BALTIMORE COUNTY COURT (Miscellaneous Court Papers, Index) Volume 1, 1729-1830 MSA CE19-1 Image No: 349 Enlarge and print image (46K) |
BALTIMORE COUNTY COURT (Miscellaneous Court Papers, Index) Volume 1, 1729-1830 MSA CE19-1 Image No: 349 Enlarge and print image (46K) |
1821 1. Alderdue, James 2. Anderson, Hugh 3. Allegro, J.B.A. 4. Armat, Chris. ft Wm 5* Armat, Chris. $. Armat, C.ft V. 7. Armat, C.ft 1Y 8. Baker, Mary 9. Bank of Balto. 10. Bank of Maryland 11. Barnum, D. 12* Baxter, James 15. Beaer, Martin 14. Belton, John 15. Benner, George 16. Billington, Mary Ann 17. Boyd, Samuel 18. Brown ft Cromwell 19. Bull ft McPherson 20. Carroll, Riehard 21. Coale, Edward, J. 82. Constable, Charles 23. Coaway, Joha 24. Conway, John 25. Cook, William 86. Cookerly, William 27* Copies of Judgements 28* Cover, Henry 29. Cunningham, George 50. Charten, John 51. Davis, Abigil 52. Deal, Jacob SS. Denning, James 34. Dorsey, Bazil, V. 55. Duncan, Joseph 36. Edwards, William 57* Elliott, Robert 38. Etting, Solomon 59. Fakes, Harriett 40. Fisher, Robert 41* French, James 42. Fresh, Wilham 45* Gardner, George 44. Garvin, James 46. Gorsuch, B ft Jacob VS * n * n a « * n n « n n • • M II « « It R • If n « n « • « « « • M It n « «i n Maidwall, Asiah Smith, David Stevenson, N. Kimberly, Nathan Montgomery, Andrew Richardson, D. Mann, Juluis Dean, Joseph, A. Pechin, William Diffenderfer, Wm. Lamhart, H. Horton, Lewis L. Stansbury, 3. Inloes, William Kilts, Barnay Britton, Edward Willis, Martin and Martlia Ewing ft Henestofiel Young, Duncan Ryan, Thomas Learned, Joseph, D. Watson, John, H. Sprinkle, Daniel Sprinkle, Daniel Norris, Daniel, B. Wilson, John John Price Smith, George Power, John Rigdon, John, B. Allbright, Jesse Maltee, Charles, A, Shipley John Waer, Robert Lambert, Henry Bowers, Benjamin Bailey, Elijah Hatton, W. Watson, Thomas Fisher, Henry Baltzell, Thomas Cockey, Charles Power, John Sheffer, Jepa Smith, George |