Index. 521
John, 490. |
¦ |
And capons, Attachment of, |
¦ |
“Craney Neck” [Anne Arundel |
Mary (Roe), Mrs. John, 490. |
¦ |
120. |
¦ |
County], xvi-xvii, 193. |
Combs, 16, 17, 286. |
¦ |
And clothes; see Freedom |
¦ |
Cressey, Samuel, 156, 164, 180; |
Comegijs, Cornelius, 481; see |
¦ |
corn and clothes. |
¦ |
see also Table of Cases; |
also Table of Cases. |
¦ |
And sterling, Value of, 6. |
¦ |
Edelen, Rich:, extr. |
Commissions; see office filled. |
¦ |
Coroner, Direction of writ to |
¦ |
Creycroft, John, 1, 394; see also |
Conaway, James, 198. |
¦ |
(instead of to the sheriff), |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
Condition not performed, 349. |
¦ |
xix, 402, 403. |
¦ |
Criminal cases, |
Conditions of plantation, 288; |
¦ |
Cosden, Thomas, innholder, of |
¦ |
Assault, battery and imprison- |
see also Land. |
¦ |
Calvert County; see Table |
¦ |
ment, Charge of, 31-32. |
Connaway, James, of London, |
¦ |
of Cases. |
¦ |
Felo de se (felon of himself, |
mariner; see also Table of |
¦ |
Costines Bite [Bight?], St. |
¦ |
suicide), 137. |
Cases. |
¦ |
Mary’s County, 38. |
¦ |
Slander (?), 207-210. |
Con[n]ery, Edward, deceased, |
¦ |
Costs of suit, Levy of, against |
¦ |
Trover and conversion, Charge |
489; see also Haly, Mary, |
¦ |
executor’s goods, 396. |
¦ |
of, 267-268, 439. |
admrx., Archives, LXV. |
¦ |
Costs of witnesses, Allowance |
¦ |
“Croke & Pill” (Cecil County), |
Consideration, absence of, xx, |
¦ |
of, by the Court, 138-139. |
¦ |
336. |
272, 471. |
¦ |
Cotton cloth, 63. |
¦ |
Croke’s Reports [   , English |
Constable, Assault on, 328-329. |
¦ |
Council of the Province, Clerk |
¦ |
King’s Bench], 330. |
Continuance; see Causes, Con- |
¦ |
of, xiii, 141; see also Blom- |
¦ |
Crosman, Robert; see Table of |
tinuance of. |
¦ |
feild, John. |
¦ |
Cases. |
Contract, To deliver bills, 88. |
¦ |
Members of, 190-191, 424. |
¦ |
Crosse, William, 296, 318, 419, |
To deliver servants, 65-66; |
¦ |
Country Marsh, St. Mary’s |
¦ |
420. |
see also Bond. |
¦ |
County, 38. |
¦ |
Crouch, John, of Cecil County, |
To deliver vessel, 89-90. |
¦ |
County commissioners, 280-281, |
¦ |
136. |
For transportation, 50, 82-83; |
¦ |
436. |
¦ |
Crow, Gurney (Courney), of |
see also Passage. |
¦ |
Petition to Provincial Court |
¦ |
Dorchester County, 139, |
For a woman’s services, 174- |
¦ |
for hearing before, 470-471. |
¦ |
281. |
175. |
¦ |
Coursey, Henry, Justice of the |
¦ |
Crowne Malego (ship), xxi, 51. |
Conveyances, Obligation to exe- |
¦ |
Provincial Court, xii, 147, |
¦ |
Crundall, Thomas; see Table |
cute, 3, 4, 10, 11, 60, 78, 127. |
¦ |
314, 390; see also Table of |
¦ |
of Cases. |
Cook on merchant vessel, 301. |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
Cullen, Thomas, of Calvert |
Cooke, Christopher; see Table |
¦ |
William, xv, 182; see also |
¦ |
County, mariner, 367; see |
of Cases. |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
also Table of Cases. |
Edward; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Court, William, 337. |
