Information presented as AGENCY, (series), dates, description, MSA number, accession number, and stack location.
GOVERNOR (General File) 1890-1903 *. MSA S 1041-1. MdHR 9904. 2/27/4/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 A-B. MSA S 1041-2. MdHR 50,270-1. 2/29/1/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 Ba-Bl. MSA S 1041-3. MdHR 50,270-2. 2/29/1/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 Bo-By. MSA S 1041-4. MdHR 50,270-3. 2/29/1/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 C-D. MSA S 1041-5. MdHR 50,270-4. 2/29/1/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 D-E. MSA S 1041-6. MdHR 50,270-5. 2/29/1/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 E-F. MSA S 1041-7. MdHR 50,270-6. 2/29/1/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 G-H. MSA S 1041-8. MdHR 50,270-7. 2/29/1/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 H-I. MSA S 1041-9. MdHR 50,270-8. 2/29/1/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 J-K. MSA S 1041-10. MdHR 50,270-9. 2/29/1/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 L. MSA S 1041-11. MdHR 50,270-10. 2/29/1/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 M-Ma. MSA S 1041-12. MdHR 50,270-11. 2/29/1/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 Me-My. MSA S 1041-13. MdHR 50,270-12. 2/29/1/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 N-P. MSA S 1041-14. MdHR 50,270-13. 2/29/1/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 Q-R. MSA S 1041-15. MdHR 50,270-14. 2/29/1/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 S-Si. MSA S 1041-16. MdHR 50,270-15. 2/29/1/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 Sj-Sz. MSA S 1041-17. MdHR 50,270-16. 2/29/1/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 T-V. MSA S 1041-18. MdHR 50,270-17. 2/29/1/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1898-1899 W-Z. MSA S 1041-19. MdHR 50,270-18. 2/29/1/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 A. MSA S 1041-20. MdHR 50,270-19. 2/29/1/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 B-Bl. MSA S 1041-21. MdHR 50,270-20. 2/29/1/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 Bo-By. MSA S 1041-22. MdHR 50,270-21. 2/29/1/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 C. MSA S 1041-23. MdHR 50,270-22. 2/29/1/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 D. MSA S 1041-24. MdHR 50,270-23. 2/29/1/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 E-F. MSA S 1041-25. MdHR 50,270-24. 2/29/1/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 G. MSA S 1041-26. MdHR 50,270-25. 2/29/1/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 H. MSA S 1041-27. MdHR 50,270-26. 2/29/1/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 I-K. MSA S 1041-28. MdHR 50,270-27. 2/29/1/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 L. MSA S 1041-29. MdHR 50,270-28. 2/29/1/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 M-Ma. MSA S 1041-30. MdHR 50,270-29. 2/29/1/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 Me-My. MSA S 1041-31. MdHR 50,270-30. 2/29/1/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 N-P. MSA S 1041-32. MdHR 50,270-31. 2/29/1/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 Q-R. MSA S 1041-33. MdHR 50,270-32. 2/29/1/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 S-Si. MSA S 1041-34. MdHR 50,270-33. 2/29/1/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 Sk-Sy. MSA S 1041-35. MdHR 50,270-34. 2/29/1/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 T-V. MSA S 1041-36. MdHR 50,270-35. 2/29/1/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1900-1901 W-Z. MSA S 1041-37. MdHR 50,270-36. 2/29/1/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 A. MSA S 1041-38. MdHR 50,270-37. 2/29/1/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 B-Bl. MSA S 1041-39. MdHR 50,270-38. 2/29/1/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 Bo-By. MSA S 1041-40. MdHR 50,270-39. 2/29/1/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 C. MSA S 1041-41. MdHR 50,270-40. 2/29/1/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 D. MSA S 1041-42. MdHR 50,270-41. 2/29/1/41
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 E-F. MSA S 1041-43. MdHR 50,270-42. 2/29/1/42
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 G. MSA S 1041-44. MdHR 50,270-43. 2/29/1/43
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 H. MSA S 1041-45. MdHR 50,270-44. 2/29/1/44
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 I-K. MSA S 1041-46. MdHR 50,270-45. 2/29/1/45
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 L. MSA S 1041-47. MdHR 50,270-46. 2/29/1/46
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 M-Me. MSA S 1041-48. MdHR 50,270-47. 2/29/1/47
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 Mi-My. MSA S 1041-49. MdHR 50,270-48. 2/29/1/48
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 N-P. MSA S 1041-50. MdHR 50,270-49. 2/29/1/49
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 Q-R. MSA S 1041-51. MdHR 50,270-50. 2/29/1/50
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 S-Si. MSA S 1041-52. MdHR 50,270-51. 2/29/1/51
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 Sj-Sy. MSA S 1041-53. MdHR 50,270-52. 2/29/1/52
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 T-V. MSA S 1041-54. MdHR 50,270-53. 2/29/1/53
GOVERNOR (General File) 1902-1903 W-Z. MSA S 1041-55. MdHR 50,270-54. 2/29/1/54
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 A. MSA S 1041-56. MdHR 50,270-55. 2/29/1/55
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 B-Bl. MSA S 1041-57. MdHR 50,270-56. 2/29/1/56
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 Bo-By. MSA S 1041-58. MdHR 50,270-57. 2/29/1/57
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 C. MSA S 1041-59. MdHR 50,270-58. 2/29/1/58
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 D. MSA S 1041-60. MdHR 50,270-59. 2/29/1/59
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 E-F. MSA S 1041-61. MdHR 50,270-60. 2/29/1/60
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 G. MSA S 1041-62. MdHR 50,270-61. 2/29/1/61
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 H. MSA S 1041-63. MdHR 50,270-62. 2/29/1/62
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 I-K. MSA S 1041-64. MdHR 50,270-63. 2/29/1/63
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 L. MSA S 1041-65. MdHR 50,270-64. 2/29/1/64
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 M-Ma. MSA S 1041-66. MdHR 50,270-65. 2/29/1/65
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 Me-My. MSA S 1041-67. MdHR 50,270-66. 2/29/1/66
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 N-P. MSA S 1041-68. MdHR 50,270-67. 2/29/1/67
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 Q-R. MSA S 1041-69. MdHR 50,270-68. 2/29/1/68
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 S-Si. MSA S 1041-70. MdHR 50,270-69. 2/29/1/69
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 Sk-Sy. MSA S 1041-71. MdHR 50,270-70. 2/29/1/70
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 T-V. MSA S 1041-72. MdHR 50,270-71. 2/29/1/71
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1905 W-Z. MSA S 1041-73. MdHR 50,270-72. 2/29/1/72
GOVERNOR (General File) 1904-1909 Superintendent of Public Buildings. MSA S 1041-74. MdHR 50,270-73. 2/29/5/71
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 A. MSA S 1041-75. MdHR 50,270-74. 2/29/1/73
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 B-Bl. MSA S 1041-76. MdHR 50,270-75. 2/29/1/74
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 Bo-By. MSA S 1041-77. MdHR 50,270-76. 2/29/1/75
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 C. MSA S 1041-78. MdHR 50,270-77. 2/29/1/76
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 D. MSA S 1041-79. MdHR 50,270-78. 2/29/1/77
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 E-F. MSA S 1041-80. MdHR 50,270-79. 2/29/1/78
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 H. MSA S 1041-81. MdHR 50,270-80. 2/29/1/79
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 I-K. MSA S 1041-82. MdHR 50,270-81. 2/29/1/80
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 L. MSA S 1041-83. MdHR 50,270-82. 2/29/1/81
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 M-Ma. MSA S 1041-84. MdHR 50,270-83. 2/29/1/82
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 Me-My. MSA S 1041-85. MdHR 50,270-84. 2/29/1/83
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 N-P. MSA S 1041-86. MdHR 50,270-85. 2/29/1/84
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 Q-R. MSA S 1041-87. MdHR 50,270-86. 2/29/1/85
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 S-Si. MSA S 1041-88. MdHR 50,270-87. 2/29/1/86
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 Si-Sz. MSA S 1041-89. MdHR 50,270-88. 2/29/1/87
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 T-V. MSA S 1041-90. MdHR 50,270-89. 2/29/1/88
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 W-Z. MSA S 1041-91. MdHR 50,270-90. 2/29/1/89
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 *. MSA S 1041-92. MdHR 50,270-91. 2/29/1/90
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 *. MSA S 1041-93. MdHR 50,270-92. 2/29/1/91
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 *. MSA S 1041-94. MdHR 50,270-93. 2/29/1/92
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 *. MSA S 1041-95. MdHR 50,270-94. 2/29/1/93
GOVERNOR (General File) 1905 *. MSA S 1041-96. MdHR 50,270-95. 2/29/1/94
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 A. MSA S 1041-97. MdHR 50,270-96. 2/29/1/95
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 B-Bl. MSA S 1041-98. MdHR 50,270-97. 2/29/1/96
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 Bo-By. MSA S 1041-99. MdHR 50,270-98. 2/29/1/97
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 C. MSA S 1041-100. MdHR 50,270-99. 2/29/1/98
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 D. MSA S 1041-101. MdHR 50,270-100. 2/29/1/99
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 E-F. MSA S 1041-102. MdHR 50,270-101. 2/29/1/100
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 G. MSA S 1041-103. MdHR 50,270-102. 2/29/1/101
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 H. MSA S 1041-104. MdHR 50,270-103. 2/29/1/102
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 I-K. MSA S 1041-105. MdHR 50,270-104. 2/29/1/103
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 L. MSA S 1041-106. MdHR 50,270-105. 2/29/1/104
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 M-Ma. MSA S 1041-107. MdHR 50,270-106. 2/29/1/105
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 Me-My. MSA S 1041-108. MdHR 50,270-107-1. 2/29/1/106
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 N-P. MSA S 1041-109. MdHR 50,270-108-1. 2/29/1/107
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 Q-R. MSA S 1041-110. MdHR 50,270-107-2. 2/29/1/108
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 S-Si. MSA S 1041-111. MdHR 50,270-108-2. 2/29/1/109
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 Sj-Sz. MSA S 1041-112. MdHR 50,270-109. 2/29/1/110
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 T-V. MSA S 1041-113. MdHR 50,270-110. 2/29/1/111
GOVERNOR (General File) 1906 W-Z. MSA S 1041-114. MdHR 50,270-111. 2/29/1/112
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 A. MSA S 1041-115. MdHR 50,270-112. 2/29/1/113
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 B-Bl. MSA S 1041-116. MdHR 50,270-113. 2/29/1/114
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 Bo-By. MSA S 1041-117. MdHR 50,270-114. 2/29/1/115
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 C. MSA S 1041-118. MdHR 50,270-115. 2/29/1/116
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 D. MSA S 1041-119. MdHR 50,270-116. 2/29/1/117
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 E-F. MSA S 1041-120. MdHR 50,270-117. 2/29/1/118
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 G. MSA S 1041-121. MdHR 50,270-118. 2/29/1/119
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 H. MSA S 1041-122. MdHR 50,270-119. 2/29/1/120
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 I-K. MSA S 1041-123. MdHR 50,270-120. 2/29/1/121
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 L. MSA S 1041-124. MdHR 50,270-121. 2/29/1/122
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 M-Ma. MSA S 1041-125. MdHR 50,270-122. 2/29/1/123
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 Me-My. MSA S 1041-126. MdHR 50,270-123. 2/29/1/124
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 N-P. MSA S 1041-127. MdHR 50,270-124. 2/29/1/125
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 Q-R. MSA S 1041-128. MdHR 50,270-125. 2/29/1/126
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 S-Si. MSA S 1041-129. MdHR 50,270-126. 2/29/1/127
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 Sj-Sz. MSA S 1041-130. MdHR 50,270-127. 2/29/1/128
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 T-V. MSA S 1041-131. MdHR 50,270-128. 2/29/1/129
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 W-Z. MSA S 1041-132. MdHR 50,270-129. 2/29/1/130
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 MD Homecoming, Carnival & Industrial. MSA S 1041-133. MdHR 50,270-130. 2/29/5/83
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 MD Homecoming, Church Day. MSA S 1041-134. MdHR 50,270-131. 2/29/5/84
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 MD Homecoming, Former Marylanders, A-D. MSA S 1041-135. MdHR 50,270-132. 2/29/5/85
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 MD Homecoming, Former Marylanders, E-J. MSA S 1041-136. MdHR 50,270-133. 2/29/5/86
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 MD Homecoming, Former Marylanders, K-O. MSA S 1041-137. MdHR 50,270-134. 2/29/5/87
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 MD Homecoming, Former Marylanders, P-S. MSA S 1041-138. MdHR 50,270-135. 2/29/5/88
GOVERNOR (General File) 1907 MD Homecoming, Former Marylanders, T-Z. MSA S 1041-139. MdHR 50,270-136. 2/29/5/89
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 A. MSA S 1041-140. MdHR 50,270-137. 2/29/1/131
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 Ba-Bl. MSA S 1041-141. MdHR 50,270-138. 2/29/1/132
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 Bo-By. MSA S 1041-142. MdHR 50,270-139. 2/29/1/133
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 C. MSA S 1041-143. MdHR 50,270-140. 2/29/1/134
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 D. MSA S 1041-144. MdHR 50,270-141. 2/29/1/135
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 E-F. MSA S 1041-145. MdHR 50,270-142. 2/29/1/136
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 G. MSA S 1041-146. MdHR 50,270-143. 2/29/1/137
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 H. MSA S 1041-147. MdHR 50,270-144. 2/29/1/138
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 I-K. MSA S 1041-148. MdHR 50,270-145. 2/29/1/139
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 L. MSA S 1041-149. MdHR 50,270-146. 2/29/1/140
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 M-Ma. MSA S 1041-150. MdHR 50,270-147. 2/29/1/141
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 Me-My. MSA S 1041-151. MdHR 50,270-148. 2/29/2/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 N-P. MSA S 1041-152. MdHR 50,270-149. 2/29/2/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 Q-R. MSA S 1041-153. MdHR 50,270-150. 2/29/2/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 S-Si. MSA S 1041-154. MdHR 50,270-151. 2/29/2/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 Sj-Sz. MSA S 1041-155. MdHR 50,270-152. 2/29/2/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 T-V. MSA S 1041-156. MdHR 50,270-153. 2/29/2/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/01-1908/06 W-Z. MSA S 1041-157. MdHR 50,270-154. 2/29/2/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 A. MSA S 1041-158. MdHR 50,270-155. 2/29/2/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 B-Bl. MSA S 1041-159. MdHR 50,270-156. 2/29/2/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 Bo-By. MSA S 1041-160. MdHR 50,270-157. 2/29/2/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 C. MSA S 1041-161. MdHR 50,270-158. 2/29/2/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 D. MSA S 1041-162. MdHR 50,270-159. 2/29/2/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 E-F. MSA S 1041-163. MdHR 50,270-160. 2/29/2/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 G. MSA S 1041-164. MdHR 50,270-161. 2/29/2/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 H. MSA S 1041-165. MdHR 50,270-162. 2/29/2/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 I-K. MSA S 1041-166. MdHR 50,270-163. 2/29/2/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 L. MSA S 1041-167. MdHR 50,270-164. 2/29/2/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 M-Ma. MSA S 1041-168. MdHR 50,270-165. 2/29/2/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 Me-My. MSA S 1041-169. MdHR 50,270-166. 2/29/2/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 N-P. MSA S 1041-170. MdHR 50,270-167. 2/29/2/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 Q-R. MSA S 1041-171. MdHR 50,270-168. 2/29/2/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 S-Si. MSA S 1041-172. MdHR 50,270-169. 2/29/2/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 Sk-Sy. MSA S 1041-173. MdHR 50,270-170. 2/29/2/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 T-V. MSA S 1041-174. MdHR 50,270-171. 2/29/2/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908/07-1908/12 W-Z. MSA S 1041-175. MdHR 50,270-172. 2/29/2/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1908 *. MSA S 1041-176. MdHR 50,270-173. 2/29/5/70
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 A. MSA S 1041-177. MdHR 50,270-174. 2/29/2/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 B-Bl. MSA S 1041-178. MdHR 50,270-175. 2/29/2/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 Bo-By. MSA S 1041-179. MdHR 50,270-176. 2/29/2/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 C. MSA S 1041-180. MdHR 50,270-177. 2/29/2/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 D. MSA S 1041-181. MdHR 50,270-178. 2/29/2/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 E-F. MSA S 1041-182. MdHR 50,270-179. 2/29/2/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 G. MSA S 1041-183. MdHR 50,270-180. 2/29/2/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 H. MSA S 1041-184. MdHR 50,270-181. 2/29/2/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 I-K. MSA S 1041-185. MdHR 50,270-182. 2/29/2/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 L. MSA S 1041-186. MdHR 50,270-183. 2/29/2/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 M-Ma. MSA S 1041-187. MdHR 50,270-184. 2/29/2/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 Me-My. MSA S 1041-188. MdHR 50,270-185. 2/29/2/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 N-P. MSA S 1041-189. MdHR 50,270-186. 2/29/2/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 Q-R. MSA S 1041-190. MdHR 50,270-187. 2/29/2/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 S-Si. MSA S 1041-191. MdHR 50,270-188. 2/29/2/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 Sk-Sy. MSA S 1041-192. MdHR 50,270-189. 2/29/2/41
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 T-V. MSA S 1041-193. MdHR 50,270-190. 2/29/2/42
GOVERNOR (General File) 1909 W-Z. MSA S 1041-194. MdHR 50,270-191. 2/29/2/43
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 A. MSA S 1041-195. MdHR 50,270-192. 2/29/2/44
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 B-Bl. MSA S 1041-196. MdHR 50,270-193. 2/29/2/45
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 Bo-By. MSA S 1041-197. MdHR 50,270-194. 2/29/2/46
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 C. MSA S 1041-198. MdHR 50,270-195. 2/29/2/47
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 D. MSA S 1041-199. MdHR 50,270-196. 2/29/2/48
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 E-F. MSA S 1041-200. MdHR 50,270-197. 2/29/2/49
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 G. MSA S 1041-201. MdHR 50,270-198. 2/29/2/50
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 H. MSA S 1041-202. MdHR 50,270-199. 2/29/2/51
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 I-K. MSA S 1041-203. MdHR 50,270-200. 2/29/2/52
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 L. MSA S 1041-204. MdHR 50,270-201. 2/29/2/53
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 M-Ma. MSA S 1041-205. MdHR 50,270-202. 2/29/2/54
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 Me-My. MSA S 1041-206. MdHR 50,270-203. 2/29/2/55
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 N-P. MSA S 1041-207. MdHR 50,270-204. 2/29/2/56
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 Q-R. MSA S 1041-208. MdHR 50,270-205. 2/29/2/57
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 S-Si. MSA S 1041-209. MdHR 50,270-206. 2/29/2/58
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 Sk-Sy. MSA S 1041-210. MdHR 50,270-207. 2/29/2/59
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 T-V. MSA S 1041-211. MdHR 50,270-208. 2/29/2/60
GOVERNOR (General File) 1910 W-Z. MSA S 1041-212. MdHR 50,270-209. 2/29/2/61
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 A. MSA S 1041-213. MdHR 50,270-210. 2/29/2/62
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 B-Bl. MSA S 1041-214. MdHR 50,270-211. 2/29/2/63
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 Bo-By. MSA S 1041-215. MdHR 50,270-212. 2/29/2/64
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 C. MSA S 1041-216. MdHR 50,270-213. 2/29/2/65
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 D. MSA S 1041-217. MdHR 50,270-214. 2/29/2/66
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 E-F. MSA S 1041-218. MdHR 50,270-215. 2/29/2/67
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 G. MSA S 1041-219. MdHR 50,270-216. 2/29/2/68
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 H. MSA S 1041-220. MdHR 50,270-217. 2/29/2/69
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 I-K. MSA S 1041-221. MdHR 50,270-218. 2/29/2/70
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 L. MSA S 1041-222. MdHR 50,270-219. 2/29/2/71
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 M-Ma. MSA S 1041-223. MdHR 50,270-220. 2/29/2/72
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 Me-My. MSA S 1041-224. MdHR 50,270-221. 2/29/2/73
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 N-P. MSA S 1041-225. MdHR 50,270-222. 2/29/2/74
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 Q-R. MSA S 1041-226. MdHR 50,270-223. 2/29/2/75
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 S-Si. MSA S 1041-227. MdHR 50,270-224. 2/29/2/76
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 Sk-Sy. MSA S 1041-228. MdHR 50,270-225. 2/29/2/77
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 T-V. MSA S 1041-229. MdHR 50,270-226. 2/29/2/78
GOVERNOR (General File) 1911 W-Z. MSA S 1041-230. MdHR 50,270-227. 2/29/2/79
GOVERNOR (General File) 1912 A-Bag. MSA S 1041-231. MdHR 50,270-228. 2/29/2/80
GOVERNOR (General File) 1912 Bar-By. MSA S 1041-232. MdHR 50,270-229. 2/29/2/81
GOVERNOR (General File) 1912 C. MSA S 1041-233. MdHR 50,270-230. 2/29/2/82
GOVERNOR (General File) 1912 D-F. MSA S 1041-234. MdHR 50,270-231. 2/29/2/83
GOVERNOR (General File) 1912 G-He. MSA S 1041-235. MdHR 50,270-232. 2/29/2/84
GOVERNOR (General File) 1912 Hi-Ke. MSA S 1041-236. MdHR 50,270-233. 2/29/2/85
GOVERNOR (General File) 1912 Ki-Mc. MSA S 1041-237. MdHR 50,270-234. 2/29/2/86
GOVERNOR (General File) 1912 Mad-Mz. MSA S 1041-238. MdHR 50,270-235. 2/29/2/87
GOVERNOR (General File) 1912 N-Po. MSA S 1041-239. MdHR 50,270-236. 2/29/2/88
GOVERNOR (General File) 1912 Pu-Se. MSA S 1041-240. MdHR 50,270-237. 2/29/2/89
GOVERNOR (General File) 1912 Sh-Sy. MSA S 1041-241. MdHR 50,270-238. 2/29/2/90
GOVERNOR (General File) 1912 T-We. MSA S 1041-242. MdHR 50,270-239. 2/29/2/91
GOVERNOR (General File) 1912 Wi-Z. MSA S 1041-243. MdHR 50,270-240. 2/29/2/92
GOVERNOR (General File) 1912 State Roads Com.. MSA S 1041-244. MdHR 50,270-241. 2/29/5/72
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 State Roads Com.. MSA S 1041-245. MdHR 50,270-242. 2/29/5/73
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 A-Bar. MSA S 1041-246. MdHR 50,270-243. 2/29/2/93
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 Bas-Bri. MSA S 1041-247. MdHR 50,270-244. 2/29/2/94
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 Bro-Cl. MSA S 1041-248. MdHR 50,270-245. 2/29/2/95
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 Co-De. MSA S 1041-249. MdHR 50,270-246. 2/29/2/96
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 De-Fe. MSA S 1041-250. MdHR 50,270-247. 2/29/2/97
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 Fi-Go. MSA S 1041-251. MdHR 50,270-248. 2/29/2/98
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 Gol-Har. MSA S 1041-252. MdHR 50,270-249. 2/29/2/99
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 Has-Hy. MSA S 1041-253. MdHR 50,270-250. 2/29/3/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 I-Ki. MSA S 1041-254. MdHR 50,270-251. 2/29/3/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 Kl-McA. MSA S 1041-255. MdHR 50,270-252. 2/29/3/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 McD-Me. MSA S 1041-256. MdHR 50,270-253. 2/29/3/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 Mi-N. MSA S 1041-257. MdHR 50,270-254. 2/29/3/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 O-Po. MSA S 1041-258. MdHR 50,270-255. 2/29/3/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 Pr-Ro. MSA S 1041-259. MdHR 50,270-256. 2/29/3/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 Ru-Su. MSA S 1041-260. MdHR 50,270-257. 2/29/3/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 Sp-Th. MSA S 1041-261. MdHR 50,270-258. 2/29/3/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 Ti-Wel. MSA S 1041-262. MdHR 50,270-259. 2/29/3/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913 Wel-Z. MSA S 1041-263. MdHR 50,270-260. 2/29/3/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1913-1918 National Conference, Congresses, & Celebrations. MSA S 1041-264. MdHR 5383-2. 2/28/3/45
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 A-Bea. MSA S 1041-265. MdHR 50,270-261. 2/29/3/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 Bel-Br. MSA S 1041-266. MdHR 50,270-262. 2/29/3/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 C-Cr. MSA S 1041-267. MdHR 50,270-263. 2/29/3/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 Cu-Ef. MSA S 1041-268. MdHR 50,270-264. 2/29/3/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 Eg-Ge. MSA S 1041-269. MdHR 50,270-265. 2/29/3/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 Gi-Ham. MSA S 1041-270. MdHR 50,270-266. 2/29/3/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 Har-Hy. MSA S 1041-271. MdHR 50,270-267. 2/29/3/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 I-K. MSA S 1041-272. MdHR 50,270-268. 2/29/3/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 L-Mc. MSA S 1041-273. MdHR 50,270-269. 2/29/3/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 Mad-Mat. MSA S 1041-274. MdHR 50,270-270. 2/29/3/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 Mo-O. MSA S 1041-275. MdHR 50,270-271. 2/29/3/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 P-Ra. MSA S 1041-276. MdHR 50,270-272. 2/29/3/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 Re-Sci. MSA S 1041-277. MdHR 50,270-273. 2/29/3/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 Se-St. MSA S 1041-278. MdHR 50,270-274. 2/29/3/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 T-V. MSA S 1041-279. MdHR 50,270-275. 2/29/3/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 W-We. MSA S 1041-280. MdHR 50,270-276. 2/29/3/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914 Wh-Z. MSA S 1041-281. MdHR 50,270-277. 2/29/3/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1914-1915 Bd. of Public Works. MSA S 1041-282. MdHR 50,270-278. 2/29/5/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 A-Ba. MSA S 1041-283. MdHR 50,270-279. 2/29/3/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 Be-Cam. MSA S 1041-284. MdHR 50,270-280. 2/29/3/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 Can-Cy. MSA S 1041-285. MdHR 50,270-281. 2/29/3/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 D-E. MSA S 1041-286. MdHR 50,270-282. 2/29/3/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 F-Gra. MSA S 1041-287. MdHR 50,270-283. 2/29/3/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 Gre-H. MSA S 1041-288. MdHR 50,270-284. 2/29/3/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 I-Lap. MSA S 1041-289. MdHR 50,270-285. 2/29/3/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 Lar-Mar. MSA S 1041-290. MdHR 50,270-286. 2/29/3/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 Mar-O. MSA S 1041-291. MdHR 50,270-287. 2/29/3/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 P-Ra. MSA S 1041-292. MdHR 50,270-288. 2/29/3/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 Re-Sme. MSA S 1041-293. MdHR 50,270-289. 2/29/3/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 Smi-To. MSA S 1041-294. MdHR 50,270-290. 2/29/3/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 Tr-Wa. MSA S 1041-295. MdHR 50,270-291. 2/29/3/41
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 We-Wh. MSA S 1041-296. MdHR 50,270-292. 2/29/3/42
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 Weller. MSA S 1041-297. MdHR 50,270-293. 2/29/3/43
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 Wi-Z. MSA S 1041-298. MdHR 50,270-294. 2/29/3/44
GOVERNOR (General File) 1915 MD Agricultural College, appointment of President. MSA S 1041-299. MdHR 50,270-295. 2/29/5/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1916 A-Bl. MSA S 1041-300. MdHR 50,270-296. 2/29/3/45
GOVERNOR (General File) 1916 Bo-Ca. MSA S 1041-301. MdHR 50,270-297. 2/29/3/46
GOVERNOR (General File) 1916 Ce-Da. MSA S 1041-302. MdHR 50,270-298. 2/29/3/47
GOVERNOR (General File) 1916 Da-Fr. MSA S 1041-303. MdHR 50,270-299. 2/29/3/48
GOVERNOR (General File) 1916 Fu-Gr. MSA S 1041-304. MdHR 50,270-300. 2/29/3/49
GOVERNOR (General File) 1916 Gu-Hol. MSA S 1041-305. MdHR 50,270-301. 2/29/3/50
GOVERNOR (General File) 1916 Hom-Ku. MSA S 1041-306. MdHR 50,270-302. 2/29/3/51
GOVERNOR (General File) 1916 Ky-Mar. MSA S 1041-307. MdHR 50,270-303. 2/29/3/52
GOVERNOR (General File) 1916 Mar-Na. MSA S 1041-308. MdHR 50,270-304. 2/29/3/53
GOVERNOR (General File) 1916 Ne-Pi. MSA S 1041-309. MdHR 50,270-305. 2/29/3/54
GOVERNOR (General File) 1916 Pl-Rof. MSA S 1041-310. MdHR 50,270-306. 2/29/3/55
GOVERNOR (General File) 1916 Rog-Sm. MSA S 1041-311. MdHR 50,270-307. 2/29/3/56
GOVERNOR (General File) 1916 Sn-Th. MSA S 1041-312. MdHR 50,270-308. 2/29/3/57
GOVERNOR (General File) 1916 Ti-Wa. MSA S 1041-313. MdHR 50,270-309. 2/29/3/58
GOVERNOR (General File) 1916 We-Z. MSA S 1041-314. MdHR 50,270-310. 2/29/3/59
GOVERNOR (General File) 1916-1919 Bd. of Public Works. MSA S 1041-315. MdHR 50,270-311. 2/29/5/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 A-Bi. MSA S 1041-316. MdHR 50,270-312. 2/29/3/60
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 Bl-Car. MSA S 1041-317. MdHR 50,270-313. 2/29/3/61
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 Cas-Cy. MSA S 1041-318. MdHR 50,270-314. 2/29/3/62
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 D-Fo. MSA S 1041-319. MdHR 50,270-315. 2/29/3/63
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 Fr-G. MSA S 1041-320. MdHR 50,270-316. 2/29/3/64
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 H-Ho. MSA S 1041-321. MdHR 50,270-317. 2/29/3/65
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 Hu-K. MSA S 1041-322. MdHR 50,270-318. 2/29/3/66
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 L-Mai. MSA S 1041-323. MdHR 50,270-319. 2/29/3/67
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 Maj-Nd. MSA S 1041-324. MdHR 50,270-320. 2/29/3/68
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 Ne-P. MSA S 1041-325. MdHR 50,270-321. 2/29/3/69
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 Q-She. MSA S 1041-326. MdHR 50,270-322. 2/29/3/70
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 Shi-Sz. MSA S 1041-327. MdHR 50,270-323. 2/29/3/71
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 T-Wa. MSA S 1041-328. MdHR 50,270-324. 2/29/3/72
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 We-Z. MSA S 1041-329. MdHR 50,270-325. 2/29/4/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 Official. MSA S 1041-330. MdHR 50,270-326. 2/29/4/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 Official. MSA S 1041-331. MdHR 50,270-327. 2/29/4/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 Official. MSA S 1041-332. MdHR 50,270-328. 2/29/4/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 Council of Defense, Blacks. MSA S 1041-333. MdHR 50,270-329. 2/29/5/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917 Council of Defense, Women's Preparedness and Survey Commission. MSA S 1041-334. MdHR 50,270-330. 2/29/5/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1917-1920 Council of Defense, letters. MSA S 1041-335. MdHR 50,270-331. 2/29/5/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1918 A-Bi. MSA S 1041-336. MdHR 50,270-332. 2/29/4/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1918 Bl-Ce. MSA S 1041-337. MdHR 50,270-333. 2/29/4/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1918 Ci-De. MSA S 1041-338. MdHR 50,270-334. 2/29/4/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1918 Di-Fr. MSA S 1041-339. MdHR 50,270-335. 2/29/4/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1918 Fu-Har. MSA S 1041-340. MdHR 50,270-336. 2/29/4/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1918 Has-J. MSA S 1041-341. MdHR 50,270-337. 2/29/4/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1918 K-L. MSA S 1041-342. MdHR 50,270-338. 2/29/4/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1918 M-Mo. MSA S 1041-343. MdHR 50,270-339. 2/29/4/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1918 Mu-Ph. MSA S 1041-344. MdHR 50,270-340. 2/29/4/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1918 Pi-Ri. MSA S 1041-345. MdHR 50,270-341. 2/29/4/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1918 Ro-Sp. MSA S 1041-346. MdHR 50,270-342. 2/29/4/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1918 St-U. MSA S 1041-347. MdHR 50,270-343. 2/29/4/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1918 U-Z. MSA S 1041-348. MdHR 50,270-344. 2/29/4/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1918 Official. MSA S 1041-349. MdHR 50,270-345. 2/29/4/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1918 Official. MSA S 1041-350. MdHR 50,270-346. 2/29/4/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919 A-Bi. MSA S 1041-351. MdHR 50,270-347. 2/29/4/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919 Bl-Cl. MSA S 1041-352. MdHR 50,270-348. 2/29/4/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919 Co-Dr. MSA S 1041-353. MdHR 50,270-349. 2/29/4/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919 Dw-Go. MSA S 1041-354. MdHR 50,270-350. 2/29/4/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919 Gr-Hoq. MSA S 1041-355. MdHR 50,270-351. 2/29/4/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919 Hor-Le. MSA S 1041-356. MdHR 50,270-352. 2/29/4/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919 Li-Mo. MSA S 1041-357. MdHR 50,270-353. 2/29/4/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919 Mu-Pi. MSA S 1041-358. MdHR 50,270-354. 2/29/4/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919 Pl-Se. MSA S 1041-359. MdHR 50,270-355. 2/29/4/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919 Se-Te. MSA S 1041-360. MdHR 50,270-356. 2/29/4/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919 Th-Wh. MSA S 1041-361. MdHR 50,270-357. 2/29/4/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919 Wi-Z. MSA S 1041-362. MdHR 50,270-358. 2/29/4/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919 Official 1-18. MSA S 1041-363. MdHR 50,270-359. 2/29/4/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919 Official 19-32. MSA S 1041-364. MdHR 50,270-360. 2/29/4/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919 Memorial Committee. MSA S 1041-365. MdHR 8053-1. 2/30/1/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920 Governor's Reception. MSA S 1041-366. MdHR 50,270-361. 2/29/5/41
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920 A-Be. MSA S 1041-367. MdHR 5390-1. 2/29/4/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920 Bi-Cla. MSA S 1041-368. MdHR 5390-2. 2/29/4/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920 Cle-De. MSA S 1041-369. MdHR 5390-3. 2/29/4/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920 Di-Fo. MSA S 1041-370. MdHR 5390-4. 2/29/4/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920 Fr-Har. MSA S 1041-371. MdHR 5390-5. 2/29/4/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920 Has-Ki. MSA S 1041-372. MdHR 5390-6. 2/29/4/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920 Kl-Mc. MSA S 1041-373. MdHR 5390-7. 2/29/4/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920 Ma-Na. MSA S 1041-374. MdHR 5390-8. 2/29/4/41
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920 Ne-Q. MSA S 1041-375. MdHR 5390-9. 2/29/4/42
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920 Ra-Sc. MSA S 1041-376. MdHR 5390-10. 2/29/4/43
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920 Se-Th. MSA S 1041-377. MdHR 5390-11. 2/29/4/44
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920 Ti-Z. MSA S 1041-378. MdHR 5390-12. 2/29/4/45
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920 Official 1-12. MSA S 1041-379. MdHR 5390-13. 2/29/4/46
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920 Official 13-41. MSA S 1041-380. MdHR 5390-14. 2/29/4/47
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1921 Board of Public Works. MSA S 1041-381. MdHR 8073-1-1. 2/27/3/46
GOVERNOR (General File) 1921 A-C. MSA S 1041-382. MdHR 7995-1. 2/29/4/48
GOVERNOR (General File) 1921 D-Gr. MSA S 1041-383. MdHR 7995-2. 2/29/4/49
GOVERNOR (General File) 1921 Gu-L. MSA S 1041-384. MdHR 7995-3. 2/29/4/50
GOVERNOR (General File) 1921 Mc-Rof. MSA S 1041-385. MdHR 7995-4. 2/29/4/51
GOVERNOR (General File) 1921 Ros-Wa. MSA S 1041-386. MdHR 7995-5. 2/29/4/52
GOVERNOR (General File) 1921 We-Z. MSA S 1041-387. MdHR 7995-6. 2/29/4/53
GOVERNOR (General File) 1921 Official 1-14. MSA S 1041-388. MdHR 7995-7. 2/29/4/54
GOVERNOR (General File) 1921 Official 15-23. MSA S 1041-389. MdHR 7995-8. 2/29/4/55
GOVERNOR (General File) 1921 Official 24-47. MSA S 1041-390. MdHR 7995-9. 2/29/4/56
GOVERNOR (General File) 1922 A-C. MSA S 1041-391. MdHR 7996-1. 2/29/5/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1922 D-Ha. MSA S 1041-392. MdHR 7996-2. 2/29/5/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1922 He-Mo. MSA S 1041-393. MdHR 7996-3. 2/29/5/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1922 Mu-Sce. MSA S 1041-394. MdHR 7996-4. 2/29/5/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1922 Sch-Z. MSA S 1041-395. MdHR 7996-5. 2/29/5/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1922 Official 1-20. MSA S 1041-396. MdHR 7996-6. 2/29/5/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1922 Official 21-34. MSA S 1041-397. MdHR 7996-7. 2/29/5/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1922 Official 35-49. MSA S 1041-398. MdHR 7996-8. 2/29/5/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1923 A-Ge. MSA S 1041-399. MdHR 7997-1. 2/29/5/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1923 Gi-M. MSA S 1041-400. MdHR 7997-2. 2/29/5/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1923 N-Te. MSA S 1041-401. MdHR 7997-3. 2/29/5/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1923 Th-Z. MSA S 1041-402. MdHR 7997-4. 2/29/5/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1923 Official 1-23. MSA S 1041-403. MdHR 7997-5. 2/29/5/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1923 Official 24-54. MSA S 1041-404. MdHR 7997-6. 2/29/5/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1924 Governor's Ball. MSA S 1041-405. MdHR 50,270-362. 2/29/5/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1924-1926 Official 1-5. MSA S 1041-406. MdHR 7998-1. 2/29/5/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1924-1926 Official 5-19. MSA S 1041-407. MdHR 7998-2. 2/29/5/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1924-1926 Official 20-25. MSA S 1041-408. MdHR 7998-3. 2/29/5/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1924-1926 Official 27-66. MSA S 1041-409. MdHR 7998-4. 2/29/5/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1927-1928 Official 1-13. MSA S 1041-410. MdHR 7999-1. 2/29/5/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1927-1928 Official 14-53. MSA S 1041-411. MdHR 7999-2. 2/29/5/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Advertising and agriculture. MSA S 1041-412. MdHR 8054-1. 2/30/1/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Appointments. MSA S 1041-413. MdHR 8054-2. 2/30/1/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Appointments. MSA S 1041-414. MdHR 8054-3. 2/30/1/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Appointments. MSA S 1041-415. MdHR 8054-4. 2/30/1/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Appointments, BC. MSA S 1041-416. MdHR 8054-5. 2/30/1/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Appointments: magistrates & school bds.. MSA S 1041-417. MdHR 8054-6. 2/30/1/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Appointments: Inspector for Racing Commission-Attorney General. MSA S 1041-418. MdHR 8054-7. 2/30/1/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 BC Police Dept.. MSA S 1041-419. MdHR 8054-8. 2/30/1/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 BC Police Dept.. MSA S 1041-420. MdHR 8054-9. 2/30/1/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 BC Police Dept.. MSA S 1041-421. MdHR 8054-10. 2/30/2/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Banking Dept. & institutions. MSA S 1041-422. MdHR 8054-11. 2/30/2/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Banking Dept. & institutions. MSA S 1041-423. MdHR 8054-12. 2/30/2/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Banking Dept. & institutions. MSA S 1041-424. MdHR 8054-13. 2/30/2/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Chicago World's Fair - Coal industry. MSA S 1041-425. MdHR 8054-14. 2/30/2/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Colleges. MSA S 1041-426. MdHR 8054-15. 2/30/2/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Commissions, D-M. MSA S 1041-427. MdHR 8054-16. 2/30/2/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Commissions, D-M. MSA S 1041-428. MdHR 8054-17. 2/30/2/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Commissions, N-T. MSA S 1041-429. MdHR 8054-18. 2/30/2/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Commissions, U-Z. MSA S 1041-430. MdHR 8054-19. 2/30/2/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Complaints. MSA S 1041-431. MdHR 8054-20. 2/30/2/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Complaints. MSA S 1041-432. MdHR 8054-21. 2/30/2/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Complaints. MSA S 1041-433. MdHR 8054-22. 2/30/2/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Complaints. MSA S 1041-434. MdHR 8054-23. 2/30/2/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Confederate Soldiers Home-Conservation. MSA S 1041-435. MdHR 8054-24. 2/30/2/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Conservation. MSA S 1041-436. MdHR 8054-25. 2/30/2/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Conservation-Disarmament Conference. MSA S 1041-437. MdHR 8054-26. 2/30/2/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Federal commissions and civil works. MSA S 1041-438. MdHR 8054-27. 2/30/2/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Federal emergency conservation works-Federal public works. MSA S 1041-439. MdHR 8054-28. 2/30/2/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Federal public works. MSA S 1041-440. MdHR 8054-29. 2/30/2/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Federal Dept. of Education-Geodetic survey. MSA S 1041-441. MdHR 8054-30. 2/30/2/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Hall of Records-Health Dept., 1933. MSA S 1041-442. MdHR 8054-31. 2/30/2/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Health Dept., 1934-Institutions, Insane. MSA S 1041-443. MdHR 8054-32. 2/30/2/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Institutions, Insane-General. MSA S 1041-444. MdHR 8054-33. 2/30/2/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Insurance. MSA S 1041-445. MdHR 8054-34. 2/30/2/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Johns Hopkins University-Labor. MSA S 1041-446. MdHR 8054-35. 2/30/2/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Labor. MSA S 1041-447. MdHR 8054-36. 2/30/2/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1922-1924 Legislature. MSA S 1041-448. MdHR 8054-37. 2/30/2/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1924-1927 Legislature. MSA S 1041-449. MdHR 8054-38. 2/30/2/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1929-1930 Legislature. MSA S 1041-450. MdHR 8054-39. 2/30/2/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1931-1932 Legislature. MSA S 1041-451. MdHR 8054-40. 2/30/2/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1933 Legislature. MSA S 1041-452. MdHR 8054-41. 2/30/2/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1933 Legislature. MSA S 1041-453. MdHR 8054-42. 2/30/2/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1933 Legislature. MSA S 1041-454. MdHR 8054-43. 2/30/2/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1933 Legislature. MSA S 1041-455. MdHR 8054-44. 2/30/2/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1933-1935 Legislature. MSA S 1041-456. MdHR 8054-45. 2/30/2/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935 Legislature. MSA S 1041-457. MdHR 8054-46. 2/30/2/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Liquor licenses-MD National Guard. MSA S 1041-458. MdHR 8054-47. 2/30/2/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 MD National Guard. MSA S 1041-459. MdHR 8054-48. 2/30/2/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 MD Tercentenary. MSA S 1041-460. MdHR 8054-49. 2/30/2/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 MD Tercentenary. MSA S 1041-461. MdHR 8054-50. 2/30/3/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 MD Tercentenary. MSA S 1041-462. MdHR 8054-51. 2/30/3/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 MD Training School-Milk. MSA S 1041-463. MdHR 8054-52. 2/30/3/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Military-Motion Picture Censors. MSA S 1041-464. MdHR 8054-53. 2/30/3/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Motor Vehicle Dept.. MSA S 1041-465. MdHR 8054-54. 2/30/3/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Motor Vehicle Dept.. MSA S 1041-466. MdHR 8054-55. 2/30/3/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Motor Vehicle Dept.. MSA S 1041-467. MdHR 8054-56. 2/30/3/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 National Recovery Act. MSA S 1041-468. MdHR 8054-57. 2/30/3/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Old Age Pensions-Parole System. MSA S 1041-469. MdHR 8054-58. 2/30/3/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Prohibition and Repeal. MSA S 1041-470. MdHR 8054-59. 2/30/3/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Prohibition and Repeal. MSA S 1041-471. MdHR 8054-60. 2/30/3/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Prohibition and Repeal. MSA S 1041-472. MdHR 8054-61. 2/30/3/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Prohibition and Repeal. MSA S 1041-473. MdHR 8054-62. 2/30/3/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Public Schools. MSA S 1041-474. MdHR 8054-63. 2/30/3/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Public Schools-Public Service Com.. MSA S 1041-475. MdHR 8054-64. 2/30/3/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Public Service Com.. MSA S 1041-476. MdHR 8054-65. 2/30/3/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1930-1933 Purchasing Agent. MSA S 1041-477. MdHR 8054-66. 2/30/3/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Purchasing Agent-Racing Com.. MSA S 1041-478. MdHR 8054-67. 2/30/3/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Racing Com.-Reorganization Act. MSA S 1041-479. MdHR 8054-68. 2/30/3/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Scholarships-State Depts. & Institutions. MSA S 1041-480. MdHR 8054-69. 2/30/3/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 State Roads: Chairman applications, Debentures, Employees. MSA S 1041-481. MdHR 8054-70. 2/30/3/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1932-1934 State Roads: Employees. MSA S 1041-482. MdHR 8054-71. 2/30/3/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 State Roads: Federal Public Works, Associations for Good Roads, Bridges. MSA S 1041-483. MdHR 8054-72. 2/30/3/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 State Roads: Bridges, Easton-Claiborne Road, Ferries. MSA S 1041-484. MdHR 8054-73. 2/30/3/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 State Roads: gasoline taxes & prices. MSA S 1041-485. MdHR 8054-74. 2/30/3/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919-1927 State Roads: general. MSA S 1041-486. MdHR 8054-75. 2/30/3/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1928-1931 State Roads: general. MSA S 1041-487. MdHR 8054-76. 2/30/3/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1932-1933 State Roads, general. MSA S 1041-488. MdHR 8054-77. 2/30/3/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1923 Appointments. MSA S 1041-489. MdHR 8054-78. 2/30/3/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1924-1925 Appointments. MSA S 1041-490. MdHR 8054-79. 2/30/3/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1927 Appointments. MSA S 1041-491. MdHR 8054-80. 2/30/3/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1928-1929 Appointments. MSA S 1041-492. MdHR 8054-81. 2/30/3/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1922-1930 Appointments: Magistrates & Notaries Public. MSA S 1041-493. MdHR 8054-82. 2/30/3/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1922-1931 Appointments: Notaries Public & BC Police Dept.. MSA S 1041-494. MdHR 8054-83. 2/30/3/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1924-1930 Appointments: BC Police Dept. & School Boards. MSA S 1041-495. MdHR 8054-84. 2/30/3/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Beer-Camp Meade. MSA S 1041-496. MdHR 8054-85. 2/30/3/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Chain Stores-Chesapeake Bridge Com.. MSA S 1041-497. MdHR 8054-86. 2/30/3/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Chesapeake Bridge Com.. MSA S 1041-498. MdHR 8054-87. 2/30/3/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1935 Chesapeake Bridge Com.-Chiropractors. MSA S 1041-499. MdHR 8054-88. 2/30/3/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1929-1932 Christmas-Commissions. MSA S 1041-500. MdHR 8054-89. 2/30/3/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1921-1932 Conservation-Correspondence, unanswered. MSA S 1041-501. MdHR 8054-90. 2/30/4/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1921-1929 Endorsements & greetings. MSA S 1041-502. MdHR 8054-91. 2/30/4/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919-1930 Endorsements & greetings. MSA S 1041-503. MdHR 8054-92. 2/30/4/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1924-1932 Health Dept., Contributions. MSA S 1041-504. MdHR 8054-93. 2/30/4/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1932 Contributions. MSA S 1041-505. MdHR 8054-94. 2/30/4/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1932 Invitations. MSA S 1041-506. MdHR 8054-95. 2/30/4/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1932 Invitations. MSA S 1041-507. MdHR 8054-96. 2/30/4/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1931 Invitations. MSA S 1041-508. MdHR 8054-97. 2/30/4/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1931 Invitations. MSA S 1041-509. MdHR 8054-98. 2/30/4/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1931 Donations. MSA S 1041-510. MdHR 8054-99. 2/30/4/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1928-1931 Donations, Nut File, letters unanswered. MSA S 1041-511. MdHR 8054-100. 2/30/4/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1930 Institutions: general & Hospital for the Insane. MSA S 1041-512. MdHR 8054-101. 2/30/4/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1930 Institutions: Hospital for the Insane, Jeffersonian Centennial Com., Juvenile Delinquency. MSA S 1041-513. MdHR 8054-102. 2/30/4/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1923-1930 Motor Vehicles, Baughman. MSA S 1041-514. MdHR 8054-103. 2/30/4/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1930 Motor Vehicle Dept., new office bldg., National Guard. MSA S 1041-515. MdHR 8054-104. 2/30/4/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1927 Organizations. MSA S 1041-516. MdHR 8054-105. 2/30/4/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1929 Organizations & Public Schools. MSA S 1041-517. MdHR 8054-106. 2/30/4/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1921-1928 Public Schools & Public Service Com.. MSA S 1041-518. MdHR 8054-107. 2/30/4/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1921-1929 Public Service Com. & Purchasing Agent. MSA S 1041-519. MdHR 8054-108. 2/30/4/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1919-1932 Racing Com. & Yorktown Sesquicentennial. MSA S 1041-520. MdHR 8054-109. 2/30/4/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1934 State Roads, grade crossings. MSA S 1041-521. MdHR 8006-1. 2/30/4/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1922-1924 State Roads, specific. MSA S 1041-522. MdHR 8006-2. 2/30/4/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1928 State Roads, specific. MSA S 1041-523. MdHR 8006-3. 2/30/4/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1929-1930 State Roads, specific. MSA S 1041-524. MdHR 8006-4. 2/30/4/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1931-1933 State Roads, specific. MSA S 1041-525. MdHR 8006-5. 2/30/4/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1934-1935 State Roads, specific. MSA S 1041-526. MdHR 8006-6. 2/30/4/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1934 State Roads, miscellaneous. MSA S 1041-527. MdHR 8006-7. 2/30/4/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1921-1934 State Tobacco Warehouse, Sunday Laws, Traffic Safety, U.S. Revenue Bill. MSA S 1041-528. MdHR 8006-8. 2/30/4/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1932-1935 Unemployment: general & Federal Relief. MSA S 1041-529. MdHR 8006-9. 2/30/4/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1932-1934 Unemployment, Federal Relief. MSA S 1041-530. MdHR 8006-10. 2/30/4/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1934 Unemployment, Federal Relief. MSA S 1041-531. MdHR 8006-11. 2/30/4/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1930-1934 Unemployment Insurance. MSA S 1041-532. MdHR 8006-12. 2/30/4/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1932-1934 Unemployment: Insurance, Wagner Act, Labor Program, & State Bond Issue. MSA S 1041-533. MdHR 8006-13. 2/30/4/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1930 University of MD, general. MSA S 1041-534. MdHR 8006-14. 2/30/4/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1931-1935 University of MD, general. MSA S 1041-535. MdHR 8006-15. 2/30/4/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1929-1934 University of MD: Japanese Beetle, Forestry, & Scholarships. MSA S 1041-536. MdHR 8006-16. 2/30/4/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1934 University of MD: Tubercular Cattle, Military Training, & University Hospital. MSA S 1041-537. MdHR 8006-17. 2/30/4/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1924-1935 Veteran's Relief, Vocational Training and Rehabilitation, Womens Suffrage. MSA S 1041-538. MdHR 8006-18. 2/30/4/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1920-1934 Bd. of Welfare, general. MSA S 1041-539. MdHR 8006-19. 2/30/4/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1922-1934 Bd. of Welfare: prisons & prison labor. MSA S 1041-540. MdHR 8006-20. 2/30/4/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1934 Bd. of Welfare: House of Correction & Investigation of Prisons. MSA S 1041-541. MdHR 8006-21. 2/30/5/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1928-1931 State Roads Investigation. MSA S 1041-542. MdHR 8066-1. 2/30/5/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1928-1931 State Roads Investigation. MSA S 1041-543. MdHR 8066-2. 2/30/5/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1928-1931 State Roads Investigation. MSA S 1041-544. MdHR 8066-3. 2/30/5/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1928-1931 State Roads Investigation. MSA S 1041-545. MdHR 8066-4. 2/30/5/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1928-1931 State Roads Investigation. MSA S 1041-546. MdHR 8066-5. 2/30/5/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1928-1931 State Roads Investigation. MSA S 1041-547. MdHR 8066-6. 2/30/5/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1928-1931 State Roads Investigation. MSA S 1041-548. MdHR 8066-7. 2/30/5/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1928-1931 State Roads Investigation. MSA S 1041-549. MdHR 8066-8. 2/30/5/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1926 AL. MSA S 1041-550. MdHR 8005-1. 2/30/5/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1926 AA, BA, CV. MSA S 1041-551. MdHR 8005-2. 2/30/5/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1926 BC, A-G. MSA S 1041-552. MdHR 8005-3. 2/30/5/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1926 BC, H-P. MSA S 1041-553. MdHR 8005-4. 2/30/5/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1926 BC, Q-Z. MSA S 1041-554. MdHR 8005-5. 2/30/5/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1926 CA-CE. MSA S 1041-555. MdHR 8005-6. 2/30/5/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1926 CH-DO. MSA S 1041-556. MdHR 8005-7. 2/30/5/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1926 FR. MSA S 1041-557. MdHR 8005-8. 2/30/5/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1926 GA-HA. MSA S 1041-558. MdHR 8005-9. 2/30/5/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1926 HO-MO. MSA S 1041-559. MdHR 8005-10. 2/30/5/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1926 MO-SO. MSA S 1041-560. MdHR 8005-11. 2/30/5/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1925-1926 TA-WO. MSA S 1041-561. MdHR 8005-12. 2/30/5/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1926-1928 Agriculture. MSA S 1041-562. MdHR 8887-1. 2/30/5/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1930-1931 Drought. MSA S 1041-563. MdHR 8887-2. 2/30/5/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1923-1936 Political Material & Joint Resolutions. MSA S 1041-564. MdHR 8017. 2/30/1/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1927-1940 Governor's reception, MD Manual, General Election. MSA S 1041-565. MdHR 8018. 2/30/1/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935 Relief. MSA S 1041-566. MdHR 8064-1. 2/32/1/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935 Relief. MSA S 1041-567. MdHR 8064-2. 2/32/1/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935 Relief. MSA S 1041-568. MdHR 8064-3. 2/32/1/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935 Relief. MSA S 1041-569. MdHR 8064-4. 2/32/1/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935 Relief. MSA S 1041-570. MdHR 8064-5. 2/32/1/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Committees: Advisory Taxation and Revenue-Colored Education. MSA S 1041-571. MdHR 8065-1. 2/32/1/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Committees: Criminal Justice-Insurance. MSA S 1041-572. MdHR 8065-2. 2/32/1/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Investigating Committee-labor problems. MSA S 1041-573. MdHR 8065-3. 2/32/1/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 MD Motor Vehicle Laws-Old Age Pension. MSA S 1041-574. MdHR 8065-4. 2/32/1/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Old Age Pension-Renovating Executive Mansion. MSA S 1041-575. MdHR 8065-5. 2/32/1/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, Nos. 1-2. MSA S 1041-576. MdHR 8007-1. 2/32/1/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, Nos. 3-4. MSA S 1041-577. MdHR 8007-2. 2/32/1/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, Nos. 4-5. MSA S 1041-578. MdHR 8007-3. 2/32/1/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, No. 5. MSA S 1041-579. MdHR 8007-4. 2/32/1/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, Nos. 6-10. MSA S 1041-580. MdHR 8007-5. 2/32/1/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, Nos. 11-15. MSA S 1041-581. MdHR 8007-6. 2/32/1/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, No. 16. MSA S 1041-582. MdHR 8007-7. 2/32/1/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, Nos. 17-18. MSA S 1041-583. MdHR 8007-8. 2/32/1/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935 Official File, No. 20. MSA S 1041-584. MdHR 8007-9. 2/32/1/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1936 Official File, No. 20. MSA S 1041-585. MdHR 8007-10. 2/32/1/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1937-1938 Official File, No. 20. MSA S 1041-586. MdHR 8007-11. 2/32/1/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, Nos. 21-29. MSA S 1041-587. MdHR 8007-12. 2/32/1/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, No. 30. MSA S 1041-588. MdHR 8007-13. 2/32/1/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, Nos. 31-35. MSA S 1041-589. MdHR 8007-14. 2/32/1/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, Nos. 36-49. MSA S 1041-590. MdHR 8007-15. 2/32/1/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, Nos. 50-60. MSA S 1041-591. MdHR 8007-16. 2/32/1/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, Nos. 60-67. MSA S 1041-592. MdHR 8007-17. 2/32/1/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, Nos. 68-79. MSA S 1041-593. MdHR 8007-18. 2/32/1/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, Nos. 80-89. MSA S 1041-594. MdHR 8007-19. 2/32/1/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1935-1938 Official File, Nos. 90-109. MSA S 1041-595. MdHR 8007-20. 2/32/1/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1939 Official File, Nos. 1-6. MSA S 1041-596. MdHR 8948-1. 2/32/3/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1939 Official File, Nos. 7-18. MSA S 1041-597. MdHR 8948-2. 2/32/3/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1939 Official File, No. 20. MSA S 1041-598. MdHR 8948-3. 2/32/3/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1939 Official File, Nos. 21-30. MSA S 1041-599. MdHR 8948-4. 2/32/3/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1939 Official File, Nos. 31-67. MSA S 1041-600. MdHR 8948-5. 2/32/3/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1939 Official File, Nos. 70-98. MSA S 1041-601. MdHR 8948-6. 2/32/3/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1939 Official File, Nos. 99-133. MSA S 1041-602. MdHR 8948-7. 2/32/3/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940 Official File, Nos. 1-5. MSA S 1041-603. MdHR 8949-1. 2/32/3/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940 Official File, Nos. 5-11. MSA S 1041-604. MdHR 8949-2. 2/32/3/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940 Official File, Nos. 12-20. MSA S 1041-605. MdHR 8949-3. 2/32/3/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940 Official File, Nos. 20-29. MSA S 1041-606. MdHR 8949-4. 2/32/3/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940 Official File, Nos. 30-55. MSA S 1041-607. MdHR 8949-5. 2/32/3/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940 Official File, Nos. 56-70. MSA S 1041-608. MdHR 8949-6. 2/32/3/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940 Official File, Nos. 71-88. MSA S 1041-609. MdHR 8949-7. 2/32/3/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940 Official File, Nos. 89-119. MSA S 1041-610. MdHR 8949-8. 2/32/4/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940 Official File, Nos. 119-137. MSA S 1041-611. MdHR 8949-9. 2/32/4/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 A-Al. MSA S 1041-612. MdHR 8955-1. 2/32/4/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Al-AA. MSA S 1041-613. MdHR 8955-2. 2/32/4/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 AA-Applications. MSA S 1041-614. MdHR 8955-3. 2/32/4/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Applications-Ar. MSA S 1041-615. MdHR 8955-4. 2/32/4/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Ar-Az. MSA S 1041-616. MdHR 8955-5. 2/32/4/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 B-BC. MSA S 1041-617. MdHR 8955-6. 2/32/4/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 BC. MSA S 1041-618. MdHR 8955-7. 2/32/4/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 BC. MSA S 1041-619. MdHR 8955-8. 2/32/4/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 BC. MSA S 1041-620. MdHR 8955-9. 2/32/4/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 BC-Bren. MSA S 1041-621. MdHR 8955-10. 2/32/4/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Bres-Budget. MSA S 1041-622. MdHR 8955-11. 2/32/4/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Bud-Cal. MSA S 1041-623. MdHR 8955-12. 2/32/4/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Cam-Chel. MSA S 1041-624. MdHR 8955-13. 2/32/4/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Ches-Comptroller. MSA S 1041-625. MdHR 8955-14. 2/32/4/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Comptroller-Conferences. MSA S 1041-626. MdHR 8955-15. 2/32/4/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Conferences-Cons. MSA S 1041-627. MdHR 8955-16. 2/32/4/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Cons-Cou. MSA S 1041-628. MdHR 8955-17. 2/32/4/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Cou. MSA S 1041-629. MdHR 8955-18. 2/32/4/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Cou-De. MSA S 1041-630. MdHR 8955-19. 2/32/4/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Di-Ed. MSA S 1041-631. MdHR 8955-20. 2/32/4/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Ei-En. MSA S 1041-632. MdHR 8955-21. 2/32/4/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 En-Endorsements. MSA S 1041-633. MdHR 8955-22. 2/32/4/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Endorsements. MSA S 1041-634. MdHR 8955-23. 2/32/4/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Endorsements. MSA S 1041-635. MdHR 8955-24. 2/32/4/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Endorsements-Executive. MSA S 1041-636. MdHR 8955-25. 2/32/4/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Executive-Fa. MSA S 1041-637. MdHR 8955-26. 2/32/4/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Fe-Fis. MSA S 1041-638. MdHR 8955-27. 2/32/4/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Fis-For. MSA S 1041-639. MdHR 8955-28. 2/32/4/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 For-Gam. MSA S 1041-640. MdHR 8955-29. 2/32/4/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Gam-Gen. MSA S 1041-641. MdHR 8955-30. 2/32/4/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Gen-Hai. MSA S 1041-642. MdHR 8955-31. 2/32/4/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Hai-Hea. MSA S 1041-643. MdHR 8955-32. 2/32/4/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Hea-Hom. MSA S 1041-644. MdHR 8955-33. 2/32/4/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Hop-Ind. MSA S 1041-645. MdHR 8955-34. 2/32/4/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Ind-Int. MSA S 1041-646. MdHR 8955-35. 2/32/4/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Int. MSA S 1041-647. MdHR 8955-36. 2/32/4/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Int. MSA S 1041-648. MdHR 8955-37. 2/32/4/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Int-Jud. MSA S 1041-649. MdHR 8955-38. 2/32/5/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Judiciary. MSA S 1041-650. MdHR 8955-39. 2/32/5/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Judiciary-K. MSA S 1041-651. MdHR 8955-40. 2/32/5/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 L-Leg. MSA S 1041-652. MdHR 8955-41. 2/32/5/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Leg-Mar. MSA S 1041-653. MdHR 8955-42. 2/32/5/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Mar-Mi. MSA S 1041-654. MdHR 8955-43. 2/32/5/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Mi. MSA S 1041-655. MdHR 8955-44. 2/32/5/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Mil-Moo. MSA S 1041-656. MdHR 8955-45. 2/32/5/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Mor-Mot. MSA S 1041-657. MdHR 8955-46. 2/32/5/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Motor Vehicles. MSA S 1041-658. MdHR 8955-47. 2/32/5/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Motor Vehicle Com. - National Defense. MSA S 1041-659. MdHR 8955-48. 2/32/5/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 National Defense. MSA S 1041-660. MdHR 8955-49. 2/32/5/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 National Defense. MSA S 1041-661. MdHR 8955-50. 2/32/5/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 National Defense. MSA S 1041-662. MdHR 8955-51. 2/32/5/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 National Defense. MSA S 1041-663. MdHR 8955-52. 2/32/5/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 National Defense. MSA S 1041-664. MdHR 8955-53. 2/32/5/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 National Defense. MSA S 1041-665. MdHR 8955-54. 2/32/5/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 National Defense. MSA S 1041-666. MdHR 8955-55. 2/32/5/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 National Defense. MSA S 1041-667. MdHR 8955-56. 2/32/5/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 National Defense. MSA S 1041-668. MdHR 8955-57. 2/32/5/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 National Defense. MSA S 1041-669. MdHR 8955-58. 2/32/5/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 National Defense. MSA S 1041-670. MdHR 8955-59. 2/32/5/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 National Defense. MSA S 1041-671. MdHR 8955-60. 2/32/5/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Natu-Neg. MSA S 1041-672. MdHR 8955-61. 2/32/5/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Neg-Nu. MSA S 1041-673. MdHR 8955-62. 2/32/5/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 O-Pea. MSA S 1041-674. MdHR 8955-63. 2/32/5/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Pec-Pol. MSA S 1041-675. MdHR 8955-64. 2/32/5/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Police-Pot. MSA S 1041-676. MdHR 8955-65. 2/32/5/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Pot-Pub. MSA S 1041-677. MdHR 8955-66. 2/32/5/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Pub. MSA S 1041-678. MdHR 8955-67. 2/32/5/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Pub-Q. MSA S 1041-679. MdHR 8955-68. 2/32/5/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 R-Raz. MSA S 1041-680. MdHR 8955-69. 2/32/5/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Re-Roads. MSA S 1041-681. MdHR 8955-70. 2/32/5/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Roads. MSA S 1041-682. MdHR 8955-71. 2/32/5/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Roads. MSA S 1041-683. MdHR 8955-72. 2/32/5/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Roads. MSA S 1041-684. MdHR 8955-73. 2/32/5/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Roads. MSA S 1041-685. MdHR 8955-74. 2/32/5/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Roads. MSA S 1041-686. MdHR 8955-75. 2/32/5/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Rof-Sla. MSA S 1041-687. MdHR 8955-76. 2/32/5/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Sle-Sta. MSA S 1041-688. MdHR 8955-77. 2/32/5/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Sta. MSA S 1041-689. MdHR 8955-78. 2/33/1/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 State Guard. MSA S 1041-690. MdHR 8955-79. 2/33/1/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 State Guard. MSA S 1041-691. MdHR 8955-80. 2/33/1/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 State Guard-Tax Com.. MSA S 1041-692. MdHR 8955-81. 2/33/1/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Tax Com.-Tob. MSA S 1041-693. MdHR 8955-82. 2/33/1/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Tob-Tran. MSA S 1041-694. MdHR 8955-83. 2/33/1/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Tram-Unemp. MSA S 1041-695. MdHR 8955-84. 2/33/1/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Unemp-U.S.. MSA S 1041-696. MdHR 8955-85. 2/33/1/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 U.S.. MSA S 1041-697. MdHR 8955-86. 2/33/1/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Univ-Us. MSA S 1041-698. MdHR 8955-87. 2/33/1/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 V-Was. MSA S 1041-699. MdHR 8955-88. 2/33/1/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Wat-Z. MSA S 1041-700. MdHR 8955-89. 2/33/1/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Selective Service, A-D. MSA S 1041-701. MdHR 12,550-1. 2/33/1/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Selective Service, E-M. MSA S 1041-702. MdHR 12,550-2. 2/33/1/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1942 Selective Service, N-Z. MSA S 1041-703. MdHR 12,550-3. 2/33/1/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1946 Selective Service, A-H. MSA S 1041-704. MdHR 12,550-4. 2/33/1/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1946 Selective Service, I-Z. MSA S 1041-705. MdHR 12,550-5. 2/33/1/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1944 Selective Service, calls to service. MSA S 1041-706. MdHR 12,550-6. 2/33/1/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1944 Selective Service Draft Bds. & printed materials. MSA S 1041-707. MdHR 12,550-7. 2/33/1/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1944 Selective Service Draft Bds. & Appeal Agents. MSA S 1041-708. MdHR 12,550-8. 2/33/1/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1940-1944 Selective Service examining physicians. MSA S 1041-709. MdHR 12,550-9. 2/33/1/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 A-Ag. MSA S 1041-710. MdHR 8957-1. 2/33/1/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Al-Am. MSA S 1041-711. MdHR 8957-2. 2/33/1/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Am-Applications. MSA S 1041-712. MdHR 8957-3. 2/33/1/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Applications-Ath. MSA S 1041-713. MdHR 8957-4. 2/33/1/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Att-Bal. MSA S 1041-714. MdHR 8957-5. 2/33/1/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Baltimore. MSA S 1041-715. MdHR 8957-6. 2/33/1/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Baltimore. MSA S 1041-716. MdHR 8957-7. 2/33/1/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Baltimore. MSA S 1041-717. MdHR 8957-8. 2/33/1/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Baltimore-Bell. MSA S 1041-718. MdHR 8957-9. 2/33/1/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Belm-Bud. MSA S 1041-719. MdHR 8957-10. 2/33/1/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Budget. MSA S 1041-720. MdHR 8957-11. 2/33/1/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Budget-Ca. MSA S 1041-721. MdHR 8957-12. 2/33/1/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Ce-Chi. MSA S 1041-722. MdHR 8957-13. 2/33/1/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Chr-Com. MSA S 1041-723. MdHR 8957-14. 2/33/1/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Com-Cor. MSA S 1041-724. MdHR 8957-15. 2/33/1/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Cor-Cou. MSA S 1041-725. MdHR 8957-16. 2/33/1/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Cou. MSA S 1041-726. MdHR 8957-17. 2/33/1/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Cou. MSA S 1041-727. MdHR 8957-18. 2/33/1/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Cr-Dep. MSA S 1041-728. MdHR 8957-19. 2/33/1/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Der-Edu. MSA S 1041-729. MdHR 8957-20. 2/33/2/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Edu-Ele. MSA S 1041-730. MdHR 8957-21. 2/33/2/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Ele-End. MSA S 1041-731. MdHR 8957-22. 2/33/2/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 End. MSA S 1041-732. MdHR 8957-23. 2/33/2/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 End-Ex. MSA S 1041-733. MdHR 8957-24. 2/33/2/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Fa-Fis. MSA S 1041-734. MdHR 8957-25. 2/33/2/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Fis-Fu. MSA S 1041-735. MdHR 8957-26. 2/33/2/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 G-Gen. MSA S 1041-736. MdHR 8957-27. 2/33/2/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Gen-Gz. MSA S 1041-737. MdHR 8957-28. 2/33/2/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 H-Hea. MSA S 1041-738. MdHR 8957-29. 2/33/2/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Hea-Industrial Accident Com.. MSA S 1041-739. MdHR 8957-30. 2/33/2/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Ind-Int. MSA S 1041-740. MdHR 8957-31. 2/33/2/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Int. MSA S 1041-741. MdHR 8957-32. 2/33/2/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Int-Jud. MSA S 1041-742. MdHR 8957-33. 2/33/2/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Jud. MSA S 1041-743. MdHR 8957-34. 2/33/2/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Jud-K. MSA S 1041-744. MdHR 8957-35. 2/33/2/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 L-Legislative Council. MSA S 1041-745. MdHR 8957-36. 2/33/2/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Legislatvie Council-MD. MSA S 1041-746. MdHR 8957-37. 2/33/2/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 MD-Mental Hygiene. MSA S 1041-747. MdHR 8957-38. 2/33/2/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Mi-Min. MSA S 1041-748. MdHR 8957-39. 2/33/2/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Min-Mot. MSA S 1041-749. MdHR 8957-40. 2/33/2/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Mot-National. MSA S 1041-750. MdHR 8957-41. 2/33/2/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 National Defense. MSA S 1041-751. MdHR 8957-42. 2/33/2/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 National Defense. MSA S 1041-752. MdHR 8957-43. 2/33/2/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 National Defense. MSA S 1041-753. MdHR 8957-44. 2/33/2/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 National Defense. MSA S 1041-754. MdHR 8957-45. 2/33/2/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 National Defense-Ne. MSA S 1041-755. MdHR 8957-46. 2/33/2/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Ne-O. MSA S 1041-756. MdHR 8957-47. 2/33/2/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 P-Pl. MSA S 1041-757. MdHR 8957-48. 2/33/2/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Po-Post. MSA S 1041-758. MdHR 8957-49. 2/33/2/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Post. MSA S 1041-759. MdHR 8957-50. 2/33/2/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Post-Pot. MSA S 1041-760. MdHR 8957-51. 2/33/2/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Pot-Pub. MSA S 1041-761. MdHR 8957-52. 2/33/2/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Pub-Rac. MSA S 1041-762. MdHR 8957-53. 2/33/2/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Racing-Roadside Council. MSA S 1041-763. MdHR 8957-54. 2/33/2/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Roads Com.. MSA S 1041-764. MdHR 8957-55. 2/33/2/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Roads Com.. MSA S 1041-765. MdHR 8957-56. 2/33/2/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Roads Com.. MSA S 1041-766. MdHR 8957-57. 2/33/2/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Roo-Shap. MSA S 1041-767. MdHR 8957-58. 2/33/2/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Shar-Sp. MSA S 1041-768. MdHR 8957-59. 2/33/2/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Sta. MSA S 1041-769. MdHR 8957-60. 2/33/3/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 State Guard. MSA S 1041-770. MdHR 8957-61. 2/33/3/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 State Guard-Tax. MSA S 1041-771. MdHR 8957-62. 2/33/3/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Tax-Tra. MSA S 1041-772. MdHR 8957-63. 2/33/3/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Tre-Und. MSA S 1041-773. MdHR 8957-64. 2/33/3/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Une-U.S.. MSA S 1041-774. MdHR 8957-65. 2/33/3/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 U.S.. MSA S 1041-775. MdHR 8957-66. 2/33/3/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 U.S.-Up. MSA S 1041-776. MdHR 8957-67. 2/33/3/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 V-Veterans. MSA S 1041-777. MdHR 8957-68. 2/33/3/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Veterans-War. MSA S 1041-778. MdHR 8957-69. 2/33/3/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 War-Wic. MSA S 1041-779. MdHR 8957-70. 2/33/3/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1942-1944 Wil-Z. MSA S 1041-780. MdHR 8957-71. 2/33/3/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1944-1946 Conferences. MSA S 1041-781. MdHR 8957-72. 2/33/3/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1941-1943 Conferences. MSA S 1041-782. MdHR 8957-73. 2/33/3/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1941-1942 Conferences. MSA S 1041-783. MdHR 8957-74. 2/33/3/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 A-Am. MSA S 1041-784. MdHR 9626-1. 2/33/3/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 An-As. MSA S 1041-785. MdHR 9626-2. 2/33/3/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 At-BC. MSA S 1041-786. MdHR 9626-3. 2/33/3/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 BC. MSA S 1041-787. MdHR 9626-4. 2/33/3/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 BC. MSA S 1041-788. MdHR 9626-5. 2/33/3/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 BC. MSA S 1041-789. MdHR 9626-6. 2/33/3/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 BC-Br. MSA S 1041-790. MdHR 9626-7. 2/33/3/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Bu-Bz. MSA S 1041-791. MdHR 9626-8. 2/33/3/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Ca-Che. MSA S 1041-792. MdHR 9626-9. 2/33/3/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Che-Com. MSA S 1041-793. MdHR 9626-10. 2/33/3/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Com-Con. MSA S 1041-794. MdHR 9626-11. 2/33/3/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Con-Cou. MSA S 1041-795. MdHR 9626-12. 2/33/3/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Cou. MSA S 1041-796. MdHR 9626-13. 2/33/3/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Cou-Dep. MSA S 1041-797. MdHR 9626-14. 2/33/3/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Der-Ed. MSA S 1041-798. MdHR 9626-15. 2/33/3/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Ed. MSA S 1041-799. MdHR 9626-16. 2/33/3/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Ed-Em. MSA S 1041-800. MdHR 9626-17. 2/33/3/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Em-En. MSA S 1041-801. MdHR 9626-18. 2/33/3/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 En-Ex. MSA S 1041-802. MdHR 9626-19. 2/33/3/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 F-Fo. MSA S 1041-803. MdHR 9626-20. 2/33/3/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Fo-Fr. MSA S 1041-804. MdHR 9626-21. 2/33/3/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Fu-Gen. MSA S 1041-805. MdHR 9626-22. 2/33/3/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Gen-Gy. MSA S 1041-806. MdHR 9626-23. 2/33/3/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 H-Hea. MSA S 1041-807. MdHR 9626-24. 2/33/3/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Hea-Ia. MSA S 1041-808. MdHR 9626-25. 2/33/3/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Inc-Ins. MSA S 1041-809. MdHR 9626-26. 2/33/4/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Int. MSA S 1041-810. MdHR 9626-27. 2/33/4/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Int. MSA S 1041-811. MdHR 9626-28. 2/33/4/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Int-Inv. MSA S 1041-812. MdHR 9626-29. 2/33/4/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 J-Kei. MSA S 1041-813. MdHR 9626-30. 2/33/4/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Kel-Law. MSA S 1041-814. MdHR 9626-31. 2/33/4/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Law-Lib. MSA S 1041-815. MdHR 9626-32. 2/33/4/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Lic-Mar. MSA S 1041-816. MdHR 9626-33. 2/33/4/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Mau-Mil. MSA S 1041-817. MdHR 9626-34. 2/33/4/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Mil-Mor. MSA S 1041-818. MdHR 9626-35. 2/33/4/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Mor-Mz. MSA S 1041-819. MdHR 9626-36. 2/33/4/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 N-Nat. MSA S 1041-820. MdHR 9626-37. 2/33/4/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Nat. MSA S 1041-821. MdHR 9626-38. 2/33/4/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Nat-Nz. MSA S 1041-822. MdHR 9626-39. 2/33/4/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Op-Pha. MSA S 1041-823. MdHR 9626-40. 2/33/4/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Phy-Por. MSA S 1041-824. MdHR 9626-41. 2/33/4/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Pos. MSA S 1041-825. MdHR 9626-42. 2/33/4/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Pos-Pub. MSA S 1041-826. MdHR 9626-43. 2/33/4/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Pub. MSA S 1041-827. MdHR 9626-44. 2/33/4/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Pub-Q. MSA S 1041-828. MdHR 9626-45. 2/33/4/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 R-Rec. MSA S 1041-829. MdHR 9626-46. 2/33/4/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Rec-Rev. MSA S 1041-830. MdHR 9626-47. 2/33/4/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Rev-Roa. MSA S 1041-831. MdHR 9626-48. 2/33/4/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Roads. MSA S 1041-832. MdHR 9626-49. 2/33/4/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Roads. MSA S 1041-833. MdHR 9626-50. 2/33/4/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Rof-Sha. MSA S 1041-834. MdHR 9626-51. 2/33/4/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Sha-Sta. MSA S 1041-835. MdHR 9626-52. 2/33/4/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Stan-Stat. MSA S 1041-836. MdHR 9626-53. 2/33/4/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Stat-Tax. MSA S 1041-837. MdHR 9626-54. 2/33/4/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Tax-Trai. MSA S 1041-838. MdHR 9626-55. 2/33/4/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Tran-Une. MSA S 1041-839. MdHR 9626-56. 2/33/4/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Une-U.S. Agriculture. MSA S 1041-840. MdHR 9626-57. 2/33/4/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 U.S. Civ.-U.S. Lab. MSA S 1041-841. MdHR 9626-58. 2/33/4/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 U.S. Navy-U.S. War. MSA S 1041-842. MdHR 9626-59. 2/33/4/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 U.S. War. MSA S 1041-843. MdHR 9626-60. 2/33/4/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 U.S. War-University of MD. MSA S 1041-844. MdHR 9626-61. 2/33/4/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 University of MD-Vet. MSA S 1041-845. MdHR 9626-62. 2/33/4/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Vet-War Memorial. MSA S 1041-846. MdHR 9626-63. 2/33/4/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 War Memorial-Wh. MSA S 1041-847. MdHR 9626-64. 2/33/4/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1945-1946 Wi-Z. MSA S 1041-848. MdHR 9626-65. 2/33/4/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 A-An. MSA S 1041-849. MdHR 9929-1. 2/34/4/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 An-Az. MSA S 1041-850. MdHR 9929-2. 2/34/4/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 B-BC Electrical Examiner. MSA S 1041-851. MdHR 9929-3. 2/34/4/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 BC: Justice of the Peace-Orphans Court. MSA S 1041-852. MdHR 9929-4. 2/34/4/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 BC: Peoples Court-Traffic Court. MSA S 1041-853. MdHR 9929-5. 2/34/4/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 BA-Budget. MSA S 1041-854. MdHR 9929-6. 2/34/4/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Bud-Car. MSA S 1041-855. MdHR 9929-7. 2/34/4/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Cas-Ch. MSA S 1041-856. MdHR 9929-8. 2/34/4/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Ci-Comptroller. MSA S 1041-857. MdHR 9929-9. 2/34/4/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Comptroller-Complimentary. MSA S 1041-858. MdHR 9929-10. 2/34/4/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Conferences. MSA S 1041-859. MdHR 9929-11. 2/34/4/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Conferences-Congratulations. MSA S 1041-860. MdHR 9929-12. 2/34/4/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Congratulations-Congressional. MSA S 1041-861. MdHR 9929-13. 2/34/4/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Congressional-Cor. MSA S 1041-862. MdHR 9929-14. 2/34/4/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Cos-Dem. MSA S 1041-863. MdHR 9929-15. 2/34/4/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Dem. MSA S 1041-864. MdHR 9929-16. 2/34/4/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Dem-Ed. MSA S 1041-865. MdHR 9929-17. 2/34/4/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Education. MSA S 1041-866. MdHR 9929-18. 2/34/4/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Education-Election. MSA S 1041-867. MdHR 9929-19. 2/34/4/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Electrical-Employment. MSA S 1041-868. MdHR 9929-20. 2/34/4/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Employment-Endorsements. MSA S 1041-869. MdHR 9929-21. 2/34/5/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Endorsements-Ez. MSA S 1041-870. MdHR 9929-22. 2/34/5/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 F-Fiscal. MSA S 1041-871. MdHR 9929-23. 2/34/5/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Fisheries. MSA S 1041-872. MdHR 9929-24. 2/34/5/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Fisheries-Fre. MSA S 1041-873. MdHR 9929-25. 2/34/5/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Fri-Gem. MSA S 1041-874. MdHR 9929-26. 2/34/5/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 General Assembly. MSA S 1041-875. MdHR 9929-27. 2/34/5/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Gen-Gz. MSA S 1041-876. MdHR 9929-28. 2/34/5/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 H-Health. MSA S 1041-877. MdHR 9929-29. 2/34/5/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Health-Hou. MSA S 1041-878. MdHR 9929-30. 2/34/5/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Hov-Ins. MSA S 1041-879. MdHR 9929-31. 2/34/5/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Int-J. MSA S 1041-880. MdHR 9929-32. 2/34/5/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 K-Law. MSA S 1041-881. MdHR 9929-33. 2/34/5/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Law-Leg. MSA S 1041-882. MdHR 9929-34. 2/34/5/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Leg-Lz. MSA S 1041-883. MdHR 9929-35. 2/34/5/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 M-Mat. MSA S 1041-884. MdHR 9929-36. 2/34/5/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Mau-Ment. MSA S 1041-885. MdHR 9929-37. 2/34/5/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Ment-Mil. MSA S 1041-886. MdHR 9929-38. 2/34/5/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Min-Mot. MSA S 1041-887. MdHR 9929-39. 2/34/5/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Mot-Mz. MSA S 1041-888. MdHR 9929-40. 2/34/5/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 N-New. MSA S 1041-889. MdHR 9929-41. 2/34/5/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Ni-Parole. MSA S 1041-890. MdHR 9929-42. 2/34/5/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Parole-Pla. MSA S 1041-891. MdHR 9929-43. 2/34/5/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Plan-Police. MSA S 1041-892. MdHR 9929-44. 2/34/5/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Police-Presi. MSA S 1041-893. MdHR 9929-45. 2/34/5/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Press-Public. MSA S 1041-894. MdHR 9929-46. 2/34/5/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Publicity-Public Service. MSA S 1041-895. MdHR 9929-47. 2/34/5/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Public Service-Public Welfare. MSA S 1041-896. MdHR 9929-48. 2/34/5/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Public Welfare. MSA S 1041-897. MdHR 9929-49. 2/34/5/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Public Works. MSA S 1041-898. MdHR 9929-50. 2/34/5/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Public Works-Racing. MSA S 1041-899. MdHR 9929-51. 2/34/5/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Racing-Rem. MSA S 1041-900. MdHR 9929-52. 2/34/5/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Ren-Roads. MSA S 1041-901. MdHR 9929-53. 2/34/5/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Roads. MSA S 1041-902. MdHR 9929-54. 2/34/5/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Roads. MSA S 1041-903. MdHR 9929-55. 2/34/5/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Roads. MSA S 1041-904. MdHR 9929-56. 2/34/5/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Roads. MSA S 1041-905. MdHR 9929-57. 2/34/5/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Roads. MSA S 1041-906. MdHR 9929-58. 2/34/5/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Roads. MSA S 1041-907. MdHR 9929-59. 2/34/5/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Rof-San. MSA S 1041-908. MdHR 9929-60. 2/34/5/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Sap-Sn. MSA S 1041-909. MdHR 9929-61. 2/35/1/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 So-Sta. MSA S 1041-910. MdHR 9929-62. 2/35/1/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Standard Salary Bd.. MSA S 1041-911. MdHR 9929-63. 2/35/1/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Stan-Sti. MSA S 1041-912. MdHR 9929-64. 2/35/1/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Sto-Teachers. MSA S 1041-913. MdHR 9929-65. 2/35/1/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Teachers-Tou. MSA S 1041-914. MdHR 9929-66. 2/35/1/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Tra-Tru. MSA S 1041-915. MdHR 9929-67. 2/35/1/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Tu-Une. MSA S 1041-916. MdHR 9929-68. 2/35/1/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Une-U.S. Naval Academy. MSA S 1041-917. MdHR 9929-69. 2/35/1/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 U.S. Naval Academy - U.S. War Dept.. MSA S 1041-918. MdHR 9929-70. 2/35/1/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 U.S. War Dept.. MSA S 1041-919. MdHR 9929-71. 2/35/1/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 University of MD. MSA S 1041-920. MdHR 9929-72. 2/35/1/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 University of MD-Veterans. MSA S 1041-921. MdHR 9929-73. 2/35/1/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Veterans-Vz. MSA S 1041-922. MdHR 9929-74. 2/35/1/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 Wa. MSA S 1041-923. MdHR 9929-75. 2/35/1/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1947-1948 We-Z. MSA S 1041-924. MdHR 9929-76. 2/35/1/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 A-Am. MSA S 1041-925. MdHR 10,629-1. 2/35/1/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Am-An. MSA S 1041-926. MdHR 10,629-2. 2/35/1/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 An-Au. MSA S 1041-927. MdHR 10,629-3. 2/35/1/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Av-Baltimore. MSA S 1041-928. MdHR 10,629-4. 2/35/1/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 BC: Bd. of Estimates-Police. MSA S 1041-929. MdHR 10,629-5. 2/35/1/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 BC Police. MSA S 1041-930. MdHR 10,629-6. 2/35/1/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 BC Public Welfare-Bas. MSA S 1041-931. MdHR 10,629-7. 2/35/1/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Bat-Bot. MSA S 1041-932. MdHR 10,629-8. 2/35/1/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Bou-Budget. MSA S 1041-933. MdHR 10,629-9. 2/35/1/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Budget. MSA S 1041-934. MdHR 10,629-10. 2/35/1/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Budget-Cal. MSA S 1041-935. MdHR 10,629-11. 2/35/1/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Cam-Cha. MSA S 1041-936. MdHR 10,629-12. 2/35/1/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Cha-Civ. MSA S 1041-937. MdHR 10,629-13. 2/35/1/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Civ-Com. MSA S 1041-938. MdHR 10,629-14. 2/35/1/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Comptroller. MSA S 1041-939. MdHR 10,629-15. 2/35/1/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Com-Conf. MSA S 1041-940. MdHR 10,629-16. 2/35/1/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Conf. MSA S 1041-941. MdHR 10,629-17. 2/35/1/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Conf-Cong. MSA S 1041-942. MdHR 10,629-18. 2/35/1/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Cong-Cont. MSA S 1041-943. MdHR 10,629-19. 2/35/1/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Cont-Coz. MSA S 1041-944. MdHR 10,629-20. 2/35/1/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Cr-Dem. MSA S 1041-945. MdHR 10,629-21. 2/35/1/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Dem-Don. MSA S 1041-946. MdHR 10,629-22. 2/35/1/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Dor-Edu. MSA S 1041-947. MdHR 10,629-23. 2/35/1/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Edu. MSA S 1041-948. MdHR 10,629-24. 2/35/1/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Edu-Emp. MSA S 1041-949. MdHR 10,629-25. 2/35/2/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Emp. MSA S 1041-950. MdHR 10,629-26. 2/35/2/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Emp. MSA S 1041-951. MdHR 10,629-27. 2/35/2/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Emp. MSA S 1041-952. MdHR 10,629-28. 2/35/2/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Emp-End. MSA S 1041-953. MdHR 10,629-29. 2/35/2/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 End-Ex. MSA S 1041-954. MdHR 10,629-30. 2/35/2/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Ex-Ez. MSA S 1041-955. MdHR 10,629-31. 2/35/2/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 F-Fi. MSA S 1041-956. MdHR 10,629-32. 2/35/2/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Fi-Fr. MSA S 1041-957. MdHR 10,629-33. 2/35/2/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Fr-Gam. MSA S 1041-958. MdHR 10,629-34. 2/35/2/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Gar-Gen. MSA S 1041-959. MdHR 10,629-35. 2/35/2/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Gen-Gi. MSA S 1041-960. MdHR 10,629-36. 2/35/2/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Go-Gr. MSA S 1041-961. MdHR 10,629-37. 2/35/2/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Gr-Hal. MSA S 1041-962. MdHR 10,629-38. 2/35/2/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Han-Hea. MSA S 1041-963. MdHR 10,629-39. 2/35/2/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Hea-Het. MSA S 1041-964. MdHR 10,629-40. 2/35/2/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Hi-Hz. MSA S 1041-965. MdHR 10,629-41. 2/35/2/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 I-Int. MSA S 1041-966. MdHR 10,629-42. 2/35/2/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Int-Jud. MSA S 1041-967. MdHR 10,629-43. 2/35/2/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Jud-K. MSA S 1041-968. MdHR 10,629-44. 2/35/2/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 L-Law. MSA S 1041-969. MdHR 10,629-45. 2/35/2/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Law-Lz. MSA S 1041-970. MdHR 10,629-46. 2/35/2/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 M-Mar. MSA S 1041-971. MdHR 10,629-47. 2/35/2/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Mar-Mel. MSA S 1041-972. MdHR 10,629-48. 2/35/2/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Mem-Men. MSA S 1041-973. MdHR 10,629-49. 2/35/2/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Men. MSA S 1041-974. MdHR 10,629-50. 2/35/2/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Mi-Mon. MSA S 1041-975. MdHR 10,629-51. 2/35/2/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Mon-Mot. MSA S 1041-976. MdHR 10,629-52. 2/35/2/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Mot-Mz. MSA S 1041-977. MdHR 10,629-53. 2/35/2/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 N. MSA S 1041-978. MdHR 10,629-54. 2/35/2/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 P-Par. MSA S 1041-979. MdHR 10,629-55. 2/35/2/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Par-Phy. MSA S 1041-980. MdHR 10,629-56. 2/35/2/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Phy-Pol. MSA S 1041-981. MdHR 10,629-57. 2/35/2/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Pol-Pos. MSA S 1041-982. MdHR 10,629-58. 2/35/2/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Pot-Pri. MSA S 1041-983. MdHR 10,629-59. 2/35/2/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Pri-Pu. MSA S 1041-984. MdHR 10,629-60. 2/35/2/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Pu. MSA S 1041-985. MdHR 10,629-61. 2/35/2/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Public Welfare-Public Works. MSA S 1041-986. MdHR 10,629-62. 2/35/2/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Bd. of Public Works. MSA S 1041-987. MdHR 10,629-64. 2/35/2/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1950-1951 Bd. of Public Works. MSA S 1041-988. MdHR 10,629-63. 2/35/2/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Pub-Rac. MSA S 1041-989. MdHR 10,629-65. 2/35/3/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Rac-Rev. MSA S 1041-990. MdHR 10,629-66. 2/35/3/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Rev-Roads. MSA S 1041-991. MdHR 10,629-67. 2/35/3/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Roads. MSA S 1041-992. MdHR 10,629-68. 2/35/3/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Roads. MSA S 1041-993. MdHR 10,629-69. 2/35/3/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Roads. MSA S 1041-994. MdHR 10,629-70. 2/35/3/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Roads. MSA S 1041-995. MdHR 10,629-71. 2/35/3/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Roads. MSA S 1041-996. MdHR 10,629-72. 2/35/3/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Roads-Sal. MSA S 1041-997. MdHR 10,629-73. 2/35/3/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Sam-Sha. MSA S 1041-998. MdHR 10,629-74. 2/35/3/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Shi-Som. MSA S 1041-999. MdHR 10,629-75. 2/35/3/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Sos-Spr. MSA S 1041-1000. MdHR 10,629-76. 2/35/3/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Spr-Stan. MSA S 1041-1001. MdHR 10,629-77. 2/35/3/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Stan-Staz. MSA S 1041-1002. MdHR 10,629-78. 2/35/3/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Ste-Sz. MSA S 1041-1003. MdHR 10,629-79. 2/35/3/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 T-Ter. MSA S 1041-1004. MdHR 10,629-80. 2/35/3/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Tes-Tra. MSA S 1041-1005. MdHR 10,629-81. 2/35/3/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Tra-Tub. MSA S 1041-1006. MdHR 10,629-82. 2/35/3/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Tu-Univ. MSA S 1041-1007. MdHR 10,629-83. 2/35/3/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Univ. MSA S 1041-1008. MdHR 10,629-84. 2/35/3/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Unit. MSA S 1041-1009. MdHR 10,629-85. 2/35/3/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Unit. MSA S 1041-1010. MdHR 10,629-86. 2/35/3/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Unit-Vis. MSA S 1041-1011. MdHR 10,629-87. 2/35/3/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Ve-Vz. MSA S 1041-1012. MdHR 10,629-88. 2/35/3/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 W-Was. MSA S 1041-1013. MdHR 10,629-89. 2/35/3/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Was-Wil. MSA S 1041-1014. MdHR 10,629-90. 2/35/3/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 Wi-Wz. MSA S 1041-1015. MdHR 10,629-91. 2/35/3/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1949-1950 X-Z. MSA S 1041-1016. MdHR 10,629-92. 2/35/3/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 A-Ala. MSA S 1041-1017. MdHR 11,608-1. 2/35/4/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Alc-All. MSA S 1041-1018. MdHR 11,608-2. 2/35/4/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Alm-Anne. MSA S 1041-1019. MdHR 11,608-3. 2/35/4/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Anne-App. MSA S 1041-1020. MdHR 11,608-4. 2/35/4/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 App-At. MSA S 1041-1021. MdHR 11,608-5. 2/35/4/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Au-Baltimore. MSA S 1041-1022. MdHR 11,608-6. 2/35/4/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Baltimore. MSA S 1041-1023. MdHR 11,608-7. 2/35/4/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Baltimore. MSA S 1041-1024. MdHR 11,608-8. 2/35/4/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 BC: Magistrates-Liquor. MSA S 1041-1025. MdHR 11,608-9. 2/35/4/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 BC: Orphans Court-Public Welfare. MSA S 1041-1026. MdHR 11,608-10. 2/35/4/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 BC: Public Welfare-Women's Court. MSA S 1041-1027. MdHR 11,608-11. 2/35/4/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 BA-Baz. MSA S 1041-1028. MdHR 11,608-12. 2/35/4/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Be-Bl. MSA S 1041-1029. MdHR 11,608-13. 2/35/4/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Bo-Bri. MSA S 1041-1030. MdHR 11,608-14. 2/35/4/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Bro-Budget. MSA S 1041-1031. MdHR 11,608-15. 2/35/4/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Budget-Bz. MSA S 1041-1032. MdHR 11,608-16. 2/35/4/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 C-Ca. MSA S 1041-1033. MdHR 11,608-17. 2/35/4/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Ce-Ci. MSA S 1041-1034. MdHR 11,608-18. 2/35/4/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Ci-Civil. MSA S 1041-1035. MdHR 11,608-19. 2/35/4/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Civil. MSA S 1041-1036. MdHR 11,608-20. 2/35/4/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Cle-Com. MSA S 1041-1037. MdHR 11,608-21. 2/35/4/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Com-Con. MSA S 1041-1038. MdHR 11,608-22. 2/35/4/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Conf-Cong. MSA S 1041-1039. MdHR 11,608-23. 2/35/4/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Congratulations. MSA S 1041-1040. MdHR 11,608-24. 2/35/4/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Congratulations. MSA S 1041-1041. MdHR 11,608-25. 2/35/4/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Congratulations. MSA S 1041-1042. MdHR 11,608-26. 2/35/4/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Congratulations. MSA S 1041-1043. MdHR 11,608-27. 2/35/4/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Congratulations. MSA S 1041-1044. MdHR 11,608-28. 2/35/4/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Congress-Contributions. MSA S 1041-1045. MdHR 11,608-29. 2/35/4/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Contributions. MSA S 1041-1046. MdHR 11,608-30. 2/35/4/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Contributions-Cou. MSA S 1041-1047. MdHR 11,608-31. 2/35/4/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Cou-Cri. MSA S 1041-1048. MdHR 11,608-32. 2/35/4/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Cro-Deg. MSA S 1041-1049. MdHR 11,608-33. 2/35/4/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Deh-Do. MSA S 1041-1050. MdHR 11,608-34. 2/35/5/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Do-Edu. MSA S 1041-1051. MdHR 11,608-35. 2/35/5/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Edu-Edw. MSA S 1041-1052. MdHR 11,608-36. 2/35/5/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Edw-Emp. MSA S 1041-1053. MdHR 11,608-37. 2/35/5/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Employment. MSA S 1041-1054. MdHR 11,608-38. 2/35/5/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Emp-Eng. MSA S 1041-1055. MdHR 11,608-39. 2/35/5/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Eng-Exe. MSA S 1041-1056. MdHR 11,608-40. 2/35/5/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Exe-Fa. MSA S 1041-1057. MdHR 11,608-41. 2/35/5/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Fe-Fir. MSA S 1041-1058. MdHR 11,608-42. 2/35/5/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Fisa-Fish. MSA S 1041-1059. MdHR 11,608-43. 2/35/5/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Fish-Fry. MSA S 1041-1060. MdHR 11,608-44. 2/35/5/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Fu-Ge. MSA S 1041-1061. MdHR 11,608-45. 2/35/5/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 General Assembly. MSA S 1041-1062. MdHR 11,608-47. 2/35/5/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Geo-Gif. MSA S 1041-1063. MdHR 11,608-46. 2/35/5/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Gif-Gov. MSA S 1041-1064. MdHR 11,608-48. 2/35/5/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Gov. MSA S 1041-1065. MdHR 11,608-49. 2/35/5/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Gov-Gre. MSA S 1041-1066. MdHR 11,608-50. 2/35/5/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Gre. MSA S 1041-1067. MdHR 11,608-51. 2/35/5/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Gri-Hard. MSA S 1041-1068. MdHR 11,608-52. 2/35/5/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Hare-Hea. MSA S 1041-1069. MdHR 11,608-53. 2/35/5/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Hea-Hob. MSA S 1041-1070. MdHR 11,608-54. 2/35/5/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Hoc-Hou. MSA S 1041-1071. MdHR 11,608-55. 2/35/5/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Hou-Hz. MSA S 1041-1072. MdHR 11,608-57. 2/35/5/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 I-Inf. MSA S 1041-1073. MdHR 11,608-56. 2/35/5/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Inf-Int. MSA S 1041-1074. MdHR 11,608-58. 2/35/5/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Int. MSA S 1041-1075. MdHR 11,608-59. 2/35/5/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Int-Inv. MSA S 1041-1076. MdHR 11,608-60. 2/35/5/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Invitations-Iz. MSA S 1041-1077. MdHR 11,608-61. 2/35/5/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 J. MSA S 1041-1078. MdHR 11,608-62. 2/35/5/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 K-Kol. MSA S 1041-1079. MdHR 11,608-63. 2/35/5/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Kom-Law. MSA S 1041-1080. MdHR 11,608-64. 2/35/5/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Law-Lind. MSA S 1041-1081. MdHR 11,608-65. 2/35/5/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Line-Mars. MSA S 1041-1082. MdHR 11,608-66. 2/35/5/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Mart-Mat. MSA S 1041-1083. MdHR 11,608-67. 2/35/5/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Mau-Med. MSA S 1041-1084. MdHR 11,608-68. 2/35/5/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Med-Mez. MSA S 1041-1085. MdHR 11,608-69. 2/35/5/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Mi-Mont. MSA S 1041-1086. MdHR 11,608-70. 2/35/5/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Mont-Mos. MSA S 1041-1087. MdHR 11,608-71. 2/35/5/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Mot-Moto. MSA S 1041-1088. MdHR 11,608-72. 2/35/5/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Motor-Nat. MSA S 1041-1089. MdHR 11,608-73. 2/35/5/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Nat-New. MSA S 1041-1090. MdHR 11,608-74. 2/36/1/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 New-Nu. MSA S 1041-1091. MdHR 11,608-75. 2/36/1/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Nu-Or. MSA S 1041-1092. MdHR 11,608-76. 2/36/1/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Op-Pa. MSA S 1041-1093. MdHR 11,608-77. 2/36/1/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Pat-Pho. MSA S 1041-1094. MdHR 11,608-78. 2/36/1/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Pho-Pla. MSA S 1041-1095. MdHR 11,608-79. 2/36/1/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Plu-Pol. MSA S 1041-1096. MdHR 11,608-80. 2/36/1/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Por-Pra. MSA S 1041-1097. MdHR 11,608-81. 2/36/1/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Pre-Pri. MSA S 1041-1098. MdHR 11,608-82. 2/36/1/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Pri-Pub. MSA S 1041-1099. MdHR 11,608-83. 2/36/1/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Public Improvements-Public Welfare. MSA S 1041-1100. MdHR 11,608-84. 2/36/1/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Public Welfare-Public Works. MSA S 1041-1101. MdHR 11,608-85. 2/36/1/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Public Works. MSA S 1041-1102. MdHR 11,608-86. 2/36/1/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Public Works. MSA S 1041-1103. MdHR 11,608-87. 2/36/1/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Pul-Ram. MSA S 1041-1104. MdHR 11,608-88. 2/36/1/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Ran-Re. MSA S 1041-1105. MdHR 11,608-89. 2/36/1/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Ren-Rep. MSA S 1041-1106. MdHR 11,608-90. 2/36/1/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Rep-Roads. MSA S 1041-1107. MdHR 11,608-91. 2/36/1/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Roads. MSA S 1041-1108. MdHR 11,608-92. 2/36/1/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Roads. MSA S 1041-1109. MdHR 11,608-93. 2/36/1/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Roads. MSA S 1041-1110. MdHR 11,608-94. 2/36/1/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Roads-Rz. MSA S 1041-1111. MdHR 11,608-95. 2/36/1/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 S-Sci. MSA S 1041-1112. MdHR 11,608-96. 2/36/1/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Sco-Sim. MSA S 1041-1113. MdHR 11,608-97. 