Index. 517
Bayley (Bayly), Ambrose, |
¦ |
“Betty’s ffolly,” St. Mary’s |
¦ |
Blewstone Neck Branch of St. |
Charles County carpenter; |
¦ |
County, 8; see also “Gallo- |
¦ |
Inigo’s Creek, St. Mary’s |
see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
way.” |
¦ |
County, 189. |
Richard, of Calvert and Dor- |
¦ |
Bigger, Ann, admrx.; see Table |
¦ |
Blinckhorne, Robert; see Table |
chester Counties, innholder, |
¦ |
of Cases; Bigger, John, de- |
¦ |
of Cases. |
32, 258; see also Table of |
¦ |
ceased; Rumsey, James; |
¦ |
Blizard, Giles, of St. Mary’s |
Cases; Bayly. |
¦ |
Rumsey, Ann. |
¦ |
County, Carpenter, 128-130, |
Richard, of Talbot County, 295, |
¦ |
John, of Calvert County, de- |
¦ |
230, 238, 254, 262, 265, 268; |
420; see also Table of |
¦ |
ceased, 165, 209; see also |
¦ |
see also Table of Cases. |
Cases. |
¦ |
Table of Cases; Rumsey, |
¦ |
Blomfeild, John, Clerk of the |
See also Bayly. |
¦ |
Jas.; Rumsey, Ann, admrx. |
¦ |
Provincial Court, Keeper |
Bayly, John, of Brettons Bay, |
¦ |
Biggs, Seth; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
of the lesser seal, Clerk of |
St. Mary’s; see Table of |
¦ |
Bill, James, alias Ellis; see Ellis. |
¦ |
the Council, xiii, xx, 1, 3, |
Cases. |
¦ |
Bill of Exchange, 100, 236, 241, |
¦ |
et passim, 113, 141, 193, 195, |
Bayly, Richard, 113, 138, 209; |
¦ |
266, 280, 393, 432; |
¦ |
228, 260, 281, 290, 295, 337; |
see also Table of Cases; |
¦ |
Obligatory; see Writing obli- |
¦ |
see also Table of Cases. |
Bayley. |
¦ |
gatory. |
¦ |
Plantation of, at New Towne, |
See also Bayley. |
¦ |
Of lading, Receipt in the na- |
¦ |
282. |
Baynard, John, 265, 267; see |
¦ |
ture of, 265. |
¦ |
“Bluff Point,” Talbot County, |
also Table of Cases. |
¦ |
[Of particulars], Filing of, |
¦ |
146, 147, 291, 293. |
Beale, Ninian, 405, 413, 416, 417, |
¦ |
390. |
¦ |
Blyd, Joseph; see Table of |
420, 426, 443, 459; see also |
¦ |
Of revivor, 306. |
¦ |
Cases. |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Of sale, Bond to deliver, 232. |
¦ |
Board and lodging; see Accomo- |
Thomas, of St. Mary’s County, |
¦ |
Protest of, 422-423, 432; see |
¦ |
dations already received. |
38; see also Table of Cases. |
¦ |
also Specialties. |
¦ |
Boarman, Wm., 125, 180; see |
Beaman, John, of Anne Arundel |
¦ |
Bills, Contract to deliver, 88. |
¦ |
also Table of Cases. |
County, 12-15. |
¦ |
Proof of, 64. |
¦ |
Boat, Hire of, 463. |
Beamont, John; see Table of |
¦ |
Value of, 419, 420. |
¦ |
Loan of, 282, 437. |
Cases. |
¦ |
Binkes, Thomas; see Table of |
¦ |
Value of, 437. |
Beard, John, 50. |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
Boat and boathands, Charge for, |
Richard, 50. |
¦ |
Bird, Daniel; see Table of |
¦ |
45, 46. |
Becke, Edward, of Cecil County, |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
Boatswain (workman), 301. |
137. |
¦ |
Bishopp, Abraham, 293. |
¦ |
Boatwright (workman), 239. |
Beckwith, George, of Calvert |
¦ |
Blackborow, Elizabeth (War- |
¦ |
Bodkin, Dominick, 265; see also |
