(Miscellaneous Court Papers, Index)
Volume 1, 1729-1830
MSA CE19-1

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(Miscellaneous Court Papers, Index)
Volume 1, 1729-1830
MSA CE19-1

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1823 Bills Of Sale, H. H. Goods, Live Stock, Property Etc* 81. Cross, Levi, to Davis, Robert 82. Culp, Patrick, to Tarringe, Ann 83. Culverwell, William, to Culverwell, Richard 84. Densel, John, to Shamberger, Jacob 86* Dixon, Samuel, to Wilson, Samuel 86. Donaldson, Joseph, to McPherson, Jonas 87. Downey, William, to Zigler, Lanehart 88. Downning, John, to Latham, Daniel 89. Dushane, Cornelius, to Valentine, Dushane 90. Dutton, William, J., to Donaldson, John, 91. Egerton, William, to Randell, Beal 92. Eisenberg, Peter, to Eisenberg, Catherine 93. Elmes, Thomas, to Orr, Alexander and Richardson, W.H. 94. Falls, Stephen, W., to Codd, Pilkington 95. Falks, Stephen, W., to Howard, Edward, A* 96. Falls, Stephen, W., to Rumsey, Hennetta 97. Fleigar, John, to Kennedy, Nicholas, R. 98. Fowble, John, to Fowble, Peter 99. Fresh, Jacob, to McCullough, James 100. Frisch, Jacob, to Wilson, Nixon 101. Gearish, Francis, to John Denton 102. Gill, Bryson, to Dobbin, William ,and Hardy, William 103. Grace, Samuel, to Graff, Jacob 104. Graham, Thomas, to McMahon, James 105. Gwman, David, to Gwman, Thomas 106* Hands, Nicholas, to Darsey, John, H* 109* Hann, John, to Tyson, Isaac, Jr. 108. Harrington, Otis, to Whittemore, Caleb 109. Harrop, Joseph, and Harrop, Ann, to Keatinge, Henry 110. Hartwig, John, H. to Harwig, John, F. 111. Hawkins, Mary, to Hawkins, Hamilton 112. Hays, William, to Curtain, James 113. Helms, A.G.M. to Schmacker, H. 114. Henstafiel, Samuel, to Armcost, Richard 115. Hern, Nathias, to Hern, Eliza 116. Hilton, William, W., to Gorton, Phebe 117. Hogan, Michael, to Proctor, Nancy 118. Holliday, Robert, to Edwards, Elizabeth 119. Hooker, Joshua, to Collett, Mary 120. Horton, William, to Wilson, Robert, 121. Hubbart, William, to Kilbourn, Samuel 122. Hughes, Marshall, to Settles, Charles