2/36/1/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Sin-Sma. MSA S 1041-1114. MdHR 11,608-98. 2/36/1/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Sma-Som. MSA S 1041-1115. MdHR 11,608-99. 2/36/1/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Sos-Spe. MSA S 1041-1116. MdHR 11,608-100. 2/36/1/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Spi-Stan. MSA S 1041-1117. MdHR 11,608-101. 2/36/1/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Stan-State. MSA S 1041-1118. MdHR 11,608-102. 2/36/1/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Statements. MSA S 1041-1119. MdHR 11,608-103. 2/36/1/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 State-Syd. MSA S 1041-1120. MdHR 11,608-104. 2/36/1/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Sym-Sz. MSA S 1041-1121. MdHR 11,608-105. 2/36/1/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 T-Ter. MSA S 1041-1122. MdHR 11,608-106. 2/36/1/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Tes-Tra. MSA S 1041-1123. MdHR 11,608-107. 2/36/1/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Tra-Tz. MSA S 1041-1124. MdHR 11,608-108. 2/36/1/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 U-U.S. Coast Guard. MSA S 1041-1125. MdHR 11,608-109. 2/36/1/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 U.S. Commerce-University of MD. MSA S 1041-1126. MdHR 11,608-110. 2/36/1/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 University of MD-Vis. MSA S 1041-1127. MdHR 11,608-111. 2/36/1/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Vis-Wash. MSA S 1041-1128. MdHR 11,608-112. 2/36/1/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Wash-Wil. MSA S 1041-1129. MdHR 11,608-113. 2/36/1/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Will-Wo. MSA S 1041-1130. MdHR 11,608-114. 2/36/2/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Wo-Z. MSA S 1041-1131. MdHR 11,608-115. 2/36/2/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1952 Political. MSA S 1041-1132. MdHR 11,608-116. 2/36/2/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1952 Political. MSA S 1041-1133. MdHR 11,608-117. 2/36/2/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1952 Political. MSA S 1041-1134. MdHR 11,608-118. 2/36/2/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1952 Political. MSA S 1041-1135. MdHR 11,608-119. 2/36/2/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1952 Political. MSA S 1041-1136. MdHR 11,608-120. 2/36/2/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Speeches. MSA S 1041-1137. MdHR 11,608-121. 2/36/2/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Speeches. MSA S 1041-1138. MdHR 11,608-122. 2/36/2/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Speeches. MSA S 1041-1139. MdHR 11,608-123. 2/36/2/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Speeches. MSA S 1041-1140. MdHR 11,608-125. 2/36/2/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Speeches. MSA S 1041-1141. MdHR 11,608-126. 2/36/2/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951-1952 Teachers' Salaries. MSA S 1041-1142. MdHR 11,608-124. 2/36/2/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951 Teachers' Salaries. MSA S 1041-1143. MdHR 11,608-127. 2/36/3/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1951 Teachers' Salaries. MSA S 1041-1144. MdHR 11,608-128. 2/36/3/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 A-All. MSA S 1041-1145. MdHR 12,639-1. 2/36/3/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Al-Anna. MSA S 1041-1146. MdHR 12,639-2. 2/36/3/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 AA. MSA S 1041-1147. MdHR 12,639-3. 2/36/3/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Ant-Arm. MSA S 1041-1148. MdHR 12,639-4. 2/36/3/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Arm-At. MSA S 1041-1149. MdHR 12,639-5. 2/36/3/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Au-Ban. MSA S 1041-1150. MdHR 12,639-6. 2/36/3/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Baltimore assocs. & Assoc. of Commerce. MSA S 1041-1151. MdHR 12,639-7. 2/36/3/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 BC: Council-Transit. MSA S 1041-1152. MdHR 12,639-8. 2/36/3/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 BC: General-Magistrates. MSA S 1041-1153. MdHR 12,639-9. 2/36/3/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 BC: Liquor License-Police. MSA S 1041-1154. MdHR 12,639-10. 2/36/3/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 BC Police. MSA S 1041-1155. MdHR 12,639-11. 2/36/3/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Bank Comr.-J. Glenn Beall. MSA S 1041-1156. MdHR 12,639-12. 2/36/3/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Bee-Boo. MSA S 1041-1157. MdHR 12,639-13. 2/36/3/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Boo-Bri. MSA S 1041-1158. MdHR 12,639-14. 2/36/3/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Bro-Budget. MSA S 1041-1159. MdHR 12,639-15. 2/36/3/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Budget-Bz. MSA S 1041-1160. MdHR 12,639-16. 2/36/3/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 C-Case. MSA S 1041-1161. MdHR 12,639-17. 2/36/3/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Cash-Cho. MSA S 1041-1162. MdHR 12,639-18. 2/36/3/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Che-Civil Defense. MSA S 1041-1163. MdHR 12,639-19. 2/36/3/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Civil Defense-Cod. MSA S 1041-1164. MdHR 12,639-20. 2/36/3/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Coe-Comptroller. MSA S 1041-1165. MdHR 12,639-21. 2/36/4/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Comptroller-Conferences, A-L. MSA S 1041-1166. MdHR 12,639-22. 2/36/4/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Conferences, M-Z. MSA S 1041-1167. MdHR 12,639-23. 2/36/4/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Congratulations. MSA S 1041-1168. MdHR 12,639-24. 2/36/4/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Congress-Contributions, A-C. MSA S 1041-1169. MdHR 12,639-25. 2/36/4/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Contributions, D-R. MSA S 1041-1170. MdHR 12,639-26. 2/36/4/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Contributions, S-Z-Cos. MSA S 1041-1171. MdHR 12,639-27. 2/36/4/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Council-Cz. MSA S 1041-1172. MdHR 12,639-28. 2/36/4/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 D-Dep. MSA S 1041-1173. MdHR 12,639-29. 2/36/4/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Der-Dri. MSA S 1041-1174. MdHR 12,639-30. 2/36/4/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Dru-Education. MSA S 1041-1175. MdHR 12,639-31. 2/36/4/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Education-Ei. MSA S 1041-1176. MdHR 12,639-32. 2/36/4/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 El-Employees. MSA S 1041-1177. MdHR 12,639-33. 2/36/4/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Employees-Employment. MSA S 1041-1178. MdHR 12,639-34. 2/36/4/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 En-Endorsements, A-O. MSA S 1041-1179. MdHR 12,639-35. 2/36/4/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Endorsements, P-Z-Executive. MSA S 1041-1180. MdHR 12,639-36. 2/36/4/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1954 Executive Proclamations. MSA S 1041-1181. MdHR 12,639-37. 2/36/4/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 F-Federal Housing. MSA S 1041-1182. MdHR 12,639-38. 2/36/4/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Federal Power Com.-Foo. MSA S 1041-1183. MdHR 12,639-39. 2/36/4/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 For-Funeral Director. MSA S 1041-1184. MdHR 12,639-40. 2/36/4/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 G-Ge. MSA S 1041-1185. MdHR 12,639-41. 2/36/4/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 General Assembly. MSA S 1041-1186. MdHR 13,659-62. 2/37/2/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Geo-Gifts. MSA S 1041-1187. MdHR 12,639-42. 2/36/4/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Gifts-Gor. MSA S 1041-1188. MdHR 12,639-43. 2/36/4/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Governors. MSA S 1041-1189. MdHR 12,639-44. 2/36/4/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Governors. MSA S 1041-1190. MdHR 12,639-45. 2/36/4/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Gr-Greetings. MSA S 1041-1191. MdHR 12,639-46. 2/36/4/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Greetings. MSA S 1041-1192. MdHR 12,639-47. 2/36/4/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Gri-Hard. MSA S 1041-1193. MdHR 12,639-48. 2/36/4/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Hare-Health. MSA S 1041-1194. MdHR 12,639-49. 2/36/4/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Health-Hoo. MSA S 1041-1195. MdHR 12,639-50. 2/36/4/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Hon-Hz. MSA S 1041-1196. MdHR 12,639-51. 2/36/4/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 I-Inf. MSA S 1041-1197. MdHR 12,639-52. 2/36/4/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Ins-Interstate. MSA S 1041-1198. MdHR 12,639-53. 2/36/4/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Interviews-Iz. MSA S 1041-1199. MdHR 12,639-54. 2/36/4/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 J. MSA S 1041-1200. MdHR 12,639-55. 2/36/4/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 K-Kol. MSA S 1041-1201. MdHR 12,639-56. 2/36/4/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Kom-La. MSA S 1041-1202. MdHR 12,639-57. 2/36/4/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Le-Lind. MSA S 1041-1203. MdHR 12,639-58. 2/36/4/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Line-Lz. MSA S 1041-1204. MdHR 12,639-59. 2/36/4/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 M-Mar. MSA S 1041-1205. MdHR 12,639-60. 2/36/4/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 MD. MSA S 1041-1206. MdHR 12,639-61. 2/36/5/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Mau-Mez. MSA S 1041-1207. MdHR 12,639-62. 2/36/5/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Men-Mez. MSA S 1041-1208. MdHR 12,639-63. 2/36/5/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Mi-Mont. MSA S 1041-1209. MdHR 12,639-64. 2/36/5/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Mont-Motion. MSA S 1041-1210. MdHR 12,639-65. 2/36/5/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Motor-Mz. MSA S 1041-1211. MdHR 12,639-66. 2/36/5/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 N-National. MSA S 1041-1212. MdHR 12,639-67. 2/36/5/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Natural-Nz. MSA S 1041-1213. MdHR 12,639-68. 2/36/5/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 O-Pan. MSA S 1041-1214. MdHR 12,639-69. 2/36/5/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Pap-Pea. MSA S 1041-1215. MdHR 12,639-70. 2/36/5/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Pec-Pho. MSA S 1041-1216. MdHR 12,639-71. 2/36/5/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Phy-Pla. MSA S 1041-1217. MdHR 12,639-72. 2/36/5/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Plu-Police. MSA S 1041-1218. MdHR 12,639-73. 2/36/5/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Por-Pre. MSA S 1041-1219. MdHR 12,639-74. 2/36/5/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Pri-Public Improvements. MSA S 1041-1220. MdHR 12,639-75. 2/36/5/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Public Improvements-Public Service. MSA S 1041-1221. MdHR 12,639-76. 2/36/5/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Public Welfare-Public Works. MSA S 1041-1222. MdHR 12,639-77. 2/36/5/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Public Works. MSA S 1041-1223. MdHR 12,639-78. 2/36/5/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Public Works-Racing. MSA S 1041-1224. MdHR 12,639-79. 2/36/5/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Racing-Reg. MSA S 1041-1225. MdHR 12,639-80. 2/36/5/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Reh-Ri. MSA S 1041-1226. MdHR 12,639-81. 2/36/5/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Ro-Roads. MSA S 1041-1227. MdHR 12,639-82. 2/36/5/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Roads-Road Projects, A-K. MSA S 1041-1228. MdHR 12,639-83. 2/36/5/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Road Projects, L-Z. MSA S 1041-1229. MdHR 12,639-84. 2/36/5/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Rof-St. Lawrence. MSA S 1041-1230. MdHR 12,639-85. 2/36/5/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 St. Mary's-See. MSA S 1041-1231. MdHR 12,639-86. 2/36/5/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Sef-Sh. MSA S 1041-1232. MdHR 12,639-87. 2/36/5/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Si-Small Business. MSA S 1041-1233. MdHR 12,639-88. 2/36/5/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Small Defense Plants-Spe. MSA S 1041-1234. MdHR 12,639-89. 2/36/5/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Speeches. MSA S 1041-1235. MdHR 12,639-90. 2/36/5/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1954 Speeches. MSA S 1041-1236. MdHR 12,639-91. 2/36/5/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Spi-Stel. MSA S 1041-1237. MdHR 12,639-92. 2/36/5/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Stem-Sympathy, A-H. MSA S 1041-1238. MdHR 12,639-93. 2/36/5/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Sympathy, I-Z-Tax. MSA S 1041-1239. MdHR 12,639-94. 2/36/5/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Tax-Ti. MSA S 1041-1240. MdHR 12,639-95. 2/36/5/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 To-Traffic. MSA S 1041-1241. MdHR 12,639-96. 2/36/5/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Training-U. MSA S 1041-1242. MdHR 12,639-97. 2/36/5/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Unemployment-University of MD. MSA S 1041-1243. MdHR 12,639-98. 2/36/5/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 University of MD-U.S. Justice Dept.. MSA S 1041-1244. MdHR 12,639-99. 2/36/5/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 U.S. Labor Dept.-Uz. MSA S 1041-1245. MdHR 12,639-100. 2/36/5/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 V. MSA S 1041-1246. MdHR 12,639-101. 2/37/1/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 W-Washington Suburban. MSA S 1041-1247. MdHR 12,639-102. 2/37/1/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Wat-Wilk. MSA S 1041-1248. MdHR 12,639-103. 2/37/1/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1953-1954 Will-Z. MSA S 1041-1249. MdHR 12,639-104. 2/37/1/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 A-Ams. MSA S 1041-1250. MdHR 13,659-1. 2/37/1/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 AA-Ban. MSA S 1041-1251. MdHR 13,659-2. 2/37/1/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Baltimore assocs.-Baltimore Transit. MSA S 1041-1252. MdHR 13,659-3. 2/37/1/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 BC: General-Traffic Court Magistrates. MSA S 1041-1253. MdHR 13,659-4. 2/37/1/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 BC Public Welfare-Baz. MSA S 1041-1254. MdHR 13,659-5. 2/37/1/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Be-Br. MSA S 1041-1255. MdHR 13,659-6. 2/37/1/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Bu-CR. MSA S 1041-1256. MdHR 13,659-7. 2/37/1/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Cas-Civil Matters. MSA S 1041-1257. MdHR 13,659-8. 2/37/1/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Cl-Comptroller. MSA S 1041-1258. MdHR 13,659-9. 2/37/1/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Conferences. MSA S 1041-1259. MdHR 13,659-10. 2/37/1/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Congratulations-Cop. MSA S 1041-1260. MdHR 13,659-11. 2/37/1/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Constitutional Amendments-Contributions. MSA S 1041-1261. MdHR 13,659-12. 2/37/1/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Cor-Dep. MSA S 1041-1262. MdHR 13,659-13. 2/37/1/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Dental Examiners-Educational Television. MSA S 1041-1263. MdHR 13,659-14. 2/37/1/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Education and Finance-Employment. MSA S 1041-1264. MdHR 13,659-15. 2/37/1/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Employment-Endorsements, A-Ma. MSA S 1041-1265. MdHR 13,659-16. 2/37/1/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Endorsements, Mc-Z-Executive Dept.. MSA S 1041-1266. MdHR 13,659-17. 2/37/1/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Executive Department, Proclamations. MSA S 1041-1267. MdHR 13,659-18. 2/37/1/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 F-Samuel David Flood. MSA S 1041-1268. MdHR 13,659-19. 2/37/1/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 For-Gey. MSA S 1041-1269. MdHR 13,659-20. 2/37/1/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 General Assembly-Gifts. MSA S 1041-1270. MdHR 13,659-21. 2/37/1/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Gifts-Governors Conferences. MSA S 1041-1271. MdHR 13,659-22. 2/37/1/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Governors Conferences-Greetings. MSA S 1041-1272. MdHR 13,659-23. 2/37/1/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Gri-Health Dept.. MSA S 1041-1273. MdHR 13,659-24. 2/37/1/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Health Dept.-Hou. MSA S 1041-1274. MdHR 13,659-25. 2/37/1/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Johns Hopkins Hospital Housing Authority-Interracial Com.. MSA S 1041-1275. MdHR 13,659-26. 2/37/1/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Intergovernmental Relations-Invitations. MSA S 1041-1276. MdHR 13,659-27. 2/37/1/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Invitations. MSA S 1041-1277. MdHR 13,659-63. 2/37/2/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Invitations, A-H. MSA S 1041-1278. MdHR 13,659-28. 2/37/1/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Invitations, G-M. MSA S 1041-1279. MdHR 13,659-29. 2/37/1/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Invitations, N-U. MSA S 1041-1280. MdHR 13,659-30. 2/37/1/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Invitations, U-Juvenile Delinquency. MSA S 1041-1281. MdHR 13,659-31. 2/37/1/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 K-Lau. MSA S 1041-1282. MdHR 13,659-32. 2/37/1/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Lav-Ly. MSA S 1041-1283. MdHR 13,659-33. 2/37/1/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 M-McB. MSA S 1041-1284. MdHR 13,659-34. 2/37/1/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 McC-Mil. MSA S 1041-1285. MdHR 13,659-35. 2/37/2/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Migratory Com.-Motion Picture Censors. MSA S 1041-1286. MdHR 13,659-36. 2/37/2/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Motor Vehicle Dept.-Natural Resources Bd.. MSA S 1041-1287. MdHR 13,659-37. 2/37/2/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Med-Parole and Probation. MSA S 1041-1288. MdHR 13,659-38. 2/37/2/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Pas-Pl. MSA S 1041-1289. MdHR 13,659-39. 2/37/2/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Planning Com.-State Police. MSA S 1041-1290. MdHR 13,659-40. 2/37/2/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Political-Port Authority. MSA S 1041-1291. MdHR 13,659-41. 2/37/2/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Post Mortem Examiners-Public Improvements. MSA S 1041-1292. MdHR 13,659-42. 2/37/2/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Public Improvements-Public Wefare. MSA S 1041-1293. MdHR 13,659-43. 2/37/2/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Bd. of Public Works. MSA S 1041-1294. MdHR 13,659-44. 2/37/2/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Bd. of Public Works-Radio and Television. MSA S 1041-1295. MdHR 13,659-45. 2/37/2/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Ran-Revenue Estimates. MSA S 1041-1296. MdHR 13,659-46. 2/37/2/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Ri-Roads and Streets. MSA S 1041-1297. MdHR 13,659-47. 2/37/2/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Road Projects-Roads, 12 year program. MSA S 1041-1298. MdHR 13,659-48. 2/37/2/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Rof-Schr. MSA S 1041-1299. MdHR 13,659-49. 2/37/2/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Schu-Sor. MSA S 1041-1300. MdHR 13,659-50. 2/37/2/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Soboloff Com.-Speeches. MSA S 1041-1301. MdHR 13,659-51. 2/37/2/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955 Speeches. MSA S 1041-1302. MdHR 13,659-60. 2/37/2/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1956 Speeches. MSA S 1041-1303. MdHR 13,659-61. 2/37/2/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Spi-State Office Bldgs.. MSA S 1041-1304. MdHR 13,659-52. 2/37/2/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Statements-Sympathy, A-M. MSA S 1041-1305. MdHR 13,659-53. 2/37/2/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Sympathy, N-Z. MSA S 1041-1306. MdHR 13,659-54. 2/37/2/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 To-U. MSA S 1041-1307. MdHR 13,659-55. 2/37/2/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Uniform State Laws-U.S.. MSA S 1041-1308. MdHR 13,659-56. 2/37/2/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 University Hospital-V. MSA S 1041-1309. MdHR 13,659-57. 2/37/2/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 W-Wh. MSA S 1041-1310. MdHR 13,659-58. 2/37/2/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1955-1956 Wi-Z, State Roads Com.. MSA S 1041-1311. MdHR 13,659-59. 2/37/2/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 A-Ans, inc. Accident Fund, Annapolis: Bus Terminal-Parking Facilities. MSA S 1041-1312. MdHR 14,729-1. 2/37/2/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 AA, Ant-Az, inc. Atomic Energy Com.. MSA S 1041-1313. MdHR 14,729-2. 2/37/2/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Athletic Com.-Aviation Com., Baa-Baq, inc. BC: Depts.-Electrical Examiners Bd.. MSA S 1041-1314. MdHR 14,729-3. 2/37/2/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 BC: Justices of the Peace-Public Welfare, BA. MSA S 1041-1315. MdHR 14,729-4. 2/37/2/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Bal-Boq, inc. Bank Comr.. MSA S 1041-1316. MdHR 14,729-5. 2/37/2/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Era of Progress and Governor's Reports, Bor-Bu. MSA S 1041-1317. MdHR 14,729-6. 2/37/2/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Bu-Cas, inc. CR. MSA S 1041-1318. MdHR 14,729-7. 2/37/3/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Cas-Ci, inc. CE, CH, Civil Defense, Civil Matter. MSA S 1041-1319. MdHR 14,729-8. 2/37/3/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Cl-Conq, inc. George Lightfoot Cole Case, Comptroller, Conferences, A-I. MSA S 1041-1320. MdHR 14,729-9. 2/37/3/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Conferences, J-Z, Congressional Matters. MSA S 1041-1321. MdHR 14,729-10. 2/37/3/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Conr-Coq, inc. Constellation Com., Contributions, A-S. MSA S 1041-1322. MdHR 14,729-11. 2/37/3/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Contributions, T-Z, Cor-Deg, inc. Corrections Dept., Council of State Governments, Crownsville State Hospital, School for the Deaf. MSA S 1041-1323. MdHR 14,729-12. 2/37/3/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Deh-Ed, inc. Dental Board, Diplomatic File, DO, Education Dept.. MSA S 1041-1324. MdHR 14,729-13. 2/37/3/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Education Dept., Higher Education Com., to Survey Employees Retirement, Ei-Em, inc. Employment Security Dept.. MSA S 1041-1325. MdHR 14,729-14. 2/37/3/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Employment Security Bulletins, En-Er, inc. Endorsements. MSA S 1041-1326. MdHR 14,729-15. 2/37/3/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 En-Fem, inc. Engineers Bd., Eudowood Hospital, Executive Dept., Relations Com.. MSA S 1041-1327. MdHR 14,729-16. 2/37/3/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Federal and State Relations Conferences, Fen-Fq, inc. Tidewater Fisheries, Floyd Death Case, Forests and Parks Dept.: Jones Falls, Valley Forests and Parks. MSA S 1041-1328. MdHR 14,729-17. 2/37/3/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Forests and Parks Dept., Fra-Gez, inc. FR, Funeral Directors Bd., Game and Inland Fish, GA, General Assembly, Geology, Mines and Water Resources. MSA S 1041-1329. MdHR 14,729-18. 2/37/3/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Gh-Go, inc. Gifts, Governors of other states. MSA S 1041-1330. MdHR 14,729-19. 2/37/3/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Governors Conference, Gre-Grik, inc. Green Bag Appointments, Green Com., Greetings. MSA S 1041-1331. MdHR 14,729-20. 2/37/3/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Greetings, Gril-Hee, inc. Hairdresser Bd., Hall of Records, HA, Health Dept.. MSA S 1041-1332. MdHR 14,729-21. 2/37/3/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Health Dept., Hef-Hoo, inc. Historic Annapolis, Historic Sites & Road Markers, Honorary Titles & Certificates. MSA S 1041-1333. MdHR 14,729-22. 2/37/3/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Homepathic Medical Society, Hoo-I, inc. Hopkins Hospital Housing Authority, HO, Introductory Letters, Information Dept., Insurance Dept.. MSA S 1041-1334. MdHR 14,729-23. 2/37/3/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Interviews, Israel, Invitations. MSA S 1041-1335. MdHR 14,729-24. 2/37/3/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Invitations, A-B. MSA S 1041-1336. MdHR 14,729-25. 2/37/3/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Invitations, C-G. MSA S 1041-1337. MdHR 14,729-26. 2/37/3/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Invitations, H-L. MSA S 1041-1338. MdHR 14,729-27. 2/37/3/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Invitations, M-P. MSA S 1041-1339. MdHR 14,729-28. 2/37/3/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Invitations, Q-U. MSA S 1041-1340. MdHR 14,729-29. 2/37/3/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Invitations, U-Z, J, inc. Jewish: National Foundation & Theological Seminary, Judicial Administration-Miles Com., Judicial Circuits, Juvenile: Delinquency Com. & Traffic Offenders Com.. MSA S 1041-1341. MdHR 14,729-30. 2/37/3/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 K-Lek, inc. Keep MD Beautiful Com., KE, Labor and Industry Dept., Land Office, Law Dept., Legal Holidays, Legislative: Council & Reference Dept.. MSA S 1041-1342. MdHR 14,729-31. 2/37/3/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Lel-Mat, inc. State Library, Liberia Visit, Loan Laws, MD: Manual, Names, Classified Employees, Historical Society, & State Bar Assoc.. MSA S 1041-1343. MdHR 14,729-32. 2/37/3/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Mau-Me, inc. Medical & Chirurgical Society, Medical Care Com., Medical Examiners Bd., Mental Hospitals, Mental Hygiene: Dept. & Review Bd., Gus Merchant Death Case. MSA S 1041-1344. MdHR 14,729-33. 2/37/3/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Mi-Mul, inc. Military Dept., Miners Hospital, MO, Montrose School, Morgan College, Motion Picture Censor Bd.. MSA S 1041-1345. MdHR 14,729-34. 2/37/3/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Motor Vehicles Dept., Mot-N, inc. National Organizations, National Capital Park & Planning Com., Natural Resources Bd., News Clippings, Nurses Examiners Bd.. MSA S 1041-1346. MdHR 14,729-35. 2/37/3/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 O-Pe, Inc. Optometry Bd., Osteopathic Bd., Parole & Probation, Patapsco: River Valley & Land Advisors Com., Patuxent Institute, Penal Labor Camp, MD Penitentiary, Personnel. MSA S 1041-1347. MdHR 14,729-36. 2/37/3/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Personnel, Pf-Pl, inc. Photographs, Pharmacy Bd., Physically Handicapped, State Planning Com., Medical Care Planning Com., Plumbing Bd.. MSA S 1041-1348. MdHR 14,729-37. 2/37/4/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Po-Pra, inc. State Police, Political. MSA S 1041-1349. MdHR 14,729-38. 2/37/4/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Port Authority, Post Mortem Examiners, Potomac River: Interstate Com. & Problems, Pre-Pt, inc. PG, Proclamations, A-B. MSA S 1041-1350. MdHR 14,729-39. 2/37/4/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Proclamations, C-Z, Psychologists Bd., Pu-Pz. MSA S 1041-1351. MdHR 14,729-40. 2/37/4/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Public Bldgs. & Grounds, Public Improvements, Public Service Com.. MSA S 1041-1352. MdHR 14,729-41. 2/37/4/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Public Welfare, Public Works, Q, inc. Queen Elizabeth Visit, QA. MSA S 1041-1353. MdHR 14,729-42. 2/37/4/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 R-Rh, inc. Rain Com., Racing Com., Real Estate Com., Reformatory for Males & Females, Republican: National Com. & Conventions, Requests. MSA S 1041-1354. MdHR 14,729-43. 2/37/4/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Requests, Research & Education Dept., Revenue Estimates Bd., Ri-Roe, inc. Roads: General, Weekly Reports, Applications. MSA S 1041-1355. MdHR 14,729-44. 2/37/4/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Roads: Toll Facilities, Reports, Projects, A-M. MSA S 1041-1356. MdHR 14,729-45. 2/37/4/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Road Projects, N-Z, Rof-Sal, inc. Roosevelt Assoc., Rosewood, St. John's College. MSA S 1041-1357. MdHR 14,729-46. 2/37/4/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 SM, Sam-Sem, inc. Sandy Point Park, Sanitary Disposal System, Segregation. MSA S 1041-1358. MdHR 14,729-47. 2/37/4/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Segregation, Self Survey Com., Selective Service, Sen-Sor, inc. Sheppard & Enoch Pratt Hospital, Small Business Comm., Small Loans, Judge Simon E. Sobeloff, Social Security. MSA S 1041-1359. MdHR 14,729-48. 2/37/4/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Society for Preservation of MD Antiquities, Soil Conservation Com., SO, Sos-Ss, inc. Southern Governors Conference, Southern Regional Education: Bd. & Conferences, Springfield State Hospital, Spring Grove State Hospital, Speeches. MSA S 1041-1360. MdHR 14,729-49. 2/37/4/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Speeches. MSA S 1041-1361. MdHR 14,729-50. 2/37/4/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Charles Stansbury Death Case, Standard Salary Bd., State Activities Com., State Capital Planning Com., State Office Bldgs.: Annapolis & Baltimore, State Programs: Organization & Finance, Statements for Publication, Strikes. MSA S 1041-1362. MdHR 14,729-51. 2/37/4/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Stu-Tho, inc. Subversive Activities Com., Supreme Bench, Sympathy, Tariffs, TA, Taxation, State Taxes Com., Teachers Colleges, Teachers Retirement, William C. Thomas Death Case, Thank You Letters. MSA S 1041-1363. MdHR 14,729-52. 2/37/4/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Thr-U, inc. Ticket Requests, Tobacco: Authority & Warehouse, Traffic: Court & Safety Com., Training School for Boys, State Treasurer, Trial Magistrates, Trophies, U.N., U.S. Unemployment Compensation, Uniform: Accounts Com. & Legislative Com.. MSA S 1041-1364. MdHR 14,729-53. 2/37/4/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 U.S. Depts., University of MD. MSA S 1041-1365. MdHR 14,729-54. 2/37/4/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 V-Was, inc. Unsatisfied Claims & Judgments, Annapolis Visit, Veterans Bonus, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Veterinary Medical Examiners Bd., War Memorial Com., War Records Com.. MSA S 1041-1366. MdHR 14,729-55. 2/37/4/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 W-Wil, inc. Washington Cemetery Bd., Washington College, WA, Washington Suburban Sanitary Com., Water Pollution Control Com., Water Resources, WI. MSA S 1041-1367. MdHR 14,729-56. 2/37/4/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1957-1958 Will-Z, inc. World Trade Citizen, WO, Workmen's Compensation Laws Com.. MSA S 1041-1368. MdHR 14,729-57. 2/37/4/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 A-An, inc. Accident Fund, Accountant's Bd., Aging, AL, American Assocs.. MSA S 1041-1369. MdHR 15,770-1. 2/37/4/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Annapolis, AA, Appeals Bd., Applications & Recommendations. MSA S 1041-1370. MdHR 15,770-2. 2/37/4/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Ar-Av, inc. Armed Forces Day, Assessments & Taxation Dept., Assateague Island Bridge, Atomic Energy Com., Athletic Com., Atlantic States Marine Fisheries, State Auditor, Aviation Dept.. MSA S 1041-1371. MdHR 15,770-3. 2/37/4/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Ba-Baq, inc. Baltimore: Assocs., Stadium, & Metro Transit Co., BC: Mayor & Circuit Court. MSA S 1041-1372. MdHR 15,770-4. 2/37/4/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 BC: E-Police. MSA S 1041-1373. MdHR 15,770-5. 2/37/4/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 BC: Police-S, BA, Bank Comr., Bar-Bas. MSA S 1041-1374. MdHR 15,770-6. 2/37/4/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Barrett School, Bat-Br, inc. Sen. Beall, Gov. Tawes Biography, Blind Com., Workshop for the Blind, Blood Bank, Boy Scouts, Boy's State, Boy's Village, Daniel Brewster. MSA S 1041-1375. MdHR 15,770-7. 2/37/5/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Bu-Cal, inc. Budget Information and Requests, Budget & Procurement Dept., CV. MSA S 1041-1376. MdHR 15,770-8. 2/37/5/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Cam-Ch, inc. Capital Planning, Capital Improvement, CA, CR, Centennial of Civil War Com., Central Payroll, CE, CH, Chesapeake Biological Lab., Children's Center. MSA S 1041-1377. MdHR 15,770-9. 2/37/5/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Chiropractic Examiners, Chronic Disease Hospital, Ci-Cono, inc. City-County Fiscal Relations, Civil Aeronautics Bd., Civil Matter, Civil Rights, Civil Defense, Code of Ethics, Community Chest. MSA S 1041-1378. MdHR 15,770-10. 2/37/5/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Comptroller of the Treasury, Conferences, A-E. MSA S 1041-1379. MdHR 15,770-11. 2/37/5/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Conferences, F-Nat. MSA S 1041-1380. MdHR 15,770-12. 2/37/5/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Conferences, Nav-Z. MSA S 1041-1381. MdHR 15,770-13. 2/37/5/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Congressional Matter, Conr-Coz, inc. Constitutional Amendment, Corrections Bd., Courts Admr., Courtesy Cards. MSA S 1041-1382. MdHR 15,770-14. 2/37/5/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Council of State Governments, Cr-Dil, inc., Crownsville State Hospital, Crusade for Freedom, School for the Deaf, Dickinson College. MSA S 1041-1383. MdHR 15,770-15. 2/37/5/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Dim-Ec, inc. DO, Economic Develop Com., Eastern Shore State Hospital. MSA S 1041-1384. MdHR 15,770-16. 2/37/5/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Ed-Em, inc. Education Dept., Egg Production Com., Dwight Eisenhower, Elected State Officials, Presidential Electors, Employees: Credit Union & Retirement System. MSA S 1041-1385. MdHR 15,770-17. 2/37/5/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Employment Security, En-Er, inc. Endorsements. MSA S 1041-1386. MdHR 15,770-18. 2/37/5/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Endorsements, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Er-Fle, inc. Extraditions, Eudowood Sanatorium, Federal: Aid to Education, Civil Defense, Communications Com., Housing Adm., Power Com., & State Relations, Fire, Fiscal Relationship, Tidewater Fisheries Dept.. MSA S 1041-1387. MdHR 15,770-19. 2/37/5/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Tidewater Fisheries Dept., Fli-Fo, inc. Fort Washington Water Problem, Forestry Camp, Forests & Parks, Seneca Creek State Park. MSA S 1041-1388. MdHR 15,770-20. 2/37/5/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Forests & Parks Wardens, Fr-Ge, inc. FR, Friendship Airport, Fulbright Com., Funeral Directors & Embalmers, Game & Inland Fish, Gas Tax Fund & Motor Veh. Revenue Fund Dist. Com., GA, Gen. Assembly, Geology, Mines & Water Resources, Get Well Messages. MSA S 1041-1389. MdHR 15,770-21. 2/37/5/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Gh-Gra, inc. Gifts, Government Efficiency & Economy Com., Governors of other states, Governors Conferences. MSA S 1041-1390. MdHR 15,770-22. 2/37/5/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Gre-Han, inc. Greetings, Gunpowder River Valley Park Com., Hairdresser & Beauty Culturist Bd., Hall of Records. MSA S 1041-1391. MdHR 15,770-23. 2/37/5/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Har-Hee, inc. Handicapped, HA, Health Dept.. MSA S 1041-1392. MdHR 15,770-24. 2/37/5/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Health Dept., Hef-Hold, inc. High School Drivers Program. MSA S 1041-1393. MdHR 15,770-25. 2/37/5/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Hole-I, inc. Honorary Citations, Johns Hopkins: Hospital & University, Hospital for Consumptives, House of Correction, Housing Authority, HO, Hygiene Com., Illegitimacy Com., I Am An American Day, Industrial Accident Com., Information Dept., Israel. MSA S 1041-1394. MdHR 15,770-26. 2/37/5/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Insurance Dept., Inter-governmental Relations Com., Interracial Com., Interstate Commerce Com.. MSA S 1041-1395. MdHR 15,770-27. 2/37/5/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Interviews, J, inc. Sen. Jones, Rep. Thomas F. Johnson, Juvenile Delinquency Com., Judiciary. MSA S 1041-1396. MdHR 15,770-28. 2/37/5/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Judicial. MSA S 1041-1397. MdHR 50,270-376. 2/37/1/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Judiciary, K, inc. Keep MD Beautiful, KE. MSA S 1041-1398. MdHR 15,770-29. 2/37/5/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 L-Lind, inc. Labor & Industry, Labor Laws Com., Land Office, Land, Law Dept., Law Examiners Bd., Legislative: Council & Reference, State Library, Library Extension Div.. MSA S 1041-1399. MdHR 15,770-30. 2/37/5/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Line-Mat, inc. Loan Laws, MD Manual, MD Names, A-H. MSA S 1041-1400. MdHR 15,770-31. 2/38/1/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 MD Names, L-Z, Mau-Me, inc. Medical & Chirurgical Faculty, Medical Bd. for Industrial Accident Com. & Occupational Disease, Medical Care Com., Medical Examiners Bd., Mental Hygiene, Conditions of Mental Hygiene Institutions. MSA S 1041-1401. MdHR 15,770-32. 2/38/1/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Mental Hygiene Day Care Center, Mental Hygiene, Mi-Mod, inc. Migratory Bird Laws, Military Dept.. MSA S 1041-1402. MdHR 15,770-33. 2/38/1/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Miners Hospital, Misc., Model Legislature, MO, Montrose School, Moo-Mul inc. Morgan College, Bus Registration Com., Fee-Seat Mile Tax, Motion Picture Censors Bd.. MSA S 1041-1403. MdHR 15,770-34. 2/38/1/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Motor Vehicles, Motor Vehicles Com., Mount Wilson TB Sanatorium, Mum-My, inc. Municipal Court: Reform & Permanent Com.. MSA S 1041-1404. MdHR 15,770-35. 2/38/1/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 N, inc. National Assocs., National Capital Park & Planning Com., Natural Resources Bd., Newspaper Clippings, New Citizens, Nuclear Energy Com.. MSA S 1041-1405. MdHR 15,770-36. 2/38/1/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Nuclear Energy Com., Nurses Examiners Bd., O-Pa, inc. Optometry Examiners Bd., Osteopathic Examiners, Parole & Probation, : Dept. & Cases, A-G. MSA S 1041-1406. MdHR 15,770-37. 2/38/1/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Parole and Probation: Cases, H-Z, & Monthly Reports, Patapsco Land Advisory Com., Patuxent Institute, MD Penitentiary, Pe-Pi. MSA S 1041-1407. MdHR 15,770-38. 2/38/1/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Perkins Hospital, Personnel, Pharmacy Bd., Physical Therapy Practitioners Bd., Planning Dept.. MSA S 1041-1408. MdHR 15,770-39. 2/38/1/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Planning Dept., Plumbing Bd., Po-Pra, inc. State Police, Police Com., Port Authority, Post Mortem Examiners, Potomac River & Interstate Commerce. MSA S 1041-1409. MdHR 15,770-40. 2/38/1/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Pre-Py, inc. PG, Prof. Engineers & Land Surveyors, Princess Anne College, Provident Hospital Com., Psychologists Examiners Bd., Public Bldgs. & Grounds, Public Improvements. MSA S 1041-1410. MdHR 15,770-41. 2/38/1/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Public Improvements, Public Safety Adm., Public Service Com., Public Welfare. MSA S 1041-1411. MdHR 15,770-42. 2/38/1/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959 Public Works. MSA S 1041-1412. MdHR 15,770-43. 2/38/1/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1960 Public Works. MSA S 1041-1413. MdHR 15,770-44. 2/38/1/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Proclamations, A-N. MSA S 1041-1414. MdHR 15,770-45. 2/38/1/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Proclamations, O-Z, Q-Ram, inc. QA, Racing Com.. MSA S 1041-1415. MdHR 15,770-46. 2/38/1/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Race Passes, Racing Com.: Harness Racing & Jockey Club, Radiation Control Com., Ran-Re, inc. Real Estate Com., Reformatory for Females & Males, Remission of Fines, Requests. MSA S 1041-1416. MdHR 15,770-47. 2/38/1/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Republican National Com., Research & Education: Chesapeake Biological Lab. & Western MD Branch, Revenue Estimates Bd., Ri-Ry, inc. Theodore Roosevelt Assoc., Rosewood State Training School. MSA S 1041-1417. MdHR 15,770-48. 2/38/1/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Roads: General, Beds, Toll Facilities Insurance Com., Maps, Williamsport Bridge Com., & Projects, A-E. MSA S 1041-1418. MdHR 15,770-49. 2/38/1/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Road Projects, G-Z & 12 year Program, S-Sal, inc. St. John's College. MSA S 1041-1419. MdHR 15,770-50. 2/38/1/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 SM, St. Mary's Female Seminary, Sandy Point Park, Sap-Se, inc. Savings & Loan, Scholarship Com., School Bus Tragedy-GA, Segregation, Selective Service, Self Survey Com.. MSA S 1041-1420. MdHR 15,770-51. 2/38/1/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Sha-Spe, inc. Sheppard & Enoch Pratt Hospital, Soil Conservation Com., Shore Erosion Com., Small Business Com., Social Security, SO, Southern Governors Conference. MSA S 1041-1421. MdHR 15,770-52. 2/38/1/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Southern Regional: Detention Center & Educational Bd., Spi-Sta, inc. Springield State Hospital, Spring Grove State Hospital, Standard Salary Bd., State Cars, State Office Bldgs: Annapolis, Baltimore, & Parking Com., Statements. MSA S 1041-1422. MdHR 15,770-53. 2/38/1/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Stea-Ter inc. Subversive Activities Com., Sunday Observance Com., TA, Taxations, Tax Advisory Com., Tax Court, Teachers: Retirement, Misc., & Colleges. MSA S 1041-1423. MdHR 15,770-54. 2/38/1/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Tes-U, inc. Ticket Requests, Tobacco Authority, Traffic Safety: Com. & Moral Aspects, Traffic Court, Training School for Boys & Girls, State Treasurer, Trial Magistrates, Trial Magistrates Com., Trophies. MSA S 1041-1424. MdHR 15,770-55. 2/38/1/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 United Dem. Women's Clubs, Uniformity of Legislation, U.N., U.S., University Hospital, University of MD, Unsatisfied Claims & Judgments, Upper Potomac River Com., Urban Renewal & Housing. MSA S 1041-1425. MdHR 15,770-56. 2/38/1/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 University of MD: Applications, Agriculture, Markets & Weights, Bd. of Regents, & Expansion Com., V-Vis. MSA S 1041-1426. MdHR 15,770-57. 2/38/1/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Visit to Annapolis, Vit-Wek, inc. Veterans: Adm., of Foreign Wars, Com., Bonus, & Medical Exams, War between the States Com., War: Ballot Com., Claims Com., Memorial Com., & Records Com.. MSA S 1041-1427. MdHR 15,770-58-1. 2/38/1/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Washington: Cemetery Com., College, & Suburban Sanitary Com., WA, Water Pollution Control Com., Watershed Projects, Western MD College. MSA S 1041-1428. MdHR 15,770-58-2. 2/38/1/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Wet-Z, inc. WI, Workmen's Compensation Laws Com., WO, YMCA, Youth Com., Young Democrats. MSA S 1041-1429. MdHR 15,770-59. 2/38/1/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959 Speeches. MSA S 1041-1430. MdHR 15,770-60. 2/38/1/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1960 Speeches. MSA S 1041-1431. MdHR 15,770-61. 2/38/1/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1959-1960 Congratulations, Public Works. MSA S 1041-1432. MdHR 15,770-70. 2/38/1/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 A-All, inc. Accident Fund, Accident Prevention Bureau, Public Accountants Bd., Ad Club, Advertising, Agriculture Bd., Aging Com., Alcoholism Com.. MSA S 1041-1433. MdHR 16,890-1. 2/38/2/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 AL, Alm-Ans, inc. American Assocs., Amphitheater Study Com., Annapolis, Historic Annapolis, AA. MSA S 1041-1434. MdHR 16,890-2. 2/38/2/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Ant-Az, inc. Antiquities Preservation, Apple Com., Applications, Appointments, Apprenticeship Council, Architects Bd., Area Redevelopment, Arts Council, Art Com.. MSA S 1041-1435. MdHR 16,890-3-1. 2/38/2/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Assateague Island: Bridge Construction Com. & WO Development Com., Assessments and Taxation Dept., Athletic Com., Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Com., Atomic Energy Com, State Auditor, Aviation Com.. MSA S 1041-1436. MdHR 16,890-3-2. 2/38/2/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 B-Ban, inc. Baltimore Names. MSA S 1041-1437. MdHR 16,890-4. 2/38/2/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 BC: General & A-Pe. MSA S 1041-1438. MdHR 16,890-5. 2/38/2/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 BC: Po-T. MSA S 1041-1439. MdHR 16,890-6. 2/38/2/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 BC Public Welfare, BA, Bank Com., Bar-Bed, inc. Barrett School, Sen. J. Glenn Beall. MSA S 1041-1440. MdHR 16,890-7. 2/38/2/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Bee-Brn, inc. Blue Cross, B'Nai B'Rith, Blind Com., School for the Blind, Workshop for the Blind, Blood Program, Blue Ribbon Com., Blue Sky Law, Boy Scouts, Boys' Village, J. Newton Brewer-Public Safety Com., Rep. Daniel B. Brewster. MSA S 1041-1441. MdHR 16,890-8. 2/38/2/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Bro-Bum, inc. Supplementary Budget, Budget Requests, Budget, Budget and Procurement Dept.. MSA S 1041-1442. MdHR 16,890-9. 2/38/2/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Bun-Char, inc. Bldgs. and Grounds, Sen. John Marshall Butler, CV, Bd. of Canvassers, Capital Planning Program, Case Com.. MSA S 1041-1443. MdHR 16,890-10. 2/38/2/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 CE, Civil War, Central Payroll, CH, Chas-Cla, inc. Chesapeake Bay: Com., Bridge, Bridge Fares Com., Admirals, & Dredge Disposal, Children's Center, Children & Youth Com., Chiropractic Examiners Bd.. MSA S 1041-1444. MdHR 16,890-11-1. 2/38/2/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Dorothy Christenson, Christmas, Chronic Disease Hospital, Church Home Hospital, Civitan, Civil Air Patrol, Civil Aeronautics Bd., Civil Matters. MSA S 1041-1445. MdHR 16,890-11-2. 2/38/2/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Civil Defense, Cle-Col, inc. Coal Com.. MSA S 1041-1446. MdHR 16,890-12. 2/38/2/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Com-Conq, inc. Commercial Codes Com., Community Chest Drive, Comptroller of the Treasury: Applications, Alcoholic Beverage Tax, Retail Sales Tax, Income Tax, Tobacco & Cigarette Tax, & Balance Sheets. MSA S 1041-1447. MdHR 16,890-13. 2/38/2/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Conferences & Conventions, A-L. MSA S 1041-1448. MdHR 16,890-14. 2/38/2/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Conferences & Conventions, M-Z. MSA S 1041-1449. MdHR 16,890-15. 2/38/2/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Congressional: Matters, Redistricting, & Records, Conr-Cop, inc. Constellation Com.. MSA S 1041-1450. MdHR 16,890-16. 2/38/2/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Contributions. MSA S 1041-1451. MdHR 16,890-17. 2/38/2/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Cor-Coz, inc. Correction: Bd., Dept., Com., & State Use Industry, Correctional Camp System Com., Cosmetologists Bd., Council of State Governments, Courts Adm. Office, Courtesy Cards. MSA S 1041-1452. MdHR 16,890-18. 2/38/2/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Cra-Dep, inc. Criminal Justice Com., Crownsville State Hospital, Crump Case, Cullen Hospital, Customs Collector, Day Care: Centers & Com., School for the Deaf, State Debt Com., Defective Delinquents, Democratic: National Com. & State Central Com.. MSA S 1041-1453. MdHR 16,890-19. 2/38/2/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Democratic: Platform, National Com., National Publicity, National Convention, Delegates, & State Central Com., Dental Examiners Bd., Der-Do, inc. Dickinson College, Diplomatic File. MSA S 1041-1454. MdHR 16,890-20. 2/38/2/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 DO, Du-Ec, inc. Eastern Shore State Hospital, Economy of Nation, Economic Development Com.. MSA S 1041-1455. MdHR 16,890-21. 2/38/2/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Economic Development: Calendar of Events and Advisors, Economic Stabilization Org., Egg Production Com., Education-Public School Financing Com., Higher Education: Com. & Loan Plan. MSA S 1041-1456. MdHR 16,890-22. 2/38/2/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Educational Television & Advisory Com., Vocational Education, Election Laws Com., El-Em, inc. Employees Retirement System, Employment Security & Advisory Com. & Appeals Bd.. MSA S 1041-1457. MdHR 16,890-23. 2/38/2/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 En-Er, inc. Endorsements, Engineers Bd., Engineers and Land Surveyors Bd.. MSA S 1041-1458. MdHR 16,890-24. 2/38/2/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Es-Fl, inc. Extradition, Rep. Fallon, Federal: Education Aid, Communications Com., Housing Adm., Power Com., & State Relations, Fire Marshall, Fiscal: Relations Com. & Research Bureau, Tidewater Fisheries Dept., Oysters & Oyster Shell Com.. MSA S 1041-1459. MdHR 16,890-25. 2/38/2/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Tidewater Fisheries, Flood Control, Food, Drug, Poison & Narcotic Laws Com., Fo-Fy, inc. Forests and Parks: Dept., Master Plan, & Com., FR, Rep. Samuel Friedel, Friendship Airport & Com., Funeral Directors & Embalmers. MSA S 1041-1460. MdHR 16,890-26. 2/38/2/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 G-Ge, inc. Game & Inland Fish Com., Rep. Edward A. Garmatz, Gasoline Prices Com., GA, Gathland Park, General Assembly, Geology, Mines and Water Resources Dept., Get Well Messages, Gifts. MSA S 1041-1461. MdHR 16,890-27. 2/38/2/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Gi-Gra, inc. Governors: Efficiency and Economy Com., Advisory Council, of Other States, & Conferences. MSA S 1041-1462. MdHR 16,890-28. 2/38/2/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Greetings, Gre-Gy, inc. Green Bag, Gunpowder Valley State Park Com.. MSA S 1041-1463. MdHR 16,890-29. 2/38/2/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 H-Hee, inc. Hall of Records, Employment of Handicapped Com., HA, Health & Dance Studio Study Com.. MSA S 1041-1464. MdHR 16,890-30. 2/38/2/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Health Dept.: Hospital Construction, Hospital Licensing Advisory Bd., Henryton Sanitorium, Montebello Hospital, Victor Cullen Hospital, Health & Mental Hygiene Bd., Hef-Hold, inc. High School Driver Education Program. MSA S 1041-1465. MdHR 16,890-31. 2/38/2/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Hole-Hy, inc. Home: Heating Oil Prices & Improvement Industry Com., Johns Hopkins: Hospital, University, & Citizens Adv. Com., Hospital: Costs Com. & for Consumptives, House of Correction, Honorary Titles & Awards, Housing Authority, HO, Hurricanes. MSA S 1041-1466. MdHR 16,890-32. 2/38/2/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 I, inc. I am an American Day, Pres. Kennedy, Israel & Bonds, Incentive Awards Bd., Injured Workers Rehab. Com., Insurance Dept., Insurance Interest & Usury, Intergovernmental Relations Com., Internal Revenue, Interracial: MS, Riverside Park, & Com.. MSA S 1041-1467. MdHR 16,890-33. 2/38/2/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Interstate: Commerce Com. & Oil Com.. MSA S 1041-1468. MdHR 16,890-34. 2/38/2/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Introductory Letters, Interviews, Invitations. MSA S 1041-1469. MdHR 16,890-35. 2/38/2/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Invitations, A-B. MSA S 1041-1470. MdHR 16,890-36. 2/38/2/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Invitations, B-C. MSA S 1041-1471. MdHR 16,890-99. 2/38/2/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Invitations, C-E. MSA S 1041-1472. MdHR 16,890-37. 2/38/2/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Invitations, F-H. MSA S 1041-1473. MdHR 16,890-38. 2/38/2/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Invitations, I-M. MSA S 1041-1474. MdHR 16,890-39. 2/38/2/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Invitations, M-P. MSA S 1041-1475. MdHR 16,890-40. 2/38/3/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Invitations, Q-T. MSA S 1041-1476. MdHR 16,890-41. 2/38/3/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Invitations, T-Z. MSA S 1041-1477. MdHR 16,890-42. 2/38/3/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 J, inc. James Report, Jewish War Veterans, Rep. Thomas F. Johnson, Juvenile Delinquency & Com., Judicial, Selection of Judges. MSA S 1041-1478. MdHR 16,890-43. 2/38/3/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Judicial Circuits, K-Kni, inc. Keep MD Beautiful, KE. MSA S 1041-1479. MdHR 16,890-44. 2/38/3/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Kno-Lib, inc. Thomas R. Kovel, Labor & Industry: Dept., Boiler Rules Bd., & Occupational Safety Bd., Labor Unions, Rep. Richard Lankford, Land Acquisition, Law Dept., Law Examiners Bd., U.S. Laws Com.. MSA S 1041-1480. MdHR 16,890-45-1. 2/38/3/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Proposed Legislation, Legislative: Council, Problems Com., & Reference Dept., Libraries & Legislation. MSA S 1041-1481. MdHR 16,890-45-2. 2/38/3/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Lic-Mat, inc. Loan Laws Adm., Magistrates, Manpower & Development Training Act, MD Manual, Martin Marietta, Rep. Charles Mathias. MSA S 1041-1482. MdHR 16,890-46. 2/38/3/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 MD Names, Mau-McKe, inc. Mayors. MSA S 1041-1483. MdHR 16,890-47. 2/38/3/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Mcki-Me, inc. Medical Care Com., Medical & Chirurgical Faculty, Occupational Diseases Medical Bd., Medical Examiners Bd., Mental Hygiene: Dept., Dark Corner, WBAL, Newsletters, & Reports. MSA S 1041-1484. MdHR 16,890-48. 2/38/3/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Mental Hygiene: Applications, Advisory Bd., & Review Bd., Metro Transit Authority, Mi-Mon, inc. Migratory: Bird Law Com., Labor, & Labor Com., Military Dept., Model Legislation, Miners Hospital, Misc., MO, Montrose School. MSA S 1041-1485. MdHR 16,890-49. 2/38/3/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Moo-My, inc. Morgan State College, Motor Bus Registration Com., Motion Picture: Censor Bd. & Machine Operators, Motor Vehicles: Dept. & Inspection Com., Mount Wilson Sanitorium. MSA S 1041-1486. MdHR 16,890-50. 2/38/3/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Municipal Court, Na, inc. National Organizations. MSA S 1041-1487. MdHR 16,890-51. 2/38/3/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Lists of Names, National Guard, Natural Resources: Com., Bd., Institute, Research & Education, & Western MD Branch, Ne-Ny, inc. New Citizens, Newsletter, Notary Public, Nuclear Energy Com., Nurses Examiners Bd.. MSA S 1041-1488. MdHR 16,890-52. 2/38/3/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 O-Pea, inc. Ocean City & Convention Hall Com., Office Emergency Plan, Optometry Examiners Bd., Osteopathic Examiners Bd., Parole & Probation. MSA S 1041-1489. MdHR 16,890-53. 2/38/3/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Patapsco River Valley Park, Patuxent Institute & Advisory Bd., Patuxent River Bridge Com., Payroll Deductions Com., Peace Corps, Pec-Pez, inc. MD Penitentiary, Perkins Hospital, Personnel Com. MSA S 1041-1490. MdHR 16,890-54. 2/38/3/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Pharmacy Bd., Photos, Physical Fitness Com., Physical Therapy Practitioners Bd., Pi-Pl, inc. Planning Com.. MSA S 1041-1491. MdHR 16,890-55. 2/38/3/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Plumbing Bd., Po-Pra, inc. MD State Police. MSA S 1041-1492. MdHR 16,890-56. 2/38/3/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Police Recommendations for Major Weber, Port Authority, Portraits & Com., Post Mortem Examiners, Potomac River & Interstate Commerce, Pratt Library, Pre-Pry, inc. Press Conferences. MSA S 1041-1493. MdHR 16,890-57. 2/38/3/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Proclamations. MSA S 1041-1494. MdHR 16,890-82. 2/38/4/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 PG, PG Peoples Court, Provident Hospital Com., Psychologists Bd., Pu-Py, inc. Public Improvements, Public Service Com.. MSA S 1041-1495. MdHR 16,890-58. 2/38/3/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Bd. of Public Works Secretary and Minutes. MSA S 1041-1496. MdHR 16,890-59. 2/38/3/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1962 Bd. of Public Works Agenda. MSA S 1041-1497. MdHR 16,890-60. 2/38/3/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961 Bd. of Public Works Agenda. MSA S 1041-1498. MdHR 16,890-61. 2/38/3/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Bd. of Public Works Minutes and Secretary. MSA S 1041-1499. MdHR 16,890-62. 2/38/3/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1962 Bd. of Public Works Agenda. MSA S 1041-1500. MdHR 16,890-63. 2/38/3/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Bd. of Public Works Agenda, 1963, Q-Ra, inc. Questionnaires, QA, Racing Commission, Race Passes, Race Laws Com., Race Com. of State Fair Bd., Harness Racing Com., Radiation Com.. MSA S 1041-1501. MdHR 16,890-64. 2/38/3/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Re-Rh, inc. Real Estate Com., Reapportionment Com., Reformatory for Females & Males, Register of Wills, Remission of Fines, Republican State Central Com., Resolutions, Requests. MSA S 1041-1502. MdHR 16,890-65. 2/38/3/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Research & Education, Revenue Estimates: Bd. & Monthly Reports, Ri-Roe, inc. Roads: General, Law Problems, Bids, Membership, Applications, Advisory Council, Toll Facilities, Chesapeake Bay Bridge, Toll Facilities Com., & Harbor Tunnel. MSA S 1041-1503. MdHR 16,890-66. 2/38/3/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Road Projects, A-Z, inc. Assateague Island, BA Beltway, Baltimore & Washington Express, Chesapeake Bay Bridge, Harbor Tunnel, Northeastern Expressway, Route Numbers, Williamsport Bridge. MSA S 1041-1504. MdHR 16,890-67. 2/38/3/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Rof-Sal, inc. Rosewood Training School, Frank C. Russell & Great Oak Manor, Safety Belts, Safety Training Com., Salvation Army, St. John's College. St. Joseph's Hospital, SM, St. Mary's: Female Seminary & Seminary Junior College. MSA S 1041-1505. MdHR 16,890-68. 2/38/3/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Sam-Schil, inc. Sandy Point Correctional Camp, Savings & Loan: Com., Assoc. Advisory Bd., Building & Loans Com., & Insuring Deposits Com., Science Center. MSA S 1041-1506. MdHR 16,890-69. 2/38/3/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Schim-Si, inc. School Dropouts Com., Scholarship Bd., Segregation, Selective Service & Draft Boards, Shaw House, Sheppard Pratt Hospital, Shore Erosion Com.. MSA S 1041-1507. MdHR 16,890-70. 2/38/3/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Slot Machines, So-Spe, inc. Social Security, Society for Preservation of Antiques, Soil Conservation, SO, Southern: Governors Conference & Regional Educational Bd., Speeches. MSA S 1041-1508. MdHR 16,890-71. 2/38/3/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Spi-Sup, inc. Springfield State Hospital, Spring Grove State Hospital, Standard Salary Bd., State Agencies List, State Cars, State Office Bldgs.: Annapolis, Baltimore, and Baltimore Space Utilization Com., Strikes. MSA S 1041-1509. MdHR 16,890-72. 2/38/3/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Subv. Activities Com., Sundry Claims Bd., Sur-Ter, inc. Surplus Prop., Susquehanna: River & State Park Adv. Com., Sympathy, TA, Tax: Com. & Court, Taxation, Taxation & Fiscal Matters Legis. Com., Teachers, Teachers: Retirement & Colleges. MSA S 1041-1510. MdHR 16,890-73. 2/38/3/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Tes-Tr, inc. Timber Severence Tax Com., Tobacco: Authority & Inspector, Traffic Court, Traffic Safety: Com. & Moral Aspects, Training School for Boys & Girls, State Treasurer, Trophies. MSA S 1041-1511. MdHR 16,890-74. 2/38/3/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Tu-U, inc. Turkey Incident, Unemployment, Unemployment: Compensation Laws Com. & Martin Marietta Co., Unions, United Democratic Women's Club, Uniform Legislation Com., Unsatisfied Claims & Judgments, U.S. Savings Bonds. MSA S 1041-1512. MdHR 16,890-75-1. 2/38/3/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Upper Potomac River Com., Urban Renewal & Housing Com., University Hospital. MSA S 1041-1513. MdHR 16,890-75-2. 2/38/3/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 University of MD, Universiy of MD: Expansion, Bd. of Regents, & U.S. Agriculture Dept., U.S. Depts.: General & A-AR. MSA S 1041-1514. MdHR 16,890-76. 2/38/3/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 U.S. Depts., At-W, V-Vis, inc. Visa Requests, Visits. MSA S 1041-1515. MdHR 16,890-77. 2/38/3/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Veterans: Adm., of Foreign Wars, & Com., Veterinary Medical Examiners, Vit-Weh, inc., Wage Study Com., War Memorial Com., Warfield Com., Washington College & Bd. of Governors, WA, Washington Suburban Sanitary Com.. MSA S 1041-1516. MdHR 16,890-78. 2/38/3/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Water: Management Survey Com. & Pollution Control Com., Water Resources: Com. & Economic Dev. Com., Water & Sewer Facilities: Baltimore Metro Area, Wei-Wes, inc. Welcome to MD, Public Welfare Bd., Welfare Assistance, Western MD: Hospital & College. MSA S 1041-1517. MdHR 16,890-79. 2/38/3/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 Wet-Wz, inc. WI, World's Fair, World Trade Week. MSA S 1041-1518. MdHR 16,890-80. 2/38/4/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1961-1962 WO, Workmens Compensation Laws Com., Workmens Compensation Com., X-Z, inc. Y.M.C.A.. MSA S 1041-1519. MdHR 16,890-81. 2/38/4/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 A-Ame, inc. Accident Fund, Accountants Examiners Bd., Ad Club, Aging Com., Agriculture Bd. & Advisory Bd., Air Pollution Control Com., Air Transform Survey Com., Alcoholism Com., AL. MSA S 1041-1520. MdHR 17,196-1. 2/38/4/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 American: Assocs., Landmarks Celeb., Legion, Annapolis, Historic Annapolis, AA, Ant-Arl. MSA S 1041-1521. MdHR 17,196-2. 2/38/4/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Society for Preservation of Antiquities, Appeals Court, Apple Com., Appalachian, Apprenticeship Com., Architects: Review Bd., Examiners Bd., & Plans Com., Area Redevelopment, Arm-As. MSA S 1041-1522. MdHR 17,196-3. 2/38/4/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Assateague Island. MSA S 1041-1523. MdHR 17,196-4. 2/38/4/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Arts Council, Assessments & Taxation, At-Ban, inc. Atlantic: Express Lines & States Marine Fish Com., Atomic Energy Com., Athletic Com., State Auditor, Autographs, Aviation Com., Award Com., Baltimore: Assocs. & Names. MSA S 1041-1524. MdHR 17,196-5. 2/38/4/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 BC: General & A-Po. MSA S 1041-1525. MdHR 17,196-6. 2/38/4/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 BC: Po-S. MSA S 1041-1526. MdHR 17,196-7. 2/38/4/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 BC Public Welfare, BA, Bank Com., Banking: Bd. & Laws Com., Bar-Bed, inc. Barrett School, Sen. J. Glenn Beall. MSA S 1041-1527. MdHR 17,196-8. 2/38/4/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Bee-Bul, inc. School for the Blind, Blood Program, Blue Cross, Boiler Laws Com., Bonds, Books, Boston Corridor Com., Boy Scouts, Boy's State, Boy's Village, Sen. Daniel Brewster. MSA S 1041-1528. MdHR 17,196-9. 2/38/4/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Budget: Correspondence, Capital, Legislative, Supplemental, & State, Budget and Procurement Dept.. MSA S 1041-1529. MdHR 17,196-10. 2/38/4/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Bldgs. & Grounds, Bun-Char, inc. CV, H. Everett Cannon, Cambridge Com., Capital Plan & Improvement Program, Captital Punishment, CA, CR, Census Figures. MSA S 1041-1530. MdHR 17,196-11. 2/38/4/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 CE, Civil War Centennial Com., Central Payroll, Ch, Chas-Cla, inc. Cheltenham, Chesapeake Bay Affairs, Chesapeake Bay, Chesapeake & Delaware Canal, Chesapeake Bay Passenger Service Com.. MSA S 1041-1531. MdHR 17,196-12-1. 2/38/4/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Children's Center & Advisory Bd., Child Welfare Advisory Bd., Children & Youth, Chiropractic Examiners Bd., Civil Rights, Chronic Disease Hospital, C.A. Bd.. MSA S 1041-1532. MdHR 17,196-12-2. 2/38/4/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Civil Defense, Civil Defense Directors and Advisory Com., Cle-Cono, inc. Coal Com., Commercial Code Com.. MSA S 1041-1533. MdHR 17,196-13. 2/38/4/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Comptroller of the Treasury: Applications, Alcoholic Beverage Tax, Retail Sales Tax, Income Tax, VA & MD Income, & Balance Sheets, Congratulations, Congressional: Redistricting, District 8, & Matters. MSA S 1041-1534. MdHR 17,196-14. 2/38/4/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Conferences & Conventions, A-M. MSA S 1041-1535. MdHR 17,196-15. 2/38/4/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Conferences & Conventions, N-Z, Congressional Matters. MSA S 1041-1536. MdHR 17,196-16. 2/38/4/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Conr-Coz, inc. Constellation Com., Constitutional Amendments, Consular Service, Contributions, Corrections: Dept., Applications, Advisory Com., & State Use Industry, Correctional Camps. MSA S 1041-1537. MdHR 17,196-17. 2/38/4/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Cosmetologists: Bd. & Com., Council of State Governments, County Government Com., Courtesy Cards, Courts Adm. Office. MSA S 1041-1538. MdHR 17,196-18-1. 2/38/4/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Cr-Cy, inc. Crab Derby, Credit Union, Crime Cases Com., Criminal Court, Crownsville State Hospital, Cuban Refugee Resettle Com., Victor Cullen State Hospital Com., Customs Collector. MSA S 1041-1539. MdHR 17,196-18-2. 2/38/4/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 D-Di, inc. Day Care: Com. & Services, School for the Deaf, State Debts Com., Deeds Com., Deers Head State Hospital, Democratic: National Com. & Conv., State Central Com., & Com. of Men & Women, Dental Examiners Bd., Detergents Com., Disasters. MSA S 1041-1540. MdHR 17,196-19. 2/38/4/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 District of Columbia, Do-Ea, inc. DO, Eastern Shore State Hospital, Economic Development Com.. MSA S 1041-1541. MdHR 17,196-20. 2/38/4/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Economic Development Com., Ed-Eh, inc. Education Dept.. MSA S 1041-1542. MdHR 17,196-21. 2/38/5/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Education Dept., Higher Education: Advisory Com., Loan, & Loan Corp., Educ. Television, Vocational Educ., Ei-Em, inc. Elec. Laws Com., Elections, Emergency Resources Com., Employment: Problems Com. & Com., Employees: Credit Union & Retirement System. MSA S 1041-1543. MdHR 17,196-22. 2/38/5/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Employment Security: Dept., Appeals Bd., Advisory Com., and Applications, En-Er, inc. Endorsements. MSA S 1041-1544. MdHR 17,196-23. 2/38/5/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Engineers Examiners Bd., Engineers & Land Surveyors Bd., Es-Ez, inc. Export Expansion Co., Executive Dept.: Governors Telecast, Applications, Secretary of State, E.C. Mester, Dennis Hoffman, E.J. Johnson, & Russel McCain. MSA S 1041-1545. MdHR 17,196-24. 2/38/5/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 F-Foo, inc. Fair Bd., Rep. Fallon, Federal: Communication Com. & Power Com., Fire, Fire: Marshall & Prevention Com., Flags, Flag House, Fiscal Relations & Com., Fiscal Research Bureau, Tidewater Fisheries Dept., Food & Drug Laws Com., Food Strike. MSA S 1041-1546. MdHR 17,196-25. 2/38/5/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 For-Gas, inc. Forests & Parks: Director, Forestry Camps, Applications, Master Plan, & Wardens, Forestry Camps Advisory Bd., FR, Rep. Sam Friedel, Friendship Airport, Frostburg State Teachers College. MSA S 1041-1547. MdHR 17,196-26-1. 2/38/5/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Fulbright Scholarship Com., Funeral Directors & Embalmers, Game & Inland Fish Com., Rep. Edward Garmatz, GA. MSA S 1041-1548. MdHR 17,196-26-2. 2/38/5/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Gat-Grd, inc. General Assembly, Geology, Mines & Water Resources, Geology Survey, Get Well Messages, Gifts, Girls State, Governor's Advisory Council. MSA S 1041-1549. MdHR 17,196-27. 2/38/5/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Governors: Conferences, Efficiency & Economy Com., Year Book, & of other States, Gre-Gz, inc. Greetings, Gunpowder River Valley Advisory Com.. MSA S 1041-1550. MdHR 17,196-28. 2/38/5/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 H-Hob, inc. Hagerstown Election Supervisors, Hairdressers & Beauty Culturists, Hall of Records, Employment of Handicapped Com., HA, Havre de Grace, Henryton Sanitorium, Matthew A. Henson. MSA S 1041-1551. MdHR 17,196-29-1. 2/38/5/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 High School Driver Education, Historic: Annapolis, Sites, Road Markers, & Landmarks, MD Historical Trust. MSA S 1041-1552. MdHR 17,196-29-2. 2/38/5/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Health Dept.. MSA S 1041-1553. MdHR 17,196-30. 2/38/5/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Hoc-Hou, inc. Holidays, Home Improvement Com., Homeopathic Medical Society, Honorary Awards & Citations, Johns Hopkins: Hospital & University, Hospital: Com., Costs Com., Council, & for Consumptives, House of Correction, Housing Authority. MSA S 1041-1554. MdHR 17,196-31. 2/38/5/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Hov-I, inc. HO, Hungary, Hunting Spaces Com., I Am An American Day, Illegitimacy Com., Incentive Awards Program, Insanity Laws Com., Injured Workers Rehabilitation Com., Insurance: Dept. & Com., Institution for Men & Women. MSA S 1041-1555. MdHR 17,196-32. 2/38/5/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Interest & Usury Law, Intergovernmental Relations Com., Intergovernmental Cooperation Com. & Advisory Com., Internal Revenue, Interstate Oil Compact, Interviews, Introductory Letters, Israel, Invitations. MSA S 1041-1556. MdHR 17,196-33. 2/38/5/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Interracial. MSA S 1041-1557. MdHR 17,196-34. 2/38/5/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Invitations, A-Fi. MSA S 1041-1558. MdHR 17,196-35. 2/38/5/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Invitations, Fl-N. MSA S 1041-1559. MdHR 17,196-36. 2/38/5/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Invitations, O-Z, Ja-Jd. MSA S 1041-1560. MdHR 17,196-37. 2/38/5/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Je-Ker, inc. Jewish War Veterans, Judicial Selection Com., Juvenile: Institutions & Delinquency, Judicial, Judicial Circuits, Re: David A. Harkness & Perry G. Bowen, Jr., Keep MD Beautiful. MSA S 1041-1561. MdHR 17,196-38. 2/38/5/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Judicial. MSA S 1041-1562. MdHR 50,270-375. 2/37/1/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Kes-Lei, inc. Know Your Government, Korean War Veterans, Labor & Industry Dept., Land Office, Land Acquisitions, Rep. Richard E. Lankford, Law Examiners Bd., Law Dept., Legislative: Council, Review Com., & Reference Dept.. MSA S 1041-1563. MdHR 17,196-39. 2/38/5/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Lel-Mat, inc. Libraries, Licensing Bd., Local Government Problems Com., Loan Laws, Loan Laws Com., Rep. Clarence Long, Manpower & Development Training Com., MD Manual, Rep. Charles M. Mathias. MSA S 1041-1564. MdHR 17,196-40. 2/38/5/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 MD Names. MSA S 1041-1565. MdHR 17,196-41. 2/38/5/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Mau-Mod, inc. Mayors, Medical Care Com., Medical & Chirurgical Faculty, Occupational Diseases Medical Bd., Medical Examiners Bd., Merit System, Mental Health Plan Com., Migratory Labor & Com., Military Dept., Miners Hospital, Model Legislation. MSA S 1041-1566. MdHR 17,196-42. 2/38/5/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Mental Hygiene: Dept. & Advisory Bd., Metro: Planning Com., Washington Com., & Transit Authority, Moe-Mon, inc. Money Lending Com., Monorail System, Montebello Hospital. MSA S 1041-1567. MdHR 17,196-43. 2/38/5/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 MO, Montrose School, Moo-Mul, inc. Morgan State College, Rep. Roger C.B. Morton, Mount Wilson Sanitorium, Motion Picture Censors Bd., Motor Vehicles: Dept. & Manslaughter Laws Com.. MSA S 1041-1568. MdHR 17,196-44. 2/38/5/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Mum-Ne, inc. Municipal Court, Re: Rubenstein Watts, Lists of Names, NAACP, National Organizations, Natural Resources, New Citizens, Newspaper Clippings, Newsletters, News Releases, Newspaper Hall of Fame. MSA S 1041-1569. MdHR 17,196-45. 2/38/5/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Ni-Par, inc. Niles Plan, Notaries Public, Nuclear Energy & Com., Nurses Examiners Bd., Ocean City & Convention Hall, Emergency Planning Office, Ohio River Basin Com., Optometry Examiners Bd., Osteopathic Examiners Bd., Pardons, Parks Council. MSA S 1041-1570. MdHR 17,196-46. 2/38/5/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Parole & Probation, Pas-Pe, inc. Patapsco: State Park & Land Advisory Com., Patuxent: River Bridge, Institution, & River Problems Com., Peace Corps, MD Penitentiary, Perkins Hospital, Personnel Dept.. MSA S 1041-1571. MdHR 17,196-47. 2/38/5/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Personnel, Pf-Pin, inc. Pharmacy Bd., Photographs, Physical Fitness Com., Physically Handicapped Employment, Physical Therapy Practitioners Bd., Pine Bluff State Hospital. MSA S 1041-1572. MdHR 17,196-48. 2/38/5/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Pio-Pop, inc. Planning: Com. & Dept., Plumbing Bd., Poems, Poet Laureate, Police Dept.. MSA S 1041-1573. MdHR 17,196-49. 2/38/5/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Planning Dept.. MSA S 1041-1574. MdHR 17,196-80-1. 2/39/1/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Police Dept., Political: Primary, Presidential Election, Senatorial, and Mayorality, Por-Pra, inc. Poultry Industry, Prayer. MSA S 1041-1575. MdHR 17,196-50. 2/38/5/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Port Authority, Post Mortem Examiners, Potomac River: Basin Interstate Com. & Fisheries Com.. MSA S 1041-1576. MdHR 17,196-51. 2/38/5/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Pre-Pry, inc. Pres. Kennedy, Pres. Johnson, Press Conferences & Releases, PG, Professional Engineers, Provident Hospital. MSA S 1041-1577. MdHR 17,196-52. 2/38/5/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Proclamations. MSA S 1041-1578. MdHR 17,196-53. 2/38/5/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Psychologists Examiners Bd., Pu-Py, inc. Public Education Financing, Public School Finance, Public Improvements, Public Welfare Bd., Bd. of Public Works. MSA S 1041-1579. MdHR 17,196-54. 2/38/5/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1964 Bd. of Public Works Minutes & Agenda. MSA S 1041-1580. MdHR 17,196-55. 2/38/5/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1964 Bd. of Public Works Agenda. MSA S 1041-1581. MdHR 17,196-56. 2/38/5/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Q-Rh, inc. QA, Racing Com., Race Badge, Radiation Control, Real Estate Com., Reformatory for Males, Referendum, Regional Planning Council, Register of Wills, Reimbursements Div., Remission of Fines. MSA S 1041-1582. MdHR 17,196-57. 2/38/5/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Republican National Com., Requests, Resources Development & Conservation, Revenue Estimates Bd., Ria-Roe. MSA S 1041-1583. MdHR 17,196-58. 2/38/5/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Rof-Rz, inc. Rosewood State Hospital, Roads: A-B, Toll Bridges, BA Beltway, & Baltimore Washington Expressway. MSA S 1041-1584. MdHR 17,196-59. 2/38/5/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Roads: C-Z, Harbor Tunnel, Kennedy Highway, Maps, Picnic Areas, Route Numbers, & Traffic Signs. MSA S 1041-1585. MdHR 17,196-60. 2/38/5/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 State Roads. MSA S 1041-1586. MdHR 17,196-80-2. 2/39/1/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 S-Schr, inc. St. John's College, St. Mary's College, SM, Savings & Loan, Scholarship Com. & Bd., School Dropouts. MSA S 1041-1587. MdHR 17,196-61. 2/39/1/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Schu-Sn, inc. Science Resources Advisory Bd., Seat Belts, Segregation, Selective Service, Sheppard & Enoch Pratt Hospital, Shore Erosion Com., Rep. Carlton R. Sickles, Slot Machine Com.. MSA S 1041-1588. MdHR 17,196-62. 2/39/1/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Small Business Com., So-Spe, inc. Social Security, Soil Conservation Com., SO, Southern: Governors Conference, Interstate Nuclear Bd., & Regional Education Bd., Speeches. MSA S 1041-1589. MdHR 17,196-63. 2/39/1/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Speeches, Sph-Std, inc. Springfield State Hospital, Spring Grove State Hospital, Standard Salary Bd.. MSA S 1041-1590. MdHR 17,196-64. 2/39/1/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Star Spangled Banner Com., State & County Finance, State: Agencies, Office Bldg., & Cars, Good Will Statements, Ste-Sy, inc. Strikes, Susquehanna River Basin Study. MSA S 1041-1591. MdHR 17,196-65. 2/39/1/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 T-Tr, inc. TA, Tax Court, Taxation, Tax Com., Teachers Retirement, Teachers Colleges, Testamentary Law, Tickets, Tobacco Authority, Tome Institute. MSA S 1041-1592. MdHR 17,196-66. 2/39/1/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Traffic Safety Com., Training Institutions, Training School for Girls & Boys, State Treasurer, Trial Magistrate System, Trophies, Trustees of State Colleges Bd.. MSA S 1041-1593. MdHR 17,196-67. 2/39/1/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Tuberculosis Hospitals, Tu-U, inc. Unemployment Compensation, Uniform Legislation, United Democratic Womens Club, U.N., University Hospital, Unsatisfied Claim & Judgment Fund, Urban Affairs Dept., Usury Laws Com., U.S., A-Ar. MSA S 1041-1594. MdHR 17,196-68. 2/39/1/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 U.S.: At-T, V, inc. Visa Requests, Veterans, Veterinary, Visit to Annapolis. MSA S 1041-1595. MdHR 17,196-69. 2/39/1/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 University of MD. MSA S 1041-1596. MdHR 17,196-70. 2/39/1/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 W-Weh, inc. Wage Com., War Memorial Com., War Records, Washington: Cemetery Com., College, Metro Area, Metro Council, & Sanitary Com., Water Pollution Control, Water Resources Com.. MSA S 1041-1597. MdHR 17,196-71. 2/39/1/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Watershed Projects, Wei-Wok, inc. Wesley College, Public Welfare Assistance, Welfare Dept., WI. MSA S 1041-1598. MdHR 17,196-72. 2/39/1/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 Wol-Z, inc. World Trade Week Citizens Co., Wye Institute, New York World's Fair, WO, Workmen's Compensation, Youth Com., Youth Employment, YMCA. MSA S 1041-1599. MdHR 17,196-73. 2/39/1/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1963-1964 New York World's Fair. MSA S 1041-1600. MdHR 17,196-74. 2/39/1/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 A-Ame, inc. Accident Fund, Public Accountancy Bd., Gov. Spiro T. Agnew Election, Agriculture Bd., Aging Com., Air Pollution Control, Alcoholism Com., Airplane Crash, AL. MSA S 1041-1601. MdHR 18,488-1. 2/39/1/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 American Assocs., Amf-An, inc. Anatomy Bd., Cruelty to Animals, Annapolis, Historic Annapolis, AA. MSA S 1041-1602. MdHR 18,488-2. 2/39/1/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Ap-Arc, inc. Appalachian, Appeals Bd., Court of Special Appeals. MSA S 1041-1603. MdHR 18,488-3. 2/39/1/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Apple Com., Applications, Appointments, Apprenticeship Council, Archeology Dept., Architects Examiners Bd., Ard-Az, inc. Area Redevelopment, Armed Forces Day, Arts & Humanities Com., Arts Council, Assessments & Taxation Dept.. MSA S 1041-1604. MdHR 18,488-4-1. 2/39/1/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Athletic Com., Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Com., Atomic Energy: Com. & Advisory Com., State Auditor, Aviation Com.. MSA S 1041-1605. MdHR 18,488-4-2. 2/39/1/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 B-Bam, inc. Baltimore Assocs., Baltimore Transit Co., BC, A-O. MSA S 1041-1606. MdHR 18,488-5. 2/39/1/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 BC, P-S. MSA S 1041-1607. MdHR 18,488-6. 2/39/1/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 BC Public Welfare, BA, Ban-Be, inc. Banking Com.. MSA S 1041-1608. MdHR 18,488-7. 2/39/1/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Bi-Bre, inc. Blackiston Island, School for the Blind, Blood Program, Blue Cross, Blue Sky Advisory Com., Bonds, Books, Bowie State College, Boy Scouts, Boy's State, Boy's Village, Rep. Daniel Brewster. MSA S 1041-1609. MdHR 18,488-8. 2/39/1/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Bri-Buk, inc. Budget & Procurement Dept.. MSA S 1041-1610. MdHR 18,488-9. 2/39/1/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Budget Legislation & Press Releases, Bul-Bz. MSA S 1041-1611. MdHR 18,488-10. 2/39/1/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Ca-Cg, inc. CV, Capital Planning, Capital City Com., Capital Punishment, CA, CR, Carvel Hall Paca House, Casselman's Bridge, Census Figures, CE. MSA S 1041-1612. MdHR 18,488-11. 2/39/1/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Centennial Com., Central Payroll Office, Cha-Chh, inc. CH, Chesapeake Bay Crossing, Chesapeake Bay, Chesapeake & Delaware Canal Project. MSA S 1041-1613. MdHR 18,488-12. 2/39/2/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Chesapeake Bay Affairs, Chi-Chz, inc. Children's Center, Child Welfare, Children & Youth Com., Chiropractic Examiners. MSA S 1041-1614. MdHR 18,488-13. 2/39/2/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Ci-Com, inc. Cigarette Smoking Health Advisory Com., Civil Aeronautics Bd., Civil Defense, Civil Matter, Coal Com.. MSA S 1041-1615. MdHR 18,488-14. 2/39/2/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Community Colleges, Comptroller of the Treasury, Cona-Conm, inc. Conciliation Court, Conflict of Interest. MSA S 1041-1616. MdHR 18,488-15. 2/39/2/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Conferences & Conventions, A-M. MSA S 1041-1617. MdHR 18,488-16. 2/39/2/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Conferences & Conventions, N-Z. MSA S 1041-1618. MdHR 18,488-17. 2/39/2/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Congratulations, Congressional Redistricting, Congressional Matters, A-H. MSA S 1041-1619. MdHR 18,488-18. 2/39/2/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Congressional: Matters, I-Z & Technical Services, Conn-Cons, inc. Constellation Com., Constitutional Convention Com.. MSA S 1041-1620. MdHR 18,488-19. 2/39/2/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Consumer Protection Officer, Cont-Cov, inc. Contributions, Coppin State College, Corrections: Bd. & Dept.. MSA S 1041-1621. MdHR 18,488-20. 2/39/2/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Cosmetologists Bd., Cosmetology Law Com., Council of State Governments, County & BC Officials, Courtesy Cards & Tickets, Courts Adm. Office, Cow-Cz, inc. Crime & Delinquency Com., Criminal: Justice Com., Laws Com., & Sentencing Com.. MSA S 1041-1622. MdHR 18,488-21-1. 2/39/2/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Crisfield, Hugh Cropper, Crownsville State Hospital, Cuban Refugee Com., Victor Cullen State Hospital. MSA S 1041-1623. MdHR 18,488-21-2. 2/39/2/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 D-Dis, inc. Data Processing Com., Day Care Com., School for the Deaf, State Debt Com., Deed Com., Deer's Head Hospital, Delmarva Advisory Council, Democratic: National Com. & State Central Com., Dental Examiners Bd., Dickinson College. MSA S 1041-1624. MdHR 18,488-22. 2/39/2/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Diplomatic File, Dit-Ec, inc. Doctor's General Practice Com., Donatable Food Program, DO, Double Defectives Com., Drug Addiction Com., Eastern Shore State Hospital. MSA S 1041-1625. MdHR 18,488-23. 2/39/2/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Economic Development: Dept. & Coordinating Com., Economic Opportunity. MSA S 1041-1626. MdHR 18,488-24. 2/39/2/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Economic Opportunity. MSA S 1041-1627. MdHR 18,488-25. 2/39/2/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Ed-Ef, inc. Education Dept.. MSA S 1041-1628. MdHR 18,488-26. 2/39/2/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Bd. of Education, Higher Education: Com. & Advisory Bd., Advisory Council Federal Facilities Act, Higher Loan Corp., Vocational Education & Advisory Com., Eg-Em. MSA S 1041-1629. MdHR 18,488-27. 2/39/2/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Employees: Credit Union, Problems Com., & Retirement System, Employment Security Dept., En-Eo, inc. Endorsements. MSA S 1041-1630. MdHR 18,488-28. 2/39/2/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Endorsements, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Ep-Fis, inc. Eudowood Sanitorium, Fair Bd., Rep. Fallon, Federal: Communications, Funds, & Power Com., Federal & State Relations, Fire, Fire Prevention: Award & Com., Fire Marshall, Firearms Safety Com.. MSA S 1041-1631. MdHR 18,488-29. 2/39/2/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Fiscal: Research Bureau & Relations, Fish Mortality Com., Fishing Com., Fit-Forl, inc. Forestry: Camps & Dept., Forests & Parks. MSA S 1041-1632. MdHR 18,488-30. 2/39/2/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Form-Gen, inc. FR, Rep. Samuel Friedel, Friendship Airport, Frostburg State College, Fulbright Scholarship Com., Funeral Directors & Embalmers, Game & Inland Fish, Rep. Edward Garmatz, GA. MSA S 1041-1633. MdHR 18,488-31. 2/39/2/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 General Assembly, General Assembly: Citizens Com. & Proposed Legislation, Geo-Go, inc. Geology, Mines & Water Dept., Geology Survey Com., Get Well Messages, Gifts, Girl's State, Government Efficiency & Economic Com., Governmental Advisory Council. MSA S 1041-1634. MdHR 18,488-32. 2/39/2/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Governors of other States, Governors Conferences, Gr-Gree, inc. Green Bag. MSA S 1041-1635. MdHR 18,488-33. 2/39/2/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Greetings, Gref-Hal, inc. Gunpowder River Valley Park, Hall of Records. MSA S 1041-1636. MdHR 18,488-34. 2/39/2/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Ham-Heb, inc. Handicapped Children, Handicapped Employment Com., HA, Havre de Grace, Health Insurance Com.. MSA S 1041-1637. MdHR 18,488-35. 2/39/2/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Health Dept.. MSA S 1041-1638. MdHR 18,488-36. 2/39/2/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Health Dept. Reports, Hec-Hoo, inc. Henryton State Hospital, High School: Driver Education & Dropouts Com., Highway Policy Problems, Hirshorn Collection Com., MD Historical Trust, Holidays, Home Improvements Com.. MSA S 1041-1639. MdHR 18,488-37. 2/39/2/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Honorary Awards & Titles, Hop-Hot, inc. Johns Hopkins: Hospital & University, Hospital Com.. MSA S 1041-1640. MdHR 18,488-38. 2/39/2/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Hospital: Council, Cost Com., & for Consumptives, Hou-Inn, inc. House of Correction, Housing Authority, HO, Hunting Spaces Com., I Am An American Day, Illegitimacy Com.. MSA S 1041-1641. MdHR 18,488-39-1. 2/39/2/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Inaugural File, Incentive Award Program, Income Tax Forms, Independence Day, Indigent Person Com., Industrial: Financing Authority & Development Financing, Injured Workers Com.. MSA S 1041-1642. MdHR 18,488-39-2. 2/39/2/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Ino-Ip, inc., Insurance Dept., Intergovernmental Relations Com., Interracial Com.. MSA S 1041-1643. MdHR 18,488-40. 2/39/2/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Interstate Commerce. MSA S 1041-1644. MdHR 18,488-93. 2/39/3/93
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Interstate: Commerce Com. & Oil Compact, Interview Requests, Ir-J, inc. Israel, Introductory letters, Jail Com., Jewish War Veterans. MSA S 1041-1645. MdHR 18,488-41. 2/39/2/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Judiciary, 1st-5th Circuits. MSA S 1041-1646. MdHR 18,488-42. 2/39/2/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Judiciary, 6th-8th Circuits, Juvenile: Delinquency & Services. MSA S 1041-1647. MdHR 18,488-43. 2/39/2/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 K-Ko, inc. Keep MD Beautiful, Kent Narrows, John F. Kennedy, KE, Francis Scott Key. MSA S 1041-1648. MdHR 18,488-44. 2/39/2/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Kr-Lh, inc. Labor & Industry Dept., Land Office, Land Acquisition, Land Jurisdiction, Land & Water Conservation Act Com., Law Dept., Legislative: Council & Reference Dept.. MSA S 1041-1649. MdHR 18,488-45. 2/39/2/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Li-Mass, inc. State Library, Loan Laws Admr., Rep. Clarence Long, Rep. H.G. Machen, Magistrates, Manpower Training Com., MD Manual, Marine Training School. MSA S 1041-1650. MdHR 18,488-46. 2/39/2/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 MD names. MSA S 1041-1651. MdHR 18,488-47. 2/39/2/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 MD Institution for Men & Women, Mast-Men, inc. Rep. Charles Mathias, Mayors, Medicare, Occupational Disease Medical Bd., Medical Care Com.. MSA S 1041-1652. MdHR 18,488-48-1. 2/39/2/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Medical & Chirurgical Faculty, Medical Care Advisory Bd., Medical Examiners Bd., Mental Hygiene Dept., Mental Illness Com., Mental Retardation. MSA S 1041-1653. MdHR 18,488-48-2. 2/39/2/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Mer-Mof, inc. Merit System, Metro Transit Authority, Migratory Labor, Military Dept., Mines Examination Bd., Bureau of Mines, Mineral Resources, Mining Laws Com., Miners Hospital, Misc., Model Legislation. MSA S 1041-1654. MdHR 18,488-49. 2/39/2/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Mog-Moz, inc. Montebello State Hospital, Montrose School, MO, Morgan State College, Rep. Rogers Morton, Mount Wilson Sanitorium, Motion Picture: Censors Bd. & Machine Operators. MSA S 1041-1655. MdHR 18,488-50. 2/39/2/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Motor Vehicles Dept., Mu-Mun, inc. Municipal Courts Com.. MSA S 1041-1656. MdHR 18,488-51. 2/39/2/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Mur-Ne, inc. Madalyn Murray, List of Names, National Organizations, National Capital Park & Planning Com., Natural Resources Bd., New Citizens File. MSA S 1041-1657. MdHR 18,488-52. 2/39/3/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Newspaper Clippings, Ni-Parr, inc. Northeast Corrider Transportation Com., Notaries Public, Nuclear Energy, Nurses Examiners Bd., Ocean City, Emergency Planning Office, Ohio River Basin Com.. MSA S 1041-1658. MdHR 18,488-53-1. 2/39/3/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Operation Understanding, Optometry Bd., Orphans Court, Osteopathic Examiners Bd., Oyster Industry Com.. MSA S 1041-1659. MdHR 18,488-53-2. 2/39/3/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Parole & Probation, Pars-Perr, inc. Partners of Alliance, Patapsco: Advisory Com. & State Park, Patronage Jobs, Patuxent Institute & Com., Patuxent River Watershed Act, Payroll Deductions & Com., Peace Corps, MD Penitentiary, Perkins State Hospital. MSA S 1041-1660. MdHR 18,488-54. 2/39/3/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Pers-Ph, inc. Pesticides Coordinating Com., Personnel Com., Pharmacy Bd., Physically Handicapped, Photographs, Physical Fitness Com.. MSA S 1041-1661. MdHR 18,488-55. 2/39/3/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Physical Fitness Com., Physical Therapy Practitioners Bd., Pi-Pn, inc. Pine Bluff State Hospital, Planning Com.. MSA S 1041-1662. MdHR 18,488-56. 2/39/3/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Plumbing Bd., Po-Polk, inc. Podiatry Examiners Bd., Poet Laureate, State Police, Political Candidates: Primary, General Election, Congressional, and Governorship. MSA S 1041-1663. MdHR 18,488-57. 2/39/3/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Political Primary, Poll-Pot, inc. Pony, Port Authority, Post Mortem Examiners Com.. MSA S 1041-1664. MdHR 18,488-58. 2/39/3/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Pou-Pren, inc. Potomac River: Basin, Interstate Advisory Com., Fisheries Com., & Compact Com., Poultry Industry, Enoch Pratt Free Library, Prayers in Public Schools, Prayer Breakfasts. MSA S 1041-1665. MdHR 18,488-59. 2/39/3/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Pres-Pry, inc. Pres. Johnson, Hyman Pressman, Press Conference & Releases, PG, Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors, Provident Hospital. MSA S 1041-1666. MdHR 18,488-60. 2/39/3/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Proclamations, A-P. MSA S 1041-1667. MdHR 18,488-61. 2/39/3/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Proclamations, Q-Z, Psychologists Examiners Bd., Pua-Pup, inc. Public School Finance, Public Improvements. MSA S 1041-1668. MdHR 18,488-62. 2/39/3/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Public Service Com., Public Welfare, Bd. of Public Works Agenda. MSA S 1041-1669. MdHR 18,488-63-1. 2/39/3/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965 Bd. of Public Works Agenda & Secretary. MSA S 1041-1670. MdHR 18,488-63-2. 2/39/3/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965 Bd. of Public Works Agenda. MSA S 1041-1671. MdHR 18,488-63-3. 2/39/3/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1966 Bd. of Public Works Agenda. MSA S 1041-1672. MdHR 18,488-63-4. 2/39/3/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Bd. of Public Works, A-Z & Minutes. MSA S 1041-1673. MdHR 18,488-64. 2/39/3/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Pur-Rea, inc. Questionnaire, QA, Racing Com., Laurel Racing, Radiation Control Advisory Bd., Railroad Mergers. MSA S 1041-1674. MdHR 18,488-65. 2/39/3/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Real Estate Com., Reapportionment, Reb-Reu, inc. Recreational Development, Referendum Petitions re Chesapeake Bay Bridge, Regional Planning, Register of Wills, Rehabilitation Center Com.. MSA S 1041-1675. MdHR 18,488-66. 2/39/3/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 State Reporter, Republican: National Com. & State Central Com., Requests. MSA S 1041-1676. MdHR 18,488-67. 2/39/3/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Rev-Rz, inc. Revenue Estimates Bd., Rosewood State Hospital. MSA S 1041-1677. MdHR 18,488-68. 2/39/3/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Roads: A-Z & Chesapeake Bay 2nd Crossing Com.. MSA S 1041-1678. MdHR 18,488-69. 2/39/3/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Road Projects, A-R. MSA S 1041-1679. MdHR 18,488-70. 2/39/3/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Road Projects S-Z, S-Sai, inc. St. John's College, St. Mary's City: Com. & Restoration, St. Mary's College. MSA S 1041-1680. MdHR 18,488-71. 2/39/3/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 SM, Sak-Sco, Inc. Salisbury State College, Salaries Com., Salvation Army, Savings & Loans, Scholarship Bd., School Dropouts, Science Center. MSA S 1041-1681. MdHR 18,488-72. 2/39/3/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Science Resources Advisory Bd., Scr-Smi, inc. Seafood Com., Selective Service, Shellfish Lab., Sheppard & Enoch Pratt, Shore Erosion, Rep. Carlton Sickles. MSA S 1041-1682. MdHR 18,488-73. 2/39/3/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Slot Machines, Small Business Com., Smo-So, inc. Social Security, Soil Conservation Com., SO, Southern: Governors Conference & MD Economy. MSA S 1041-1683. MdHR 18,488-74. 2/39/3/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Southern: Interstate Nuclear, Regional Education Bd., & Regional Advisory Bd., Sp-Stand, inc. Speeches, Springfield State Hospital, Spring Grove State Hospital. MSA S 1041-1684. MdHR 18,488-75. 2/39/3/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Standard Salary Bd., Stanf-Stec, inc. Star Spangled Banner, State & County Finance, State: Agencies, Cars, & Central Com., State Government Reorganization & Modernization, State Office Bldgs: Annapolis & Baltimore, State Use Industry. MSA S 1041-1685. MdHR 18,488-76. 2/39/3/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Statements, Sted-Tal, inc. Strikes, Strip Mining, Submerged Lands Control Com., Susquehanna: River Basin, State Park, & State Park Advisory Bd.. MSA S 1041-1686. MdHR 18,488-77. 2/39/3/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 TA, Tam-Tod, inc. Mrs. J.M. Tawes, Taxation, Tax Com., Tax Court, Tax Sheltered Annuities, Teachers Retirement, Tickets, Tobacco Authority. MSA S 1041-1687. MdHR 18,488-78. 2/39/3/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Toe-Trat, inc. Tome Institute, Tourism Com., Integovernmental Tourism, Towson State College, Traffic Safety Com.. MSA S 1041-1688. MdHR 18,488-79. 2/39/3/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Training School for Boys & Girls, Trau-Up, inc. State Treasurer, Trial Magistrates, Tri-County Council, Trophies, Trustees of State Colleges, Sen. Joseph D. Tydings. MSA S 1041-1689. MdHR 18,488-80. 2/39/3/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Uniformity of Legislation, Union File, U.N., U.S.: General & A-Ci. MSA S 1041-1690. MdHR 18,488-81. 2/39/3/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 U.S., Co-T, University Hospital, University of MD, A-F. MSA S 1041-1691. MdHR 18,488-82. 2/39/3/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 University of MD, G-Z, Unsatisfied Claims & Judgments, Urban Affairs, Ur-Vol., inc. Veterans: Adm., of Foreign Wars, & Com., Veterinary Medical Examiners, Visa Requests, Visits to Annapolis. MSA S 1041-1692. MdHR 18,488-83. 2/39/3/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Vocational Rehabilitation, Von-Was, inc. Wage & Hour Law Com., Walters Art Gallery, War: Ballot Com., Records Com., & Memorial Com.. MSA S 1041-1693. MdHR 18,488-84-1. 2/39/3/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Washington: Cemetery Com., Liason Office, Governors Office, College, Metro Area Passenger Carrier, Metro Area Joint Com., Metro Area Transit Com., Metro Council of Governments, & Suburban Sanitary Com.. MSA S 1041-1694. MdHR 18,488-84-2. 2/39/3/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 WA, Wat-Wel, inc. Water Pollution Control Com., Water Resources Com., Watersheds. MSA S 1041-1695. MdHR 18,488-85. 2/39/3/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Public Welfare Dept., Wen-Woo, inc. WI. MSA S 1041-1696. MdHR 18,488-86. 2/39/3/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1965-1966 Status of Women, Wor-Z, inc. WO, Workmens Compensation, World's Fair, World Series, World Trade Week, Wye Institute, Zoning & Planning. MSA S 1041-1697. MdHR 18,488-87. 2/39/3/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 A-Al, inc. Accident Fund, Ad Club, Advertising, Mrs. Spiro T. Agnew, Aging, Agricultural: Advisory Bd., Com., & Lands Preservation Com., Air Pollution Controls Council. MSA S 1041-1698. MdHR 19,037-1-1. 2/39/5/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Airport: Authority Transition Com., Zoning Bd., & Authority, Air Quality Control Advisory Com., Alcoholism, AL, Public Accountancy Bd.. MSA S 1041-1699. MdHR 19,037-1-2. 2/39/5/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Am-Arc, inc. American: Assocs., Legion, & Bicentennial, Anatomy Bd., Animals, Annapolis, Annapolis Art Festival, Historic Annapolis, AA Antiquities, Bd. of Appeals, Appeals Court, Appellate Court. MSA S 1041-1700. MdHR 19,037-2. 2/39/5/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Appalachia, Appalachian: Development Council, Com., & Council, Apple Com., Appointments, Applications. MSA S 1041-1701. MdHR 19,037-3. 2/39/5/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Apprenticeship & Training Council, Apprenticeship Information Center Advisory Com., Archaeology, Architects Bd., Architectural Review Bd., Ard-Az, inc. Armed Forces Day, Arts Council, State Owned Fine Arts, Assessments & Taxation. MSA S 1041-1702. MdHR 19,037-4-1. 2/39/5/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Athletic Com., Atlantic States Marine Fish Com., Atomic Energy: Com. & Advisory Com., State Auditor, Audits, Auto Insurance Com., Autographs, Aviation Com.. MSA S 1041-1703. MdHR 19,037-4-2. 2/39/5/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 B-Bam, inc. Baltimore: Assocs., Apprenticeship Information Advisory Com., Metro Transit Authority, Metro Area Mass Transit Development Steering Com., & Metro Area Com., BC, A-O. MSA S 1041-1704. MdHR 19,037-5. 2/39/5/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 BC, P-Z. MSA S 1041-1705. MdHR 19,037-6. 2/39/5/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 BA, Ban-Benj., inc. Bands, Bank Commr., Barber Examiners, Barrett School, Interfaith Baseball Games Com.. MSA S 1041-1706. MdHR 19,037-7. 2/39/5/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Benn-Bow, inc. School for the Blind, Workshop for the Blind, Blood Program, Blue Cross, Blue Sky Advisory Com., Boiler Law Com., Bonds, Bonding of State Employees Com., Books, Boston-Washington Corridor Transport Com., Bowie State College. MSA S 1041-1707. MdHR 19,037-8. 2/39/5/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Boy-Buk, inc. Boy Scouts, Boy's State, Boys Village, Sen. Daniel Brewster, Budget & Procurement, Budget. MSA S 1041-1708. MdHR 19,037-9. 2/39/5/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Budget. MSA S 1041-1709. MdHR 19,037-10. 2/39/5/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Bldgs. & Grounds, Bul-Cam, inc. CV, Cambridge Community Relations Com., Coop. Area Manpower Planning System, Canvassers Bd., Capital: City Com., Planning Program, Punishment, & Punishment Com., CA. MSA S 1041-1710. MdHR 19,037-11. 2/39/5/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Car-Che, inc. CR, Casselmans Bridge, Census Figures, Central Licensing Office, Central Payroll Office, CE, Charitable Solicitation Com., CH, Chesapeake Bay, Chesapeake & Delaware Canal Progect. MSA S 1041-1711. MdHR 19,037-12. 2/39/5/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Chesapeake Bay Affairs, Chi-Ci, inc. Childrens Center, Child Welfare Advisory Council, Children & Youth Com., Chiropractic Examiners Bd., Christman, Civil Aeronautics Bd., Civil Matter. MSA S 1041-1712. MdHR 19,037-13. 2/39/5/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Civil Defense, Civil Defense Advisory Bd., Civil Rights: Dr. King's Assassination, Disturbance at Bowie State College, BC Riots, Cambridge Disturbance, Misc. Riots, Salisbury Riots, & Governor's Speech to Black Leaders. MSA S 1041-1713. MdHR 19,037-14. 2/39/5/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Cl-Com, inc. Coal Com., Collective Bargaining Com., Misc. Commissions, Community Colleges, Bd. of Community Colleges, Community Relations Com., Comptroller of the Treasury: A-Z, Alcoholic Beverage Tax, Admission Tax, Gasoline Tax. MSA S 1041-1714. MdHR 19,037-15. 2/39/5/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Comptroller of the Treasury: Income Tax & Retail Sales Tax, Conferences & Conventions, A-C. MSA S 1041-1715. MdHR 19,037-16. 2/39/5/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Conferences & Conventions, D-R. MSA S 1041-1716. MdHR 19,037-17. 2/39/5/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Conferences & Conventions, S-Z, Congratulations, Congressional Acts, A-E,. MSA S 1041-1717. MdHR 19,037-18. 2/39/5/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Congressional Acts, F-Z, Congressional Technical Service Advisory Council, Con-Cons, inc. Conflict of Interest, Congressional Redistricting, Conservation Policy Com., Consular Service, Constellation, Constitutional: Amendments & Convention. MSA S 1041-1718. MdHR 19,037-19. 2/39/5/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Constitutional Convention: Com. & Study, Cont-Coo, inc. Contributions. MSA S 1041-1719. MdHR 19,037-20. 2/39/5/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Cool-Cot, inc. CAMPS, Coppin State College, Corporation Law Com., Correction Bd., Correction Dept.: Advisory Bd., Medical Advisory Bd., & Investigation of Penal Institutions, Correctional: System Com. & Services Dept., Cosmetologists Bd.. MSA S 1041-1720. MdHR 19,037-21. 2/39/5/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Cou-Dav, inc. Council of State Governments, Courtesy Passes, Courts Adm. Office, Credit Union, Crime: Com. & Investigating Com., Crime & Delinquency Com., Criminal: Court, Injuries Compensation Bd., & Laws Com.. MSA S 1041-1721. MdHR 19,037-22-1. 2/39/5/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Crownsville State Hospital, Victor Cullen State Hospital & Advisory Bd.. MSA S 1041-1722. MdHR 19,037-22-2. 2/39/5/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Daw-Dor, inc. Day Care Com., School for the Deaf, State Debt Com., Defective Delinquents Bd., Deers Head State Hospital, Defense Spending Com.. MSA S 1041-1723. MdHR 19,037-23-1. 2/39/5/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Delmarva Advisory Council & Peninsula Joint Com., Democratic State Central Com., Dental Examiners Bd., Diplomatic, Disaster, Communicable Diseases Com.. MSA S 1041-1724. MdHR 19,037-23-2. 2/39/5/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 DO, Dos-Ec, inc. Driver Education, Drug Addiction Com., Drug & Narcotic Addiction Neighborhood Corrective Centers Com., Eastern Shore State Hospital, Economic Development: Dept. & Advisory Com. on Tourism. MSA S 1041-1725. MdHR 19,037-24. 2/39/5/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Economic Opportunity & Coordinating Com., Ed-Ef, inc. Education Compact. MSA S 1041-1726. MdHR 19,037-25. 2/39/5/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Education: Dept. & Bd., Vocational Education: Dept. & Advisory Com., Higher Education: Advisory Com., Advisory Council, Minutes, Council, Title 1 Advisory Council, Facilities Act, Loan Corp. & Private Com.. MSA S 1041-1727. MdHR 19,037-26-1. 2/39/5/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Education Laws Com., Educational: Cultural Broadcasting Com. & Television Com., Vocational Education Rehabilitation. MSA S 1041-1728. MdHR 19,037-26-2. 2/39/5/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Eg-En, inc. Election Laws Adm. Bd., Electrical Examiners & Supervisors Bd., Sen. Meyer M. Emanuel, Jr., Emergency, Emergency Employment Program, Employment: Agencies Com. & Problems Com.. MSA S 1041-1729. MdHR 19,037-27-1. 2/39/5/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Employees: Credit Union, Retirement System, & Retirement Com., Employment Security Dept.: Bulletin, Advisory Council, Appeal Bd., & Unemployment Insurance Div., Endorsements. MSA S 1041-1730. MdHR 19,037-27-2. 2/39/5/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Engineers Examiners Bd., Engineers & Land Surveyors Bd., Ep-Ez, inc. Ethics Com., Eudowood Sanitorium, Executive Dept.: 1959-1967, Report to People, Schedule, General, Personnel, & Secretary of State. MSA S 1041-1731. MdHR 19,037-28. 2/39/5/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Exec. Dept.: Gov. Agnew Resignation, Gov. Mandel Election, Schedule, Coordinating Council, Expenses, State Police Detail, State House History & Architectural Features Com., Summer Employment Task Force, General, Staff, Govt. House, & Sec. of State. MSA S 1041-1732. MdHR 19,037-29. 2/39/5/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Executive Dept. Program Executives. MSA S 1041-1733. MdHR 19,037-30. 2/39/5/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Executive Dept. Programmers & Staff. MSA S 1041-1734. MdHR 19,037-31. 2/39/5/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 F-Fis, inc. Fair Bd., Fair Practices Code, Rep. George H. Fallon, Farm Property Disposition Com., State Farms, Federal: Aid Grants, Communications Com., Power Com. & State Relations, Fire, Fire Marshall. MSA S 1041-1735. MdHR 19,037-32. 2/39/5/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Firearms Safety Com., Fire Prevention Com., Fiscal Services Dept. Fiscal Com., City & County Fiscal Relations, Tidewater Fisheries Dept., Fish Mortality Com.. MSA S 1041-1736. MdHR 19,037-33-1. 2/39/5/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Fit-For, inc. Flag, Folklife Com., Food Market: Com. & Authority, Forests & Parks: General, Applications, Director, Master Planning Com., & Com., Forestry Camps & Advisory Bd.. MSA S 1041-1737. MdHR 19,037-33-2. 2/39/5/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Fos-Gar, inc. FR, Rep. Friedel, Friendship Airport & Transition Com., Frostburg Teachers College, Fulbright Com., Funeral Directors & Embalmers, Gambling Operations Com., Gambling Com., Game & Inland Fish Com., Game & Fish Laws Com., Rep. Garmatz, GA. MSA S 1041-1738. MdHR 19,037-34. 2/39/5/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Gas-Gol, inc. Gasoline Tax Revenues Distribution Highway Financing Com., Gault Decision, General Assembly: Com., Citizens Com., Misc., Special Session, Senate, Legislative Steering Com., & House. MSA S 1041-1739. MdHR 19,037-35-1. 2/39/5/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 General Assembly: Applications, Permanent Staffing, Special Coms., Proposed Legislation, & Expense Allowance Com., Geology Survey Com., Get Well Messages, Gifts, Girl's State. MSA S 1041-1740. MdHR 19,037-35-2. 2/39/5/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Gom-Gran, inc. B.F. Goodrich Co., Government Efficiency & Economy Com., Governors: of Other States, Advisory Council, Conferences, & Operating Economy Survey, Governmental Private Business Problems Com.. MSA S 1041-1741. MdHR 19,037-36. 2/39/5/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Grap-Grie, inc. Greek, Green Bag, Greetings. MSA S 1041-1742. MdHR 19,037-37. 2/39/5/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Grif-Heb, inc. Rep. Gilbert R. Gude, Gun Control Com., Gunpowder River Valley Park Advisory Com., Hagerstown Election Supervisors, Hairdressers & Beauty Culturists Bd., Sen. Edward T. Hall, Hall of Records. MSA S 1041-1743. MdHR 19,037-38-1. 2/40/1/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Handicapped: Children Educational Needs Com., Facilities in Public Buildings, Employment Com., & Inter-Departmental Council Advisory Com., HA, Health: Insurance & Com.. MSA S 1041-1744. MdHR 19,037-38-2. 2/40/1/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Health Coms., Comprehensive Health: Plan Inter-Agency Com., Plan Advisory Com., & Planning, Health Planning: Com., Inter-Agency Applications, & Advisory Council, Health Standards Com., Health Dept. Health & Mental Hygiene Dept., A-M. MSA S 1041-1745. MdHR 19,037-39. 2/40/1/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Health Dept., Health & Mental Hygiene Dept., N-Z, Hec-Hok, inc. Henryton State Hospital, Highway: Financing Com. & Safety Coordinator, Historic Annapolis, MD Historical Trust, Historic Sites & Road Markers, Hock Property. MSA S 1041-1746. MdHR 19,037-40. 2/40/1/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Hol-Hot, inc. Home Improvements Com., Homeopathic Medical Society, Honorary Awards, Johns Hopkins: Hospital & University, Hospital: Com. & Construction Advisory Bd.. MSA S 1041-1747. MdHR 19,037-41. 2/40/1/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Hospital: for Consumptives, Cost Analysis, Cost Com., & Council, Hou-Ip, inc. House of Correction, Housing: Authority & Standards Com., HO, Human: Relations Com. & Rights Com., I Am An American Day, Incentive Award Program & Bd., Income Maint. Com.. MSA S 1041-1748. MdHR 19,037-42-1. 2/40/1/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Independence Day, Ind. Dev. Financing Authority, Injured Workers Reh. Com., Insolvency Laws Com., Institution for Males & Females, Self Insurance Com., Insurance Industry Com., Interstate Oil Compact Com., Interest & Usury Com.. MSA S 1041-1749. MdHR 19,037-42-2. 2/40/1/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Insurance Dept. & Advisory Com., Intergovernmental: Cooperation, Cooperation Advisory Com., & Relations Com., Internship Program, Interstate Oil Compact, & Com., Interviews, Introductory Letters, Israel, It-Je, inc. Jewish War Veterans. MSA S 1041-1750. MdHR 19,037-43. 2/40/1/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Ji-Keh, inc. Job Corps & Skill Center Advisory Council, Judicial, Judicial: Nominating Com., Salary Pension Review Bd., Disabilities, & Selection, Judiciary: 1st-8th Circuits, Juvenile: Services Dept. & Interstate Compact, Keep MD Beautiful. MSA S 1041-1751. MdHR 19,037-44. 2/40/1/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Kei-Lad, inc. John F. Kennedy, Kent Narrows, KE, Kerner Report, Laboratory Schools, Labor & Government Relations Task Force & Com., Labor & Industry Dept.: General, Reports, Boiler Rules Bd., & Occupational Safety Advisory Bd.. MSA S 1041-1752. MdHR 19,037-45. 2/40/1/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Lae-Lawr, inc. Land Office, Land Acquisition, Federal Land Jurisdiction, Land Law Review Com., Land Reclamation Advisory Com., Land & Water Conservation Act, Latin American Affairs Com., Law Enforcement: Com., Adm. of Justice, & Training. MSA S 1041-1753. MdHR 19,037-46. 2/40/1/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Laws-Lod, inc. Law: Dept. & Examiners Bd., Legal Holidays, Legislative: Audit Office, Task Force, Office, Council, & Reference Dept., Lewis & Clark Expedition, Library Laws Com., State Library, Libraries, License Bd., Loan Laws. MSA S 1041-1754. MdHR 19,037-47. 2/40/1/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Loe-Mass, inc. Rep. Clarence D. Long, Rep. Harvey G. Machen, Management: Advisory Council & Information & Program, Manpower & Development Training Advisory Council, MD Manual, Maps, Marriage & Divorce Legislation Com.. MSA S 1041-1755. MdHR 19,037-48. 2/40/1/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 MD Names, A-N. MSA S 1041-1756. MdHR 19,037-49. 2/40/1/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 MD Names, O-Z, Mass Transit Development Com., Mast-Mc, inc. Rep. Charles McC. Mathias, Jr.. MSA S 1041-1757. MdHR 19,037-50. 2/40/1/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Me-Mid, inc. Wholesome Meat Advisory Council, Meat Inspection Authority, Medical & Chirurgical Faculty, Medical: Examiners Bd., Occupational Diseases Bd., & Care Com.. MSA S 1041-1758. MdHR 19,037-51-1. 2/40/1/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Mental: Health Laws Com., Hygiene Dept., Hygiene Com., & Retardation Interagency Com., Metro: Transit Authority, Transit Authority Advisory Council, Transit Com., & Washington Council of Government, Middle East Crises. MSA S 1041-1759. MdHR 19,037-51-2. 2/40/1/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Mie-Mon, inc. Migratory Labor, Military Dept., Mines Bureau, Mining Laws Com., Miners Hospital, Misc., Model: Cities & Legislature, Montebello State Hospital, Montrose School, MO. MSA S 1041-1760. MdHR 19,037-52. 2/40/1/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Moo-Moz, inc. Morgan State College & Bd. of Trustees, Rep. Rogers C. Morton, Motion Picture: Classification Com., Censor Bd., & Machine Operators, Motor Vehicles: Commercial Registration Com., Dept., & Inspection, Mount Wilson Sanitorium. MSA S 1041-1761. MdHR 19,037-53. 2/40/1/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Mu-Na, inc. Municipal Court & Com., Lists of Names, National Organizations, National Fire Prevention Com.. MSA S 1041-1762. MdHR 19,037-54. 2/40/1/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Natural Resources: Bd. & Federal Aid Project Reports, Ne-Ny, inc. Neighborhood Youth Corp., New Citizens, Newspaper Clippings, News Releases, Niles Plan Com., Northeastern Regional Transportaion Com.. MSA S 1041-1763. MdHR 19,037-55-1. 2/40/1/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Notaries Public, Nuclear Energy Com., Nurses Examiners Bd., Nursing Home Care. MSA S 1041-1764. MdHR 19,037-55-2. 2/40/1/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 O-Parr, inc. Obscenity Laws Com., Ocean City & Convention Hall, Occupational: Health & Safety Advisory Bd. & Diseases, Emergency Planning Office, Optometry Examiners Bd., Osteopathic Examiners Bd.. MSA S 1041-1765. MdHR 19,037-56-1. 2/40/1/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Pardons, Park Advisory Com., Parole & Probation Dept., Parole Bd.. MSA S 1041-1766. MdHR 19,037-56-2. 2/40/1/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Pars-Peto, inc. Partners of Alliance Program, Patapsco: Advisory Com. & State Park, Patuxent Institute, Patuxent Institution: Advisory Bd. & Review Bd., Patuxent River Watershed Act. MSA S 1041-1767. MdHR 19,037-57-1. 2/40/1/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Penal Institutions Investigation, MD Penitentiary, Perkins State Hospital, Petitions, Personnel Com., Pesticides & Herbicides Com., Personnel Dept.: Bulletins & Clinical Reports. MSA S 1041-1768. MdHR 19,037-57-2. 2/40/1/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Petr-Polk, inc. Pharmacy Bd., Photographs, Physical Fitness: Field Meet & Com., Physically Handicapped, Physical Therapy Practitioners Bd., Pine Bluff State Hospital. MSA S 1041-1769. MdHR 19,037-58-1. 2/40/1/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Planning Com., Plumbing Bd., Pocomoke River Canal, Podiatry Examiners, Poet Laureate, Special Police, Police Task Force Com.. MSA S 1041-1770. MdHR 19,037-58-2. 2/40/1/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 State Police, Police: Escorts, Physicians, Promotions, Reorganization, Retirement System Com., Supt., Deputy Supt., Trooper Applications, Bd. of Trustees, & Training Com., Political: Misc., Republican Platform, & Gov. Agnew. MSA S 1041-1771. MdHR 19,037-59. 2/40/1/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Political: Presidential, Vice Presidential, & Senatorial, Poll-Por, inc. Pollution Problems Com., Poor Peoples March, Port Authority, Portraits: Art Com.. MSA S 1041-1772. MdHR 19,037-60. 2/40/1/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Pos-Prim, inc. Post Mortem Examiners Com., Potomac River: Interstate Com., Basin Compact, Compact Com., Basin Interest Com., & Fisheries Com., Upper Potomac River Com., Poultry Industry. MSA S 1041-1773. MdHR 19,037-61-1. 2/40/1/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Enoch Pratt Library, Prayer, Preakness Festival Com., Pres. Johnson, Presidential Inauguration, Press: Conferences & Releases, A-C. MSA S 1041-1774. MdHR 19,037-61-2. 2/40/1/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Press Releases, D-Z, Prin-Prof, inc. Princess Anne College, Prison Study, PG. MSA S 1041-1775. MdHR 19,037-62. 2/40/1/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 PG, Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors, Prog-Pry, inc. Promotional Materials & Publications Com., Provident Hospital, Psychologists Examiners Bd., Proclamations, A-G. MSA S 1041-1776. MdHR 19,037-63. 2/40/1/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Proclamations, H-Z, Pu-Pup, inc. Public Bldgs. & Grounds. MSA S 1041-1777. MdHR 19,037-64. 2/40/1/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Public Improvements & Architectural Assignments, Public Improvements Bd., Public Improvements & Operations Report, Public Service Com., Bd. of Public Works Minutes. MSA S 1041-1778. MdHR 19,037-65. 2/40/1/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967 Bd. of Public Works Agenda. MSA S 1041-1779. MdHR 19,037-91. 2/40/2/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967 Bd. of Public Works Agenda. MSA S 1041-1780. MdHR 19,037-66. 2/40/1/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967 Bd. of Public Works. MSA S 1041-1781. MdHR 19,037-67. 2/40/1/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1968 Bd. of Public Works Agenda. MSA S 1041-1782. MdHR 19,037-68. 2/40/1/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Bd. of Public Works: Agenda, A-Z, Construction Loans, School Bds., Procedures & Secretary. MSA S 1041-1783. MdHR 19,037-69. 2/40/1/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Pur-Red, inc. Questionnaire, QA, Radiation Control Advisory Bd., Racing Com., Ratification Day, Real Estate Com., Reciprocity Agreements, Recreational Centers Com., Recreation Lands & Open Space Com.. MSA S 1041-1784. MdHR 19,037-70. 2/40/1/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Ree-Reu, inc. Reformatory for Males & Females, Regional Planning Council, Retail Credit Sales Com., Republican: A-Z, Governors Conference, Party Manager, National Com., National Coordinating Com., National Convention, State Central Com.. MSA S 1041-1785. MdHR 19,037-71. 2/40/1/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Requests. MSA S 1041-1786. MdHR 19,037-72. 2/40/1/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Requests, Rev-Ry, inc. Revenue Estimates Bd., Revolutionary War Bicentennial Commemoration Com., Rosewood State Hospital. MSA S 1041-1787. MdHR 19,037-73. 2/40/1/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Roads, State Roads Com., Chesapeake Bay Bridge Passes, Highway Maintenance, Harbor Tunnel Passes, Road Project Maps, Road Contracts, Toll Facilites Adm., Road Projects, A-C, inc. BA Beltway, Baltimore Washington Expressway. MSA S 1041-1788. MdHR 19,037-74. 2/40/1/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Road Projects: Chesapeake Bay Bridge Second Crossing, D-Z, inc. Harbor Tunnel, Kennedy Memorial Highway, Land Acquisition, Picnic Areas, Route Numbers, & Traffic Signs, St. John's College. MSA S 1041-1789. MdHR 19,037-75. 2/40/1/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 S-Schn, inc. St. Mary's: City Com. & College, SM, Salisbury State College, Salvation Army, Sandy Point Park, Sanitorian Registration, Savings & Loans Com., Savings & Loan Assocs.: Bd. & Dept.. MSA S 1041-1790. MdHR 19,037-76. 2/40/1/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Scho-Sil, inc. Scholarships Bd., Senatorial Scholarships, Scholarship Com., School Law Revision Com., Science Resources Advisory Bd., Selective Service & Draft Bds., Sheppard & Enoch Pratt Hospital. MSA S 1041-1791. MdHR 19,037-77. 2/40/1/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Sim-Som, inc. Smith, Small Business Com., Small Loans, Social Security, Social Services Dept., Public Welfare, Social Welfare Planning Com., Soil Conservation, SO. MSA S 1041-1792. MdHR 19,037-78. 2/40/2/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Son-Spe, inc. Southern: Governors Conferences, MD Economy Tri-County Council, Interstate Nuclear Bd., Regional Education Bd., Regional Highway Com., & Regional Coms., Sovereign Immunity, Space Com., Speeches. MSA S 1041-1793. MdHR 19,037-79. 2/40/2/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Spi-Stec, inc. Springfield State Hospital, Spring Grove State Hospital, Standard Salary Bd., Statements, State, A-G. MSA S 1041-1794. MdHR 19,037-80. 2/40/2/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 State, H-U, Sted-Tal, inc. Strikes, Strip Mining, Student Intern Program, Summer Employment Program, Sundry Claims Bd., Supreme Bench, Susquehanna River Basin, Susquehanna River Basin: Interstate Advisory Com. & Coordinating Com., TA. MSA S 1041-1795. MdHR 19,037-81. 2/40/2/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Tam-Tay, inc. State Tax Com., Taxation, Tax Compact, Taxes & Industry Exodus, Income Tax & Congressmen, Tax Reform. MSA S 1041-1796. MdHR 19,037-82. 2/40/2/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Tax Court, Taxation & Fiscal Problems Com., Tax Reform Com., Income Tax Com., MD Taxes Com., Te-Tre, inc. Teachers: College & Retirement Act, Technical Services Act, Testamentary laws, Tickets. MSA S 1041-1797. MdHR 19,037-83-1. 2/40/2/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Timonium-State Fair, Tobacco: Authority & Inspector, Tome Institute, Tort Claims Act & Sovereign Immunity Com., Tourism Advisory Com., Towson State Collete, Traffic Safety Com., Training School for Boys, Transportation Com., State Treasurer. MSA S 1041-1798. MdHR 19,037-83-2. 2/40/2/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Tri-Up, inc. Trophies, Trustees of State Colleges, Tuberculosis control Com., Sen. Joseph Tydings, U.N., Unemployment Com., Uniformity of Legislation, Union, U.S.: General. MSA S 1041-1799. MdHR 19,037-84. 2/40/2/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 U.S.: A-T, University Hospital, University of MD: Bd. of Regents, Weights & Measures Div., Applications, European Div., & Fire Extension Service. MSA S 1041-1800. MdHR 19,037-85. 2/40/2/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Unsatisfied Claims & Judgment Fund, Ur-Vi, inc. Urban Affairs, Veterans: Com., Adm., of Foreign Wars, & Home & Bd. of Managers Com., Veterinary Medical Examiners, Vietnam, Visit to Counties. MSA S 1041-1801. MdHR 19,037-86. 2/40/2/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Visit to Annapolis, Vo-Was, inc. Vocational: Education & Rehabilitation Study Group, Wage & Hour Law Advisory Com., War: Memorial Com. & Records Com.. MSA S 1041-1802. MdHR 19,037-87-1. 2/40/2/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Washington: Cemetery Com., College & Bd. of Governors, Metro Council of Government, Metro Area Transit Com. & Authority, Sanitary Com., Suburban Transit Com., Waste Treatment Constructional Facilities Tax Incentives Com., WA. MSA S 1041-1803. MdHR 19,037-87-2. 2/40/2/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Governors Washington Suburban Office, Wat-Wer, inc. Watershed Projects, Water: Quality Control Com., Wastewater Bd., Works Bd., Resources Dept., Resources Com., Pollution Problems, & Science Advisory Bd., Well Drillers. MSA S 1041-1804. MdHR 19,037-88. 2/40/2/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Wes-Wo, inc. Wholesale Food Market Authority, WI, Women Highway Safety National Assoc., Status of Women, WO. MSA S 1041-1805. MdHR 19,037-89. 2/40/2/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 Workmen's Compensation: Com. & Laws Com., World Trade Week, Wr-Z, inc. Wye Institute, Youth Council, YMCA, Zoning & Planning Com.. MSA S 1041-1806. MdHR 19,037-90. 2/40/2/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1968 Favorable reaction to speech of Apr. 11, 1968, A-B. MSA S 1041-1807. MdHR 18,606-1. 2/36/2/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1968 Favorable reaction to speech of Apr. 11, 1968, C-F. MSA S 1041-1808. MdHR 18,606-2. 2/36/2/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1968 Favorable reaction to speech of Apr. 11, 1968, G-K. MSA S 1041-1809. MdHR 18,606-3. 2/36/2/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1968 Favorable reaction to speech of Apr. 11, 1968, L-O. MSA S 1041-1810. MdHR 18,606-4. 2/36/2/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1968 Favorable reaction to speech of Apr. 11, 1968, P-S. MSA S 1041-1811. MdHR 18,606-5. 2/36/2/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1968 Favorable reaction to speech of Apr. 11, 1968, T-Z. MSA S 1041-1812. MdHR 18,606-6. 2/36/2/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1968 Unfavorable reaction to speech of Apr. 11, 1968. MSA S 1041-1813. MdHR 18,606-7. 2/36/2/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1968 Unanswerable letters. MSA S 1041-1814. MdHR 18,606-8. 2/36/2/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1968-1969 Resignation of Gov. Spiro T. Agnew and Election of Gov. Marvin Mandel. MSA S 1041-1815. MdHR 18,610. 2/28/1/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1967-1968 *. MSA S 1041-1816. MdHR 50,270-363. 2/36/2/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1968 *. MSA S 1041-1817. MdHR 50,270-364. 2/36/3/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1818. MdHR 50,270-365. 2/36/2/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1819. MdHR 50,270-366. 2/36/2/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1820. MdHR 50,270-367. 2/36/2/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1821. MdHR 50,270-368. 2/36/2/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1822. MdHR 50,270-369. 2/36/2/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1823. MdHR 50,270-370. 2/36/2/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1824. MdHR 50,270-371. 2/36/2/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1825. MdHR 50,270-372. 2/36/2/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1826. MdHR 50,270-373. 2/36/2/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1827. MdHR 50,270-376. 2/36/2/41
