Table of Cases. 495
ats. Elizabeth Delaroch, extrx. [Charles |
¦ |
ats. Gerard Slye, 68, 173-174. |
Delaroch], 159. |
¦ |
Boone, John, ats. Edward Roe, 87, 94, 152. |
ats. ffrancis Partis, 167, 363-364. |
¦ |
Boreman, Wm., v. Elizabeth Delaroch, extrx. |
Blades, Robert, ats. Ellis Coleman, 444. |
¦ |
Charles Delaroch, 165, 351. |
Bland, Damoris, Bland, Thomas, &, ats. Edward |
¦ |
Boston, Henry, ats. Samuel Groome, 403. |
Dorsey, admr. Nicholas Wyatt, 421-422, |
¦ |
Boston, Samuel ats. Robert Carvile, 386, 441. |
482. |
¦ |
ats. Nathaniel Stiles, admr. Thomas |
[Bland], Damoris, extrx. Nich. Wyatt, Bland, |
¦ |
Salmon, 369. |
Thomas, &, ats. Wm. Carpenter, 114, |
¦ |
Boteler, Charles, v. Nehemiah Blackiston, 108, |
247-248. |
¦ |
240-241. |
Bland, Thomas, v. Richard Hill, 481. |
¦ |
v. George Lokier, 491. |
v. Richard Hill, exr. Edward Gardner, |
¦ |
Boudell, Thomas, ats. Wm. Trego, Michael Pope |
xxiv, 396-397. |
¦ |
& Compa., 376-377, 422. |
v. Robert Peake, 488. |
¦ |
Boughton, Richard, ats. John Allen, 27-28. |
ats. Thomas Gant, 487-488; see also Ar- |
¦ |
ats. John Allen, 28-29. |
chives, LXV, 372-373. |
¦ |
ats. Thomas Jones, 29-30. |
ats. Robert Peake, 488. |
¦ |
ats. Thomas Pope & ffrancis Pope, extrs. |
ats. Henry Stockett, xii, 457. |
¦ |
ffrancis Pope, 109. |
Bland, Thomas, & ux., v. Richard Hill, extr. |
¦ |
Bowdell, Thomas, ats. George Parker, 478. |
Rich. [i.e., Edwd.] Gardner, xxiv, 120, |
¦ |
Bowdle, Thomas, ats. Thomas Mountford, 138; |
261-262. |
¦ |
see also Archives, LXV. |
Bland, Thomas, & Bland, Damoris, his wife, ats. |
¦ |
Bowdle, Thomas, Mitchell, Henry, &, ats. Rich- |
Edward Dorsey, admr. Nicholas Wyatt, |
¦ |
ard Covell, 142-143, 386. |
421-422, 482. |
¦ |
Bowlen, John, admr. Tho: Gignoz, v. Thos. |
Bland, Thomas, & Bland, Damoris, extrx. Nich. |
¦ |
Green, 484. |
Wyatt, ats. Wm. Carpenter, 114, 247-248. |
¦ |
Bowles, John, v. Josias ffendall, 44, 123-124, 338. |
Blangy, Lewis, & [Blangy], Mary his wife, |
¦ |
Bradley, Henry, v. Henry Parker, 44-45, 139. |
admr. Tobias Wells, ats. Jonathan Squire, |
¦ |
Bradley, John, v. Wm. Gough, 162. |
admr. John Morecroft, 479. |
¦ |
Bradshaw, Wm., ats. Thomas Walker, 379. |
[Blangy], Mary, admrx. Tobias Wells, Blangy, |
¦ |
Brandt, Randolph, ats. John Quigley, 199-201. |
Lewis, &, ats. Jonathan Squire, admr. |
¦ |
Bray, Plumer, v. Henry Smith & Jno. Hilliard, |
John Morecroft, 479. |
¦ |
101. |
Blinckhorne, Robert, ats. Stephen Sealous and |
¦ |
v. Henry Smith, 101. |
