Thomas; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Richard, deceased, 259, 367, |
¦ |
Kingsbury, Samuel; see Table |
Thomas, attorney, 424, 480. |
¦ |
389, 399; see also Table of |
¦ |
of Cases. |
Thomas, Bristol merchant, |
¦ |
Cases; Keene, Mary, ex- |
¦ |
Kingsbury Creek, 4. |
138; see also Table of |
¦ |
trx.; Griggs, John, et ux., |
¦ |
Kirby, John, carpenter’s mate, |
Cases; Archives, LXV. |
¦ |
extrx. |
¦ |
302. |
Wm., marksman, physician, |
¦ |
“Keenes Rest,” St. Mary’s |
¦ |
Kirk, Thomas, 313. |
xxiii, 33, 131, 209, 215, 387, |
¦ |
County, 126. |
¦ |
Knapp, Robert; see Table of |
445, 475; see also Table of |
¦ |
Kemball, John; see Table of |
¦ |
Cases. |
Cases. |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
Knighton, Thomas, 47, 119; see |
Jordaine, John; see Table of |
¦ |
Kemp, Thomas, of Calvert |
¦ |
also Table of Cases. |
Cases; Jourdaine; Jour- |
¦ |
County, xxi-xxii, 291, 427, |
¦ |
“Knotts Neck,” Patuxent River, |
dyne. |
¦ |
431, 432, 440, 455, 463, 464, |
¦ |
182. |
Jourdaine; see Jordaine. |
¦ |
465, 489. |
¦ |
Jourdyne; see Jourdaine, Jor- |
¦ |
Kendall, Richard; see also |
¦ |
Lace (clothing), 104, 105. |
daine. |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Ladd, Rich:; see Table of |
Jowles, Henry, 258; see also |
¦ |
Kenimont, John, 293. |
¦ |
Cases. |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Kennimont, John; see Table of |
¦ |
Richard, attorney, xx, 471. |
Jubbar, [Henry], deceased, 99; |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
Ladds, Wm., of Kent County, |
see also Baker, Roger, |
¦ |
Kent, Wm.; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
cooper; see also Table of |
admr. |
¦ |
Kent County, Constable of, 208; |
¦ |
Cases. |
Judgment, Arrest of, 57. |
¦ |
see also Neaves, Robert. |
¦ |
Lademore, Roger; see Table of |
By default, 289, 322, 332, 334, |
¦ |
Coroner of, 402, 403; see also |
¦ |
Cases; Latimer. |
358, 407, 475; see also |
¦ |
Hosier, Henry. |
¦ |
Laight, Edward; see Table of |
Nothing in bar or avoid- |
¦ |
Justices of the peace of, 208. |
¦ |
Cases. |
ance. |
¦ |
Land in, 147, 291, 293, 372- |
¦ |
Lamarr, Thomas, of Calvert |
Confession of, 74, 75, 81, 82, |
¦ |
373. |
¦ |
County, 354. |
87, 89, 93, 99, 110, 117, 119, |
¦ |
Sheriff of, 44, 208, 315, 421; |
¦ |
Lambden, Robert; see Table of |
124, 125, 136, 178, 232, 313, |
¦ |
see also Dunn, Robert; |
¦ |
Cases. |
321, 345, 351, 365, 377, 434, |
¦ |
Marsh, Thomas; |
¦ |
Lambert, Ann, Mrs. Hubbert; |
445; see also Nothing in |
¦ |
Amercing of, 74, 77, 100, |
¦ |
see Table of Cases. |
bar or avoidance. |
¦ |
120, 122, 150, 166, 354, |
¦ |
Hubbert; see Table of Cases. |
Charge for, 46. |
¦ |
375, 386, 449. |
¦ |
Lamington, England, Loading of |
Defeazance of, 125. |
¦ |
Kent Island, Land on, 372. |
¦ |
vessel for Maryland at, 325. |
Granting of, 117, 118, 279-280, |
¦ |
Kerby, William, 188, 189. |
¦ |
Land, Philip, Planter, marks- |
283, 373, 422, 482, 486, 487. |