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Aportion Letters. MSA S 1041-1828. MdHR 50,270-377. 2/36/2/42
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1829. MdHR 50,270-378. 2/36/2/43
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1830. MdHR 50,270-379. 2/36/2/44
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1831. MdHR 50,270-380. 2/36/2/45
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1832. MdHR 50,270-381. 2/36/2/46
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1833. MdHR 50,270-382. 2/36/2/47
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1834. MdHR 50,27-383. 2/36/2/48
GOVERNOR (General File) 1970 Abortion Letters. MSA S 1041-1835. MdHR 50,270-384. 2/36/2/49
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 A-All, inc. Accident Fund, Public Accountant Bd., Ad Club, Vice Pres. Agnew, Aging Com., Agriculture: Assessment Com., Com., Bd., & Land Preservation Com., Airport Authority & Transition Com., Airport Zoning Bd., Air Quality Control Advisory Council. MSA S 1041-1836. MdHR 19,629-1. 2/40/2/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Alcoholism, AL, Alm-Ao, inc. American Assocs., Annapolis. MSA S 1041-1837. MdHR 19,629-2. 2/40/2/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 AA, Ap-Asg, inc. Appalachian, Appalachian: Council & Regional Com., Court of Appeals, Court of Special Appeals, Apple Com., Applications, Appointments, Apprentice: Information Center Advisory Com. & Council, Architectural Review Bd., Arts Council. MSA S 1041-1838. MdHR 19,629-3. 2/40/2/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Artistic Property Com., Fine Arts Com., Ash-Bam, inc. Asian Development Bank, Assessments & Taxation Dept., Athletic Com., Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Com., Atomic Energy Com., State Auditors. MSA S 1041-1839. MdHR 19,629-4-1. 2/40/2/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Junked Automobiles Com., Aviation: Com. & Services & Safety, Baltimore: Assocs. & Washington Corridor Plan Task Force. MSA S 1041-1840. MdHR 19,629-4-2. 2/40/2/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 BC. MSA S 1041-1841. MdHR 19,629-5. 2/40/2/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 BA, Ban-Bed, inc. Bank: Regulation Bd., Bd., & Comr., Barber Examiners Bd., J. Glenn Beall, Jr., Bedding Advisory Bd.. MSA S 1041-1842. MdHR 19,629-6. 2/40/2/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Bei-Bou, inc. School for the Blind, Workshop for Blind, Blood Program, Blue Crab, Blue Cross, Blue Sky Advisory Com., Boiler: Rules Bd. & Laws Com., Bonds, Bond Com., Books, Boston Washington Corridor Transportation Com.. MSA S 1041-1843. MdHR 19,629-7. 2/40/2/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Bov-Buk, inc. Bowie State College & Bd. of Trustees, Boy Scouts, Boy's State, Boys Village. MSA S 1041-1844. MdHR 19,629-8. 2/40/2/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Budget & Fiscal Services, Budget, A-H, Capital & Budget Amendment. MSA S 1041-1845. MdHR 19,629-9. 2/40/2/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Budget, I-Z, Bldg. Codes & Standards Conference, Bldg. Savings & Loan Assoc., Bldgs. & Grounds, Bul-Bz. MSA S 1041-1846. MdHR 19,629-10. 2/40/2/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 C-Carq, inc. Cabinet, Calvert Cliffs Com., CV, Cambridge Community Relations Com., Cooperative Area Manpower Plan System, Canvassers Bd., Capital City Com., Capital Punishment, CA, CR. MSA S 1041-1847. MdHR 19,629-11. 2/40/2/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Caru-Che, inc. CE, Census, Central Licensing Office, Charitable Solicitation Com., CH. MSA S 1041-1848. MdHR 19,629-12-1. 2/40/2/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Chesapeake Bay: Correspondence, Authority, Cooling Water Study, Foundation, Related Resources Study, Interagency Planning, Sediments & Heavy Metal Research Study, Affairs, A-M, & Study Advisory Group. MSA S 1041-1849. MdHR 19,629-12-2. 2/40/2/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Chesapeake Bay Affairs, N-Z, C & D Canal, C & O Canal, Chi-Cl, inc. Child Welfare Advisory Council, Childhood: Malnutrition Com. & Nutrition Com.. MSA S 1041-1850. MdHR 19,629-13-1. 2/40/2/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Childrens Center & Advisory Bd., Children & Youth Com., Childrens Service Directorate, Chiropractic Examiners Bd., Civil: Aeronautics Bd. & Air Patrol. MSA S 1041-1851. MdHR 19,629-13-2. 2/40/2/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Civil Defense, Civil Defense Emergency, Civil Rights, Cla-Cok, inc. Coastal States, Coal Com., MD Annotated Code. MSA S 1041-1852. MdHR 19,629-14. 2/40/2/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Col-Com, inc. Collective Bargaining, State Colleges Bd., Coms., Community Development Adm., Community Colleges & Bd. of Trustees, Comptroller of the Treasury: Balance Sheets. MSA S 1041-1853. MdHR 19,629-15. 2/40/3/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Comptroller of the Treasury: Alcoholic Beverages, Applications, Gasoline Tax, Income Tax, Misc. Property, Retail Sales Tax, Con-Conm. MSA S 1041-1854. MdHR 19,629-16. 2/40/3/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Conferences and Conventions. MSA S 1041-1855. MdHR 19,629-17. 2/40/3/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Congratulations. MSA S 1041-1856. MdHR 19,629-18. 2/40/3/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Congressional Matters, Congressional Acts: Higher Education, Title 1 Advisory Council, Highway Safety, Land & Water Conservation, Land Law Review Com., & Misc., Congressional Record. MSA S 1041-1857. MdHR 19,629-19. 2/40/3/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Conm-Cov, inc. Constellation, Constitutional: Convention & Revision Task Force & Citing Com., Consular Services, Consumer Protection Div., Controversial Matters, Contributions, Coppin State College Bd. of Trustees. MSA S 1041-1858. MdHR 19,629-20-1. 2/40/3/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Correctional: Services Dept., Div., & Services Coordinating Com., Parole & Probation Advisory Bd., Cosmetologists Bd.. MSA S 1041-1859. MdHR 19,629-20-2. 2/40/3/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Council of State Governments, Courtesy Cards & Tickets, Courts Adm. Office, District Courts, Cow-Cz, inc. Credit Cards Com., Criminal Injuries Compensation Bd., Criminal: Court, Hearings, & Laws Com.. MSA S 1041-1860. MdHR 19,629-21-1. 2/40/3/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Crime Prevention Advisory Council, Crownsville State Hospital, Victor Cullen State Hospital. MSA S 1041-1861. MdHR 19,629-21-2. 2/40/3/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 D-Del, inc. Dargan School, Data Processing & Review Bd., Day Care, School for the Deaf, State Debt Advisory Com., DDT Pesticides Residual Affects Com., Deers Head State Hospital, Defective Delinquents Advisory Bd., Delmarva Advisory Council. MSA S 1041-1862. MdHR 19,629-22. 2/40/3/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Dem-Dt, inc. Democratic: Party, Conferences, State Central Com., & National Com., Dental Examiners Bd., Development Credit Corp., Disasters & Disturbances, Domestic Relations Com., DO, Driver Education. MSA S 1041-1863. MdHR 19,629-23. 2/40/3/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Drugs, Drug: Addiction Com. & Abuse Authority, Du-Ea, inc. Eastern Shore: Mental Retardation Center & State Hospital. MSA S 1041-1864. MdHR 19,629-24. 2/40/3/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Eb-Ec, inc. Economic: Advisory Council & Development, Economic & Community Development, Economic & Community Development: Dept. & Bd. of Review. MSA S 1041-1865. MdHR 19,629-25. 2/40/3/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Economic Opportunity & Coordinating Com., Ed-Ee, inc. Edgewood Arsenal, Education: Com. & Compact, Educational Cultural Broadcasting Com.. MSA S 1041-1866. MdHR 19,629-26. 2/40/3/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 State Aid to Nonpublic Schools Com., Public Education, Education: Dept., Bd., & Com., Higher Education: Facilities Act, Advisory Council, Loan Corp., Council, & Title 1, Vocational Education & Advisory Com., Education Personnel Qualifications. MSA S 1041-1867. MdHR 19,629-27. 2/40/3/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Eg-En, inc. Election Laws Bd., Electrical Examiners, Emergency: Preparedness & Resources Priorities Bd., State Emergency, Employee: Relations Div. & Retirement System, Employment: Security & Appeal Bd. & Agency Advisory Bd.. MSA S 1041-1868. MdHR 19,629-28-1. 2/40/3/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Employment & Social Services & Bd. of Review. MSA S 1041-1869. MdHR 19,629-28-2. 2/40/3/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Endorsements, Engineers Examiners Bd., Engineers & Land Surveyors, Environment, Environmental: Coms., Council, Health Services, & Trust, Ep-Ez, inc., Ethics: Com. & Code. MSA S 1041-1870. MdHR 19,629-29. 2/40/3/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 F-Fis, inc. State Fair Bd., Fair Practices Code, Rep. George H. Fallon, Federal: Grants, Funds, Communication Com., Power Com., Reserve Bd., State Relations, & State Comparability Com.. MSA S 1041-1871. MdHR 19,629-30. 2/40/3/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Fire, Fire Marshall, Fireworks Manufacture Com., Fire Prevention Com., Fiscal Services Dept., Fish & Wildlife Adm. & Com., Fish Mortality Com., Fit-Forl, inc., Folklife Com., Food Market Authority. MSA S 1041-1872. MdHR 19,629-31. 2/40/3/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Forests & Parks, Form-Frir, inc., Fort Detrick Survey Team, Fort Meade Traffic Problems Study, FR, Rep. Samuel N. Fiedel, Friendship Airport. MSA S 1041-1873. MdHR 19,629-32. 2/40/3/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Fris-Gen, inc. Frostburg State College, Fulbright Scholarship Com., Funeral Directors & Embalmers, Gambling Com., Game & Fish Laws Com., Rep. Edward A. Garmatz, GA, General Assembly, General Assembly: Senate, House, & Applications. MSA S 1041-1874. MdHR 19,629-33. 2/40/3/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 General Services & Dept., Geo-Glo, inc., Geological Survey Com., Get Well Messages, Gifts. MSA S 1041-1875. MdHR 19,629-34. 2/40/3/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Glu-Gree, inc. Governors Operating Economy Survey, Governors of Other States, Governmental Efficiency & Economy Com., Greenbelt School. MSA S 1041-1876. MdHR 19,629-35. 2/40/3/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Green Bag, Greetings, Gref-Gu, inc. Gunpowder River Valley Park Advisory Com.. MSA S 1041-1877. MdHR 19,629-36. 2/40/3/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 H-Heb, inc. Hagerstown Election Supervisor, Sen. Edward T. Hall, Hall of Records, Handicapped: Employment Com., Needs Com., Interdepartmental Council, Facilities in Public Bldgs., & Children's Educational Needs. MSA S 1041-1878. MdHR 19,629-37-1. 2/40/3/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 HA, Health Planning Agency Advisory Council, Hearing Aid Examiners Bd., Health & Higher Education Facilities Act, Health: Com. re Medicaid, Dept., & Services Transition Task Force. MSA S 1041-1879. MdHR 19,629-37-2. 2/40/3/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Health Facilities Cost Review Com., Health & Mental Hygiene: Dept., Intergovernmental Task Force, & Medical Assistance Advisory Com., Health Planning: Agency & Comprehensive Advisory Com., Hec-Henh. MSA S 1041-1880. MdHR 19,629-38. 2/40/3/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Heni-Hoo, inc. Henryton State Hospital, Highway: Financing Com., Safety Program, Safety Coordination, & Trust Fund, Historic Sites & Road Markers, MD Historical Trust, Historic Annapolis, Rep. Lawrence Hogan. MSA S 1041-1881. MdHR 19,629-39-1. 2/40/3/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Home Improvements Com., Homeopathic Medical Society, Honorary Titles & Awards. MSA S 1041-1882. MdHR 19,629-39-2. 2/40/3/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Honorary Titles & Awards, Hop-Huf, inc. Johns Hopkins: Hospital & University, Horseracing Com., Horseriding Stables Bd.. MSA S 1041-1883. MdHR 19,629-40-1. 2/40/3/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Hospitals: Chronic Disease, Com., Construction Advisory Council, Licensing Advisory Bd., for Consumptives, Cost Com., & Council, Housing, House of Correction, Housing Authority, HO. MSA S 1041-1884. MdHR 19,629-40-2. 2/40/3/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Hug-In, inc., Human Relations & Com., Humane Practices Com., Humane Resources Task Force, Incentive Award Program & Advisory Bd., Independence Day Recognition Com., Industrial Development & Finance Authority. MSA S 1041-1885. MdHR 19,629-41. 2/40/3/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Insurance Dept. & Com., Intergovernmental Relations Com. & Advisory Com., Interest Rates, Interstate Oil Compact. MSA S 1041-1886. MdHR 19,629-42. 2/40/3/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Interstate Commerce, Interviews, Ir-Jh, inc. Israel, Jail System Com., Jewish, Jewish War Veterans. MSA S 1041-1887. MdHR 19,629-43. 2/40/3/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Jo-Jz, inc., Judicial: Services Div., Disabilities Com., Services, Selection Com., General, & Circuits 1-8, Juvenile: Offenders & Services. MSA S 1041-1888. MdHR 19,629-44. 2/40/3/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 K, inc. Kent Narrows, KE, KE Dispensary System Com.. MSA S 1041-1889. MdHR 19,629-45. 2/40/3/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 L-Lawr, inc. Labor Relations: Employee & Employer & Task Force, Labor & Materials Lien Com., Labor & Industry: Div., Boiler Rules, & Occupational Safety Advisory Bd., Labor Management Affairs Study. MSA S 1041-1890. MdHR 19,629-46-1. 2/40/3/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Historic Landmark Sites, Land: Reclamation Com. & Law Review Com., Landlord & Tenant Laws, Latin American Affairs Com., Laurel Hospital Authority, Law: Examiners Bd., Enforcement Com., Enforcement & Adm. of Justice, & Dept.. MSA S 1041-1891. MdHR 19,629-46-2. 2/40/3/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Laws-Lon, inc., Legal Holidays, Legislative: Council & Reference Dept., Libraries, Library Laws Com., License Bd., Licensing & Regulation Dept., Loan Laws Admr., Rep. Clarence Long. MSA S 1041-1892. MdHR 19,629-47. 2/40/3/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Loo-Mas, inc. Lottery, Lundeberg School, Magistrates, MIPES, Manpower Admr. & Coordinating Com., Maps-Bureau of Control & Survey, Marijuana Use Com., Mass Transportation Dev. Com.-Baltimore Metro Area. MSA S 1041-1893. MdHR 19,629-48. 2/40/3/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 MD Names, B-P. MSA S 1041-1894. MdHR 19,629-49. 2/40/3/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 MD Names, S-T, Mast-Med, inc. Sen. Charles McC, Mathias, Jr., Meat Inspection Authority, Medical Assistance Advisory Com., Mechanics License Laws Com., Medicaid. MSA S 1041-1895. MdHR 19,629-50. 2/40/3/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Medical & Chirurgical Faculty, Medical: Care Com. & Examiners Bd., Mee-Mil, inc. Mental Health, Mental Health: Advisory Council & Laws Study, Mental Hygiene, Mental Retardation Div. & Advisory Council. MSA S 1041-1896. MdHR 19,629-51-1. 2/40/3/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Mental Retardation & Handicapped Com. to Study Guardianship Problems, Metro: Liner, Transit Authority, Washington Transit Authority, & Washington Council of Governments, Mid-atlantic Governors Conference, Migratory Labor Com.. MSA S 1041-1897. MdHR 19,629-51-2. 2/40/3/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Military Dept., Mil-Mon, inc. Mines Bureau, Mine Scales Inspection, Misc., Model: Cities Program & Legislation, Montebello State Hospital, Montrose School, MO Junior College, MO. MSA S 1041-1898. MdHR 19,629-52. 2/40/3/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Moo-Mt, inc. Moon Landing, Morgan State College, Rep. Roger C.B. Morton, Mount Wilson Sanitorium, Motion Picture: Censor Bd. & Machine Operators. MSA S 1041-1899. MdHR 19,629-53. 2/40/3/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Motor Vehicles: Dept. & Commercial Registration License Fees Com., Motor Vehicle: Inspection Task Force & Laws Com., Mu-Na, inc. Multistate Tax Com., Municipal Court & Com. to Investigate Irregularities, List of names. MSA S 1041-1900. MdHR 19,629-54. 2/40/3/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 National: Organizations, A-Z & Water Com.. MSA S 1041-1901. MdHR 19,629-55. 2/40/4/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 National Governors Conferences. MSA S 1041-1902. MdHR 19,629-56. 2/40/4/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Natural Resources, Natural Resources: Dept. Reorganization, Bd., & Institute, Ne-Newl, inc. Negro History Com., New Citizens, Newspaper Clippings, Newspaper, Radio Station & Television lists. MSA S 1041-1903. MdHR 19,629-57. 2/40/4/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Newm-Ore, inc. Niles Plan Study, Nonpublic Education State Aid Com., Notary Public, Nuclear Power Plants Task Force, Nursing Home Examiners Bd., Nursing Homes & local 1199E of Hospital Workers Union Dispute, Nurses Examiners Bd.. MSA S 1041-1904. MdHR 19,629-58-1. 2/40/4/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Ocean City & Convention Hall, Occupational Safety & Health Act, Emergency Planning Office, Ohio River Basin Com., Ombudsman, Open Space Com., Operation Breakthrough, Optometry: Examiners Bd. & Com.. MSA S 1041-1905. MdHR 19,629-58-2. 2/40/4/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Orf-Peh, inc. Osteopathic Bd., Outdoor Recreation Land Act, Parole & Probation: Advisory Bd. & Dept., Parole: Bd., Dept., & Supervision Out of State Compact. MSA S 1041-1906. MdHR 19,629-59-1. 2/40/4/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Partners of Alliance, Patapsco State Park, Patuxent Institute & Bd. of Review, Patuxent River: Basin Authority, Bridge, & Watershed Advisory Com.. MSA S 1041-1907. MdHR 19,629-59-2. 2/40/4/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Pei-Ph, inc. MD Penitentiary, Perkins State Hospital, Pesticides & Herbicides Spraying Problems Com., Pesticides Advisory Com., Personnel: Dept., Summer Employment, & Com., Pharmacy Bd., Photographs. MSA S 1041-1908. MdHR 19,629-60. 2/40/4/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Physical: Fitness Coms. & Therapy Prac. Bd., Pi-Polk, inc. Pilots Examiners Bd., Pine Bluff State Hospital, Piscataway Sewer Sub District, Planning: Dept. & Com., Plumbing Bd., Pocomoke Sound-MD & VA Boundary, Podiatry Examiners Bd., Poet Laureate. MSA S 1041-1909. MdHR 19,629-61. 2/40/4/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Special Policemen, State Police, Police: Promotions, Retirement System, & Training Com., Poll-Por, inc. Pollution, Port Authority & Com.. MSA S 1041-1910. MdHR 19,629-62. 2/40/4/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Political, Political: Presidential, Senatorial Election, & Congressional Election. MSA S 1041-1911. MdHR 19,629-63. 2/40/4/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Pos-Prim, inc. Position Papers, Post Mortem Examiners Com., Potomac Estuary Study, Potomac River, Potomac River: Basin Advisory Com., Compact, Compact Revision Study, Fisheries Com., & Authority, Prayer, Pres. Nixon. MSA S 1041-1912. MdHR 19,629-64. 2/40/4/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Press Conferences & Releases, Prin-Prof, inc. Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors. MSA S 1041-1913. MdHR 19,629-65. 2/40/4/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 PG. MSA S 1041-1914. MdHR 19,629-66. 2/40/4/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Proclamations, A-N. MSA S 1041-1915. MdHR 19,629-67. 2/40/4/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Proclamations, O-Z, Provident Hosp., Psychologists Examiners Bd., Prog-Puq, inc. Public: Service Careers, Bldgs. & Grounds, Employees Safety Assoc., Improvements Dept., Funds Management Study, & Safety & Correctional Services Dept., Pub. Review Com.. MSA S 1041-1916. MdHR 19,629-68. 2/40/4/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Public School Employees Com., Public Service Com., Public Works, A-P. MSA S 1041-1917. MdHR 19,629-69. 2/40/4/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Public Works, Q-Z, Pu-Q, inc. QA, Questionnaire. MSA S 1041-1918. MdHR 19,629-70. 2/40/4/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 R-Rg, inc. Radiation Control, Racing: Com. & Study Com., Ratification Day, Reading Problems, Real Estate Com., Reciprocity Agreements, Recipes, Reformatory for Males & Females, Regional Planning Com., Rehabilitation Com.. MSA S 1041-1919. MdHR 19,629-71-1. 2/40/4/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Republican: National Com. & State Central Com., Retail Credit Sales Com., Retirement System, Revenue Estimates Bd.. MSA S 1041-1920. MdHR 19,629-71-2. 2/40/4/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Rh-Rz, inc. Mary Carter Roberts, Riverdale & College Park Vicinity Sewage Problems, Rosewood State Hospital. MSA S 1041-1921. MdHR 19,629-72. 2/40/4/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Roads: General, Com., Awards of Contract, Statement of Balance, & Toll Adm., Road Projects: A-K, inc. Baltimore Washington Expressway, Harbor Tunnel, Chesapeake Bay Bridge, & Kennedy Highway. MSA S 1041-1922. MdHR 19,629-73. 2/40/4/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Road Projects: L-Z, inc. Picnic Areas, Route Numbers, & Traffic Signs, S-Sai, inc. St. John's College, St. Mary's City Com., St. Mary's College & Bd. of Trustees. MSA S 1041-1923. MdHR 19,629-74. 2/40/4/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 SM, Sak-Schwa, inc. Salisbury State College & Bd. of Trustees, Salvation Army, Sandy Point Park, Sanitarian Registration Bd., Savings & Loan Assoc., Savings & Share Insurance Corp., Scholarship Bd.. MSA S 1041-1924. MdHR 19,629-75-1. 2/40/4/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 School: Buses, Disturbances, Employment Com., Health Council, Law Revision Com., & Lunch Program, Schools & College Campus Disturbances Com.. MSA S 1041-1925. MdHR 19,629-75-2. 2/40/4/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Schwe-Se, inc. Science Resources Advisory Bd., Science & Technology Council, Seafood Marketing Authority, Selective Service, Senate Confirmation Com., Sex Education. MSA S 1041-1926. MdHR 19,629-76. 2/40/4/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Sh-Sok, inc. Shellfish Growing Areas Pollution Com., Sheppard & Enoch Pratt Hospital, Smith, Small Business Adm., Small Loan Div., Snow Emergency Com., Social & Manpower Services for Offenders, Social Services Task Force, Social Security. MSA S 1041-1927. MdHR 19,629-77. 2/40/4/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Social Services Adm., Social Welfare & Manpower Program Advisory Com., Soil Conservation Com., Sol-Som, inc. SO, Southeast States Conference on Capital Outlay & Construction, Southern Governors: Conference & Com.. MSA S 1041-1928. MdHR 19,629-78. 2/40/4/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Southern: Interstate Nuclear Bd., Tri-County Council, Reg. Education Bd., & Reg. Environment Conservation Council Compact, Sp, inc. Space Com., State Office-Baltimore Space Adv. Com., Speeches, Springfield State Hospital, Spring Grove State Hospital. MSA S 1041-1929. MdHR 19,629-79. 2/40/4/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Sq-Stec, inc. Standard Salary Bd., State, A-R. MSA S 1041-1930. MdHR 19,629-80. 2/40/4/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 State Use Industry, Statements, Sted-Sz, inc. Strikes, Student Financial Assistance Com., Submerged Land Com., Summer Employment, Sundry Claims Bd., Susquehanna River Basin: Compact & Advisory Com., Susquehanna State Park Advisory Com.. MSA S 1041-1931. MdHR 19,629-81. 2/40/4/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 T-Td, inc. TA, Human Resources Task Force, Tax Court, Taxes, Taxes Tax Structure Com., Tax Reform Com., Tax Shelter Annuities, Taxation and Physical Problems Study. MSA S 1041-1932. MdHR 19,629-82. 2/40/4/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Te-Trat, inc. Teachers Colleges & Retirement, Technical Service Act, Testamentary Laws, Thermal Pollution & Research Advisors, Tickets, Timonium-State Fair, Tobacco Authority, Tobacco Warehouse & Construction Study. MSA S 1041-1933. MdHR 19,629-83-1. 2/40/4/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Tort Claims Act Com., Tourism Advisory Com., Tome Institute, Towson State College & Bd. of Visitors, Training School for Boys. MSA S 1041-1934. MdHR 19,629-83-2. 2/40/4/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Traffic Safety Com., Transportation: Study & Dept. Task Force, Trau-Tz, inc. State Treasurer, State Colleges Trustees, Tuberculosis: Control Com. & Service Study, Sen. Joseph Tydings. MSA S 1041-1935. MdHR 19,629-84. 2/40/4/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 U-Up, inc. Union, Unemployment: Com. & Insurance Dir., Unidentified Objects, Uniformity of Legislation, U.S.: Savings Bonds, General, & A-C. MSA S 1041-1936. MdHR 19,629-85. 2/40/4/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 U.S., D-T, University of MD, A-B. MSA S 1041-1937. MdHR 19,629-86. 2/40/4/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 University of MD, C-M. MSA S 1041-1938. MdHR 19,629-87. 2/40/4/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 University of MD: N-Z, Bd. of Regents, & Student Affairs Com., Unsatisfied Claim & Judgment Fund, Ur-Uz, inc. Urban Renewal & Housing, Urban Observatory Policy Bd.. MSA S 1041-1939. MdHR 19,629-88. 2/40/4/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 V-Vn, inc. Veterans, Veterans: Activities, Com., Home Study Com., Manpower Problem Com., & of Foreign Wars, Veterinary Medical Examiners, Vietnam, Vice Pres. Agnew, Visa, Visits. MSA S 1041-1940. MdHR 19,629-89. 2/40/4/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Vo-Was, inc. Vocational Rehabilitation Adm., Wage Rates Prevailing Advisory Council, War Memorial Com., Washington: Baltimore Area Airports Multi-State Authority, Cemetery Bd., & College & Bd. of Trustees, WA. MSA S 1041-1941. MdHR 19,629-90-1. 2/40/4/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Washington: Metro Transit Com., Metro Council of Governments, Suburban Office, Surburban Sanitary Com., & Suburban Transit Auth., Waste Treatment Construction Com., Water: Pollution Problems Com., Quality Control Com., & Pollution, Watershed Projects. MSA S 1041-1942. MdHR 19,629-90-2. 2/40/4/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Wat-Wg, inc. Water: Resources Com. & Science Advisory Bd., Water & Sewer Systems Cooperative Arrangement Com., Water & Wastewater Certification Bd., Welfare Problems Com., Well Drillers. MSA S 1041-1943. MdHR 19,629-91. 2/40/4/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 Wetlands, WV Economic Development Corp., Wh-Wo, inc. WI, Status of Women, World Trade Week. MSA S 1041-1944. MdHR 19,629-92. 2/40/4/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1969-1970 WO, Workmen's Compensation: Com. & Laws Review Com., Wr-Z, inc. Wye Institute, YMCA, Zoning & Planning Com.. MSA S 1041-1945. MdHR 19,629-93. 2/40/4/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 A-Alb, inc. Abandoned Property Div., Abortion, Accident Fund, Public Accountancy Bd., Ad Club, Admissions Tax Div., Adjutant General, Aging: Com. & Care Com., Vice Pres. Agnew, Agriculture: Bd., Dept., Com., Organization Com., & Task Force. MSA S 1041-1946. MdHR 19,771-1-1. 2/40/5/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Airport: Authority, Master Plan Com., & Zoning Bd., Air Pollution, Air Quality: Control Div., Control Council, & Planning Com.. MSA S 1041-1947. MdHR 19,771-1-2. 2/40/5/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Alc-Ao, inc. Alcoholism, Alcohol Abuse & Treatment & Rehabilitation, Alcoholic Beverage Control Com., AL, American: Legion & Auxiliary, Correctional Assoc. Citizen Participating Com., & Assocs., Ambulance Training & Personnel, Anatomy Bd.. MSA S 1041-1948. MdHR 19,771-2. 2/40/5/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Annapolis Arts Festival, Annapolis, Historic Annapolis, Annapolis State: Financial Aid Com. & Facilities, AA. MSA S 1041-1949. MdHR 19,771-3-1. 2/40/5/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Ap-Arc, inc. Appalachian, Appalachian: Council, Regional Com., Regional Studies, & Western MD Tri-County Council, Appeals Bd., Court of Appeals, Court of Special Appeals, Apple Com.. MSA S 1041-1950. MdHR 19,771-3-2. 2/40/5/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Applications & Recommendations, Appointments, Apprenticeship: Training Council & Information Center Advisory Com., Aquacultural Practices, Architectural: Registration Bd. & Review Bd., State Archivist. MSA S 1041-1951. MdHR 19,771-4-1. 2/40/5/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Ard-Atk, inc. Armed Forces Day, Artistic Property Com., Arts Council, State Owned Fine Arts Com., Assateague Island, Assateague Island: State Park Acquisition Com. & Joint Management & Development Com., Assessments & Taxation Dept.. MSA S 1041-1952. MdHR 19,771-4-2. 2/40/5/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Athletic Com. & Inspectors & Monthly Reports, Atl-Bam, inc. Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Com., Atomic Energy: Com. & Advisory Com., Attorney General, State Auditor, Audits Div.. MSA S 1041-1953. MdHR 19,771-5-1. 2/40/5/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Auto Insurance: Problems, Bd. of Trustees, & Abandoned Automobiles Com., Auto: Inspection Task Force & Liability Insurance Com., Aviation: Service & Safety & Adm., Baltimore Assocs., A-C. MSA S 1041-1954. MdHR 19,771-5-2. 2/40/5/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Baltimore Assocs., C-H, BC. MSA S 1041-1955. MdHR 19,771-6. 2/40/5/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 BA, Baltimore Washington Corridor Task Force, Ban-Beq, inc. Bands, Bank Comr. & Monthly Reports, Banking Bd., Banking Laws Com., Bank Regulations Bd., Barber Examiners Bd., Barrett School, J. Glenn Beall, Jr., Bedding Advisory Bd.. MSA S 1041-1956. MdHR 19,771-7. 2/40/5/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Ber-Box, inc. School for the Blind, Workshop for the Blind, Blood Program, Blue Crabs, Blue Shield, Blue Sky Advisory Com., Boiler Rules Bd., Bonds, Bond Com., Books, Boston Washington Corridor Transport Study, Bowie State College & Bd. of Visitors. MSA S 1041-1957. MdHR 19,771-8. 2/40/5/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Boy-Buk, inc. Boy Scouts, Boys Village, Budget & Fiscal Services, Budget & Fiscal Planning Dept.. MSA S 1041-1958. MdHR 19,771-9. 2/40/5/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Budget & Fiscal Planning Dept., Budget Amendment, Budget, A. MSA S 1041-1959. MdHR 19,771-10. 2/40/5/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Budget, B-Z, Capital Budget, Budget Process Task Force, Building Codes & Standards Conference, Building Codes Advisory Com., Bldgs. & Grounds, Building Savings & Loan Assoc., Bul-Cal, inc. Rep. Goodloe E. Byron, Governors Cabinet. MSA S 1041-1960. MdHR 19,771-11. 2/41/1/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Lt. Calley, CV, Cam-Ce, inc. Cambridge Community Relations Com., Cooperative Area Manpower Plan System, Bd. of Canvassers, Capital: City Com., Outlay & Construction, & Punishment, CA, CR, Carvel Hall. MSA S 1041-1961. MdHR 19,771-12. 2/41/1/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 CE, Census, Central: Payroll Office & Licensing Office, Ch-Chq, inc. Chaplains, Charitable Solicitation Com., CH, Cheltenham. MSA S 1041-1962. MdHR 19,771-13-1. 2/41/1/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Chesapeake Bay, Chesapeake Bay: Admirals, Authority, Cooling Water Interstate Group, Related Resources Study, Interagency Planning Com., Management, Model Study Advisory Group, Oystering Com., Sediments Research Com., & Affairs. MSA S 1041-1963. MdHR 19,771-13-2. 2/41/1/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Canal Project, C & D Canal Ground Water Com., C & O Canal, Childhood: Nutrition Com. & Malnutrition Com., Childrens Day Care Centers, Childhood Development: Agency & Interagency Com., Childrens Center, Child Labor Laws Com.. MSA S 1041-1964. MdHR 19,771-13-3. 2/41/1/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Childrens Directorate, Children Programs, Children & Youth Com., Chiropractic Examiners Bd., Chr-Colk, inc. Citizens Com. on Modernization of Courts & Justice, Civil Air Patrol, Civil Aeronautics Bd., Civil Defense & Emergency Planning. MSA S 1041-1965. MdHR 19,771-14-1. 2/41/1/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Civil Defense: Emergency Resource Bd. & Emergency Management of Resources, Clearinghouse, Coal Com., Coastal States Organization, Code Com., Code Reorganization & Recodification Com.. MSA S 1041-1966. MdHR 19,771-14-2. 2/41/1/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Coll-Com, inc. Misc. Coms., Commercial Fisheries Advisory Com., Community: Antenna Television Subcom., Colleges, Colleges Bd., Colleges Regional Bd., & Development Adm., Compacts, Comptroller of the Treasury. MSA S 1041-1967. MdHR 19,771-15. 2/41/1/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Comptroller of the Treasury: Admissions Tax, Alcoholic Bevergae Tax, Gasoline Tax, Income Tax, Misc. Property, & Sales Tax, Con-Conm, inc. Conferences & Conventions, Congratulations. MSA S 1041-1968. MdHR 19,771-16. 2/41/1/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Congratulations, Congressional Matters. MSA S 1041-1969. MdHR 19,771-17. 2/41/1/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Congressional: Redistricting, Redistricting Com., Higher Education Act, Highway Safety Act, Land & Water Conservation Fund Act, Outdoor Recreation Act, & PL 88-606. MSA S 1041-1970. MdHR 19,771-18-1. 2/41/1/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Conn-Cor, inc. Conservation Groups, Constellation Com., Constitutional Rights Advisory Council, Consular Services, Consumer Protection Div., Controversial Issues, Contributions, Coppin State College & Bd. of Visitors. MSA S 1041-1971. MdHR 19,771-18-2. 2/41/1/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Correction: Div. & Parole & Probation Advisory Bd., Correctional: Services Dept. Training Com.. MSA S 1041-1972. MdHR 19,771-19-1. 2/41/1/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Cos-Crn, inc. Cosmetologists Bd., Council of State Governments, Counties & Governors Liaison, County Comrs. & Executives, Courtesy Cards, & Tickets, Courts Adm. Office. MSA S 1041-1973. MdHR 19,771-19-2. 2/41/1/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Credit: Cards Com. & Union, Crime Prevention Advisory Council, Criminal: Court, Injuries Compensation Bd., & Prosecution Com., Cro-Deb, inc. Crownsville State Hospital, Victor Cullen State Hospital. MSA S 1041-1974. MdHR 19,771-20-1. 2/41/1/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Data Processing & Review Bd., DDT Pesticides Residual Effects Com., School for the Deaf, State Debt Advisory Com.. MSA S 1041-1975. MdHR 19,771-20-2. 2/41/1/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Dec-Dis, inc. Deeds Comr., Deep Creek Lake Advisory Com., Deers Head State Hospital, Defective Delinquents Advisory Bd., Delmarva: Advisory Council & Poultry Industry Employment Problems Com.. MSA S 1041-1976. MdHR 19,771-21-1. 2/41/1/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Democratic: Convention, Governors Conference, National Com., National Convention, Party, & State Central Com., Dental Examiners Bd., Development: Credit Corp., Disabilities Act, & Disabilities Services & Facilities Planning & Advisory Council. MSA S 1041-1977. MdHR 19,771-21-2. 2/41/1/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Diplomatic File, Disasters, Disaster-Federal Regional Task Force-Agnes, District Courts, Dit-Dt, inc. Divorce Laws Com., Doctors Shortage Com., Domestic Relations Com., DO, Driver Education, Drugs. MSA S 1041-1978. MdHR 19,771-22. 2/41/1/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Drug Abuse: Adm., News Media Subcom., Nursing Subcom., & Advisory Council, Drug Problems Com., Dangerous Drugs Com., Du-Ec, inc. Dyslexia, Eastern Shore State Hospital, Economic & Community Development. MSA S 1041-1979. MdHR 19,771-23-1. 2/41/1/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Economic & Community Development: Advisory Bd., Dept., & Review Bd., Economic Advisors, Economic Development: Div. & Advisory Com.. MSA S 1041-1980. MdHR 19,771-23-2. 2/41/1/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Economic Opportunity & Coordinating Com., Ed-Ef, inc. Edgewood Arsenal, Eudowood Sanitorium, Educational Cultural Broadcasting Com., Higher Education: Aid, Legislative Report, Misc., Title 1 Advisory Council, Council, Facilities Act, & Loan Corp.. MSA S 1041-1981. MdHR 19,771-24-1. 2/41/1/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Education: In Depth Study, Nonpublic State Aid, State Role in Finances Com., & Com. of the States. MSA S 1041-1982. MdHR 19,771-24-2. 2/41/1/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Education: Dept., Bd., Vocational Education Div., & Vocational Advisory Council, Eg-Em, inc. Election Laws Adm. Bd., Electrical Examiners & Supervisors Bd., Elevators, Escalators & Dumbwaiters Laws Com.. MSA S 1041-1983. MdHR 19,771-25-1. 2/41/1/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Emergency: Broadcasting Plan & Resources Priorities Bd., Employees: Credit Union & Retirement System, Employee-Employer Labor Relations Com., Employee Relations Div., Employment & Registration Dept.. MSA S 1041-1984. MdHR 19,771-25-2. 2/41/1/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Employment: Security Adm., Agency Advisory Bd., Security Div. Advisory Council, Security Dept., Social Services Dept., & Social Services Bd. of Review, En-Eo, inc. Endorsements. MSA S 1041-1985. MdHR 19,771-26. 2/41/1/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors, Examining Engineers Bd., Environmental, Environmental: Services, Resources Com., Education Com., Protector, Council, & Trust. MSA S 1041-1986. MdHR 19,771-27-1. 2/41/1/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Ep-Ez, inc. Essex Community College, Ethics: Code, Bd., & Com. to Draft Code, Executive Dept.: Adm. Program & Applications. MSA S 1041-1987. MdHR 19,771-27-2. 2/41/1/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Executive Dept.: Misc., Legislative Office, Lt. Gov., Mansion, Management Audit, Personnel, Reorganization, Program, State House & Trust, Gov. Tawes, & Programmers. MSA S 1041-1988. MdHR 19,771-28. 2/41/1/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 F-Fi, inc. State Fair Bd., Fair Practices Code, Rep. George H. Fallon, Family: Assistance Plan & Law Revision Com.. MSA S 1041-1989. MdHR 19,771-29-1. 2/41/1/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Federal: Bar Assoc. Council, Communications Com., Grants, Funds & Construction, Power Com., State Relations, & Survival Plan Project, Fells Point Preservation Com., Fenwick Lighthouse Restoration. MSA S 1041-1990. MdHR 19,771-29-2. 2/41/1/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Fire, Fire: Marshall, Prevention Com., & Prevention & Control, Fireworks Manufacture Com., Fiscal: Research & Services Dept., Tidewater Fisheries Dept., Fish & Wildlife Adm.. MSA S 1041-1991. MdHR 19,771-30-1. 2/41/1/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Fl-For, inc. Folklife Com., Folklorist, Food Market: Com. & Authority, Forestry Camps Advisory Bd., Forests & Parks, Forests & Parks: Bd. & Com., Forest Service. MSA S 1041-1992. MdHR 19,771-30-2. 2/41/1/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Fos-Gar, inc. Four C Com., FR, Friendship: Airport & International Airport Authority, Frostburg State Teachers College & Bd. of Visitors, Fulbright Scholarship Com., Funeral Directors & Embalmers. MSA S 1041-1993. MdHR 19,771-31-1. 2/41/1/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Gambling Com., Game & Inland Fish Com., Game & Fish Laws Com., Rep. Edward A. Garmatz. MSA S 1041-1994. MdHR 19,771-31-2. 2/41/1/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 GA, Gas-Gen, inc. General Assembly: Misc., Proposed Legislation, Applications, Special Coms., & Compensation Com., General Services Construction Loans. MSA S 1041-1995. MdHR 19,771-32. 2/41/1/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 General Services: Construction Loans, Dept., & Purchasing Bureau, Geo-Gik, inc. Geology Survey Com., Get Well Messages. MSA S 1041-1996. MdHR 19,771-33. 2/41/1/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Gifts, Gil-Gree, inc. Girl's State, Government Functions: Com. & In Depth Study Com., Governmental Efficiency & Economy Com., Governors: Conference, Council of Economic Advisors, Executive Council, Operating Economy Survey, & of Other States. MSA S 1041-1997. MdHR 19,771-34-1. 2/41/1/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Great Oaks: Regional Center & Citizens Advisory Com.. MSA S 1041-1998. MdHR 19,771-34-2. 2/41/1/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Green Bag, Greetings, Gref-Gros. MSA S 1041-1999. MdHR 19,771-35. 2/41/1/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Grot-Harh, inc. Rep. Gilbert R. Gude, GUIDE, Hagerstown Junior College & Bd. of Trustees, Hagerstown Election Supervisors, Hair Dressers & Beauty Culturists Bd., Sen. Edward T. Hall, Hall of Records. MSA S 1041-2000. MdHR 19,771-36-1. 2/41/1/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Handicapped: Advisory Com., Childrens Educational Needs, Com. to Promote Employment, Facilities Regulation Governing Construction, Facilities in Public Bldgs., Inter-departmental Council, & Needs Com.. MSA S 1041-2001. MdHR 19,771-36-2. 2/41/1/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 HA, Hari-Heb, inc. Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority, Health: Insurance, Div., Dept., & Facility Cost Review Com., Health & Mental Hygiene Dept.. MSA S 1041-2002. MdHR 19,771-37. 2/41/1/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Health & Mental Hygiene: Dept., Laws Com., Press Releases, & Review Bd., Health: Dept., Comprehensive Planning Advisory Com., Comprehensive Planning Agency, & Services Cost Review, Hearing Aid Dealers Examiners Bd., Hec-Hel. MSA S 1041-2003. MdHR 19,771-38. 2/41/1/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Hem-Hoo, inc. Henryton State Hospital, High School Driver Education, Highway: Adm., Roads Com., Safety, & Safety Policy Advisory Com., Historic Annapolis, MD Historical Trust, National Register of Historic Places. MSA S 1041-2004. MdHR 19,771-39-1. 2/41/1/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Historic Landmark Sites & Bldgs. National Register Com., Rep. Lawrence J. Hogan, Holidays, Home Improvements Com., Homeopathic Medical Society, Honorary Awards. MSA S 1041-2005. MdHR 19,771-39-2. 2/41/1/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Honorary Awards, Hop-Huo, inc. Johns Hopkins: Hospital & University, Horse Riding Stables, Hospital: Chronic Diseases, Construction Advisory Com., Cost Analysis Service, Council, & Licensing Advisory Bd., House of Correction, Housing Authority, HO. MSA S 1041-2006. MdHR 19,771-40. 2/41/1/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Human: Relations Com., Resources Task Force, & Rights Adv. Com., Humane Practices Com., Hup-Iq, inc. I Am An American Day, Incentive Award Program, Income Tax Forms, Independence Day Bell Ringing Com., Industrialized Bldgs. & Mobile Homes Adv. Com.. MSA S 1041-2007. MdHR 19,771-41-1. 2/41/1/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Industrial Development & Finance Authority, Infant Mortality Com., Injured Workers Rehabilitation Com., Inmate Grievance: Agency & Com., Insurance Div.. MSA S 1041-2008. MdHR 19,771-41-2. 2/41/1/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Insurance Dept., Fire & Auto Insurance Com., Intergovernmental: Cooperation Com., Advisory Com., & Relations Com., Interstate Commerce Com. & Emergency Motor Transport Bd., Interstate Oil Compact & Com., Interviews. MSA S 1041-2009. MdHR 19,771-42-1. 2/41/1/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Ir-Joh, inc. Israel, Jewish War Veterans, Job Corps & Manpower Center Woodstock Task Force. MSA S 1041-2010. MdHR 19,771-42-2. 2/41/1/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Joi-Kell, inc. Judicial: Disabilities Com., General, Judges Pay Raise, Applications, Procedures Com., Circuits, Selection Com., & Justice of the Peace, Juvenile Services: Dept. & Div., Keep MD Beautiful. MSA S 1041-2011. MdHR 19,771-43. 2/41/1/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Kelm-Lad, inc. Kent Narrows, KE, Kidney Disease Com., Labor Relations Bd., Labor & Industry Div.. MSA S 1041-2012. MdHR 19,771-44. 2/41/1/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Lae-Lawr, inc. Land Acquisition & Div., Land Jurisdiction, Land Law Review Com., Land Office, Land & Water Conservation Fund Program, Landlord-Tenant Laws Com., Landmark Sites & Bldgs. National Historical Register Consulting Com.. MSA S 1041-2013. MdHR 19,771-45-1. 2/41/1/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Land Patents, Landscape Architects Examiners Bd., Land Reclamation Com., Latin American Affairs Com., Laurel Hospital Authority, Law Dept., Law Enforcement & Adm. of Justice. MSA S 1041-2014. MdHR 19,771-45-2. 2/41/1/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Laws-Lio, inc. Legislative: Council & Reference Dept., Library Laws, State Library, Library Bd., Libraries Advisory Council, Licensing & Regulation Dept., Lt. Gov.. MSA S 1041-2015. MdHR 19,771-46. 2/41/1/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Lip-Mann, inc. Liquor Control, Rep. Clarence Long, Lottery & Com., Lundeberg School, Magazine Advisory Com., Management Information & Program Evaluation System. MSA S 1041-2016. MdHR 19,771-47. 2/41/1/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Mano-Mass, inc. Manpower, Manpower: Resource Center, Advisory Com., & Coordinating Com., Marathon Planning Com., Marine Police, MD Names, A-H. MSA S 1041-2017. MdHR 19,771-48. 2/41/1/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 MD Names, I-Z, Mast-McG, inc. Rep. Charles McC. Mathias, Mayors. MSA S 1041-2018. MdHR 19,771-49. 2/41/1/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 McGl-Met, inc. Meat Inspection Authority, Mechanics Lien: Com. & Laws Com., Mediation Bd. Com., Medicaid-Medical Assistance, Medical: Assistance Plan Agency, Discipline Com., & Chirurgical Faculty, Examiners Bd., & Core Com., Mental Health. MSA S 1041-2019. MdHR 19,771-50-1. 2/41/1/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Mental Hygiene: Adm., Dept., & Advisory Council, Mental Retardation, Mental Retardation: Adm., Center, & Directorate, Metro: Transit Authority & Area Transit Authority. MSA S 1041-2020. MdHR 19,771-50-2. 2/41/1/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Meu-Mon, inc. Midatlantic Governors Conference, Military Dept. & Armory Requests, Rep. Mills, Mines Bureau, Mining Laws, MIPES, Misc., Rep. Mitchell, Mobile Homes, Model: Cities Program & Legislature, Montebello State Hospital, Montrose School. MSA S 1041-2021. MdHR 19,771-51. 2/41/2/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 MO, Moo-Mos, inc. Moon Landing, Morgan State College & Bd. of Visitors, Morgantown Model Advisory Com., Rep. Roger C. B. Morton. MSA S 1041-2022. MdHR 19,771-52. 2/41/2/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Mot-Mt, inc. Motion Picture Censors Bd., Motor Transport Bd., Motor Vehicle: Adm., Inspection, Medical Advisory Com., & Periodic Inspection Task Force, Mount Wilson Sanitorium, Moving Picture Machine Operators. MSA S 1041-2023. MdHR 19,771-53. 2/41/2/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Mua-Na, inc. Municipal Court, Lists of Names, National: Organizations, Capital Regional Bicentennial Coordination Group, Fire Prevention & Control Com., Governors Conference, & Water Com.. MSA S 1041-2024. MdHR 19,771-54. 2/41/2/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 National Governors Conference, Natural Resources: Dept., Advisory Bd., Com. Bd., Police Force, & Review Bd.. MSA S 1041-2025. MdHR 19,771-55. 2/41/2/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Nea-Nor, inc. Negro History & Com., New Citizens, Tape-Gov. Agnew goes to Annapolis. MSA S 1041-2026. MdHR 19,771-56-3. 2/41/2/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Natural Resources: Dept. & Institute, Not-Of, inc. Notaries Public, Nuclear Energy Power Plants, Nursing, Nurses Examiners Bd., Nursing Home Admrs. Examiners Bd., Nursing Homes, Occupational Disease: Bd. & Medical Bd.. MSA S 1041-2027. MdHR 19,771-56-1. 2/41/2/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Ocean City, Ocean City: Convention Hall & Shore & Dune Line Preservation Com., Off Shore Drilling, Off Track Betting, Emergency Planning Office. MSA S 1041-2028. MdHR 19,771-56-2. 2/41/2/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Og-Parr, inc. Open Space Com., Optometry Examiners Bd., Osteopathic Examiners Bd., Outdoor Recreation Land Act, Recycling Paper Com., Parkway Medical Center, Parole & Probation: Div. & Advisory Bd., Parole Bd.. MSA S 1041-2029. MdHR 19,771-57. 2/41/2/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Parole & Probation Div., Pardons, Pars-Petq, inc. Partners of Alliance, Patapsco State Park, Patuxent Institute & Bd., Patuxent River: Bridge & Basin Advisory Bd., MD Penitentiary, Peoples Court Judges, Perkins State Hospital. MSA S 1041-2030. MdHR 19,771-58. 2/41/2/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Personnel: Dept., Bulletins, Com., Clinical Reports, & Summer Employment, Pesticides Advisory Com., Petr-Ph, inc. Pharmacy Bd., Photographs. MSA S 1041-2031. MdHR 19,771-59. 2/41/2/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Physical: Fitness Com. & Therapy Practitioners Bd., Physically Handicapped, Physicians Shortage Com., Pi-Polk, inc. Pilots Examiners Bd., Pine Bluff State Hospital, Planning: Dept. & Com., Plumbing Bd., Podiatry Examiners Bd., Poet Laureate. MSA S 1041-2032. MdHR 19,771-60. 2/41/2/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Police: Dept., Escorts, Promotions, Retirement System & Bd. of Trustees, & Training Com., Political, Political: Advertising, Congressional, Judges, Mayorality Election, & Presidential Election. MSA S 1041-2033. MdHR 19,771-61. 2/41/2/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Political, Poll-Prim, inc. Pollution, Population Growth Relationship to Environmental Com., Port Authority, Post Mortem Examiners Com., Potomac: River, River Basin Interstate Com., & Com.. MSA S 1041-2034. MdHR 19,771-62-1. 2/41/2/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Potomac: Estuary Study, River Fisheries Com., River Fisheries Compact Revisions Com., & Water Authority, Poultry: Advisory Council & Industry, Power: Generating Plants, Plant Sites, & Plants & Environment Com., Prayer, Pres. Nixon. MSA S 1041-2035. MdHR 19,771-62-2. 2/41/2/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Press: Conferences & Releases, Prisoners of War, Prison Disturbances, Prin-Prof, inc. Princess Anne College, PG: General, A-C. MSA S 1041-2036. MdHR 19,771-63. 2/41/2/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 PG Bd. of Education. MSA S 1041-2037. MdHR 19,771-111. 2/41/3/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 PG: D-S, Proclamations, A-H. MSA S 1041-2038. MdHR 19,771-64. 2/41/2/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Proclamations, I-Z. MSA S 1041-2039. MdHR 19,771-65. 2/41/2/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors, Prog-Puq, inc. Provident Hospital, Psychologists Examiners Bd., Publications Review Com., Public: Bldgs. & Grounds, Defender, Employees Safety Assoc., Health Service Hospital, & Funds Management Com.. MSA S 1041-2040. MdHR 19,771-66-1. 2/41/2/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Public Improvements: Bd. & Dept., Public Safety & Correctional Services, Public School: Construction Law Implementation Com. & Finances, Public Service Com., Public Transit Adm., Bd. of Public Works: Meetings & Agenda. MSA S 1041-2041. MdHR 19,771-66-2. 2/41/2/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Bd. of Public Works: A-Z, Procedures, Minutes, Salary Supplements, & Secretary, Pur-Rad, inc. Purchasing Bureau, Questionnaires, QA, Racing Com.. MSA S 1041-2042. MdHR 19,771-67. 2/41/2/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1972 Bd. of Public Works Meetings. MSA S 1041-2043. MdHR 19,771-68. 2/41/2/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1972 Bd. of Public Works Meetings. MSA S 1041-2044. MdHR 19,771-69. 2/41/2/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1972 Bd. of Public Works Meetings. MSA S 1041-2045. MdHR 19,771-70. 2/41/2/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1972-1973 Bd. of Public Works Meetings. MSA S 1041-2046. MdHR 19,771-71. 2/41/2/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973 Bd. of Public Works Meetings. MSA S 1041-2047. MdHR 19,771-72. 2/41/2/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973 Bd. of Public Works Meetings. MSA S 1041-2048. MdHR 19,771-73. 2/41/2/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973 Bd. of Public Works Meetings. MSA S 1041-2049. MdHR 19,771-74. 2/41/2/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1974 Bd. of Public Works Meetings. MSA S 1041-2050. MdHR 19,771-75. 2/41/2/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Racing Com. & Auditors Reports, Race Badges, Radiation Control & Advisory Com., Rae-Ren, inc. Real Estate Com., Recipes, Redistricting, Regional Planning Council, Reformatory for Males & Females. MSA S 1041-2051. MdHR 19,771-76. 2/41/2/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Reo-Rog, inc. Republican: National Com., National Convention, & State Central Com., Reservoir Control Center, Resources, Retail Credit Sales Com., Retirement Systems, Revenue Estimates Bd. & Sharing. MSA S 1041-2052. MdHR 19,771-77. 2/41/2/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Roh-Rz, inc. Rosewood State Hospital, Rural Affairs Council & Development, Roads: A-S, Chesapeake Bay Bridge, & Free Transportation. MSA S 1041-2053. MdHR 19,771-78. 2/41/2/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Roads: T-Z & Toll Facilities Div., Road Projects: A-Z, Bridges, Baltimore Washington Expressway, Kennedy Memorial Highway, & Route Numbers. MSA S 1041-2054. MdHR 19,771-79. 2/41/2/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Requests. MSA S 1041-2055. MdHR 19,771-80. 2/41/2/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 S-Schq, inc. St. John's College & Bd. of Visitors, St. Mary's City Com., St. Mary's College & Bd. of Trustees, SM, Salisbury State College & Bd. of Visitors, Salvation Army, Sand & Gravel Royalty Charges Com., Sanitarian Registration Bd.. MSA S 1041-2056. MdHR 19,771-81-1. 2/41/2/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Rep. Paul Sarbanes, Savings & Loans, Savings Share Insurance Co., Scenic Rivers Review Bd., Scholarships Bd., County School Bds., School Buses & Study. MSA S 1041-2057. MdHR 19,771-81-2. 2/41/2/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 School Construction Program, Aid to Nonpublic Schools Com., School Lunch Program, Supt. of Schools, School Transport Com., Year Round School System Com.. MSA S 1041-2058. MdHR 19,771-82. 2/41/2/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Schr-Shn, inc. Science Council, Secretary of State, Selective Service, Seneca Creek State Park Com., Sewage: Piscataway, Moratorium, Crisis Moratorium Task Force, & Sludge Dumping Problems Task Force, Sheppard & Enoch Pratt Hospital, Sheriffs. MSA S 1041-2059. MdHR 19,771-83. 2/41/2/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Sho-Sok, inc. Sludge Dumping Problems, Small Business Com., Small Loans Div., Smith, Social Services, Social Services: Div. & Adm., Social Security & Employees Retirement System, Society for Preservation of MD Antiquities, Soil Conservation Com.. MSA S 1041-2060. MdHR 19,771-84. 2/41/2/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Sol-Spz, inc. SO, Southeast Conference on Capital Outlay & Construction Adm., Southern: Governors Conference, Coms., Interstate Nuclear Bd., MD County Liaison, MD Tri-County Council, & Regional Education Bd. & Legislative Advisory Council. MSA S 1041-2061. MdHR 19,771-85-1. 2/41/2/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Southern Environment Conservation Council Compact, Space Com., Spanish Speaking People, Speeches, Sports: Complex Authority & Fisheries Advisory Com., Springfield State Hospital, Spring Grove State Hospital. MSA S 1041-2062. MdHR 19,771-85-2. 2/41/2/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Sq-Stec, inc. Standardbred Race Fund, Standard Salary Bd., State, A-U, Statements. MSA S 1041-2063. MdHR 19,771-86. 2/41/2/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Sted-Tar, inc. Strikes, Student Financial: Assistance Program Task Force & Aid Programs, Submerged Lands Com., Summer Employment, Sundry Claims Bd., Supreme Bench, Surplus Property Program, Susquehanna River Basin: Compact & Interstate Com.. MSA S 1041-2064. MdHR 19,771-87-1. 2/41/2/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Susquehanna State Park Advisory Com., Swan, TA. MSA S 1041-2065. MdHR 19,771-87-2. 2/41/2/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Tas-Tod, inc. Taxation, Multi-State Tax Com., Taxes, Tax: Com., Court, & Study Com., Income Tax Review Com., Teachers: College & Retirement, Television Service Examiners Bd., Testamentary Laws & Revision Com.. MSA S 1041-2066. MdHR 19,771-88-1. 2/41/2/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Thermal: Pollution & Research Advisory Com., Tickets, Timonium-State Fair, Tobacco: Authority, Warehouse Inspectors, Warehouse, & Alternates for Utilization of Resources. MSA S 1041-2067. MdHR 19,771-88-2. 2/41/2/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Toe-Trat, inc. Tome Institute, Toll Facilities Div., Tourism Div. & Study, Towson State College, Traffic Safety & Moral Aspects Com., Training School for Boys & Girls, Transportation: Dept., Budget Study, Com., Review Bd., & Task Force. MSA S 1041-2068. MdHR 19,771-89. 2/41/2/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Trau-Uq, inc. State Treasurer, County Treasurer, Trustees of State Colleges, Tuberculosis: Control Com. & Study Com., Unemployment Insurance Div., Uniformity of Legislation, Union, U.N., U.S.: Savings Bond, General, & A. MSA S 1041-2069. MdHR 19,771-90. 2/41/3/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 U.S., A-T, University of MD: Hospital, A-D, Fire Extension Service, & Chancellor. MSA S 1041-2070. MdHR 19,771-91. 2/41/3/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 University of MD: E-Z, Publications, & Bd. of Regents, Unsatisfied Claims & Judgments, Ur-Ve, inc. Urban Renewal & Housing Com., Veterans & Com.. MSA S 1041-2071. MdHR 19,771-92. 2/41/3/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Veterans of Foreign Wars, Veterinary Medical Examiners Bd., Vi-Waq, inc. Vice Pres. Agnew, Vietnam, Visits to Annapolis, Visa, Visits, Vocational: Rehabilitation Dept. & Technical Education Advisory Council. MSA S 1041-2072. MdHR 19,771-93-1. 2/41/3/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Wage & Price Control Policy, Prevailing Wage, Wage & Fringe Benefits, Minimum Wage Advisory Com., Prevailing Wage Rates Advisory Council. MSA S 1041-2073. MdHR 19,771-93-2. 2/41/3/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 War-Wea, inc. War Memorial Com., Washington Cemetery & Com., Washington College & Bd. of Governors, WA, Washington Metro: Council of Government, Transit Com., Area Transit Com., & Area Water Resources Problems Regional Task Force. MSA S 1041-2074. MdHR 19,771-94-1. 2/41/3/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Washington Suburban: Sanitary Com., Transit Auth., & Liaison Office, Waste Acceptance Service Agency, Solid Waste Management, Water: Pollution, Quality Control, Resources, Science Bd., Wastewater Bd., & Works Bd., Watershed Projects, Weather Serv.. MSA S 1041-2075. MdHR 19,771-94-2. 2/41/3/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Web-Willh, inc. Weights & Measures Div., Weights & Mine Scales Inspectors, Welfare, Well Drillers Bd., Western MD State Hospital, Wetlands, WI. MSA S 1041-2076. MdHR 19,771-95. 2/41/3/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Wetlands Reports. MSA S 1041-2077. MdHR 19,771-112. 1/41/3/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Wetlands Reports. MSA S 1041-2078. MdHR 19,771-113. 2/41/3/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Willi-Wo, inc. Status of Women, Appointed Women, Woodstock: Job Corp. & Residential Manpower Center, World Trade Week, WO, Workmens Compensation: Com. & Laws Com., Workmens Compensation. MSA S 1041-2079. MdHR 19,771-96. 2/41/3/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1971-1972 Wr-Z, inc. Wye Institute & Com., YMCA, Zoning & Planning Com.. MSA S 1041-2080. MdHR 19,771-97. 2/41/3/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 A-Alb, inc. Abandoned Property Unit, Accident Fund, Public Accountancy Bd., Afro-American & Indian History Culture Com., Aging Com. & Dept, Vice Pres Agnew. MSA S 1041-2081. MdHR 20,336-6. 2/41/3/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Agriculture: Dept., Com., & Review Bd., Agricultural Lands Preservation Com., Air Conditioning Com., Air Pollution Control Council, Airport: Authority, Master Plan Com., & Zoning Bd., Air Quality & Noise Control, Air Transportation. MSA S 1041-2082. MdHR 20,336-7-1. 2/41/3/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Alc-All, inc. Alcoholism & Control, Alcoholic Beverage Control Systems Com., Alcoholism Advisory Council, AL. MSA S 1041-2083. MdHR 20,336-7-2. 2/41/3/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Alm-Ao, inc. American: Assocs., Correctional Assoc. Citizens Particiption Com., & Legion & Auxiliary, Anatomy Bd., Anemia Com., Annapolis, Historic Annapolis, Annapolis State: Facilities & Financial Aid Com.. MSA S 1041-2084. MdHR 20,336-8. 2/41/3/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 AA, Appalachian: Regional Com. & Western MD Tri-County Council, Court of Appeals, Court of Special Appeals. MSA S 1041-2085. MdHR 20,336-9. 2/41/3/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Applications & Recommendations, Appointments, Apprenticeship & Training Council, Archaeology Advisory Com., Architectural: Registration Bd. & Review Bd., Ard-Az, inc. Arson Div., Artistic Property Com., Arts Council. MSA S 1041-2086. MdHR 20,336-10-1. 2/41/4/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Assateague Island & State Park Acquisition Com., Assessments & Taxation & Dept., Athletic Com., Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Com., Atomic Energy Com., Attorney General, Audiologists, Abandoned Automobiles Com., Automobile Insurance Fund Div.. MSA S 1041-2087. MdHR 20,336-10-2. 2/41/4/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Auto Insurance Fund & Bd. of Trustees & Advisory Bd., Auto: Liability Insurance Com., Insurance Problems, & Data Processing Review Bd., Aviation Adm.. MSA S 1041-2088. MdHR 20,336-11-1. 2/41/4/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 B-Bam, inc. Baltimore Assocs., Advertising Club of Baltimore, Baltimore: Assoc. of Commerce, Community College, Convention Bureau, & University, BC, A-P. MSA S 1041-2089. MdHR 20,336-11-2. 2/41/4/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 BC, M-Z. MSA S 1041-2090. MdHR 20,336-12. 2/41/4/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 BA, Ban-Beh, inc. Bands, Banking Bd., Bank Comr., Banking Laws Com., Bank Regulation Bd., Barber Examiners Bd., J. Glenn Beall, Jr., Bedding Advisory Bd.. MSA S 1041-2091. MdHR 20,336-13. 2/41/4/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Bei-Bn, inc. School for the Blind, Blind Industries & Services & Bd. of Trustees, Workship for the Blind, Block 69, Blood Assurance Program, Blue Crabs, Blue Laws Com., Blue Shield, Blue Sky Advisory Com.. MSA S 1041-2092. MdHR 20,336-14. 2/41/4/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Bo-Bron, inc. Boiler Rules Bd., Bonds, State Employees Surety Bond Com., Books, Bowie State College & Bd. of Visitors, Boy Scouts, Boys Village. MSA S 1041-2093. MdHR 20,336-15. 2/41/4/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Broo-Buk, inc. Bldg. Codes & Standards National Conference, Bldgs. & Grounds, Bldg. Savings & Loan Assocs., Budget. MSA S 1041-2094. MdHR 20,336-16. 2/41/4/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Budget: Amendment, Analysis Div., Capital, Supplemental, Recommendations, & Supplemental Capital. MSA S 1041-2095. MdHR 20,336-17. 2/41/4/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Budget & Fiscal Planning & Contributions. MSA S 1041-2096. MdHR 20,336-18. 2/41/4/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Bul-Card, inc. Business & Industry Economic Growth Task Force, Rep. Byron, Cabinet, Cable Television Com., CV, Calvert Cliffs, Campaign Financing Task Force, Cooperative Area Manpower Plan System, Capital: City Com., Improvements Div., & Punishment. MSA S 1041-2097. MdHR 20,336-19. 2/41/4/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Care-Che, inc. CA, CR, CE, Censors Bd., Census Figures, Chancellorship Program, Chaplains, Charitable Organizations Com., CH. MSA S 1041-2098. MdHR 20,336-20. 2/41/4/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Chesapeake Bay: A-Z, Affairs Dept., Coastal Zone Advisory Com., & Cooling Water Interstate Group, C & D Canal: Ground Water Resources Development Appropriations & Project, C & O: Canal & National Park Com.. MSA S 1041-2099. MdHR 20,336-21-1. 2/41/4/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Chi-Ci, inc. Child: Labor Laws Com. & Welfare Council, Childhood Development Interagency Com., Children of God Sect, Children & Youth Com., Childrens: Center & Programs, Chisholm, Chiropractic Examiners Bd., Civil: Air Patrol & Aeronautics Bd.. MSA S 1041-2100. MdHR 20,336-21-2. 2/41/4/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Civil Defense, Civil Defense & Emergency Plan: Agency & Services, Civil Rights, Cl-Com, inc. Clearinghouse, Coastal: Plains Regional Com. & Zone Management, Code Com., Annotated Code Reorganization Com., Communications Div.. MSA S 1041-2101. MdHR 20,336-22. 2/41/4/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Commercial Fisheries Advisory Com., Community: Colleges Bd., Development Adm., & Action Agency, Compacts, Comptroller of the Treasury: A-Z, Admissions Tax, Alcoholic Beverages Tax, & Gasoline Tax. MSA S 1041-2102. MdHR 20,336-23. 2/41/4/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Comptroller of the Treasury: Income Tax, License Bureau, Revenue Estimates Bureau, & Sales Tax, Con-Conm, inc. Condemnation Laws Com., Conferences & Conventions. MSA S 1041-2103. MdHR 20,336-24. 2/41/4/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Congratulations, Congressional Matters, A-M. MSA S 1041-2104. MdHR 20,336-25. 2/41/4/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Congressional Matters, N-Z, Conn-Cor, inc. Constitutional Amendment & Referendum, Conservation Groups, Constellation Com., Construction Grants, Consular Services, Consultants Selection & Use Task Force, Consumer Protection Div.. MSA S 1041-2105. MdHR 20,336-26-1. 2/41/4/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Del. Frank M. Conaway, Noncompetitive Contracts Task Force, Contributions, Controversial Issues, Coppin State College, Corrections-Health Services Task Force. MSA S 1041-2106. MdHR 20,336-26-2. 2/41/4/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Cou-Cov, inc. Correction Div. & Services Advisory Bd., Correctional: Camps & Training Center, Cosmetologists Bd., Cost of Living Council. MSA S 1041-2107. MdHR 20,336-27. 2/41/4/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Council of State Governments, Counties, Courtesy Cards & Tickets, Courts Adm. Office, Cove Point, Cow-Cum, inc. Credit Union & Insurance Corp.. MSA S 1041-2108. MdHR 20,336-28-1. 2/41/4/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Criminal: Injuries Compensation Bd., Justice Task Force, Law Com., Laws Study & Review Com., & Prosecution Com., Crownsville State Hospital & Citizens Advisory Bd., Victor Cullen School. MSA S 1041-2109. MdHR 20,336-28-2. 2/41/4/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Cun-Deld, inc. Data Processing: Div. & Management Review Bd., Day Care & Centers, School for the Deaf, State Debt Advisory Com., Distributive Education Program, Deepwater Ports, Deeds Comr., Deers Head State Hospital & Citizens Advisory Bd.. MSA S 1041-2110. MdHR 20,336-29-1. 2/41/4/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Defective Delinquents Advisory Bd., Deferred Compensation Task Force, DE Phased Construction Grants. MSA S 1041-2111. MdHR 20,336-29-2. 2/41/4/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Dele-Dev, inc. Delmarva: Advisory Council & Poultry Industry Employment Problems Com., Democratic: Convention, Party, National Com., National Convention, & State Central Com., Dental Examiners Bd.. MSA S 1041-2112. MdHR 20,336-30-1. 2/41/4/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Desegregation Plan, Development Credit Corp., Developmental Disabilities, Developmental Disbilities Services & Facilities Planning & Advisory Council. MSA S 1041-2113. MdHR 20,336-30-2. 2/41/4/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Dew-Dis, inc. Diplomats, Disasters & Disturbances, District Courts, District Court Rules, District Court 1-5. MSA S 1041-2114. MdHR 20,336-31. 2/41/4/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 District Court 6-12, Dit-Dt, inc. Divorce Com., Doctors Shortage Com., Domestic Law Com., DO, Drainage Div., Driver Education, Driver Education: Task Force & Programs, Drugs, Drug Abuse: Adm., Advisory Council, Com., & Treatment Act, Dangerous Drugs. MSA S 1041-2115. MdHR 20,336-32. 2/41/4/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Du-Ec, inc. Dyslexia Com., Eastern Shore State Hospital & Citizens Advisory Com., Economic Advisors Council, Economic & Community Development, Economic & Community Development: Dept. & Review Bd.. MSA S 1041-2116. MdHR 20,336-33. 2/41/4/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Economic: Development Div. & Opportunity & Coordinating Com., Ed-Ef, inc. Education, Education: Agencies Com., Com., & Alcoholism Prevention Task Force, Educational Cultural Broadcasting Com.. MSA S 1041-2117. MdHR 20,336-34-1. 2/41/4/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Higher Education: Council, Desegregation, Advisory Council, Facilities Acts Advisory Council, & Loan Plan, Public Education State Aid Task Force, Education Structure & Governance Com.. MSA S 1041-2118. MdHR 20,336-34-2. 2/41/4/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Education: Bd. & Dept, Eg-Ele, inc. Election Bd., Election Laws: Adm. Bd. & College Students Voting Purposes, Election Reform. MSA S 1041-2119. MdHR 20,336-35. 2/41/4/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Electricians Com., Electrical Examiners & Supervisors, Elf-Em, inc. Emergency: Medical Services Div. & Preparedness, Employees Credit Union, Employees Retirement: System, Bd. of Trustees, & Review Bd., Employer-Employee Relations Div.. MSA S 1041-2120. MdHR 20,336-36-1. 2/41/4/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Employment: Agencies Advisory Bd. & Security Adm. & Appeal Bd.. MSA S 1041-2121. MdHR 20,336-36-2. 2/41/4/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Employment & Social Services: Dept. & Bd., En-Eo, inc. Endorsements, Energy, A-E. MSA S 1041-2122. MdHR 20,336-37. 2/41/4/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Energy, F-P. MSA S 1041-2123. MdHR 20,336-38. 2/41/4/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Energy: Q-Z, Task Force, & Crisis Schools, Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors, Engineers Examiners Bd., Environmental: Services, Education Com., Estuarine Studies, Health Adm., Council, Protection Agency, Resources Com., & Trust. MSA S 1041-2124. MdHR 20,336-39-1. 2/41/4/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Ep-Er, inc. Equal Employment Opportunity Com., Equal Rights Amendment Implementaion Com.. MSA S 1041-2125. MdHR 20,336-39-2. 2/41/4/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Es-Feh, inc. Essex Community College, Ethics: Code & Bd., European Office, Extraditions, Fair Bd., Fair Practices Code, Family: Assistance Plan & Law Com., Federal: Aviation Adm., Bar Assoc. Council, Communications Com., Energy Office, Funds, & Grant. MSA S 1041-2126. MdHR 20,336-40. 2/41/4/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Federal Grants, Fei-Fis, inc. Fells Point Preservation Com., Fenwick Lighthouse Restoration, Financial Disclosures: Act & Advisory Bd., Fire, Fire: Marshall, Prevention Com., & Services Com., Firemen & Rescue Squads Training Com.. MSA S 1041-2127. MdHR 20,336-41-1. 2/41/4/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Fiscal: Management Div. & Services Dept., Fish & Wildlife: Adm. & Com., Fisheries Adm.. MSA S 1041-2128. MdHR 20,336-41-2. 2/41/4/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Fit-Freh, inc. Fleet: Management Task Force & Safety Com., Folklore, Food Market: Com. & Authority, Food Services Com., Boys Forestry Camps, Forest Service, Forests, Fort McHenry-National Poetry-Hall of Fame Com.. MSA S 1041-2129. MdHR 20,336-42-1. 2/41/4/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Foster Children Week Com., Community Coordinated Child Care. MSA S 1041-2130. MdHR 20,336-42-2. 2/41/4/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 FR, Frei-Gd, inc. Frostburg State College & Bd. of Visitors, Fuel Shortage, Fulbright Scholarship Com., Funeral Directors & Embalmers, GA. MSA S 1041-2131. MdHR 20,336-43. 2/41/4/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Gea-Gen, inc. General Assembly: Proposed Legislation, Misc., Applications, House of Delegates, Senate, & Special Com., General Services: Dept. & Construction Loan. MSA S 1041-2132. MdHR 20,336-44. 2/41/4/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Geo-Gq, inc. Geology Survey Com., Get Well Messages, Gifts, Girls State, Governmental Efficiency & Economy Com., Governors: of Other States, National Conference, & White Marlin Fishing Tournament, Government Functions Com.. MSA S 1041-2133. MdHR 20,336-45. 2/41/4/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Gr-Gree, inc. Great Oaks Center, Green Bag, Greetings. MSA S 1041-2134. MdHR 20,336-46. 2/41/4/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Greetings, Gref-Hag, inc. Group Homes, Rep. Gilbert R. Gude, GUIDE, Gun Permit Review Bd., Gunpowder River Valley Park Advisory Com., Hagerstown. MSA S 1041-2135. MdHR 20,336-47. 2/41/4/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Hah-Hd, inc. Sen. Edward T. Hall, Hall of Records, Handicapped: Children Educational Services Coordinating Task Force, Com., To Promote Employment, Needs, & Inter-Departmental Council, Handgun Permit Review Bd., HA, Harness Racing Com.. MSA S 1041-2136. MdHR 20,336-48. 2/41/4/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 He-Heb, inc. Health: Insurance Program, Dept., & Higher Education Facilities Com., Health & Mental Hygiene: Dept. & Budget Amendments. MSA S 1041-2137. MdHR 20,336-49. 2/41/4/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Health & Mental Hygiene: Dept., Patient Labor, & Review Bd., Health Planning: Agency, Advisory Com., & Advisory Council, Health Services Cost Com., Hearing Aid Dealers Examiners Bd., Hec-Heo, inc. Henryton State Hospital & Citizens Advisory Bd.. MSA S 1041-2138. MdHR 20,336-50. 2/41/5/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Hep-Hik, inc. Hereditary Disorders Com., Highway Adm.. MSA S 1041-2139. MdHR 20,336-51. 2/41/5/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Highway: Adm., Safety, Safety Advisory Com., Toll Facilities Div., Adm. Task Force, Projects, Route Numbers, Traffic Signs, & Safety Coordinating Com., Hil-Hir, inc. Historic Landmark Sites & Bldgs. National Register Com., MD Historic Trust. MSA S 1041-2140. MdHR 20,336-52. 2/41/5/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 His-Hoo, inc. Rep. Lawrence J. Hogan, Holidays, Rep. Marjorie S. Holt, Home: Financing Div. & Improvements Com., Honorary Titles & Awards. MSA S 1041-2141. MdHR 20,336-53. 2/41/5/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Honorary Titles & Awards, Hop-Hors, inc. Johns Hopkins: Hospital & University, Horse Riding Stables Bd.. MSA S 1041-2142. MdHR 20,336-54. 2/41/5/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Hort-Huo, inc. Horticultural Dept., Hospital: Admissions Review Bd., Assoc., Chronic Diseases, Construction Advisory Bd., Cost Analysis Service, & Licensing Com., House of Correction, Housing Div., Housing & Community Development Authority, HO. MSA S 1041-2143. MdHR 20,336-55-1. 2/41/5/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Humane Practices Com., Human Relations Com.. MSA S 1041-2144. MdHR 20,336-55-2. 2/41/5/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Human: Relations Com., Resources, & Rights Advisory Com., Hup-Iq, inc. I Am An American Day, Inaugural File, Incentive Award Program, Income Tax Forms, Independence Day. MSA S 1041-2145. MdHR 20,336-56-1. 2/41/5/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Industrialized Bldgs. & Mobile Homes Advisory Com., Industrial Development & Finance Authority, Infant Mortality Com., Injured Workers Rehabilitation Com., Inmate Grievances Com.. MSA S 1041-2146. MdHR 20,336-56-2. 2/41/5/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Insurance Div. & Dept., Fire & Auto Insurance Com., Intergovernmental: Cooperation Advisory Com., Personnel Act, & Relations Com., Interstate: Commerce Com. & Oil Compact, Interviews, Invitations, A-C. MSA S 1041-2147. MdHR 20,336-57. 2/41/5/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Invitations, D-M. MSA S 1041-2148. MdHR 20,336-58. 2/41/5/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Invitations, N-T. MSA S 1041-2149. MdHR 20,336-59. 2/41/5/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Invitations, U-Z, Ir-Jh, inc. Israel, Jewish War Veterans. MSA S 1041-2150. MdHR 20,336-60. 2/41/5/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Ji-Jz, inc. Job Corps, Lester V. Jones, Judges Pensions, Judicial, Judicial: Disabilities Com., Reform Com., & Selection Com., Judiciary: 2nd-8th Circuit, Juvenile Interstate Compact, Juvenile Services: Advisory Bd., Coordination Com., & Div.. MSA S 1041-2151. MdHR 20,336-61. 2/41/5/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 K-Kq, inc. Keep MD Beautiful, KE, Kidney Disease Com.. MSA S 1041-2152. MdHR 20,336-62. 2/41/5/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Kra-Lawr, inc. Laboratories Adm., Labor & Industry Div., Labor Relations: Bd. & Task Force, Landmark Sites & Bldgs. Consulting Com., Land: Office, Surveyors Review Bd., Div., & Acquisition Div., Land Use: Bd., Regulation Com., & Planning Matters. MSA S 1041-2153. MdHR 20,336-63-1. 2/41/5/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Land & Water Conservation Fund Program, Landlord Tenant Com., Landlord Tenant Laws Com., Latin American Affairs Com., Laurel Hospital Authority. MSA S 1041-2154. MdHR 20,336-63-2. 2/41/5/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Law Dept., Law Enforcement & Adm. of Justice: Com. & Study, Laws-Levh, inc. Legislative: Council & Reference Dept.. MSA S 1041-2155. MdHR 20,336-64. 2/41/5/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Levi-Lon, inc. State Library, Library: Development & Services, Bds., & Advisory Council, Licensing & Regulation Dept., Lt. Gov., Rep. Clarence D. Long. MSA S 1041-2156. MdHR 20,336-65. 2/41/5/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Loo-Lov, inc. Lottery, A-O, Lottery Com.. MSA S 1041-2157. MdHR 20,336-66. 2/41/5/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Lottery, P-Z, Low-Marc, inc. Lundeberg School of Seamanship, Management Information: & Program Evaluation System & System Div., Manpower, Manpower: Development & Training Com. & Coordinating Com., Marathon. MSA S 1041-2158. MdHR 20,336-67. 2/41/5/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Mard-Mass, inc. Marine Tourism Com., Marketing Div., MD Names, A-L. MSA S 1041-2159. MdHR 20,336-68. 2/41/5/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 MD Names, M-Z. MSA S 1041-2160. MdHR 20,336-69. 2/41/5/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Mass Transit Adm., Mast-Med, inc. Charles McC. Mathias, Jr., Meat & Poultry Inspection Program, Wholesome Meat Advisory Council, Mechanics Liens laws Com., Mediation Bd., Medicaid. MSA S 1041-2161. MdHR 20,336-70. 2/41/5/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Medical Assistance: Plan, Program Com., & Programs, Medical Care Program Adm., Medical: & Chirurgical Faculty, Cost Increases, Discipline & Com., & Examiners Bd., Medicaid, Mee-Mim, inc. Mental Health & Public Facilities Citizens Advisory Bd.. MSA S 1041-2162. MdHR 20,336-71-1. 2/41/5/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Mental Hygiene: Adm. & Advisory Council, Mental Retardation: Adm. & Directorate, Metro: Transit Authority & Washington Council of Governments, Mid-Atlantic Governors Conference, Military Dept., Rep. William O. Mills. MSA S 1041-2163. MdHR 20,336-71-2. 2/41/5/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Min-Morg, inc. Bureau of Mines, Misc., Misc. Revenue Div. & License Bureau, Rep. Parran Mitchell, Mobile Homes, Model: Legislature & Cities Program Interdepartmental Group, Montebello State Hospital, MO, Montrose School, Moon Landing. MSA S 1041-2164. MdHR 20,336-72. 2/41/5/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Morgan State College, Mori-Mt, inc. Motor Vehicle: Adm., Inspection, & Periodic Inspection Task Force, Mount Wilson Sanitorium, Moving Picture Machine Operators Bd.. MSA S 1041-2165. MdHR 20,336-73. 2/41/5/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Mu-Na, inc. Multistate Tax Com., Municipal Court & Com., National Governors Conference, A-M. MSA S 1041-2166. MdHR 20,336-74. 2/41/5/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 National Governors Conference, N-Z, National Organizations, A-H. MSA S 1041-2167. MdHR 20,336-75. 2/41/5/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 National Organizations, I-Z, Natural Resources: Dept. & Hunting Lands. MSA S 1041-2168. MdHR 20,336-76. 2/41/5/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Natural Resources: Dept. & Police, Ne-Noq, inc. Negro History, New Citizens, Newspaper Clippings, Noise Pollution Control Advisory Council. MSA S 1041-2169. MdHR 20,336-77. 2/41/5/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Nor-Olm, inc. Northeast Regional Transport Com., Notaries Public, Nuclear Energy Power Plants, Nursing, Nurses Examiners Bd., Nursing Home Adm. & Homes, Nursing Homes: Investigations, Problems Com., & Local 1199E of Hospital Workers Union Dispute. MSA S 1041-2170. MdHR 20,336-78-1. 2/41/5/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Nutrition Advisory Com., Oaths, Ocean City, Occupational: Diseases, Safety, & Safety & Health Advisory Bd., Ocean City: Convention Hall & Shore & Dune Line Preservation Com., Off Shore Drilling, Off Track Betting System, Oil Drilling Com.. MSA S 1041-2171. MdHR 20,336-78-2. 2/41/5/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Oln-Parr, inc. Olympics Com., Open Space Com., Optometry Examiners Bd., Osteopathic Examiners Bd., Outdoor Recreation Land Act, Park Service Div.. MSA S 1041-2172. MdHR 20,336-79. 2/41/5/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Parole & Probation: Div. & Supervision Act, Pardons, Pars-Peh, inc. Partners of the Alliance, Patapsco State Park, Patuxent: Institution & River Bridge. MSA S 1041-2173. MdHR 20,336-80. 2/41/5/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Pei-Petq, inc. Penal Institutions & Medical Care Com., MD Penitentiary, Pension Com., Perkins State Hospital, Personnel: Dept., A-N, & Com.. MSA S 1041-2174. MdHR 20,336-81. 2/41/5/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Personnel: Dept., O-Z, & Summer Employment, Petr-Pn, inc. Pharmacy Bd., Physical: Fitness Com. & Therapy Practitioners, Physicians Shortage Com., Pine Bluff State Hospital. MSA S 1041-2175. MdHR 20,336-82. 2/41/5/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Planning: Dept. & Advisory Council, Plumbing: Bd. & Regulations Com.. MSA S 1041-2176. MdHR 20,336-83. 2/41/5/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Po-Polk, inc. Podiatry Examiners Bd., Poet Laureate, Police: Dept., Retirement System, & Training Com., Political: Congressional, Corruption, A-G, & Gubernatorial. MSA S 1041-2177. MdHR 20,336-84. 2/41/5/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Political: H-Z, Presidential, & Senatorial, Poll-Poz, inc. Pollution & Com., Port: Adm. & Authority, Post Mortem Examiners Com., Potomac River: Basin Interstate Com., Basin Advisory Com., A-Z, Fisheries Com., Com., & Water Authority. MSA S 1041-2178. MdHR 20,336-85-1. 2/41/5/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Poultry Wholesale Advisory Council, Power Plant Siting. MSA S 1041-2179. MdHR 20,336-85-2. 2/41/5/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Pr-Prof, inc. Prayer, Press: Conferences & Releases, PG, A-E. MSA S 1041-2180. MdHR 20,336-94. 2/42/1/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 PG, F-Z, Prison Com., Proclamations, A-F. MSA S 1041-2181. MdHR 20,336-95. 2/42/1/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Proclamations G-Z, Prog-Pt, inc. Property Tax Assessment Appeals Bd., Provident Hospital, Psychiatric Research Center, Pschologists Examiners Bd.. MSA S 1041-2182. MdHR 20,336-96. 2/42/1/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Pu-Puq, inc. Public Assistance, Publications Com., Public Broadcasting Com., Public Defender & Div., Public Funds Management Com., Public Safety & Correctional Services & Dept., Public Services Com., Public School: Construction Com. & Employees. MSA S 1041-2183. MdHR 20,336-97. 2/42/1/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Bd. of Public Works: A-Z & Procedures, Pur-Q, inc. Purchasing Bureau, QA, Questionnaires. MSA S 1041-2184. MdHR 20,336-98. 2/42/1/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 R-Rea, inc. Racing: Com. & Inspectors, Radiation Control Advisory Bd., Radio Communication Services, Radio & TV Stations, Rail Services Program, Real Estate Com., Reapportionment. MSA S 1041-2185. MdHR 20,336-99. 2/42/1/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Reb-Reu, inc. Reciprocity: Agreements & Task Force, Recreation Div., Recycling Com., Redistricting, Regional: States Com., Detention Centers, & Planning Council, Relocation Assistance, Republican: National Com. & State Com., Retirement Systems. MSA S 1041-2186. MdHR 20,336-100. 2/42/1/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Requests, Rev-Rg, inc. Revenue: Estimates Bd. & Sharing. MSA S 1041-2187. MdHR 20,336-101. 2/42/1/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Rh-Rur, inc. Rosewood State Hospital, Rural Affairs Council. MSA S 1041-2188. MdHR 20,336-102. 2/42/1/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Rus-Schak, inc. St. John's College, St. Mary's: City Com. & College, SM, Salisbury State College & Bd. of Visitors, Sanitarian Bd., Sanitary Fund, Salvation Army, Sarbanes, Savings & Loan Assoc., Savings Share Insurance Co., Scenic Rivers Review Bd.. MSA S 1041-2189. MdHR 20,336-103. 2/42/1/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Schal-Schq, inc. Scholarships Bd., Schools, School: Buses, Disturbances, Buses Study, Construction, Transportation Com., & Year Round System Com.. MSA S 1041-2190. MdHR 20,336-104. 2/42/1/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 School Construction. MSA S 1041-2191. MdHR 20,336-105. 2/42/1/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Schr-Sg, inc. Science: Advisory Council & Resources Advisory Bd., Secretary of State, Securities Comr., Selective Service, Seneca Creek State Park Advisory Com., Sentencing Bd., Service Corps Advisory Council. MSA S 1041-2192. MdHR 20,336-106. 2/42/1/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Sewage, A-Z & Piscataway, Sh, inc. Shellfish, Sheppard & Enoch Pratt Hospital. MSA S 1041-2193. MdHR 20,336-107. 2/42/1/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Si-Sok, inc. Small Business Com., Small Loans Div., Small Loans & Industrial Loans Consolidation Com., Smith, Snow Emergency Com., Social Security Div.. MSA S 1041-2194. MdHR 20,336-108. 2/42/1/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Social Security, Social Services: Div. Adm., Bd., & Welfare, Social Welfare Manpower Com., Soil Conservation Com., Sol-Sph, inc. SO, Southeast States Conference on Capital Outlay & Construction Adm.. MSA S 1041-2195. MdHR 20,336-109-1. 2/42/1/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Southern: Governors Conference, Interstate Nuclear Bd., MD Tri-County Council, & Regional Education Bd. Legislative Advisory Council, Space Com., Spanish Speaking People, Speeches. MSA S 1041-2196. MdHR 20,336-109-2. 2/42/1/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Spi-Stec, inc. Sports: Complex & Fisheries Advisory Com., Springfield State Hospital, Spring Grove State Hospital, State, A-C. MSA S 1041-2197. MdHR 20,336-110. 2/42/1/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 State, C-R, Statements, Stay Com., Sted-Sth, inc. Steuart Petroleum. MSA S 1041-2198. MdHR 20,336-111. 2/42/1/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Sti-Td, inc. Strikes, Student Financial Assistance: Program & Com., Submerged Lands Com., Summer Employment, Sunday Blue Laws Com., Susquehanna: River Basin Com. & State Park Advisory Com., Sympathy, TA. MSA S 1041-2199. MdHR 20,336-112. 2/42/1/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Taxes, Tax Court, Tax Sheltered Annuity Program, Tax Structure Com., Taxation, Te-Tod, inc. Teachers Retirement System, Testamentary Laws Com., Thank You Letters, Tickets, Timonium-State Fair, Tobacco: Authority, Warehouse, & Warehouse Com.. MSA S 1041-2200. MdHR 20,336-113. 2/42/1/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Toe-Trat, inc. Tort Claims Act Com., Tourism Div., Towson State College & Bd. of Visitors, Traffic Safety, Traffic Safety: Com. & Moral Aspects Com., Transportation Dept. Budget Task Force, Training School for Boys, Transportation Dept.. MSA S 1041-2201. MdHR 20,336-114. 2/42/1/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Trau-Tz, inc. Travel Writer Emeritus, State Treasurer, Tree & Fruit Inspectors, Trophies, Truck Laws Com., Trustees of State Colleges, Henry Turner. MSA S 1041-2202. MdHR 20,336-115. 2/42/1/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 U-Uq, inc. Unsatisfied Claims & Judgments Fund Bd., Unemployment Insurance Div., Uniformity of Legislation, Uniform State Laws Uniform Legislation Com., Union, U.N., U.S.: Misc. & A-Ga. MSA S 1041-2203. MdHR 20,336-116. 2/42/1/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 U.S., Ge-T, University of MD, A-C. MSA S 1041-2204. MdHR 20,336-117. 2/42/1/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 University of MD: D-Z, Eastern Shore, Student Affairs Com., & Bd. of Regents, Ur-Veq, inc. Usury Laws. MSA S 1041-2205. MdHR 20,336-118. 2/42/1/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Ver-Was, inc. Veterans, Veterans Com., Veterans of Foreign Wars, Veterinary Medical Examiners, Vice Pres., Vietnam, Visa Requests, Visits, Vocational: Rehabilitation & Technical Education, Wage & Hour Law Advisory Com.. MSA S 1041-2206. MdHR 20,336-119-1. 2/42/1/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Prevailing Wage Rates Advisory Council, War Memorial Com., Washington: Baltimore Area Airports Multistate Authority, Cemetery Com., College, & Suburban Sanitary Com., WA, Washington Metro Area Transit: Com. & Authority. MSA S 1041-2207. MdHR 20,336-119-2. 2/42/1/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Washington Suburban: Office & Transit Authority, Waste Management, Wastewater Treatment Plants, Wastewater & Solid Waste Plans Advisory Com., Wat, inc. Water: Pollution & Quality Control, Pollution Problems Com., & Resources Adm.. MSA S 1041-2208. MdHR 20,336-120. 2/42/1/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Water Resources: Com. & Advisory Com., Watershed Projects, Water Science Advisory Bd., Water & Wastewater Supervisors Bd., Waterworks Bd., Wau-Wg, inc. Weather Service, Weights & Mine Scales Inspectors. MSA S 1041-2209. MdHR 20,336-121-1. 2/42/1/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Welfare, Well Drillers Bd., Welfare Reform Task Force, Western MD State Hospital & Citizens Advisory Bd., Wetlands. MSA S 1041-2210. MdHR 20,336-121-2. 2/42/1/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Wetlands, Wh-Wild, inc. WI, Wildlife Advisory Com.. MSA S 1041-2211. MdHR 20,336-122. 2/42/1/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Wile-Wo, inc. Wilmington Metro Area & County Plan Agency, Status of Women Com., Woodstock Residential Manpower, WO, Workmens Compensation: Com. & Laws Com.. MSA S 1041-2212. MdHR 20,336-123. 2/42/1/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1973-1974 Wr-Z, inc. Wye Institute Com., Young Businessmans Council, Young Offenders Problems Com., Youth: Bd., Advisory Council Com., & Services Bureau. MSA S 1041-2213. MdHR 20,336-124. 2/42/1/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 A-Alb, inc. Abandoned Property Div., W. Shepherdson Abell, Adams, Accident Fund & Comrs., Public Accountancy Bd., Adjutant General, Admissions Tax Div., Afro-American & Indian History & Culture Com.. MSA S 1041-2214. MdHR 20,337-25-1. 2/42/2/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Aging: Com., Com. for Domiciliary Care Study, & Office, Aggressive Offenders Treatment Com., Agricultural: Dept., Com., Land Preservation Foundation, & Review Bd.. MSA S 1041-2215. MdHR 20,337-25-2. 2/42/2/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Air Pollution Control Council, Airport: Authority, Master Plan Com., System Plan Grant Consultance Selection Com., & Zoning Appeals Bd., Air Quality: Noise Control & Control Advisory Council, Air Transportation. MSA S 1041-2216. MdHR 20,337-26-1. 2/42/2/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Alc-Ame, inc. Alcoholism & Advisory Council, Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment & Rehabilitation, Alcoholic Beverages Div., AL, Ambulance Training & Personnel, American Assocs., American Legion & Auxiliary. MSA S 1041-2217. MdHR 20,337-26-2. 2/42/2/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Amf-Arc, inc. Anatomy Bd., Annapolis: A-Z, Arts Festival, Historic, & State Facilities, AA. MSA S 1041-2218. MdHR 20,337-27. 2/42/2/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Appalachian, Appeal Bd., Court of Appeals, Court of Special Appeals, Apple Com., Applications & Recommendations, Appointments. MSA S 1041-2219. MdHR 20,337-28. 2/42/2/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Apprenticeship & Training Council, Archaeology Adv. Com., Architectural: Reg. Bd. & Review Bd., State Archivist, Ard-Az, inc. Armed Forces Day, Arson Div., Artistic Property Com, Arts Council, Assateague Island, Assateague Island: WO Bd. & Bridge. MSA S 1041-2220. MdHR 20,337-29-1. 2/42/2/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Assessments & Taxation Dept., Athletic Com., Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Com., Atomic Energy Com., Audiologists Bd., Audits Div., Abandoned Autos Com., Auto Data Processing, Attorney General, Auto Insurance: Fund Div. & Problems, Aviation Adm.. MSA S 1041-2221. MdHR 20,337-29-2. 2/42/2/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 B-Bam, inc. Bainbridge Naval Training Center Land Use Advisory Com., Baltimore Assocs., Baltimore University. MSA S 1041-2222. MdHR 20,337-30. 2/42/2/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 BC. MSA S 1041-2223. MdHR 20,337-31. 2/42/2/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 BA, Baltimore Washington Corridor Plan Coordinating Task Force, Ban-Benm, inc. Bands, Bank Comr., Barber Examiners, Barrett School, Sen. J. Glenn Beall, Bedding Advisory Bd.. MSA S 1041-2224. MdHR 20,337-32. 2/42/2/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Benn-Bon, inc. Blind Industry & Services, School for the Blind, Blue Crabs, Blue Laws Com., Blue Shield, Bonds. MSA S 1041-2225. MdHR 20,337-33. 2/42/2/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Boo-Brt, inc. Books, Bowie State College, Boys Forestry Camps, Boy Scouts, Boys Village. MSA S 1041-2226. MdHR 20,337-34. 2/42/2/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Bru-Buk, inc. Budget & Fiscal Planning & Dept., Budget Amendments. MSA S 1041-2227. MdHR 20,337-35. 2/42/2/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Budget, Capital Budget. MSA S 1041-2228. MdHR 20,337-36. 2/42/2/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Bldg.: Codes Div., Codes & Standards Conf., & Grounds, & Savings & Loan Assoc., Bul-Card, inc. Business & Industrial Dev., Rep. Byron, Cabinet, Cable TV, Calvert Cliffs, CV, Canvassers Bd., Capital: Budget, City Com., Improvements, & Punishment. MSA S 1041-2229. MdHR 20,337-37. 2/42/2/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Care-Chh, inc. CA, CR, CE, Censor Bd., Census Figures, Central Licensing Office, CH. MSA S 1041-2230. MdHR 20,337-38. 2/42/2/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Chesapeake: Bay, Bay Affairs, & College, C & D Canal Project, C & O Canal, Chi-Clh, inc. Codes Adm., Childhood Malnutrition Com., Childrens: Center, Programs, & Day Care Centers, Children & Youth Com., Chiropractic Examiners. MSA S 1041-2231. MdHR 20,337-39-1. 2/42/2/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Civil: Aeronautics Bd., Air Patrol, Defense, Defense Emergency Resources Priorities Bd., & Rights, Clearinghouse. MSA S 1041-2232. MdHR 20,337-39-2. 2/42/2/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Cli-Com, inc. Coastal Zone Management, Commercial Fisheries Advisory Com., Community: Development Adm., Action Agency, & Coordinated Child Care, Community College: Bd. & Funding Task Force, Compacts, Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program. MSA S 1041-2233. MdHR 20,337-40. 2/42/3/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Comptroller of the Treasury: A-Z, Abandoned Property, Admissions Tax, Alcoholic Beverages Tax, Central Payroll, Gasoline Tax, Income Tax, Licenses, & Sales Tax, Con-Conm, inc. Conferences & Cenventions, A-H. MSA S 1041-2234. MdHR 20,337-41. 2/42/3/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Conferences & Conventions, I-Z, Congratulations. MSA S 1041-2235. MdHR 20,337-42. 2/42/3/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Congratultions, Congressional Matters. MSA S 1041-2236. MdHR 20,337-43. 2/42/3/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Conn-Cor, inc. Conservation Groups, Constellation Com., Consular Service, Construction Grant Priority List, Contributions, Noncompetitive Contracts, Coppin State College, Corrections Div., A-F. MSA S 1041-2237. MdHR 20,337-44. 