Fourth Division
John T. Griffin Division Marshal
Right Aid Henry Raynor Left Aid, Daniel Jones
William H Vollow A D C
Rufus Carpenter | John Caldwell | John Caster, |
James Spriddle | Richard Worsell | Joseph Gross | Richard Herbert | Frederick Handy | Richard Crew |
Nathan Bowers | Jacob Gibson | John Wheeler | Nathan Woolford | Thos Jackson | Daniel Ellis |
Wm. Brown, | John Bordley | Philip Purdy |
Union Society
Children seated in wagons
Cadets of Temperance King Agrippa Lodge, No 1
Drayman Carters and Wagoners Association
Mounted and dressed in black pants, blue shirts and blue caps, This organization presented a very
neat appearance
Butler Guards Second Regiment
Numbering about 20 men uniformed and armed National Band of Washington
Fishermen of Galilee
This Beneficial Society belonged to Washington and attracted considerable attention
United Sons of Gideon
A company of Zouaves equipped and armed with muskets.
Dreadnaught Association
Clad in black pants and blue shirts. Upon the banner was In Commemoration Dr. Lewis G Wells, Rev. Samuel W. Chase, Captain George W Hackett.
Delmonico Delaney Association
Men dressed in black pants blue shirts and caps This Society in Addition to carrying a banner displayed a Cuban flag.
Captain Murray's Brass Band
Fifteenth Ward Club
Several of the men costumed as Indian others dressed in black pants and gray shirts
Sheridan Club
This Club from the Sixteenth ward carried a banner upon which was painted a fair likeness of the late Hon. Henry Winter Davis, also a banner with the portrait of Douglass and the words "A Man Among Men."
Seventeenth Ward Invincibles
Tbe banner carried by this Club waa inscribed with, "We helped to keep the jewel of freedom in the family of nations." Several of the members of this. Society were costumed as Indians.
Junior Sumner Club
An organization of boys clad in striped shirts, black
pants, red belts and blue caps.
A chariot filled with young girls surrounded by an
armed guard.
Hugh L. Bond Club
Men dressed in black pants and white pea jackets, officers of the Club in barouches.
Lincoln Rangers
An organization from the Seventeenth ward men dressed in black pants yellow shirts and dark caps.
Maltby's Shucker Association
An Association of men and boys employed as oyster shuckers at the establishment of Mr. C S Maltby.
Fifth Division
Wm. H. Chase of Lutherville Baltimore county,
Left Aid A R Chase and Right Aid Geo W Young
Assistant Aids
Alex Spencer, Nathan Harris, Elijah Quickly
Farmers' Club
This was an organization from Pikesville, and besides the men on foot, there was a large wagon filled
with females, and a plow fastened to the top of the
Towsontown Club Samuel Myers Marshal
With white silk banner with words inscribed
"Towsontown Baltimore county, First Victory under
the Fifteenth Amendment."
Govanstown Club
Lutherville Club, Dellas Crutchfield Marshal
Long Green Club Robert Daniels Marshal
Liberty Council No 24
With white and blue silk banner having on the front
a representation of the Goddess of Liberty and the
Ark on the ocean and on the back Presented by
the ladies of Lutberville to Liberty Council
No 24.
Baltimore County and Long Green Beneficial Association
Benjamin Green Marshal
Hopkins Council, No. 114 Twelfth District Baltimore
Having a white and blue banner on the front a portrait of President Lincoln with the words, "Give us Equal Rights." In this delegation was a Miniature Monument carried by Cornelius Pitts, Thomas Preston, George W. Pitts, and Edward Mitchell. On the base were the following inscriptions, "Equity and Justice goes hand and hand, the latter cannot duly perform its office without the former is considered Republicanism." "America Ever Our Country," "Straight Republican Our Ticket," "Twelfth District Hon. John T. Ensor our tried friend and Next Representative in Congress from the Second Congressional District." "We are all equal before God and why not before the law?" "Fifteenth Amendment."
Delegation from Patapsco Neck, Twelfth District, under Captain Wm. Gross, Marshal.
This delegation walked a distance of twelve miles to participate in the procession, and reached Broadway before the line was formed.
The Free Sons of Liberty,
Fourth District (Jessup's Cut), Anne Arundel County, Wm. Gray Marshal.
Adams Council No. 87, of Howard county.
With a banner on which was inscribed the name of the Council, John Laws, Marshal.