The "Horse head" Child -- A Remarkable Exhibition

The New York Times of Wednesday says

In a back room of the house No 117 West Twenty seventh street there is on exhibition a malformed infant which is an exceptional demonstration of a well known law of nature. The child was born on the 3d of April, and the mother is a poor German woman, who then resided on North William street between Meecker avenue and Herbert street, Brooklyn, E D. When the child was born the malformation was not very distinct, but as the infant grew older it became more apparent so that now the face of the child very much resembles that of a horse. The forehead of the infant is like those of other children but the whole front of the upper jaw is lacking, and there is no palate or roof to the mouth. The nasal bone and cartilage extend down over the lower lip and end in an oval shaped fleshy proturberance resembling as nearly as possible the lip of a horse. The child does not nurse, but requires to be fed, and appears to be gradually wasting away.

The father and mother of the child are very poor and though no fee of admission is required, yet any contributions from visitors are gratefully received. The mother is thirty four years of age, has been married three years, and this is her first child. Some time before the child's birth she was shocked at seeing a dead horse on the street and this caused her infant to be marked in this terrible manner.