P. R. O.
Colonial En-
try Book
No. 53
vnto the Lieut genll according as is specified in an act for the
Confirmacon of an Act of Gratitude vnto the Rt honnoble Charles
Calvert Esqr to be leaveyed vpon all the Taxable p sons wthin this
pvince being Two Thousand Eight hundred Seaventy Three
wch at Twenty five pounds p pole Amounts to the sd Sume to
10 p cent for the Respective Sherriffes of this p vince for the col-
lecting of Nynety nine Thousand two hundrd forty & nyne
pounds of Tobacco being the Totall of the Sume above specified
Amounts to Nyne Thousand nyne hundred & Twenty foure
pounds of Tobacco for Their Sallery.
The Vppr house have Assented
John Gittings clke
The lowr howse have assented
Wm Bretton clke
The Lords Proprietary willeth
that These be Lawes.