absent by her Attorney Coll Wm Evans sayth that whereas the
deft haveing taxed the pit in open Court Affirming that her
oathe was false & malitious is matter of fact & therefore
desireth the board to deliver their opinion & judgemt in the
same And after some debate in the Cause the Judgmt of the
board is that if doctor Barber vttered these words after the sd
Ellinor had taken & given in her oathe in Court itt ought to
be judged & esteemed as matter of fact.
Then the pit craves a Jury which was granted Warrt to
Sherr. to impannell a Jury ret. forthwith
Edward Clarke sworne & examined in open Court sayth that
after Ellinor Spinke had delivered in her oathe doctor Barber
threw itt to Mr Hall & bid him Record them for they were
false & malitious & he did not question but to proue her per-
jured And further sayth not.