224 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688.
Lib. W. H.
be Judged necessary & the same be Rebuilt againe (the defect
being Supply'd) as formerly and alsoe the windowes behind
the Court of Judicature be fill'd vpp with good mortar &
bricks & that all other places so wanting be likewise done as
aforesaid, and that all the pantiles belonging to the roofe of
the said house be taken downe, and that all the Inside of Each
pticular roome in the whole house be plaistered & that all the
ptition walls be likewise lathed and plaistered with good well
sifted Lime & clean Sand and hair for the first Cote, and the
second Cote Lime & haire well white washed, & that all the
floores below staires be Laid with paveing Stone, the same
stone to be purchased and brought in place at the Charge of
the province and to place in the windowes where need shall
be strong Iron barrs all at the same Charge to be provided all
p. 309
and every the above mentioned reparacons & the severall
particulars, be Sufficient Substantiall & workmanlike done
and pformed within the Space of Eighteen months after this
prsent Sessions of Assembly, for the doeing pformeing, Com-
pleateing & finishing all and every the aboue menconed par-
ticulars Sufficient & workmanlike, Bee It therefore Enacted
by the authority aforesaid that Richard Benton bricklayer who
hath vndertaken to finish and Compleat all the abouesaid par-
ticulars as is above Expressed & hath given Security to
pforme the same be paid out of the publick Leavy of this
province the Summe of fforty thousand pounds of Tobacco,
And bee it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid that all the
rafters in the whole house be amended & Repaired where the
same shall be requisite & that all the roofe & other Coverings
belonging to the whole house be planked with good Sound
pine boards Inch thick free from heart shakes and Splitts &
the Edges champherd away so that they may overlapp Suf-
ficiently for Shingling & that the same be well Nailed with
tenn peny Nailes, & also that all the whole roofes belonging
or appertaining to the said house be shingled with good
Ciprus Shingles twenty four Inches in length in thickness one
Inch and. in breadth from Six to nine Inches the same to be
well Jointed and close Laid, and well nailed with Six peny
Nailes & that there be a good and Substantiall Beame fastened
to the principall Rafters of the South west Gable end where the
same ar Spread for want of such a beame, and that the floore
be lengthened at the North west end with a new Summer and
other timber work Convenient & sufficient for the said addicon
& that the severall Offices that now are be taken downe &
placed at the South East end of the said house & made fitt
for latheing & plaistering & that there be a Strong white
Oake mantle tree in the Roome below, and an other to the