Brickmakers Aid Society, in Regalia
Baltimore Colored Journeymen Brickmakers' Association
Auxiliary No 1
Uniform - Black pantaloons and yellow shirts, with
badges and decorations
Barouches containing the Directory of the Chesapeake and Marine Railway and Dry Dock Company
Barouche containing Second Ward Committee
of Arrangements
Barouche containing Third Ward
Executive Committee
Good Will Association, Second Ward Headed by the Independent Drum Corps No 1,
In gray uniform
Wagon draped in bunting with a revolving globe and banner bearing the inscription, "Time from ’61 to ’70-Roll on Good Will, Roll on."
Banner with portrait of Lincoln and the famous quotation from his last inaugural - "With malice towards none, with charity for all."
Sailors Beneficial Society
Uniforms - Black suits and glazed caps, Blue velvet regalia and collars with lace and the emblems
of the Society.
Seventh Regiment Cornet Band
Fifth Ward Sumner and Wilson Club
Boys in white shirts, blue pants and white caps
Wagon on which was mounted a miniature temple of
Liberty with a goddess sitting under the canopy,
draped ra the "Star spangled Banner." Four boys
were stationed at the pillars of the temple supporting
the goddess. On each side was a portrait of
Lincoln with motto "Our Liberator."
Wagons draped in bunting and trimmed with evergreens
containing girls dressed in white
and carrying small flags
Printing press mounted on a wagon from which
small sheets containing the text of tbe Fifteenth
Amendment were struck and distributed to the
crowd as the procession moved along.
Wagon containing tinners at work.
Second Division
John C Jordan Esq Division Marshal
Right Aid, Wm. Jas Gray, Left Aid Jehu Carmack
Alfred J Baily Cyrus M Diggs, Wm J Hopkins,