County, deceased, 198; see |
¦ |
rine), ext., 219-220. |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
also Table of Cases; Banks, |
¦ |
Blackburne, Edward; see Table |
¦ |
Body, John; see Table of Cases. |
Thomas, admr. |
¦ |
of Cases. |
¦ |
Bolds, John, 232. |
Bedford, Thomas, 278. |
¦ |
Blackfan, John; see Table of |
¦ |
Bolster for feather bed, 134, 135. |
Bedworth, Richard, marksman, |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
Bolton, George, of Dorchester |
50. |
¦ |
Blackhall, Ralph, of Talbot |
¦ |
County, 139. |
Beech, Elias, 427, 431, 432, 440. |
¦ |
County, 32, 304; see also |
¦ |
Bond, Administrator’s 468, 470- |
455, 463, 464, 465; see also |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
471. |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Blackiston, John, of St. Mary’s |
¦ |
Assignment of, 316, 341. |
Thomas, 186, 290. |
¦ |
County; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Suit upon, 315, 433. |
Bell, John, 313; see also Table |
¦ |
Nehemiah, of St. Mary’s |
¦ |
Bond, Bail, Assignment of, 149, |
of Cases. |
¦ |
County; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
324, 328, 347, 385. |
Thomas; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Blackistone, Nehemiah; see |
¦ |
Claim of having performed, |
Benefit, Necessity of, to make |
¦ |
Blackistone; Table of Cases. |
¦ |
415. |
award valid, 19. |
¦ |
Blacksmith (tradesman), 130. |
¦ |
Delivery of, 237, 485. |
Bennett, John, ship’s gunner, |
¦ |
Blades, Robert; see Table of |
¦ |
Bond, Consideration of, Ques- |
301. |
¦ |
Cases. |
¦ |
tioning of, 349. |
Bennit, Disborough, 342; see |
¦ |
Blake Creek, St. Mary’s County, |
¦ |
Denial of, 337; see also Plea, |
also Wells, Tobias, admr; |
¦ |
248. |
¦ |
of non est factum. |
Dare, Wm., admr. |
¦ |
Bland, Damoris (----------) |
¦ |
Not to depart the Province, |
Bennitt, Thomas, 302; see also |
¦ |
Wyatt, Mrs. Thomas, ex- |
¦ |
421. |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
trx., xxiv; see also Table |
¦ |
Proof of, 349. |
Benson, Eliz.; see Table of |
¦ |
of Cases; Wyatt, Nicholas. |
¦ |
Sheriff’s Forfeiture of, to the |
Cases. |
¦ |
Thomas, attorney, xxiv, 177, |
¦ |
Proprietary, 470. |
Elizabeth, extrx.; see Table |
¦ |
265, 445, 488; see also Table |
¦ |
To balance an account, 415- |
of Cases; Benson, John, |
¦ |
of Cases. |
¦ |
416, 416-417. |
deceased. |
¦ |
Blangy, Lewis, 427, 431, 440, |
¦ |
To convey land, 55, 60, 242, |
Berry, James, of Calvert County, |
¦ |
455, 463, 464, 465; see also |
¦ |
336. |
113, 138, 387. |
¦ |
Table of Cases. |
¦ |
To deliver bill of sale, 232. |
William; see Table of Cases. |
¦ |
Mary, Mrs. Lewis, admr.; see |
¦ |
To deliver bills, 88. |
Besciphers, Thomas; see Table |
¦ |
Table of Cases; Wells, |
¦ |
To deliver cattle, 242. |
of Cases. |
¦ |
Tobias. |
¦ |
To deliver clothing, 276-277. |
Betty (ketch), xx, 50. |
¦ |
Bleeke, Edward, London mer- |
¦ |
To deliver 460 gallons of |
¦ |
chant, 197. |
¦ |
cider, 233. |
¦ |
¦ |
To deliver mare, 276-277. |