Celebrating Rights and 
Baltimore & the Fifteenth Amendment, May 19, 1870
An Interactive Historical Investigation by David Troy © 1996

#8, #9, and #10: ORCHARD STREET

8. Orchard Street, Facing Southeast.

9. Orchard Street, Facing Southeast.

10. Orchard Street.
Community carwash on April 20, 1996.

No street was so celebrated in the accounts of the parade as Orchard Street. Dubbed the black "Fifth Avenue" of Baltimore, it was decorated with colored lights (not electric lights, remember, but lamps made with colored oils), bunting, flags, and banners, some of which stretched across the street. Everyone on Orchard Street was filled with goodwill, and while the original structures have since been destroyed (they probably burned in the fire of 1904), the community still seems to have a great sense of spirit. The Orchard Street Church (see #9) plays a leadership role in the black community. A community carwash greeted us on April 20, 1996.

© 1996 David C. 
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