And being putt to the Vote. The Judgmt of the Councell is Mr
Baker Brooke Not, because the whole business was not sent home
to his LP.
Mr Robt Clearke Not, ffor the same reason.
Coll Nath: Vtye, Not, The Busines being not fully sent home, nor
Appeale graunted for to haue the whole busines determined con-
cerning the Land: But only where his Lps Mannor of Snow Hill is.
Cott John Price. Noe finall Determinaon.
Dr Luke Barber The same.
Gouernor. Noe final Determinaon.
But Ordered to be entred uppon Record, though not as a ffinall
And further Orderd, That Summons issue, to Mr Richard Willan
& Mr James Lindsey Ad audiendum Judiciu next Provinciall Court.
The Determinaon of the Cause touching Snow Hill betwixt Thom-
as Gerard Esqr plf, & James Lindsey & Richard Willan defts made
by the Right Honble the Lord Baltemore, Lord & Proprietary of
Maryland to whom itt was referred by Appeale. Se + ale
Hauing perused the State of the Case concerning Snow Hill,
Betweene Thomas Gerard Esqr plf, & Richard Willan & James
Lindsey defts, sent unto Vs by way of Appeale ffrom Our Prouinciall
Court of Maryland, And finding it not proued by the plf that Susan
his Wife in whose right hee claimes, as heyre att Law to her Brother
Abel is heyre to Abell Snow, but are fully satis fyed by the notoriety
of the thing, that shee is not, hee hauing a Brother or Brothers of
the whole Blood yett lyuing... And finding tht the sd Land was ffor-
feited to Vs by the Act for Deserted Plantations,
ffor by the Coppie of the Record sent unto Vs, & attested by the plf
P. C. R.
wee find that the plf entred his Claime to the sd Lands as heyre att
Law in right of his Wife & Children not untill the Twentith of March
One Thowsand Six hundd ffifty one, And that by the Act for De-
serted Plantaons he ought to haue entred & made his Claime good &
payd all arreares of Rent before the ffiue & Twentith of March One
Thowsand six hundd ffifty one Wch according to the English ac-
compt wch begins the yeare of Our Lord on the ffiue & Twentith of
March, & according to the true intent and meaning of the sayd Act,
was neere a yeare after it should haue bene done, and that the sayd
Land was accordingly seized by Vs, and graunted to the defendts.
Wee doe Determine that the Plantiffe hath noe Title to the sayd
Plantation Gyuen under Our hand and Seale att Armes this Eleau-
enth day of August One Thowsand six hundd ffifty and nine
C: Baltemore.
The Court adiorned by the Gouernor till munday morning att
ii a Clock
P. 372