2/42/3/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Corrections Div., H-Z, Correctional Services: Dept. & Training Center, Cos-Crov, inc. Cosmetologists Bd., State Governments Council, Counties, Courtesy Tickets, Courts Adm. Office, Credit Union, Criminal: Injuries Comp. Bd. & Justice Info. System. MSA S 1041-2238. MdHR 20,337-45. 2/42/3/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Crow-Dek, inc. Crownsville State Hospital, Victor Cullen School, Data Processing Div., Day Care: Services & Eligibility Scales, School for the Deaf, State Debt Advisory Com., Deers Head State Hospital. MSA S 1041-2239. MdHR 20,337-46. 2/42/3/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Del-Did, inc. Delmarva Advisory Council, Democratic: Convention, Party, State Central Com., & National Com., Dental Examiners Bd., Desegregation, Developmental Disabilities. MSA S 1041-2240. MdHR 20,337-47. 2/42/3/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Die-Dt, inc. Diplomatic File, Disasters & Disturbances, District Courts, Domiciliary Care, DO, Driver Education. MSA S 1041-2241. MdHR 20,337-48. 2/42/3/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Du-Ef, inc. Drugs, Drug Abuse Adm., Dyslexia Com., Eastern Shore State Hospital, Economic & Community Development Dept.. MSA S 1041-2242. MdHR 20,337-49. 2/42/3/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Higher Education: Misc., Com. of the States, Loan Corp., Council, & Bd., Educational Cultural Broadcasting Com., Education Dept., A-Mc. MSA S 1041-2243. MdHR 20,337-50. 2/42/3/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Education: Dept., M-Z & Bd., Structure & Governance of Education Com., Eg-Em, inc. Elderly Programs, Adm. Bd. of Election Laws, Electrical Examiners & Supervisors. MSA S 1041-2244. MdHR 20,337-51. 2/42/3/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Emergency Medical Services & Div. & Advisory Council, Employees Retirement Systems, Employment Security Adm.. MSA S 1041-2245. MdHR 20,337-52. 2/42/3/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 En-Ez, inc. Endorsements, Energy: Policy Office, Misc., & Executive Orders & Proclamations, Engineers & Land Surveyors, Engineers Examiners Bd., Environmental: Council, Estuarine Studies, Health Adm. Trust, Protection Agency, & Service. MSA S 1041-2246. MdHR 20,337-53-1. 2/42/3/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Equal Rights Amendment Com., Estuarine Studies, Ethics Code, Entomologists, Pathologists & Horticulturists. MSA S 1041-2247. MdHR 20,337-53-2. 2/42/3/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Executive Dept.: General, Applications, Expenses, Government House, State House, Directives, & A-E. MSA S 1041-2248. MdHR 20,337-54. 2/42/3/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Executive Dept.: F-Z & Governor. MSA S 1041-2249. MdHR 20,337-55. 2/42/3/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Executive Dept.: Staff, A-S, & Secretary of State. MSA S 1041-2250. MdHR 20,337-56. 2/42/3/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Executive Dept.: Staff, W, & Extraditions, F-Feh, inc. Fair Labor Standards Act, State Fair Bd., Fair Practices Code, Federal: Acts, Aviation Adm., Communications Com., & Energy Adm.. MSA S 1041-2251. MdHR 20,337-57. 2/42/3/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Federal: Grants, Funds, Power Com., & Regional Council, Fei-Fis inc. Fire, Fire: Academy Site, Marshall, & Prevention Com., Fiscal: Services Dept. & Management Div., Fisheries Adm.. MSA S 1041-2252. MdHR 20,337-58. 2/42/3/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Fit-For, inc. Food Market Com., Boys Forestry Camps, Forest Service, Form Letters, A-C. MSA S 1041-2253. MdHR 20,337-59. 2/42/3/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Form Letters, D-R. MSA S 1041-2254. MdHR 20,337-60. 2/42/3/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Form Letters, S-Z, Fos-Frt, inc. Four C Com., FR. MSA S 1041-2255. MdHR 20,337-61. 2/42/3/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Frostburg State College, Fru-Gen, inc. Fuel Shortage, Funeral Directors & Embalmers, Game & Inland Fish Com., GA, General Assembly, General Professional Services Selection Bd., General Services Dept., A-C. MSA S 1041-2256. MdHR 20,337-62. 2/42/3/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 General Services Construction Loans. MSA S 1041-2257. MdHR 20,337-63. 2/42/3/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 General Services Dept., D-Z, Geo-Goe, inc. Geology Survey Com., Get Well Messages, Gifts, Governors Operating Economy Survey. MSA S 1041-2258. MdHR 20,337-64. 2/42/3/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Gof-Gree, inc. Louis L. Goldstein, Governors Conference, Government Functions Com., Governors of other States, Great Oaks Center, Greetings. MSA S 1041-2259. MdHR 20,337-65. 2/42/3/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Greetings, Gref-Hal, inc. Group Homes, Rep. Gilbert R. Gude, Hagerstown Junior College, Hairdressers & Beauty Culturists Bd.. MSA S 1041-2260. MdHR 20,337-66. 2/42/3/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Hall of Records, Sen. Edward T. Hall, Ham-Hart, inc. Handicapped: Children Education, Needs, & Com. to Promote Employment, John H. Hargreave, HA, Hart Miller Island. MSA S 1041-2261. MdHR 20,337-67. 2/42/3/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Harv-Heb, inc. Health: Dept., Care Subcom. of Johns Hopkins University Center for Metro Planning & Research, Facility Cost Review Com., Higher Education Facilities Authority, Insurance Program, Security Act, & Services Areas, A-M. MSA S 1041-2262. MdHR 20,337-68. 2/42/3/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Health Services: Areas, N-Z & Cost Review Com., Washington Area Health Planning Coordination Council, Health & Mental Hygiene: Dept., A-C, Critical Issues Task Force, & Contributions. MSA S 1041-2263. MdHR 20,337-69. 2/42/3/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Health & Mental Hygiene Dept., D-Z, Comprehensive Health Planning Agency, Health: Plan, Planning & Developing Agency, & Planning Comprehensive Advisory Com., Hearing Aid Dealers Bd.. MSA S 1041-2264. MdHR 20,337-70-1. 2/42/3/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Hec-Hik, inc. Henryton State Hospital, Hereditary Disorders Com., High School Drivers Education Com.. MSA S 1041-2265. MdHR 20,337-70-2. 2/42/3/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Highway Adm.: A-Z, Task Force, Toll Facilities Div.. MSA S 1041-2266. MdHR 20,337-71. 2/42/3/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Highway Projects, A-Z, Highway Adm.: Bridges & Route Numbers, Historical Trust, Hoc-Hol, inc. Holidays, Holly Center Advisory Bd.. MSA S 1041-2267. MdHR 20,337-72. 2/42/3/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Hil-Hoo, inc. Historic Sites & Landmarks, Home Financing Div., Home Improvement Com.. MSA S 1041-2268. MdHR 20,337-73. 2/42/3/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Honorary Awards & Titles, Hop-Hors, inc. Johns Hopkins: Hospital & University, Horse Riding Stables Bd.. MSA S 1041-2269. MdHR 20,337-74. 2/42/3/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Hort-Hz, inc. Hospital: Centers, Construction Advisory Bd., & Cost Analysis Service, House of Correction, Housing & Div., HO, Humane Practices Com., Human Relations Com., Human Resources: Dept. & Adv. Task Force. MSA S 1041-2270. MdHR 20,337-75. 2/42/3/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 I-Iq, inc. I Am An American Day, Incentive Awards Program, Income Tax Forms, Industrial Development & Finance Authority, Injured Workers Rehabilitation Com., Inmate Grievance Com., Insurance Div.. MSA S 1041-2271. MdHR 20,337-76-1. 2/42/3/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Intergovernmental: Cooperative Advisory Com., Relations Advisory Com., & Personnel Act, Interstate: Commerce Com. & Oil Compact, Interview Requests, Introductory Letters, Invoice Processing, Invitations by Governor. MSA S 1041-2272. MdHR 20,337-76-2. 2/42/3/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Invitations to Governor, A-G. MSA S 1041-2273. MdHR 20,337-77. 2/42/3/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Invitations to Governor, H-P. MSA S 1041-2274. MdHR 20,337-78. 2/42/3/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Invitations to Governor, Q-Z, Ir-Je, inc. Israel, Jewish, Jewish War Veterans. MSA S 1041-2275. MdHR 20,337-79. 2/42/3/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Ji-Jz, inc. Job Corps, Judicial: Disabilities Com., Reform Com., General, & Selection Com., Juvenile: Services Div. & Security Center. MSA S 1041-2276. MdHR 20,337-80. 2/42/4/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 K-Kol, inc. Keep MD Beautiful, KE, Kepone Task Force, Kidney Disease Com.. MSA S 1041-2277. MdHR 20,337-81. 2/42/4/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Kom-Land, inc. Labor & Industry Dept., Labor Relations, Laboratories Adm., Land Acquisition: State Land, Div., Federal Surplus Policy, & Jurisdiction. MSA S 1041-2278. MdHR 20,337-82. 2/42/4/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Lane-Leq, inc. Law Dept., Law Enforcement & Adm. of Justice, Legislative: Auditor, Council, Reference Dept.. MSA S 1041-2279. MdHR 20,337-83. 2/42/4/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Ler-Lon, inc. State Library, Library Development & Services Div., Licensing & Certification Div., Licensing & Regulation Dept., Lt. Gov., Liquor Control, Lobby Reports, Rep. Clarence D. Long. MSA S 1041-2280. MdHR 20,337-84. 2/42/4/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Loo-Mag, inc. Lottery Agency, Magazine Advisory Com.. MSA S 1041-2281. MdHR 20,337-85. 2/42/4/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Mah-Mass, inc. Mrs. Marvin Mandel, Management Information & Program Evaluation Systems, Manpower, Manpower Coordination Com. of the States, Marine Police. MSA S 1041-2282. MdHR 20,337-86. 2/42/4/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 MD Names, A-H. MSA S 1041-2283. MdHR 20,337-87. 2/42/4/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 MD Names, I-S. MSA S 1041-2284. MdHR 20,337-88. 2/42/4/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 MD Names, T-Z, Mass Transit Adm., Mast-Med, inc. Rep. Charles McC. Mathias, Jr.. MSA S 1041-2285. MdHR 20,337-89. 2/42/4/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Medicaid, Medical & Chirurgical Faculty, Medical: Care Program Adm., Discipline, Education & Training System, & Examiners Office, Mee-Mid, inc. Mental: Health, Hygiene Adm., Hygiene Advisory Council, Retardation Adm., & Retardation Center. MSA S 1041-2286. MdHR 20,337-90-1. 2/42/4/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Metro: Transit Authority & Washington Council of Governments, Midatlantic Governors Conference. MSA S 1041-2287. MdHR 20,337-90-2. 2/42/4/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Mie-Mon, inc. Military Dept., Mines Bureau, Minority Business Office, Misc., Rep. Parran Mitchell, Misc. Property Div., Misc. Revenue Div., Model Legislation, Montebello State Hospital, MO, Montrose School. MSA S 1041-2288. MdHR 20,337-91. 2/42/4/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Moo-Mt, inc. Moon Landing, Morgan State College, Rep. Rogers B. Morton, Motor Vehicle: Adm. & Inspection, Mount Wilson Sanitorium, Moving Picture Machine Operators. MSA S 1041-2289. MdHR 20,337-92. 2/42/4/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Mua-Na, inc. Multistate Tax Com., National Governors Conference, A-L. MSA S 1041-2290. MdHR 20,337-93. 2/42/4/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 National Governors Conference, M-Z. MSA S 1041-2291. MdHR 20,337-94. 2/42/4/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 National Organizations, Natural Resources Dept., A-F. MSA S 1041-2292. MdHR 20,337-95. 2/42/4/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Natural Resources: Dept., G-Z & Police, Naval Militia, Ne-Nz, inc. New Citizens Com., Newspaper Clippings, News Releases, Notaries Public, Nursing, Nurses Examiners Bd., Nursing Homes: A-Z, Admrs., & Ombudsmen. MSA S 1041-2293. MdHR 20,337-96. 2/42/4/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 O, inc. Ocean City & Convention Hall, Occupational Safety, Offshore Drilling, Open Meeting Bill, Open Space Com., Optometry Examiners Bd., Osteopathic Examiners Bd., Outdoor Recreation Land Act. MSA S 1041-2294. MdHR 20,337-97. 2/42/4/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 P-Parr, inc. Parole & Probation Div., A-P. MSA S 1041-2295. MdHR 20,337-98. 2/42/4/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Pardons, Parole & Probation Div., Q-Z, Pars-Perr, inc. Partners of Alliance, Patapsco State Park, Patuxent Institute, Operation Piece of Mind, MD Penitentiary. MSA S 1041-2296. MdHR 20,337-99. 2/42/4/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Perkins State Hospital, Permits & Development Construction Coordination Div., Pers-Ph, inc. Personnel Dept., Pharmacy Bd., Photographs, Physical Fitness: Com. & WI. MSA S 1041-2297. MdHR 20,337-100. 2/42/4/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Pi-Pn, inc. Pictures, Pine Bluff State Hospital, Planning Dept., A-M. MSA S 1041-2298. MdHR 20,337-101. 2/42/4/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Planning Dept., N-Z, Planning, Plumbing Bd., Po-Polk, inc. Podiatry Examiners Bd., Poet Laureate, Special Policemen, Police & Firemen Employment Rights, Police Dept., A-Q. MSA S 1041-2299. MdHR 20,337-102. 2/42/4/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Police: Dept., R-Z, Retirement System, & Training Com., Political: A-Z, Gubernatorial, Presidential, & Senatorial, Poll-Prim, inc. Pollution, Port Adm., Post Mortem Examiners. MSA S 1041-2300. MdHR 20,337-103-1. 2/42/4/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Potomac River: Basin Interstate Commerce, Fisheries Com., & A-Z, Poultry Industry Com., Power Plant Siting Div., Prayer, Pres. Nixon. MSA S 1041-2301. MdHR 20,337-103-2. 2/42/4/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Press Conferences, Prin-Prof, inc. PG, A-H. MSA S 1041-2302. MdHR 20,337-104. 2/42/4/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 PG, I-Z, Proclamations, A-N. MSA S 1041-2303. MdHR 20,337-105. 2/42/4/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Proclamations, O-Z, Prog-Puq, inc. Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors, Provident Hospital, Psychiatric Resources Center, Psychologists Examiners Bd.. MSA S 1041-2304. MdHR 20,337-106-1. 2/42/4/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Public: Assistance, Broadcasting Com., Bldgs. & Grounds, Defender, Health Services Hospital, & Safety & Correctional Services, A-L. MSA S 1041-2305. MdHR 20,337-106-2. 2/42/4/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Public: Safety & Correctional Services, M-Z, School Construction Law Implementation, School Employees, & Services Com., Bd. of Public Works, A-M. MSA S 1041-2306. MdHR 20,337-107. 2/42/4/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Bd. of Public Works, N-Z. MSA S 1041-2307. MdHR 20,337-108. 2/42/4/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Pur-Ras, inc. Purchasing Bureau, QA, Questionnaires, Racing Com., Radio & Television Stations, Rail Services Div., Rape Com.. MSA S 1041-2308. MdHR 20,337-109. 2/42/4/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Rat-Reu, inc. Real Estate Com., Regional: Planning Council & Institute for Children & Adolescents, Republican: National Com. & State Central Com., Requests. MSA S 1041-2309. MdHR 20,337-110. 2/42/4/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Requests. MSA S 1041-2310. MdHR 20,337-111. 2/42/4/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Retirement Systems, Rev-Rose, inc. Revenue Estimates Bd., Rosewood State Hospital. MSA S 1041-2311. MdHR 20,337-112. 2/42/4/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Rosi-Sav, inc. Rural Affairs Council, St. John's College, St. Mary's: City Com. & College, SM, Salisbury State College, Salvation Army, Sanitarian Registration Bd., Paul Sarbanes, Savings Share Insurance Co.. MSA S 1041-2312. MdHR 20,337-113. 2/42/4/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Saw-Scho, inc. Scholarships Bd., Aid to Nonpublic Schools Com., School: Financing, Construction Irregularities Com., Transportation Com., & Construction, A-E. MSA S 1041-2313. MdHR 20,337-114. 2/42/4/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 School Construction, F-Z. MSA S 1041-2314. MdHR 20,337-115. 2/42/4/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Schr-Shh, inc. Science Resources Advisory Bd., Security Div., Selective Service, Sewage: A-Z & Piscataway, Shellfish, Sheppard & Enoch Pratt Hospital. MSA S 1041-2315. MdHR 20,337-116. 2/42/4/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Shi-Sok, inc. James P. Slicher, Small Business Com., Social: Security & Services Div., Soil Conservation Service. MSA S 1041-2316. MdHR 20,337-117. 2/42/4/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Sol-Sph, inc. SO, Southern: Governors Conference & MD Tri-County Council, Space Com., Spanish Speaking People, Speeches. MSA S 1041-2317. MdHR 20,337-118. 2/42/4/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Speed Limits Enforcement, Rep. Gladys Noon Spellman, Spi-Stec, inc. Sports Complex, Spring Grove State Hospital, Springfield State Hospital, State, A-H. MSA S 1041-2318. MdHR 20,337-119. 2/42/4/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 State Office Bldg., Statements, Sted-Sz, inc. Strikes, Summer Employment, Supreme Bench, Surplus Property Program, Susquehanna River Basin Com., Sympathy. MSA S 1041-2319. MdHR 20,337-120. 2/42/5/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 T-Tot, inc. TA, Taxation, Taxes, Tax: Assessment, Court, & Sheltered Annuity Program, Multistate Tax Com., Teachers Retirement, Thank You Letters, Tickets, Timonium-State Fair, Tobacco: Authority & Warehouse, Tome Institute. MSA S 1041-2320. MdHR 20,337-121. 2/42/5/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Tou-Trat, inc. Tourism Div., Towson State College, Training School for Boys, Transportation Dept., A-R. MSA S 1041-2321. MdHR 20,337-122. 2/42/5/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Transportation Dept., S-Z, Trau-Uq, inc. State Treasurer, Trophies, Trustees of State Colleges, Henry Turner, Unemployment Insurance Div., Uniform State Laws, Unions, U.N.. MSA S 1041-2322. MdHR 20,337-123. 2/42/5/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 U.S., A-H. MSA S 1041-2323. MdHR 20,337-124. 2/42/5/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 U.S., I-T, University of MD: A-E & Bd. of Regents. MSA S 1041-2324. MdHR 20,337-125. 2/42/5/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 University of MD: F-Z, Bd. of Regents, Eastern Shore, & Law School, Ur-Vn, inc. Usury Laws, Veterans: Cemeteries, Com., of Foreign Wars, & Home Com., Veterinary Medical Examiners, Visa Requests, Vice Pres., Visits to Annapolis. MSA S 1041-2325. MdHR 20,337-126. 2/42/5/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Vo-Wat, inc. Vocational: Rehabilitation Div. & Technical Education, War Memorial Com., WA, Washington: College, Metro Area Transit Com., Metro Council of Governments, Suburban Sanitary Com., Suburban Transit Authority, & Suburban Office. MSA S 1041-2326. MdHR 20,337-127-1. 2/42/5/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Waste Management, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Water: Pollution, Pollution Quality Control, & Resources Com., Watershed Projects. MSA S 1041-2327. MdHR 20,337-127-2. 2/42/5/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Wau-Wez, inc. Weather Service, Weights & Measures Program, Welfare, Well Drillers Bd., Western MD State Hospital, Wetlands, A-O. MSA S 1041-2328. MdHR 20,337-128. 2/42/5/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Wetlands, P-Z, Wh-Wif, inc. WI. MSA S 1041-2329. MdHR 20,337-129. 2/42/5/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Wig-Wo, inc. Wildlands Preservation System, Wildlife Adm., Status of Women Com., WO. MSA S 1041-2330. MdHR 20,337-130. 2/42/5/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1975-1976 Workmens Compensation Com., Wr-Z, inc. Youth: Advisory Council & Services. MSA S 1041-2331. MdHR 20,337-131. 2/42/5/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 A-Alb, inc. Abortion, Aberdeen, Accident Fund, Public Accountancy Bd., Adjutant General, Afro-American History & Culture Com., Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act, Arctic Gas Project, Aging Com., A-N. MSA S 1041-2332. MdHR 20,472-1. 2/42/5/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Aging Com., O-Z, Agreements, Agriculture, Air Quality Control. MSA S 1041-2333. MdHR 20,472-2. 2/42/5/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Alc-Ao, inc. Alcoholism, AL, American Assocs., Annapolis. MSA S 1041-2334. MdHR 20,472-3. 2/42/5/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 AA, Appalachian, Ap-Arc, inc. Appeals Bd., Court of Appeals. MSA S 1041-2335. MdHR 20,472-4. 2/42/5/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Court of Special Appeals, Applications & Recommendations, Appointments, Ard-Atk, inc. Armed Forces Day, Arts Council, Assessments & Taxation. MSA S 1041-2336. MdHR 20,472-5. 2/42/5/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Atl-Bam, inc. State Auditor, Automobile Insurance Problems, Aviation Adm., Baltimore: Associations, Convention Bureau & Center, & University. MSA S 1041-2337. MdHR 20,472-6. 2/42/5/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 BC. MSA S 1041-2338. MdHR 20,472-7. 2/42/5/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 BA, Ban-Berm, inc. Bands, Banking Comr., Barber Examiners, Richard Batterton, Robert E. Bauman, J. Glenn Beall. MSA S 1041-2339. MdHR 20,472-8. 2/42/5/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Berr-Bon, inc. Blind Industries & Services, School for the Blind, Blue Sky Advisory Com., Blue Shield, Bonds. MSA S 1041-2340. MdHR 20,472-9. 2/42/5/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Boo-Buk, inc. Books, Bowie State College, Boys Forestry Camps, Boy Scouts, Boys Village. MSA S 1041-2341. MdHR 20,472-10. 2/42/5/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Budget & Fiscal Planning: A-R & Dept., Budget Amendments. MSA S 1041-2342. MdHR 20,472-11. 2/42/5/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Budget & Fiscal Planning, S-Z, Budget Dept., Capital Budget, Bldg. Codes Div. & Standards, Bldg. Savings & Loan Assoc., Bul-Cal, inc. Business & Industrial Development, Rep. Goodloe E. Byron, Cabinet, Cable Television, CV. MSA S 1041-2343. MdHR 20,472-12. 2/42/5/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Cam-Ce, inc. Campaign Financing, CA, CR, Carvel Hall-Paca House. MSA S 1041-2344. MdHR 20,472-13. 2/42/5/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 CE, Central Payroll Div., Ch-Chq, inc. Charlotte Hall, CH, Cheltenham, Chesapeake Bay. MSA S 1041-2345. MdHR 20,472-14. 2/42/5/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Children, Child Support Div., Children & Youth Com., Chr-Clh, inc. Civil: Aeronautics Bd. & Defense, Clearinghouse. MSA S 1041-2346. MdHR 20,472-15. 2/42/5/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Cli-Com, inc. Coal, Codes Adm. Div., Community College Bd., Comptroller of the Treasury, A-K. MSA S 1041-2347. MdHR 20,472-16. 2/42/5/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Comptroller of the Treasury, L-Z, Con-Conm, inc. Conferences & Conventions, A-S. MSA S 1041-2348. MdHR 20,472-17. 2/42/5/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Conferences & Conventions, T-Z, Congratulations. MSA S 1041-2349. MdHR 20,472-18. 2/42/5/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Congressional Matters. MSA S 1041-2350. MdHR 20,472-19. 2/42/5/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Conn-Cor, inc. Consumer: Affairs & Protection Div., Contracts, Contributions, Coppin State College, Correction Div., Correctional Training Center. MSA S 1041-2351. MdHR 20,472-20. 2/42/5/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Cos-Crov, inc. Cosmetologists Bd., Council of State Government, County Visits. MSA S 1041-2352. MdHR 20,472-21. 2/42/5/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Crow-Dek, inc. Crownsville State Hospital, Data Processing Div., Day Care, Deers Head State Hospital, Debt Com., School for the Deaf. MSA S 1041-2353. MdHR 20,472-22. 2/42/5/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Del-Donn, inc. Delmarva Advisory Council, Democratic: Party, Convention, National Com., & State Central Com., Dental Examiners Bd., Desegregation, Disasters & Disturbances. MSA S 1041-2354. MdHR 20,472-23. 2/42/5/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Domiciliary Care, Dono-Ec, inc. Driver Education, Drug Abuse Adm., Drugs, Eastern Shore State Hospital, University of MD Eastern Shore, Economic Advisors. MSA S 1041-2355. MdHR 20,472-24. 2/42/5/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Economic & Community Development, Economic Opportunity, Ed-Ef, inc. Education, Education Com.. MSA S 1041-2356. MdHR 20,472-25. 2/42/5/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Education Funding Com., Higher Education: A-N & Facilities Act. MSA S 1041-2357. MdHR 20,472-26. 2/43/1/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Higher Education: Council & O-Z, Education: Dept., Structure & Governance Com., & Vocational Education Div.. MSA S 1041-2358. MdHR 20,472-27. 2/43/1/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Eg-Em, inc. Election Laws Adm. Bd., Electrical Examiners, Emergency Medical Services Div.. MSA S 1041-2359. MdHR 20,472-28. 2/43/1/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Employment & Social Services Dept., Employees: Credit Union & Retirement, Employer & Employee Relations. MSA S 1041-2360. MdHR 20,472-29-1. 2/43/1/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 En-Er, inc. Endorsements, Energy: A-Z, Coastal Zone Adm., Executive Orders & Proclamations, & Policy Office, Environment, Environmental: Estuarine Studies, Health Adm., Services, & Trust. MSA S 1041-2361. MdHR 20,472-29-2. 2/43/1/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Equal Rights Amendment Implementation Com., Es-Ez, inc. Essex Community College, Ethics Bd., European Office, Expo 81, Extraditions, Executive Dept. Staff, B-M. MSA S 1041-2362. MdHR 20,472-30. 2/43/1/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Executive Dept. Staff, P-Y, F-Falk, inc. State Fair Bd., Fair Practices Code. MSA S 1041-2363. MdHR 20,472-31. 2/43/1/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Fall-Feh, inc. Federal: Matters, Budget, Energy Adm., Funds & Grants, Highway Adm., Power Com., & Regional Council. MSA S 1041-2364. MdHR 20,472-32. 2/43/1/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Fei-For, inc. Financial Disclosure Act, Fire, Fire: Marshall & Prevention Com., Fiscal Services Dept., Fisheries Adm., Folklore, Food Market Com.. MSA S 1041-2365. MdHR 20,472-33. 2/43/1/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Form Letters, Fos-Frt, inc. Four C Com., FR, Frostburg State Teachers College. MSA S 1041-2366. MdHR 20,472-34. 2/43/1/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Fru-Gen, inc. Fuel Shortage, GA, General Adm. Offices Report, General Assembly: Applications, Misc., Proposed Legislation, Staff, & Page Program, General Professional Services Selection Bd.. MSA S 1041-2367. MdHR 20,472-35. 2/43/1/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 General Services: Construction Loans & Dept.. MSA S 1041-2368. MdHR 20,472-36. 2/43/1/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Geo-Gree, inc. Geology Survey Com., Get Well Messages, Gifts, Girls State, Governors: of other states, Functions Com., & Operating Economy Survey, Great Oaks Center, Greetings. MSA S 1041-2369. MdHR 20,472-37. 2/43/1/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Green Bag, Greetings, Gref-Gz, inc. Group Homes. MSA S 1041-2370. MdHR 20,472-38. 2/43/1/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 H-Harr, inc. Hagerstown: Correctional Institute & Junior College, Sen. Edward T. Hall, Hall of Records, Handgun Permit Review Bd., Handicapped, Handicapped: Children Education Funding Com., Com. to Promote Employment, & Services Coor. Div., HA. MSA S 1041-2371. MdHR 20,472-39. 2/43/1/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Hars-Heb, inc. Hart Miller Island, Health: Coordinating Council & Insurance Program, Health & Higher Education Facilities Authority, Health & Mental Hygiene, A-M. MSA S 1041-2372. MdHR 20,472-40. 2/43/1/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Health & Mental Hygiene, N-Z, Health: Planning Agency, Service Area Designations, & Service Cost Review Com., Hearing Aid Dealers Bd., Hec-Hel. MSA S 1041-2373. MdHR 20,472-41. 2/43/1/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Hem-Hik, inc. Henryton State Hospital, Heredity Disorders Com., Heritage Conservation & Recreation, Highland Health Facility, Highway Adm.: A-Z, Projects, William Preston Lane Bridge, Route Numbers, Traffic Signs & Lights, & Toll Facilities Div.. MSA S 1041-2374. MdHR 20,472-42. 2/43/1/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Hil-Hol, inc. Historical Sites & Landmarks, MD Historical Trust, Holidays, Holly Center Advisory Bd., Rep. Marjorie Holt. MSA S 1041-2375. MdHR 20,472-43. 2/43/1/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Hom-Horm, inc. Home Financing Div., Home Improvement Com., Honorary Awards & Titles, Johns Hopkins: Hospital & University. MSA S 1041-2376. MdHR 20,472-44. 2/43/1/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Horn-Huo, inc. Hospital: Cost & Licensing Com., House of Correction, Housing Div., Housing, HO, HO Community College, Sen. Steny H. Hoyer, Humane Practices Com., Human Relations, Human Resources. MSA S 1041-2377. MdHR 20,472-45. 2/43/1/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Hup-Iq, inc. I Am An American Day, Indian Affairs, Industrial Development & Finance Authority, Insurance Div., Intergovernmental: Cooperation Advisory Com. & Personnel Act, Internal Revenue Service. MSA S 1041-2378. MdHR 20,472-46-1. 2/43/1/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Interstate: Commerce Com. & Oil Compact, Interview Requests, Introductory Letters, Invitations: by Governor & to Governor, A-Bn. MSA S 1041-2379. MdHR 20,472-46-2. 2/43/1/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Invitations to Governor, Bo-J. MSA S 1041-2380. MdHR 20,472-47. 2/43/1/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Invitations to Governor, K-R. MSA S 1041-2381. MdHR 20,472-48. 2/43/1/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Invitations to Governor, S-Z, Ir-Jh, inc. Israel, Jewish War Veterans. MSA S 1041-2382. MdHR 20,472-49. 2/43/1/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Ji-Jz, inc. Job Corps, Job Freeze, Jones, Judicial: General, Nominating Com., & Selection Com., Juvenile Services. MSA S 1041-2383. MdHR 20,472-50. 2/43/1/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 K, inc. Keep MD Beautiful, KE, Kepone Task Force. MSA S 1041-2384. MdHR 20,472-51. 2/43/1/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 L-Leg, inc. Laboratories Adm., Labor & Industry, Land Acquisition: Jurisdiction & Div., Land Patents, Land Use & Guidelines, Landlord-Tenant Com., Law Enforcement & Adm. of Justice, Mrs. Blair Lee, Legislative: Council & Reference Dept.. MSA S 1041-2385. MdHR 20,472-52. 2/43/1/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Leh-Lov, inc. State Library, Library Development & Services Div., Licensing & Regulation Dept., Licensing & Certification Div., Lt. Gov., Liquor Control, Rep. Clarence D. Long. MSA S 1041-2386. MdHR 20,472-53. 2/43/1/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Lottery Agency, Low-Marc, inc. Manpower, Maximum Agency Request Ceiling. MSA S 1041-2387. MdHR 20,472-54. 2/43/1/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Mard-Mass, inc. MD Names, A-M. MSA S 1041-2388. MdHR 20,472-55. 2/43/1/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 MD: Register & Economy. MSA S 1041-2389. MdHR 20,472-56. 2/43/1/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 MD Names, N-Z, Mass Transit Adm., Mast-McD, inc. Rep. Charles McC. Mathias, Jr.. MSA S 1041-2390. MdHR 20,472-57. 2/43/1/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 McE-Mid, inc. Meat & Poultry Inspection Program, Mechanics Liens Laws Com., Medicaid Medical: Assistance & Systems, Medical: Care Program Adm., Cost Com., Discipline, Chirurgical Faculty, Examiners Bd., & Malpractice Insurance. MSA S 1041-2391. MdHR 20,472-58-1. 2/43/1/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Mental: Hygiene Dept. & Retardation Center, Mentally Retarded Persons in the Criminal Justice System Com., Metric Systems, Metro Transit Authority, Mid-Atlantic Governors: Coastal Resource Council Contract & Conference. MSA S 1041-2392. MdHR 20,472-58-2. 2/43/1/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Mie-Mon, inc. Rep. Barbara Mikulski, Military Dept.: Armory Requests & A-Z, Mines Bureau, Misc., Rep. Parran Mitchell. MSA S 1041-2393. MdHR 20,472-59. 2/43/1/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Montebello State Hospital, MO, Montrose School, Moo-Mt, inc. Morgan State University. MSA S 1041-2394. MdHR 20,472-60. 2/43/1/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Motor Vehicle: Dept., Inspection, & Adm., Mount Wilson Center, Moving Picture Machine Operators Bd., Mu-Na, inc. National Governors Conference. MSA S 1041-2395. MdHR 20,472-61. 2/43/1/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 National: Organizations, Guard, & Health Insurance, Natural Resources & Police, Ne-Newl, inc. New Citizens. MSA S 1041-2396. MdHR 20,472-62. 2/43/1/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Newm-Of, inc. Newspaper Clippings, News Releases, Noise Pollution, Notaries Public, Nuclear Regulatory Com. & Energy Power Com., Nurses Examiners Bd., Nursing, Nursing Homes, & Admrs.. MSA S 1041-2397. MdHR 20,472-63-1. 2/43/1/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 O'Conor State Office Bldg., Ocean City & Convention Hall, Occupational Safety, Off Shore Drilling. MSA S 1041-2398. MdHR 20,472-63-2. 2/43/1/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Og-Peh, inc. Open Space Com., Optometry Examiners Bd., Park Service Adm., Parole & Probation Div., Partners of the Alliance, Patuxent: Institute & River. MSA S 1041-2399. MdHR 20,472-64. 2/43/1/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Pei-Pn, inc. MD Penitentiary, Perkins State Hospital, Personnel Dept., Pharmacy Bd., Photographs, Physical: Fitness Com. & Therapy Practitioners Bd., Pine Bluff State Hospital, Planning Dept., A-L. MSA S 1041-2400. MdHR 20,472-65. 2/43/1/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Planning Dept., M-Z, Plumbing Bd., Po-Pot, inc. Podiatry Examiners Bd., Poet Laureate, Police: Dept., Retirement System, Service Study, & Training Com., Political: A-Z & Gubernatorial, Pollution, Port Adm., Post Mortem Examiners Com.. MSA S 1041-2401. MdHR 20,472-66. 2/43/2/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Potomac River & Fisheries Com., Pou-Prim., inc. Power Plant Siting, U.S. President, Press Releases. MSA S 1041-2402. MdHR 20,472-67. 2/43/2/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Press Conferences, Prin-Prof, inc. Princess Anne College, Printing & Publications Div., PG, Proclamations, A-M. MSA S 1041-2403. MdHR 20,472-68. 2/43/2/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Proclamations, N-Z, Prog-Pt, inc. Property Tax Assessment. MSA S 1041-2404. MdHR 20,472-69. 2/43/2/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Property Tax Appeal Bds., Provident Hospital, Psychiatric Research Center, Psychologists Bd., Pu-Puq, inc. Public: Broadcasting Center, Defender Program, Health Services Hospital, Safety & Correctional Services Dept., School Com., & Service Com., A-M. MSA S 1041-2405. MdHR 20,472-70. 2/43/2/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Public Service Com., N-Z, Bd. of Public Works, Pur-Rad, inc. QA, Questionaires, Racing Com.. MSA S 1041-2406. MdHR 20,472-71. 2/43/2/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Rae-Reu, inc. Railroad Adm., Rail Services, Reapportionment, Redistricting, Regional: Inst. for Children & Adolescents & Planning Council, Remission of Fines, Republican: Natl. Com. & State Central Com., Resource Conservation & Recovery Act, Requests. MSA S 1041-2407. MdHR 20,472-72. 2/43/2/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Requests, Retirement Systems, Rev-Rog, inc. Revenue: Estimates Bd. & Sharing. MSA S 1041-2408. MdHR 20,472-73. 2/43/2/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Roh-Sam, inc. Rosenberg Com., Rosewood State Hospital, Rural Affairs Council, St. John's College, St. Mary's: City Com. & College, SM, Salisbury State College, Salvation Army. MSA S 1041-2409. MdHR 20,472-74. 2/43/2/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 San-Scho, inc. Sanitarian Registration Bd., Sen. Paul S. Sarbanes, Savings Share Insurance Corp., Scholarships Bd., Schools, School: Transportation, Disturbances, Financing, & Construction Program. MSA S 1041-2410. MdHR 20,472-75. 2/43/2/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Schr-Shd, inc. Science Resources Advisory Bd., Secretary of State, Securities Div., Sewage, Sewer Grant Task Force. MSA S 1041-2411. MdHR 20,472-76. 2/43/2/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 She-Sok, inc. Sheppard & Enoch Pratt Hospital, Small Business, Smith, Daniel J. Snyder, III, Social Security, Social Services Div., A-M. MSA S 1041-2412. MdHR 20,472-77. 2/43/2/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Social Services Div., N-Z, Soil Conservation Service, Sol-Soz, inc. SO, Southern: Governors Conference & Growth Policy Bd.. MSA S 1041-2413. MdHR 20,472-78. 2/43/2/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Southern: Interstate Nuclear Bd., Legislative Conference, Regional Education Bd., & Solar Energy Center Agreement, Sp-Stec, inc. Spanish Speaking People, Speed Limit Enforcements, Speeches, Sports: Complex & Fisheries Advisory Com.. MSA S 1041-2414. MdHR 20,472-79-1. 2/43/2/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Springfield State Hospital, Spring Grove State Hospital, Standard Salary Bd., State, A-G. MSA S 1041-2415. MdHR 20,472-79-2. 2/43/2/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 State, E-U, Sted-Sv, inc. Rep. Newton I Steirs, Jr., Strikes, Summer Employment, Surplus Property Program, Susquehanna River Basin Com.. MSA S 1041-2416. MdHR 20,472-80. 2/43/2/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Sw-Tir, inc. Sympathy, TA, Tax Court, Taxes, Multistate Tax Com., Taxation, Teachers Retirement, Thank You Letters, Theatre, Thoroughbred Racing Bd., Timonium-State Fair. MSA S 1041-2417. MdHR 20,472-81. 2/43/2/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Tis-Trat, inc. Tobacco Authority, Toll Facilities Div., Tourism Div., Towson State University, Training School for Boys, Transportation Dept., A-I. MSA S 1041-2418. MdHR 20,472-82. 2/43/2/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Transportation Dept., J-Z, Trau-Ts, inc. State Treasurer, Trophies, Trustees of State Universities & Colleges. MSA S 1041-2419. MdHR 20,472-83. 2/43/2/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Tu-Uq, inc. Unemployment Insurance Div., Unions, U.N., U.S., A-H. MSA S 1041-2420. MdHR 20,472-84. 2/43/2/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 U.S., H-T, University of MD, A. MSA S 1041-2421. MdHR 20,472-85. 2/43/2/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 University of MD, B-Z & Eastern Shore. MSA S 1041-2422. MdHR 20,472-86. 2/43/2/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 University of MD: Hospital, Bd. of Regents, & Student Affairs Advisory Com., Ur-Vh, inc. Veterans & Cemeteries. MSA S 1041-2423. MdHR 20,472-87. 2/43/2/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Veterans: Com., Foreign Wars, Home Com., & Hospital, Veterinary Medical: School & Examiners, Vi-Vz, inc. Vietnamese Refugee Resettlement, Visits, Visa Requests, Volunteers, Vocational: Rehabilitation Div. & Technical Education. MSA S 1041-2424. MdHR 20,472-88. 2/43/2/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Wa-Wat, inc. Prevailing Wages, War Memorial Com., WA, Washington: College, Metro Area Transit Authority, Metro Council of Government, Suburban Sanitary Com., Suburban Transit Authority, & Office, Wastewater Treatment Plants. MSA S 1041-2425. MdHR 20,472-89. 2/43/2/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Water: Pollution Control Quality & Resources Adm., Wau-Will, inc. Welfare & Reform, Western MD State Hospital, Wetlands, WI, Wildlands Preservation System, Wildlife Adm.. MSA S 1041-2426. MdHR 20,472-90. 2/43/2/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1977-1978 Wilm-Z, inc. Status of Women, Woodstock Residential Manpower Center, WO, Workmens Compensation Com., Wye Institute Com., Youth Advisory Council. MSA S 1041-2427. MdHR 20,472-91. 2/43/2/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 A, Misc., Abortion, Abandoned Property Div., Accident Fund, Public Accountancy Bd., Aging Office, Agreements, Agriculture Dept., Airport Authority, Air Quality Control. MSA S 1041-2428. MdHR 40,374-13. 2/43/2/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Alcoholism, Alcohol & Tobacco Tax, AL Community College, AL, American Assocs., Amtrak Railroad, Anatomy Bd., Annapolis Arts Center, Annapolis, AA, Appeals Court, Apple Com., Appalachian, Apprenticeship & Training Council. MSA S 1041-2429. MdHR 40,374-14-1. 2/43/2/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Archaeology Advisory Com., Arts Council, Assateague Island, Assessments & Taxation Dept., Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Com.. MSA S 1041-2430. MdHR 40,374-14-2. 2/43/2/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Assessments & Taxation, Attorney Grievance Com., Automobile Insurance Fund Div., Aviation Adm., B, Misc.. MSA S 1041-2431. MdHR 40,374-15. 2/43/2/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Baltimore: Blueprints, Convention Center, Mass Transit, Stadium, & University, BC, BA, Bands, Bank Comr., Rep. Michael D. Barnes, Rep. Robert E. Bauman, Blind Industries & Services, Blue Shield. MSA S 1041-2432. MdHR 40,374-16. 2/43/2/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Bonds, Books, Bowie State College, Boy Scouts, Boys Village, Budget: Amendments & A-Z, Budget & Fiscal Planning Dept., Bldg. Codes Div., Bldgs. & Grounds. MSA S 1041-2433. MdHR 40,374-17. 2/43/2/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Building, Savings & Loan Assoc., Rep. Beverly B. Byron, C, Misc., Capital: Improvement, Debt, & Punishment, Benjamin L. Cardin, CA, CR, Walter P. Carter Center, Catonsville, CE, Census Figures. MSA S 1041-2434. MdHR 40,374-18. 2/43/2/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Comprehensive Employment Training Act, CH, Cheltenham, Cheverly-Cabin Branch Interchange, Chesapeake: Bay Affairs & College, C & D Canal Project, International Year of the Child, Childhood Nutrition Com., Child Welfare Advisory Council. MSA S 1041-2435. MdHR 40,374-19-1. 2/43/2/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Children & Adolescents Center, Children, Childrens Center, Children & Youth, China Visit, Chiropractic Examiners Bd., Dr. Claire Christman, Cigarette Smuggling, Christmas, Civil: Defense & Rights, Clearinghouse, Coal Export Task Force. MSA S 1041-2436. MdHR 40,374-19-2. 2/43/2/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Coastal: Energy Impact Program & Zone Management, Codes Adm., Commercial Fisheries Com., Community: Corrections Adult Rehabilitation Center, Action Agency, Colleges, Development Adm., & Relations. MSA S 1041-2437. MdHR 40,374-20-1. 2/43/2/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Compensation & Personnel Policies, Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program, Comptroller of the Treasury. MSA S 1041-2438. MdHR 40,374-20-2. 2/43/2/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Conferences, Congratulations. MSA S 1041-2439. MdHR 40,374-21. 2/43/2/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Congratulations, Congressional Matters, Consumer Protection Div., State Contracts, Contributions. MSA S 1041-2440. MdHR 40,374-22. 2/43/2/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Coppin State College, Corrections, Correctional: Institute & Institute for Women, Cosmetologists Bd., Council of State Governments, Counties, County Visits, Courts Adm. Office, Credit Union. MSA S 1041-2441. MdHR 40,374-23-1. 2/43/2/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Criminal: Injuries Compensation Bd., Justice, & Code, Crownsville State Hospital, Victor Cullen School. MSA S 1041-2442. MdHR 40,374-23-2. 2/43/2/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 D, Misc., Day Care, School for the Deaf, Debt Com., State Debt, Deers Head State Hospital, Delmarva Advisory Council, Democratic: Convention, National Com., & Party, Dental Health Div., Desegregation, Development Disabilities. MSA S 1041-2443. MdHR 40,374-24. 2/43/2/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Developmental: Disabilities & Planning Office, Disability Determination Service, Disasters & Disturbances, District Courts, Domestic Relations Laws Com., Domiciliary Care, DO, Drivers Education, Drugs, Drug Abuse Adm., Dyslexia. MSA S 1041-2444. MdHR 40,374-25. 2/43/2/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 E, Misc., Eastern Shore: Regional Office, State Hospital, & University of MD Merger, Economic: Advisors, Community Development, Development Div. & Opportunity, Education Funding Com., Higher Education. MSA S 1041-2445. MdHR 40,374-26. 2/43/2/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Education, Education Values Com., Election Laws Adm. Bd., Emergency: Medical Services & Management Act, Employee Development Div., Employment: Security & Training Council, Endorsements. MSA S 1041-2446. MdHR 40,374-27. 2/43/3/1
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Energy, A-Form, Energy & Coastal Services Div.. MSA S 1041-2447. MdHR 40,374-28. 2/43/3/2
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Energy, Form-O. MSA S 1041-2448. MdHR 40,374-29. 2/43/3/3
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Energy, P-Z, Engineers, Environmental: Health Adm. & Service. MSA S 1041-2449. MdHR 40,374-30. 2/43/3/4
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Environmental Trust, Equal Employment Opportunity Programs, Ethics Code, Executive Dept.: A-Z, Child Advocacy Project, Crime & Delinquency, Hazardous Waste Material, Law Enforcement Assistance Adm., Sanitary Landfills, Solid Waste, & Women's Issues. MSA S 1041-2450. MdHR 40,374-31. 2/43/3/5
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Executive Dept.: Lt. Gov. Lee, & Gov. Mandel, F, Misc., State Fair Bd., Fair Practices Code, Far East Trade Development Tour, Federal: Adm., Budget, Court, Energy Adm., Highway Adm., Regional Council, & Trade Com.. MSA S 1041-2451. MdHR 40,374-32. 2/43/3/6
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Federal Grants, Thomas B. Finan Center, Financial Disclosure, Fire, Fire: Marshall & Rescue Education & Training Com., Fiscal: Services Dept. & Management Div., Fisheries Adm., Mid-Atlantic Fisheries. MSA S 1041-2452. MdHR 40,374-33-1. 2/43/3/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Fleet Safety Com., Food: Center Authority & Stamps, Forest Service, Forms, A-M. MSA S 1041-2453. MdHR 40,374-33-2. 2/43/3/7
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Forms, N-Z, Foster Care & Review Bds., Four C Com., FR, Frostburg State College, Funeral Directors & Embalmers, G, Misc., GA, General: Assembly, Construction Loan of 1979, Professional Services Selection, & Services Dept.. MSA S 1041-2454. MdHR 40,374-34. 2/43/3/8
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Get Well Messages, Gifts, Governors of other States, Great Oaks Center, Green Bag, Greetings, Grievance Procedures, Group Homes, H, Misc., Hagerstown: Correctional Institute & Junior College, Hall of Records, Handgun Permit Review Bd., Handicapped. MSA S 1041-2455. MdHR 40,374-35. 2/43/3/9
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Handicapped: Children Education Funding Com., Com. to Promote Employment, & Services Coordinating Div., HA, Hart-Miller Island, Hazardous Waste, Health: Claims Arbitration Office, Coordinating Council, & Higher Education Facilities Authority. MSA S 1041-2456. MdHR 40,374-36. 2/43/3/10
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Health & Mental Hygiene, Health: Insurance, Planning Development Agency, Services Cost Review Com., & System Agency Designation, Hearing Aid Dealers Bd., Henryton State Hospital, Hereditary Disorders Com.. MSA S 1041-2457. MdHR 40,374-37-1. 2/43/3/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Heritage Conservation & Recreation, Kalman R. Hettleman, Highland Health Facility, Highway Adm., Honorary Awards & Titles. MSA S 1041-2458. MdHR 40,374-37-2. 2/43/3/11
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Highway Adm. Projects, Hispanic Affairs Com., Historic Sites National Register Consulting Com.. MSA S 1041-2459. MdHR 40,374-38. 2/43/3/12
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Historic Sites & Landmarks, MD Historical Trust, Holly Center Advisory Council, Rep. Marjorie Holt, Home: Financing & Improvement Com., Homeopathic Medical Society, Honorary Awards & Titles, Johns Hopkins: Hospital & University. MSA S 1041-2460. MdHR 40,374-39-1. 2/43/3/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Chronic Disease Hospitals, Hospital: Construction Advisory Bd. & Costs, House of Correction. MSA S 1041-2461. MdHR 40,374-39-2. 2/43/3/13
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Housing Div., Housing, HO & Community College, Humane Practices Com., Human: Relations Com. & Resources Dept., Humanities Com., I, Misc., Inmate Grievances, Income Maintenance Adm., Indian Affairs, Industrial Development & Finance Authority. MSA S 1041-2462. MdHR 40,374-40-1. 2/43/3/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Injured Workers Rehab. Com., Inmate: Grievance Com. & Services Div., Insurance: Div. & Liability Lawyers, Intergovernmental Cooperation: Com. & Advisory Com., Interns, Interstate: Commerce Com. & Oil Compact, Intro. Letters, Israel, Invitations. MSA S 1041-2463. MdHR 40,374-40-2. 2/43/3/14
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 J, Misc., Japan, Job Corps, Judicial & Disabilities Com., K, Misc., Kanagawa Prefecture, KE, Kent Narrows, Kepone Task Force, Kidney Disease Com., L, Misc.. MSA S 1041-2464. MdHR 40,374-41. 2/43/3/15
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Land Acquisition Div., Land & Water Conservation Fund Program, Landlord-Tenant Com., Land Patents, Land Surveyors Registration Bd., Landmark Sites & Bldgs., Laurel Hospital Com., Law Dept, A-R. MSA S 1041-2465. MdHR 40,374-42. 2/43/3/16
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Law Dept., S-Z, Law Enforcement: Adm. of Justice & Assistance Adm., Labor & Industry, Labor Relations, Laboratories Adm., Legislative: Council & Reference, Library Development & Services Div., Libraries, State Library. MSA S 1041-2466. MdHR 40,374-43-1. 2/43/3/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Licensing & Certification, Licensing & Regulation Dept., Constance Lieder, Lilly Case, Rep. Clarence D. Long, LA Use Tax Suit, Lyric. MSA S 1041-2467. MdHR 40,374-43-2. 2/43/3/17
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Lottery Agency, M, Misc., Manpower, Maximum Agency Required Ceiling, Marine Police, Marylander, MD Names, A-B. MSA S 1041-2468. MdHR 40,374-44. 2/43/3/18
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 MD Names, C-Z, Metro Rail-Washington Area. MSA S 1041-2469. MdHR 40,374-45. 2/43/3/19
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Mass Transit & Adm., Charles McC. Mathias, Jr., Medicaid: Fraud Control Unit & Medicare, Medical: Assistance, Chirurgical Faculty, Discipline Com., Examiners Bd., & Malpractice, Mental: Hospitals & Health Assoc., Mentally Retarded. MSA S 1041-2470. MdHR 40,374-46. 2/43/3/20
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Metric Systems, Mid-Atlantic Federal Regional Council, Migratory Labor Com., Rep. Barbara Mikulski, Military Dept., Mines Bureau, Minority: Affairs & Business, Rep. Parran Mitchell, Mobile Homes Com.. MSA S 1041-2471. MdHR 40,374-47-1. 2/43/3/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Montebello State Hospital, MO, Montrose School, Morgan State University. MSA S 1041-2472. MdHR 40,374-47-2. 2/43/3/21
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Motor Vehicles, N, Misc., New Business Industry, National Governors Assoc., A-O. MSA S 1041-2473. MdHR 40,374-48. 2/43/3/22
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 National: Governors Assoc., P-Z, & Organizations, Natural Resources: Police & Dept., New Citizens, Newspaper, Radio & Television, Nuclear Energy Power Plants, Nursing, Nursing: Examiners Bd. & Homes, O, Misc.. MSA S 1041-2474. MdHR 40,374-49. 2/43/3/23
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Ocean City, Ocean City: Convention Hall & Traffic Problems, Ocean Thermal Energy Conservation, James J. O'Donnell, Off Shore Drilling, Eileen O'Hara, Open Space Com., Optometry Examiners Bd., Osteopathic Examiners Bd., Outer Continental Shelf. MSA S 1041-2475. MdHR 40,374-50-1. 2/43/3/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 P, Misc., Park Service Adm., Patuxent: Institution & River, MD Penitentiary, Perkins State Hospital, Permits: Simplification Task Force & Development & Construction Coordinating Div., Personnel. MSA S 1041-2476. MdHR 40,374-50-2. 2/43/3/24
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Pardons, Parole Com.. MSA S 1041-2477. MdHR 40,374-51. 2/43/3/25
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Personnel: Com. & Policies Compensation Com., Pharmacy Bd., Photographs, Physical: Fitness Com. & Therapy Practitioners Bd., Pine Bluff State Hospital, Planning Dept., Plumbing Bd., Podiatry Examiners Bd., Poet Laureate. MSA S 1041-2478. MdHR 40,374-52-1. 2/43/3/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Police: Brutality, Retirement System, Special, & Training Com., State Police, Political, Pollution, Port Adm., Post Mortem Examiners, Potomac: River Basin Com., Basin, & River Fisheries, Power: Lines Siting & Plant Siting, Preakness, Presidential. MSA S 1041-2479. MdHR 40,374-52-2. 2/43/3/26
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Preventive Medicine Adm., Princess Anne Col., Psychologists Examiners Bd., Public: Bldgs. & Grounds, Defender, & Disclosure, Press Releases, Public: Safety & Correctional Services Dept., School Employees, School Construction, Service Com., & Works. MSA S 1041-2480. MdHR 40,374-53. 2/43/3/27
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Public Works Meetings, Q, Misc., Queen Anne's Day, QA, Questionnaires, R, Misc., Racing Com., Radiation Control Advisory Bd., Radioactive Waste Management, Rail Services, A-L. MSA S 1041-2481. MdHR 40,374-54. 2/43/3/28
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Rail Services, M-Z, John B. Rassa, Reapportionment & Redistricting, Real Estate Com., Refugee Resettlement Plan, Regional: Institute for Children & Adolescents & Planning Com., Remission of Fines, Requests. MSA S 1041-2482. MdHR 40,374-55-1. 2/43/3/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Retirement Systems, Revenue: Estimates Bd. & Sharing, Rosenberg Com., Rosewood State Hospital. MSA S 1041-2483. MdHR 40,374-55-2. 2/43/3/29
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 S, Misc., St. Mary's: City Com. & College, St. John's College, SM, SM Supervisor of Assessments, Salisbury State College, Salvation Army, Savings & Loan Assoc., Scenic Rivers, Paul S. Sarbanes, Scholarship Bd., School Buses, Schools, A-H. MSA S 1041-2484. MdHR 40,374-56. 2/43/3/30
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Schools, I-Z, Aid to Non-Public Schools Com., School Construction: A-Z, Interagency Com., & Task Force, Science: Advisory Council & Resources Advisory Bd., Seafood Marketing, Securities Div.. MSA S 1041-2485. MdHR 40,374-57-1. 2/43/3/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Self Survey Com., John E. Sellner, Sentencing Com., Sewage, Shellfish, Small Business, Smith. MSA S 1041-2486. MdHR 40,374-57-2. 2/43/3/31
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Snowstorm, Soil Conservation Service, Social: Security & Services Adm., SO, Southern: Governors Conf., Reg. Education Bd., Reg. Energy Bd., Reg. Environment Conservation Council Compact, Interstate Nuclear Bd., MD Retardation Center, & Leg. Council. MSA S 1041-2487. MdHR 40,374-58-1. 2/43/3/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Southern MD Tri-County Council, Space Com., Spanish Speaking People, Speeches, Speedy Trial Ruling, Rep. Spellman, Sport Fisheries Advisory Com., Springfield State Hospital, Spring Grove State Hospital, State: Agencies, Boat, & Bldgs.. MSA S 1041-2488. MdHR 40,374-58-2. 2/43/3/32
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 State, B-E. MSA S 1041-2489. MdHR 40,374-59. 2/43/3/33
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 State, E-U, Statements, Melvin A. Steinberg, Summer Employment, Sunday Racing, Surface Mining, Surplus, Susquehanna River, T, Misc., TA, Tax Court, Taxation, Taxes, Tax Reform, Tent City. MSA S 1041-2490. MdHR 40,374-60. 2/43/3/34
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Tent City, State Theater, Three Mile Island, Timonium-State Fair, Thoroughbred Racing Bd., Thank You Letters, Title XX Plan, Tobacco Auth., Toll Facilities Div., Tourism Div., Towson State University, Training School for Boys, Transportation, A-O. MSA S 1041-2491. MdHR 40,374-61. 2/43/3/35
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Transportation, P-Z, Trapping & Advisory Com., State Treasurer, Trophies, Trustees of State Universities & Colleges, U, Misc., Unemployment Insurance Div., Uniform State Laws Com., U.S. Depts., A-E. MSA S 1041-2492. MdHR 40,374-62. 2/43/3/36
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 U.S. Depts., E-M. MSA S 1041-2493. MdHR 40,374-63. 2/43/3/37
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 U.S. Depts., N-Z, University of MD, A-Q. MSA S 1041-2494. MdHR 40,374-64. 2/43/3/38
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 University of MD, R-Z, V, Misc., Veterans, Veterans: Cemeteries, Com., of Foreign Wars, Home Com., & Hospital, Veterinary Medical: School & Examiners, Visa Requests, Visits, Vista Volunteers, Vocational: Rehabilitation Div. & Technical Education. MSA S 1041-2495. MdHR 40,374-65-1. 2/43/3/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 War Memorial Com., Washington: Area Rapid Rail System & Cemetery Com.. MSA S 1041-2496. MdHR 40,374-65-2. 2/43/3/39
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 W, Misc., Washington: Metro Bd. of Trade, College, Metro Council of Governments, Metro Area Transit Authority, & Suburban Office, WA, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Water, Water: Pollution Control Act, Quality Policy Program, & Resources Adm.. MSA S 1041-2497. MdHR 40,374-66-1. 2/43/3/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Waterworks Bd., Weather Div., Welfare & Grants Com., Western MD: State Hospital & Regional Office, Wetlands, WI, Wildlife Adm., Wildlands Preservation System, Status of Women, Woodstock Residential Manpower Center, WO. MSA S 1041-2498. MdHR 40,374-66-2. 2/43/3/40
GOVERNOR (General File) 1979-1980 Workmens Compensation Com., X-Z, Misc., Wye Institute, Young Americans for Bravery, Youth: Advisory Council, Unemployment Task Force, & Hostels. MSA S 1041-2499. MdHR 40,374-67. 2/43/4/1
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1942 A. J. Bourbon, A-H. MSA S 1057-1. MdHR 8976-1. 2/34/3/4
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1942 A. J. Bourbon, I-M. MSA S 1057-2. MdHR 8976-2. 2/34/3/5
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1942 A. J. Bourbon, M-P. MSA S 1057-3. MdHR 8976-3. 2/34/3/6
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1942 A. J. Bourbon, P-Z. MSA S 1057-4. MdHR 8976-4. 2/34/3/7
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1943 A. J. Bourbon, A-B. MSA S 1057-5. MdHR 8977-1. 2/34/3/8
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1943 A. J. Bourbon, C-E. MSA S 1057-6. MdHR 8977-2. 2/34/3/9
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1943 A. J. Bourbon, F-Inf. MSA S 1057-7. MdHR 8977-3. 2/34/3/10
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1943 A. J. Bourbon, Ins-Lit. MSA S 1057-8. MdHR 8977-4. 2/34/3/11
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1943 A. J. Bourbon, Lit-Mil. MSA S 1057-9. MdHR 8977-5. 2/34/3/12
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1943 A. J. Bourbon, Mis-Pol. MSA S 1057-10. MdHR 8977-6. 2/34/3/13
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1943 A. J. Bourbon, Pos-Ref. MSA S 1057-11. MdHR 8977-7. 2/34/3/14
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1943 A. J. Bourbon, Rep-State. MSA S 1057-12. MdHR 8977-8. 2/34/3/15
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1943 A. J. Bourbon, State-Z. MSA S 1057-13. MdHR 8977-9. 2/34/3/16
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1944 A. J. Bourbon, A-Bi. MSA S 1057-14. MdHR 8978-1. 2/34/3/17
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1944 A. J. Bourbon, Bo-D. MSA S 1057-15. MdHR 8978-2. 2/34/3/18
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1944 A. J. Bourbon, E-H. MSA S 1057-16. MdHR 8978-3. 2/34/3/19
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1944 A. J. Bourbon, I-Lis. MSA S 1057-17. MdHR 8978-4. 2/34/3/20
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1944 A. J. Bourbon, Lit-M. MSA S 1057-18. MdHR 8978-5. 2/34/3/21
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1944 A. J. Bourbon, N-Po. MSA S 1057-19. MdHR 8978-6. 2/34/3/22
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1944 A. J. Bourbon, Pr-Rep. MSA S 1057-20. MdHR 8978-7. 2/34/3/23
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1944 A. J. Bourbon, Req-S. MSA S 1057-21. MdHR 8978-8. 2/34/3/24
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1944 A. J. Bourbon, T-Z. MSA S 1057-22. MdHR 8978-9. 2/34/3/25
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1945 A. J. Bourbon, A. MSA S 1057-23. MdHR 8979-1. 2/34/3/26
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1945 A. J. Bourbon, B-Ed. MSA S 1057-24. MdHR 8979-2. 2/34/3/27
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1945 A. J. Bourbon, Em-I. MSA S 1057-25. MdHR 8979-3. 2/34/3/28
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1945 A. J. Bourbon, J-O. MSA S 1057-26. MdHR 8979-4. 2/34/3/29
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1945 A. J. Bourbon, P. MSA S 1057-27. MdHR 8979-5. 2/34/3/30
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1945 A. J. Bourbon, R-U. MSA S 1057-28. MdHR 8979-6. 2/34/3/31
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1945 A. J. Bourbon, V-Z and speeches. MSA S 1057-29. MdHR 8979-7. 2/34/3/32
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1945 A. J. Bourbon, Speeches. MSA S 1057-30. MdHR 8979-8. 2/34/3/33
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1946 A. J. Bourbon, A-Cam. MSA S 1057-31. MdHR 8980-1. 2/34/3/34
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1946 A. J. Bourbon, Cam-E. MSA S 1057-32. MdHR 8980-2. 2/34/3/35
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1946 A. J. Bourbon, F-H. MSA S 1057-33. MdHR 8980-3. 2/34/3/36
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1946 A. J. Bourbon, I-J. MSA S 1057-34. MdHR 8980-4. 2/34/3/37
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1946 A. J. Bourbon, L-N. MSA S 1057-35. MdHR 8980-5. 2/34/3/38
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1946 A. J. Bourbon, P-Pre. MSA S 1057-36. MdHR 8980-6. 2/34/3/39
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1946 A. J. Bourbon, Pro-S. MSA S 1057-37. MdHR 8980-7. 2/34/3/40
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1946 A. J. Bourbon, T-Z. MSA S 1057-38. MdHR 8980-8. 2/34/4/1
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967 Task Force on Modern Management, Fiscal Research. MSA S 1057-39. MdHR 19,974. 2/27/4/42
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Dept. of Agriculture - Vital Records. MSA S 1057-40. MdHR 18,616-1. 2/39/4/7
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Education: National Bds, State Bd, Local Bds., Appointments. MSA S 1057-41. MdHR 18,616-2. 2/39/4/8
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Education: Institutions of Higher Education, Teacher Assocs., PTAs. MSA S 1057-42. MdHR 18,616-3. 2/39/4/9
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Education: Institutions of Higher Education, Teacher Assocs., PTAs. MSA S 1057-43. MdHR 18,616-4. 2/39/4/10
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Education: Television, Equal Opportunities, Scholarships. MSA S 1057-44. MdHR 18,616-5. 2/39/4/11
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Education: Scholarship Bd., Conferences, and A-C. MSA S 1057-45. MdHR 18,616-6. 2/39/4/12
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Education: H-University of MD. MSA S 1057-46. MdHR 18,616-7. 2/39/4/13
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Welfare: Dept. of Social Services, Local Depts., AL-MO. MSA S 1057-47. MdHR 18,616-8. 2/39/4/14
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Welfare: Local Depts., PG-WI, Committees, Programs, Economic Opportunity. MSA S 1057-48. MdHR 18,616-9. 2/39/4/15
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Welfare: Economic Opportunity Fact Sheets and News Releases, University of MD School of Social Work, Manpower Training, Comprehensive Work & Training Program, CAMPS Program, Model Cities, War on Poverty. MSA S 1057-49. MdHR 18,616-10. 2/39/4/16
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Welfare: Printed Materials. MSA S 1057-50. MdHR 18,616-11. 2/39/4/17
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Welfare: Printed Materials. MSA S 1057-51. MdHR 18,616-12. 2/39/4/18
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Welfare: Printed Materials. MSA S 1057-52. MdHR 18,616-13. 2/39/4/19
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 State Agencies, Legislation, Executive Dept.. MSA S 1057-53. MdHR 18,617-1. 2/39/4/20
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 National, State, and Local Bds. of Education, Dept. of Education. MSA S 1057-54. MdHR 18,617-2. 2/39/4/21
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Colleges and Universities. MSA S 1057-55. MdHR 18,617-3. 2/39/4/22
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Community Colleges, Education, A-E. MSA S 1057-56. MdHR 18,617-4. 2/39/4/23
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Education, E-S. MSA S 1057-57. MdHR 18,617-5. 2/39/4/24
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Education, S-Y and Misc., A-F. MSA S 1057-58. MdHR 18,617-6. 2/39/4/25
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1967-1968 Education, Misc., H-U. MSA S 1057-59. MdHR 18,617-7. 2/39/4/26
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1970-1971 Legislative Audits. MSA S 1057-60. MdHR 19,632-108. 2/40/5/14
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1969-1970 Edmund Rovner, Executive Assistant & Ernie Hong, Research Officer: GOES Reports, Secretary of State, & General. MSA S 1057-61. MdHR 19,632-109. 2/40/5/15
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1971-1972 Form letters: Abortion, Assessments, Gun Related Crimes, & Classified Employees Assoc.. MSA S 1057-62. MdHR 19,632-110. 2/40/5/16
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1971-1972 Form letters: CV Dog Track, General Assembly Salaries, Minors Medical Bill, & Welfare Budget. MSA S 1057-63. MdHR 19,632-111. 2/40/5/17
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1971-1972 Form letters: School Busing & State Aid to Non-public Schools. MSA S 1057-64. MdHR 19,632-112. 2/40/5/18
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1969-1970 Attorney General, Comptroller, General Services, Public Improvements, Port Authority, Roads Com., State Treasurer. MSA S 1057-65. MdHR 19,632-113. 2/40/5/19
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1975 Medicaid, Misc., Elderly Programs, Emergency Medical Services, Southern Governors Conference, Health Services, Health & Mental Hygiene Personnel, Regional Planning Council & Specialized Transportation, Handicapped Task Force, Office on Aging. MSA S 1057-66. MdHR 20,336-129. 2/42/1/40
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1975 Health Systems Agency, Health & Mental Hygiene, Medical Assistance Program. MSA S 1057-67. MdHR 20,336-130-1. 2/42/2/1
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1979-1981 China Exchange, Clippings-Correspondence. MSA S 1057-68. MdHR 40,371-1. 2/36/2/14
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1979-1981 China Exchange, Correspondence-Personnel. MSA S 1057-69. MdHR 40,371-2. 2/36/2/15
GOVERNOR (Staff File) 1979-1981 China Exchange, Press Releases-Welcome. MSA S 1057-70. MdHR 40,371-3. 2/36/2/16
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1866 Investigation of BC Board of Police Commissioners and elections. MSA S 1044-1. MdHR 50,265-5. 2/28/5/33
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1881-1918 Reports, BC Board of Police Commissioners. MSA S 1044-2. MdHR 50,265-6. 2/28/3/37
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1890 Investigation of Stevenson Archer, State Treasurer, by a joint investigating committee. MSA S 1044-3. MdHR 8991. 2/28/5/34
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1892-1906 State Auditor. MSA S 1044-4. MdHR 5380-1. 2/28/3/39
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1897 Testimony, Tobacco Warehouse No. 3. MSA S 1044-5. MdHR 5303. 2/27/3/32
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1897 Investigation, State Tobacco Warehouses. MSA S 1044-6. MdHR 8067-1. 2/30/1/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1897 Investigation, State Tobacco Warehouses. MSA S 1044-7. MdHR 8067-2. 2/30/1/21
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1902 Investigation, State Normal School. MSA S 1044-8. MdHR 8992. 2/28/5/34
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1903 Scrapbook, Death of Judge Stone. MSA S 1044-9. MdHR 50,265-3. 2/28/5/28
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1903 Claims of British sailors against BC. MSA S 1044-10. MdHR 8075-1. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1904 BC fire. MSA S 1044-11. MdHR 8075-2/6. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1904 Inventory, Springfield State Hospital. MSA S 1044-12. MdHR 8075-7. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1905 Charges filed against Democratic Supervisors of Elections, CH. MSA S 1044-13. MdHR 50,265-7. 2/28/5/31
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1906 Burnt District Commission, State Tobacco Warehouse property. MSA S 1044-14. MdHR 50,265-8. 2/28/3/35
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1906 Transcript of investigation, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. MSA S 1044-15. MdHR 50,265-9. 2/28/5/32
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1906-1916 State Auditor. MSA S 1044-16. MdHR 5380-2. 2/28/3/40
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1907 New Market - Monravia Road, FR. MSA S 1044-17. MdHR 8075-8. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1910 Report on Insurance of Public Buildings. MSA S 1044-18. MdHR 8075-9. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1911 Transcript of preliminary hearing, State of Maryland vs. John J. McCarron and Thomas Cronin. MSA S 1044-19. MdHR 8993. 2/28/5/34
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1911 Transcript of trial, BC Board of Police Commissioners. MSA S 1044-20. MdHR 50,265-10. 2/28/5/29
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1911 Transcript and exhibits, trial of BC Board of Police Commissioners. MSA S 1044-21. MdHR 50,265-11. 2/28/5/30
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1912 Havre de Grace Race Track. MSA S 1044-22. MdHR 50,265-12. 2/28/3/35
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1912-1915 Audits. MSA S 1044-23. MdHR 8053-2. 2/30/1/10
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1913 Transcript, Emory Ijiams case. MSA S 1044-24. MdHR 50,265-13. 2/28/5/35
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1913 Commercialized Prostitution. MSA S 1044-25. MdHR 7990. 2/27/3/26
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1914 Investigation of Prostitution in the Counties of Baltimore and Anne Arundel and Cities of Hagerstown, Frederick and Cumberland. MSA S 1044-26. MdHR 7991. 2/27/3/27
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1914 Industrial Conditions, Clandestine Prostitution, etc.. MSA S 1044-27. MdHR 7992. 2/27/3/28
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1915 Investigation of Furnished Rooms, Apartments, Hotels, Saloons, Restaurants, Theaters, Moving Picture Theaters, Dance Halls, etc.. MSA S 1044-28. MdHR 7993. 2/27/3/29
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1915 Investigation of the Traffic in Babies. MSA S 1044-29. MdHR 7994. 2/27/3/30
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1915-1916 Reports of Commission on Efficiency and Economy in State Government. MSA S 1044-30. MdHR 50,265-14. 2/28/3/35
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1916 Certificate of award of gold medal by Panama Pacific Exposition. MSA S 1044-31. MdHR 8019-9. 2/30/1/15
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1916-1919 Reports of Police Justices and Traffic Courts. MSA S 1044-32. MdHR 50,265-15. 2/28/3/38
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1917 Transcript, National Defense Conference. MSA S 1044-33. MdHR 8994. 2/28/5/34
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1917 Water Resources of Maryland, State Geological Survey. MSA S 1044-34. MdHR 8019-1. 2/30/1/15
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1917 Location Fire Plugs, Alarm Stations, etc., Curtis Bay Chemical Co.. MSA S 1044-35. MdHR 8019-2. 2/30/1/15
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1918-1935 Reports, BC Board of Police Commissioners. MSA S 1044-36. MdHR 50,265-16. 2/28/3/38
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1919 Boiler plant and plumbing equipment, Crownsville State Hospital. MSA S 1044-37. MdHR 8019-3. 2/30/1/15
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1919 Advertisement of League to Enforce Peace urging support for League of Nations. MSA S 1044-38. MdHR 8019-4. 2/30/1/15
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1920 Survey of Prison Industries. MSA S 1044-39. MdHR 50,265-4. 2/28/5/28
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1921 Reorganization Plan, W. Griffenhagen & Associates, Ltd.. MSA S 1044-40. MdHR 8070. 2/30/1/22
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1924 Report of Commissioner to Board of Mental Hygiene. MSA S 1044-41. MdHR 50,265-1. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1926 Report on Vocational Education, Board of Education. MSA S 1044-42. MdHR 50,265-5. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1927 Report of the Public Health Activities of the Maryland Unit in the Flood Areas of the Mississippi River. MSA S 1044-43. MdHR 8019-5. 2/30/1/15
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1930-1931 Fire Investigation Reports, State Insurance Dept.. MSA S 1044-44. MdHR 50,265-6. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1932 Resolution adopted by The Young Mens Bohemian Democratic Club of the Seventh Ward of BC urging Ritchie to run for president. MSA S 1044-45. MdHR 8019-10. 2/30/1/15
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1933-1936 Constitutional Convention, proceedings and correspondence. MSA S 1044-46. MdHR 8019-8. 2/30/1/15
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1934 Report of Highway Committee, Association of Highway Officals of North Atlantic States. MSA S 1044-47. MdHR 50,265-7/8. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1937 Traffic flow map of areas surrounding Baltimore and Washington. MSA S 1044-48. MdHR 8019-6. 2/30/1/15
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1939 Annual Report, Dept. of Budget and Procurement. MSA S 1044-49. MdHR 50,265-9. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1939 Annual Report, Crownsville State Hospital. MSA S 1044-50. MdHR 50,265-10. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1939 Annual Report, School for the Deaf. MSA S 1044-51. MdHR 50,265-11. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1939 Annual Report, Dept. of Forestry. MSA S 1044-52. MdHR 50,265-12. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1939 Annual Report, Game and Inland Fish Commission. MSA S 1044-53. MdHR 50,265-13. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1939 Annual Report, Dept. of Health. MSA S 1044-54. MdHR 50,265-14. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1939 Annual Report, MD National Guard. MSA S 1044-55. MdHR 50,265-15. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1939 Annual Report, Bureau of Mines. MSA S 1044-56. MdHR 50,265-16. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1939 Annual Report, Division of Parole and Probation. MSA S 1044-57. MdHR 50,265-17. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1939 Annual Report, Spring Grove State Hospital. MSA S 1044-58. MdHR 50,265-18. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1941 Annual Report, Motion Picture Censors. MSA S 1044-59. MdHR 50,265-19. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1941 Chesapeake Bay: Its Resources and Possibilities, State Planning Commission. MSA S 1044-60. MdHR 50,265-20. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1942-1945 Scrapbook, The American Red Cross in MD. MSA S 1044-61. MdHR 50,265-2. 2/34/3/5
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1943 Impact of War Production in the Baltimore area, Federal Security Agency. MSA S 1044-62. MdHR 50,265-21. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1943 Annual Report, MD State Police. MSA S 1044-63. MdHR 50,265-22. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1944 Annual Report, Commission of State Forests and Parks. MSA S 1044-64. MdHR 50,265-23. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1944 Annual Report, Star Spangled Banner Flag House Association. MSA S 1044-65. MdHR 50,265-24. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1945 Monthly Notes, Dept. of Geology, Mines and Water Resources. MSA S 1044-66. MdHR 50,265-25. 2/36/3/20
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1947 BA Grand Jury Report, MD Training School For Boys and Montrose School for Girls. MSA S 1044-67. MdHR 50,265-26. 2/30/1/24
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1948 Report of Employment Committee, American Legion. MSA S 1044-68. MdHR 50,265-27. 2/30/1/24
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1948 Classification Report, Comptroller of the Treasury, Retail Sales Tax Division. MSA S 1044-69. MdHR 50,265-28. 2/30/1/24
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1948 Classification Report, Board of Mental Hygiene. MSA S 1044-70. MdHR 50,265-29. 2/30/1/24
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1948 Annual Report, Board of Motion Picture Censors. MSA S 1044-71. MdHR 50,265-30. 2/30/1/24
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1948 Annual Report, Board of Natural Resources, Dept. of Research and Education. MSA S 1044-72. MdHR 50,265-31. 2/30/1/24
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1949 Report on Hospitalization of Veterans. MSA S 1044-73. MdHR 50,265-32. 2/30/1/24
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1949 Motor Vehicle Agreement, MD and DC. MSA S 1044-74. MdHR 50,265-33. 2/30/1/24
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1949 Recommendations re mental hospitals, Standard Salary Board. MSA S 1044-75. MdHR 50,265-34. 2/30/1/24
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1949 Report of USDA, Production and Marketing Administration, WI. MSA S 1044-76. MdHR 50,265-35. 2/30/1/24
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1950 Annual Report, State Accident Fund. MSA S 1044-77. MdHR 50,265-36. 2/30/1/24
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1963 Investigation of Howard L. Muhl, Jr., BA Trial Magistrate. MSA S 1044-78. MdHR 18,615-1/11. 2/30/1/24
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1965 Audit, CE Trial Magistrate, Perryville. MSA S 1044-79. MdHR 18,615-12/14. 2/30/1/24
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1965 University of MD and Bayard Rustin's address. MSA S 1044-80. MdHR 18,615-15/24. 2/37/3/31
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1966 Right of Way Report, 1959-1966, State Roads Commission. MSA S 1044-81. MdHR 18,615-25/27. 2/37/3/31
GOVERNOR (Reports and Investigations) 1969-1970 State Auditor. MSA S 1044-82. MdHR 19,041-6. 2/40/2/20GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers)
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850-1852. Box 50, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for Charles B. Deal, weigher of hay and straw, BC; Application for weigher of hay and straw, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-50-15 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851, 1852. Box 50, folder 16 contents: Applications and recommendations for weighers of hay and straw, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-50-16 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850, 1851, 1853. Box 50, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for William Cooper, weigher of hay, BC; Recommendations for Edward Cockey, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-50-17 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853. Box 50, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for Edward Cockey, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-18 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for Edward Cockey, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-50-19 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853. Box 50, folder 20 contents: Recommendations for Edward Cockey, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-50-20 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1852-1854. Box 50, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for Edward Cockey, gauger of liquor, BC; Applications and recommendations for gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-21 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for William Sharretts (Sharrett), gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-50-22 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for William L. Sharetts, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-50-23 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854? Box 50, folder 24 contents: Recommendations for William L. Sharretts, gauger of liquor, BC; Application for James A. Frost, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-50-24 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 25 contents: Recommendations for William H. Nabb, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-50-25 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 26 contents: Recommendations and applications for William H. Nabb, Alexander E. Kalkman, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-50-26 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-27 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 28 contents: Recommendations and application for George Gale, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-50-28 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for Robert Gale, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-50-29 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854 Box 50, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for Robert Gale, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-50-30 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for Robert Gale, gauger of liquor, BC; Application and recommendations for Thomas Welsh, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-50-31 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 32 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Welsh, gauger of liquor, BC; Applications and recommendations for inspectors of guano, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-50-32 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 33 contents: Recommendations for Henry Hunt, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-33 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 34 contents: Recommendations for Henry Hunt, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-34 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 52, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for George T. McGill (Macgill), inspector of flour, BC?. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-52-1 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 52, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for Henry B. Jones, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-52-2 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 52, folder 3 contents: Recommendations and application for William Beam, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-52-3 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857-1859. Box 52, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for Louis Lewis, G.B.W. Roper, Stephen Goudy, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-52-4 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 5 contents: Recommendations and applications for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-52-5 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 6 contents: Recommendations for Hiram Cole (Coale), wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-52-6 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for Francis G. Waltemeyer, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-52-7 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Bramble, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-52-8 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for Levin D. Collier, Oliver P. Sparks, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-52-9 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Henry S. Hunt, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-1 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Henry S. Hunt, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-2 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Henry S. Hunt, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-50-3 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854?. Box 51, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Henry S. Hunt, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-4 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 5 contents: General recommendations for H.F. Hebb. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-51-5 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 6 contents: General recommendations and application for H.F. Hebb; Recommendations for gaugers, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-51-6 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 7 contents: Applications and recommendations for gauger of liquor and inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-51-7 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for James O. McCormick, guano inspector, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-51-8 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for Dr. James O. McCormick, inspector of guano, BC; Application and recommendations for gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-9 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for George Bramwell, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-10 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 11 contents: Application and recommendations for gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-51-11 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1858. Box 51, folder 12 contents: Application for gauger of liquor, BC; Recommendations for inspector of guano, TA and HA; Recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-12 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Bateman, flour inspector, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-51-13 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 14 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Bateman, inspector of flour, BC; Applications and recommendation for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-51-14 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for John H. Gronewell, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-53-1 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 2 contents: Recommendations and applications for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-53-2 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Jeffries, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-53-3 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for George Metzel, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-53-4 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 53, folder 5 contents: Recommendations and application for George Metzel, wood corder, BC; Recommendations for John Sanders, wood corder, HA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-53-5 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 6 contents: Recommendations and application for John Ailer (Ayler), Frederick W. Nagle, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-53-6 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 7 contents: Recommendations and applications for John W. Selby, George W. Landing, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-53-7 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1856. Box 53, folder 8 contents: Resignation of JOP, HO; Recommendations for JOP, BA, CE, CR, DR, PG. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-53-8 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853-1856. Box 53, folder 9 contents: Qualifications for officers, TA; Recommendations for JOP, BA, BC, HO, PG, SM. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-53-9 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 53, folder 10 contents: Application for JOP, BA; Recommendations for JOP, BA, DO, FR, HA, HO; Qualifications for officers, CR. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-53-10 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 53, folder 11 contents: Applications for JOP, BC, FR, HO; Recommendations for JOP, FR, HO, PG, WO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-53-11 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 53, folder 12 contents: Recommendations and applications for Edward G. Starr, Esq, JOP, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-53-12 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1856. Box 53, folder 13 contents: Applications for JOP, HO, WA; Qualifications for JOP, WO; Recommendations for JOP, BC, FR, HO, SM, WA, WO. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-53-13 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 14 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BA, CE, FR, HO, PG, SO, SM. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-53-14 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 15 contents: Recommendations and application for William H. Falkner, JOP, TA; Recommendations for JOP, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-53-15 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 16 contents: Recommendations and application for Solomon R. Cahill, Thomas Edgar, JOP, TA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-53-16 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for Samuel Norris, JOP, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-53-17 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for Francis O. Medley, JOP, PG; Recommendations for William H. Bayzand, JOP, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-53-18 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 53, folder 19 contents: Recommendations and application for JOP, HO, DO, SO, SM, TA, WA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-53-19 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856, 1857. Box 53, folder 20 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BA, CR, HA, SM, WA; Complaint against William Mattingly, JOP, SM. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-53-20 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 53, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BC, CH, HA, PG; Applications for JOP, BC, CH; Complaints against William Mattingly, JOP, SM. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-53-21 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for JOP, AL, CR, SO; Correspondence, JOP, WA; Correspondence, appointment of JOP, SO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-53-22 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for JOP, CE, BA, PG, HA; Recommendations for Joseph Hatton, JOP, PG. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-53-23 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 24 contents: Recommendations for Timothy Conner, JOP, FR; Recommendations for Richard Shipley, JOP, AL; Recommendations for JOP, WO, BA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-53-24 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 25 contents: Recommendations for JOP, DO, CA, BC, FR, PG. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-53-25 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1859. Box 53, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for Alfred A. Duhamel, JOP, QA; Recommendations for JOP, BC, PG, WA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-53-26 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1859. Box 53, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for Phillip R. Jones, JOP, BC; Recommendations for JOP, PG. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-53-27 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1859. Box 53, folder 28 contents: Recommendations and application for Phillip R. Jones, JOP, BC; Applications, JOP, HO, FR. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-53-28 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for Levi Valentine, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-15 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 16 contents: Recommendations for Levi Valentine and George Late, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-16 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 17 contents: Application and recommendations for Maj. Samuel McGuire, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-51-17 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for Maj. Samuel McGuire, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-51-18 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for Maj. Samuel McGuire and William H. Herring, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-19 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 20 contents: Application and recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-51-20 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-51-21 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854, 1856?. Box 51, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-51-22 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for George Cunningham, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-51-23 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 24 contents: Recommendations for George Cunningham and Joseph Elliott, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-51-24 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 25 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Eliott, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-51-25 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Eliott, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-51-26 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Elliot, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-51-27 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Eliott, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-51-28 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Elliott, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-51-29 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 30 contents: Applications and recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-51-30 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 31 contents: Applications and recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-51-31 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1856. Box 51, folder 32 contents: Applications and recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-51-32 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for Oliver Sparks, wood corder, BC No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-52-10 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 11 contents: Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-52-11 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 12 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-52-12 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 13 contents: Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-52-13 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 14 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-52-14 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 15 contents: Applications for wood corder and weigher of livestock, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-52-15 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 16 contents: General recommendations; Recommendations for wood corder, inspector of customs, BC. No. Items: 22 MSA S 1274-52-16 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-52-17 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-52-18 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 52, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for Capt. Solomon Saunders (Sanders), wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-52-19 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 52, folder 20 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-52-20 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 52, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for Peter Bouchell, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-52-21 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 52, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-52-22 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 52, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for Daniel Dwyer, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-52-23 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 24 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-52-24 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 52, folder 25 contents: Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-52-25 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-52-26 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for William Phelps, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-52-27 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853?, 1854. Box 52, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for Thomas D. Marriott, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-52-28 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 52, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 21 MSA S 1274-52-29 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855. Box 52, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BC, CE, PG. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-52-30 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855, 1856. Box 52, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BC, FR, CH, QA, WI; Correspondence, Errors in commission of JOP, QA, SM; Resignation for JOP, FR. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-52-31 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 1 contents: Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, CA, GA, IL, MS, OH, NY. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-54-1 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for commissioner of deeds, IL, Cal., NY, OH; Request for appointment of Commissioner of Deed, Westchester (?). [1,2] 1854, Letter enclosing recommendation for commissioner of deeds, Cal. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-2 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for commissioner of deeds, Cal., IA, KS, KY, NC, NY, TX. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-3 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854, 1857. Box 54, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for commissioner of deeds, Cal., DC, OH, SC, VA. [6,7] Enclosure to recommendation for commissioner of deeds, DC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-54-4 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 54, folder 5 contents: Application for commissioner of deeds, KS, NY; Recommendation for commissioner of deeds, CA, IA. [5,6] Enclosure to application for Commissioner of Deeds, CA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-54-5 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 54, folder 6 contents: Application, recommendations and enclosures for George Fisher, commissioner of deeds, Cal; Application for commissioner of deeds, TX. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-54-6 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1859. Box 54, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for MD Comissioner of Deeds, DC, FL, IN, KY, PA. [6,7] Enclosure for commissioner of deeds, DC, [9,10] 1859, George Fisher to SecSt., lack of receipt of formal commission. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-7 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 54, folder 8 contents: Application and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, DC, KS, LA, NY, VA, Wis. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-8 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 54, folder 9 contents: Applications and reccomendations for commissioner of deeds, DC, MA, NY; Recommendation for Charles Tillman, commissioner of deeds, Missouri. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-9 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 54, folder 10 contents: Application for commissioner of deeds, DC, MA, OH, NY, IL, LA, PA; Recommendation for commissioner of deeds, OH. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-54-10 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 54, folder 11 contents: Application for commissioner of deeds, NY, DC, KY, OH, TX. [4] Printed flyer describing services, John S. Hollingshead, commissioner of deeds, DC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-11 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 54, folder 12 contents: Applications for commissioner of deeds, NY; Recommendations for commissioner of deeds, IL, NY. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-12 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 54, folder 14 contents: Applications, recommendations, qualifications for commissioner of deeds, Cal., NY, DC, MA, VA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-54-14 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 54, folder 15 contents: Applications, recommendations, and qualifications for commissioner of deeds, Missouri, NC, PA, TX, DC. [5] Concise summary of U.S. Bounty and Pension Laws, 1811-1855. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-15 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1859. Box 54, folder 16 contents: Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, LA, OH, NY, TN, MA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-16 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859. Box 54, folder 17 contents: Applications, recommendations, and qualifications for commissioner of deeds, Cal., NY, TN. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-54-17 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for James W.W. Taylor, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-54-18 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for James W.W. Taylor, John Showacre, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-19 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 20 contents: Recommendations for John Showacre, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-54-20 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for William D. Hughes, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-21 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 22 contents: Application for William D. Hughes, wood corder, BC; Recommendations for Benjamin Eggleston (Engleston), wood corder. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-22 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for Benjamin Eggleston and Henry Reisinga, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-23 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 24 contents: Applications and recommendations for Henry Reisinga, Abel Scrivnor, and John Bell, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-24 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 25 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-25 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for (Capt.) John Hopwood (Hapwood) and George Moog, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-54-26 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for George Moog and George W. Schimp, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-27 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for George W. Schimp, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-54-28 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for Joseph J. Dorsey and Jesse Walton, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-29 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for Jesse Walton, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-30 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for Jessee Walton, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-54-31 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 32 contents: Recommendations for Jesse Walton, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-54-32 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 53, folder 33 contents: Recommendations for and declinations as JOP, AL, BA, BC, KE, SO; Correspondence, JOP appointments. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-53-33 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Jesse Walton, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-55-1 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for Jesse Walton, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-55-2 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for Jesse Walton, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-55-3 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-55-4 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853?, 1854. Box 55, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-55-5 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 6 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BA, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-55-6 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-55-7 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for William Robertson (Robinson), wood corder, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-55-8 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for William Robertson (Robinson), wood corder, BC; Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-55-9 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 10 contents: Applications and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-55-10 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 11 contents: Recommendations for Francis Hetzler, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-55-11 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 12 contents: Application and recommendations for Francis Hetzler, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-55-12 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-55-13 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 14 contents: Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-55-14 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Blimline, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-55-15 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 16 contents: Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-55-16 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Leolin D. Bennett and Alexander D. Gifford, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-56-1 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for John Harmon and James H. Boyd (Boyde), inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-2 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for John Miller and John C. Cannon, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-56-3 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 4 contents: Application and Recommendations for William C. Blackiston, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-56-4 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for William Blackiston, inspector of lumber, BC; Recommendation for reappointment of (Col.) Anthony B. Bennett, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-56-5 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 6 contents: Recommendations for reappointment of William C. Blackiston, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-6 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for reappointment of William C. Blackiston, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-56-7 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for reappointment of William C. Blackiston, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-56-8 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for reappointment of William C. Blackiston, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-9 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for Lelan Barton and George W. Kildow (Killdow), inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-56-10 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 11 contents: Recommendations for Samuel Levy and Minus P. Truitt, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-11 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 56, folder 12 contents: Application and recommendations for Minus P. Truitt, inspector of lumber, BC; Recommendations for Jacob T. Jennings, inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-56-12 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 13 contents: Recommendations and applications for inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-13 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 14 contents: Recommendations for Linsey (Lindsay) H. Reynolds, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-56-14 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for William H. Brown, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-15 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 16 contents: Recommendations and applications for William H. Brown, Lindsay (Linsey) H. Reynolds, and John Moore, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-56-16 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-56-17 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 18 contents: Recommendations and application for John W. Watkins, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-18 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 19 contents: Recommendation for reappointment of John W. Williams, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-19 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 20 contents: Application and recommendations for John W. Williams, Mahlon Falconer, and Benjamin O. Brown, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-20 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1856. Box 56, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-56-21 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, BC, CE. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-56-22 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 23 contents: Application and recommendations for inspector of lumber, BC; General recommendation. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-56-23 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 24 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, BC, CE, HA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-56-24 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 25 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, BC; Resignation of inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-56-25 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1855. Box 56, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, BA, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-56-26 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, BC, CE. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-56-27 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 56, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-56-28 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 56, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-56-29 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 56, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-56-30 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 56, folder 31 contents: Vouchers for newspaper advertising and miscellaneous services; Militia muster notice. No. Items: 25 MSA S 1274-56-31 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 56, folder 32 contents: Vouchers for advertising and miscellaneous services; R.J. Setting to Gov., requisition of Louis C. Ward from PA. No. Items: 27 MSA S 1274-56-32 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Thomas Roundtree, coroner, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-58-1 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for coroner, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-58-2 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for coroner, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-58-3 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 58, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Robert Goldsmith, coroner, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-4 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 5 contents: Application and recommendation for coroner, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-58-5 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 58, folder 6 contents: List of negligent officeholders; Recommendations for Dr. Edward Stephens, coroner, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-6 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850, 1852, 1854, 1855, 1857. Box 58, folder 7 contents: Failure to qualify, Supreme Court Clerk, BC; Applications for inspector of fish, AA, PG; Requests for auctioneers' commissions, BC; Applications for coroner, BC, SO. