An Act For Recovering of Debts
Be it Enacted By the Lord Proprietarie of this Province by
and with the advice and approbation of the freemen of the
same That the Complainant in any action of debt upon book
or accompt Shall or may sue his booke or accompt at the first
County Court or at the hundred Court of Kent in October or
any time after
And the Complainant in any action of Debt after his action
entred in the booke of the Register of the said County or
hundred Court and after such Caution given given for pros-
ecuting of the cause and performing the Sentence of the
Court to be therein given (as shall be reasonably desired of
him) Shall or may have a praecept under the hand of the
Register of the hundred Court of Kent or otherwise a writt
out of the Chancery directed to the defendant conteining the
whole Tenor or effect of the plaintifs bill and commanding the
said defendant to under write his answere to the said bill and
to bring or send it so underwritten into the said County or
hundred Court or to deliver it to the plaintiff or to come to
enter his answere in the Registers book (within a reasonable
time limited) or otherwise to be at the next County or hundred
Court (nameing the certain time and place) (to make answere
to the said bill) and to bring with him his Witness accompts
and all muniments necessary for his defence upon pain of
haveing judgmt proceed against him at the said Court in
punishmt. of his contumacie And further prohibiting the said
Defendt to pay away sell give discount release or any way dis-
pose of any his Tobaccos Cattell corne Servants debts or other
goods or Chattells remaining at that time in his right and
propertie within the County or otherwise within the hundred
of Kent) untill upon triall of the cause or Satisfiing the Com-