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Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 60   View pdf image (33K)
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60   Records of Maryland Troops in the Continental Service

   Enrolled by Capt. Bennet Bussey. Passed by Thos. Bond July
20th, 1776.

Grafton Preston  		Thomas Hinks    		Bartho. Finn, (Firm)
John Clayton, (Clyton)  	James Moore 			Arch. McNear
Robt. Ogle       		Robt. Carlile, (Carlisle)   	James Cox
Ewd. Johnson     		Simon Howard, (Froward)     	Godfrey Woolmore
Wm. Greenhill,(Green Hill) 	John Steel        		William Miles
Wm. Preston      		Thos. Able 			James Smith
Isaac Akeright, (Aksright)	Lawrence Hynds     		Ben. Rhoads
James Mathews    		Wm. Cooper			Edw. Freeman
Michael Carr     		John Toole			Denis Clancey
Francis Williams 		Wm. Howe

   Enrolled by Capt. Bennett Bussey. Reviewed and passed by
Thos. Jones, 2d Major of the Bait. Town Battalion of Militia.

        Ambrose Timmons          Thomas Lacy

   Enrolled by 1st Lieut. Joshua Miles. Passed July 27th, ‘76.

James Nelson		James Moore         	John Condron
Michael McNeile  	Denis Clancy    	Hugh McMillen
Thomas Slatry    	Patrick Doran   	John Dennis
James Mays       	William Gaddis  	Valentine Stratford
Bartholomew Downs	Laurence Hinds   	John Tapler
Henry Shane      	Thomas Godfrey  	John Spencer
John Rogers           	John Downey

   Enrolled by Lieut. Asell Hitchcock, Jr. Passed by Asell Hitch
cock, July 25th, 1776.

Thos. James      	Richard Hopkins 	Saml. Hodgskins
Wm. Cunningham   	Saml. Baxley    	Martin Scary
Wm. Wright       	John Garrett    	Jonathan Cunningham
Asell Rockwell   	Andrew Craven   	John Lyon
Wm. Rutledge     	Jos. Wood White 	Noah Reaves
Wm. Night        	Claudius Jamison  	Patrick Norton
Wm. Condron      	Chas. Porter

   Enrolled by Ensign Aquila Amos. Passed by Thos. Bond, July
25th, 1776.

Mordicai Amos    	Winstone Smith 		Samuel Peacock
Joshua Amos      	Barney Devine  		John Catherwood,(Carthwood)
William Gash     	John Roberts   		John O'Donel
Richard Burk     	John Miles      	Nathan Smith
George Gardner, (Garder) Daniel Darby       	John Long

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Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 60   View pdf image (33K)
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