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-7 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 58, folder 8 contents: Recommendations and application for inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-58-8 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 9 contents: Application and recommendations for William Barnes, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-9 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 58, folder 10 contents: Gen. B.F. Butler to Gov.; Gov. to Gen. B.F. Butler; A. Lincoln and W. Seward to Gov.; Printed copy of proposed amendment. [1] Butler to Gov., Union troops suppressing possible Negro insurrections in MD, [2] Gov. to Butler, commandeering Annapolis and Elk Ridge RR, [3] Lincoln and Seward to Gov., proposed Constitutional amendment, [4] Printed copy of proposed amendment with cover letter. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-58-10 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-55-17 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for John Starkey, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-55-18 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 19 contents: Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-55-19 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 55, folder 20 contents: General application; Letter of introduction; Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-55-20 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 55, folder 21 contents: Applications and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-55-21 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for Louis Holter, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-55-22 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854?. Box 55, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC, CE. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-55-23 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856, 1858. Box 55, folder 24 contents: Applications and recommendations for wood corder, BA, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-55-24 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 55, folder 25 contents: Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-55-25 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for Joseph H. Cameron, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-55-26 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Cameron, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-55-27 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 55, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Cameron, wood corder, BC; Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-55-28 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 55, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC; H. Herring to Gov., negligent wood corder. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-55-29 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-55-30 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-55-31 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 32 contents: Recommendations for James Blackstone for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-55-32 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 33 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-55-33 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 34 contents: Recommendations for John G. Harman, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-55-34 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 55, folder 35 contents: Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-55-35 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 58, folder 11 contents: Appointment, Keeper of the House of Delegates, AA; Application and Qualification for surveyor, TA; Resignations: JOP, SO; Notary Public, CR; Recommendation for magistrate, CE; Correspondence, JOP, WA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-58-11 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 58, folder 12 contents: Qualification for JOP, WA; Resignations: Chief JOC, CA; JOP, BC; Recommendations for JOP, BC, TA; Voucher; Threat letter to Jacob Routzan; Rough draft of poem (song). [8] nd, possible early version of "Old Gray Mare". No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-12 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 58, folder 13 contents: Report of Commission on Printing; Voucher to SecSt.; Resolution, duties on wool, ME; Appointment of R. Johnson to U.S. Senate; Correspondence, election of Gov. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-58-13 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 58, folder 14 contents: Report of inspectors of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-58-14 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 58, folder 15 contents: Default papers, BC; Report of Special Commission on Tobacco Warehouse, BC; Annual Report of B.& O. RR. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-58-15 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 66, folder 1 contents: Application and recommendation for weigher of hay, BC; "Voters of BA" to Gov., lack of qualified candidates for weigher of hay; General correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-1 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850, 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 2 contents: Recommendation for weigher of hay, BC; Voucher, CV; Acceptance of counsel, Court of Appeals; Application and recommendation for inspector of flour, BC; Application for weigher of livestock, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-66-2 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856-1858. Box 66, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for weigher of livestock, BC; Acceptance and qualification for commissioner of deeds for MA; Application and recommendation for superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-3 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 4 contents: Application and recommendation for superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-4 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Keller, superintendent of National Road, AL; General correspondence. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-66-5 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 6 contents: Application for superintendent of National Road, AL; Recommendations for William Haller, superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-66-6 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 7 contents: Applications and recommendations for superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-66-7 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-66-8 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 9 contents: Recommendation for William Hall, superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-66-9 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 66, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for William Hall, superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-10 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858, 1861. Box 66, folder 11 contents: Recommendations for William Hall, superintendent of National Road, AL; Application and recommendation for Charles Woodman, commissioner of deeds, NH. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-66-11 1/5/7/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 12 contents: Qualifications for JOP, HO; Correspondence, dissatisfaction with corder of wood, BA; Recommendations: hospital surgeon, FR; JOP, HO; Application and recommendations for JOP, BC, WO. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-66-12 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 13 contents: Applications and recommendation for commissioner of deeds, Cal.; Recommendations: Commissioner, WA; Notary public, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-66-13 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 14 contents: Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, PA, Cal., Great Britain. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-66-14 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 15 contents: Extradition of Enoch Ridgeley, free negro, to DC; Voucher for extradition; General correspondence; Resignation of JOP, BA; Recommendation for Brig. Gen., MO; Resignations of: Legislator, DO; MD Militia, QM. [1] Extradition of Enoch Ridgely, charged with enticing a slave to run away. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-66-15 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1861. Box 66, folder 16 contents: Appointment and resignation of 1st LT, mounted volunteers, CH; Requisition of Enoch Ridgeley, free negro, from DC; Election results, U. S. Congress; Qualifications for commisioners of tax, CH; Criminal papers, Thomas Wooden, HO. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-66-16 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 66, folder 17 contents: Criminal papers: Henry C. Drill, FR; Gen. Nathaniel Hickman, BC; William H. Whiteley, CA. [13] 1860, Application for nolle prosequi for Gen. Nathaniel Hickman, accused of embezzeling state funds while registrar of wills, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-66-17 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 18 contents: Criminal papers: Charles Bard, slave, WA; George De Ford; Pardon papers, Joseph Edwards, BC. [2-4] 1860, criminal papers, Charles Bard (owned by Jonathan Hager) accused of stealing silver watch; [5] n.d., Request for nolle prosequi upon condition that George De Ford be shipped to sea for five years; [10-13] Request for pardon for Joseph Edwards for the manslaughter of Adam Barclay Kyle "growing out of election excitements". No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-66-18 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 19 contents: Pardon papers and criminal papers, Joseph Edwards, BC. [2] 1861, Joseph Edwards to Gov., BC; [1] 1861, Correspondence from William Claude, counsel for Joseph Edwards, AA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-66-19 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 20 contents: Pardon papers, Joseph Edwards, James F. Newbold, Hugh Bolton, BC; Criminal papers, Noah Coleman, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-20 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 18 contents: Correspondence, imprisonment of Judge Carmichael; British Consulate to Gov., recruitment of soldiers; President of BC Corn and Flour Exchange Association to Gov.; Atty. Gen. Bates to Gov., runaway slaves in DC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-69-18 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 19 contents: Inspector Gen. of Grain to Gov.; Gov. to Inspector Gen. of Grain; Maj. Gen. Vickers, MD Militia to Gov.; WA Commissioners to Gov., standard weights and measures. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-69-19 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 20 contents: Provost Marshal to Gov., notice from inspector of grain; SecWar to Gov., requesting total number of troops in service; Capt. C. W. Russel, Brig. Gen. Cooper, MD Volunteers. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-69-20 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 21 contents: MA Gov. to Gov., MA regiments; Atty. Gen. to Gov., arrest of John R. Miller; City Council BC to Gov., recruitment of troops; RI resolution, increase in number of cadets at West Point. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-69-21 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 69, folder 22 contents: Memo from Militia laws; Wis. proclamation; John Hopkins to Gov., treasury bonds; Enoch Pratt to Gov., report from Camp Bradford; Muster role for IN; Recommendation for Robert Fowler, Treasurer. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-69-22 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 23 contents: Report of committee to promote volunteering meeting in violation to their proceedings; Arrest of committee by order of Gen. Wool. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-69-23 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 24 contents: Resolution of ME, duties of wool; Correspondence, resolutions by Gen. Assembly on slavery question, NY, VT, ME; Price list for arms, NY. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-69-24 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 25 contents: Senate to Gov., consenting appointments; Notice to applicants for Medical appointments; Resolution from ME, victories in West. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-69-25 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862-1864. Box 69, folder 26 contents: Gov. PA to Gov.; Rough drafts: Sheriff, QA & MO; Delegates to Constitutional convention; Thanksgiving proclamation; Order, return of deserters; Request for election, State Sen., QA; Sen. confirmation of commissions. [1] 1862, Gov. PA to Gov., resolutions passed by Gen. Assembly on "slavery question", [8A-B] 1864, Draft of order from Gov. to sheriffs of counties and BC, Constitutional convention. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-69-26 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 69, folder 27 contents: Specimen exec. envelope; U.S. Sanitary Commission to Gov.; Nathan Brooks to Gov., state teachers; Memo of treasury bank accounts; Voucher; Provost Marshall to Deputies; General orders from War Dept.; Military commission. [3] 1862, Voucher for arms for Union Cecil Guards, 49th Reg., CE, [4] 1862, Form of orders to Deputies, Provost Marshall, [5A-B] 1862, Samples on preparing vouchers for War Dept., [6] 1862, Sanitary Comm. to Gov., soldiers pay; [7] 1861, Commisssion of Mathias Roberts, 2nd Lt. 37th Reg. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-69-27 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 28 contents: Lt. Kirby to Gov.; J.Y. Foulk to Gov.; Charles G. Hisler(?) to Gov.; Dr. F.P. Phelps to Gov.; Soldiers to Gov., complaints; Applicationsfor chaplain and surgeon; Recommendations for military officers; Acceptance of W. J. Gibson. [3] Thomas Smith, enrolling officer in FR, requesting guard after guerilla raid; [2, 9] Ethan Allen, George Labatto, arms for sale. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-69-28 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 29 contents: Volunteer response to American newspaper clipping, BA; Order ceasing recruiting; Applications for watchman, MD Penitentiary, QA; Recommendations for Col. and sutler; Acceptances of aide-de-camp; Surgeon Gen. NY and Provost Marshal to Gov., Gen. Wool. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-69-29 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 30 contents: Correspondence, escaped slave freed in Alexandria; Col. Kenly to Gov., exchange of prisoners; Henry Winter Davis to Gov., declines to recruit regiment; Recommendation for draft; Reverdy Johnson to Gov. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-69-30 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 70, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Frederick Alexander, notary public, BC; Application for notary public, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-70-1 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 2 contents: Recommendations, voucher and applications for David Ridgely, notary public, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-70-2 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 70, folder 3 contents: Application, recommendations and appointments for notary public, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-70-3 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 4 contents: Application and recommendations for notary public, BC; Newspaper clipping. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-70-4 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 5 contents: Application and recommendations for notary public, BC; Recommendations: assessor and collector of direct taxes, U.S.; 2nd Lt.; Col.; J.M. Clayton to Gov., recruiting committee; Telegraph, Lincoln to Gov.; Thomas R. Rich to Gov., aid to wounded. [8] 1862, telegraph, Lincoln to Gov., recruitment of troops. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-70-5 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 70, folder 6 contents: Recommendation for commission, BC; Thomas Hicks to Gov., appointment of direct tax collectors, DO; Acceptances of Aides de Camp; Requisition of John M. Crumm from PA; Wm. Ulrich to Gov., secessionists, FR; Report from Union League. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-70-6 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 70, folder 7 contents: Recruiting committee papers, PG, WA; Recommendation for army surgeon; General application; C. Emory Stonisfer to Gov, offer to create artillery company; Recommendation for direct tax assessor, PG; Application for QM. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-70-7 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 70, folder 8 contents: Application for ADC, BC; Recruiting committee papers; Hugh Bond to Gov.; Criminal papers; Maj. Gen. Robert Schenk to Gov., Maryland command; W. A. Nichols to Gov., expenses for MD draft. [2] 1862, Francis T. King, Quaker, declining to serve on recruiting committee for religious reasons, [10] 1863 Maj. Gen. Schenk to Gov., relieving Col. James Swain and appointing Brig. Gen. H.H. Lockwood. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-70-8 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 70, folder 9 contents: Col. W. Louis Schley to Gov., regt. appointments; Gen. Schenk to Gov.; Acceptance of state's attorney; John Freeman to Gov., runaway slave; Newspaper clipping, MA; James B. Fry to Gov.; R. B. Taney to Gov.; CH men to Gov., Col. Swain. [2] 1863, Gen. Schenk to Gov., closing of drafting camps at Easton and Camp Bradford, [4] John Freeman to Gov., army refuses to give up runaway slave at Point Lookout, [6] 1863, Prov. Marshal Gen. Fry to Gov., MD draft deficient by 13,803 men, [7] 1862, Chief Justice Taney to Gov., Summons in Washington & Balto. Turnpike Road case, [8] 1863, CH men to Gov., complaining of conduct of Col. Swain and troops to slaves. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-70-9 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 70, folder 10 contents: Recommendation for Col., BC; General correspondence; CH men to Gov., Chapel Point troops; John Freeman to Gov., slave harbored at Chapel Point; Col. James B. Swain to Assistant Adjutant Gen.; Affidavits. [3] 1863, CH men to Gov, Chapel Point troops continue to harbor slaves, [4] 1862, Col Swain defending actions at Chapel Point, [7] Affidavits from Maj. J. C. Kenyon and Walter Kidder, conduct of Col. Swain. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-70-10 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 70, folder 11 contents: AA citizens to Gov.; SM Sheriff to Gov., slaves at Point Lookout; Stephen Downey to Gov.; Judge Nelson, William Price and John Lynch, FR, to Gov. [1] 1863, AA citizens to Gov., arrest for refusal to take oath at polls, [4-8] 1863, Nelson, Price and Lynch to Gov., treason cases in FR. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-70-11 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 70, folder 12 contents: Stewards of M.E. Church, BC, to Gov. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-70-12 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 70, folder 13 contents: Edward M. Stanton to Gov., recruiting rebel prisoners for 3rd MD Cavalry; Asst. SecWar to Gov.; Central Methodist Episcopal Church, BC, to Gov. [3-5] 1863, Newspaper clippings and letter with enclosure, Stewards of Central, Chatsworth and Biddle Street M.E. Church to Gov., protesting order of Maj. Gen. Schenck to display American flag. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-70-13 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 70, folder 14 contents: Correspondence to Gov.: Jonathan Meredith; Richard J. Gittings; Maj. N.L. Jeffries; Col. R.N. Bowerman; Asst. Adj. Gen. R. Williams, bounties; Col. C.C. Tevis; S.F. Streeter; Brig. Gen. H.H. Lockwood. [1, 9] Meredith to Gov., Meyers v. State of PA, [2] Gittings to Gov., case against Washington and Baltimore Turnpike Co., [3] Jeffries, Asst. Provost Marshall General, to Gov., stop draft substitutes, [8] Lockwood to Gov., legality of not surrenderingrunaway slaves at Point Lookout. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-70-14 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 70, folder 15 contents: William Price to Gov., acceptance of counsel, MD; Affadavits in case of Col. Swain, accused of encouraging a slave to flee to Chapel Point, CH. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-70-15 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1929(?). Box 70, folder 16 contents: G. Maddox to Gov., runaway slaves at Point Lookout; Correspondence, detectives in SM; Reimbursement for requisition; Whiskey distillers to Gov., gaugers; Brig.Gen. Lockwood to Gov.; Criminal paper, Bloomfield; NYC Publisher's list. [6B] 1929(?) Argosy Bookstore publisher's list of Lincoln memorabilia. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-70-16 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 70, folder 17 contents: Recommendation for keeper of Washington Monument, BC; Correspondence: Farmers, foraging soldiers, AL, HA; Slaveholders committee, fugitive slaves, TA, SM; Edwin Stanton, freedom of slave soldiers; Pardon paper, Co. B, Purnell Legion. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-70-17 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 70, folder 18 contents: Criminal papers, Rev. Mr. Green; Slaveholder complaints, FR, PG; Gilpin to Gov., military appointments. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-70-18 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 70, folder 19 contents: Application for medical examiner of recruits, BC; Inquiry about organizing companies and commissioners of insane asylum; Qualification, QA; Globe to Gov.; R. Fowler to Gov., MD Defense Loan. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-70-19 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 70, folder 20 contents: Acceptance of trustee for MD State Hospital for Insane; General correspondence; General appplication; Recommendation for F.W. Alexander, military commission, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-70-20 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 70, folder 21 contents: Deaf student papers. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-70-21 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 70, folder 22 contents: Deaf student papers, Columbia Institute. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-70-22 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 70, folder 23 contents: Deaf student papers. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-70-23 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1861-1863. Box 70, folder 24 contents: Deaf and blind student papers. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-70-24 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 70, folder 25 contents: Blind student papers. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-70-25 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1862. Box 70, folder 26 contents: Deaf student papers, Henry C. Wentz. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-70-26 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1862, 1864. Box 70, folder 27 contents: Deaf and blind student papers. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-70-27 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 70, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, inspector of lumber, William Parker, Notary Public, AA, BA, WA, CE, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-70-28 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 29 contents: Application and recommendations for Theodore Knight, Richard Gore, Richard Cowcell, notary public, inspector of tobacco, FR, BC, CV, MO, CE, TA. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-70-29 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860-1862. Box 70, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for Philmon Griffith, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-70-30 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for inspectors of tobacco, BC, AA; General recommendation. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-70-31 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 70, folder 32 contents: Recommendations for William Welsh, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-70-32 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 33 contents: Recommendations for William Walsh, Philemon Griffith, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-70-33 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 34 contents: Recommendations for Joseph (John) R. Hunt, William Duvall (Duvale), inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-70-34 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 35 contents: Recommendations and applications for Lloyd Day, John Bohanan, inspector of Tobacco, BC. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-70-35 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 36 contents: Recommendations and application for James L. Hamilton, George A. Mitchell, Robert Bowie, inspector of tobacco, BC, PG. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-70-36 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 37 contents: Recommendations and application for Dr. Edward Jacob, Benedict Boone, inspector of tobacco, AA, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-70-37 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 38 contents: Recommendations and applications for Edmund T.H. Walter, John H. Harryman, Gideon George Dane, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-70-38 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Philemon Griffith, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-71-1 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for Philemon Griffith, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-71-2 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for Philemon Griffith, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-71-3 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for John Moorehead, Philemon Griffith, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-71-4 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for John Moorehead, James T. Perkins, inspector of tobacco, BC, PG. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-71-5 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 6 contents: Application of Robert G. Pindell, Samuel Lyles, Alexander Barker, inspector of tobacco, AA, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-71-6 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for Capt. Alexander Barker, Richard C. Bowie, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-71-7 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for Thomas W. Duvall, Thomas B. Billingsley, George Burroughs, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-71-8 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for Mortimore Burroughs, Rezin T. Jenkins, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-71-9 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 10 contents: Voucher; Recommendations and applications for R.J. Jenkins, Issac Owens, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-71-10 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 11 contents: Recommendations and applications for Issac Owens, P.G. Love, William Gosnell, George Buckler, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-71-11 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 12 contents: Recommendations for George W. Buckler, inspector of tobacco, BC; Newspaper clipping. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-71-12 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for Wiliam Burch, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-71-13 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 14 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Hood, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-71-14 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 15 contents: Recommendations and application for John Hood, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-71-15 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861-1863. Box 71, folder 16 contents: Recommendations for John Shaw, inspector of tobacco, MO. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-71-16 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for John Shaw, inspector of tobacco, MO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-71-17 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 18 contents: General correspondence; Recommendations for Nicholas Darby, inspector of tobacco, MO. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-71-18 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for Nicholas R. Darby, inspector of tobacco, MO. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-71-19 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 20 contents: Recommendations for weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-71-20 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-71-21 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 22 contents: Recommendations and application for Gen. Hugh Ely, weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-71-22 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for Gen. Hugh Ely, weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-71-23 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 24 contents: Recommendations for weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-71-24 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 25 contents: Recommendations for William Dean, weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-71-25 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 26 contents: Recommendations and application for weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-71-26 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-71-27 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-71-28 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for Harry D. Gough, weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-71-29 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for Harry Gough, weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-71-30 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for Harry Gough, weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-71-31 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 32 contents: Recommendations and application for weigher of live stock, BC; Nolle prosequi papers: Simon W. Boyer Jr. (Sr.?), KE; Edward Trice(?), CA; Adam Freshour (Saltey?), FR. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-71-32 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 33 contents: Remission of fines; Pardon papers: William Coulson, Anne McLauglin, Charles W. Washington, Thomas Wade. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-71-33 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 34 contents: Pardon papers: Thomas Wade, Emmanual Cohen, William Flemming, John McDevitt, Samuel Benjamin. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-71-34 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 35 contents: Pardon papers: John Claggett, Michael Coleman, Joseph Palmer, Joseph H. Edwards, Thomas Locay (Lokey), Thomas Ray. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-71-35 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 36 contents: Pardon papers: Augustus Ford, Edward Lutliff, John Oliver, Adam Link, Joseph Kuhn, George Lowman. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-71-36 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 37 contents: Pardon papers: Richard Roundtree, William H. Hall, Charles Coulson, James E. Thomas, John Houseal, Christiana Hinkel, William F. Crookshank; Execution paper, Perry Kennard. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-71-37 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 38 contents: Pardon papers: Jacob Adams, George Bower (Tinner), Joseph Kuhn (Gardner), John Rocus, Levi Hoffman, Fredrick Biddision (Biddiker); Extradition of Jacob Perry to PA; Criminal papers, Isaac Hayden; Execution papers, Perry Kennard. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-71-38 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 39 contents: Pardon papers: Louisa Stewart, Charles Volgelstein, John Oliver, Charles Taylor, Joshua Morgan, John Rocus, John Wilson (George De Ford), Charles Riley; Criminal Papers. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-71-39 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 1 contents: Vouchers; Blind student papers; Commission of Nichlas Shack in Militia; Resignations of: Capt. M. Roberts, Lt. Col. Joseph P. Warner, Joseph Grehan, Vevis Bouce. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-72-1 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 2 contents: Bonds for arms, BC, HA, BA, CE; Militia enlistment papers, Union Cecil Guards. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-72-2 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 3 contents: Bonds for arms, BC; Deaf and blind student papers; Vouchers. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-72-3 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 4 contents: Vouchers, Government House. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-72-4 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 5 contents: Vouchers, Government House; Deaf student papers; Maj. Gen. Leakin to Gov.. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-72-5 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 72, folder 6 contents: Vouchers; Qualifications for officers, AL; Declination as JOP, BC; Recommendation for Thomas Griffin, JOP, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-72-6 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Griffin, JOP, BC; Qualifications for officers, SO, TA; Appointment of tax collectors, CH. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-72-7 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 72, folder 8 contents: Qualifications for JOP, constables, surveyor, PG, WA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-72-8 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 9 contents: Criminal papers, WA; Qualification for JOP, offices, HA, AL, SO, QA; Resignation of register of wills, CH; Recommendation for JOP, HO; Election results, constable, HO. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-72-9 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 10 contents: Qualifications for offices, PG. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-72-10 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 11 contents: Qualifications for offices, PG, HA, FR, DO. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-72-11 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 72, folder 12 contents: Qualifications for offices, BC, CA; Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, ME, NH, MA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-72-12 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 13 contents: Qualifications for JOP, land commissioner, MA. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-72-13 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 14 contents: Qualification for commissioner of deeds, MA, CT, NY. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-72-14 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 15 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, NY. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-72-15 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 16 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, NY. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-72-16 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 17 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, NY, NJ, PA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-72-17 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 18 contents: Qualifications for JOP, commissioner of deeds, PA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-72-18 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 72, folder 19 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, PA, DC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-72-19 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 20 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, JOP, PA, DC, OH, KY. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-72-20 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 21 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, IN, IL, Missouri, Wis., Cal., NY. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-72-21 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863, 1865. Box 72, folder 22 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, PA, NY, DC, LA, IL, MA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-72-22 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 23 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, NV, Missouri, PA, LA, DC; Business cards. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-72-23 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 24 contents: Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, PA, NY, IL; Business card. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-72-24 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 25 contents: Application and recommendation for commissioner of deeds, NY, NJ, IL PA; Oliver Warner to Gov.; Business cards. [5] Oliver Warner (MA Sec. of State) to Gov., relief for MA soldiers wounded in BC riot. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-72-25 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863-1865. Box 72, folder 26 contents: Application and recommendation for commissioner of deeds, DC, IN; Appointment of commissioner of deeds, IN; Qualification for commissioner of deeds, PA, NM. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-72-26 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 27 contents: Recruiting committee paper, PG, WA; Josiah Knoole to Gov., WA man joined rebel army; James Pilkington to Gov., offer to repair seal; Seals; Dr. C. C. Cox to Gov.; General recommendations. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-72-27 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 28 contents: T. A. Spence to Gov., disbanding regiment, DO; Correspondence, transfer of Capt. Richard Keene, DO; Request for discharge, FR; General correspondence; Nathan Shipley to Gov.; William Roussey to Gov., pay at Hospital for Insane. [9] Nathan Shipley to Gov., fear of black uprisings due to Emancipation Proclamation, HO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-72-28 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 29 contents: General correspondence; Application, BC; Recommendation for JOP, FR; Telegraph, L. Thomas to Gov.; Telegraph, Lt. Col. William Huling to Gov.; Printed circular, William Seward to Gov., state seals and officers; Application for lumber inspector, HA. [8] L. Thomas (Adj. Gen., U.S.) to Gov., consolidation of 3rd and 4th regiments Home Brigade. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-72-29 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 30 contents: General correspondence; E.M. Gallaudet to Gov.; James Brady to Gov., Regt. field officers; Voucher; Recruiting committee papers; Request for draft exemption, HA; A.M. Eastman to Gov, sale of guns. [3] E. M. Gallaudet to Gov., Baltimore deaf and dumb students. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-72-30 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 31 contents: Request for discharge; Voucher; Offer to sell arms; George Vickers to Gov., 2nd E.S. Regt., commissions; War contributions; William Ulrich to Gov., loyalty of Grayson Eichelberger; Muster roll; John Everett to Gov., defense of Cumberland. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-72-31 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 32 contents: J. W. Crisfield and G. Vickers to Gov., timing of draft; Recruiting committee papers, BC, WA; G. Pearse to Gov., guerilla bands; Acceptance of commission, AA; Requests for arms, FR, CA; Reverdy Johnson to Gov., Lt. Gallagher; General correspondence. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-72-32 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1869, 1870. Box 72, folder 33 contents: Application for commission, BC; General correspondence; Application and recommendations for William Tell Bixler, JOP, BC; George Dodge to Gov., police appropriations; Request for arms, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-72-33 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 34 contents: Salmon P. Chase to Sec. State; Recruiting committee papers, AL, FR; Offer to sell arms; Application and recommendation for Brig. Gen.; General correspondence; Pardon paper; General recommendation; John N. Denning to Gov., request to manage draft. [1] Salmon P. Chase to Secretary of State, requesting bank statements. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-72-34 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 35 contents: Request for travel permits and arms, AL, WO, PG, CR; M. Blair to Gov.; War contributions; Recommendation for Capt., WA; Application for commission, SM; Recruiting committee paper, FR; Brig. Gen. to Gov., procuring arms; Desire to form military unit. [5] M. Blair to Gov, draft quota. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-72-35 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 36 contents: Release of guns; Recommendations for: registrar of volunteers, PG; Capt. Nicodemus; Military promotions; Correspondence: incompetent regiment, drafting physicians, returning POWs, threat of potential rebellion, BC; Declination as commissioner. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-72-36 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1866, 1872. Box 72, folder 37 contents: Forming militia companies, HA, WA, AL, cavalry company, SO; Appointment of officers, 3rd Reg. PHB; Telegrams, meeting of governors; Recommendations: Weigher of grain, JOC, inspector of tobacco, BC, CR, PG. [3] 1862, Vaughan Smith to Gov., forming cavalry Co. D, Purnell Legion. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-72-37 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1869, 1871, 1872. Box 72, folder 38 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Frederick Sasscer, inspectors of tobacco and guano, school commissioner, JOP, PG, CE; Resignation of JOP, CE; Application for inspector of guano, CE; General correspondence; Telegram to Gov., deficit in old regiments. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-72-38 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 73, folder 1 contents: Recommendations and application for Samuel D. Walker, Thomas Hughey, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-73-1 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 73, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Hughey, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-73-2 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Hughey, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-73-3 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 4 contents: Recommendations and application for William Campbell, Thomas Hughey, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-73-4 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 73, folder 5 contents: Recommendations and application for William Campbell, John S. Bowles, James L. Dorsey, inspector of flour, weigher of livestock, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-5 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 6 contents: Recommendations and applications for Washington Winterson, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-73-6 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 7 contents: Recommendations and application for Charles Hammersly, Samuel Day, wood corder, lumber inspector. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-7 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 8 contents: Recommendations and application for armorer, wharfinger, wood corder, TA, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-73-8 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 9 contents: Recommendations and application for wood corder, inspector of liquor, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-73-9 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 10 contents: Recommendations and application for John W. Sanders, inspector of wood, wood corder, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-73-10 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 11 contents: Recommendations for Issac Wareham, Capt. James Hughes, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-73-11 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 12 contents: George Vickers to Gov.; General correspondence; Bond form; Recommendations for inspector of oyster licenses and coroner, AA, BC; Application for medical inspector, army medical corps. [5] Brig.Gen. Cooper to Gov., unite 1st and 2nd regiments and put in active service, [1] Vickers to Gov., imprisoned negroes, [12] John Findlay to Gov., money for April 19th riot victims, [13] Crisfield to Gov., protesting Gen. Cooper and requesting Gen. Emory, [14] Maj.Gen. Kimmel to Gov., clarification of commission. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-12 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 13 contents: Correspondence to Gov.: Gen. Cooper, John B. Kerr, James Slade, Col. W. Lewis Schley, Reverdy Johnson; Recommendations, general, notary public, coroner, BA, CE; Acceptance of MD commissioner of deeds, NY. [2] Cooper to Gov., power to make military appointments, [7] L.W. Coover, Lt.Col. 3rd Regt. MD Volunteers, to Gov., clarification of commission, [11] Slade to Gov., information about act for aid of MA volunteers. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-73-13 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860-1862. Box 73, folder 14 contents: Request for arms, FR; Foraging soldiers, AA; Vacancy, JOP, BC; Correspondence, commissions for PHB and 3rd Regt.; Archibald Sterling to Gov.; Application for inspector of oyster boats; Voucher, arms to volunteers, QA. [1] 1862, Lt. J.Lockerman Goldsborough, request for arms, "Maryland Zouaves", [13] 1862 Sterling to Gov., relocation of Naval Academy, [14] Voucher for arms to "Scott Rifles," "Chesapeake Riflemen," "Washington Blues". No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-14 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 15 contents: Adjt. Gen., MA to Gov.; Gen. Cooper to Gov.; Correspondence: Commissions for 3rd Regt., War contributions; Applications for consul to Hawaii, tax collector, WO, ADC. [3] Adjt. Gen., MA, seeks whereabouts of Thomas Sharkey, MA soldier, [6] Cooper to Gov., need to disband regt. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-73-15 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 16 contents: Declination as asst. inspector of grain, BC; Recommendations, BC, CE, inspector of fish, HA; Application for chaplain, Baltimore Light Inf.; Sterling to Gov., auctioneers' oaths; Prov. marsh. to Gov.; Correspondence; Advertisement for military goods. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-73-16 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 17 contents: Application and recommendations: Grain inspector, BC; Commissioner of deeds, NY; Gauger of liquors, SO; Joseph Stephenson to Gov.; Mary Thomas to Gov., imprisonment of husband; Request for discharge, BC; Request for arms, HA. [3] Joseph Stephenson to Gov., complaint against "drunkard" Lt. Col. Miller. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-17 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 18 contents: Recommendation for JOP, DO, FR, WA, BA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-73-18 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 19 contents: Applications and recommendations for JOP, QA, BA, WO, SO, DO, PG, BA; General correspondence; Recommendation for JOC, SO. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-73-19 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 20 contents: Resignation of notary public, BC; Recommendation for JOP, BA, BC, MO, AL, FR; Recommendation for notary public, TA; Business card; General correspondence. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-20 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 73, folder 21 contents: Recommendations, resignation and applications JOP, CE, QA, WA; Application for auctioneer, BC; General correspondence; Application for Sherrif, WO. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-73-21 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 73, folder 22 contents: Recommendation for sheriff, WO; Recommendation and qualification for JOP, AL; Appplications and recommendations for JOP, BC. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-73-22 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 73, folder 23 contents: General recommendations and applications, CR, BC; War contribution. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-73-23 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 73, folder 24 contents: Application, general applications and recommendations for weigher of live stock, BC, sargent-at-arms, House of Delegates. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-24 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 25 contents: General applications; General recommendations; Application for inspector of oyster licenses, gauger of liquors, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-73-25 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 73, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for John N. Linaweaver, weigher of hay and William H. Smith, gauger of liquors, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-26 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for William H. Smith, gauger of liquors, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-27 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for gauger of liquors, coroner, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-28 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for gauger of liquors, JOP, magistrate, BC, HA, HO. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-74-1 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 2 contents: General recommendation; Recommendations for JOP, BA, BC, CR; Failure to qualify, CR; Appointment of register of wills, TA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-74-2 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 3 contents: Recommendations and application for JOP, constable, coroner, CH, TA, BA, SM, SO, MO; Failure to comply, JOP, SM. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-74-3 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 74, folder 4 contents: Recommendations and application for JOP, CH, AL, CR. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-74-4 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 74, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for tax commissioner, commissioner, surveyor, JOP, TA, WO, PG, CH, CV, CE; Qualification for JOP, CE. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-74-5 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 74, folder 6 contents: Vacancy, recommendation and declination as sheriff, QA; Recommendation for surveyor, notary public, FR, TA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-6 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 74, folder 7 contents: Application and recommendations for weigher of hay, JOP, CR, BC; General correspondence; Failure to qualify for sheriff, MO. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-74-7 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 74, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for JOP, wood corder, lime inspector, inspector of hay, BC, CH, HA, BA; General Correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-74-8 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 74, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for: Septimus Claypole, inspector of grain, BC; Thomas Baden, county commissioner, PG; Lewis Clark, auctioneer, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-74-9 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 10 contents: Voucher; Qualification for tax collector, AL, AA, CV, CA, CR, CE. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-74-10 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 11 contents: Appointment of tax collectors, CH, DO, FR, HA, HO, KE, MO, PG. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-74-11 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 12 contents: Appointment of tax collectors, QA, SM, SO, TA, WA, WO, BA; Tax levy, CE, MO, FR. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-74-12 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 13 contents: Tax levy, QA, HA; Bonds for offices, MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-74-13 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 14 contents: Bonds for offices, MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-74-14 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 15 contents: Bonds for offices, MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-15 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 16 contents: Bonds for offices, MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-16 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 17 contents: Bonds for offices, MD Penitentiary; Bonds for notary publics, FR, CE, AA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-17 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 18 contents: Bonds for inspector of tobacco, BC; Bonds for notary publics, AL. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-74-18 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 19 contents: Qualification for inspector of tobacco, AA, BC; Bonds for: Inspector of tobacco, AA; Inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-74-19 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 20 contents: Bond for wharfinger, weigher of hay, notary public, WA, BC. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-74-20 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 21 contents: Bond for inspector of flour, armorer, notary public, TA, WO, BC. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-74-21 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 22 contents: Bond for notary public, inspector of flour, AL, BC, FR, WA; Qualifications for civil officers, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-22 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 23 contents: Bond for notary public, armorer, FR, BC, CE; Bonds for officers, MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-23 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 24 contents: Bonds for inspector of hay, inspector of flour, notary public, KE, CE, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-24 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 25 contents: Qualification and bond for James Perkins, inspector of tobacco, PG; Bond for Edwin M. Shipley, State Librarian, CR. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-74-25 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 74, folder 26 contents: Bonds for: Assistant inspector of flour, BC; Notary public, CR; Hanson P. Jordan, State Librarian; Extradition of George E. Howard and John Scoogle, PA; Criminal papers, August Gunsburger and Michael Adelsheiner, FR, WA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-74-26 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 74, folder 27 contents: Extraditions: George E. Howard and John Scoogle, Johnston Boyle, PA; Criminal papers, Joseph Hetrick, PA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-27 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862-1864. Box 74, folder 28 contents: Extraditions of: Joseph Hetrick to PA; Augustus Gunsburger and Michael Adelsheimer to DC; Criminal papers: Joseph Hetrick, PA; Thomas G. Dorsey, negro, FR; John Eicholtz, IL. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-28 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 74, folder 29 contents: Requisition of August Gunsburger, Michael Adelsheimer, Alexander Ostraski (Greenberg), James Dorsey (Thomas Busey), negro, from DC; Extradition of Joseph Hooker to PA. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-74-29 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863, 1865. Box 74, folder 30 contents: Requisitions of Thomas Watkins (Watson), negro, John Mara, T.G. Dorsey (Greenberry Dorsey), negro, R.A. Dorsey, free black, George Brooks and Ann Brooks, slaves, from DC; Criminal papers, John M. Krumm, William Stacback(?), Henley Harris, CH. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-74-30 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862, 1864. Box 74, folder 31 contents: Vouchers; Requisition of John Krumm from PA. [1] 1864, Voucher for building materials, Government House, [3, 4, 6-9] 1862, Voucher for building materials, State House. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-74-31 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862, 1864, 1867. Box 74, folder 32 contents: Vouchers for advertising, telegrams. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-74-32 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 74, folder 33 contents: Vouchers, advertisement and delivery of prisoner; Newspaper clippings; General correspondence. No. Items: 28 MSA S 1274-74-33 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860-1862. Box 74, folder 34 contents: Vouchers; Newspaper clippings. [2] 1862, Voucher, removal of excrement from State House Hill. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-74-34 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 74, folder 35 contents: Vouchers for advertising; Newspaper clippings. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-74-35 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862, 1866, 1867. Box 74, folder 36 contents: Vouchers; Recommendation for commissioner, WO; Default notices, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-74-36 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 74, folder 37 contents: Default notices, HO, FR, HA, WA, BA, CE, DO, KE, PG, CR, BC, QA, CA, AA, AL. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-74-37 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 38 contents: Default notices, BA, CA, CR, CE, CV, CH, DO, WA, WO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-74-38 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 39 contents: Default notices, FR, HO, HA, KE, PG, MO, QA, SM, TA, WA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-74-39 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 74, folder 40 contents: Recommendations for: Henry Clay Adams, JOP, SM; Thomas Rich, notary public, BC; Qualification for asst. postmaster, DO. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-74-40 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 74, folder 41 contents: Recommendations and application for: Thomas Rich, notary public; Inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-74-41 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 42 contents: Recommendations and applications for Thomas Spicer, T. Horace Soper, J. Emory Weatherby, notary public, BC; Business card. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-74-42 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 76, folder 1 contents: Recommendations, inspector of grain, wood corder, lumber inspector, BC, WO; General recommendation. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-76-1 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 76, folder 2 contents: Recommendation for wood corder, inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-76-2 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 76, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for inspector of grain, inspector of flour, assistant inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-76-3 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for Benjamin F. May, inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-76-4 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 5 contents: Applications and recommendations for: John Frazier, weigher of live stock; Inspector of grain, assistant inspector of grain, BC; General recommendations. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-76-5 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 6 contents: Recommendations for Henry B. Jones, inspector of flour; Application and recommendations for inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-76-6 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 7 contents: Recommendations and application for assistant inspector of tobacco, assistant inspector of flour, inspector of flour, BC; General correspondence. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-76-7 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 8 contents: Recommendations and application for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-76-8 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for John Kefauver, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-76-9 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 76, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for Joseph C. Parker, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-76-10 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 11 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-76-11 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 12 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-76-12 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 76, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-76-13 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 76, folder 14 contents: Recommendation for: Levi Valentine, inspector of flour; Inspector of tobacco, BC; General application. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-76-14 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 15 contents: Applications and recommendations for inspector of flour, BC; General correspondence. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-76-15 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 16 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-76-16 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Newcomer, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-76-17 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 75, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Roger C. Luckett, notary public, BC; Complaint against appointment of weigher of hay, BC; Declination as notary public, AL; Charles B. Calvert to Gov., protest against W.T. Prince, inspector of fish. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-75-1 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 2 contents: Acceptance of Thomas R. Rich for notary public, BC; General Correspondence; H. P. Brooks to Gov.; Declination, MD Penitentiary; Pardon papers, John Woodruff; Recommendation for Mules, BC; Inspector of guano, BC; Applicationm for auctioneer, BC. [2] George Ervin to Gov., lottery fraud; [3] Brig. Gen. Stone to Gov., appointment of Munther, Prussian engineer in MD Reg.; [7] Hugh L. Bond to Gov. on Brown's theft of chocolate and prior record; [10] Maj. Gen. John Dix to Gov., complaint against Judge R. B. Carmichael. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-75-2 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 75, folder 3 contents: H. Veazey Ward to Gov.; John F. Sharretts to Gov.; Trueman Cross to Gov.; Recommendation for William T.J. Purnell, woodcorder, WO. [2] Lt. Col. Horner to Gov., recruitment in 3rd MD Regiment, [3] Thomas Maddox to Gov., arrest of Thomas J. Claggett, legislator from FR. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-75-3 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 4 contents: Benjamin O'Hara to Gov., BC; Isaac Nesbitt to Gov., WA; Trueman Coss to Gov.; T.F. Herbert to Gov., complaint against T.L. Bowles, inspector of flour, WA; John Dix to Gov.; John S. Sellman to Gov.; Recommendation, inspector of grain. [3] Col. Miles to Gov., presentation of sword. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-75-4 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for: Dr. Benjamin Miles, surgeon; Warden, MD Penitentiary; Notary public; Inspector of tobacco; Inspector of flour; Col. Louis L. Schley, 5th MD Regiment to Gov., military, C & O Canal; Business card. [2] James W. Alnutt to Gov., bank holidays, [4] Johnson, Fry Co. to Gov., cover letter and circular on war history publication. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-75-5 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 75, folder 7 contents: Recommendation for Leander Warren, notary public, DC; Requisition of Samuel H. Goldsmith from PA for renting bawdy houses. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-75-7 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863-1865. Box 75, folder 8 contents: Requisitions: Matthew Courts, George Davidge, Gusty Thompson, Harry Jackson, Wellington Mudd, Thomas Harrison, Sandy Johnson, John Moore (with aliases), John Woodward, John N. Curtis, John Reverly, Adam Slator, Hy. Thomas, Negroes from DC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-75-8 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861-1863. Box 75, folder 9 contents: Criminal papers, Daniel Hetler and Joseph Swisher; Requisitions of: Joseph Hetrick from PA; August Gunsburger and Michael Adelsheimer from DC; Report, Sheppard Asylum; Enrollment papers, election districts, 1862. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-75-9 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 75, folder 10 contents: Voucher; Requisitions of: Robert V. Bond from DC; Samuel Keever from PA; General correspondence; Recommendations for: Director, MD Penitentiary; Notary public, BC; Request for arms, Col. William L. Schley. [6] Capt. Randolph Jones to Gov., disarming of St. Mary's Dragoons, 4th Reg. MD Militia, [7] Maj. Edward R. Petherbridge to Gov., recruitment of artillery regiment. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-75-10 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 11 contents: General application and recommendations, BC; Application and recommendations for Robert Duckett and John Stanley, notary public, BC; Applications and recommendations for notary public, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-75-11 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862, 1864. Box 75, folder 12 contents: General correspondence; Application and recommendations for John M. Walker, notary public, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-75-12 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 75, folder 13 contents: Application and recommendations for John Walker and John F. Plummer, notary public, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-75-13 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862-1864. Box 75, folder 14 contents: Recommendations for notary public, BC; Requisition of Daniel Netler and Joseph Swisher from OH; General correspondence; Vouchers; Requisitions of: Henry Piles from D.C.; John Eicholtz from IL; James Lynch from PA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-75-14 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 75, folder 15 contents: Vouchers; General correspondence; Requisitions of: Philip Pierson from VA; James Reamer from PA; William T. Elmore from DC; John Williams from DC; William B. Chizeron from DC. [17] Requisition of John Williams, slave of Mrs. Jacob Nicholls, MO. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-75-15 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1866. Box 75, folder 16 contents: General correspondence; Requisitions of: John Smith from PA; William B. Chizrem (Chizeron) from DC; George Williams, negro, from DC; Josepus Penorifield; Charles Stewart from PA; George Wheeler from PA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-75-16 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 75, folder 17 contents: Requisitions of: Richard Wheeler, PA; John T. Morris (Harry Morris), Missouri; Thomas Johnson (Smith), DC; James Lough, PA; George Ross and Frank Boarman, negroes, DC; Robbius P. and Phebe Dunn, PA; James Owens and James Davis, colored, DE; Vouchers. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-75-17 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 75, folder 18 contents: Requisitions of: Nathan Freeman, negro, PA; Benjamin Nichols, DC; Application and recommendations for William W. Quinn, corder of wood, BC; Appointment of JOP, BC; Recommendation for collector of taxes, PG; Application for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-75-18 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 75, folder 19 contents: Application for inspector of flour, BC; Recommendation for notary public, CA; Comptroller's default report, CA, BC; Recommendation and application for JOP, CE, PG, BC; Application for auctioneer, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-75-19 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 75, folder 20 contents: Recommendations for Thomas W. Griffin and Allen E. Forrester, JOP, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-75-20 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 75, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for Allen E. Forrester, JOP, BC; Requisitions of: negroes Charles Williams, George Croggins, William Williams, Charles Slites from PA; Margaret Murphy from MA; Criminal papers, Adolphus Doyle, MO; Qualification for JOP, MO. [5-8] Requisition of four slaves of Mrs. Mary Worthington from PA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-75-21 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 75, folder 22 contents: Criminal papers, George Tyler, AA; Requisitions of: Bell (John Offutts), negro; Robert Scott from DC; Daniel Webster, slave; Thomas Norton from DC; Johnston Boyle from PA; Doral Hyder from PA; Mortimer Records from DE. [1-4] George Tyler, slave of Rebecca Pendy, charged with rape of Martha Stockett. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-75-22 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 75, folder 23 contents: Vouchers; Requisitions of: Thomas Norton from DC; Thomas G. Dorsey, negro, from DC; John M. Krumm from PA; General correspondence. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-75-23 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 24 contents: Application for JOP, DO; Recommendation for Thomas B. Hambleton, state wharfinger. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-75-24 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 75, folder 25 contents: Application and recommendations for Charles H. Pitt, Joseph Daley, James Noble, state wharfinger. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-75-25 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862, 1864. Box 75, folder 26 contents: Recmmendations for Eliza Arnold, James Heddinger, George Leddon, state wharfinger. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-75-26 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 75, folder 27 contents: Application and recommendations for George Leddon, state wharfinger. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-75-27 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 75, folder 28 contents: Application and recommendations for Charles B. Smith, William Haller, Godfrey Berkebile, William Conrad, superintendent for the National Road, AL. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-75-28 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 75, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for Henry Brown, David Knode, William Hall, superintendent of National Road, Al. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-75-29 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for superintendent of National Road, AL; Applications and recommendations for inspector of grain, SO. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-75-30 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 31 contents: Application and recommendations for Thomas Martin, John Magruder, James Atwell, inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-75-31 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 75, folder 32 contents: Application and recommendations for James A. Roe, Edward Ballard, inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-75-32 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 33 contents: Application and recommendations for Rev. William H. Pitcher, inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-75-33 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 76, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, asst. inspector of flour, BC, WA, CR. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-76-18 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 19 contents: Recommendations and application for James Fuller and Frisby H. McMann, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-76-19 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 20 contents: Recommendations and applications for Samuel Canby, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-76-20 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 21 contents: Recommendations and applications for Washington M. Naill, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-76-21 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Mills and James W. Edmonds, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-76-22 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 76, folder 23 contents: Election clerk, CR, to Gov.; Commission of JOP, DO; Judge Brewer to Gov., military presence at court necessary; J. Crisfield to Gov., military obstruction of voting, SO; John H. Bayne to Gov., seat in U.S. Senate. [1-3] Alleged swindling of Henrietta Gardiner by Chief Justice Bowie. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-76-23 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 76, folder 24 contents: J. Crisfield to Gov., military obstruction of voting, SO; William Blackistone to Gov., fugitive slaves at Point Lookout; MA to Gov., payment of MA troops; Bonds for notary public, inspector of flour, CR, BC, SO. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-76-24 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 76, folder 25 contents: Bonds for offices at MD Penitentiary, notary public, FR. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-76-25 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 76, folder 26 contents: Bonds for offices at MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-76-26 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 76, folder 27 contents: Bonds for offices at MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-76-27 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 76, folder 28 contents: Bonds for register of wills, notary public, commissioner of land office, CA, CR; Criminal papers, Bloomfield, tampering with B & O RR track; Gov. MA to Gov. [6-8] Gov. MA to Gov., distribution of funds to families of 6th Regt. MA wounded or killed in Baltimore riot, April 19, 1861. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-76-28 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 1 contents: Annual report, House of Refuge; Northern Home for Friendless Children to Gov.; Reports: Cumberland Coal and Iron Company; Baltimore Female College; Qualifications, Judge of Orphans' Court, QA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-77-1 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 2 contents: Reports: Trustees of Sheppard Asylum; Inspector of grain, BC; Inspector of flour, BC, to Gov.; Register of wills, MO, to Gov., adopted resolutions; KS legislature to Gov., appeal to discontinue slavery. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-77-2 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 3 contents: Report of military relief agent; PA Institute of Deaf and Dumb to Gov.; Criminal papers, Granville Smeltzer, FR. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-77-3 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 77, folder 4 contents: Criminal papers, Granville Smeltzer, Jim (James) Johnson, free negro; Requisition of Benjamin General and Charles Johnson from DC. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-77-4 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 77, folder 5 contents: Report of committee studying changes to MD Constitution, Article 3, Legislative Department. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-77-5 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1859, 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 6 contents: Criminal papers: John Smith, HO; Sebastian Smith, PA; Vouchers; Deaf, Dumb and Blind student papers. [9-11, 15, 19] 1864, Voucher for furniture for executive mansion. No. Items: 21 MSA S 1274-77-6 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 77, folder 7 contents: Vouchers for advertising, Deaf, Blind and Dumb tuition; IL request for Constitutional proceedings, 1864. [5, 6 ,9] 1864, Vouchers, repairs to State House, [13] 1864, Voucher for plumbing in Executive Mansion. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-77-7 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 77, folder 8 contents: Pardon papers, John Newman Reynolds, QA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-77-8 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 9 contents: Pardon papers: John Newman Reynolds, QA; Herman Wolke, HO; Offer to sell arms, Naylor and Co., NY; Recommendation for Wood, surgeon; T. Oliver and G. Kidd to Gov.; J. Dorsey Herbert to Gov. [12] T. Oliver and G. Kidd to Gov., protesting military interference in election, CE. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-77-9 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1844, 1863. Box 77, folder 10 contents: William H. Dallam to Gov., delaying of commission; Dr. Samuel P. Smith to Gov.; Abraham Updegrove to Gov.; LT. W. A. Horner to Gov.; Criminal papers, Othello Johns, free negro; Application for quartermaster. [1] 1863, David Wills to Gov., Gettysburg National Cemetery, [9] 1863, Jared Coffin to Gov., commission in USCT, [12] 1863, Lucretia Hickman to Gov., compensation for slave. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-77-10 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 11 contents: Gen. Foster to Gov.; S. W. Downey to Gov.; Francis Southwick to Gov.; Applications and recommendations for: James Resley, Edward H. Brendle, William S. Fish, William S. Thruston, G. A. H. Clements, commissions; VA Proclamation. [1, 2, 6] Mary E. Banning to Gov., compensation for slaves; [9] Proclamation from VA, proclaiming Alexandria to be capital. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-77-11 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 77, folder 12 contents: Application and recommendations for: Isaac Amoss, William H. Preston, commissions; Alex Leedes, Detective Police; James Cummings, JOP, CE; M. H. Purnell to Gov.; N. F. Streeter to Gov.; Pardon papers, Rountree, Fillinger; General correspondence. [2] 1863, William H. Preston, paroled soldier at Camp Parole, application for position, [7] 1863, E. Whitney to Gov., offer to sell arms, [11] 1863, Account of grain inspected, BC, [12] 1862, Act establishing grain weighers, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-77-12 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 13 contents: James B. Ricaud to Gov., delaying appointment of weigher of grain, BC; Enrollment papers, Benjamin H. Price, KE; Application for promotion, William T. Buck; Gen. Robert C. Schenck to Col. Berry; Application for Richard H. Jackson, JOP, DO. [5] Lt. John R. Meigs to Gov., chief engineer, mapping of WV. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-77-13 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 14 contents: Criminal papers, Dallas; General correspondence; Application for Samuel K. Dashiell, notary public, BC; Recommendation for Anderson W. Melvin, chief JOC; Application for H. S. McNair, commission. [6] S. S. McMasters to Gov., protest against military interference in election, WO; [8] George Sharswood to Gov., funds for PA Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-77-14 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 15 contents: Correspondence to Gov., draft, WA; Rufus Belt to Gov.; John Hitz, Jr. to Gov.; Francis J. Henry to Gov.; General correspondence; Application for Robert R. Corson, state military agent. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-77-15 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 16 contents: Horace Resley to Gov., delay of commission of clerk, AL; General correspondence; Application for Maj. H. Wharton, Adj. Gen. of MD.; R.A. Webster to Gov.; Voucher; Dr. Benjamin Kurtz to Gov., suggestions for state of the state address. [6] Resolutions, Soldier's National Cemetery, Gettysburg, [4] Number of soldiers buried in National Cemetery, Gettysburg, to Dec. 19, 1863, [8] Webster to Gov., release of brother from confederate prison. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-77-16 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 77, folder 17 contents: Correspondence: Dr. William W. Valk' s appointment as surgeon; Commissions for Orphans' Court, TA; Request to remove troops from field and for new election, JOP, CH; Disorder at cattle scales, BC; Advertisement for Short's Knapsack Slinging. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-77-17 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 18 contents: Commission, JOC, CH; Dixon to Gov., resolutions adopted against Charles E. Goldsborough; Request for commission; Joseph Rundle, Jr. to Gov.; James Wooten, clerk of QA court, offer to form cavalry company. [2] Dr. B.J. Dixon to Gov., soldiers encouraging slaves to leave their masters, plan for gradual emancipation, [7] Request for support of national banking system. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-77-18 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for Chief JOC, CH, WA; Correspondence: Disputed election, QA, KE; Washington Turnpike Co. case to Supreme Court; Slaves absconding to steamer, QA; German Agriculture and Immigrant Assoc. prospectus; Gov. to Gen. Ketchum. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-77-19 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 77, folder 20 contents: Vouchers, payment of military officers; Requests for requisition and for map of congressional districts; Schenck to Gov., colored troops credited to draft; Recommendation for colonel; Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. [7] 1863, Maj. Gen. Robert Schenck to Gov., presence of flag in place of worship. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-77-20 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 21 contents: Recommendation and application for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-77-21 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 22 contents: Recommendations and application for wood corder, JOP, notary public, BC, SO, CR. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-77-22 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, JOC, CR, BC; Correspondence, petition to be filed in Orphans' Court; E. Stanton to Gov.; Telegrams, E. Stanton to Gov.; Appointment of Col. Tevis; A. Lincoln to Gov., time of appointment. [6-7] 1863, Edwin Stanton to Gov., regulations concerning recruitment of colored troops in MD and TN. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-77-23 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1883, n.d. Box 77, folder 24 contents: Recommendations for JOC, CR; Election returns, CR; Business card; Application for commissioner of deeds; Notice of appointment of tax collector, BC, AL. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-77-24 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 25 contents: Notification of appointment of state tax collectors, AA, BA, CV, CA, CR, CE and imposition of tax, BA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-77-25 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 26 contents: Notification of appointment of state tax collectors, DO, FR, HO, CH, PG, HA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-77-26 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 27 contents: Notification of appointment of state tax collectors, MO, QA, SM, SO, KE. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-77-27 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 28 contents: Notification of appointment of state tax collectors, TA, WA, WO; Report of levy of state tax, HA, MO, FR, TA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-77-28 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 77, folder 29 contents: Resignation of JOP, manager of House of Refuge, inspector of grain, notary public, , PG, SO, MD, CR, MO. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-77-29 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 30 contents: Resignation of JOP, BC, WA, CA; Vacancy and resignation of JOC, BC, QA. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-77-30 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 31 contents: Resignation of JOP, inspector of grain, BA, BC, HA, MD. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-77-31 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 32 contents: Recommendations for asst. inspector of grain, JOP, DO, BA, KE; Resignation of JOP, DO; Application for JOP, DO. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-77-32 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 33 contents: Recommendation for JOP, DO; Default papers, Richard H. Jackson and William Duncan, DO. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-77-33 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 34 contents: Recommendation for Thomas Mearis, JOP, HA, BC; Application for notary public, CA; Bond and recommendation for notary public, CA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-77-34 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 35 contents: Application and recommendation for JOP, BA, BC, TA; Failure to qualify for JOP, TA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-77-35 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 36 contents: Recommendation for JOP, JOC, WO, WA, BA; Application for JOP, WO; Default papers, James W. Duncan. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-77-36 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 37 contents: Recommendations, correspondence, and certificate of appointment for James Duncan, JOP, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-77-37 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 38 contents: Recommendations, commission, and application for James Duncan, JOP, BC; Election results from 1st MD Light Artillery. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-77-38 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 39 contents: Correspondence: Draft issues; Extension of federal bounty payments; Suspension of draft; Opposition to appointment of James Duncan, JOP, BC; Capt., 3rd Regt., to Gov., requesting transfer to artillery; Application for recruiting agent. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-77-39 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 40 contents: Vacancy, JOC, BA; Application for inspector of grain, notary public, AA, BC; Correspondence, National Road; Forming regiment and company; Request for copy of law about support of widows; J.T. Daniel to Gov. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-77-40 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 41 contents: Inquiries about appointments and state laws on dogs attacking sheep. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-77-41 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 1 contents: Correspondence: N.S. Frost and Adj. Gen., account; Commissioners of deeds, Pacific states; Rebel raids, MD; Rev. Thomas Sewell to Gov.; Capt. John Frazier to Gov., notification of availability. [7] 1863, Sewell to Gov., request for religious observance. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-78-1 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 2 contents: Capt. Randolph Jones to Gov., remarks on casualties; Requests for funds, enrolling officers; General correspondence; Draft notifications; Recruitment of slaves. [10] Benjamin Bennett to Gov., recruitment of slaves. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-78-2 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 3 contents: Correspondence, draft and enrollment; Gideon Wells to SecSt. [7] Sec. Navy Gideon Wells to SecSt., requesting "apportionment by counties of the congressional districts". No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-78-3 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 4 contents: General correspondence; Recommendations for wood corder, BC; Default papers. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-78-4 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 5 contents: Recommendation for Thomas Picking, inspector of flour, FR. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-78-5 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 6 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, Chief JOC, FR, CR; Default papers. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-78-6 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 7 contents: Recommendation for Maj. Gen. William French; Correspondence: Enrollment of free blacks; Enrolling officer request for pay; Criminal papers, Alophus Day (Pope); Appraisal of livestock. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-7 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 8 contents: SecSt IN to Gov., use of state seal; S.F. Streeter to Gov., deserters; Enrolling officers request for pay; General correspondence; Genealogical inquiry. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-8 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 9 contents: Application and recommendations for John Kefauver, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-78-9 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for John Kefauver and Thomas Picking, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-78-10 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 11 contents: Recommendations and application for: Chief JOC, QA; William Kemp, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-78-11 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 12 contents: Recommendations for: William Kemp, inspector of flour; William Irving, JOC, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-78-12 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for James Lee, inspector of flour, JOP, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-78-13 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864, 1866. Box 78, folder 14 contents: Recommendations for JOP, commissioner of deeds, VT; Declination as register, FR; List of officers, 3rd MD Cavalry; Acceptance of QM, 3rd MD Cavalry. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-78-14 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864. Box 78, folder 15 contents: General correspondence; James Turner to Gov., release from prison of son wounded at Gettysburg; Default papers; Military list, Provost Marshalls and corrected list for all counties. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-78-15 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 78, folder 16 contents: Applications for: coroner, BC; Surgeon, 3rd MD Volunteers; Col. N.L. Jeffries, notification of President's draft order; General correspondence. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-78-16 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 17 contents: Equitable draft enrollment, WA; General correspondence; Acceptance. [3] Acceptance of appointment as counsel of St. John's College. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-78-17 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 18 contents: Maj. John H. Huntley to Gov., Bounty Act; VT to Gov., request for state documents; Applications for state wharfinger, surgeon general, BC; General application; Surgeon general PA to surgeon general MD. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-18 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 19 contents: Request for payment, Provost Marshall; Recommendations from Reverdy Johnson, for Superintendent National Road; Commissioner public works, E.S. Dist.; Application for JOP, DO; Maj. Henry Cole to Gov.; General correspondence. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-19 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 20 contents: Draft of Gov. proclamation; Appeals from Sanitary Commissions, NJ, Missouri; Application for chaplain. [1] Draft of proclamation, patriotic spirit of women. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-78-20 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 78, folder 21 contents: Acceptance of commission as Lt. Col., 3rd MD Cavalry; Telegram, notification of President's Draft Order; Thomas Barber to Gov.; General correspondence; National Union Insurance Company to Gov., insuring soldiers. [5] Barber to Gov., complaining that black soldiers stole three of his slaves. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-78-21 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 22 contents: Correspondence, bounties; Applications for military appointments; Recommendation for superintendant of the National Road; Brig. Gen. J.C. Sullivan to Gov. [5, 6] Sullivan to Gov., commending performance of soldiers. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-78-22 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 23 contents: Application for MD commissioner of deeds, DC; Recommendations for Robert Baynard, JOP, QA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-23 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 24 contents: Correspondence, accounts; Request for payment, surgeon, TA; Recommendation for: Commissioner of Public Works, BC; Superintendant of Public Schools; Acceptance of commission as surgeon, 3rd MD Cavalry; William Graham to Gov., state bonds. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-78-24 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 25 contents: Recommendation for Major; Request and petition for military pay; General correspondence; Request to commission officers from ranks, PHB; Growing enlistment, 3rd MD; Applications for Invalid Corps, Field Officer, 1st MD E.S. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-25 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1864. Box 78, folder 26 contents: L. F. Streeter (Military Relief Agent) to Gov., furlough for John W. Cartwell; Surgeon General MA to Gov.; MA General Laws and Resolves; Qualifications for commission, DO; Charles Heigesheimer to Gov., intent not to resign as JOP, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-78-26 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 27 contents: Recruiting papers; Thomas W. Griffin to Gov., sale of JOP position; Acceptance of Grain Inspector, QA; Resignation of Postmaster, QA; General correspondence. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-27 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 28 contents: Col. S. M. Bowman to Gov., forwarding freed men's bounty rolls for 84 PA Vol.; General Correspondence; Brig. Gen. John Kenly to Gov., reassignment of drafted men; S. F. Streeter to Gov., MD soldiers in PA hospital; General applications. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-78-28 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1864. Box 78, folder 29 contents: General correspondence; Application for Warden, MD Penitentiary; Maj. Gen. William French to Gov., Antietam monument; Printed copy, St. John's College Case; William Price to Gov., St. John's College case; Gov. to E. B. French, remitting accounts. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-78-29 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 30 contents: E.B. French (U.S. Treasury Dept.) to Gov., remitting accounts; Recommendation for keeper of state house; William Dyott to Gov., bounties for QA; Maj. Daniel to Gov., signatures for commissions; General correspondence. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-78-30 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 43 contents: Correspondence, formation of home guard; Prov. Marshal Gen. to Gov., enrollment act; M. M. Welch to Gov., muster of company ready. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-77-43 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 1 contents: Correspondence: Contested power of attorney for negro soldier; Deserter from 12th MD Vol.; George Vickers to Gov., apprehension about military intervention in Constitutional election; John Fox, Adolph Henkle to Gov. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-79-1 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 79, folder 2 contents: Correspondence, twelve month enlistment; W. Jones and David Beabury to Gov., forming a company; Pardon paper, 11th Regt.; Recommendations for: Negro recruiter, WO; JOC, CR; Quota announcement, MD; Applications for commission. [2] W. J. Jones to Gov., negro masquerading as sheriff, CE, to take negro substitutes to DE and PA, [4] John C. Cookson to Gen. Wallace, Sheriff, CE, selling negros from CE in PA to fill NJ quota. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-79-2 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 79, folder 3 contents: Blind student papers; Correspondence: Charlotte Hall Academy uniforms; Arms delivered to Union CE Guards; Adams Express Co. to Gov., copies of pardons; Criminal paper, A. Boyd, slave accused of rape. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-79-3 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 79, folder 4 contents: Application for inspector of grain, BC; Request for funds, Gettysburg cemetary; George Vickers to Gov., qualifications of soldiers as voters; Correspondence, military interference, elections, CR; Criminal paper, Samuel Miles. [4] 1863, Invitation to Gov. to take part in procession, November 19, Gettysburg, [10] 1864, L.W. Tall to Gov., complaint against soldiers' vote on Constitution. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-79-4 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 31 contents: Application, BC; Request for pay, TA; MA Gov. to Gov., public land scrip; E.B. French to Gov., draft payments; Request for exemption, SM; Recruiting paper, WA; Gov. to Maj.Gen. Wallace, draft evasion, BC; List of unenlisted men, BC; James Foy to Gov. [9, 10] Foy, U.S. Provost Marshal Gen. to Gov., credit for naval enlistments. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-78-31 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 78, folder 32 contents: Col. N.L. Jeffries to Gov., militia organization; Brig. Gen. Morris to Gov., shipment of guns; D. Wills to Gov.; Henry Silver to Gov., Schenk barn burning assessment, HA; G. Vickers to Gov., 30 day recruits; Recommendation for surgeon; Affidavit, SM. [3] 1863, David Wills to Gov., preparations for consecration of Gettysburg cemetary. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-78-32 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 33 contents: Superior Court, BC, petition, Samuel G. Miles vs. Gov., disputing loyalty oath and polling procedures in constitutional ratification. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-78-33 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 34 contents: PA Union League to Gov., July 4 celebration; Recommendation for commission, QA; Pardon paper, Samuel Hopkins, BC; Request for arms, BC; General correspondence; Applications and recommendation for Provost Marshal; William Price to Gov.; Leakin to Gov. [10] Price to Gov., preventing B&O RR from investing in Central Ohio RR, [13] Gen. S.C. Leakin to Gov., mustering of 1st Light Division, MD. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-78-34 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 35 contents: Charles Aberr (Abert?) to Gov., consitutionality of loyalty oath and polling procedures in constitutional ratification. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-78-35 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 36 contents: D. R. Magruder to Gov., constitutionality of loyalty oath and polling procedures in constitutional ratification. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-78-36 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 78, folder 37 contents: John B. Dutton to Gov., business destroyed by rebels; Recruiting paper, FR; Co. B, 12th MD infantry, request action; Recommendation for recruiting officer, WA; Requisition for Henry Watts from DC; Bounty paper; Recommendation for commission. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-37 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 5 contents: M. L. Alexander to Gov., voting eligibility for new Constitution. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-79-5 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 6 contents: Criminal papers, Oden Bowie v Augustus Bradford; Anonymous correspondence to Gov., complaining against the new Constitution; Lt. D. Blocker 1st MD to Gov., no oath to soldiers; James Valliant to Gov., contesting election results, TA. [1, 2] Correspondence, writ of mandamus to Gov. calling for his supervision and intervention in the Constitutional ratification balloting, [3, 6] Threat letters to Gov., ratification of Constitution, [11] Petition, military interference in election, QA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-79-6 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 7 contents: George Vickers to Gov., enclosing letter against Constitution; General correspondence; Recommendations for: Surgeon, 11th Regt. MD Vol.; Promotion, 6th Regt. MD Vol.; Military telegraph; War contributions; Kimball & Co., McCutcher, recruiting agents. [4] Plot to run off negros from MD, [8] Special military order prohibiting recruiting from Middle Dept., [12] Newspaper article, Gen. Butler, recruitment of black soldiers. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-79-7 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 8 contents: John Moorehead to Gov., stamp duty on tobacco; Herman Boker and Co., NY, offer to sell arms; George Vickers to Gov., declination; Application for Military Agent, DC; Bounty papers. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-79-8 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 79, folder 9 contents: Forming militia co., BA, TA; Pardon paper, Samuel Brown; Capt. Smith, Bond, Spencer, McPhail to Gov.; Recruiting paper; Recommendation for woodcorder, cadet, BC, CA; Correspondence, CH; Muster BC Guard; Failure to qualify, JOP, DO; Election returns. [5] 1864, Col. Schley to Gov., application for recruiting agent, [7] 1863, S.W. Spencer to Gov., troops interfering with elections, KE, [10] 1863, Provost Marshall Gen. J.L. McPhail to Gov., prize fight, CE. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-79-9 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 79, folder 10 contents: Requests for commissions; Request for release of MD soldiers; Recommendation for lighthouse keeper, HA; Bavarian Consul to Gov., J. Wallace to Gov.; Acceptance, House of Refuge manager; Bounty papers, slave, free blacks, SM; Deaf student paper. [7] 1863, C.F. Hagedorn, Consul Gen. of Bavaria to Gov., rights of married women. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-79-10 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 11 contents: Dr. S.Collins to Col. S.M. Bowman; Bowman to Dr. Collins; Muster Rolls, 9th Regt. U.S. Colored Troops; Bavarian Consul General C.F. Hagedorn to Gov. [1A] Collins to Bowman, bounty for enlisted slave, [1C] Bowman to Collins, slave James Collins, [1F] Collins to Gov., slave bounty, [2] Hagedorn to Gov., rights of women. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-79-11 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 12 contents: Thomas Baird to Gov., Central High commencement, BC; Col. N.L. Jefferies, draft; War contribution; George Vickers; Petition; Affidavit; General Correspondence; Application for Commissioner, BC; Recommendation, Asst. Relief Agent; Commissioners, CR. [4-6] George Vickers to Gov., petition, affidavit concerning military levy to rebuild burned Methodist Episcopalian Church, QA, [9] Vickers to Gov., opposition to 100-day draft, [10] Commissioners, CR to Gov., bounty to slaves. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-79-12 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 13 contents: Military Relief Agent to Gov., hospitals; Charles T. Reissnider to Gov.; Asst. Adjt. Gen. C.W. Foster to Gov.; Foster to Col. S.M. Bowman; Bowman to Gov.; General correspondence; T. L. Alexander to Gov., resignations of "mistreated" officers. [2] Reissnider to Gov., access to colored regiment rolls, [3,4] Foster to Gov. and Bowman, colored muster roll regulations, [5] Bowman to Gov., colored troop bounties. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-79-13 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 14 contents: 2nd MD Vol. Infantry to Gov., delivering troop colors; Dr. Alex Higgs to Gov.; 1st Regt. E.S. Home Guard Vol., Co. C. to Gov.; Col. William Schley to Gov.; Gen. Butler to Gov.; Brig. Gen. Ames to Gov.; Charges against Col. W. Schley. [3] E. S. Home Guard Vol. to Gov., imprisonment for disobeying orders, [5-8] Schley, Butler and Ames to Gov., charges against Schley's 5th MD Vol. Regt. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-79-14 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 79, folder 15 contents: General correspondence; Augustus M. Price to Gov.; Anonymous to Gov., conduct of Col. Bowerman; Voucher for arms; Request for payment; Requisition of Gurley from PA; Applications for inspector of wood, Smith's Cavalry; Recruiting papers. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-79-15 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 79, folder 16 contents: Request for arms, BC Guard; Wiliam Davis (CSA Maj. D. Shely) to Maj. Gen. Schenk; Samuel Hallett to Gov., support for Union Pacific RR; E.F. Anderson to Gov., forming cavalry co.; Vouchers. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-79-16 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 79, folder 17 contents: Vouchers; Blind and deaf student papers. [4] Receipt for fixing Governor's Mansion. No. Items: 21 MSA S 1274-79-17 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 79, folder 18 contents: Vouchers; Deaf student papers; Default papers. [2,3] Work on Government House. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-79-18 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 79, folder 19 contents: SecState William Seward to Gov., 13th Amendment; General correspondence; Request for payment. [1,2] Seward to Gov., passing of 13th Amendment by MD Legislature, [3,4] Seward to Gov., copy of 13th Amendment. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-79-19 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1867-1871. Box 79, folder 20 contents: Military requisitions; Voucher; J. Townsend Daniel, orders issued by Colonel Cole; General correspondence; Military supply list. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-79-20 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 79, folder 21 contents: Muster roll forms; General correspondence; Recruiting paper; Recommendations for: Surgeon; 2nd Lt.; Commandant; Asst. Adj. Gen. Thomas Vincent to Gov., consolidation of 1st and 2nd MD volunteers; Recruiting paper; Declination as captain. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-79-21 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 79, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for district commandant and bounty commissioners; Recruiting paper, PG, MN; Applications for post commandant and colonel; General correpondence; Declinations as commandant; Bounty paper; Acceptance of commandant. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-79-22 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 79, folder 23 contents: General correspondence; Asst. Adj. Gen. Samuel Breck to Gov., furnishing muster rolls and payment of claims against the state; Qualification for commandant; Draft substitute papers. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-79-23 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 79, folder 24 contents: President Pro Tem. U.S. Senate to Gov.; U.S. Senate Resolution; Amnesty form; U.S. Atty. Gen. to Gov., amnesty; MD. Atty. Gen. A. Randall to Gov., per diem payments to government officers; Oath of office; Bounty papers. [1,2] Pres. Pro Tem. to Gov. and Senate Resolution, death of Thomas H. Hicks, [4] U.S. Atty. Gen. James Speed to Gov., guidelines for amnesty, [11] MD Atty. Gen. Alexander Randall to Gov., guidelines for bounty payment. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-79-24 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 79, folder 25 contents: General correspondence; James Courtney to Gov., board of exemptions; Recommendation for surgeon; Recruiting paper; William Burns to Gov., death of Alexander Russell; Application for claims agent; Report of mineral convention; Recommendations for JOP. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-79-25 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865-1867. Box 79, folder 26 contents: Declinations as, resignations of, and recommendations for JOP, inspector of tobacco, notary public, auctioneer, BC, AL, FR, CH, PG, SM; House of Delegates resolution on contested election, AA; Request for 1865 MD acts from OH. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-79-26 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866, 1867. Box 79, folder 27 contents: Recommendation for inspector of tobacco, HO, BC; Pardon papers, Richard W. Clark, AL; Vouchers for tobacco. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-79-27 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 79, folder 28 contents: Recommendation for register, inspector of lumber, SO, BC, WA; Transmittal of 1866 resolutions, MA; W. Seward to Gov., Enoch Pratt supports legislation for MD hospital; Souvenier mortar. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-79-28 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 79, folder 29 contents: Bounty paper; General correspondence; Transmittal letters, BC, QA, PA, IN; Declination as Commandant, 42nd military district, MO; Recommendation, BC; Lt.Col. H.C. Rizen, S.J. Bowen to Gen. Barry. [6] Recommendation to Gen. John S. Berry, Adj. Gen., for D.A. Woodward to paint portrait of Gov. Hicks, [7] Rizen to Barry, asking for recruits to fill his regiment. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-79-29 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 79, folder 30 contents: General correspondence; Transmittal letter; Battle report; Maj. J. Townsend Daniel; Resignation of District Commander, BC; Recommendation for surgeon, board of exemption; Acceptance of commission; Richard Kerry to Brig. Gen. Berry. [4] Battle report from Petersburg, Lt. Col. G.P. Robinson to Brig. Gen. Berry, 3rd MD Regt., [5] Kerry, MD Military Relief Agent, to Berry, requesting new battle flags for 3rd PHB. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-79-30 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865-1867. Box 79, folder 31 contents: Recommendations and application for: General; Commandant of militia; William Burch for inspector of tobacco, BC; Transmittal letters; Acceptance of commissions: 1st Lt. D Co. 11th MD; Col. 1st MD V.V. Inf. [6] 1866, William Hogarth to William Burch, recommendation for inspector of tobaaco, accounting Burch's "loyal" actions -- enlistment of his slaves, breaking blockade runners, enforcing loyalty oath at polls. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-79-31 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1863, 1864. Box 78, folder 38 contents: Blind student papers; George Vickers, S.M. Spencer, Jesse Hines, Edward Wilkins, and Regt. officers to Gov., recall to MD, 2nd Eastern Shore Regt. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-78-38 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 78, folder 39 contents: Muster Roll, 1st Regt., MD National Guard; Gen. L. Wallace to Gov.; Gov. PA to Gov., joint defense; Recommendation and application for commissions, 12th MD Infantry; Col. Jefferies, Enrollment Acts; D. Herring to Gov., transfer Pvt. William Thomas. [2, 3] 1864, Wallace to Gov., appointment of officers, arrest of citizens refusing to enlist. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-39 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 40 contents: Asst. Adj. Gen. to Col. Jeffries, number of reenlisted MD veterans; Special Order 187; C.B. Thruston to Gov.; Commissioners, WO to Gov., postponement of draft; Report on Co. B, 12 Regt., MD Infantry; Col J. Luesburg to Gov., charges of misconduct. [2] Special Order 187, Maj. Gen. L. Wallace, organization of BC negroes into military companies, [3] Thruston to Gov., powers of attorney for colored troops, state bounties. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-78-40 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 41 contents: C.H. Ohr and Brig. Gen. Kelley, raising militia in AL; War Dept. circular, draft substitutes; Col. W. Schley, casualty report; G. Vickers, KE recruitment; W. Cart and Mrs. G. Bowles, aid to soldiers; Offer to sell arms; Bounty paper; J. Creswell. [6] E.M. Remington and Sons, offer to sell arms and gun brochure, [7] Bounty for mother of colored volunteer, [9] Hon. J. Creswell, new recruiting measures and bounties. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-41 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 80, folder 1 contents: Transmittal letters, Capt. George Ahl, Lt. Charles Sykes. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-80-1 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 80, folder 2 contents: Recommendation, inspector of flour, BC; Election results, WO, SO, DO; Clerk, House of Delegates to Gov., amnesty applicants; Appointments: SecSt.; JOP, CV, BA, AL, CH, FR, SO, DO, HA, SM, QA; Request for pay, recruiters, WA; General Correspondence. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-80-2 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 80, folder 3 contents: G.S. Griffith to SecSt., applicant for Superintendent of Schools; General correspondence; Recommendation of and declination as registration officer, BC; Ohr, Knorr, Whitney to Gov; J. V. Findlay to Gov., antislavery; Cyrus Jones to SecSt., telegram. [6, 10] 1866, C.H. Ohr to Gov., disloyal men to threaten Cumberland election, [8] 1866, George Knorr forwarding AL Union League petition to take state arms from disloyal men in Cumberland, [11] 1866, V. Whitney to Gov., condemning Gov. views of voter registration. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-80-3 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 80, folder 4 contents: Resignations of register, state bounty commissioner, BC, AA; Report of Sheppard Asylum; Recommendations for William Perry, Capt. Thomas Frazier, asst. inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-80-4 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 80, folder 5 contents: Resignations of, recommendations for and appointments of: Bounty commissioner, assessor, notary public, JOP, MO, DO, CR, CV, WA, BA; Commissioners of deeds for PA, NY; Affadavit, E.L. Marvel, QA; Deposition, CE; Transmittal letter, CE. [11] Resignation of assessor, WA, to repair "fencing destroyed by the (rebel) army", [15] Deposition, Philip Marvel, Esq., falsely arrested for debt and extorted money from John A. Falmer. