Mr. Maynard said they were assembled as American citizens to celebrate a great historic event in the affairs of our country. He then read to them the Fifteenth Amendment as the cause which had brought them together today. It means that you shall hence forth and forevermore aid in selecting men to make the laws and in the laws themselves. It means that the silent and invisible action of the law shall surround like an atmosphere every citizen in the country. It means that wealth shall be protected in its enjoyment, and that labor also shall have its rights. It means government for the citizens and by the citizens, and it is this which has given us so much enjoyment. This power must be exercised with prudence and discretion, else it is better that we never had it. The great question you now have to decide is how you shall use it for your own well being and that of your children. You will find men that will deal out promises but performances are better than promises. Men do not gather fruits of thistles. I wish you God speed and that the blessing of heaven may be upon you. [Applause.]