Thomas Purnell, 18-19, 138, 139. |
¦ |
v. Henry Smith, 102. |
Blizard, Giles, ats. John Baker, 159. |
¦ |
Brendt, Randall, ats. Robert Carvile, 385, 441. |
ats. John Creycroft, 113, 154, 425, 426. |
¦ |
Brent (Brandt, Brendt), Randall, ats. John |
ats. John Ingram, 113, 154, 210-211. |
¦ |
Allen, 67, 149, 319. |
Blomfeild, John, v. Thomas Potter, admr. Geo: |
¦ |
ats. John Wright, 400. |
Marshall, 285. |
¦ |
ats. John Quigley, 72, 199-201. |
ats. John Addison et ux, extrx. Thomas |
¦ |
Bright, John, v. Garret Vansweringen, admr. |
Dent, 481. |
¦ |
Wm. Baker, 113, 246-247. |
ats. Thomas Hinton, 281-282. |
¦ |
Brooke, Baker, v. Clement Hill, 113, 154, 318. |
Blyd, Joseph, v. Wm. Mackdowell, 394. |
¦ |
v. Thomas Pattison 125. |
Boarman, Wm., v. Charles Ashcomb, 122, 267- |
¦ |
Brooke, Baker (Surveyor Gen.), v. Charles |
268, 342. |
¦ |
James (Coroner, Cecil), 311. |
[Boarman] Boareman, Wm., v. Charles Clarke |
¦ |
Brookes, John, ats. James Connaway, 399. |
& Pope Alvey, 122, 156, 331-332. |
¦ |
Brookes, John, admr. Wm. Worgan, ats. Wm. |
Bodkin, Dominick, v. Pope Alvey & Stephen |
¦ |
Bandman, 480. |
Murty, 395. |
¦ |
ats. Robert Carvile, 483. |
v. Joshua Doyne, 398. |
¦ |
ats. Thomas ffisher, 480. |
v. John ffanning, 397. |
¦ |
ats. Thomas ffisher & Compa., 480. |
ats. John Newton, 399. |
¦ |
Broome, John, v. William Hill, 109, 241-242. |
ats. Thomas Notley, Esqr., 479. |
¦ |
Browne, Edward, Cooper, John, & ats. Michael |
Bodkin, Dominick, & ffitz Gerald, Redmond, v. |
¦ |
Miller, 387, 444. |
John ffanning, 397. |
¦ |
Browne, George, & Staires, Bennit, ats. Michael |
v. Wm. Wells, 476. |
¦ |
Miller, 386, 449. |
Bodkin, Dominick, & ffitz Gerard, Redmond, v. |
¦ |
Browne, John, ats. Garret Vansweringen, 166, |
John Allen, 395. |
¦ |
347. |
v. John Stone, 395. |
¦ |
Browning, Jno., admr. Jno. Gilbert, ats. Vincent |
v. Margery Stone, extrx. Mathew Stone, |
¦ |
Lowe, 443. |
395. |
¦ |
Bryan, Robert, v. Edward Roe, 162. |
v. ffrancis Wyne, 395. |
¦ |
Bullett, Joseph, ats. Richard Ambrose, 56, 149, |
Body, John, v. Thos. Banks, admr. Geo. Beck- |
¦ |
319. |
with, 377. |
¦ |
Burage, Jno., ats. Elix. Moy, extrx. Rich. Moy, |
Bonner, Henry, ats. Johanna ffarrer, extrx. |
¦ |
115. |
Robert ffarrer, 165, 357. |
¦ |
Burditt, John, ats. John Creycroft, 490. |
ats. Eliz. Moy, extrx. Rich. Moy, 116. |
¦ |
Burges, Philip, ats. Elizabeth Moy, extrx. Rich- |
ats. Richard Moy, 84. |
¦ |
ard Moy, 115. |
ats. Thomas Notley, 231-233. |
¦ |
Burges, William, v. Thomas Dawborne, 156. |