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-80-5 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866?. Box 80, folder 6 contents: List of JOPs, all counties and BC; Wrapper with date stamp. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-80-6 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 80, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for Thomas (Theodore) Hunt (Huntt), inspector of tobacco, PG; Civil list, all counties, and cover letter. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-80-7 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1866. Box 80, folder 8 contents: Vouchers, complaints, affidavits, statements, petitions and Gov. order for investigation into fraudulent practices of Harry D. Gough, weigher of livestock, BC. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-80-8 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866, 1868. Box 80, folder 9 contents: Resignation of JOP, FR, BA, BC; Recommendation and application for weigher of hay, collector of state taxes, BC, WO; General correspondence; B & O RR to Gov., invitation. [9] 1866, RR to Gov., invitation to inspect B & O works at Mount Clare. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-80-9 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 80, folder 10 contents: British Legation, Benjamin Clark, Reverdy Johnson to Gov.; Correspondence: CN nursery; Life insurance co.; Invitation from BC Commissioner; Transmittal letter; Pardon papers, C. McCollum, James Edmonds, Mary Ellen Brown; General application, BC. [1] J. Hume Burnley, 1st Sec. of British Legation, DC, to Gov., requesting information on taxation "in the Union", [4] Invitation to attend reception for American Medical Association, [6] Memorial to Congress to amend Constitution to omit the words "Sundays excepted", [7] Johnson to Gov., location of Naval Academy. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-80-10 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 80, folder 11 contents: Correspondence: Assessment law; Capture of escapees; State Dept. to Gov.; Transmittal letter; General recommendation and application; Colored deaf student papers; Voucher, account of sheriff, FR. [2] SecSt. William Seward to Gov., prohibiting issue of passports by state governments. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-80-11 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1864, 1867. Box 80, folder 12 contents: General correspondence; Recommendation for inspector of tobacco, BC; Default papers, BC, PG, QA, MO, CE, AA, SM, FR, DO. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-80-12 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866, 1867. Box 80, folder 13 contents: Default papers, HO, CR, TA, WA, FR, CA, BC, AA, CV, KE, SO, HA, BA, MO, PG, SM, QA, WO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-80-13 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 80, folder 14 contents: Default papers, AA, DO, CH, CA, PG, WA, SM, AL, HO, CE, CV. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-80-14 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 80, folder 15 contents: Correspondence: Negro memorial; Runaway slaves of Col. Garner; Enlistment of negros in SO; Complaint against enlistment of slaves, PG; Sheriff, PG, clarification of policy on runaway slaves; Request for requisition, SM; General application. [7] 1863, T.P. Wolloston, provost guard, TA, to Gov., Dutch rebel mistreating slave, [10] Amelia M. Green to Gen. Schenck, subjected to annoyances by secessionists, AA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-80-15 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 80, folder 16 contents: Forming infantry co., CE; A. Lincoln to Gov.; R. Johnson to Gov.; Duke of Manchester to Gov. [2] Abraham Lincoln to Gov., loyalty oath for elections, [3-7] Reverdy Johnson to Gov., "opinions", [8] Duke of Manchester to Gov., invitation to participate in 300th birthday of Shakespeare. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-80-16 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 80, folder 17 contents: Exemption of MD property and revenues from taxation; Application for JOP, TA; Commission, Col., PHB; War contribution; Declination, manager, House of Refuge; Requisition of S. Gurley, PA; Recommendation for M. Whitney, prosecutor, FR. [4] A. Randall to Surgeon McPaulin (?), borrowing cannon to raise body of drowned brother, [8] George Wampler to Gov., request for body of brother-in-law killed at Murfreesboro, TN, [7] John Unseld to Gov., federal troops destroying cattle fences. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-80-17 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 80, folder 18 contents: Request to change co., Correspondence, residency of Ben Price, soldier; Request for arms, BC Guard; Declination as surgeon; Appointment of Capt. George Merrile, Purnell Legion; Application for clerk; Recommendations: inspector of grain, BC, JOC, PG. [9, 10] 1863, Baltimore Artillery Co. returning cannon to Ft. McHenry. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-80-18 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 80, folder 19 contents: Advertisement; Recommendations for Capt. Bannett, Maj., 4th MD Vol.; Applications for map maker, commissioner; Streeter to Gov., stolen horses; Letter of introduction, military relief agent, NY. [1] Harper and Brothers, NY advertisement for "Camp and Outpost Duty for Infantry," by Maj. Gen. Butterfield, [5, 6] Compilation of new atlas for MD by creation of new county maps and reprinting of others. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-80-19 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 80, folder 20 contents: W. Thomas to Gov., thank you letter for pardon; Application and recommendation for provost marshall, tax collecter, SM; Vouchers; Forming cavalry co., WA; NJ recruitment proclamation; Union League cancels Independence Day ceremony, PA; Offer of aid. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-80-20 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 80, folder 21 contents: Request of Capt. A. Schley for commission; Remission of fines; Provost Marshal to Gov.; General correspondence; General application; Jason Rowe to Gov.; H.H. Goldsborough to Gov., road construction; Application for JOP, SO. [3,4] Provost Marshal Maj. Blumenburg to Gov., consolidation of 10th Regt., MD men as PA draft substitutes, [8] Rowe to Gov., damage to farms at Antietam. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-80-21 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 80, folder 22 contents: Declination as commander; Eli Whitney to Gov., offer to sell arms, advertisements; Recommendations for Lt.; Henry Jones to Gov., threats against Methodist Church, SM; Appointment of state tax collectors, AL, AA, BC, BA, CE; General recommendations. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-80-22 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 80, folder 23 contents: CE Commissioners to Gov., appointment of state tax collectors; Appointments of state tax collectors, CR, CV, CA, CH, DO, FR, HO, HA, KE, MO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-80-23 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 80, folder 24 contents: Appointment of state tax collectors, PG, QA, SO, SM, TA, WA, WO, AL; State tax report, KE. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-80-24 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 80, folder 25 contents: State tax report, SO, HA, FR, TA; Recommendations for JOP, commissioner, CR, SM; Default paper, CR. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-80-25 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 80, folder 26 contents: Recommendations, applications and qualification for JOP, commissioner, notary public, SO, SM, TA; Application and recommendation for Superintendent state cemetary, Antietam. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-80-26 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 80, folder 27 contents: Recommendations and qualifications for JOP, inspector of lumber, QA, SO, AA, SM, DO, HA; Default paper, DO, HA, CR. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-80-27 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 80, folder 28 contents: Default papers, DO, CH, CR; Recommendations for JOP, commissioner, delegate to state constitutional convention, DO, BA, CH, CR, AL. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-80-28 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 80, folder 29 contents: Default paper, AA, FR, HO; Recommendations for Joseph Routzan, JOC, FR; Recommendations and application for JOP, commissioner, FR, HO; Application for auctioneer, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-80-29 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 80, folder 30 contents: Recommendations and application for P.H. Hodgkin, JOP, PG; Application for sheriff, BA; Default paper, BA; Recommendations for Rev. L. Van Bokkelin, State Superintendent of education. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-80-30 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 80, folder 31 contents: Default paper, PG; Recommendations for JOP, PG, BA; Applications and recommendations for Rev. Andrew B. Cross, State Superintendent of public schools (public instruction, education). No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-80-31 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 80, folder 32 contents: Application and recommendations for Rev. Henry M. Harman, State Superintendent of public education; Recommendations, qualifications and application for JOP, PG, TA, AL, WO; Appointment of State Comptroller; Default paper, WO. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-80-32 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 80, folder 33 contents: Default paper, BA, HA, AA, TA; Qualifications, application and recommendations for wood corder, notary public, armorer, JOC, JOP, BA, HA, TA; Form of "Oath for Enrolling Officers". No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-80-33 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 81, folder 1 contents: Qualifications, application and recommendations for JOP, WA, HO, PG, FR, AA, CR; Default papers, WA, HO, FR, AA, CR. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-81-1 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 81, folder 2 contents: Qualification and recommendations for notary public, JOP, inspector of lumber, commissioner SO, CA, BA, WA, HA, WO; Default paper, CA, BA, WA, HA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-81-2 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 81, folder 3 contents: General correspondence; Application and recommendation for commissioner, JOP, WA, CH, SM, HA; Default paper, HA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-81-3 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 81, folder 4 contents: Qualification for JOP, FR, AL, BA, PG, DO, WO; Recommendation for inspector of grain, BC; Default paper, WO. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-81-4 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 81, folder 5 contents: Recommendation for William T. Dunbracco, inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-81-5 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 81, folder 6 contents: Application and recommendations for William T. Dunbracco inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-6 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 81, folder 7 contents: Recommendation for inspector of grain, JOP, constable, BC, FR, HA, WO; Qualification for JOC, KE. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-7 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 8 contents: Default paper, PG; Qualification for JOP, PG, AA; Recommendation for JOC, JOP, DO, AL, AA, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-8 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 9 contents: Application and recommendations for James W. Binyon, JOP, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-9 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BC, WO, PG; Qualification for JOP, SO. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-10 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 81, folder 11 contents: Recommendations for Commissioner of Public Works, JOP, PG, KE, AA, QA, BA; Default paper, KE; Qualification for JOP, BA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-81-11 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 12 contents: Recommendations for JOP, PG, AA, BC; Default paper, AA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-81-12 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for JOP, JOC, superintendent of National Road, BC, KE, BA, AL; Default papers, BA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-81-13 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 14 contents: Default papers, AA, PG; Recommendations for JOP, AA, PG. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-14 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Merryman, JOC, BA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-15 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 16 contents: Recommendations for JOC, BA, WO; Qualification for JOP, PG; Appointment for Circuit Court judge, KE; Recommendation for superintendent of Antietam Cemetary. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-81-16 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 17 contents: Applications and recommendations for state vaccine agent. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-81-17 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 18 contents: Recommendation for Henry Gantz, supervisor of Antietam Cemetary; Application and recommendations for Joshua L. Gatchel, army agent. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-81-18 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 19 contents: Default papers, PG, BA, CH; Recommendation for JOP, QA, BA, CH. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-19 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864. Box 81, folder 20 contents: Recommendation for medical department, U.S. Army; Application and recommendation for Dr. A. W. Colburn, vaccine agent; Recommendations for commissioners for removal of Western Hay Scales, JOP, BC, CA; Default paper, CA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-81-20 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 21 contents: Application and recommendations for JOP, vaccine agent, SO, BA; Default paper, BA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-81-21 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 22 contents: Application and recommendations for vaccine agent, JOP, weigher of hay, SO, BC; Default paper, SO. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-81-22 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 23 contents: Maj. Daniel to Gov.; Edward Goldsbourough, escapees from FR jail; Capt. John Makechney, Maj. Mobly to Gov.; Maj. Mobly to Gov., return of his commission; W. Hoffman to Gov., Gen. Tyler requires pass to cross Monocacy; I. Macomber, rebel sympathizer. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-81-23 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 24 contents: Presentation and acceptance of regimental colors; Lt. Col. G. Vernon to Gov., response to complaints; Gen. John Kenly to Gov., request for command; Dr. C. Cox to Gov., Dr. Lewis Steiner for Surgeon General. [1,2] Presentation by Capt. Richard Wills of 2nd MD V.V. Infantry colors to Gov. and acceptance by Gov., [3,4] Acceptance and description of MD Battery B Light Artillery colors. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-81-24 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864. Box 81, folder 25 contents: Pardon papers for George Grier, BC; Edward W. Belt to Gov. [7] Belt to Gov., negro troops under Lt. Col. Perkins freeing prisoners from PG jail. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-25 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 81, folder 26 contents: Requests for death certificate; Forming militia co., FR, BA, BC; General recommendation; Application for QM; Requests for commission; Appointment of 2nd Lt., 2nd MD Vol. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-81-26 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 27 contents: Forming militia co., FR, CR, BC, HA; Request for commission; Telegraphs, transportation of soldiers; General correspondence; Maj. William Harlan to Gov., medical examinations of enlistees; Recruiting paper. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-81-27 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 28 contents: Transportation of soldiers; Raising militia co., FR, WA; Recruiting paper, BC; Application for captain, 2nd Lt.; H.N. Wharton to Gov., requests muster roll; J.S. Waters to Gov., military commission seal; Bounty paper; Recommendation for commission. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-81-28 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 29 contents: General correspondence; Forming a militia co., BC; General recommendation; Recruiting papers; Application for Lt. [6] W. Schnauffer, Editor Balto. Wecker to Gov., raising a German militia co. No. Items: 20 MSA S 1274-81-29 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 30 contents: Recommendation for recruiting officer; Schley to Gov., telegram, raise troops in FR; Requests for commission; Forming co., BC, CR, WA, CE, FR, HO, QA, DC, SO; War contribution. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-81-30 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 31 contents: Muster roll, officers 5th MD Vol.; Request for enrollment book, HA; Transmittal letters for muster rolls; General correspondence, BC Guard; Request for commission; Recommendations for Dr. John T. Tucker, surgeon. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-81-31 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 81, folder 32 contents: Transmittal letters for muster rolls; War Dept. Paymaster office to Adj. Gen., MD requesting report to pay bounties; General correspondence; Requests for certificates of death and discharge; Bounty paper; Criminal paper, Sgt. Charles Stuart. [10] 1864, William Watson and W.J. Tippett to Gov., fear judges will not administer oaths at PG polls, [11] 1864, T. Rieves to Gov., liberation of his slaves, SM, [12] 1864, Stuart, NY veteran cavalry, to Gov., requests release to military authority. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-81-32 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 33 contents: Assignments of co. to 1st, 2nd MD cavalry, "Aged Guard of '62"; Transmittal letter, co. C Purnell cavalry; Request for payment, BC; Criminal paper, Lt. Hiram Winchester; Request for promotion. [11] David Earhart, Judge of elections, CR, to Gov., qualifications of Golden Circle, Knights, Wooden Horse Men or Sons of Liberty taking oath at polls. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-81-33 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 34 contents: Requests for leave; Draft letter to Sec. War; Col. Henry Cole to Gov.; Telegram, Constitutional voting returns; War Dept. to Gov., declines request for battery; Failure to qualify, surveyor, WA; Request for discharge, Co. C E.S. Regt. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-81-34 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 35 contents: Telegrams; Vickers to Gov., release of MD soldier from NY artillery; Request for leave to vote; Transmittal letter; Correspondence: Ballot box theft, CA; Interference in soldiers voting, SM; Draft commencement; Requests for promotion and commission. [8, 9] J. Wroth, Judge Thomas Ruth to Gov., questioning use of loyalty oath in election of new Constitution. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-81-35 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 1 contents: Petition of protest, MO, soldiers' votes cast outside MD; Correspondence: Interference in conduct of elections, PG, CE, FR; Land title, Antietam Cemetery; Recommendation for MD Regt. pollster; Bounty papers; Report, MD units in Shenandoah Valley. [9] William McFarland, Co. D 11th Regt. MD Vol. to Gov., source of soldiers' pay, [3] Bounties for colored troops in PA hospital. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-82-1 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 2 contents: Request for hospital transfer; Complaints against promotion; Invitation; States Attorney to Gov., illegal seizure of boat; Correspondence, release of MD soldiers from rebel prison; Transfer of co. to 1st MD cavalry; Election returns, 1st MD cavalry. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-82-2 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 3 contents: Requests: Recruits, 3rd MD Inf.; Promotion and draft exemption; Telegram copies, recruiting policies; Election procedures, SM, HO; Application for recruiting agent, DO; Inability to pay for recruiting expenses; Service report on William McDonald. [1] William Rider to Gov., effect of new Constitution on apprenticed children of free negroes, [2] George Handy, JOP, QA, to Gov., voting rights of refugees, [10] Thomas Henry, free negro, to Gov., permission to return to MD and settle estate, [14] Report on Pvt. W. McDonald, Co. J, 4th Regt. MD Vol. Inf. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-82-3 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 4 contents: Gen. E.B. Tyler to Gov.; Request to retain arms, 2nd Bde. 1st Div. Army Corps; Election returns and list of voters; Union and Democratic ballot tickets. [1] Tyler to Gov., case of Dr. Riggs refusing soldier treatment, [2, 3] Presidential electors and state officials election returns and list of voters, Co. E 1st MD V.V.. No. Items: 47 MSA S 1274-82-4 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 5 contents: List of voters, election returns, Co. B, F 1st MD V.V. Inf.; Resignations of: Commissioner, JOC, sheriff, JOP, CR, FR, BA, PG; MD senator, DO; MD Comptroller; Civil list, AL. [11] Resignation of Henry H. Goldsborough as Comptroller. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-82-5 1/5/7/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863-1865. Box 82, folder 6 contents: Resignations of Judge of Circuit Court, JOP, JOC, PG, HO, BC, WO, CH, FR, WO; Qualification for JOP, TA, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-82-6 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864. Box 82, folder 7 contents: Resignation of notary public, TA, WO; Resignation of JOP, HO, BA, SO, DO, CR, QA, FR; Resignation of JOC, FR; General correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-82-7 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 8 contents: Recommendation for notary public, coroner, inspector of wood and lime, CE, BC; Application for weigher of hay, inspector of lumber, BC, CE; Resignation of coroner, BC; Recommendations for James G. Burlin, inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-82-8 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-82-9 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, BC; Applications for inspector and corder of wood, BC; General correspondence. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-82-10 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 11 contents: Recommendations and application for Capt. N. Christopher, inspector of wood, BC; Recommendations for coroner, inspector of grain, inspector of wood, BC, BA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-82-11 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 12 contents: General correspondence; Applications for: wood corder, BC; Commissioner of deeds, NY; Recommendations for: Inspector of lumber, CE, QA; Commissioner of deeds, PA; Keeper of the Hill (?). No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-82-12 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 83, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for: State bounty commissioners, AL, BA; Valentine Foreman, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-83-1 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 83, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for John Sharretts, bounty commissioner, BC, with supporting materials; Recommendations for and resignation of bounty commissioners, CA, CV. [1, 2] Newspaper clippings and receipt, dismissal of J. Sharretts as clerk of auditor, U.S. Post Office. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-83-2 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 83, folder 3 contents: Correspondence; Recommendations and applications for bounty commissioner, CV, CE, CR, CH. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-83-3 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 83, folder 4 contents: Bonds for MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-83-4 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 83, folder 5 contents: Bonds for MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-83-5 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 83, folder 6 contents: Recommendations and application for bounty commissioner, county assessors, CH, FR, DO, HA, HO; General recommendation. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-83-6 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 83, folder 7 contents: Recommendations and applications for state bounty commissioners, KE, CH, SM, PG, MO, QA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-83-7 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 83, folder 8 contents: Recommendations and applications for bounty commissioner, TA, WO, WA, PG, SO; Application for militia commandant, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-83-8 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 83, folder 9 contents: Bonds for notary public, TA, FR, CA, register of wills, WO, DO; General correspondence. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-83-9 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860, 1863, 1864. Box 83, folder 10 contents: Recommendation for superintendant of National Road, AL; Vouchers; John Pearce to Gov., runaway slave in colored troops; Business card; Pardon papers, George Kehlenbeck, AL. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-83-10 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1862, 1864. Box 83, folder 11 contents: Pardon papers, Henry B. Myers, CR. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-83-11 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 83, folder 12 contents: Petition papers for Joseph Smith, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-83-12 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 83, folder 13 contents: Pardon paper, William Potts, QA; Remission of fines, Salomon Eliel, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-83-13 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856, 1862-1864. Box 83, folder 14 contents: Pardon papers, David Ridenour, WA; General correspondence. No. Items: 20 MSA S 1274-83-14 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 83, folder 15 contents: Pardon papers, William Loughlan, BC, James Litten, WA; Remission of fine, Malachi Smith, CV. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-83-15 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863-1865. Box 83, folder 16 contents: Pardon papers, William F. Talbert, PG, Daniel Tilghman, free negro, TA. [7-12] 1863, 1864, Pardon papers, Daniel Tilghman, free negro, convicted of striking a slave. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-83-16 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856, 1862-1865. Box 83, folder 17 contents: Pardon papers, Solomon Carlton (Charles Newman), HO, John Norfolk, BC; Criminal papers, Theodore Bauman; MD Penitentiary statistics; Application for group pardon, MD Penitentiary prisoners. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-83-17 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 18 contents: War Dept. to Gov., soldiers returning to vote; Covington, Vickers, Smith to Gov.; Requests for promotion; Col. Schley to Gov., 5th MD V.V.; General correspondence; Pardon paper, Jacob Bosley; Lawson to Gov.; Col. H. Cole, doctor for 1st Regt. P.H.B. [2-4] George Covington, George Vickers, B. Everett Smith to Gov., military interference in elections, WO, KE, [9] William T. Lawson to Gov., impressment of free blacks by Union steamer. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-84-18 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864. Box 84, folder 19 contents: Organization of MD Hospital; Recommendations for JOP, SO, surveyor of Antietam; Appointment, enrolling officer, WO; Request for pay; Col. W. Revere, reorganization of 10th MD Vol.; Complaint against promotion; E. Belt to Gov.; A. Brickman to Gov. [9] 1864, Edward Belt to Gov., prisoners released by Col. Perkins negro troops. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-84-19 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 20 contents: John Pearce to Gov., slave bounties; Report, 1st PHB Cav.; Consolidation of 10th MD Vol. with 7th or 3rd MD Vol.; S. Jarman to Gov.; Bounty paper, BC; Pardon papers; Request for officers, 5th MD Vol.; S. Clark to Gov., improper appointments, PG. [4] Samuel Jarman to Gov., release of slave from prison to serve as his substitute, [9, 11] Commutation of death penalty for epileptic mulatto James Johnson. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-84-20 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 21 contents: Gen. Hancock, Col. W. Browne to Gov.; Muller to Gov.; Supt. Public Instruction to Gov., school system; Recommendations for JOP, DO, state librarian; H.J. Winterbottom to Gov., charge of disloyalty; Qualifications, constable, JOP, AL; Bounty paper. [2] Col. William Browne to Gov., placing 7th, 9th, 19th Regt. USCT on bounty rolls, [4] Dr. John Muller to Gov., Vaccine Bill. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-84-21 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 22 contents: Col. L.F. Bingham, forming MD Guard; Sketch; Request for recruits, 3rd Bat. V.V. Inf.; Maj. Daniel, charges against Lt.Col. Vernon; Telegrams, Maj.Gen. L. Wallace to Gov., mustering troops; J. Turner, inebriate asylums; Acceptance of commission. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-84-22 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 23 contents: NY State Library to Gov.; Election oath, WA; George French, Antietam land title; Voucher, MD Military Relief agency; A. Sterling, Senatorial election, DO; Request for asst. State's attorney, DO; Lt. J. Armstrong, soldier voting. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-84-23 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 24 contents: Col. S. Graham to Gov.; Recommendations: militia command, Supt. Schools; Requests for commission, asst. state's attorney, DO; Applications: hospital steward; relief agent; Kurtz to Gov.; L. Valentine, loyalty oath, CR; J. Basman, legal discharge. [1] Col. Samuel Graham to Gov., claiming seat of "disloyal" senator, SO, [6] J.F. Kurtz to Gov., charges of taking percent of colored troop bounties. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-84-24 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 84, folder 25 contents: J.S. Berry, S.M. Spencer to Gov., quotas; W. Jones, J.S. Crawford to Gov., BC claims CE enlistees; Recruiting paper, SM; General correspondence; Recommendation for JOP, BA; Vouchers for advertising; Application for JOP, FR. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-84-25 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 26 contents: Voucher; Applications for Superintendent of Schools; W. Bowie to Gov.; General correspondence; J.B. Morton to Gov., emancipation; A. Ridgely to Gov., "contemptible" Freedman's Bureau; George Vickers to Gov., military aid in elections. [4] Bowie to Gov., negro orphans. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-84-26 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 27 contents: Bowman, Dawson to Gov.; Bounty paper; Application for Circuit Court judge; General correspondence; J. Stone, escaped slaves; R. Piggett, social club in BC; Request for pay; Gov. IN; Bounty paper, negro; C. Lusly, power of attorney for negro bounties. [1] Col. S.M. Bowman to Gov., slave owner compensation, [2] A. Dawson to Gov., care of freed slave children, [11] Gov. O.P. Morton, IN, to Gov., MD laws on negro testimony. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-84-27 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 28 contents: General correspondence; Criminal papers, George Purnell, free negro; Transmittal letter; Application for commissioners court, SM; Bernard Carter to Gov.; Pardon paper, Herman Wolke; Acceptance of superintendant of public instruction. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-84-28 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863, 1864. Box 84, folder 29 contents: Pardon papers, Nathan Tue, slave; Resignation as director, B&O RR, aand from Treasury dept.; General correspondence; Bounty papers; Contesting election, judge of circuit court, BC; W. Price to Gov., exchanging RR stock for state debt. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-84-29 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862-1864. Box 84, folder 30 contents: Circular, newspaper clipping and correspondence from William T. Steiger, agricultural college grant; General recommendation. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-84-30 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 31 contents: Complaint against military interference in election, TA; General correspondence; Bounty papers; H. Nichols to Gov.; George Vickers to Gov., removal of Gen. Lockwood; Request for recruits, 6th MD Vol.; Request to muster in chaplain, Harper's Ferry. [6] 1864, H.M. Nichols to Gov., negro soldiers led by free black rampaging in TA. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-84-31 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862-1865. Box 86, folder 1 contents: Pardon papers, Michael Hoffer, WA, John Calvin Foard (Ford?), HA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-86-1 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862-1865. Box 86, folder 2 contents: Pardon papers, John Calvin Foard (Ford?), HA, Richard Clark (Clarke?), BC; Remission of forfeited recognizance, William Buck/John Buck, FR. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-86-2 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 86, folder 3 contents: Pardon papers, James Harris, free black, AL, George W. Coulson, BA; Remission of forfeited recognizances, William Brawner & Peregrine Davis/John Zell (Zells?), William G. Middleton/Marcellus, slave. [1-4] 1864, Pardon papers, James Harris, free black, AL, imprisoned for aiding slaves to escape. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-86-3 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 86, folder 4 contents: Qualifications, AL, BC, AA, BA, CV, CA, DO. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-86-4 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 86, folder 5 contents: Qualification, FR, HA, HO, CH, CE, KE, MO, PG. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-86-5 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 86, folder 6 contents: Qualifications, PG, QA, SO, TA, SM, CR, WA, WO. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-86-6 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 7 contents: Application, recommendations and qualifications for commissioner of deeds, NY, WI, LA, DC, IN. [9] 1864, Recommendation from Enoch Pratt for Commissioner of Deeds, NY. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-86-7 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 86, folder 8 contents: Qualification for Commissioner of Deeds, Missouri, IL, KY, OH, DC, PA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-86-8 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1866, 1871. Box 86, folder 9 contents: Memorial oppoosing 1864 Constitution, CV; Printed State Dept. circular; SecSt. MD to SecSt. U.S. Hamilton Fish, poor in MD; Circuit Court appeals, AA. [3,4] 1866, Appeals, Daniel R. Magruder vs. William H. Tuck, Magruder vs. Thomas Swann, CV. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-86-9 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 10 contents: Gov. to Gov. PA, BC resolutions, Pittsburgh and Connelsville RR; Correspondence, Antietam Cemetery; Circulars, cost of Antietam Cemetery; Act of Incorporation, Antietam Cemetery Assoc.; John V. Findlay to Gov., alleged sale of Gov. house. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-86-10 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 11 contents: Application for soldiers voting register; J.B. Fry to Col. Browne, mustering procedures; Correspondence, death of Sterling Thomas; Request for furlough, BC; Presentation of Regt. flags, 7th, 8th MD Regt.; W. Moody, D. Bertnete; Request for Promotion. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-86-11 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 86, folder 12 contents: Vickers to Gov.; Charles Dana, Francis M. Darby, Judge Weisel to Gov., case of Charles Stewart, WA; J. Revell to Gov., "illegal" sale of oyster boats; Maj. Gen. L. Wallace to Gov., organization of militia, BC. [1] George Vickers to Gov., opposition to 1864 Constitution, [2,3,5,] Jurisdictional dispute, trial of Charles Stewart for murder of soldier. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-86-12 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 13 contents: Correspondence, local defense Regt. for MD, PA; Applications and recommendations for JOP, inspector of tobacco, recruiting agent AA, BC; Circular, meeting of Adj. Gen. of loyal states; Recruiting paper; Military requisition; Consolidation of regt. [11] Consolidation 1 Regt. E.S. with three co. of 11 MD Inf. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-86-13 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 14 contents: Recommendation for watchman at State House, register, SM; Complaint against member of commissioners court, SM; Bounty payment procedure; Confirmation of JOP, PG, CH; Qualification for commandant, CR; Enrollment, men ages 18-20; Correspondence. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-86-14 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 85, folder 1 contents: Application for mandamus against Jonathan Baker, George Ernest, Dr. Julian Magruder, registers, MO; Requisition of William Pruitt from PA; Blind student papers; Criminal papers, James C. Hendersey, Capt. Means' co. independent cavalry. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-85-1 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 2 contents: Correspondence: Jane Boswell Moore, States attorney CV, arson of black church, [?] P. Phelps, Citizens of QA; Bounty papers, slaves of Emma Dorry; Table, oysters and oyster boat statistics; Requisition of Dennis McCarty from DC. [1-5] Jane Boswell Moore to Gov., treatment of injured Michael Manigan, 1st MD cavalry, enclosing regt.'s requests to be mustered out, [7] States attorney, CV, to Gov., conflicting affidavits from McVirlin Beverly and Isaac Boom, negro, violence against negroes, [9] Baltimore Assoc. for Moral & Educational Improvement of Colored People to Gov., suggesting reward for arsonist of black church, KE. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-85-2 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1865. Box 85, folder 3 contents: Dulany Valley & Sweet Air Turnpike Co. update on road & request to charge toll; W. Seward; Memos of MD treasury accounts; Annapolis Water Co. proposal; Inspectors of tobacco and grain, BC, accounts; Legislative resolution. [3-5] 1865, Letters from William Seward and acting Surgeon Gen., quarantine for Asiatic Cholera prevention, [8] Memo of $3000 donation to Washington College, [11] Resolution disqualifying election of Richard Grason as circuit court judge, 8th distric t. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-85-3 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1865, 1866. Box 85, folder 4 contents: Memos of Treasury accounts, inspectors of tobacco, BC; Service report, Warren Seaton; Reverdy Johnson, Navy appropriations bill; M. Blair to Gov.; Maj. McKeever, Asst. Adj. Gen., balance of draft fund of 1862. [7] n.d., Montgomery Blair to Gov., sale of Gov. mansion to Naval Academy. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-85-4 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 5 contents: Account of State with B & O Railroad. [1] Includes accounts paid by state under acts of April 5, 1839 and 1835, Chapter 395, Section 1. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-85-5 ///
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 6 contents: G. Alvey and E.F. O'Brien, Kregg, negro, J. Graham, to Gov.; Acceptance of officer of registration, PG; Telegrams, Gen. Wallace to Gov.; Recommendations, resignations for JOP, AA, KE; War Dept. to Gov., draft fund; Voter registration of soldiers, FR. [1, 2] George Alvey and 1st Lt. Edward O'Brien to Gov., case of Dr. Robert Neil Sr. assault on Calvert Lee, negro, [3] Isac (Isaac) Kregg to Gov., account of his beatings by Rebels, [4] Jonathan Graham, Baltimore Association for Moral & Educational Improvement of Colored People to Gov., burning of church, KE, [6, 7] Wallace to Gov., requesting officers for MD Vols. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-85-6 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 7 contents: Application, notary public, BC; Resignation, recommendation, JOP, BC; Blind, deaf & dumb student papers; Voucher copy for draft fund; General correspondence; War debts, CE; Request for pensions, CR; Pardon papers; Voter registration inquiry, BC. [11] Copy of War Dept. to Gov., revocation of recruiting officer appointments. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-85-7 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 8 contents: General correspondence; Brig. Gen. E.B. Tyler to Gov., capture of accomplices of James Boyle; Qualification and seal, commissioner of deeds, CA, IL; E. Cartwright to Gov., school in Oregon; Reciept of pardons. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-85-8 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 9 contents: Edward Belt to Gov., requistion of Dennis McCarty; E.H. Chambers to Gov., St. Johns College; Qualification, commissioner of deeds, PA, NY. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-85-9 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 10 contents: Recommendation for Inspector General of grain; Supreme Court opinion, B & O Turnpike v MD; Quartermaster Gen. to Gov.; "Banner of Liberty" to Gov., list of qualified voters; Bounty papers; Request for payment; H.N. Congar to Gov. [6] William Lawson to Gov., concerning oyster beds shared by MD and VA, [10] H.N. Congar, commissioner of immigration, to Gov., concerning inducements for immigration, [11] George Stockharn to Gov., educating freed slaves. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-85-10 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 11 contents: Department of State correspondence to Gov., transmittal of "Laws to Encourage Immigration," Homestead Act, and other acts of Congress in English, French, and German. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-85-11 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 85, folder 12 contents: Election returns, constable, FR; Blind student papers; James W. Purdum to Gov., concerning accomplices of James Boyle; G. Fred. Maddox, States Attry, SM to Gov.; Newspaper clipping, registers' meeting; Request for commission, judge of circuit court. [7] 1865, Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard, commissioner of Freedmen's Bureau, to Gov., unity of laws in Missouri, KT, and MD. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-85-12 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 86, folder 15 contents: Correspondence: appointment of local agents for military relief, black troops, case of George Moody & William Jones. [2] Col., PA Vol. to Gov., crediting black troops to MD & preserving status of slaves & free blacks, [4-11] Case of Moody & Jones, arrested after bringing former slaves to PG to visit their families, with list of blacks in PG jail. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-86-15 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 86, folder 16 contents: Appointment, agents for local military relief; Bounty payments, free black Vol., MD, SM; Declination of state militia; Recommendation & acceptances as counsel, MD; Mayor, BC to Gov., Pittsburg & Connellsville RR; Gov. NJ to Gov., Antietam cemetery. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-86-16 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 17 contents: Correspondence: Preservation of black soldiers' status, Opinion of War Dept., MD enrollment in South, Dr. T. Lynch case, Errors in black troops' bounty rolls, Pittsburg & Connellsville RR, Loyalty of E.G. Kilbourn, AA, Offer to give military lecture. [4, 6] Dr. Thomas Lynch charged by military in death of female slave, SM & request for President's intercession. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-86-17 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 18 contents: Correspondence: Missouri resolution, amendment abolishing slavery, Gettysburg cemetery, Conflict in Smith's Indep. cav. co. MD Vol., Oyster tax, BC, Furloughs for 9th MD C.T., Treasury Dept., MD Nat. Guard, Watkins murder; Application for JOC, FR. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-86-18 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 19 contents: Recommendations, applications, acceptance, declination as enrollment exam surgeon, cir. ct. judge & sheriff, BA, bounty commissioner, CH, HA, B&O RR state director, inspector of coal oil, register of votes; MD Hosp. bill; AA citizens, Watkins murder. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-86-19 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 20 contents: Report on MD regts. in WV; Soldier to Gov., requesting aid for wife in BC; MD tax collector seeking interest due him; Request for, objection to promotions; Formation of inf. co.; Telegram announcing draft; Prisoners seeking release; Bounty paper. [1] Prisoner in MD Penitentiary to father seeking help for release. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-86-20 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 21 contents: Recommendation for superintendant of Board of Ed., CV; Correspondence: immigration to MD, Maryland Hospital bill, requests for requisitions, DC, MO, WA, HA, CH; Declination as commandant, AL; Acceptance of bounty commissioner, SO; Requisition, BA. [8] J.W. Crisfield to Gov. concerning position on Constitution of 1864. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-86-21 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 22 contents: Requisitions, PA; Requests for requisition, DE; William Price to Gov., requisition of Pinkus Levy, VA. [9-13] 1865, Correspondence concerning return of a flag of 6th Reg. MA Vol. militia to MA by Miss Christie Johnson. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-86-22 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 23 contents: Bond of Hanson P. Jordan, State Librarian; Correspondence, acceptance of Hugh Davey Evans; John S. Berry to Gov., return of flag to MA; Circular for war memorial, National Bureau of Correspondence. [2, 3] Vouchers for salute and funeral procession of President Abraham Lincoln; [5] Brantz Mayer to Gov. concerning transmittal of "Declaration of Freemen of Maryland" (1775) and Gov. William Paca's "Proclamation Announcing Peace" (1783). No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-86-23 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 24 contents: Calling card; Recommendations for D.A. Woodward to paint portrait of Gov. L. Holiday Hicks; Complaint against commission of Capt. Leib as Col., 11th MD; J. Townsend Daniel to Gov.; Edward Stabler to Gov., terms of loyalty oath. [5] Application of Enoch Pratt for bounty commissioner, BC, [9] Provost Marshal Gen. James Fry to Gov., number of MD men (49,522) who served with Union, [10] Telegrams, announcement and terms of surrender of Robert E. Lee at Appomatox, VA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-86-24 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 25 contents: Applications for warden, MD Penitentiary, commisioner of deeds, PA; List of appointments, FR; Vouchers: Government House, transportation of arms; Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, PA; Pardon papers, William Offler, BA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-86-25 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, Henry B. Jones, BC; Recommendation for JOP, Benjamin Parsons, WO. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-86-26 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 27 contents: Recommendation for JOP, post at Crestern House, inspector of flour, BC; Requisition, George Riddle, DE. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-86-27 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BC, gunner, US Navy; Affidavit of Charles Dellinger. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-86-28 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 29 contents: Criminal paper; Business card; Recommendations for commissioner of Deeds, AL, WV; Qualifications, commissioner of deeds, WV, NY, OH, IL. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-86-29 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 87, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for inspector of tobacco, George Dowell, CV; Pardon paper, John R. Buchanan, rebel; Criminal papers, WA, FR; Recommendation for revenue service; Richard King to Gov., public celebration for returning troops. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-87-5 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1868. Box 87, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, FR, weigher of hay, woodcorder, BC; Chauncy K. Williams to SecSt., request for proceedings of Constitutional Convention; Application for Secretary of State, William Waterman; General correspondence. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-87-2 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 3 contents: Recommendations and application for JOP, PG. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-87-3 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 87, folder 4 contents: Act of incorporation, Soldiers' National Cemetery, Gettysburg, PA; Reports: Maryland Inebriate Asylum, Visitors of Maryland Hospital, Cumberland Coal & Iron Company; Recommendations, inspectors of fish, BC. [6] Joint Resolution of OH Gen. Assemby to ammend US Constitution, [10] Robert Corson to Gov., PA State Relief Agent and copy of "The Soldiers' Guide in Philadelphia". No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-87-4 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865 Box 85, folder 13 contents: W.W. Busteed, need legislator, QA; Prospectus; Resignation of J. Lee, Delegate, QA; Pardon paper, Charles Thomas; Request for discharge, BC; J. Ritchie, S. Currier, rewards; W. Price, collection of taxes, BC; Application, inspector of tobacco, BC. [2] Preliminary Prospectus of the North German International Agricultural, Mechanical, and Industrial Exhibition, Altona, Germany, [7] Jonothan Ritchie to Gov., reward for Chipley, [12] Simon P. Currier to Gov., reward for capture of fugitive slave. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-85-13 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865 Box 85, folder 14 contents: H. Goldsborough;Request for pay; Request for pardon, CR; S. Graham, JOP, SO; Execution paper, Abraham Coon, WA; Declination of Captain, BC; F.P. Phelps, voter registration; J. Hall, murder of Capt. Watkins; S. Clark, registration act. [1] Henry H. Goldsborough to Gov., recommendation for Hugh Allan Goldsborough as president of C & O Canal Co. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-85-14 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 15 contents: J. H. Emerson, A. Evans, voting registers; M. Bickford, harboring Boyle; J. Hall; Anonymous, rebel intimidation, AA; Bounty paper; Pardon paper; Correspondence, Gettysburg Cemetery; W. Lawson, school commission, SO; J. Thomas, W. Moody; General Corr. [4] Joseph Hall to Gov., negro childred bound by Orphan's Court, CV; No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-85-15 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1865. Box 85, folder 16 contents: J. Ritchie, Chipley reward; Requests for discharge, 1st Regt., P.H.B. Cav.; Acceptance of commission; Bounty paper; Consolidation of units, MD Cav.; Resignation of R. Corson, State Military Agent, PA; Soldier's Guide, Philadelphia; Telegram. [11] Telegram from T.M. Vincent, Assistant Adj. Gen., discharge procedures. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-85-16 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 17 contents: Telegrams; R. Jones, death of inspector of tobacco, BC; Pardon paper; R. Fowler, bounty procedures; L.H. Kell, request for recommendation; Acceptance as bounty commissioner; C. Cox, flag affair; Request for discharge; J. Speed; T.S. Hodson to Gov. [1, 8] Telegrams, T.M. Vincent to Gov., mustering out and discharge, [11] U.S. Attorney General James Speed to William Price, U.S. District Attorney, MD, Gov. to handle rebel pardons, [14] Hodson, Editor, SO Herald, state advertising. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-85-17 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 18 contents: H. Duckworth to Gov., disloyal JOP, AL; Henna Howard to Pres.; General recommendation; W. Dorsey to Gov., improper arrest; Requests for discharge, 1st Reg. PHB Cav.; W. Cather to Gov., son wrongly punished; General correspondence. [3] Freed slave Henna Howard to Pres. Johnson, former mistress taking her children. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-85-18 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 85, folder 19 contents: Pardon paper, Ignatius D. Thomson; Jonathan Frazier to Gov., Hicks monument; Recommendation for Christian Derlinger, JOP; Darius Forbes to Gov.; U.S. Claim Agency forms; Richard King, Relief Agent; Nolle Prosequi papers; Supt. Public Instruction. [4] Darius Forbes, U.S. Claims Agent to Gov., US. Sanitary Commission Army and Navy Claim Agency receiving pension claims, [5] King to Gov., Report from City Point Hospital on wounded officers. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-85-19 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 20 contents: Application for wood corder, BC; State Bounty Commissioner; General correspondence; Vigilance Committee violence, HA: Requests for discharge; Recommendation for Canal Board Director, MO; 1st Regt. P.H.B., Co. C; Request for promotion. [7] 1st P.H.B. Cav. petitioning against retention in service. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-85-20 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 21 contents: Co. K & A, 1st Regt. P.H.B.; 11th Med. Inf.; Telegrams, War Dept. to Gov., muster out of troops, relinquishing colors; General correspondence; J. Wells, books for MD schools; Recommendations, applications for register of soldiers' votes, MO, BC. [1, 2] 1st P.H.B. Cav. petitioning against retention in service, [10] 11th Med. Inf., protesting muster out of service. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-85-21 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 22 contents: Requests for discharge; Recommendations, applications: General, Pres. Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co., voting register, HA; Correspondence, bounties, SM, BC; Citizens of MO, HA, petitions. [9] Petition from MO citizens requesting suspension of School Law. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-85-22 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 85, folder 23 contents: Samuel Hopkins to Gov., draft credits, TA; Declinations of bounty commissioners, DO, SM, KE; Supt. Public Instruction; Military Relief Agents: discharge and relief; Pardon paper, Samuel Brown; Copy, General Assembly Act, substitution. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-85-23 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 85, folder 24 contents: Correspondence: "Press gang", DO, POA Colored Vol., confirmation of nominations, complaint against E. Crouch, tax relief, receipt of commissions; Pardon paper; Telegram, SecWar to Gov.; Field report, 8th Regt. MD Vol.; Senate Act, civil commissions. [1] 1864, Dr. T. King Carroll to Gov., complaint against negro "press gang", DO, [2] 1864, SecWar to Gov., activate militia to defend Baltimore. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-85-24 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 25 contents: Correspondence: General, Release of imprisoned Confederates, Murders in DC, Emigration, Recruiting; Recommendation, bounty commissioner, SO; US Senate & War Dept. enrollment legislation. [3] John Williams to Gov., promotion of emigration of foreign labor force, [11] Edward King to Gov., release from prison hospital on grounds of forced draft into CSA, [14] Provost Marshal to Gov., pardons for enlistment by deserters. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-85-25 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 26 contents: Correspondence: Gov. MN to Gov., issuing commission Sen. Creswell, US Provost Marshal to Gov. (quotas, credit and suspension of draft); Recommendation, Surgeon General MD; Request for pay, Military Relief Agent. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-85-26 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 27 contents: Correspondence: General, Complaint against RR route, Release of imprisoned Confederates; Application, commissioner of deeds, NY; Appointment of hospital inspectors; Military Relief Agents: backpay & relief; Transmittal of laws; National celebration. [13] Telegram, War Dept. to Gov., order to celebrate the restoration of the flag to Ft. Sumter. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-85-27 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 28 contents: Application, commissioner, AA; Correspondence: US Senate confirmation of nominations, Requests for: surgeon 1st Regt. PHB Cav., reinforcements 3rd MD Vol., Gettysburg cemetery, MD quota, complaint against State House watchman, legislative action. [3] Pres. Soldiers' National Cemetery to Gov., MD share of Gettysburg cemetery expenses, [6] Complaint against State House watchman as known secessionist, recommendations for replacement. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-85-28 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 85, folder 29 contents: Appellant's briefs, MD Court of Appeals; Correspondence and documents: Antietam National Cemetery. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-85-29 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 85, folder 30 contents: Petition for Mandamus and case summary: Magruder v Tuck, Magruder v Swann. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-85-30 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 85, folder 31 contents: Correspondence and documents: Antietam National Cemetery. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-85-31 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 85, folder 32 contents: Correspondence: Owner claiming slave bounty; Acceptance, qualification, ADC, Andrew Ridgely; Complaints against Constitution of 1864; Letter of introduction. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-85-32 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 85, folder 33 contents: Correspondence: Promotions, Gettysburg National Cemetery, Formation of MD National Guard, Meredith Ford Turnpike; Military Relief Agent report; Reorganization of units, PHB Cav.; Affadavits on disqualification of Convention delegates for disloyalty. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-85-33 1/7/5/68
MSA S 1274 ///
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 87, folder 5 contents: Statistics of the Cumberland coal trade; Annual report of Sheppard Asylum; Treasury balance sheet; General order; Resolution. [2] General Order No. 14, suspension of martial law in Annapolis, [3] Henry H. Goldsborough to Gov., forwarding Constitutional convention resolution for tax on secessionists. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-87-5 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1864, 1866. Box 87, folder 6 contents: State cases in court of appeals; Draft, Gov. appointment of commission; Conference addresses; Deaf, blind student papers. [5] 1866, Berne International Congress address, "Militia System of Switzerland in Comparison with Standing Armies", [6] 1864, "Military System of Switzerland". No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-87-6 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 87, folder 7 contents: Commission to move hay scales, BC; Draft warrant for special election, MO; Default papers, FR, DO, AL, CH, WA, TA, BC; Auctioneer returns. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-87-7 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 87, folder 8 contents: Default papers; Bonds, MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-87-8 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 87, folder 9 contents: Bonds, MD Penitentiary officers. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-87-9 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 10 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, GA, DC, TN, LA, AL, VA, MA, PA; Applications for commissioner of deeds, MA, PA. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-87-10 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 11 contents: Qualification for commissioner of deeds, KY; Applications, recommendations and business card for commissioner of deeds, VA, AL, SC, CA, LA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-87-11 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 87, folder 12 contents: Bonds for MD Penitentiary, register, HO, notary public, TA, AA, WA, weigher of hay, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-87-12 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 87, folder 13 contents: Bonds for inspector of flour, wharfinger, BC, notary public, AL, TA, AA, CE, CR, WA, armorer, TA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-87-13 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 87, folder 14 contents: Bonds for notary public, FR, CE, KE, BC, state librarian. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-87-14 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for JOP, AL, HA, SM, TA, CH; Default paper, AL; Failure to qualify, JOP, SM, armorer, inspector of flour, FR, manager of House of Refuge, inspector of fish, BC; Application for commissioner of deeds, Wisc. No. Items: 24 MSA S 1274-87-15 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 87, folder 16 contents: Recommendation for JOP, AA, SO, Daniel Bride, BC; Failure to qualify, clerk, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-87-16 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 87, folder 17 contents: Business card; Application for commissioner of deeds, CA, JOP, AA; Recommendation for JOP, WA, PG, MO, CE county commissioner, FR; Application for license to sell carriages, BC; Default paper, AA. No. Items: 20 MSA S 1274-87-17 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC, magistrate, SO, superintendant of National Road, JOP, FR, HA, QA, MO, SO; Default papers, HA, SO, MO; Failure to qualify, JOP, WO, BC, coroner, BC, inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 22 MSA S 1274-87-18 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 19 contents: Recommendations: inspector of lime, weigher of hay, BC, JOP, HA, DO, CA, CH, AL, WA, PG, SM, director, B & O RR, keeper of Antietam cemetary, WA; Applications for auctioneer, BC, notary public, CR, SM; Failure to qualify, notary public, AA, JOP, SM. No. Items: 25 MSA S 1274-87-19 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 20 contents: Recommendation for magistrate, AL, BC, JOP, BC, HA, SO, AL, SM, county court, CA; George A. Thurston to Gov., recommendations for delegates from AL. [11] Perinchief to Gov., overindulgence in whiskey, AL. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-87-20 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 21 contents: Recommendation for JOP, AL, BC, AA; Application for JOP, AL, AA; Correspondence. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-87-21 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 22 contents: Applications and recommendations for JOP, magistrate, AA, CV. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-87-22 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 23 contents: Recommendation for magistrate, AA, BC, BC; Application for JOP, AA, BA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-87-23 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 24 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BA, BC; Applications for JOP, BA, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-87-24 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 25 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BA; Applications for JOP, BA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-87-25 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-87-26 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 27 contents: Criminal papers, warrant for John Boyle, murder of Capt. Watkins; Recommendations for inspector of grain, BC, JOP, BA; Voucher; Application for and resignations as JOP, BA; Default paper, BA; Correspondence. [3] Voucher for Government House linens. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-87-27 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 28 contents: Criminal papers, John Boyle; Voucher; Statistics of the Cumberland coal trade; Qualifications, MO. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-87-28 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 87, folder 29 contents: Recommendation for JOP, DO, BC, JOC, FR; Default paper, FR; Failure to qualify, JOC, MO. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-87-29 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 87, folder 30 contents: Recommendation for JOP, WO, AA, AL, judge of circuit court, WA; Default papers, AL, HA; Failure to qualify, HA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-87-30 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 31 contents: Default papers, KE, AA; Recommendation for JOP, KE, AA, judge of circuit court, WA; Application for JOP, CH; Qualifications, PG, CH, SM. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-87-31 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1865. Box 88, folder 1 contents: Resignations: Delegates, BC, WA, JOP, DO, MO, QA, SO, state vaccine agent, JOC, WO, Bounty commissioner, WA; Qualifications, JOP, SO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-88-1 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 2 contents: Resignations: JOP, MO, TA, HO, AA, DO, FR, BA; Wood inspector, BC; State senator, DO; Delegate, BC: Director of House of Refuge; Supt. National Road, AL. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-2 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 88, folder 3 contents: Declinations, resignations, recommendations and application for JOP, KE, CH, QA, CV, BC, AL, FR, KE, DO, AA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-88-3 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1867. Box 88, folder 4 contents: General correspondence; Recommendations and application for inspector of tobacco, Allen Forrester as JOP, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-4 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 88, folder 5 contents: Declination, recommendations as JOP, CE, CH; General correspondence. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-88-5 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 88, folder 6 contents: Recommendations and application for JOP, CH, David Roop for inspector of flour, BC; General correspondence; Circular, St. Mary's Academy for Young Ladies. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-88-6 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 88, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for David Roop, inspector of flour, BC, Bounty commissioner, AA; Resignation as collector of customs, state senator, BC, JOP, CA; Application for JOP, QA; Declination as sheriff, AA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-7 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 8 contents: Declination as bounty commissioner, AA; Resignation as JOP, BA; Recommendations and applications for registers, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-88-8 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 9 contents: Applications, recommendations and declination for registers, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-88-9 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 10 contents: Declination, recommendations and application for register, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-88-10 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 11 contents: Application, declination, and recommendations for register, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-88-11 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 12 contents: Declinations, recommendations and acceptance for register, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-12 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 14 contents: Recommendations, application and declinations for register, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-88-14 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 13 contents: Recommendations, acceptance and application for register, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-88-13 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 15 contents: Acceptances, declinations, application and recommendations for register, BC; Business card. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-15 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 16 contents: Acceptance, resignation and recommendations for register, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-16 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 17 contents: Declinations and recommendations as register, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-88-17 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 18 contents: Applications, recommendations and complaint against Thomas W. Griffin, JOP, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-18 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 186, 1866. Box 88, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Griffin, JOP, BC; Application and recommendations for Benjamin F. May, inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-88-19 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 88, folder 20 contents: Recommendations and applications for Brig. Gen. John W. Horn and George Leddon, state wharfinger. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-20 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 88, folder 21 contents: List of names, Criminal Court of BC; Recommendations for JOP, BC, registers, WO; Applications, recommendation and qualifications for commissioner of deeds, ME, TN, Cal.; W. Purnell to Gov., registers, WO. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-88-21 1/7/5/71
MSA S 1274 ///
MSA S 1274 ///
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 22 contents: Recommendations and application for registers, WO; Declinations as register, WO. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-22 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 23 contents: Recommendation and declinations for register, WO; Recommendation for Board of Registration, WO; Correspondence, Board of Regisrtation, WO, SO; Complaint against John Wilson, register, SO. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-23 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 24 contents: Correspondence, register, SO; Declinations and recommendations for register, SM, SO. [8] Leonard Hayden to Gov., concerning George H. Morgan firing 5-7 shots into mob in Baltimore riots. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-88-24 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 25 contents: Recommendations and declinations for register, SM; Correspondence, registers, SM. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-88-25 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 26 contents: Recommendations, declination and acceptances for register, QA; Default paper, QA; Civil List, registers, QA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-88-26 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 27 contents: Recommendations, application and declinations for registers, QA, PG; Correspondence, registers, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-88-27 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 28 contents: Recommendations, acceptance and declination for registers, PG; Correspondence, registers, PG. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-28 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 29 contents: Recommendations and declinations for registers, MO; Civil List, MO; Minutes of Unconditional Union Men, MO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-88-29 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for register, HA, MO; Correspondence, Thomas Landsdale to Gov. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-88-30 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 31 contents: Recommendations and declinations for register, HA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-88-31 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 32 contents: Application, declinations and recommendations for register, HO; Correspondence, commission, registers, HO. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-32 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 33 contents: Recommendations and declination for register, KE, HO; Correspondence, registers, HO; Memo from secretary, regosters, KE. [6] E.D. McClenahan to Gov., Copperheads, KE. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-88-33 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 34 contents: Recommendations and declinations for registers, KE. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-88-34 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858 Box 66, folder 1 contents: Application and recommendation for weigher of hay, BC; "Voters of BA" to Gov., lack of qualified candidates for weigher of hay; General correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-1 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850, 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 2 contents: Recommendation for weigher of hay, BC; Voucher, CV; Acceptance of counsel, Court of Appeals; Application and recommendation for inspector of flour, BC; Application for weigher of livestock, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-66-2 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856-1858. Box 66, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for weigher of livestock, BC; Acceptance and qualification for commissioner of deeds for MA; Application and recommendation for superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-3 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858, Box 66, folder 4 contents: Application and recommendation for superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-4 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Keller, superintendent of National Road, AL; General correspondence. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-66-5 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 6 contents: Application for superintendent of National Road, AL; Recommendations for William Haller, superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-66-6 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 7 contents: Applications and recommendations for superintendent of National Road, AL. Francis Madore, Levi B. Porter, Jacob Brown, William R. Dawson, Thomas B. Armstrong, Elijah Fuller. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-66-7 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for superintendent of National Road, AL. George Walker, Jacob Brown. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-66-8 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 9 contents: Recommendation for William Hall, superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-66-9 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 66, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for William Hall, superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-10 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858, 1861. Box 66, folder 11 contents: Recommendations for William Hall, superintendent of National Road, AL; Application and recommendation for Charles Woodman, commissioner of deeds, NH. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-66-11 1/5/7/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 12 contents: Qualification, JOP, HO; Correspondence, dissatisfaction with corder of wood, BA; Recommendations: hospital surgeon, FR; JOP, HO; Application and recommendations for JOP, BC, WO. W. W. Watkins, Thomas D. Cockey, Dr. Isaac Baer, George W. Carr, Richard R. Batten, Peregrine J. Wilson, George A. Parker, Samuel D. Price, Benjamin Guyton. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-66-12 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 13 contents: Applications and recommendation for commissioner of deeds, California; Recommendations: commissioner, WA; notary public, BC; Daniel Mentzer; Leander Warren; F. J. Thibault. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-66-13 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 14 contents: Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, PA, California, Great Britain. John Russell, F.J. Thibault, David M. Stevens. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-66-14 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 15 contents: Extradition of Enoch Ridgeley, free negro, to DC; Voucher for extradition; general correspondence; Resignation of JOP, BA; Recommendation for Brig. Gen., MO; Resignations: legislature, DO, MD Militia, QM. [1] Extradition of Enoch Ridgely charged with enticing a slave to run away. James E. Allenden, Richard Bowie. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-66-15 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1861. Box 66, folder 16 contents: Appointment and resignation of 1st LT, mounted volunteers, CH; Requisition of Enoch Ridgeley, free negro, from DC; Election results, U. S. Congress; Qualifications for commisioners of tax, CH; Criminal papers, Thomas Wooden, HO. William F. Dement, John W. Crisfield, Edwin H. Webster, C. L. L. Leary, Henry May, Francis Thomas, Charles B. Calvert, John A. A. Price, George H. Carpenter, Charles E. Harmon, Thomas Stewart. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-66-16 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 66, folder 17 contents: Criminal papers, Henry C. Drill, FR, Gen. Nathaniel Hickman, BC, William H. Whiteley, CA. [13] 1860, Application for nolle prosequi for Gen. Nathaniel Hickman accused of embezzeling state funds while registrar of wills, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-66-17 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 18 contents: Criminal papers, Charles Bard, slave, WA, George De Ford; Pardon papers, Joseph Edwards, BC. [2-4] 1860, criminal papers, Charles Bard (owned by Jonathan Hager) accused of stealing silver watch; [5] n.d. Request for nolle prosequi upon condition that George De Ford be shipped to sea for five years; [10-13] Request for pardon for Joseph Edwards for the manslaughter of Adam Barclay Kyle "growing out of election excitements". No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-66-18 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 19 contents: Pardon papers and criminal papers, Joseph Edwards, BC. [2] 1861, Joseph Edwards to Gov., BC; [1] 1861, Correspondence from William Claude, counsel for Joseph Edwards, AA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-66-19 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 20 contents: Pardon papers, Joseph Edwards, James F. Newbold, Hugh Bolton, BC; Criminal papers, Noah Coleman, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-20 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Thomas Roundtree, coroner, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-58-1 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for coroner, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-58-2 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for coroner, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-58-3 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 58, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Robert Goldsmith, coroner, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-4 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 5 contents: Application and recommendation for coroner, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-58-5 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 58, folder 6 contents: List of negligent officeholders; Recommendations for Dr. Edward Stephens, coroner, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-6 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850, 1852, 1854, 1855, 1857. Box 58, folder 7 contents: Failure to qualify, Supreme Court Clerk, BC; Applications for inspector of fish, AA, PG; Requests for auctioneers' commissions, BC; Applications for coroner, BC, SO. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-7 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 58, folder 8 contents: Recommendations and application for inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-58-8 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 9 contents: Application and recommendations for William Barnes, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-9 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 58, folder 10 contents: Gen. B.F. Butler to Gov.; Gov. to Gen. B.F. Butler; A. Lincoln & W. Seward to Gov.; Printed copy of proposed amendment. [1] Butler to Gov., Union troops suppresing possible Negro insurrections in MD, [2] Gov. to Butler, commandeering Annapolis & Elk Ridge RR, [3] Lincoln and Seward to Gov., proposed Constitutional amendment, [4] Printed copy of proposed amendment with cover letter. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-58-10 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 58, folder 11 contents: Appointment, Keeper of the House of Delegates, AA; Application and qualification for surveyor, TA; Resignations: JOP, SO; Notary Public, CR; Recommendation for magistrate, CE; Correspondence, JOP, WA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-58-11 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 58, folder 12 contents: Qualification for JOP, WA; Resignations: Chief JOC, CA; JOP, BC; Recommendations for JOP, BC, TA; Voucher; Threat letter to Jacob Routzan; Rough draft of poem (song). [8] n.d., possible early version of "Old Gray Mare". No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-12 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 58, folder 13 contents: Report of Commission on Printing; Voucher to SecSt.; Resolution relating to duties on wool, ME; Appointment of R. Johnson to US Senate; Correspondence concerning election of Gov. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-58-13 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 58, folder 14 contents: Report of inspectors of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-58-14 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 58, folder 15 contents: Default papers, BC; Report of Special Commission on Tobacco Warehouse, BC; Annual Report of B&O RR. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-58-15 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1869. Box 58, folder 16 contents: Report of tobacco warehouse, BC; Report of MD inspectors of tobacco; Bank statement regarding Substitute Fund; General correspondence. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-58-16 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 58, folder 17 contents: Acceptance of gauger of liquor, BC; Correspondence, failure of notary publics to report, WA, FR, AL. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-58-17 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 58, folder 18 contents: Gov. to Gov. VA and response; Brig. Gen. Benjamin Butler to Gov. and response; Gov. to Abraham Lincoln; Gov. to Mayor, BC. [1,4] 1861, Gov. to Gov. VA and response, ill treatment of MD citizens by VA troops, [2,3] 1861, B. Butler to Gov. and response, passage of Union troops through MD, [5] 1861, Gov. to Lincoln requesting removal of Union troops from MD, [6] 1861, Gov. to Mayor Brown, BC, convening special session of MD legislature. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-58-18 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 58, folder 18 contents: Gov. to Gov. VA and response; Brig. Gen. Benjamin Butler to Gov. and response; Gov. to Abraham Lincoln; Gov. to Mayor, BC. [1,4] 1861, Gov. to Gov. VA and response, ill treatment of MD citizens by VA troops, [2,3] 1861, B. Butler to Gov. and response, passage of Union troops through MD, [5] 1861, Gov. to Lincoln requesting removal of Union troops from MD, [6] 1861, Gov. to Mayor Brown, BC, convening special session of MD legislature. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-58-18 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 58, folder 19 contents: Resolutions passed by AR Convention regarding secession; Gov. to Lincoln; B.F. Butler to Gov.; Gov. to Lt. Gen. Scott; Gov. to Postmaster, FR. [1, 24] 1861, Resolution, AR, complaints of southern states and proposed vote on secession, [3] 1861, Gov. to Lincoln regarding VA troops at Harper's Ferry and occupation of US Customs House in Oxford (TA) by Tench Tilghman, [4] Buter to Gov., Union seizure of Annapolis and Elkridge RR, [5] Gov. to Lt. Gen. Scott, passage of Union troops through BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-58-19 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 58, folder 20 contents: Gov. to H.H. Goldsborough; Gov. to U.S. SecWar; Gov. to Commander of Volunteer Troops; Gov. to Mayor of BC. [1] 1861, Gov. to Goldsborough (Pres. MD Senate), special session of MD Legislature; [2] Gov. to SecWar, requesting troops, [3] Gov. to SecWar, Baltimore riots of April 19, [4] Gov. to Commander of Volunteer Troops, advising against landing in Annapolis; [5] Gov. to Mayor BC, telegram from Lincoln. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-58-20 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858, 1861. Box 58, folder 21 contents: Deaf student papers. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-58-21 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 58, folder 22 contents: Deaf student papers. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-58-22 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 58, folder 23 contents: Deaf student papers. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-58-23 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 58, folder 24 contents: Qualifications, AL; Applications and recommendation for Commissioner of Deeds, MD; Deaf student papers. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-58-24 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859. Box 58, folder 25 contents: Bills and receipts for installation of gas lighting at State House. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-58-25 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859. Box 58, folder 26 contents: Bills and receipts for installation of gas lighting at State House. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-58-26 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859. Box 58, folder 27 contents: Bills and receipts for gas lights. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-58-27 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 58, folder 28 contents: Gov. to Gov. VA; Assignments and acceptance of state attorney; Gov. to Gov. MS; Executive Chamber to Senate, legal advice; Criminal paper. [1] Gov. to Gov. VA acknowledging receipt of VA resolution declining to send deputies to secessionist conference, [3] Gov. to Gov. MS acknowledging receipt of MS "Resolution Upon Federal Relations", [4] Executive Chamber to Senate, legal advice, appropriations for Washington College and St. Johns College. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-58-28 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 58, folder 29 contents: Docket entries, AL, BC; Application and recommendation for commissioner of deeds, MD; Recommendations for notary public, FR. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-58-29 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 58, folder 30 contents: General correspondence, police commissioners, BC; Recommendation for Div. QM; Criminal paper; Resignation of JOP, BC; Recommendations for inspector of fish, HA; Application for commissioner of Deeds, MD. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-58-30 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 58, folder 31 contents: Applications for commissioner of deeds, MD; Recommendations for commissioner, AL. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-58-31 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 58, folder 32 contents: Recommendations for commissioner, AL; Failure to qualify for JOP, PG; Applications and recommendation for inspector of tobacco, BC; General Correspondence. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-58-32 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 58, folder 33 contents: General correspondence; Recommendations for JOP, BC, CA, HO, QA, MO. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-58-33 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 58, folder 34 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BC, HA, HO, QA, WA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-58-34 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859-1861. Box 59, folder 6 contents: Correspondence, election of 1860; Resignation of Benjamin Kirby, JOP, QA; Correspondence, MD Institute for Blind. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-59-6 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1861. Box 59, folder 7 contents: Correspondence, MD Institute for Blind. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-59-7 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1861. Box 59, folder 8 contents: Correspondence, MD Institute for Blind. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-59-8 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857-1859, 1861. Box 59, folder 9 contents: Correspondence and accounts, MD Institute for Blind. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-59-9 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 59, folder 10 contents: Blind student papers; Application for commissioner, MD. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-59-10 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 59, folder 11 contents: Blind student papers. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-59-11 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1859, 1860. Box 59, folder 12 contents: Qualifications, PG; Docket entries, CR; Applications and recommendations for inspector of guano, TA; T. Townsend to Gov., personal correspondence. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-59-12 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 59, folder 13 contents: T. Townsend to Gov., personal correspondence. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-59-13 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 59, folder 14 contents: Applications and recommendations for inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-59-14 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 59, folder 15 contents: Applications and recommendations for inspector of guano, BC; Default papers, SM. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-59-15 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1859. Box 59, folder 16 contents: County Commission reports and qualifications, TA, QA, FR, WO. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-59-16 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 59, folder 17 contents: Qualifications, PG, BA, AL, TA; Bond for WA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-59-17 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 59, folder 18 contents: Appointment of JOC, MO; County Commission report, election, qualification, taxes, QA, HA, SM, HO, FR. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-59-18 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1861. Box 59, folder 19 contents: Election results, WA; Execution papers, AA; General correspondence; Recommendations for JOP, BA; Business card. [3] Hanging of Mary Naylor, slave. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-59-19 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 59, folder 20 contents: Resignations: commissioner, NY; JOP, FR, WA, BA, BC; notary public, AA; Senator, SO; Application and Recommendation, JOP, AA, BA; Acceptance of Charter, Notice of vacancy, commission, FR; Appointment of register of wills, QA; Demand for warrant, BC. [5] Acceptance of supplement to charter, Chester Town Colege. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-59-20 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 59, folder 21 contents: Recommendation for and declination as JOP, AL, CV, FR, HA; Failure to qualify for JOP, CV, HA; Criminal papers, William Thelford. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-59-21 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 59, folder 22 contents: Voucher; Criminal papers, William Thelford, Luke Leuge, John Merriken. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-59-22 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1861. Box 59, folder 23 contents: Criminal papers, William Thelford. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-59-23 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 59, folder 24 contents: Criminal papers, William Thelford. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-59-24 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 59, folder 25 contents: Criminal papers, John Merriken. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-59-25 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1860. Box 59, folder 26 contents: Criminal papers, Charles Coulson, Emanuel Irons. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-59-26 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1859, 1860. Box 59, folder 27 contents: Criminal papers; Declination as JOC, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-59-27 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 59, folder 28 contents: Declination as JOC, BC; Failure to qualify and resignations of JOP, CR, BA, HO; Notice of vacancy, recommendations, application and declinations as sheriff, WO; Recommendation for woodcorder, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-59-28 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1861. Box 59, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for and resignations of JOP, AL, HA, WA; Declination as Col., M.M.; Correspondence, resignation of SecSt. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-59-29 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860. Box 59, folder 30 contents: Recommendation for and resignations of JOP, AA, KE, CE; Business card; Recommendation for commissioner of deeds, OH, PA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-59-30 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1859. Box 59, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for, resignation of and declination as JOP, BA, MO; Recommendations for and reignations of JOC, SM. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-59-31 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 59, folder 32 contents: Resignations of and recommendation for JOP, KE, BA, HA, DO. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-59-32 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 59, folder 33 contents: Declinations as and recommendation for commisioner of deeds, MS, AS, FL, VA; Declination as manager in house of refuge; Acceptance of counsel; Criminal papers. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-59-33 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1861. Box 59, folder 34 contents: Declination as commissioner of deeds, PA; Resignations of, declination as and recommendations for notary public, BC, AL, CV; Qualifications for JOP, SO; Criminal paper, Jacob Adams. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-59-34 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 59, folder 35 contents: Fine and pardon papers, Jacob Adams, Conrad Schwart, William Crooks, James Logan; Correspondence, letters of introduction. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-59-35 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 59, folder 36 contents: Pardon and execution papers. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-59-36 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 59, folder 37 contents: Recommendations and application for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-59-37 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 59, folder 38 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-59-38 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 59, folder 39 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-59-39 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 59, folder 40 contents: Identification card of and recommendation for inspector of lumber, CE; Gov. personal memorandum. [3] 1862, Gov., rough county-by-county personal memorandum of local appointment sought. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-59-40 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 59, folder 41 contents: Recommendations for William Roberts, armorer, TA; Recommendation for notary public, WA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-59-41 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 59, folder 42 contents: Recommendations for notary public, WA; Recommendation for inspector of leather, FR. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-59-42 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 59, folder 43 contents: Recommendations for inspector of leather, FR; Recommendations for inspector of tobacco, FR. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-59-43 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 59, folder 44 contents: Application and recommendation for notary public, FR; Recommendation for armorer, FR; Recommendations and applications for inspector of leather, FR; General recommendation. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-59-44 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 18 contents: Criminal papers, Pvt. Andrew Russell, Margaret Hull; General correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-83-18 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 83, folder 19 contents: Pardon papers, Jacob Peacock. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-83-19 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 20 contents: Pardon papers, Harry (Henry) Royston, William Andrew.; No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-83-20 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 83, folder 21 contents: Pardon papers, Joseph Mairs (Mears), Joshua Lane (Sane), Clemency Freeman Dudley. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-83-21 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 83, folder 22 contents: Pardon papers, Conrad Rowe (Rou), Jesse Lewis. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-83-22 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 23 contents: Pardon papers, Thomas Brison, James Slaughter. [9] Pardon paper in foreign language, possibly Old German script. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-83-23 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861, 1863, 1864. Box 83, folder 24 contents: Pardon papers, Henry Clay Brown. [16B] Flyer for Levi Brown, dealer of musical instruments and sheet music. No. Items: 21 MSA S 1274-83-24 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864. Box 83, folder 25 contents: Pardon papers, Henry Engle, Thomas Havelin, Edward Ginn; Fine paper. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-83-25 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863-1865. Box 83, folder 26 contents: Pardon papers, James Snyder, former Sunday school teacher. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-83-26 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 83, folder 27 contents: Pardon papers, Frederick Ross, Joseph Richardson (Henry Smith). No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-83-27 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863-1865. Box 83, folder 28 contents: Pardon papers, William Bradshaw and John Brubaker, Alexander Harris (slave). No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-83-28 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 29 contents: Qualifications, commissioner of deeds, PA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-83-29 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 30 contents: Qualifications, MD commissioner of deeds, PA, NJ, NY. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-83-30 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 31 contents: Qualifications, MD commissioner of deeds, NY. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-83-31 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 32 contents: Qualifications, MD commissioner of deeds, NY, CT, MA, NH, ME. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-83-32 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 33 contents: Execution papers, Granville Smeltzer; Recruitment papers, WA; Request for pay, SO; Correspondence: Maj. Gen. Wallace to Gov., arms for militia, S.F. Streeter; Complaints against judges of election, FR, SO; Recommendation for Cpt., 8th MD Vol. [11] Unconditional Union ticket for delegates to the convention, [9] Newspaper article, loyalty oath, [12] Mary Worthington to Gov., conduct of negro recruiting squad, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-83-33 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 34 contents: Correspondence: Gov. NJ, S.F. Streeter to Gov.; Pardon papers, William Glass, George Sholtz; Complaint against Lt. Col., Acceptance of surgeon, 7th MD Vol.; Applications for chaplain; Bounty paper; Reorganization of 2nd Regt. PHB MD Vol. as VV. [1] Gov. NJ to Gov., burial of NJ soldiers at Antietam, [8] B.F.M. Hurley to Gov., wounded in DC moved to BC, [12] George Vickers to Gov., enlistment of negroes from KE in PA for bounties. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-83-34 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862-1864, 1868. Box 84, folder 1 contents: Correspondence: Vacancies for convention delegates; Qualifications, civil offices, SO, SM, WO; Recommendations, wood corder, inspector of flour, BC; Voucher. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-84-1 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 84, folder 2 contents: Remission of fines, William Dietz; Criminal papers, George Crosby, BC; Appointment of Provost Marshall clerk; Qualifications, civil officers WA, Manager House of Refuge; Default papers, SO, CR. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-84-2 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 84, folder 3 contents: Nolle prosqui papers, George Crosby, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-84-3 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 84, folder 4 contents: Qualifications, civil officers, SO, QA, PG, MO, KE. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-84-4 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 84, folder 5 contents: Qualifications, civil officers, HA, FR, DO, CR, BA, AL, AA, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-84-5 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 6 contents: Qualifications, civil officers, BC, HO; General correspondence; Recommendations for JOP, HO, KE; Funeral invitation; Vickers to Gov., quality of JOP candidates. No. Items: 26 MSA S 1274-84-6 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1865, 1866. Box 84, folder 7 contents: Business card; Recommendations for JOP, MO, QA, FR. No. Items: 31 MSA S 1274-84-7 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 84, folder 8 contents: Recommendations, complaint against JOP, FR; Circular, list of qualified voters, FR; Vouchers for Antietam cemetery. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-84-8 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 84, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for JOP, HA. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-84-9 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1865. Box 84, folder 10 contents: James Baulay, PA Institute for Deaf & Dumb; Circular, VT, female college endowments; Correspondence; Criminal papers, John Boyle. [8-19] 1865, Criminal papers, murder of Capt. Thomas H. Watkins. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-84-10 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863, 1865. Box 84, folder 11 contents: Correspondence, Deaf student papers, PA Institute, Columbia Institute for Deaf & Dumb. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-84-11 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865-1867. Box 84, folder 12 contents: Recommendations, inspector of grain, inspector of tobacco, Philemon M. Smith, BC, FR, MO. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-84-12 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 84, folder 13 contents: Criminal papers, John Moore (George Lewis); Correspondence; Recommendations and application for William Ewing, inspector of wood, wood corder, BC, inspector of tobacco, FR. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-84-13 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 14 contents: Forming cavalry company, CH, SM; Reorganization of 9th MD Vol.; Correspondence, hay scales, BC; Dept. of Interior, Dept. of State to Gov. [3] Col. Bowman to AA Sheriff, release of negro recruits from AA jail, [6, 7] Judges of election to Gov., loyalty oath in elections, SO, [11] Seward to Gov., legal marriage forms for Minister of Prussia. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-84-14 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 15 contents: Recommendation for Lt. Col., Application for surgeon, 7th MD Vol.; Request for discharge, W. Chrissinger; Recruiting papers, BC Light Art., DO negroes; Bounty papers, Co. B 3rd MD Cav., 2nd E.S. MD Vol.; Pardon paper, R. Gamble; Application of cadet. [10] Essex R. Dorsey to Gov., insolent conduct of colored troops, AA, [12] Joseph S.B. Hartsuck to Gov., request for appointment to West Point. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-84-15 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 16 contents: Bounty papers: BC, Co. C 1st E.S. VV; Recommendation for Col., 1st MD Vol.; Request for commission, Lt. Smoot; Recruiting papers, 3rd Bde. 5th MD Vol.; Application for state vaccine agent; Transfer of officers from 10th MD Vol. to 3rd VV Inf. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-84-16 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 17 contents: Request for pay, enrolling officer; General correspondence; Correspondence & circular, States Agricultural College; D. Weisel to Gov., rebel raids, WA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-84-17 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 60, folder 1 contents: Election results, comptroller, MD; Pardon papers, Frederick Kainer; Notice of vacancy and recommendation, commissioner, BA; Recommendation for and resignation of JOP, CH, BA, BC; General correspondence. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-60-1 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 60, folder 2 contents: Recommendations, resignation and conditional resignation of JOP, BC, BA,CR, SO; Declination as, resignation of and recommendation for notary public, CV, CE. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-60-2 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 60, folder 3 contents: Failure to qualify, resignations of and recommendation for JOP, BC, BA, CR, AA, QA, PG; resignation of director of Bank of BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-60-3 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 60, folder 4 contents: Resignations of and recommendation for inspector of manure and inpector of grain, BC; Notice of vacancy and resignation as JOC, CV, FR; Resignation of director of MD Penitentiary; Qualification for and recommendation for JOP, BA, FR. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-60-4 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 60, folder 5 contents: Resignation of Adj. of Cavalry; Correspondence, resignation of SecSt.; Resignation of inpector of tobacco; Resignations and appointment of JOP, CR, DO; Resignation of Col., M.M. and Lt., Union Rifles; Resignation of JOC, MO. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-60-5 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 60, folder 6 contents: Recommendation for and resignations of JOP, BC, CR, CA; Resignation of assistant inspector of grain; Resignation of Maj., M.M. Cavalry; Recommendations for and resignation of commissioner, CH; Resignation of inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-60-6 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 60, folder 7 contents: Resignation of sheriff, AA; Notice of vacancy, recommendations and resignation of JOP, CR, BC, MO, AA, FR; Recommendations and application for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-60-7 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 60, folder 8 contents: Invitation to meeting of Trustees of Antietam National Cemetary; Criminal papers. [2] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 301-320, transcript of questioning and examination, alleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-60-8 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 9 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 321-340, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-9 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 10 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 341-359, transcript of questioning and examination, alleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-10 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 11 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 361-380, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-11 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 12 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 381-400, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-12 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 13 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 401-420, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-13 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 14 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 421-440, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-14 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 15 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 441-460, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-15 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 16 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 461-480, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-16 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 17 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 481-500, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-17 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 18 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 501-520, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-18 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 19 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 521-540, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-19 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 20 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 541-560, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-20 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 21 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 561-580, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-21 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 22 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 581-600, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-22 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 23 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 601-620, transcript of questioning and examination and some exhibits, alleged misconduct in political appointments and defrauding soldiers of their bounties. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-23 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 60, folder 24 contents: Election results, HO; Congressional representative, comptroller, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-60-24 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1867, 1868. Box 60, folder 25 contents: Application and recommendations for inspector of grain; Application and recommendation for George L. Davis, commissioner of land office, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-60-25 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1867. Box 60, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for George L. Davis, commissioner of land office, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-60-26 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1867. Box 60, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for George L. Davis, commissioner of land office, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-60-27 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1881, 1882. Box 60, folder 28 contents: Application and recommendations for JOP, police justice, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-60-28 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866, 1867, 1879, 1880. Box 60, folder 29 contents: Recommendations: weigher of livestock, commissioner of land office, AL, BC; Correspondence: tax collector, approval of bonds, DO, PA; Extradition of Joseph Worthington (Joseph Wise) to PA. [10] 1867, Seal of PA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-60-29 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1867, 1871, 1877, 1880. Box 60, folder 30 contents: Extradition of George Hines and John Moran to PA; Recommendation, inspector of mines, AL; Missouri extradition laws; Warden's report, MD Penitentiary. [1] 1867, Seal of PA. