Baltimore Colored Butchers’ Association
This Association was mounted and presented a fine appearance. The majority of the men carried the implements of their calling.
Ninth Ward Invincibles
The men were dressed in black pants and white shirts and carried a banner having upon it a portrait of Owen Lovejoy and the words "A Martyr to the Cause of Liberty and Justice."
St Xavier's School
This was an organization of boys, fifty of whom
walked and twenty rode in a wagon.
Haymakers' Base Ball Club
An organization of eighteenth boys belonging to the Tenth ward.
Freedmen's Club
This organization belongs to the Sixth ward and numbered sixty two men. They were dressed in black pants, black belts red sh1rts trimmed with velvet black slouch hats and carried a large national flag. It was in charge of Capt Wm. White.
Colfax Club
Headed by a drum corps, men dressed in black pants and white shirts.
Zebedee Club
Numbering sixty men, and dressed in black pants and blue shirts.
Nazarites, No 1
Members in full regalia. Their banner was in scribed with Benevolence Equity and Mercy. The organization numbered 100 men and was in charge of James H Henson G M.
Lincoln Union Encampment No 3
This Society was uniformed in black and carried a banner bearing the name of the Order. The organization numbered thirty men.
Third Division
Captain Daniel E Seaton Marshal
Right Aid, Abraham Brewer Left Aid, Jno. C Carter
Horatio Tuttle | Isaac T Brotten | Thomas Garrison, | A.P. Jackson | John A Mann | Joseph W Baker, |
Wm. H Spriggs, | Esau Augustus | Samuel Barrett, |
A. J. Gilbert, | Charles H Davis, | Grafton Taylor, |
Irwin W. Carter Boys in Blue
Under command of Major James H. Freeman There were three companies of this organization. Com pany A was in cbarge of Captain John C Fortie. Com pany B Captain John H Jones. Company C Captain John Scott. The Division numbered one hundred and forty men and was headed by a drum corps of twelve members.The Boys in Blue carried one large United States flag, a large burgee (the latter a present from the ladies of the Fourteenth ward) and a banner with the portrait of Thaddeus Stevens upon it, with the words "Ecce Homo" over the portrait. The men were dressed in black pants, blue capes, white belts and army caps.
Fourteenth Ward Council
In command of Captain John H. Jones The Council displayed a banner upon which was inscribed "No Government can be free that does not allow all its citizens to participate in the formation and execution of her laws" -- Thaddeus Stevens
Anacosta Club No 1
In command of Captain James Rollins. This club was preceded by fifty men clad in Indian costume. Eight of the men being armed with muskets, acted as an advance guard. The banner of the organization had upon it, "We are the true supporters of the Republican Party.’ Under this was a painting representing an Indian with a spear poised in his hand, under that the words ‘Anacosta Club, organized March 26th 1870.’ In this organization was a wagon containing twenty females dressed in the costume of Indian squaws and several of them carried in their arms infants conveying the idea of Indian mothers nursing little papooses. Washington B White was Marshal of this Club.
The Hannibal Club
Harris Mitchell Marshal Assistants Capt Thos.W.
Johnson and Sergeant Hobbs. This organization numbered fifty men all of whom were clad in yellow shirts trimmed with blue velvet red, white and blue belts, black pants and black slouched hats. The Club was preceded by a pioneer corps of eight men arrayed in blue shirts trimmed with white and red The banner displayed by this Club was inscribed with the words, "Fame Wealth and Power he cast aside to Battle for the Oppressed." These words surrounded the portrait of Wende1l Philhps. Another banner borne by the Club read, ‘Give us a new Constitution in Maryland Enjoying the Proceeeds Of our Labor.’ Another banner read, Hannibal Club No 1 and had upon its face the representation of a bee hive denoting that the Hannibals are a stirring and industrious body.
Caledonia Club No. 1
Marshal Wm. H. Butler. This Club was preceded by a drum corps then ten men arrayed as Indians and one as a Chinamen. Then followed twenty men dressed in blue shirts trimmed with red and white glazed caps, black belts and black pants. Their banner was inscribed with "Give us equal rights and we will protect ourselves." Another banner read, "Glory be to God in the highest -- the year of the jubilee has come. The Fifteenth Amendment declared a part of the Constitution of the United States. Equality before the law guaranteed." This Club hails from the Richmond Market.
Union Star Society of the Rising Generation
This was composed of about sixty of the rising generation of colored voters and about sixty girls, seated in three wagons. The banner borne by the club represented a girl and a boy shaking hands and surmounted with the words, In Union there is strength. This society was in charge of its President Emory D. Porter, and marshaled by Richard Pearles.
The division closed with a barouche containing Joseph W. Blake, Captain J.W. Hamilton, Wm. Barrett, and G.T. Elliott, a delegation of the Richmond Market Radical Club. |