lawe ffor noe error will in this case lye, for the Rule is Consen-
sus toilet errorem And Cooke sup. Litt sayth fo. 11. a. 343.
67. a. to this effect Contra neguntem principium non est dispu-
tandum Therefore the deft sayth that the Judgment of the sd
Court as to the dismiss is by the sd Snowe falsly and malitiously
suggested by him to be Erronious vpon all which he humbly
craveth the Judgemt of this honoblle Assembly and humbly
prayeth to be dismist wth his reasonable Cost and damages
allowed him.
Tho. Notley Attorney to
Thomas Gerrard
Wherevpon the howse Considered the two poynts in tht plea
to the first Error (vizt) first that there was never any Recogni-
zance of the said Gerrard given in any Court of Chancery in
this Province relateing to the sd Snowe or others from whome
he pretendeth right or power
Secondly that the Error is not rightly layd because the Court
gave judgemt vpon the view of Abell Snowes booke of accounts
and other papers wherevpon was produced the Originall Re-
cognizance taken before the Rt honoble the Lord Proprietor
in England and the Record of itt in the Court of Chancery of
this Province.
And putt to the Question
Whether the Recognizance taken before the Rt honoble the