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-60-30 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1879, 1880. Box 60, folder 31 contents: Recommendations and applications for police justice, JOP, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-60-31 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1867, 1880, 1881. Box 60, folder 32 contents: Pardon papers, Robert Keppy (Kippy), BC; Recommendations and application for JOP, inspector of lumber, BC, HA; Petition of John Stewart. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-60-32 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866, 1874. Box 60, folder 33 contents: Application for director of MD Penitentiary; Voucher; MD Atty. Gen. to Sec. Navy; Adm. Porter to Gov.; MD Attorney Gen. to Gov., transmission of MD property to U.S. [2] 1874, Voucher for panel of MD arms to be placed in Independence Hall, PA, [3-5] 1866, Correspondence, land title transfer of Gov. mansion to U.S.Naval Academy. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-60-33 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1867, 1874, 1880. Box 61, folder 1 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-61-1 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 61, folder 2 contents: Vouchers. [1] 1863, Voucher to sheriff, BC, for "expenses incurred in attempting to secure four negroes". No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-61-2 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 61, folder 3 contents: Vouchers. [19] 1863, Voucher to sheriff, AA, for delivery of fugitive negroes. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-61-3 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861-1863. Box 61, folder 4 contents: Vouchers: delivery of fugitive; Proclamation of Gov., election of members for special session of Congress. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-61-4 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 61, folder 5 contents: Voucher holder. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-61-5 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1882. Box 61, folder 6 contents: Correspondence, cattle disease, BC, FR. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-61-6 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1882. Box 61, folder 7 contents: Correspondence, cattle (tubercular) disease, FR, MO, CR, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-61-7 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1882. Box 61, folder 8 contents: Correspondence, cattle disease, BC, FR; Application, Judge, HA; Requisitions of: William Eaton (Henry Thompson), negro, from DE; Catherine Higgins from NY; Correspondence. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-61-8 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1872, 1879. Box 61, folder 9 contents: Requisition of Alexander Newton from DE for murder of colored man; Correspondence, Alexander Newton; Report of police commissioners, BC. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-61-9 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 57, folder 1 contents: Applications for MD commissioner of deeds, NY, LA, CA, MA, TN; Business cards; Request for qualification. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-57-1 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 57, folder 2 contents: Business cards; Applications and recommendations for MD commissioner of deeds, NY, WV, ME. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-57-2 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 57, folder 3 contents: Applications and recommendations for MD commissioner of deeds, NY, DC, MA, CA, PA; Business cards. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-57-3 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 57, folder 4 contents: Applications for MD commissioner of deeds, NY, MI, OH; Correspondence; Business cards. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-57-4 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1859. Box 57, folder 5 contents: Applications and recommendation for commissioner of deeds, NY, LA, PA, DC; Business cards. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-57-5 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 57, folder 6 contents: Applications and recommendation for commissioner of deeds, PA, OH, NY, DC; Business card. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-57-6 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 57, folder 7 contents: Business cards; Applications and recommendation for commissioner of deeds, PA, NY, IO. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-57-7 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 57, folder 8 contents: Business cards; Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, IL, PA, VA, CA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-57-8 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856, 1859. Box 57, folder 9 contents: Vouchers; Qualification of commissioner of deeds, CA; House of Delegates resolution, secret societies; Newspaper clipping, Baltimore R?, Jan. 28, 1856. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-57-9 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859. Box 57, folder 10 contents: Bonds, clerk of circuit court, QA, sheriff, BA, notary public; Vouchers. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-57-10 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 57, folder 11 contents: Correspondence; Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, NY, FL, DC, PA, LA, GA, MN; Business card. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-57-11 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 57, folder 12 contents: Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, DC, NY, CN, OH, TX, TN, NJ, PA, IL; Business cards. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-57-12 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1857. Box 57, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for constable, board of commissioners, William Davis as inspector of bark, AA, QA, KE, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-57-13 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851, 1854, 1857. Box 57, folder 14 contents: Recommendations for William H. Davis, inspector of bark, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-57-14 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851. Box 57, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for James Hasson, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-57-15 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851. Box 57, folder 16 contents: Recommendations for James Hasson, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-57-16 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 57, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for James Hasson, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-57-17 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851. Box 57, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for James Hasson, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-57-18 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851, 1853, 1854. Box 57, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for James Hasson, William Forward inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-57-19 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853. Box 57, folder 20 contents: Recommendations for William Forward, Albert Dorney, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-57-20 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 57, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for Benedict Yost, William Ireland, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-57-21 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 57, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for William Ireland, Samuel West, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-57-22 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 57, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for Samuel West, Joseph Ramsey, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-57-23 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 57, folder 24 contents: Recommendations and applications for Noah Gill, James Watkins, George Calvert, James Hasson, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-57-24 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 57, folder 25 contents: Recommendations and applications for inspector of fish, coroner, inspector of coal, BC, armorer, FR. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-57-25 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1857. Box 57, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for armorer, TA, FR. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-57-26 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 57, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for Henry Thomas, armorer, TA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-57-27 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855-1857. Box 57, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for coroner, WO, BC, WA, KE; Failure to qualify, sheriff, CE; Correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-57-28 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1852, 1854. Box 57, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Charles Cunningham, coroner, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-57-29 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 57, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Charles Cunningham, coroner, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-57-30 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 57, folder 31 contents: Application and recommendations for coroner, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-57-31 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 57, folder 32 contents: Recommendations for Jesse Magruder, Edwin Crouch, coroner, BC No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-57-32 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 57, folder 33 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Thomas Rountree, coroner, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-57-33 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1882. Box 61, folder 10 contents: Resignations and declinations of register, BC, Ch; General recommendation, BC; Correspondence. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-61-10 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1882. Box 61, folder 11 contents: Declinations and resignation of register, BC, AA, CV, HA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-61-11 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850, 1866, 1872, 1881. Box 61, folder 12 contents: Recommendations: State House night watchman; JOP, Officer of Registration, WA; Correspondence, canal appointment; Criminal papers, William Kent, slave accused of attempted murder; Voucher. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-61-12 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1866, 1881. Box 61, folder 13 contents: Correspondence, bounced state check, cattle disease, attorney's fees; Extradition of George Frantz to PA; Resignation, JOP, WA, WO, SM; Recommendations: notary public, weighter of hay, BC; register, FR. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-61-13 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1820, 1826,1831,1836,1844,1845,1866,1867 Box 61, folder 14 contents: Applications, resignations and recommendations, AA, BC, PG; Criminal papers, Negro Henny, DO. [12] 1831, Death warrant of "Negro Henny" for murder of mistress with axe. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-61-14 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1844, 1845. Box 61, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for register of wills, AA, HA, KE; Applications for register of wills, MO, KE. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-61-15 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1813, 1819, 1822, 1831, 1879, 1880. Box 61, folder 16 contents: Request for stay of prosecution, grand jury indictments, recommendation for remission of fines for George and William Mason, CH; General correspondence; Recommendations and application for JOP, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-61-16 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1880. Box 61, folder 17 contents: Recommendations and applications for, protest against JOP, BC; General application and recommendation, BC; Prison statistics. [5-11] Tabes enumerating prison inmate population and describing by occupation, offense, term, education, personal habits, birthplace, county. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-61-17 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 61, folder 18 contents: Printed list of House of Delegates committee assignments; List and qualifications for inspector position. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-61-18 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 61, folder 19 contents: Warden's report, MD Penitentiary statistics. [2,3,6-8] Tables showing number of prisoners, enumerating by occupation, offense, term, age at conviction, [9] Table showing prison accounts. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-61-19 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 61, folder 20 contents: MD Penitentiary statistics and ledgers. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-61-20 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 61, folder 21 contents: MD Penitentiary report. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-61-21 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1877. Box 61, folder 22 contents: MD Penitentiary committee report, ledgers; General correspondence. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-61-22 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1864. Box 61, folder 23 contents: MD Penitentiary Warden to Gov., auctioning of slaves; E.S. Parker and John Coates to Gov.; MD Penitentiary reports. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-61-23 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 61, folder 24 contents: MD Penitentiary statistics, ledgers. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-61-24 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 61, folder 25 contents: MD Penitentiary statistics, ledgers. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-61-25 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860-1862. Box 61, folder 26 contents: MD Penitentiary statistics; List and qualification for inspectors; Sheppard Asylum ledger and report. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-61-26 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 61, folder 27 contents: Cumberand Coal and Iron Co. reports; Frederick and Emmitsburg Turnpike Road Co. reports; Committee on Federal Relations reports and resolutions, secession convention. [8] 1861, printed copy of "Report of the Committee on Federal Relations in Regard to the Calling of a Sovereign Convention": recommending recognition of CSA and end to war. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-61-27 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 61, folder 28 contents: House of Delegates to governors, transmittal of Committee on Federal Relations report; Request of Eatern Shore convention for special legislative session. [2] Eastern Shore convention request for special legislative session due to neglect of E.S. internal improvements and threat to secede from W.S. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-61-28 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858, 1861, 1862. Box 61, folder 29 contents: Summary of charter and J.M. Coale to Gov., Frederick Female Seminary; Commission letter; Gov. NY and MN to Gov., extradition laws; Commission papers, Dulaney's Valley and Sweet Air Turnpike, board of police, BC; Vouchers, MD seal. No. Items: 21 MSA S 1274-61-29 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866, 1867. Box 61, folder 30 contents: Appointment of tax collectors, BC; Civil list; Loyalty oaths, WA. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-61-30 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 61, folder 31 contents: Opinion in case of MD v B & O RR. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-61-31 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 61, folder 32 contents: Counsel of state to Gov., MD v B & O RR. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-61-32 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 61, folder 33 contents: Correspondence, MD v B & O RR ("Extra Dividend Case"). No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-61-33 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861-1863. Box 62, folder 1 contents: Gov. NY to Gov., extradition laws; Deaf student papers, form letter; Appointment of notary public, WI; List of taxes on civil commissioners; Forms: appointment for inspector, Acts of Assembly, commisioner of Hospital for Insane. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-62-1 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1848, 1866, 1869. Box 62, folder 2 contents: Compend, Acts of Assembly relating to civil officers' bonds and deaf students; List of states, their gov. and capitals; Appointment, commissioner of Soldiers National Cemetery; Drafts and notes, use of Great Seal of MD. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-62-2 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864, 1865. Box 62, folder 3 contents: State accounts; Congressional act; Clarification of contested election; Surrender of state banks' charters; Drafts: turnpike co. incorporation; Bill, Gettysburg Soldiers National Cemetery; Congressional election, HA; National day of prayer; Electors. [3] n.d., Treasury Dept. regulations for reimbursement of war debts, [1,2] 1864, Draft of MD statements of war debts; [6] n.d., Incorporation of Meredith's Ford and Janettsville Turnpike Co., [8] 1865, Special session of General Assembly. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-62-3 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1840, 1862, 1865. Box 62, folder 4 contents: Resolution on interference in Mexico, IN; Appointments to offices by county; Election returns for Gov., Lt. Gov.; Executive nominations; Commission as judge; Letter to notaries; MD delegates to Electoral College 1840, 1865. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-62-4 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 62, folder 5 contents: Appropriations for purchase of arm; Criminal cost inquiries from Gov. MA; Correspondence; Request for Gov. annual message; Criminal papers, CR. [4] 1860, Owner of jailed slave to States Atty.; [5-7,15] 1860, consulates of Hesse-Darmstadt and Denmark to Gov., sale of orphan mulatto, sealed, [9-10] 1860, VA and NY inquiries on MD troops and legislature. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-62-5 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 13 contents: Recommendation for Judge of circuit court, inspector of lumber, KE, CE; Opinion of R. Johnson; Appointment of visitors for St. Johns Literary Institution. [2] Opinion of Hon. Reverdy Johnson on proper construction of Article 3, Section 24 of Constitution. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-82-13 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1868. Box 82, folder 14 contents: Recommendation for W. Campbell, inspector of flour, inspector of lumber, inspector of tobacco, JOP, BC, CE, DO; Qualifications, civil officers, WO. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-82-14 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1868. Box 82, folder 15 contents: Recommendation for inspector of tobacco, inspector of flour, weigher of hay, BC; Resignation of JOP, MO; Qualifications, civil officers, WI, SM, TA, WA, SO. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-82-15 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1868. Box 82, folder 16 contents: Recommendation for state librarian, JOP, MO; Qualifications, JOP, SO, HA, officers of registration, CH, QA, BC, WO, WA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-82-16 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1868. Box 82, folder 17 contents: Recommendations and application for William Welsh, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-82-17 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1868, 1869. Box 82, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for George Gold, weigher of hay, BC; Vouchers for advertising, state house stationery. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-82-18 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 19 contents: Vouchers for telegrams, requisition of negro, visit of delegation of Russian ships, publishing. No. Items: 26 MSA S 1274-82-19 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 20 contents: Vouchers for advertising Convention Bill, requisition expenses, boarding, Gov. expenses for organizing MD Vol. during rebel raid. No. Items: 24 MSA S 1274-82-20 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 82, folder 21 contents: Voucher for requisition expenses, advertising, telegram. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-82-21 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 22 contents: Vouchers for requisition expenses, firing salute, advertising, telegram, NY Times subscription, engraving. [2] Voucher for $150.00 for transferring state archives from Annapolis to Baltimore. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-82-22 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 23 contents: Vouchers for telegrams, requisition expenses, advertising, maps. [11] Voucher reimbursing Gov. for trip to Army of the Potomac to present flags. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-82-23 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 24 contents: Congratulatory address to citizens of MD from NY regarding new constitution and MD slave emancipation. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-82-24 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 25 contents: Recommendation for inspector of flour, HA; Vouchers for requisition expenses, Johnson Boyle from PA; Application for commissioner of deeds, PA, DC; Qualifications for clerk of circuit court, SO; BC Corn and Flour Exchange to Gov. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-82-25 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 82, folder 26 contents: Report of Committee on State's Attorneys, draft and final. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-82-26 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 27 contents: Election returns, Constitutional convention delegates, CH; List of members of Constitutional convention; Reports of committees on basis of representation, minority reports, legislative department. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-82-27 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864? Box 82, folder 28 contents: Reports of committees on Declaration of Rights and Constitutional schedule. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-82-28 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 29 contents: Qualifications of officers and delegates of Constitutional convention. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-82-29 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 30 contents: Qualifications of delegates to Constitutional convention. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-82-30 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 31 contents: Qualifications of delegates to Constitutional convention. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-82-31 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 82, folder 32 contents: Comptroller reports on bounties, oyster licenses; A. Randall to Gov., Annapolis Water Company, printed circular; Bradford to Gov.; President B & O RR, military movements; Voucher for work on hay scales. [5] Former Gov. Bradford to Gov., recommendation for president of St. Johns College, plot of Annapolis on back. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-82-32 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 62, folder 6 contents: Sealed qualifications, recommendation and acceptance for MD commissioner of deeds, TN, PA, CT, Missouri, NH, MA; Business card. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-62-6 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1862. Box 62, folder 7 contents: Sealed qualifications for and acceptance of MD commissioner of deeds, Missouri, TN, NY, Alabama, PA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-62-7 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1862. Box 62, folder 8 contents: Sealed qualifications for MD commissioner of deeds, TX, MA, OH, NY PA, VA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-62-8 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 62, folder 9 contents: Sealed qualifications for and acceptance of MD commissioner of deeds, NY, NJ, CA, MA, DC, PA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-62-9 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 62, folder 10 contents: Sealed qualifications for and acceptance of MD commissioner of deeds, CT, VA, GA, DC, MS, ME, NC, Misouri, OH. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-62-10 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 62, folder 11 contents: Correspondence, Appropriations to and incorporation of E.S. RR Co. and Cumberland Coal and Iron Co. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-62-11 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 62, folder 12 contents: Report of inspector of fish, BC; Correspondence, sale of tobacco warehouses; Report of Sheppard Asylum. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-62-12 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for Warden of MD penitentiary, inspector of hay, BC; General recommendations. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-62-13 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 14 contents: Application and recommendations for Henry Wilson, Warden of penitentiary. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-62-14 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 62, folder 15 contents: Application, affidavit of loyalty, and recommendations for Henry Wilson, Warden of MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-62-15 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 16 contents: Recommendation for Warden of MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-62-16 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 17 contents: Application and recommendations for inspector of fish, BC, CA. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-62-17 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 18 contents: Application and recommendations for inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-62-18 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for Noah Gilll, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-62-19 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 20 contents: Recommendations for Richard C. Green, inspector of fish, BC; Application for inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-62-20 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 62, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-62-21 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 22 contents: Recommendations and application for inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-62-22 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 62, folder 23 contents: Blind student papers. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-62-23 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 62, folder 24 No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-62-24 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 62, folder 25 contents: Recommendations for Franklin Metzger, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-62-25 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 26 contents: Application and recommendations for Dr. H.G. Grieves, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-62-26 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for John Jones, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-62-27 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 62, folder 28 contents: Applications and recommendation for Dr. Gustave Liebig, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-62-28 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 29 contents: Application for inspector of guano, BC; General correspondence; Recommendations for Dr. Charles Bradford, inspector of guano, BC. [3-10] Recommendations for Gov's brother, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-62-29 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for Charles P. Rogers, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-62-30 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for Charles P. Rogers, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-62-31 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 1 contents: General application; Recommendations for: inspector of lumber, WA; Warden, MD Penitentiary; Weigher of Hay, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-63-1 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 2 contents: Applications and recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-63-2 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-63-3 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 4 contents: Applications and recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-63-4 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 63, folder 5 contents: Applications and recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-63-5 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 6 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-63-6 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 63, folder 7 contents: Application and recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-63-7 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 63, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-63-8 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for Henry Schultz, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-63-9 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 11 contents: Applications and recommendations for John Sprigg Belt, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-63-11 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 12 contents: Application and recommendations for Robert K. Wilson, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-63-12 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 13 contents: Applications and recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-63-13 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 28 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-63-28 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 14 contents: Recommendations and application for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-63-14 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-63-15 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 16 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC, Businesss card. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-63-16 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-63-17 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 18 contents: Applications and recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-63-18 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 19 contents: Vouchers for clerks' services. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-63-19 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-63-10 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855, 1856. Box 63, folder 20 contents: Vouchers for clerks' services and advertising. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-63-20 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 21 contents: Vouchers for advertising. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-63-21 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854-1857. Box 63, folder 22 contents: Vouchers for advertising. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-63-22 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 23 contents: Vouchers for advertising. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-63-23 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855-1856. Box 63, folder 24 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-63-24 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 25 contents: General correspondence; Vouchers. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-63-25 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 26 contents: General correspondence; Vouchers, capture of W. S. Bernard (Louis Blumereich). No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-63-26 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 27 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-63-27 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 29 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-63-29 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 30 contents: General correspondence; Vouchers. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-63-30 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 31 contents: Criminal papers, Henry Kreb, murderer; Vouchers. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-63-31 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 32 contents: Recommendation for clerk, AA; Vouchers. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-63-32 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855, 1856. Box 64, folder 1 contents: Pardon papers: James Ellis, KE; Phoebe Myers, QA, free Negro accused of helping runaway slaves. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-64-1 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1856. Box 64, folder 2 contents: Pardon papers, Jacob Rupp, AA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-2 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855, 1856. Box 64, folder 3 contents: Pardon papers: Jacob Rupp, AA; John Doran, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-64-3 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855, 1856. Box 64, folder 4 contents: Pardon papers: John Doran, James Hughes, William Thompson, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-64-4 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855. Box 64, folder 5 contents: Pardon papers: William Thompson, FR; Benjamin Gerhart, BA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-64-5 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855. Box 64, folder 6 contents: Pardon papers: Anthony (John) Miler, BC; Alexander Norris, HA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-64-6 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855. Box 64, folder 7 contents: Pardon papers: Alexander Norris, HA; John Neal, slave, KE. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-64-7 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 8 contents: Pardon papers: Louis Holly, free negro, KE; Daniel Webster, SO. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-64-8 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1856. Box 64, folder 9 contents: Pardon papers, Richard Hinton, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-9 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1856. Box 64, folder 10 contents: Pardon papers, Richard Hinton, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-64-10 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 11 contents: Pardon papers: Nace Dorsey, free negro, WA; George Davis (Hamilton), BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-64-11 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1856. Box 64, folder 12 contents: Pardon papers, John Willams, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-64-12 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 64, folder 13 contents: Pardon papers, John Willams, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-64-13 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 64, folder 14 contents: Pardon papers: John Willams, BC; Matthias Cooke, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-64-14 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855, 1856. Box 64, folder 15 contents: Pardon papers: Charles Gentle, AA; Richard Thompson, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-64-15 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1852, 1855. Box 64, folder 16 contents: Pardon papers, James (John) Morton, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-64-16 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1852, 1853. Box 64, folder 17 contents: Pardon papers, James (John) Morton, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-64-17 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851, 1852, 1855, 1856. Box 64, folder 18 contents: Pardon papers, James (John) Morton, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-18 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 19 contents: Bonds: Assistant inspectors of flour and tobacco, notary public, BC; Armorer, TA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-64-19 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 20 contents: Bonds: Assistant inspectors of flour and tobacco, BC; Notary public, AL, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-20 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856, 1857. Box 64, folder 21 contents: Bonds: Notary public, FR, WA, BC; Wharfinger, weigher of hay, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-21 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 22 contents: Bonds: Inspector of flour and hay, BC; Notary public, CE; Armorer, AA; State Librarian. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-22 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 23 contents: Bonds: Inspector of flour and toabacco, BC; Notary public, SM; Gauger of liquor, BA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-64-23 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 24 contents: Bonds: Inspector of toabacco, BC; Notary public, CR; Warden of MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-64-24 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851, 1856. Box 64, folder 25 contents: Bonds: Agent to pay interest on state debt; Collectors of state taxes, QA; Notary public, FR. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-64-25 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 26 contents: Sealed qualifications, recommendations and acceptances for MD commissioners of deeds, Cal., IL. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-64-26 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 27 contents: Sealed qualifications and recommendations for MD commissioners of deeds, Cal., KS, IA, FL, MI, GA, MA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-64-27 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856, 1857. Box 64, folder 28 contents: Correspondence, qualifications, and recommendations for commissioners of deeds, MA, VA, Wis., OH, CA, NC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-64-28 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for commissioner of deeds, Cal., Wis., MA, DE. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-29 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 30 contents: Application and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, VA, LA, NY, FL, IL, Wis., MA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-30 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 31 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, NY, NJ, DC, IL, VA, MA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-31 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 32 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, VA, OH. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-64-32 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 33 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, VA, Missouri, PA, NY, MN, DE. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-64-33 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 34 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, LA, Wis., TX, DC, CT, MA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-64-34 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Robert Hill, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-1 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-2 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-50-4 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for Jonathan Tracey, weigher of hay, BC No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-50-5 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 6 contents: Recommendations and application for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-50-6 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for George Garettson, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-7 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for George Garettson, John Cunningham, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-50-8 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for John Cunningham, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-50-9 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 10 contents: Recommendations and application for John Cunningham, Jacob Walter, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-50-10 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850, 1852. Box 50, folder 11 contents: Recommendations and application for Richard Murray, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-50-11 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851-1853. Box 50, folder 12 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-12 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850-1852. Box 50, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-50-13 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851, 1852. Box 50, folder 14 contents: Recommendations and application for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-14 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 53, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for JOP, CH, MO, BC, CE, BA; Correspondence. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-53-29 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 53, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for John Owens, John K. Smith, JOP, CE, BA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-53-30 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 53, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for JOP, HO, FR, CE, HA, CH, BC; Correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-53-31 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 53, folder 32 contents: Recommendations and qualification for JOP, FR, BA, CE, TA, PG, WA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-53-32 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 54, folder 13 contents: Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, MA, KY, LA, MN, CT, PA, CA; Business cards. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-54-13 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1859. Box 67, folder 3 contents: Pardon papers, Nathaniel D. Zimmer, Charles Nagle, David W. Jones (for aiding slave escape). No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-67-3 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 17 contents: SecWar, Gen. Morris to Gov., arms for militia; Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore RR, bounty fund; Mayor of Cumberland, arms for home guard; Commission papers, Samuel Cooner; Dr. J.H. Bayne to Gov., protection of "slave property"; Correspondence. [8] Capt. C. Ringgold, U.S. Frigate "Sabine" to Gov., thanks for resolution recognizing action of "Sabine" crew. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-69-17 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 6 contents: Deaf student paper; Correspondence; Lt. Col. Samuel Cooner to Gov.; Recommendations and applications; Business card; Complaint against police commissioner, BC; Requisitions from DC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-75-6 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864. Box 80, folder 33 contents: Default papers, BA, HA, AA, TA; Recommendations for wood corder, JOC, notary public, armorer, JOP, HA, BA, HA, AA, CE; Oath for Enrolling Officers. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-80-33 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 62, folder 24 contents: Blind student papers. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-62-24 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 1 contents: Convention proceedings, support of the Union, FR. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-65-1 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 2 contents: Requisitions: James B. Allen (Henry Jones) from NY; A.B. Stirling (Charles Stone, A.B. Wilson, "Doctor"), Isaac Harper and Frock from PA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-65-2 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 3 contents: Slave population figures; Gov. to sherrifs of AL, WA, FR, HA, and CE; Gov. IN to Gov.; Gov. ME to Gov. [4] 1860, Runaway slaves. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-65-3 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 4 contents: Correspondence: General; Convention of southern states; Request for removal of Judge of Criminal Court, BC; Census figures. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-65-4 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 65, folder 5 contents: Gov. to AL, convention of southern states. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-65-5 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 6 contents: J.L.M. Curry to Gov., southern states convention. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-65-6 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 7 contents: Gov. Ala. to Gov., southern states convention. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-65-7 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 65, folder 8 contents: Election results, JOP, sheriff, constable, BC. [3-8] 1859, Petitions of protest of election results. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-65-8 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859. Box 65, folder 9 contents: Election results, sheriff, DO; Chief JOC, WA; JOP, JOC, clerk of circuit court, constable, BC. [1-9] 1859, Petitions of protest of election results. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-65-9 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859-1861. Box 65, folder 10 contents: Election results, surveyor, BC; Deaf student papers: Helena Linder, CR; Julius Bisset, WA; Andrew Lambden (Lambdin), BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-65-10 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 65, folder 11 contents: Deaf student papers: Mary Ann Bramble, KE; William George Gill, BA; David Blair and Mary Jane Blair, WA; William Franklin Brown, TA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-65-11 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 65, folder 12 contents: Deaf student papers, William Franklin Brown, TA; Recommendation for John T. Mitchell, weigher of livestock, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-65-12 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 65, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for John T. Mitchell, weigher of livestock, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-65-13 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860. Box 65, folder 14 contents: Deaf student papers: Aaron B. Showman, WA; Florence Louisa Dammann, John Henry Turner, Mary Mast, Conrad Ingledeiger, BC; John Wesley Tylor, DO. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-65-14 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856-1858 Box 65, folder 15 contents: Deaf student papers: Ann Jane Lawder, Margaret Maher, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-65-15 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860. Box 65, folder 16 contents: Deaf student papers: Alfred Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, BA; Anne Jenkins, Conrad Ingledeiger, Florence Dammann, BC; John Plummer Ijams, Mary M. Ijams, FR; List of MD students at Deaf and Dumb Institution, PA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-65-16 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 65, folder 17 contents: Deaf student papers, William Peacock, Andrew J. Lambden, BC; Sarah Jane Keith, Celestia B. Clark, KE. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-65-17 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1861. Box 65, folder 18 contents: Deaf student papers, daughter of John Bramble, KE; Qualifications for several offices, TA; Armorer report, FR; Criminal papers, John Price; Recommendations for notary public and coroner, AL. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-65-18 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858, 1860. Box 65, folder 19 contents: Recommendations and applications, notary public, weigher of livestock, weigher of hay, AL, BC; Report of Agricultural Chemist. [9,10] 1860, Report, farming and its relationship to chemistry and geology. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-65-19 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850, 1857-1859, 1861. Box 65, folder 20 contents: Requisitions: Thomas Poore from DE; Timothy Reardon and M. Kirby from BA; Criminal papers, Jackson Hamill, BC; Foreign correspondence; Recommendation for notary public, CE; Pardon papers, Samuel Green, DO; Execution papers, Mary Naylor, AA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-65-20 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 22 contents: Bonds: Notary public, AL, CE, FR; Inspector of tobacco, BC; State agent; State librarian; General correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-65-22 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1848. Box 65, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for John T. Mitchell, weigher of livestock, BC; General correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-65-21 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 23 contents: Bonds: Inspectors of tobacco and flour, state wharfinger, BC; State printer. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-65-23 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 24 contents: Bonds: Inspector of flour, inspector of fish, BC; Notary public, FR, WA, CE, BC, AA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-65-24 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 25 contents: Bonds: Inspector of hay, weigher of hay, inspector of fish, BC; Notary public, FR, WA, CE, BC, AA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-65-25 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860. Box 65, folder 26 contents: Pardon papers, Martin Shaw, BC; Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-65-26 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1862, 1864, 1865. Box 65, folder 27 contents: Blind student papers, Olivia Kelley, Caroline Rorke, Charles Moulton, Lorenzo Barkirch, Caroline Ward, BC; Deaf student papers: Sarah Blair, WA; Jane Carlisle, BC; Recommendation for inspector of lime, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-65-27 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 65, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for Seth Venables, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-65-28 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 65, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for Seth Venables, Philip Dawson, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-65-29 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 65, folder 30 contents: Application and recommendations for director of MD Penitentiary; Recommendations for inspector of wood and lime, oyster brats, BC. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-65-30 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 65, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for notary public, coroner, armorer, inspectors of lumber and flour, wood corder, FR, KE, QA, TA, HA; Application for manager of "House of Refuge":, AA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-65-31 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 65, folder 32 contents: Resignations, recommendations and appointment of JOP, manager of "House of Refuge", inspector of grain, AA, SM, BC, CA, BA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-65-32 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 65, folder 33 contents: Declination and correspondence of inspectors of grain, JOP, notary public, HA, AA, CE, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-65-33 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 65, folder 34 contents: Resignations of JOP, inspector of lumber, State Director of Bank of BC, FR, MO, CE. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-65-34 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 65, folder 35 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-65-35 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 66, folder 21 contents: Fine papers; Criminal papers. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-66-21 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 66, folder 22 contents: Fine papers; Criminal papers. [4] Alexander Smith, George A. Johnson and Orrick Amos, free blacks of Havre de Grace fined for belonging to a "secret Masonic society." No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-66-22 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 66, folder 23 contents: Fine papers; Criminal papers; Pardon paper. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-66-23 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1857, 1858, 1860, 1861. Box 66, folder 24 contents: Pardon papers, Thomas Offutt, MO; Pardon papers. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-66-24 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 66, folder 25 contents: Pardon papers, Jacob Shock, BA. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-66-25 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 66, folder 26 contents: Fine papers; Criminal papers; Pardon paper. [4-6] 1860, Indictments of George Johnson, Orrick Amos, Alexander Smith, free blacks charged with belonging to a secret society, King David's Lodge and Colored Union Institute, HA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-66-26 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860-1862. Box 66, folder 27 contents: Pardon papers; Criminal papers; Fine papers. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-27 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1861. Box 66, folder 28 contents: Pardon papers; Criminal papers. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-66-28 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859. Box 66, folder 29 contents: Criminal papers; Pardon papers for John Walters, BA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-66-29 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859. Box 66, folder 30 contents: Criminal papers; Pardon papers for John Walters, BA. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-66-30 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 31 contents: Criminal papers, Simon W. Boyer, KE. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-66-31 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 32 contents: Criminal papers, Simon W. Boyer, KE; Remissions of fines. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-66-32 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 69, folder 5 contents: Extradition of Robert Johnson to PA. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-69-5 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 69, folder 1 contents: Extraditions of William S. Dorsey to MI, John Revill (J.H. Mooore) to PA. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-69-1 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 69, folder 2 contents: Extradition of John and Charles Winkler to PA. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-69-2 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864, 1865. Box 69, folder 3 contents: Extraditions of Jesse L. Rice to PA, William M. Corcoran to MN. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-69-3 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 69, folder 4 contents: Extraditions of Erasmus Levy to DE, Timothy Mehon to NJ, Aaron M. Woohull to PA. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-69-4 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 69, folder 6 contents: Extraditions of Joseph Hooker, Frederick Jahn (Johm) to PA. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-69-6 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 69, folder 7 contents: Extradition of Starr Sperry to CN. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-69-7 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 69, folder 8 contents: Extradition of George White to PA. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-69-8 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 69, folder 9 contents: Extradition of Henry Francis to PA. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-69-9 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 69, folder 10 contents: Extradition of Lycurgus F. Gurley to PA. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-69-10 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 69, folder 11 contents: Extraditions of John H. Moore to NY, Alexander Haller to PA. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-69-11 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 12 contents: Extraditions of Lycurgus F. Gurley, Thomas Colklesser, Wesley Guy and Pope Fritch to PA. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-69-12 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 13 contents: Extraditions of Benjamin Hoffman, William Smith to PA. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-69-13 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 14 contents: Extradition of Edward A. Boury to IA. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-69-14 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 69, folder 15 contents: Correspondence: Maj. Gen. McClellan, Edward C. Carrington, Brig. Gen. James Cooper, Adj. Gen. L. Thomas to Gov.; "C" to Gen. Scott. [2] 1861, "C" to Gen. Scott, threats to Lincoln in BC, [4, 5] 1862, Cooper to Gov. and Thomas to Gov., organization of military in MD. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-69-15 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 16 contents: Correspondence: Atty. Gen. PA, Jonathan Meredith, A.C. Gibbs, US War Dept., Col. William Schley, Isaac D. Jones, Maj. Gen. John E. Wool, US SecTreas to Gov.; Receipts for bounty fund for volunteers. [1, 2] Supreme Court case of Emmanuel Myers vs PA, [3, 4] Arms and munitions, [11-13] Complaints from Rotterdam merchants about tobacco inspection. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-69-16 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 28 contents: Correspondence: William Parker, Phillip W. Downes, Allegheny Committee, W.J. Gibson, James J. Bowie, Dr. John H. Bayne, Charles H. Poumarah to Gov. [6] Baynes to Gov., slaves escaping to DC and VA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-68-28 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1862. Box 68, folder 29 contents: Correspondence: Elizabeth S. Leonard to Gov.; Recommendation for inspector of grain, BC; Paper stamped Kenly & Tilghman. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-68-29 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1862. Box 68, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for William Godwin Jr., inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-68-30 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1862. Box 68, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for William Godwin Jr., inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-68-31 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 32 contents: Recommendations for William Godwin Jr., inspector of grain, BC; Kenley Grey's muster rolls, BC; Union Guard's muster roll, HA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-68-32 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 33 contents: Proceedings of Union Guard; Officers of 1st Light Div. to Gov.; Recommendation; Co. 3 muster roll, BC; Acceptance of William H. Hayward, Brig. Gen. 2nd Bde. [2] Officers offering to replace federal troops in BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-68-33 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1865, 1866. Box 68, folder 34 contents: Correspondence between E.W. Ross & Provost Marshall McPhail; J. Marsh McComas to H.B. Hill; Independent Grey muster roll, BC; Requistion of Jesse L. Rice from PA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-68-34 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 68, folder 35 contents: Extradition of Anthony Shanabrough to PA. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-68-35 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 67, folder 17 contents: Vouchers for Government House. No. Items: 31 MSA S 1274-67-17 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 67, folder 18 contents: Vouchers for Government House; Requisition of Thomas Lamar, John Wood from DC; Extradition of Peter Zimmerman to PA. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-67-18 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 67, folder 19 contents: Extradition of Henry Floyd to PA, Moses Jacobs and Abraham Levy to NY. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-67-19 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 67, folder 20 contents: Extraditions of Henry Floyd to PA, Moses Jacobs and Abraham Levy to NY. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-67-20 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 67, folder 20 contents: Extraditions of Henry Floyd, Thomas Hill to PA; Requisitions of Joseph MacGinnis, John Gatchell from PA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-67-20 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 67, folder 21 contents: Extraditions of Daniel Haston, David Adams to VA, Eugene Longuemare to MO; Requisition of Max Marshall from VA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-67-21 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 67, folder 22 contents: Extraditions of Enoch Ridgely (free black) to DC, Samuel Waring, John Houseal to PA; Requisition of Max Marshall from VA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-67-22 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 67, folder 23 contents: Extraditions of Peter Zimmerman, Jacob Perry to PA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-67-23 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 67, folder 24 contents: Extraditions of Washington Abernathy, Robert Lynch to PA; Requisition of Thomas Connery from LA; Form letters. [6] 1854 MD seal. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-67-24 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 67, folder 25 contents: Extraditions of Joseph C. Wilson to NY, Joseph Summers to VA; Requisition of James Gallager (Capt. Green) from OH; Business cards. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-67-25 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1861. Box 67, folder 26 contents: Extraditions of James Graham to OH, F.H. Horn to PA, James N. Slaughter to MS, Albert Yeager to DE; Requisitions of Lewis N. Webb, William H. Royster from VA; A.B. Sterling. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-67-26 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 67, folder 27 contents: Extraditions of James Slaughter to MS, Curtis F. and John S. Dutrow to OH, John Jenkins (free black) to VA; Requisitions of William Wilson, J. Thomas from PA, Henry Diver from NY, William R. Dury from VA, John and Samuel Wright from DE. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-67-27 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 67, folder 28 contents: Extraditions of George F. Gossert to PA, William Frazer to NJ; Requisitions of Lewis F. Bown from VA, Chrles Harden from NJ, Henry Burns from DC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-67-28 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 67, folder 28 contents: Extradition of Edward Norris Duer to PA; Requisitions of A.W. Banks from NC, John and Ross Bell (negroes) from PA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-67-28 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 1 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-68-1 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 2 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-68-2 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 3 contents: Vouchers: State House. No. Items: 22 MSA S 1274-68-3 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 4 contents: Vouchers: Government House. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-68-4 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 5 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-68-5 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 6 contents: Vouchers: Government House. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-68-6 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 7 contents: Vouchers: Government House, State House. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-68-7 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 8 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-68-8 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 9 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 20 MSA S 1274-68-9 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 10 contents: Vouchers: Government House. No. Items: 30 MSA S 1274-68-10 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 11 contents: Vouchers: State House. No. Items: 23 MSA S 1274-68-11 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 12 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 20 MSA S 1274-68-12 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 13 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 24 MSA S 1274-68-13 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 68, folder 14 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-68-14 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 68, folder 15 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-68-15 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 68, folder 16 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 28 MSA S 1274-68-16 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 68, folder 17 contents: Vouchers: State House. No. Items: 28 MSA S 1274-68-17 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 68, folder 18 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 24 MSA S 1274-68-18 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 68, folder 19 contents: Execution papers, Benjamin Louis Simms, black, BA; General correspondence; Acceptance of Reverdy Johnson, US Senator; Recommendation of Alferd D. Evans, warden of MD Penitentiary; Report of Inebriate Asylum. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-68-19 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 68, folder 20 contents: Correspondence: Inebriate Asylum, MA State Prision; Report: inspector of flour, Comptroller; Qualifications of police commissioners, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-68-20 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 21 contents: Letter and memorial concerning NY canals and defence of lakes. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-68-21 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 22 contents: Report of the Inebriate Asylum; Correspondnece: Hugh L. Bond, John P. Kennedy, M. Blair, Provost Marshall to Gov.; Declination of James H.C. Brewer to recruit soldiers; Acceptance of Thomas H. Hicks, US Senator. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-68-22 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 23 contents: Correspondnece: J.T. McCullough, Andrew G. Waters, George W. Parsons, A.B. Davis, Lt. Melville R. Small to Gov. [1-5] Military draft. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-68-23 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 24 contents: Correspondnece: William T. Duvall to Gov., Cover letters; Pamphlet "Cavalry: Its History, Management, and Uses in War." [1] Rebels in MO. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-68-24 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 25 contents: Correspondence: R.J. Jackson, Almira Lincoln Phelps, M. Blair, War Dept., G.L. Dulaney, G.W. Calbaugh, Capt. W.W. Bamburger to Gov.; W.J. Nichols to Provost Marshall M. Blair. [7] G.L. Dulaney to Gov., refugees and deserters in the draft; [9] Bamburger to Gov., promotion of Joseph S. Rice to Lt. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-68-25 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 26 contents: Correspondence: Daniel Engel, John Van Lear, George M. Tyler, Dr. Samuel P. Smith, British Consulate, Almira Phelps to Gov.; Recommendation for medical examiner, FR, enrolling officer and militia captain, BC. [2] Van Lear to Gov., arms collected by Provost Marshall in AL. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-68-26 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 27 contents: Correspondence: J.L. McPhail, R. Stockett Matthews, G.H. Crossman, Rev. Lemuel Wilmer, Robert Turner, Gen. Anthony Kimmel to Gov.; Recommendation for enrolling officers, BC. [1] McPhail to Gov., suggestions on militia enrollment. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-68-27 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 67, folder 1 contents: Fine and forfieture papers. [1] McPhail to Gov., suggestions on militia enrollment. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-67-1 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860-1862. Box 67, folder 2 contents: Fine and forfieture papers. [1] McPhail to Gov., suggestions on militia enrollment. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-67-2 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1862. Box 67, folder 4 contents: Pardon papers: Jerry Donnelly, John Dorsey, George Robinson, DO, Michael funk, FR, Edward Sutliff, QA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-67-4 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860. Box 67, folder 5 contents: Pardon papers: Peter Reer, DO, David Owens, BC; Criminal papers, Joseph H. Horner, BC; Fine papers. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-67-5 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860, 1861. Box 67, folder 6 contents: Fine papers; Pardon papers: Christiana Hinkle (Hinkley), BC, Moses Banks, free black, DO, John Scott, AA, Simon W. Boyer, Jr., KE. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-67-6 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1860, 1861. Box 67, folder 7 contents: Pardon papers: Nathaniel Hickman, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-67-7 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 67, folder 8 contents: Pardon papers: Nathaniel Hickman, BC, Lloyd Loundes, TA; Criminal papers, Gustavus C. Mackey, TA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-67-8 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 67, folder 9 contents: Criminal papers: George Feigley, WA, Phillip Howe, SM, Fanny Halbert, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-67-9 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 67, folder 10 contents: Criminal papers: Thomas A. Kennard, BC; Dick Gassaway, slave, PG; Pardon papers, John W. Price, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-67-10 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860, 1861. Box 67, folder 11 contents: Pardon papers, John W. Price, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-67-11 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860. Box 67, folder 12 contents: Pardon papers, John W. Price, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-67-12 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 67, folder 13 contents: Pardon papers: Levi Hoffman, BC, George Bower (Tenner), AA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-67-13 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 67, folder 14 contents: Pardon papers: Thomas Lockey, CA, John Evans, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-67-14 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 67, folder 15 contents: Application of Charles D. Hiss, JOP, BC; Pardon papers, Thomas Wade, AA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-67-15 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859-1861, 1863. Box 67, folder 16 contents: Vouchers: Washington Monument, Government House. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-67-16 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850-1852. Box 50, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for Charles B. Deal, weigher of hay and straw, BC; Application for weigher of hay and straw, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-50-15 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851, 1852. Box 50, folder 16 contents: Applications and recommendations for weighers of hay and straw, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-50-16 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850, 1851, 1853. Box 50, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for William Cooper, weigher of hay, BC; Recommendations for Edward Cockey, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-50-17 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853. Box 50, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for Edward Cockey, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-18 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for Edward Cockey, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-50-19 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853. Box 50, folder 20 contents: Recommendations for Edward Cockey, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-50-20 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1852-1854. Box 50, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for Edward Cockey, gauger of liquor, BC; Applications and recommendations for gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-21 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for William Sharretts (Sharrett), gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-50-22 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for William L. Sharetts, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-50-23 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854? Box 50, folder 24 contents: Recommendations for William L. Sharretts, gauger of liquor, BC; Application for James A. Frost, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-50-24 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 25 contents: Recommendations for William H. Nabb, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-50-25 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 26 contents: Recommendations and applications for William H. Nabb, Alexander E. Kalkman, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-50-26 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-27 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 28 contents: Recommendations and application for George Gale, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-50-28 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for Robert Gale, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-50-29 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854 Box 50, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for Robert Gale, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-50-30 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for Robert Gale, gauger of liquor, BC; Application and recommendations for Thomas Welsh, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-50-31 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 32 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Welsh, gauger of liquor, BC; Applications and recommendations for inspectors of guano, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-50-32 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 33 contents: Recommendations for Henry Hunt, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-33 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 34 contents: Recommendations for Henry Hunt, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-34 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 52, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for George T. McGill (Macgill), inspector of flour, BC?. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-52-1 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 52, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for Henry B. Jones, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-52-2 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 52, folder 3 contents: Recommendations and application for William Beam, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-52-3 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857-1859. Box 52, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for Louis Lewis, G.B.W. Roper, Stephen Goudy, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-52-4 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 5 contents: Recommendations and applications for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-52-5 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 6 contents: Recommendations for Hiram Cole (Coale), wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-52-6 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for Francis G. Waltemeyer, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-52-7 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Bramble, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-52-8 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for Levin D. Collier, Oliver P. Sparks, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-52-9 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Henry S. Hunt, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-1 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Henry S. Hunt, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-2 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Henry S. Hunt, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-50-3 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854?. Box 51, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Henry S. Hunt, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-4 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 5 contents: General recommendations for H.F. Hebb. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-51-5 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 6 contents: General recommendations and application for H.F. Hebb; Recommendations for gaugers, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-51-6 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 7 contents: Applications and recommendations for gauger of liquor and inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-51-7 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for James O. McCormick, guano inspector, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-51-8 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for Dr. James O. McCormick, inspector of guano, BC; Application and recommendations for gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-9 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for George Bramwell, gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-10 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 11 contents: Application and recommendations for gauger of liquor, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-51-11 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1858. Box 51, folder 12 contents: Application for gauger of liquor, BC; Recommendations for inspector of guano, TA and HA; Recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-12 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Bateman, flour inspector, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-51-13 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 14 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Bateman, inspector of flour, BC; Applications and recommendation for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-51-14 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for John H. Gronewell, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-53-1 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 2 contents: Recommendations and applications for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-53-2 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Jeffries, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-53-3 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for George Metzel, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-53-4 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 53, folder 5 contents: Recommendations and application for George Metzel, wood corder, BC; Recommendations for John Sanders, wood corder, HA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-53-5 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 6 contents: Recommendations and application for John Ailer (Ayler), Frederick W. Nagle, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-53-6 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 7 contents: Recommendations and applications for John W. Selby, George W. Landing, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-53-7 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1856. Box 53, folder 8 contents: Resignation of JOP, HO; Recommendations for JOP, BA, CE, CR, DR, PG. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-53-8 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853-1856. Box 53, folder 9 contents: Qualifications for officers, TA; Recommendations for JOP, BA, BC, HO, PG, SM. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-53-9 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 53, folder 10 contents: Application for JOP, BA; Recommendations for JOP, BA, DO, FR, HA, HO; Qualifications for officers, CR. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-53-10 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 53, folder 11 contents: Applications for JOP, BC, FR, HO; Recommendations for JOP, FR, HO, PG, WO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-53-11 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 53, folder 12 contents: Recommendations and applications for Edward G. Starr, Esq, JOP, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-53-12 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1856. Box 53, folder 13 contents: Applications for JOP, HO, WA; Qualifications for JOP, WO; Recommendations for JOP, BC, FR, HO, SM, WA, WO. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-53-13 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 14 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BA, CE, FR, HO, PG, SO, SM. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-53-14 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 15 contents: Recommendations and application for William H. Falkner, JOP, TA; Recommendations for JOP, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-53-15 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 16 contents: Recommendations and application for Solomon R. Cahill, Thomas Edgar, JOP, TA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-53-16 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for Samuel Norris, JOP, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-53-17 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for Francis O. Medley, JOP, PG; Recommendations for William H. Bayzand, JOP, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-53-18 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 53, folder 19 contents: Recommendations and application for JOP, HO, DO, SO, SM, TA, WA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-53-19 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856, 1857. Box 53, folder 20 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BA, CR, HA, SM, WA; Complaint against William Mattingly, JOP, SM. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-53-20 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 53, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BC, CH, HA, PG; Applications for JOP, BC, CH; Complaints against William Mattingly, JOP, SM. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-53-21 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for JOP, AL, CR, SO; Correspondence, JOP, WA; Correspondence, appointment of JOP, SO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-53-22 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for JOP, CE, BA, PG, HA; Recommendations for Joseph Hatton, JOP, PG. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-53-23 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 24 contents: Recommendations for Timothy Conner, JOP, FR; Recommendations for Richard Shipley, JOP, AL; Recommendations for JOP, WO, BA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-53-24 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 53, folder 25 contents: Recommendations for JOP, DO, CA, BC, FR, PG. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-53-25 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1859. Box 53, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for Alfred A. Duhamel, JOP, QA; Recommendations for JOP, BC, PG, WA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-53-26 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1859. Box 53, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for Phillip R. Jones, JOP, BC; Recommendations for JOP, PG. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-53-27 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1859. Box 53, folder 28 contents: Recommendations and application for Phillip R. Jones, JOP, BC; Applications, JOP, HO, FR. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-53-28 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for Levi Valentine, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-15 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 16 contents: Recommendations for Levi Valentine and George Late, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-16 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 17 contents: Application and recommendations for Maj. Samuel McGuire, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-51-17 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for Maj. Samuel McGuire, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-51-18 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for Maj. Samuel McGuire and William H. Herring, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-51-19 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 20 contents: Application and recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-51-20 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-51-21 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854, 1856?. Box 51, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-51-22 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for George Cunningham, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-51-23 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 24 contents: Recommendations for George Cunningham and Joseph Elliott, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-51-24 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 25 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Eliott, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-51-25 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Eliott, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-51-26 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Elliot, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-51-27 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Eliott, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-51-28 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Elliott, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-51-29 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 51, folder 30 contents: Applications and recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-51-30 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 51, folder 31 contents: Applications and recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-51-31 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1856. Box 51, folder 32 contents: Applications and recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-51-32 1/7/5/34
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for Oliver Sparks, wood corder, BC No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-52-10 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 11 contents: Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-52-11 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 12 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-52-12 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 13 contents: Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-52-13 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 14 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-52-14 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 15 contents: Applications for wood corder and weigher of livestock, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-52-15 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 16 contents: General recommendations; Recommendations for wood corder, inspector of customs, BC. No. Items: 22 MSA S 1274-52-16 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-52-17 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-52-18 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 52, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for Capt. Solomon Saunders (Sanders), wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-52-19 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 52, folder 20 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-52-20 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 52, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for Peter Bouchell, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-52-21 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 52, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-52-22 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 52, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for Daniel Dwyer, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-52-23 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 24 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-52-24 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 52, folder 25 contents: Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-52-25 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-52-26 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 52, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for William Phelps, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-52-27 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853?, 1854. Box 52, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for Thomas D. Marriott, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-52-28 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 52, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 21 MSA S 1274-52-29 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855. Box 52, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BC, CE, PG. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-52-30 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855, 1856. Box 52, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BC, FR, CH, QA, WI; Correspondence, Errors in commission of JOP, QA, SM; Resignation for JOP, FR. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-52-31 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 1 contents: Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, CA, GA, IL, MS, OH, NY. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-54-1 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for commissioner of deeds, IL, Cal., NY, OH; Request for appointment of Commissioner of Deed, Westchester (?). [1,2] 1854, Letter enclosing recommendation for commissioner of deeds, Cal. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-2 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for commissioner of deeds, Cal., IA, KS, KY, NC, NY, TX. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-3 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854, 1857. Box 54, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for commissioner of deeds, Cal., DC, OH, SC, VA. [6,7] Enclosure to recommendation for commissioner of deeds, DC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-54-4 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 54, folder 5 contents: Application for commissioner of deeds, KS, NY; Recommendation for commissioner of deeds, CA, IA. [5,6] Enclosure to application for Commissioner of Deeds, CA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-54-5 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 54, folder 6 contents: Application, recommendations and enclosures for George Fisher, commissioner of deeds, Cal; Application for commissioner of deeds, TX. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-54-6 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1859. Box 54, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for MD Comissioner of Deeds, DC, FL, IN, KY, PA. [6,7] Enclosure for commissioner of deeds, DC, [9,10] 1859, George Fisher to SecSt., lack of receipt of formal commission. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-7 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 54, folder 8 contents: Application and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, DC, KS, LA, NY, VA, Wis. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-8 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 54, folder 9 contents: Applications and reccomendations for commissioner of deeds, DC, MA, NY; Recommendation for Charles Tillman, commissioner of deeds, Missouri. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-9 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 54, folder 10 contents: Application for commissioner of deeds, DC, MA, OH, NY, IL, LA, PA; Recommendation for commissioner of deeds, OH. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-54-10 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 54, folder 11 contents: Application for commissioner of deeds, NY, DC, KY, OH, TX. [4] Printed flyer describing services, John S. Hollingshead, commissioner of deeds, DC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-11 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 54, folder 12 contents: Applications for commissioner of deeds, NY; Recommendations for commissioner of deeds, IL, NY. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-12 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 54, folder 14 contents: Applications, recommendations, qualifications for commissioner of deeds, Cal., NY, DC, MA, VA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-54-14 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 54, folder 15 contents: Applications, recommendations, and qualifications for commissioner of deeds, Missouri, NC, PA, TX, DC. [5] Concise summary of U.S. Bounty and Pension Laws, 1811-1855. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-15 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1859. Box 54, folder 16 contents: Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, LA, OH, NY, TN, MA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-16 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859. Box 54, folder 17 contents: Applications, recommendations, and qualifications for commissioner of deeds, Cal., NY, TN. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-54-17 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for James W.W. Taylor, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-54-18 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for James W.W. Taylor, John Showacre, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-19 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 20 contents: Recommendations for John Showacre, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-54-20 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for William D. Hughes, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-21 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 22 contents: Application for William D. Hughes, wood corder, BC; Recommendations for Benjamin Eggleston (Engleston), wood corder. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-22 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for Benjamin Eggleston and Henry Reisinga, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-23 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 24 contents: Applications and recommendations for Henry Reisinga, Abel Scrivnor, and John Bell, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-24 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 25 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-25 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for (Capt.) John Hopwood (Hapwood) and George Moog, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-54-26 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for George Moog and George W. Schimp, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-54-27 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for George W. Schimp, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-54-28 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for Joseph J. Dorsey and Jesse Walton, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-29 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for Jesse Walton, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-54-30 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for Jessee Walton, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-54-31 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 54, folder 32 contents: Recommendations for Jesse Walton, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-54-32 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 53, folder 33 contents: Recommendations for and declinations as JOP, AL, BA, BC, KE, SO; Correspondence, JOP appointments. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-53-33 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Jesse Walton, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-55-1 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for Jesse Walton, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-55-2 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for Jesse Walton, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-55-3 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-55-4 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853?, 1854. Box 55, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-55-5 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 6 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BA, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-55-6 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-55-7 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for William Robertson (Robinson), wood corder, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-55-8 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for William Robertson (Robinson), wood corder, BC; Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-55-9 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 10 contents: Applications and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-55-10 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 11 contents: Recommendations for Francis Hetzler, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-55-11 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 12 contents: Application and recommendations for Francis Hetzler, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-55-12 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-55-13 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 14 contents: Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-55-14 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Blimline, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-55-15 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 16 contents: Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-55-16 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Leolin D. Bennett and Alexander D. Gifford, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-56-1 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for John Harmon and James H. Boyd (Boyde), inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-2 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for John Miller and John C. Cannon, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-56-3 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 4 contents: Application and Recommendations for William C. Blackiston, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-56-4 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for William Blackiston, inspector of lumber, BC; Recommendation for reappointment of (Col.) Anthony B. Bennett, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-56-5 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 6 contents: Recommendations for reappointment of William C. Blackiston, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-6 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for reappointment of William C. Blackiston, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-56-7 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for reappointment of William C. Blackiston, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-56-8 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for reappointment of William C. Blackiston, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-9 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for Lelan Barton and George W. Kildow (Killdow), inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-56-10 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 11 contents: Recommendations for Samuel Levy and Minus P. Truitt, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-11 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 56, folder 12 contents: Application and recommendations for Minus P. Truitt, inspector of lumber, BC; Recommendations for Jacob T. Jennings, inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-56-12 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 13 contents: Recommendations and applications for inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-13 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 14 contents: Recommendations for Linsey (Lindsay) H. Reynolds, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-56-14 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for William H. Brown, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-15 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 16 contents: Recommendations and applications for William H. Brown, Lindsay (Linsey) H. Reynolds, and John Moore, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-56-16 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-56-17 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 18 contents: Recommendations and application for John W. Watkins, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-18 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 19 contents: Recommendation for reappointment of John W. Williams, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-19 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 20 contents: Application and recommendations for John W. Williams, Mahlon Falconer, and Benjamin O. Brown, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-56-20 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1856. Box 56, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-56-21 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, BC, CE. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-56-22 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 23 contents: Application and recommendations for inspector of lumber, BC; General recommendation. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-56-23 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 24 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, BC, CE, HA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-56-24 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 25 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, BC; Resignation of inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-56-25 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1855. Box 56, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, BA, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-56-26 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 56, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, BC, CE. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-56-27 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 56, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-56-28 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 56, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-56-29 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 56, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-56-30 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 56, folder 31 contents: Vouchers for newspaper advertising and miscellaneous services; Militia muster notice. No. Items: 25 MSA S 1274-56-31 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 56, folder 32 contents: Vouchers for advertising and miscellaneous services; R.J. Setting to Gov., requisition of Louis C. Ward from PA. No. Items: 27 MSA S 1274-56-32 1/7/5/39
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Thomas Roundtree, coroner, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-58-1 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for coroner, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-58-2 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for coroner, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-58-3 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 58, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Robert Goldsmith, coroner, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-4 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 5 contents: Application and recommendation for coroner, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-58-5 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 58, folder 6 contents: List of negligent officeholders; Recommendations for Dr. Edward Stephens, coroner, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-6 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850, 1852, 1854, 1855, 1857. Box 58, folder 7 contents: Failure to qualify, Supreme Court Clerk, BC; Applications for inspector of fish, AA, PG; Requests for auctioneers' commissions, BC; Applications for coroner, BC, SO. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-7 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 58, folder 8 contents: Recommendations and application for inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-58-8 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 9 contents: Application and recommendations for William Barnes, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-9 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 58, folder 10 contents: Gen. B.F. Butler to Gov.; Gov. to Gen. B.F. Butler; A. Lincoln and W. Seward to Gov.; Printed copy of proposed amendment. [1] Butler to Gov., Union troops suppressing possible Negro insurrections in MD, [2] Gov. to Butler, commandeering Annapolis and Elk Ridge RR, [3] Lincoln and Seward to Gov., proposed Constitutional amendment, [4] Printed copy of proposed amendment with cover letter. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-58-10 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-55-17 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for John Starkey, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-55-18 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 19 contents: Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-55-19 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 55, folder 20 contents: General application; Letter of introduction; Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-55-20 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 55, folder 21 contents: Applications and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-55-21 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for Louis Holter, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-55-22 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854?. Box 55, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC, CE. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-55-23 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856, 1858. Box 55, folder 24 contents: Applications and recommendations for wood corder, BA, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-55-24 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 55, folder 25 contents: Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-55-25 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for Joseph H. Cameron, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-55-26 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Cameron, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-55-27 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 55, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Cameron, wood corder, BC; Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-55-28 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 55, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC; H. Herring to Gov., negligent wood corder. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-55-29 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-55-30 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-55-31 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 32 contents: Recommendations for James Blackstone for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-55-32 1/7/5/35
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 33 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-55-33 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 55, folder 34 contents: Recommendations for John G. Harman, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-55-34 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 55, folder 35 contents: Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-55-35 1/7/5/38
