |
¦ |
For restoration of administra- |
Pagett, Thomas, of Calvert |
¦ |
Pauper’s oath; see Oath, of |
¦ |
tion, 362. |
County; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
pauper. |
¦ |
For restoration of goods, 337- |
Paine, Jane, of St. Mary’s |
¦ |
Pawson, John, & Compa; see |
¦ |
338, 365. |
County, deceased, 157, 277, |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Of shipmaster for security for |
398; see also Spinke, |
¦ |
Payment, Acknowledgment of, |
¦ |
charter party, 297-298. |
Thomas, admrx. [sic]. |
¦ |
212. |
¦ |
Of wife for maintenance, 315. |
Mathew; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Claim of having made, 276, |
¦ |
Order for delivery of, in |
Thomas, bricklayer; see Table |
¦ |
321, 412, 430. |
¦ |
court, 470. |
of Cases. |
¦ |
Dispute over, 176, 225. |
¦ |
To be admitted to answer an |
Painter, Nic[holas], 190, 192. |
¦ |
Paty, John; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
account, 470. |
Palin, Ann, extrx.; see Table |
¦ |
Peacocke, Richard, 420; see also |
¦ |
Philipps, James, 475. |
of Cases; Palin, John. |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Phippes, Elizabeth (----------) |
John, of York, England, gro- |
¦ |
Richard, & Co.; see Table of |
¦ |
Dandus, 258. |
cer, 22-23; see also Palin, |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
Phippes (Phipps), Henry; see |
Ann. |
¦ |
Pearce (Pearse), Joseph, de- |
¦ |
Table of Cases; Maynard, |
Palmer, Thomas, servant, 424. |
¦ |
ceased, 305; see also Rozer, |
¦ |
Ed. |
Pangaya Manor (Proprietary), |
¦ |
Benja., admr. |
¦ |
Physic; see Medicine. |
238. |
¦ |
Thomas; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
¦ |
Pearse; see Pearce. |
¦ |