The following resolutions were adopted
Whereas this mass meeting is assembled to celebrate the ratification of the fifteenth amendment therefore.

Resolved: That we offer our united thanksgiving to Almighty God that by His wonderful providence we stand today not only freemen but vested with the right of suffrage as equal citizens in the land of our birth.

Resolved: That under God we owe the great result which this day's proceedings celebrate to the republican Congress of the United States to the great re-publican party of the country and to the illustrious soldier and statesman who now occupies the Presidency.

Resolved: That to President Grant we tender our warm acknowledgments that his first words in office were for the fifteenth amendment and that his wise and patriotic policy has so essentially contributed to its ratification that he has the merit and the glory which no American has had since Washington of consummating in peace as President what he won in war as the leader of the armies of his country.

Resolved: That we pledge the newly enfranchised vote in Maryland to the republican party and that we look forward with confidence and satisfaction to the day - not long to be waited for - when we shall aid in placing our beloved State in line with the republican States of the Union.

Resolved: That education is not so much the qualification for suffrage as a right secured by suffrage and that we claim the right of education for all the children of the State and exhort all our people to avail themselves of every opportunity to educate themselves and their children.

Resolved: That we cherish the strongest interest in the prosperity of all the interests of this State and of all its people and that we pledge ourselves that there shall be no cause to regret that a new body of citizens and voters are now with fresh hopes and free hands and a bright outlook into the future to take their places tn the contest of life as equal competitors able to promote the welfare of the State and of the country as they never did or could do as serfs or slaves.