¦ |
Cunningham, John, 242-243, 265; |
Edward, jnr.; see Table of |
¦ |
Court, County, Case left to judg- |
¦ |
see also Table of Cases. |
Cases. |
¦ |
ment of, 204. |
¦ |
Jno., deceased, 402; see also |
Miles, of London, mariner, |
¦ |
Determination of servant’s |
¦ |
Watson, John, & Carlisle, |
100; see also Table of |
¦ |
age by, 360. |
¦ |
Tho., extrs. |
Cases. |
¦ |
Nonsuit in, 355. |
¦ |
Currer, John, 342; see also |
Capt. Miles, of Talbot County |
¦ |
Courtney, Thomas, xxii, 126, |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
(merchant), deceased; see |
¦ |
127, 128, 168, 302; see also |
¦ |
Custom of the country, on ship |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
contracts, 458. |
Samuel, of London, mariner; |
¦ |
Covart, Wm., Mayor of Rich- |
¦ |
On servants’ time (five years |
see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
mond, England, 182. |
¦ |
service), 50, 203-204. |
Cookney, Jno., seaman, 301. |
¦ |
Cove, Thomas, 188. |
¦ |
Custom of England (on land- |
Cooper, ----------, 317. |
¦ |
Covell, John, of Anne Arundel |
¦ |
holding), 303. |
Benja.; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
County, 288. |
¦ |
John, of Calvert County, 307- |
¦ |
Richard, of London, mariner; |
¦ |
Dade, Thomas, merchant; see |
308; see also Table of |
¦ |
see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
Cases. |
¦ |
Covenant; see Plea, to hold. |
¦ |
Daley, Bryan, deceased, xix-xx, |
Robert, marksman, 6, 8. |
¦ |
Cow, Value of, 267, 439, 462- |
¦ |
117, 266; see also Calvert, |
Cooper (workman), 53, 143, |
¦ |
463. |
¦ |
Wm., & Keyton, Thos., |
144, 301; see also Wine |
¦ |
Cowdear (Codere), John; see |
¦ |
admrs. |
cooper. |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
“Daley’s Desire” (Cecil |
Coppage, Edward, deceased, |
¦ |
Cox, Henry; see Table of |
¦ |
County), xix-xx, 471. |
295; see also Raules, Wm., |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
Damages, Arbitration of, 200- |
admr. |
¦ |
John, of England, 113, 387; |
¦ |
201. |
Copping, Edmund, boatswain, |
¦ |
see also Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Award of, xvi, 24, 25, 32, 33, |
301. |
¦ |
William, [of Bristol, Eng- |
¦ |
35, 39, 42, 59, 75, 93, 101, 228, |
Copy of document, Oath to |
¦ |
land], 216. |
¦ |
229, 230, 238, 269, 282, 314, |
truth of; see Oath to truth |
¦ |
See also Cocks. |
¦ |
323, 327, 330, 339, 354, 359, |
of copy. |
¦ |
Coxe, Joseph, gentleman, of |
¦ |
361, 408, 410, 413, 428, 437, |
Cordea, Marke, 302, 420; see |
¦ |
Bristol [England], 215, 216. |
¦ |
438, 440, 441, 443, 448, 450, |
also Table of Cases. |
¦ |
“Crabb Hill,” Baltimore County, |
¦ |
452, 453, 455, 462, 463, 465, |
Corn, Charge of theft of, 207- |
¦ |
xix, 474, 475. |
¦ |
466, 470, 491. |
210, 420-421. |
¦ |
Cradock, Thomas, Recorder, of |
¦ |
Refusal of, by the Court, 420. |
Twenty-two barrels of, 108, |
¦ |
Richmond, England, 182. |
¦ |
Suit for, 32, 33, 36. |
420, 421. |
¦ |
¦ |
Dancing teacher, 331. |