¦ |
Kersey (cloth), 63. |
¦ |
man, 1-5. |
Satisfaction of, 80, 111, |
¦ |
Kertley, Mary (Browne), Mrs. |
¦ |
Philip, deceased, 1. |
228(?), 387, 335, 338, 342. |
¦ |
Thomas, xvii, 5-8. |
¦ |
“The Land of Walter Story,” |
Writ of error upon, 295. |
¦ |
Thomas, of St. Mary’s |
¦ |
232. |
Jury, Foreman of, 209, 349; see |
¦ |
County, 6, 7. |
¦ |
Land, Assignment of rights in, |
also Tilghman, Richard. |
¦ |
William, of St. Mary’s |
¦ |
128, 184, 190. |
Of the neighborhood, xix, 27, |
¦ |
County, deceased, 7. |
¦ |
Certificate for, 238. |
475, 490. |
¦ |
Keyting, Elizabeth, Mrs. |
¦ |
In Secretary’s office, 189. |
Summonsing of, xv, 32, 33, |
¦ |
Thomas, marksman, 191- |
¦ |
Escheat of, For non-payment |
57, 61, 95, 169, 207, 209, 210, |
¦ |
193. |
¦ |
of rent, xvi, xvii, 193-194, |
228-229, 230, 238, 254, 261- |
¦ |
Thomas, of St. Mary’s County, |
¦ |
307, 316. |
262, 265, 268, 269, 302, 348, |
¦ |
191-193, 427, 431, 432, 440, |
¦ |
For not seating, xvi, xvii, |
360, 371, 413, 416, 417, 426, |
¦ |
455, 463, 464, 465; see also |
¦ |
316. |
427, 437, 438-439, 454, 459, |
¦ |
Keyton. |
¦ |
For want of heir, xvi-xviii, |
463. |
¦ |
“Keytings, Plantacon,” St. |
¦ |
8, 50, 303, 304, 307. |
To partition land, xv-xvi, 292, |
¦ |
Mary’s County, 191, 192. |
¦ |
Freedom of, from incum- |
293. |
¦ |
Keyton, Thomas; see Table of |
¦ |
brance, 9, 127, 183, 190, 192, |
To try matter of fact, 420. |
¦ |
Cases; Keyting. |
¦ |
242. |
Verdict of, 32, 33, 57, 61, 96, |
¦ |
Thomas, admr.; see Table of |
¦ |
Indenture, for sale of, xvi, |
169, 207, 209, 210, 238, 254, |
¦ |
Cases; Daley, Bryan. |
¦ |
xviii, 1-3, 3-5, 8-10, 11-15, |
262, 265, 267, 268, 269, 302, |
¦ |
Kilborne, ffrancis, 209, 284; see |
¦ |
77-79, 126-128, 128-130, 130- |
349, 355, 360, 413, 420, 426, |
¦ |
also Table of Cases. |
¦ |
132, 178-180, 180-182, 182- |
427, 431, 432, 437, 439, 440, |
¦ |
Kilty, Land-holder’s Assistant, |
¦ |
184, 184-187, 187-189, 189- |
443, 454, 455, 459, 463, 464, |
¦ |
xvii. |
¦ |
191, 191-193, 194-196; see |
465; see also Special ver- |
¦ |
Kimbro, John; see Table of |
¦ |
also Deed. |
dict. |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
Leases for, 238. |
Justices of the peace; see the |
¦ |
King, Elizabeth, of Dorchester |
¦ |
Order for survey of, 238, 490. |
different counties by name. |
¦ |
County; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Partition of, Process of, 292. |
¦ |
(Kinge), Wm., of Calvert |
¦ |
Patent for, xvi, 128, 131, 179, |
¦ |
County, & innholder, 32, 37, |
¦ |
315. |
Keene, John, 259. |
¦ |
209, 254, 259, 262, 268; see |
¦ |
Revocation of, 288. |
Mary, extrx., 367; see also |
¦ |
also Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Surreptitious obtaining of, |
Table of Cases; Keene, |
¦ |
Kinge; see King. |
¦ |
288. |
Richard, deceased; Griggs, |
¦ |
Kingsberry, Robert, of Calvert |
¦ |
Land, Pledge of, to ensure pay- |
John, et ux. |
¦ |
County, 4. |
¦ |
ment of tobacco, 11. |