462 Appendix.
chase, take up, or receive, on any Terms, or Conditions whatever,
after the Expiration of Six Months, from the Date hereof, from
any Colony, or Province aforesaid, any of the said enumerated
Articles, which have been, or shall be imported from Great-Britain.
Eighthly, We, the Tradesmen and Manufacturers, do likewise
promise, and agree, that we will not avail ourselves of the Scarcity
of European Goods, proceeding from the Resolutions for Non-im-
portation, to raise, or enhance the Prices of the different Articles, or
Commodities, by us wrought up, or manufactured; but that we will
sell and dispose of the same, at the usual and accustomed Rates we
have done for these Three Years past.
Lastly, That, if any Person, or Persons whatever, shall oppose,
or contravene the above Resolutions, or act in Oposition to the true
Spirit and Design thereof, we will consider him, or them, as Enemies
to the Liberties of America, and treat them, on all Occasions, with
the Contempt they deserve; provided that these Resolutions shall be
binding on us, for, and during the Continuance of the before-
mentioned Act of Parliament, unless a general Meeting of such
Persons at Annapolis, as may, at any Time hereafter, be requested
by the People of the several Counties in this Province, to meet, for
the Purpose of considering the Expediency of dispensing with the
said Resolutions, or any of them, not exceeding Four from each
County, or a Majority of such of them as shall attend, shall de-
termine otherwise.
Robert Lloyd,
William Thomas,
Michael Earl,
John Hanson, jun.
William Rumsey,
Walter Hanson,
Joseph Gilpin,
Philip Richard Fendall,
Benjamin Rumsey,
William Smallwood,
Thomas Ringgold,
William Murdock,
Thomas Smyth,
Robert Tyler,
Edward Tilghman,
Josias Beall,
James Hollyday,
Joseph Sim,
Thomas Wright,
Young Parran,
Matthew Tilghman,
Edward Gantt,
James Dickinson,
Charles Grahame,
James Lloyd Chamberlaine,
Benjamin Mackall, 4th.
Robert Goldsborough, 4th.
Brice T. B. Worthington,
Charles Dickinson,
James Dick,
James Murray,
John Dorsey,
William Ennalls,
Charles Carroll,
Thomas Muse,
John Smith,
Peter Chaille,
Jonathan Plowman,
William Whittington,
Charles Ridgely, jun.
Abraham Barnes,
John Beale Howard.
John Eden,