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 58, folder 11 contents: Appointment, Keeper of the House of Delegates, AA; Application and Qualification for surveyor, TA; Resignations: JOP, SO; Notary Public, CR; Recommendation for magistrate, CE; Correspondence, JOP, WA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-58-11 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 58, folder 12 contents: Qualification for JOP, WA; Resignations: Chief JOC, CA; JOP, BC; Recommendations for JOP, BC, TA; Voucher; Threat letter to Jacob Routzan; Rough draft of poem (song). [8] nd, possible early version of "Old Gray Mare". No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-12 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 58, folder 13 contents: Report of Commission on Printing; Voucher to SecSt.; Resolution, duties on wool, ME; Appointment of R. Johnson to U.S. Senate; Correspondence, election of Gov. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-58-13 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 58, folder 14 contents: Report of inspectors of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-58-14 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 58, folder 15 contents: Default papers, BC; Report of Special Commission on Tobacco Warehouse, BC; Annual Report of B.& O. RR. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-58-15 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 66, folder 1 contents: Application and recommendation for weigher of hay, BC; "Voters of BA" to Gov., lack of qualified candidates for weigher of hay; General correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-1 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850, 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 2 contents: Recommendation for weigher of hay, BC; Voucher, CV; Acceptance of counsel, Court of Appeals; Application and recommendation for inspector of flour, BC; Application for weigher of livestock, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-66-2 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856-1858. Box 66, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for weigher of livestock, BC; Acceptance and qualification for commissioner of deeds for MA; Application and recommendation for superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-3 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 4 contents: Application and recommendation for superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-4 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Keller, superintendent of National Road, AL; General correspondence. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-66-5 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 6 contents: Application for superintendent of National Road, AL; Recommendations for William Haller, superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-66-6 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 7 contents: Applications and recommendations for superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-66-7 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-66-8 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 9 contents: Recommendation for William Hall, superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-66-9 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 66, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for William Hall, superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-10 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858, 1861. Box 66, folder 11 contents: Recommendations for William Hall, superintendent of National Road, AL; Application and recommendation for Charles Woodman, commissioner of deeds, NH. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-66-11 1/5/7/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 12 contents: Qualifications for JOP, HO; Correspondence, dissatisfaction with corder of wood, BA; Recommendations: hospital surgeon, FR; JOP, HO; Application and recommendations for JOP, BC, WO. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-66-12 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 13 contents: Applications and recommendation for commissioner of deeds, Cal.; Recommendations: Commissioner, WA; Notary public, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-66-13 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 14 contents: Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, PA, Cal., Great Britain. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-66-14 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 15 contents: Extradition of Enoch Ridgeley, free negro, to DC; Voucher for extradition; General correspondence; Resignation of JOP, BA; Recommendation for Brig. Gen., MO; Resignations of: Legislator, DO; MD Militia, QM. [1] Extradition of Enoch Ridgely, charged with enticing a slave to run away. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-66-15 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1861. Box 66, folder 16 contents: Appointment and resignation of 1st LT, mounted volunteers, CH; Requisition of Enoch Ridgeley, free negro, from DC; Election results, U. S. Congress; Qualifications for commisioners of tax, CH; Criminal papers, Thomas Wooden, HO. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-66-16 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 66, folder 17 contents: Criminal papers: Henry C. Drill, FR; Gen. Nathaniel Hickman, BC; William H. Whiteley, CA. [13] 1860, Application for nolle prosequi for Gen. Nathaniel Hickman, accused of embezzeling state funds while registrar of wills, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-66-17 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 18 contents: Criminal papers: Charles Bard, slave, WA; George De Ford; Pardon papers, Joseph Edwards, BC. [2-4] 1860, criminal papers, Charles Bard (owned by Jonathan Hager) accused of stealing silver watch; [5] n.d., Request for nolle prosequi upon condition that George De Ford be shipped to sea for five years; [10-13] Request for pardon for Joseph Edwards for the manslaughter of Adam Barclay Kyle "growing out of election excitements". No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-66-18 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 19 contents: Pardon papers and criminal papers, Joseph Edwards, BC. [2] 1861, Joseph Edwards to Gov., BC; [1] 1861, Correspondence from William Claude, counsel for Joseph Edwards, AA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-66-19 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 20 contents: Pardon papers, Joseph Edwards, James F. Newbold, Hugh Bolton, BC; Criminal papers, Noah Coleman, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-20 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 18 contents: Correspondence, imprisonment of Judge Carmichael; British Consulate to Gov., recruitment of soldiers; President of BC Corn and Flour Exchange Association to Gov.; Atty. Gen. Bates to Gov., runaway slaves in DC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-69-18 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 19 contents: Inspector Gen. of Grain to Gov.; Gov. to Inspector Gen. of Grain; Maj. Gen. Vickers, MD Militia to Gov.; WA Commissioners to Gov., standard weights and measures. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-69-19 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 20 contents: Provost Marshal to Gov., notice from inspector of grain; SecWar to Gov., requesting total number of troops in service; Capt. C. W. Russel, Brig. Gen. Cooper, MD Volunteers. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-69-20 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 21 contents: MA Gov. to Gov., MA regiments; Atty. Gen. to Gov., arrest of John R. Miller; City Council BC to Gov., recruitment of troops; RI resolution, increase in number of cadets at West Point. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-69-21 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 69, folder 22 contents: Memo from Militia laws; Wis. proclamation; John Hopkins to Gov., treasury bonds; Enoch Pratt to Gov., report from Camp Bradford; Muster role for IN; Recommendation for Robert Fowler, Treasurer. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-69-22 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 23 contents: Report of committee to promote volunteering meeting in violation to their proceedings; Arrest of committee by order of Gen. Wool. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-69-23 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 24 contents: Resolution of ME, duties of wool; Correspondence, resolutions by Gen. Assembly on slavery question, NY, VT, ME; Price list for arms, NY. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-69-24 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 25 contents: Senate to Gov., consenting appointments; Notice to applicants for Medical appointments; Resolution from ME, victories in West. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-69-25 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862-1864. Box 69, folder 26 contents: Gov. PA to Gov.; Rough drafts: Sheriff, QA & MO; Delegates to Constitutional convention; Thanksgiving proclamation; Order, return of deserters; Request for election, State Sen., QA; Sen. confirmation of commissions. [1] 1862, Gov. PA to Gov., resolutions passed by Gen. Assembly on "slavery question", [8A-B] 1864, Draft of order from Gov. to sheriffs of counties and BC, Constitutional convention. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-69-26 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 69, folder 27 contents: Specimen exec. envelope; U.S. Sanitary Commission to Gov.; Nathan Brooks to Gov., state teachers; Memo of treasury bank accounts; Voucher; Provost Marshall to Deputies; General orders from War Dept.; Military commission. [3] 1862, Voucher for arms for Union Cecil Guards, 49th Reg., CE, [4] 1862, Form of orders to Deputies, Provost Marshall, [5A-B] 1862, Samples on preparing vouchers for War Dept., [6] 1862, Sanitary Comm. to Gov., soldiers pay; [7] 1861, Commisssion of Mathias Roberts, 2nd Lt. 37th Reg. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-69-27 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 28 contents: Lt. Kirby to Gov.; J.Y. Foulk to Gov.; Charles G. Hisler(?) to Gov.; Dr. F.P. Phelps to Gov.; Soldiers to Gov., complaints; Applicationsfor chaplain and surgeon; Recommendations for military officers; Acceptance of W. J. Gibson. [3] Thomas Smith, enrolling officer in FR, requesting guard after guerilla raid; [2, 9] Ethan Allen, George Labatto, arms for sale. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-69-28 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 29 contents: Volunteer response to American newspaper clipping, BA; Order ceasing recruiting; Applications for watchman, MD Penitentiary, QA; Recommendations for Col. and sutler; Acceptances of aide-de-camp; Surgeon Gen. NY and Provost Marshal to Gov., Gen. Wool. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-69-29 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 30 contents: Correspondence, escaped slave freed in Alexandria; Col. Kenly to Gov., exchange of prisoners; Henry Winter Davis to Gov., declines to recruit regiment; Recommendation for draft; Reverdy Johnson to Gov. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-69-30 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 70, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Frederick Alexander, notary public, BC; Application for notary public, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-70-1 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 2 contents: Recommendations, voucher and applications for David Ridgely, notary public, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-70-2 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 70, folder 3 contents: Application, recommendations and appointments for notary public, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-70-3 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 4 contents: Application and recommendations for notary public, BC; Newspaper clipping. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-70-4 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 5 contents: Application and recommendations for notary public, BC; Recommendations: assessor and collector of direct taxes, U.S.; 2nd Lt.; Col.; J.M. Clayton to Gov., recruiting committee; Telegraph, Lincoln to Gov.; Thomas R. Rich to Gov., aid to wounded. [8] 1862, telegraph, Lincoln to Gov., recruitment of troops. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-70-5 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 70, folder 6 contents: Recommendation for commission, BC; Thomas Hicks to Gov., appointment of direct tax collectors, DO; Acceptances of Aides de Camp; Requisition of John M. Crumm from PA; Wm. Ulrich to Gov., secessionists, FR; Report from Union League. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-70-6 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 70, folder 7 contents: Recruiting committee papers, PG, WA; Recommendation for army surgeon; General application; C. Emory Stonisfer to Gov, offer to create artillery company; Recommendation for direct tax assessor, PG; Application for QM. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-70-7 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 70, folder 8 contents: Application for ADC, BC; Recruiting committee papers; Hugh Bond to Gov.; Criminal papers; Maj. Gen. Robert Schenk to Gov., Maryland command; W. A. Nichols to Gov., expenses for MD draft. [2] 1862, Francis T. King, Quaker, declining to serve on recruiting committee for religious reasons, [10] 1863 Maj. Gen. Schenk to Gov., relieving Col. James Swain and appointing Brig. Gen. H.H. Lockwood. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-70-8 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 70, folder 9 contents: Col. W. Louis Schley to Gov., regt. appointments; Gen. Schenk to Gov.; Acceptance of state's attorney; John Freeman to Gov., runaway slave; Newspaper clipping, MA; James B. Fry to Gov.; R. B. Taney to Gov.; CH men to Gov., Col. Swain. [2] 1863, Gen. Schenk to Gov., closing of drafting camps at Easton and Camp Bradford, [4] John Freeman to Gov., army refuses to give up runaway slave at Point Lookout, [6] 1863, Prov. Marshal Gen. Fry to Gov., MD draft deficient by 13,803 men, [7] 1862, Chief Justice Taney to Gov., Summons in Washington & Balto. Turnpike Road case, [8] 1863, CH men to Gov., complaining of conduct of Col. Swain and troops to slaves. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-70-9 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 70, folder 10 contents: Recommendation for Col., BC; General correspondence; CH men to Gov., Chapel Point troops; John Freeman to Gov., slave harbored at Chapel Point; Col. James B. Swain to Assistant Adjutant Gen.; Affidavits. [3] 1863, CH men to Gov, Chapel Point troops continue to harbor slaves, [4] 1862, Col Swain defending actions at Chapel Point, [7] Affidavits from Maj. J. C. Kenyon and Walter Kidder, conduct of Col. Swain. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-70-10 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 70, folder 11 contents: AA citizens to Gov.; SM Sheriff to Gov., slaves at Point Lookout; Stephen Downey to Gov.; Judge Nelson, William Price and John Lynch, FR, to Gov. [1] 1863, AA citizens to Gov., arrest for refusal to take oath at polls, [4-8] 1863, Nelson, Price and Lynch to Gov., treason cases in FR. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-70-11 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 70, folder 12 contents: Stewards of M.E. Church, BC, to Gov. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-70-12 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 70, folder 13 contents: Edward M. Stanton to Gov., recruiting rebel prisoners for 3rd MD Cavalry; Asst. SecWar to Gov.; Central Methodist Episcopal Church, BC, to Gov. [3-5] 1863, Newspaper clippings and letter with enclosure, Stewards of Central, Chatsworth and Biddle Street M.E. Church to Gov., protesting order of Maj. Gen. Schenck to display American flag. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-70-13 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 70, folder 14 contents: Correspondence to Gov.: Jonathan Meredith; Richard J. Gittings; Maj. N.L. Jeffries; Col. R.N. Bowerman; Asst. Adj. Gen. R. Williams, bounties; Col. C.C. Tevis; S.F. Streeter; Brig. Gen. H.H. Lockwood. [1, 9] Meredith to Gov., Meyers v. State of PA, [2] Gittings to Gov., case against Washington and Baltimore Turnpike Co., [3] Jeffries, Asst. Provost Marshall General, to Gov., stop draft substitutes, [8] Lockwood to Gov., legality of not surrenderingrunaway slaves at Point Lookout. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-70-14 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 70, folder 15 contents: William Price to Gov., acceptance of counsel, MD; Affadavits in case of Col. Swain, accused of encouraging a slave to flee to Chapel Point, CH. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-70-15 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1929(?). Box 70, folder 16 contents: G. Maddox to Gov., runaway slaves at Point Lookout; Correspondence, detectives in SM; Reimbursement for requisition; Whiskey distillers to Gov., gaugers; Brig.Gen. Lockwood to Gov.; Criminal paper, Bloomfield; NYC Publisher's list. [6B] 1929(?) Argosy Bookstore publisher's list of Lincoln memorabilia. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-70-16 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 70, folder 17 contents: Recommendation for keeper of Washington Monument, BC; Correspondence: Farmers, foraging soldiers, AL, HA; Slaveholders committee, fugitive slaves, TA, SM; Edwin Stanton, freedom of slave soldiers; Pardon paper, Co. B, Purnell Legion. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-70-17 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 70, folder 18 contents: Criminal papers, Rev. Mr. Green; Slaveholder complaints, FR, PG; Gilpin to Gov., military appointments. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-70-18 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 70, folder 19 contents: Application for medical examiner of recruits, BC; Inquiry about organizing companies and commissioners of insane asylum; Qualification, QA; Globe to Gov.; R. Fowler to Gov., MD Defense Loan. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-70-19 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 70, folder 20 contents: Acceptance of trustee for MD State Hospital for Insane; General correspondence; General appplication; Recommendation for F.W. Alexander, military commission, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-70-20 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 70, folder 21 contents: Deaf student papers. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-70-21 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 70, folder 22 contents: Deaf student papers, Columbia Institute. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-70-22 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 70, folder 23 contents: Deaf student papers. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-70-23 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1861-1863. Box 70, folder 24 contents: Deaf and blind student papers. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-70-24 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 70, folder 25 contents: Blind student papers. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-70-25 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1862. Box 70, folder 26 contents: Deaf student papers, Henry C. Wentz. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-70-26 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1862, 1864. Box 70, folder 27 contents: Deaf and blind student papers. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-70-27 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 70, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, inspector of lumber, William Parker, Notary Public, AA, BA, WA, CE, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-70-28 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 29 contents: Application and recommendations for Theodore Knight, Richard Gore, Richard Cowcell, notary public, inspector of tobacco, FR, BC, CV, MO, CE, TA. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-70-29 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860-1862. Box 70, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for Philmon Griffith, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-70-30 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for inspectors of tobacco, BC, AA; General recommendation. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-70-31 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 70, folder 32 contents: Recommendations for William Welsh, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-70-32 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 33 contents: Recommendations for William Walsh, Philemon Griffith, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-70-33 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 34 contents: Recommendations for Joseph (John) R. Hunt, William Duvall (Duvale), inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-70-34 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 35 contents: Recommendations and applications for Lloyd Day, John Bohanan, inspector of Tobacco, BC. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-70-35 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 36 contents: Recommendations and application for James L. Hamilton, George A. Mitchell, Robert Bowie, inspector of tobacco, BC, PG. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-70-36 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 37 contents: Recommendations and application for Dr. Edward Jacob, Benedict Boone, inspector of tobacco, AA, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-70-37 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 70, folder 38 contents: Recommendations and applications for Edmund T.H. Walter, John H. Harryman, Gideon George Dane, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-70-38 1/7/5/53
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Philemon Griffith, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-71-1 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for Philemon Griffith, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-71-2 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for Philemon Griffith, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-71-3 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for John Moorehead, Philemon Griffith, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-71-4 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for John Moorehead, James T. Perkins, inspector of tobacco, BC, PG. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-71-5 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 6 contents: Application of Robert G. Pindell, Samuel Lyles, Alexander Barker, inspector of tobacco, AA, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-71-6 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for Capt. Alexander Barker, Richard C. Bowie, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-71-7 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for Thomas W. Duvall, Thomas B. Billingsley, George Burroughs, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-71-8 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for Mortimore Burroughs, Rezin T. Jenkins, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-71-9 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 10 contents: Voucher; Recommendations and applications for R.J. Jenkins, Issac Owens, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-71-10 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 11 contents: Recommendations and applications for Issac Owens, P.G. Love, William Gosnell, George Buckler, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-71-11 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 12 contents: Recommendations for George W. Buckler, inspector of tobacco, BC; Newspaper clipping. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-71-12 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for Wiliam Burch, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-71-13 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 14 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Hood, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-71-14 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 15 contents: Recommendations and application for John Hood, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-71-15 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861-1863. Box 71, folder 16 contents: Recommendations for John Shaw, inspector of tobacco, MO. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-71-16 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for John Shaw, inspector of tobacco, MO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-71-17 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 18 contents: General correspondence; Recommendations for Nicholas Darby, inspector of tobacco, MO. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-71-18 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for Nicholas R. Darby, inspector of tobacco, MO. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-71-19 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 20 contents: Recommendations for weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-71-20 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-71-21 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 22 contents: Recommendations and application for Gen. Hugh Ely, weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-71-22 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for Gen. Hugh Ely, weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-71-23 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 24 contents: Recommendations for weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-71-24 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 25 contents: Recommendations for William Dean, weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-71-25 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 26 contents: Recommendations and application for weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-71-26 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-71-27 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-71-28 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for Harry D. Gough, weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-71-29 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for Harry Gough, weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-71-30 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 71, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for Harry Gough, weigher of live stock, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-71-31 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 32 contents: Recommendations and application for weigher of live stock, BC; Nolle prosequi papers: Simon W. Boyer Jr. (Sr.?), KE; Edward Trice(?), CA; Adam Freshour (Saltey?), FR. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-71-32 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 33 contents: Remission of fines; Pardon papers: William Coulson, Anne McLauglin, Charles W. Washington, Thomas Wade. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-71-33 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 34 contents: Pardon papers: Thomas Wade, Emmanual Cohen, William Flemming, John McDevitt, Samuel Benjamin. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-71-34 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 35 contents: Pardon papers: John Claggett, Michael Coleman, Joseph Palmer, Joseph H. Edwards, Thomas Locay (Lokey), Thomas Ray. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-71-35 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 36 contents: Pardon papers: Augustus Ford, Edward Lutliff, John Oliver, Adam Link, Joseph Kuhn, George Lowman. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-71-36 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 37 contents: Pardon papers: Richard Roundtree, William H. Hall, Charles Coulson, James E. Thomas, John Houseal, Christiana Hinkel, William F. Crookshank; Execution paper, Perry Kennard. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-71-37 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 71, folder 38 contents: Pardon papers: Jacob Adams, George Bower (Tinner), Joseph Kuhn (Gardner), John Rocus, Levi Hoffman, Fredrick Biddision (Biddiker); Extradition of Jacob Perry to PA; Criminal papers, Isaac Hayden; Execution papers, Perry Kennard. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-71-38 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 71, folder 39 contents: Pardon papers: Louisa Stewart, Charles Volgelstein, John Oliver, Charles Taylor, Joshua Morgan, John Rocus, John Wilson (George De Ford), Charles Riley; Criminal Papers. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-71-39 1/7/5/54
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 1 contents: Vouchers; Blind student papers; Commission of Nichlas Shack in Militia; Resignations of: Capt. M. Roberts, Lt. Col. Joseph P. Warner, Joseph Grehan, Vevis Bouce. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-72-1 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 2 contents: Bonds for arms, BC, HA, BA, CE; Militia enlistment papers, Union Cecil Guards. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-72-2 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 3 contents: Bonds for arms, BC; Deaf and blind student papers; Vouchers. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-72-3 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 4 contents: Vouchers, Government House. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-72-4 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 5 contents: Vouchers, Government House; Deaf student papers; Maj. Gen. Leakin to Gov.. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-72-5 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 72, folder 6 contents: Vouchers; Qualifications for officers, AL; Declination as JOP, BC; Recommendation for Thomas Griffin, JOP, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-72-6 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Griffin, JOP, BC; Qualifications for officers, SO, TA; Appointment of tax collectors, CH. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-72-7 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 72, folder 8 contents: Qualifications for JOP, constables, surveyor, PG, WA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-72-8 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 9 contents: Criminal papers, WA; Qualification for JOP, offices, HA, AL, SO, QA; Resignation of register of wills, CH; Recommendation for JOP, HO; Election results, constable, HO. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-72-9 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 10 contents: Qualifications for offices, PG. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-72-10 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 11 contents: Qualifications for offices, PG, HA, FR, DO. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-72-11 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 72, folder 12 contents: Qualifications for offices, BC, CA; Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, ME, NH, MA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-72-12 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 13 contents: Qualifications for JOP, land commissioner, MA. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-72-13 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 14 contents: Qualification for commissioner of deeds, MA, CT, NY. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-72-14 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 15 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, NY. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-72-15 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 16 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, NY. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-72-16 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 17 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, NY, NJ, PA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-72-17 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 18 contents: Qualifications for JOP, commissioner of deeds, PA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-72-18 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 72, folder 19 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, PA, DC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-72-19 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 20 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, JOP, PA, DC, OH, KY. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-72-20 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 21 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, IN, IL, Missouri, Wis., Cal., NY. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-72-21 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863, 1865. Box 72, folder 22 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, PA, NY, DC, LA, IL, MA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-72-22 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 23 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, NV, Missouri, PA, LA, DC; Business cards. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-72-23 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 24 contents: Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, PA, NY, IL; Business card. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-72-24 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 25 contents: Application and recommendation for commissioner of deeds, NY, NJ, IL PA; Oliver Warner to Gov.; Business cards. [5] Oliver Warner (MA Sec. of State) to Gov., relief for MA soldiers wounded in BC riot. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-72-25 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863-1865. Box 72, folder 26 contents: Application and recommendation for commissioner of deeds, DC, IN; Appointment of commissioner of deeds, IN; Qualification for commissioner of deeds, PA, NM. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-72-26 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 27 contents: Recruiting committee paper, PG, WA; Josiah Knoole to Gov., WA man joined rebel army; James Pilkington to Gov., offer to repair seal; Seals; Dr. C. C. Cox to Gov.; General recommendations. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-72-27 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 28 contents: T. A. Spence to Gov., disbanding regiment, DO; Correspondence, transfer of Capt. Richard Keene, DO; Request for discharge, FR; General correspondence; Nathan Shipley to Gov.; William Roussey to Gov., pay at Hospital for Insane. [9] Nathan Shipley to Gov., fear of black uprisings due to Emancipation Proclamation, HO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-72-28 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 29 contents: General correspondence; Application, BC; Recommendation for JOP, FR; Telegraph, L. Thomas to Gov.; Telegraph, Lt. Col. William Huling to Gov.; Printed circular, William Seward to Gov., state seals and officers; Application for lumber inspector, HA. [8] L. Thomas (Adj. Gen., U.S.) to Gov., consolidation of 3rd and 4th regiments Home Brigade. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-72-29 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 30 contents: General correspondence; E.M. Gallaudet to Gov.; James Brady to Gov., Regt. field officers; Voucher; Recruiting committee papers; Request for draft exemption, HA; A.M. Eastman to Gov, sale of guns. [3] E. M. Gallaudet to Gov., Baltimore deaf and dumb students. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-72-30 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 31 contents: Request for discharge; Voucher; Offer to sell arms; George Vickers to Gov., 2nd E.S. Regt., commissions; War contributions; William Ulrich to Gov., loyalty of Grayson Eichelberger; Muster roll; John Everett to Gov., defense of Cumberland. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-72-31 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 32 contents: J. W. Crisfield and G. Vickers to Gov., timing of draft; Recruiting committee papers, BC, WA; G. Pearse to Gov., guerilla bands; Acceptance of commission, AA; Requests for arms, FR, CA; Reverdy Johnson to Gov., Lt. Gallagher; General correspondence. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-72-32 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1869, 1870. Box 72, folder 33 contents: Application for commission, BC; General correspondence; Application and recommendations for William Tell Bixler, JOP, BC; George Dodge to Gov., police appropriations; Request for arms, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-72-33 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 34 contents: Salmon P. Chase to Sec. State; Recruiting committee papers, AL, FR; Offer to sell arms; Application and recommendation for Brig. Gen.; General correspondence; Pardon paper; General recommendation; John N. Denning to Gov., request to manage draft. [1] Salmon P. Chase to Secretary of State, requesting bank statements. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-72-34 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 35 contents: Request for travel permits and arms, AL, WO, PG, CR; M. Blair to Gov.; War contributions; Recommendation for Capt., WA; Application for commission, SM; Recruiting committee paper, FR; Brig. Gen. to Gov., procuring arms; Desire to form military unit. [5] M. Blair to Gov, draft quota. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-72-35 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 72, folder 36 contents: Release of guns; Recommendations for: registrar of volunteers, PG; Capt. Nicodemus; Military promotions; Correspondence: incompetent regiment, drafting physicians, returning POWs, threat of potential rebellion, BC; Declination as commissioner. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-72-36 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1866, 1872. Box 72, folder 37 contents: Forming militia companies, HA, WA, AL, cavalry company, SO; Appointment of officers, 3rd Reg. PHB; Telegrams, meeting of governors; Recommendations: Weigher of grain, JOC, inspector of tobacco, BC, CR, PG. [3] 1862, Vaughan Smith to Gov., forming cavalry Co. D, Purnell Legion. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-72-37 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1869, 1871, 1872. Box 72, folder 38 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Frederick Sasscer, inspectors of tobacco and guano, school commissioner, JOP, PG, CE; Resignation of JOP, CE; Application for inspector of guano, CE; General correspondence; Telegram to Gov., deficit in old regiments. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-72-38 1/7/5/55
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 73, folder 1 contents: Recommendations and application for Samuel D. Walker, Thomas Hughey, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-73-1 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 73, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Hughey, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-73-2 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Hughey, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-73-3 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 4 contents: Recommendations and application for William Campbell, Thomas Hughey, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-73-4 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 73, folder 5 contents: Recommendations and application for William Campbell, John S. Bowles, James L. Dorsey, inspector of flour, weigher of livestock, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-5 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 6 contents: Recommendations and applications for Washington Winterson, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-73-6 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 7 contents: Recommendations and application for Charles Hammersly, Samuel Day, wood corder, lumber inspector. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-7 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 8 contents: Recommendations and application for armorer, wharfinger, wood corder, TA, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-73-8 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 9 contents: Recommendations and application for wood corder, inspector of liquor, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-73-9 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 10 contents: Recommendations and application for John W. Sanders, inspector of wood, wood corder, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-73-10 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 11 contents: Recommendations for Issac Wareham, Capt. James Hughes, wood corder, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-73-11 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 12 contents: George Vickers to Gov.; General correspondence; Bond form; Recommendations for inspector of oyster licenses and coroner, AA, BC; Application for medical inspector, army medical corps. [5] Brig.Gen. Cooper to Gov., unite 1st and 2nd regiments and put in active service, [1] Vickers to Gov., imprisoned negroes, [12] John Findlay to Gov., money for April 19th riot victims, [13] Crisfield to Gov., protesting Gen. Cooper and requesting Gen. Emory, [14] Maj.Gen. Kimmel to Gov., clarification of commission. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-12 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 13 contents: Correspondence to Gov.: Gen. Cooper, John B. Kerr, James Slade, Col. W. Lewis Schley, Reverdy Johnson; Recommendations, general, notary public, coroner, BA, CE; Acceptance of MD commissioner of deeds, NY. [2] Cooper to Gov., power to make military appointments, [7] L.W. Coover, Lt.Col. 3rd Regt. MD Volunteers, to Gov., clarification of commission, [11] Slade to Gov., information about act for aid of MA volunteers. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-73-13 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860-1862. Box 73, folder 14 contents: Request for arms, FR; Foraging soldiers, AA; Vacancy, JOP, BC; Correspondence, commissions for PHB and 3rd Regt.; Archibald Sterling to Gov.; Application for inspector of oyster boats; Voucher, arms to volunteers, QA. [1] 1862, Lt. J.Lockerman Goldsborough, request for arms, "Maryland Zouaves", [13] 1862 Sterling to Gov., relocation of Naval Academy, [14] Voucher for arms to "Scott Rifles," "Chesapeake Riflemen," "Washington Blues". No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-14 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 15 contents: Adjt. Gen., MA to Gov.; Gen. Cooper to Gov.; Correspondence: Commissions for 3rd Regt., War contributions; Applications for consul to Hawaii, tax collector, WO, ADC. [3] Adjt. Gen., MA, seeks whereabouts of Thomas Sharkey, MA soldier, [6] Cooper to Gov., need to disband regt. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-73-15 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 16 contents: Declination as asst. inspector of grain, BC; Recommendations, BC, CE, inspector of fish, HA; Application for chaplain, Baltimore Light Inf.; Sterling to Gov., auctioneers' oaths; Prov. marsh. to Gov.; Correspondence; Advertisement for military goods. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-73-16 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 17 contents: Application and recommendations: Grain inspector, BC; Commissioner of deeds, NY; Gauger of liquors, SO; Joseph Stephenson to Gov.; Mary Thomas to Gov., imprisonment of husband; Request for discharge, BC; Request for arms, HA. [3] Joseph Stephenson to Gov., complaint against "drunkard" Lt. Col. Miller. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-17 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 18 contents: Recommendation for JOP, DO, FR, WA, BA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-73-18 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 19 contents: Applications and recommendations for JOP, QA, BA, WO, SO, DO, PG, BA; General correspondence; Recommendation for JOC, SO. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-73-19 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 20 contents: Resignation of notary public, BC; Recommendation for JOP, BA, BC, MO, AL, FR; Recommendation for notary public, TA; Business card; General correspondence. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-20 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 73, folder 21 contents: Recommendations, resignation and applications JOP, CE, QA, WA; Application for auctioneer, BC; General correspondence; Application for Sherrif, WO. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-73-21 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 73, folder 22 contents: Recommendation for sheriff, WO; Recommendation and qualification for JOP, AL; Appplications and recommendations for JOP, BC. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-73-22 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 73, folder 23 contents: General recommendations and applications, CR, BC; War contribution. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-73-23 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 73, folder 24 contents: Application, general applications and recommendations for weigher of live stock, BC, sargent-at-arms, House of Delegates. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-24 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 25 contents: General applications; General recommendations; Application for inspector of oyster licenses, gauger of liquors, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-73-25 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 73, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for John N. Linaweaver, weigher of hay and William H. Smith, gauger of liquors, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-26 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for William H. Smith, gauger of liquors, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-27 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 73, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for gauger of liquors, coroner, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-73-28 1/7/5/56
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for gauger of liquors, JOP, magistrate, BC, HA, HO. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-74-1 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 2 contents: General recommendation; Recommendations for JOP, BA, BC, CR; Failure to qualify, CR; Appointment of register of wills, TA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-74-2 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 3 contents: Recommendations and application for JOP, constable, coroner, CH, TA, BA, SM, SO, MO; Failure to comply, JOP, SM. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-74-3 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 74, folder 4 contents: Recommendations and application for JOP, CH, AL, CR. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-74-4 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 74, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for tax commissioner, commissioner, surveyor, JOP, TA, WO, PG, CH, CV, CE; Qualification for JOP, CE. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-74-5 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 74, folder 6 contents: Vacancy, recommendation and declination as sheriff, QA; Recommendation for surveyor, notary public, FR, TA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-6 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 74, folder 7 contents: Application and recommendations for weigher of hay, JOP, CR, BC; General correspondence; Failure to qualify for sheriff, MO. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-74-7 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 74, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for JOP, wood corder, lime inspector, inspector of hay, BC, CH, HA, BA; General Correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-74-8 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 74, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for: Septimus Claypole, inspector of grain, BC; Thomas Baden, county commissioner, PG; Lewis Clark, auctioneer, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-74-9 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 10 contents: Voucher; Qualification for tax collector, AL, AA, CV, CA, CR, CE. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-74-10 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 11 contents: Appointment of tax collectors, CH, DO, FR, HA, HO, KE, MO, PG. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-74-11 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 12 contents: Appointment of tax collectors, QA, SM, SO, TA, WA, WO, BA; Tax levy, CE, MO, FR. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-74-12 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 13 contents: Tax levy, QA, HA; Bonds for offices, MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-74-13 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 14 contents: Bonds for offices, MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-74-14 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 15 contents: Bonds for offices, MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-15 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 16 contents: Bonds for offices, MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-16 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 17 contents: Bonds for offices, MD Penitentiary; Bonds for notary publics, FR, CE, AA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-17 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 18 contents: Bonds for inspector of tobacco, BC; Bonds for notary publics, AL. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-74-18 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 19 contents: Qualification for inspector of tobacco, AA, BC; Bonds for: Inspector of tobacco, AA; Inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-74-19 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 20 contents: Bond for wharfinger, weigher of hay, notary public, WA, BC. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-74-20 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 21 contents: Bond for inspector of flour, armorer, notary public, TA, WO, BC. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-74-21 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 22 contents: Bond for notary public, inspector of flour, AL, BC, FR, WA; Qualifications for civil officers, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-22 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 23 contents: Bond for notary public, armorer, FR, BC, CE; Bonds for officers, MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-23 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 24 contents: Bonds for inspector of hay, inspector of flour, notary public, KE, CE, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-24 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 25 contents: Qualification and bond for James Perkins, inspector of tobacco, PG; Bond for Edwin M. Shipley, State Librarian, CR. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-74-25 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 74, folder 26 contents: Bonds for: Assistant inspector of flour, BC; Notary public, CR; Hanson P. Jordan, State Librarian; Extradition of George E. Howard and John Scoogle, PA; Criminal papers, August Gunsburger and Michael Adelsheiner, FR, WA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-74-26 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 74, folder 27 contents: Extraditions: George E. Howard and John Scoogle, Johnston Boyle, PA; Criminal papers, Joseph Hetrick, PA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-27 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862-1864. Box 74, folder 28 contents: Extraditions of: Joseph Hetrick to PA; Augustus Gunsburger and Michael Adelsheimer to DC; Criminal papers: Joseph Hetrick, PA; Thomas G. Dorsey, negro, FR; John Eicholtz, IL. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-74-28 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 74, folder 29 contents: Requisition of August Gunsburger, Michael Adelsheimer, Alexander Ostraski (Greenberg), James Dorsey (Thomas Busey), negro, from DC; Extradition of Joseph Hooker to PA. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-74-29 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863, 1865. Box 74, folder 30 contents: Requisitions of Thomas Watkins (Watson), negro, John Mara, T.G. Dorsey (Greenberry Dorsey), negro, R.A. Dorsey, free black, George Brooks and Ann Brooks, slaves, from DC; Criminal papers, John M. Krumm, William Stacback(?), Henley Harris, CH. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-74-30 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862, 1864. Box 74, folder 31 contents: Vouchers; Requisition of John Krumm from PA. [1] 1864, Voucher for building materials, Government House, [3, 4, 6-9] 1862, Voucher for building materials, State House. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-74-31 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862, 1864, 1867. Box 74, folder 32 contents: Vouchers for advertising, telegrams. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-74-32 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 74, folder 33 contents: Vouchers, advertisement and delivery of prisoner; Newspaper clippings; General correspondence. No. Items: 28 MSA S 1274-74-33 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860-1862. Box 74, folder 34 contents: Vouchers; Newspaper clippings. [2] 1862, Voucher, removal of excrement from State House Hill. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-74-34 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 74, folder 35 contents: Vouchers for advertising; Newspaper clippings. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-74-35 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862, 1866, 1867. Box 74, folder 36 contents: Vouchers; Recommendation for commissioner, WO; Default notices, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-74-36 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 74, folder 37 contents: Default notices, HO, FR, HA, WA, BA, CE, DO, KE, PG, CR, BC, QA, CA, AA, AL. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-74-37 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 38 contents: Default notices, BA, CA, CR, CE, CV, CH, DO, WA, WO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-74-38 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 39 contents: Default notices, FR, HO, HA, KE, PG, MO, QA, SM, TA, WA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-74-39 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 74, folder 40 contents: Recommendations for: Henry Clay Adams, JOP, SM; Thomas Rich, notary public, BC; Qualification for asst. postmaster, DO. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-74-40 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 74, folder 41 contents: Recommendations and application for: Thomas Rich, notary public; Inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-74-41 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 74, folder 42 contents: Recommendations and applications for Thomas Spicer, T. Horace Soper, J. Emory Weatherby, notary public, BC; Business card. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-74-42 1/7/5/57
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 76, folder 1 contents: Recommendations, inspector of grain, wood corder, lumber inspector, BC, WO; General recommendation. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-76-1 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 76, folder 2 contents: Recommendation for wood corder, inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-76-2 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 76, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for inspector of grain, inspector of flour, assistant inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-76-3 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for Benjamin F. May, inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-76-4 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 5 contents: Applications and recommendations for: John Frazier, weigher of live stock; Inspector of grain, assistant inspector of grain, BC; General recommendations. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-76-5 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 6 contents: Recommendations for Henry B. Jones, inspector of flour; Application and recommendations for inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-76-6 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 7 contents: Recommendations and application for assistant inspector of tobacco, assistant inspector of flour, inspector of flour, BC; General correspondence. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-76-7 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 8 contents: Recommendations and application for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-76-8 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for John Kefauver, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-76-9 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 76, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for Joseph C. Parker, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-76-10 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 11 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-76-11 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 12 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-76-12 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 76, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-76-13 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 76, folder 14 contents: Recommendation for: Levi Valentine, inspector of flour; Inspector of tobacco, BC; General application. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-76-14 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 15 contents: Applications and recommendations for inspector of flour, BC; General correspondence. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-76-15 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 16 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-76-16 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Newcomer, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-76-17 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 75, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Roger C. Luckett, notary public, BC; Complaint against appointment of weigher of hay, BC; Declination as notary public, AL; Charles B. Calvert to Gov., protest against W.T. Prince, inspector of fish. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-75-1 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 2 contents: Acceptance of Thomas R. Rich for notary public, BC; General Correspondence; H. P. Brooks to Gov.; Declination, MD Penitentiary; Pardon papers, John Woodruff; Recommendation for Mules, BC; Inspector of guano, BC; Applicationm for auctioneer, BC. [2] George Ervin to Gov., lottery fraud; [3] Brig. Gen. Stone to Gov., appointment of Munther, Prussian engineer in MD Reg.; [7] Hugh L. Bond to Gov. on Brown's theft of chocolate and prior record; [10] Maj. Gen. John Dix to Gov., complaint against Judge R. B. Carmichael. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-75-2 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 75, folder 3 contents: H. Veazey Ward to Gov.; John F. Sharretts to Gov.; Trueman Cross to Gov.; Recommendation for William T.J. Purnell, woodcorder, WO. [2] Lt. Col. Horner to Gov., recruitment in 3rd MD Regiment, [3] Thomas Maddox to Gov., arrest of Thomas J. Claggett, legislator from FR. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-75-3 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 4 contents: Benjamin O'Hara to Gov., BC; Isaac Nesbitt to Gov., WA; Trueman Coss to Gov.; T.F. Herbert to Gov., complaint against T.L. Bowles, inspector of flour, WA; John Dix to Gov.; John S. Sellman to Gov.; Recommendation, inspector of grain. [3] Col. Miles to Gov., presentation of sword. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-75-4 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for: Dr. Benjamin Miles, surgeon; Warden, MD Penitentiary; Notary public; Inspector of tobacco; Inspector of flour; Col. Louis L. Schley, 5th MD Regiment to Gov., military, C & O Canal; Business card. [2] James W. Alnutt to Gov., bank holidays, [4] Johnson, Fry Co. to Gov., cover letter and circular on war history publication. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-75-5 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 75, folder 7 contents: Recommendation for Leander Warren, notary public, DC; Requisition of Samuel H. Goldsmith from PA for renting bawdy houses. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-75-7 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863-1865. Box 75, folder 8 contents: Requisitions: Matthew Courts, George Davidge, Gusty Thompson, Harry Jackson, Wellington Mudd, Thomas Harrison, Sandy Johnson, John Moore (with aliases), John Woodward, John N. Curtis, John Reverly, Adam Slator, Hy. Thomas, Negroes from DC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-75-8 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861-1863. Box 75, folder 9 contents: Criminal papers, Daniel Hetler and Joseph Swisher; Requisitions of: Joseph Hetrick from PA; August Gunsburger and Michael Adelsheimer from DC; Report, Sheppard Asylum; Enrollment papers, election districts, 1862. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-75-9 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 75, folder 10 contents: Voucher; Requisitions of: Robert V. Bond from DC; Samuel Keever from PA; General correspondence; Recommendations for: Director, MD Penitentiary; Notary public, BC; Request for arms, Col. William L. Schley. [6] Capt. Randolph Jones to Gov., disarming of St. Mary's Dragoons, 4th Reg. MD Militia, [7] Maj. Edward R. Petherbridge to Gov., recruitment of artillery regiment. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-75-10 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 11 contents: General application and recommendations, BC; Application and recommendations for Robert Duckett and John Stanley, notary public, BC; Applications and recommendations for notary public, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-75-11 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862, 1864. Box 75, folder 12 contents: General correspondence; Application and recommendations for John M. Walker, notary public, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-75-12 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 75, folder 13 contents: Application and recommendations for John Walker and John F. Plummer, notary public, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-75-13 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862-1864. Box 75, folder 14 contents: Recommendations for notary public, BC; Requisition of Daniel Netler and Joseph Swisher from OH; General correspondence; Vouchers; Requisitions of: Henry Piles from D.C.; John Eicholtz from IL; James Lynch from PA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-75-14 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 75, folder 15 contents: Vouchers; General correspondence; Requisitions of: Philip Pierson from VA; James Reamer from PA; William T. Elmore from DC; John Williams from DC; William B. Chizeron from DC. [17] Requisition of John Williams, slave of Mrs. Jacob Nicholls, MO. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-75-15 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1866. Box 75, folder 16 contents: General correspondence; Requisitions of: John Smith from PA; William B. Chizrem (Chizeron) from DC; George Williams, negro, from DC; Josepus Penorifield; Charles Stewart from PA; George Wheeler from PA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-75-16 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 75, folder 17 contents: Requisitions of: Richard Wheeler, PA; John T. Morris (Harry Morris), Missouri; Thomas Johnson (Smith), DC; James Lough, PA; George Ross and Frank Boarman, negroes, DC; Robbius P. and Phebe Dunn, PA; James Owens and James Davis, colored, DE; Vouchers. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-75-17 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 75, folder 18 contents: Requisitions of: Nathan Freeman, negro, PA; Benjamin Nichols, DC; Application and recommendations for William W. Quinn, corder of wood, BC; Appointment of JOP, BC; Recommendation for collector of taxes, PG; Application for inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-75-18 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 75, folder 19 contents: Application for inspector of flour, BC; Recommendation for notary public, CA; Comptroller's default report, CA, BC; Recommendation and application for JOP, CE, PG, BC; Application for auctioneer, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-75-19 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 75, folder 20 contents: Recommendations for Thomas W. Griffin and Allen E. Forrester, JOP, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-75-20 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 75, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for Allen E. Forrester, JOP, BC; Requisitions of: negroes Charles Williams, George Croggins, William Williams, Charles Slites from PA; Margaret Murphy from MA; Criminal papers, Adolphus Doyle, MO; Qualification for JOP, MO. [5-8] Requisition of four slaves of Mrs. Mary Worthington from PA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-75-21 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 75, folder 22 contents: Criminal papers, George Tyler, AA; Requisitions of: Bell (John Offutts), negro; Robert Scott from DC; Daniel Webster, slave; Thomas Norton from DC; Johnston Boyle from PA; Doral Hyder from PA; Mortimer Records from DE. [1-4] George Tyler, slave of Rebecca Pendy, charged with rape of Martha Stockett. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-75-22 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 75, folder 23 contents: Vouchers; Requisitions of: Thomas Norton from DC; Thomas G. Dorsey, negro, from DC; John M. Krumm from PA; General correspondence. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-75-23 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 24 contents: Application for JOP, DO; Recommendation for Thomas B. Hambleton, state wharfinger. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-75-24 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 75, folder 25 contents: Application and recommendations for Charles H. Pitt, Joseph Daley, James Noble, state wharfinger. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-75-25 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862, 1864. Box 75, folder 26 contents: Recmmendations for Eliza Arnold, James Heddinger, George Leddon, state wharfinger. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-75-26 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 75, folder 27 contents: Application and recommendations for George Leddon, state wharfinger. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-75-27 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 75, folder 28 contents: Application and recommendations for Charles B. Smith, William Haller, Godfrey Berkebile, William Conrad, superintendent for the National Road, AL. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-75-28 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 75, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for Henry Brown, David Knode, William Hall, superintendent of National Road, Al. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-75-29 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for superintendent of National Road, AL; Applications and recommendations for inspector of grain, SO. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-75-30 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 31 contents: Application and recommendations for Thomas Martin, John Magruder, James Atwell, inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-75-31 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 75, folder 32 contents: Application and recommendations for James A. Roe, Edward Ballard, inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-75-32 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 33 contents: Application and recommendations for Rev. William H. Pitcher, inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-75-33 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 76, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, asst. inspector of flour, BC, WA, CR. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-76-18 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 19 contents: Recommendations and application for James Fuller and Frisby H. McMann, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-76-19 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 20 contents: Recommendations and applications for Samuel Canby, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-76-20 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 21 contents: Recommendations and applications for Washington M. Naill, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-76-21 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 76, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Mills and James W. Edmonds, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-76-22 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 76, folder 23 contents: Election clerk, CR, to Gov.; Commission of JOP, DO; Judge Brewer to Gov., military presence at court necessary; J. Crisfield to Gov., military obstruction of voting, SO; John H. Bayne to Gov., seat in U.S. Senate. [1-3] Alleged swindling of Henrietta Gardiner by Chief Justice Bowie. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-76-23 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 76, folder 24 contents: J. Crisfield to Gov., military obstruction of voting, SO; William Blackistone to Gov., fugitive slaves at Point Lookout; MA to Gov., payment of MA troops; Bonds for notary public, inspector of flour, CR, BC, SO. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-76-24 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 76, folder 25 contents: Bonds for offices at MD Penitentiary, notary public, FR. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-76-25 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 76, folder 26 contents: Bonds for offices at MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-76-26 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 76, folder 27 contents: Bonds for offices at MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-76-27 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 76, folder 28 contents: Bonds for register of wills, notary public, commissioner of land office, CA, CR; Criminal papers, Bloomfield, tampering with B & O RR track; Gov. MA to Gov. [6-8] Gov. MA to Gov., distribution of funds to families of 6th Regt. MA wounded or killed in Baltimore riot, April 19, 1861. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-76-28 1/7/5/59
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 1 contents: Annual report, House of Refuge; Northern Home for Friendless Children to Gov.; Reports: Cumberland Coal and Iron Company; Baltimore Female College; Qualifications, Judge of Orphans' Court, QA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-77-1 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 2 contents: Reports: Trustees of Sheppard Asylum; Inspector of grain, BC; Inspector of flour, BC, to Gov.; Register of wills, MO, to Gov., adopted resolutions; KS legislature to Gov., appeal to discontinue slavery. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-77-2 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 3 contents: Report of military relief agent; PA Institute of Deaf and Dumb to Gov.; Criminal papers, Granville Smeltzer, FR. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-77-3 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 77, folder 4 contents: Criminal papers, Granville Smeltzer, Jim (James) Johnson, free negro; Requisition of Benjamin General and Charles Johnson from DC. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-77-4 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 77, folder 5 contents: Report of committee studying changes to MD Constitution, Article 3, Legislative Department. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-77-5 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1859, 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 6 contents: Criminal papers: John Smith, HO; Sebastian Smith, PA; Vouchers; Deaf, Dumb and Blind student papers. [9-11, 15, 19] 1864, Voucher for furniture for executive mansion. No. Items: 21 MSA S 1274-77-6 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 77, folder 7 contents: Vouchers for advertising, Deaf, Blind and Dumb tuition; IL request for Constitutional proceedings, 1864. [5, 6 ,9] 1864, Vouchers, repairs to State House, [13] 1864, Voucher for plumbing in Executive Mansion. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-77-7 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 77, folder 8 contents: Pardon papers, John Newman Reynolds, QA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-77-8 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 9 contents: Pardon papers: John Newman Reynolds, QA; Herman Wolke, HO; Offer to sell arms, Naylor and Co., NY; Recommendation for Wood, surgeon; T. Oliver and G. Kidd to Gov.; J. Dorsey Herbert to Gov. [12] T. Oliver and G. Kidd to Gov., protesting military interference in election, CE. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-77-9 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1844, 1863. Box 77, folder 10 contents: William H. Dallam to Gov., delaying of commission; Dr. Samuel P. Smith to Gov.; Abraham Updegrove to Gov.; LT. W. A. Horner to Gov.; Criminal papers, Othello Johns, free negro; Application for quartermaster. [1] 1863, David Wills to Gov., Gettysburg National Cemetery, [9] 1863, Jared Coffin to Gov., commission in USCT, [12] 1863, Lucretia Hickman to Gov., compensation for slave. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-77-10 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 11 contents: Gen. Foster to Gov.; S. W. Downey to Gov.; Francis Southwick to Gov.; Applications and recommendations for: James Resley, Edward H. Brendle, William S. Fish, William S. Thruston, G. A. H. Clements, commissions; VA Proclamation. [1, 2, 6] Mary E. Banning to Gov., compensation for slaves; [9] Proclamation from VA, proclaiming Alexandria to be capital. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-77-11 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 77, folder 12 contents: Application and recommendations for: Isaac Amoss, William H. Preston, commissions; Alex Leedes, Detective Police; James Cummings, JOP, CE; M. H. Purnell to Gov.; N. F. Streeter to Gov.; Pardon papers, Rountree, Fillinger; General correspondence. [2] 1863, William H. Preston, paroled soldier at Camp Parole, application for position, [7] 1863, E. Whitney to Gov., offer to sell arms, [11] 1863, Account of grain inspected, BC, [12] 1862, Act establishing grain weighers, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-77-12 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 13 contents: James B. Ricaud to Gov., delaying appointment of weigher of grain, BC; Enrollment papers, Benjamin H. Price, KE; Application for promotion, William T. Buck; Gen. Robert C. Schenck to Col. Berry; Application for Richard H. Jackson, JOP, DO. [5] Lt. John R. Meigs to Gov., chief engineer, mapping of WV. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-77-13 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 14 contents: Criminal papers, Dallas; General correspondence; Application for Samuel K. Dashiell, notary public, BC; Recommendation for Anderson W. Melvin, chief JOC; Application for H. S. McNair, commission. [6] S. S. McMasters to Gov., protest against military interference in election, WO; [8] George Sharswood to Gov., funds for PA Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-77-14 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 15 contents: Correspondence to Gov., draft, WA; Rufus Belt to Gov.; John Hitz, Jr. to Gov.; Francis J. Henry to Gov.; General correspondence; Application for Robert R. Corson, state military agent. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-77-15 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 16 contents: Horace Resley to Gov., delay of commission of clerk, AL; General correspondence; Application for Maj. H. Wharton, Adj. Gen. of MD.; R.A. Webster to Gov.; Voucher; Dr. Benjamin Kurtz to Gov., suggestions for state of the state address. [6] Resolutions, Soldier's National Cemetery, Gettysburg, [4] Number of soldiers buried in National Cemetery, Gettysburg, to Dec. 19, 1863, [8] Webster to Gov., release of brother from confederate prison. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-77-16 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 77, folder 17 contents: Correspondence: Dr. William W. Valk' s appointment as surgeon; Commissions for Orphans' Court, TA; Request to remove troops from field and for new election, JOP, CH; Disorder at cattle scales, BC; Advertisement for Short's Knapsack Slinging. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-77-17 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 18 contents: Commission, JOC, CH; Dixon to Gov., resolutions adopted against Charles E. Goldsborough; Request for commission; Joseph Rundle, Jr. to Gov.; James Wooten, clerk of QA court, offer to form cavalry company. [2] Dr. B.J. Dixon to Gov., soldiers encouraging slaves to leave their masters, plan for gradual emancipation, [7] Request for support of national banking system. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-77-18 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for Chief JOC, CH, WA; Correspondence: Disputed election, QA, KE; Washington Turnpike Co. case to Supreme Court; Slaves absconding to steamer, QA; German Agriculture and Immigrant Assoc. prospectus; Gov. to Gen. Ketchum. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-77-19 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 77, folder 20 contents: Vouchers, payment of military officers; Requests for requisition and for map of congressional districts; Schenck to Gov., colored troops credited to draft; Recommendation for colonel; Application and recommendations for wood corder, BC. [7] 1863, Maj. Gen. Robert Schenck to Gov., presence of flag in place of worship. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-77-20 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 21 contents: Recommendation and application for wood corder, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-77-21 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 22 contents: Recommendations and application for wood corder, JOP, notary public, BC, SO, CR. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-77-22 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, JOC, CR, BC; Correspondence, petition to be filed in Orphans' Court; E. Stanton to Gov.; Telegrams, E. Stanton to Gov.; Appointment of Col. Tevis; A. Lincoln to Gov., time of appointment. [6-7] 1863, Edwin Stanton to Gov., regulations concerning recruitment of colored troops in MD and TN. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-77-23 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1883, n.d. Box 77, folder 24 contents: Recommendations for JOC, CR; Election returns, CR; Business card; Application for commissioner of deeds; Notice of appointment of tax collector, BC, AL. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-77-24 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 25 contents: Notification of appointment of state tax collectors, AA, BA, CV, CA, CR, CE and imposition of tax, BA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-77-25 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 26 contents: Notification of appointment of state tax collectors, DO, FR, HO, CH, PG, HA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-77-26 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 27 contents: Notification of appointment of state tax collectors, MO, QA, SM, SO, KE. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-77-27 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 28 contents: Notification of appointment of state tax collectors, TA, WA, WO; Report of levy of state tax, HA, MO, FR, TA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-77-28 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 77, folder 29 contents: Resignation of JOP, manager of House of Refuge, inspector of grain, notary public, , PG, SO, MD, CR, MO. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-77-29 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 30 contents: Resignation of JOP, BC, WA, CA; Vacancy and resignation of JOC, BC, QA. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-77-30 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 31 contents: Resignation of JOP, inspector of grain, BA, BC, HA, MD. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-77-31 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 32 contents: Recommendations for asst. inspector of grain, JOP, DO, BA, KE; Resignation of JOP, DO; Application for JOP, DO. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-77-32 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 33 contents: Recommendation for JOP, DO; Default papers, Richard H. Jackson and William Duncan, DO. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-77-33 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 34 contents: Recommendation for Thomas Mearis, JOP, HA, BC; Application for notary public, CA; Bond and recommendation for notary public, CA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-77-34 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 35 contents: Application and recommendation for JOP, BA, BC, TA; Failure to qualify for JOP, TA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-77-35 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 36 contents: Recommendation for JOP, JOC, WO, WA, BA; Application for JOP, WO; Default papers, James W. Duncan. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-77-36 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 37 contents: Recommendations, correspondence, and certificate of appointment for James Duncan, JOP, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-77-37 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 38 contents: Recommendations, commission, and application for James Duncan, JOP, BC; Election results from 1st MD Light Artillery. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-77-38 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 39 contents: Correspondence: Draft issues; Extension of federal bounty payments; Suspension of draft; Opposition to appointment of James Duncan, JOP, BC; Capt., 3rd Regt., to Gov., requesting transfer to artillery; Application for recruiting agent. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-77-39 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 77, folder 40 contents: Vacancy, JOC, BA; Application for inspector of grain, notary public, AA, BC; Correspondence, National Road; Forming regiment and company; Request for copy of law about support of widows; J.T. Daniel to Gov. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-77-40 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 41 contents: Inquiries about appointments and state laws on dogs attacking sheep. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-77-41 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 1 contents: Correspondence: N.S. Frost and Adj. Gen., account; Commissioners of deeds, Pacific states; Rebel raids, MD; Rev. Thomas Sewell to Gov.; Capt. John Frazier to Gov., notification of availability. [7] 1863, Sewell to Gov., request for religious observance. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-78-1 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 2 contents: Capt. Randolph Jones to Gov., remarks on casualties; Requests for funds, enrolling officers; General correspondence; Draft notifications; Recruitment of slaves. [10] Benjamin Bennett to Gov., recruitment of slaves. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-78-2 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 3 contents: Correspondence, draft and enrollment; Gideon Wells to SecSt. [7] Sec. Navy Gideon Wells to SecSt., requesting "apportionment by counties of the congressional districts". No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-78-3 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 4 contents: General correspondence; Recommendations for wood corder, BC; Default papers. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-78-4 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 5 contents: Recommendation for Thomas Picking, inspector of flour, FR. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-78-5 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 6 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, Chief JOC, FR, CR; Default papers. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-78-6 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 7 contents: Recommendation for Maj. Gen. William French; Correspondence: Enrollment of free blacks; Enrolling officer request for pay; Criminal papers, Alophus Day (Pope); Appraisal of livestock. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-7 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 8 contents: SecSt IN to Gov., use of state seal; S.F. Streeter to Gov., deserters; Enrolling officers request for pay; General correspondence; Genealogical inquiry. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-8 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 9 contents: Application and recommendations for John Kefauver, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-78-9 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for John Kefauver and Thomas Picking, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-78-10 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 11 contents: Recommendations and application for: Chief JOC, QA; William Kemp, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-78-11 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 12 contents: Recommendations for: William Kemp, inspector of flour; William Irving, JOC, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-78-12 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for James Lee, inspector of flour, JOP, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-78-13 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864, 1866. Box 78, folder 14 contents: Recommendations for JOP, commissioner of deeds, VT; Declination as register, FR; List of officers, 3rd MD Cavalry; Acceptance of QM, 3rd MD Cavalry. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-78-14 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864. Box 78, folder 15 contents: General correspondence; James Turner to Gov., release from prison of son wounded at Gettysburg; Default papers; Military list, Provost Marshalls and corrected list for all counties. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-78-15 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 78, folder 16 contents: Applications for: coroner, BC; Surgeon, 3rd MD Volunteers; Col. N.L. Jeffries, notification of President's draft order; General correspondence. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-78-16 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 17 contents: Equitable draft enrollment, WA; General correspondence; Acceptance. [3] Acceptance of appointment as counsel of St. John's College. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-78-17 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 18 contents: Maj. John H. Huntley to Gov., Bounty Act; VT to Gov., request for state documents; Applications for state wharfinger, surgeon general, BC; General application; Surgeon general PA to surgeon general MD. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-18 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 19 contents: Request for payment, Provost Marshall; Recommendations from Reverdy Johnson, for Superintendent National Road; Commissioner public works, E.S. Dist.; Application for JOP, DO; Maj. Henry Cole to Gov.; General correspondence. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-19 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 20 contents: Draft of Gov. proclamation; Appeals from Sanitary Commissions, NJ, Missouri; Application for chaplain. [1] Draft of proclamation, patriotic spirit of women. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-78-20 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 78, folder 21 contents: Acceptance of commission as Lt. Col., 3rd MD Cavalry; Telegram, notification of President's Draft Order; Thomas Barber to Gov.; General correspondence; National Union Insurance Company to Gov., insuring soldiers. [5] Barber to Gov., complaining that black soldiers stole three of his slaves. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-78-21 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 22 contents: Correspondence, bounties; Applications for military appointments; Recommendation for superintendant of the National Road; Brig. Gen. J.C. Sullivan to Gov. [5, 6] Sullivan to Gov., commending performance of soldiers. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-78-22 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 23 contents: Application for MD commissioner of deeds, DC; Recommendations for Robert Baynard, JOP, QA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-23 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 24 contents: Correspondence, accounts; Request for payment, surgeon, TA; Recommendation for: Commissioner of Public Works, BC; Superintendant of Public Schools; Acceptance of commission as surgeon, 3rd MD Cavalry; William Graham to Gov., state bonds. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-78-24 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 25 contents: Recommendation for Major; Request and petition for military pay; General correspondence; Request to commission officers from ranks, PHB; Growing enlistment, 3rd MD; Applications for Invalid Corps, Field Officer, 1st MD E.S. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-25 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1864. Box 78, folder 26 contents: L. F. Streeter (Military Relief Agent) to Gov., furlough for John W. Cartwell; Surgeon General MA to Gov.; MA General Laws and Resolves; Qualifications for commission, DO; Charles Heigesheimer to Gov., intent not to resign as JOP, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-78-26 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 27 contents: Recruiting papers; Thomas W. Griffin to Gov., sale of JOP position; Acceptance of Grain Inspector, QA; Resignation of Postmaster, QA; General correspondence. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-27 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 28 contents: Col. S. M. Bowman to Gov., forwarding freed men's bounty rolls for 84 PA Vol.; General Correspondence; Brig. Gen. John Kenly to Gov., reassignment of drafted men; S. F. Streeter to Gov., MD soldiers in PA hospital; General applications. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-78-28 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1864. Box 78, folder 29 contents: General correspondence; Application for Warden, MD Penitentiary; Maj. Gen. William French to Gov., Antietam monument; Printed copy, St. John's College Case; William Price to Gov., St. John's College case; Gov. to E. B. French, remitting accounts. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-78-29 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 30 contents: E.B. French (U.S. Treasury Dept.) to Gov., remitting accounts; Recommendation for keeper of state house; William Dyott to Gov., bounties for QA; Maj. Daniel to Gov., signatures for commissions; General correspondence. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-78-30 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 77, folder 43 contents: Correspondence, formation of home guard; Prov. Marshal Gen. to Gov., enrollment act; M. M. Welch to Gov., muster of company ready. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-77-43 1/7/5/60
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 1 contents: Correspondence: Contested power of attorney for negro soldier; Deserter from 12th MD Vol.; George Vickers to Gov., apprehension about military intervention in Constitutional election; John Fox, Adolph Henkle to Gov. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-79-1 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 79, folder 2 contents: Correspondence, twelve month enlistment; W. Jones and David Beabury to Gov., forming a company; Pardon paper, 11th Regt.; Recommendations for: Negro recruiter, WO; JOC, CR; Quota announcement, MD; Applications for commission. [2] W. J. Jones to Gov., negro masquerading as sheriff, CE, to take negro substitutes to DE and PA, [4] John C. Cookson to Gen. Wallace, Sheriff, CE, selling negros from CE in PA to fill NJ quota. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-79-2 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 79, folder 3 contents: Blind student papers; Correspondence: Charlotte Hall Academy uniforms; Arms delivered to Union CE Guards; Adams Express Co. to Gov., copies of pardons; Criminal paper, A. Boyd, slave accused of rape. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-79-3 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 79, folder 4 contents: Application for inspector of grain, BC; Request for funds, Gettysburg cemetary; George Vickers to Gov., qualifications of soldiers as voters; Correspondence, military interference, elections, CR; Criminal paper, Samuel Miles. [4] 1863, Invitation to Gov. to take part in procession, November 19, Gettysburg, [10] 1864, L.W. Tall to Gov., complaint against soldiers' vote on Constitution. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-79-4 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 31 contents: Application, BC; Request for pay, TA; MA Gov. to Gov., public land scrip; E.B. French to Gov., draft payments; Request for exemption, SM; Recruiting paper, WA; Gov. to Maj.Gen. Wallace, draft evasion, BC; List of unenlisted men, BC; James Foy to Gov. [9, 10] Foy, U.S. Provost Marshal Gen. to Gov., credit for naval enlistments. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-78-31 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 78, folder 32 contents: Col. N.L. Jeffries to Gov., militia organization; Brig. Gen. Morris to Gov., shipment of guns; D. Wills to Gov.; Henry Silver to Gov., Schenk barn burning assessment, HA; G. Vickers to Gov., 30 day recruits; Recommendation for surgeon; Affidavit, SM. [3] 1863, David Wills to Gov., preparations for consecration of Gettysburg cemetary. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-78-32 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 33 contents: Superior Court, BC, petition, Samuel G. Miles vs. Gov., disputing loyalty oath and polling procedures in constitutional ratification. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-78-33 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 78, folder 34 contents: PA Union League to Gov., July 4 celebration; Recommendation for commission, QA; Pardon paper, Samuel Hopkins, BC; Request for arms, BC; General correspondence; Applications and recommendation for Provost Marshal; William Price to Gov.; Leakin to Gov. [10] Price to Gov., preventing B&O RR from investing in Central Ohio RR, [13] Gen. S.C. Leakin to Gov., mustering of 1st Light Division, MD. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-78-34 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 35 contents: Charles Aberr (Abert?) to Gov., consitutionality of loyalty oath and polling procedures in constitutional ratification. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-78-35 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 36 contents: D. R. Magruder to Gov., constitutionality of loyalty oath and polling procedures in constitutional ratification. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-78-36 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 78, folder 37 contents: John B. Dutton to Gov., business destroyed by rebels; Recruiting paper, FR; Co. B, 12th MD infantry, request action; Recommendation for recruiting officer, WA; Requisition for Henry Watts from DC; Bounty paper; Recommendation for commission. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-37 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 5 contents: M. L. Alexander to Gov., voting eligibility for new Constitution. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-79-5 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 6 contents: Criminal papers, Oden Bowie v Augustus Bradford; Anonymous correspondence to Gov., complaining against the new Constitution; Lt. D. Blocker 1st MD to Gov., no oath to soldiers; James Valliant to Gov., contesting election results, TA. [1, 2] Correspondence, writ of mandamus to Gov. calling for his supervision and intervention in the Constitutional ratification balloting, [3, 6] Threat letters to Gov., ratification of Constitution, [11] Petition, military interference in election, QA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-79-6 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 7 contents: George Vickers to Gov., enclosing letter against Constitution; General correspondence; Recommendations for: Surgeon, 11th Regt. MD Vol.; Promotion, 6th Regt. MD Vol.; Military telegraph; War contributions; Kimball & Co., McCutcher, recruiting agents. [4] Plot to run off negros from MD, [8] Special military order prohibiting recruiting from Middle Dept., [12] Newspaper article, Gen. Butler, recruitment of black soldiers. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-79-7 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 8 contents: John Moorehead to Gov., stamp duty on tobacco; Herman Boker and Co., NY, offer to sell arms; George Vickers to Gov., declination; Application for Military Agent, DC; Bounty papers. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-79-8 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 79, folder 9 contents: Forming militia co., BA, TA; Pardon paper, Samuel Brown; Capt. Smith, Bond, Spencer, McPhail to Gov.; Recruiting paper; Recommendation for woodcorder, cadet, BC, CA; Correspondence, CH; Muster BC Guard; Failure to qualify, JOP, DO; Election returns. [5] 1864, Col. Schley to Gov., application for recruiting agent, [7] 1863, S.W. Spencer to Gov., troops interfering with elections, KE, [10] 1863, Provost Marshall Gen. J.L. McPhail to Gov., prize fight, CE. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-79-9 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 79, folder 10 contents: Requests for commissions; Request for release of MD soldiers; Recommendation for lighthouse keeper, HA; Bavarian Consul to Gov., J. Wallace to Gov.; Acceptance, House of Refuge manager; Bounty papers, slave, free blacks, SM; Deaf student paper. [7] 1863, C.F. Hagedorn, Consul Gen. of Bavaria to Gov., rights of married women. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-79-10 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 11 contents: Dr. S.Collins to Col. S.M. Bowman; Bowman to Dr. Collins; Muster Rolls, 9th Regt. U.S. Colored Troops; Bavarian Consul General C.F. Hagedorn to Gov. [1A] Collins to Bowman, bounty for enlisted slave, [1C] Bowman to Collins, slave James Collins, [1F] Collins to Gov., slave bounty, [2] Hagedorn to Gov., rights of women. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-79-11 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 12 contents: Thomas Baird to Gov., Central High commencement, BC; Col. N.L. Jefferies, draft; War contribution; George Vickers; Petition; Affidavit; General Correspondence; Application for Commissioner, BC; Recommendation, Asst. Relief Agent; Commissioners, CR. [4-6] George Vickers to Gov., petition, affidavit concerning military levy to rebuild burned Methodist Episcopalian Church, QA, [9] Vickers to Gov., opposition to 100-day draft, [10] Commissioners, CR to Gov., bounty to slaves. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-79-12 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 13 contents: Military Relief Agent to Gov., hospitals; Charles T. Reissnider to Gov.; Asst. Adjt. Gen. C.W. Foster to Gov.; Foster to Col. S.M. Bowman; Bowman to Gov.; General correspondence; T. L. Alexander to Gov., resignations of "mistreated" officers. [2] Reissnider to Gov., access to colored regiment rolls, [3,4] Foster to Gov. and Bowman, colored muster roll regulations, [5] Bowman to Gov., colored troop bounties. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-79-13 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 79, folder 14 contents: 2nd MD Vol. Infantry to Gov., delivering troop colors; Dr. Alex Higgs to Gov.; 1st Regt. E.S. Home Guard Vol., Co. C. to Gov.; Col. William Schley to Gov.; Gen. Butler to Gov.; Brig. Gen. Ames to Gov.; Charges against Col. W. Schley. [3] E. S. Home Guard Vol. to Gov., imprisonment for disobeying orders, [5-8] Schley, Butler and Ames to Gov., charges against Schley's 5th MD Vol. Regt. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-79-14 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 79, folder 15 contents: General correspondence; Augustus M. Price to Gov.; Anonymous to Gov., conduct of Col. Bowerman; Voucher for arms; Request for payment; Requisition of Gurley from PA; Applications for inspector of wood, Smith's Cavalry; Recruiting papers. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-79-15 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 79, folder 16 contents: Request for arms, BC Guard; Wiliam Davis (CSA Maj. D. Shely) to Maj. Gen. Schenk; Samuel Hallett to Gov., support for Union Pacific RR; E.F. Anderson to Gov., forming cavalry co.; Vouchers. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-79-16 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 79, folder 17 contents: Vouchers; Blind and deaf student papers. [4] Receipt for fixing Governor's Mansion. No. Items: 21 MSA S 1274-79-17 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 79, folder 18 contents: Vouchers; Deaf student papers; Default papers. [2,3] Work on Government House. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-79-18 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 79, folder 19 contents: SecState William Seward to Gov., 13th Amendment; General correspondence; Request for payment. [1,2] Seward to Gov., passing of 13th Amendment by MD Legislature, [3,4] Seward to Gov., copy of 13th Amendment. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-79-19 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1867-1871. Box 79, folder 20 contents: Military requisitions; Voucher; J. Townsend Daniel, orders issued by Colonel Cole; General correspondence; Military supply list. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-79-20 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 79, folder 21 contents: Muster roll forms; General correspondence; Recruiting paper; Recommendations for: Surgeon; 2nd Lt.; Commandant; Asst. Adj. Gen. Thomas Vincent to Gov., consolidation of 1st and 2nd MD volunteers; Recruiting paper; Declination as captain. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-79-21 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 79, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for district commandant and bounty commissioners; Recruiting paper, PG, MN; Applications for post commandant and colonel; General correpondence; Declinations as commandant; Bounty paper; Acceptance of commandant. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-79-22 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 79, folder 23 contents: General correspondence; Asst. Adj. Gen. Samuel Breck to Gov., furnishing muster rolls and payment of claims against the state; Qualification for commandant; Draft substitute papers. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-79-23 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 79, folder 24 contents: President Pro Tem. U.S. Senate to Gov.; U.S. Senate Resolution; Amnesty form; U.S. Atty. Gen. to Gov., amnesty; MD. Atty. Gen. A. Randall to Gov., per diem payments to government officers; Oath of office; Bounty papers. [1,2] Pres. Pro Tem. to Gov. and Senate Resolution, death of Thomas H. Hicks, [4] U.S. Atty. Gen. James Speed to Gov., guidelines for amnesty, [11] MD Atty. Gen. Alexander Randall to Gov., guidelines for bounty payment. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-79-24 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 79, folder 25 contents: General correspondence; James Courtney to Gov., board of exemptions; Recommendation for surgeon; Recruiting paper; William Burns to Gov., death of Alexander Russell; Application for claims agent; Report of mineral convention; Recommendations for JOP. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-79-25 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865-1867. Box 79, folder 26 contents: Declinations as, resignations of, and recommendations for JOP, inspector of tobacco, notary public, auctioneer, BC, AL, FR, CH, PG, SM; House of Delegates resolution on contested election, AA; Request for 1865 MD acts from OH. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-79-26 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866, 1867. Box 79, folder 27 contents: Recommendation for inspector of tobacco, HO, BC; Pardon papers, Richard W. Clark, AL; Vouchers for tobacco. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-79-27 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 79, folder 28 contents: Recommendation for register, inspector of lumber, SO, BC, WA; Transmittal of 1866 resolutions, MA; W. Seward to Gov., Enoch Pratt supports legislation for MD hospital; Souvenier mortar. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-79-28 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 79, folder 29 contents: Bounty paper; General correspondence; Transmittal letters, BC, QA, PA, IN; Declination as Commandant, 42nd military district, MO; Recommendation, BC; Lt.Col. H.C. Rizen, S.J. Bowen to Gen. Barry. [6] Recommendation to Gen. John S. Berry, Adj. Gen., for D.A. Woodward to paint portrait of Gov. Hicks, [7] Rizen to Barry, asking for recruits to fill his regiment. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-79-29 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 79, folder 30 contents: General correspondence; Transmittal letter; Battle report; Maj. J. Townsend Daniel; Resignation of District Commander, BC; Recommendation for surgeon, board of exemption; Acceptance of commission; Richard Kerry to Brig. Gen. Berry. [4] Battle report from Petersburg, Lt. Col. G.P. Robinson to Brig. Gen. Berry, 3rd MD Regt., [5] Kerry, MD Military Relief Agent, to Berry, requesting new battle flags for 3rd PHB. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-79-30 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865-1867. Box 79, folder 31 contents: Recommendations and application for: General; Commandant of militia; William Burch for inspector of tobacco, BC; Transmittal letters; Acceptance of commissions: 1st Lt. D Co. 11th MD; Col. 1st MD V.V. Inf. [6] 1866, William Hogarth to William Burch, recommendation for inspector of tobaaco, accounting Burch's "loyal" actions -- enlistment of his slaves, breaking blockade runners, enforcing loyalty oath at polls. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-79-31 1/7/5/62
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1863, 1864. Box 78, folder 38 contents: Blind student papers; George Vickers, S.M. Spencer, Jesse Hines, Edward Wilkins, and Regt. officers to Gov., recall to MD, 2nd Eastern Shore Regt. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-78-38 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 78, folder 39 contents: Muster Roll, 1st Regt., MD National Guard; Gen. L. Wallace to Gov.; Gov. PA to Gov., joint defense; Recommendation and application for commissions, 12th MD Infantry; Col. Jefferies, Enrollment Acts; D. Herring to Gov., transfer Pvt. William Thomas. [2, 3] 1864, Wallace to Gov., appointment of officers, arrest of citizens refusing to enlist. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-39 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 40 contents: Asst. Adj. Gen. to Col. Jeffries, number of reenlisted MD veterans; Special Order 187; C.B. Thruston to Gov.; Commissioners, WO to Gov., postponement of draft; Report on Co. B, 12 Regt., MD Infantry; Col J. Luesburg to Gov., charges of misconduct. [2] Special Order 187, Maj. Gen. L. Wallace, organization of BC negroes into military companies, [3] Thruston to Gov., powers of attorney for colored troops, state bounties. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-78-40 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 78, folder 41 contents: C.H. Ohr and Brig. Gen. Kelley, raising militia in AL; War Dept. circular, draft substitutes; Col. W. Schley, casualty report; G. Vickers, KE recruitment; W. Cart and Mrs. G. Bowles, aid to soldiers; Offer to sell arms; Bounty paper; J. Creswell. [6] E.M. Remington and Sons, offer to sell arms and gun brochure, [7] Bounty for mother of colored volunteer, [9] Hon. J. Creswell, new recruiting measures and bounties. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-78-41 1/7/5/61
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 80, folder 1 contents: Transmittal letters, Capt. George Ahl, Lt. Charles Sykes. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-80-1 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 80, folder 2 contents: Recommendation, inspector of flour, BC; Election results, WO, SO, DO; Clerk, House of Delegates to Gov., amnesty applicants; Appointments: SecSt.; JOP, CV, BA, AL, CH, FR, SO, DO, HA, SM, QA; Request for pay, recruiters, WA; General Correspondence. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-80-2 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 80, folder 3 contents: G.S. Griffith to SecSt., applicant for Superintendent of Schools; General correspondence; Recommendation of and declination as registration officer, BC; Ohr, Knorr, Whitney to Gov; J. V. Findlay to Gov., antislavery; Cyrus Jones to SecSt., telegram. [6, 10] 1866, C.H. Ohr to Gov., disloyal men to threaten Cumberland election, [8] 1866, George Knorr forwarding AL Union League petition to take state arms from disloyal men in Cumberland, [11] 1866, V. Whitney to Gov., condemning Gov. views of voter registration. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-80-3 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 80, folder 4 contents: Resignations of register, state bounty commissioner, BC, AA; Report of Sheppard Asylum; Recommendations for William Perry, Capt. Thomas Frazier, asst. inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-80-4 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 80, folder 5 contents: Resignations of, recommendations for and appointments of: Bounty commissioner, assessor, notary public, JOP, MO, DO, CR, CV, WA, BA; Commissioners of deeds for PA, NY; Affadavit, E.L. Marvel, QA; Deposition, CE; Transmittal letter, CE. [11] Resignation of assessor, WA, to repair "fencing destroyed by the (rebel) army", [15] Deposition, Philip Marvel, Esq., falsely arrested for debt and extorted money from John A. Falmer. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-80-5 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866?. Box 80, folder 6 contents: List of JOPs, all counties and BC; Wrapper with date stamp. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-80-6 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 80, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for Thomas (Theodore) Hunt (Huntt), inspector of tobacco, PG; Civil list, all counties, and cover letter. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-80-7 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1866. Box 80, folder 8 contents: Vouchers, complaints, affidavits, statements, petitions and Gov. order for investigation into fraudulent practices of Harry D. Gough, weigher of livestock, BC. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-80-8 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866, 1868. Box 80, folder 9 contents: Resignation of JOP, FR, BA, BC; Recommendation and application for weigher of hay, collector of state taxes, BC, WO; General correspondence; B & O RR to Gov., invitation. [9] 1866, RR to Gov., invitation to inspect B & O works at Mount Clare. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-80-9 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 80, folder 10 contents: British Legation, Benjamin Clark, Reverdy Johnson to Gov.; Correspondence: CN nursery; Life insurance co.; Invitation from BC Commissioner; Transmittal letter; Pardon papers, C. McCollum, James Edmonds, Mary Ellen Brown; General application, BC. [1] J. Hume Burnley, 1st Sec. of British Legation, DC, to Gov., requesting information on taxation "in the Union", [4] Invitation to attend reception for American Medical Association, [6] Memorial to Congress to amend Constitution to omit the words "Sundays excepted", [7] Johnson to Gov., location of Naval Academy. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-80-10 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 80, folder 11 contents: Correspondence: Assessment law; Capture of escapees; State Dept. to Gov.; Transmittal letter; General recommendation and application; Colored deaf student papers; Voucher, account of sheriff, FR. [2] SecSt. William Seward to Gov., prohibiting issue of passports by state governments. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-80-11 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1864, 1867. Box 80, folder 12 contents: General correspondence; Recommendation for inspector of tobacco, BC; Default papers, BC, PG, QA, MO, CE, AA, SM, FR, DO. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-80-12 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866, 1867. Box 80, folder 13 contents: Default papers, HO, CR, TA, WA, FR, CA, BC, AA, CV, KE, SO, HA, BA, MO, PG, SM, QA, WO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-80-13 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 80, folder 14 contents: Default papers, AA, DO, CH, CA, PG, WA, SM, AL, HO, CE, CV. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-80-14 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 80, folder 15 contents: Correspondence: Negro memorial; Runaway slaves of Col. Garner; Enlistment of negros in SO; Complaint against enlistment of slaves, PG; Sheriff, PG, clarification of policy on runaway slaves; Request for requisition, SM; General application. [7] 1863, T.P. Wolloston, provost guard, TA, to Gov., Dutch rebel mistreating slave, [10] Amelia M. Green to Gen. Schenck, subjected to annoyances by secessionists, AA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-80-15 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 80, folder 16 contents: Forming infantry co., CE; A. Lincoln to Gov.; R. Johnson to Gov.; Duke of Manchester to Gov. [2] Abraham Lincoln to Gov., loyalty oath for elections, [3-7] Reverdy Johnson to Gov., "opinions", [8] Duke of Manchester to Gov., invitation to participate in 300th birthday of Shakespeare. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-80-16 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 80, folder 17 contents: Exemption of MD property and revenues from taxation; Application for JOP, TA; Commission, Col., PHB; War contribution; Declination, manager, House of Refuge; Requisition of S. Gurley, PA; Recommendation for M. Whitney, prosecutor, FR. [4] A. Randall to Surgeon McPaulin (?), borrowing cannon to raise body of drowned brother, [8] George Wampler to Gov., request for body of brother-in-law killed at Murfreesboro, TN, [7] John Unseld to Gov., federal troops destroying cattle fences. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-80-17 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 80, folder 18 contents: Request to change co., Correspondence, residency of Ben Price, soldier; Request for arms, BC Guard; Declination as surgeon; Appointment of Capt. George Merrile, Purnell Legion; Application for clerk; Recommendations: inspector of grain, BC, JOC, PG. [9, 10] 1863, Baltimore Artillery Co. returning cannon to Ft. McHenry. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-80-18 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 80, folder 19 contents: Advertisement; Recommendations for Capt. Bannett, Maj., 4th MD Vol.; Applications for map maker, commissioner; Streeter to Gov., stolen horses; Letter of introduction, military relief agent, NY. [1] Harper and Brothers, NY advertisement for "Camp and Outpost Duty for Infantry," by Maj. Gen. Butterfield, [5, 6] Compilation of new atlas for MD by creation of new county maps and reprinting of others. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-80-19 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 80, folder 20 contents: W. Thomas to Gov., thank you letter for pardon; Application and recommendation for provost marshall, tax collecter, SM; Vouchers; Forming cavalry co., WA; NJ recruitment proclamation; Union League cancels Independence Day ceremony, PA; Offer of aid. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-80-20 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 80, folder 21 contents: Request of Capt. A. Schley for commission; Remission of fines; Provost Marshal to Gov.; General correspondence; General application; Jason Rowe to Gov.; H.H. Goldsborough to Gov., road construction; Application for JOP, SO. [3,4] Provost Marshal Maj. Blumenburg to Gov., consolidation of 10th Regt., MD men as PA draft substitutes, [8] Rowe to Gov., damage to farms at Antietam. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-80-21 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 80, folder 22 contents: Declination as commander; Eli Whitney to Gov., offer to sell arms, advertisements; Recommendations for Lt.; Henry Jones to Gov., threats against Methodist Church, SM; Appointment of state tax collectors, AL, AA, BC, BA, CE; General recommendations. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-80-22 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 80, folder 23 contents: CE Commissioners to Gov., appointment of state tax collectors; Appointments of state tax collectors, CR, CV, CA, CH, DO, FR, HO, HA, KE, MO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-80-23 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 80, folder 24 contents: Appointment of state tax collectors, PG, QA, SO, SM, TA, WA, WO, AL; State tax report, KE. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-80-24 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 80, folder 25 contents: State tax report, SO, HA, FR, TA; Recommendations for JOP, commissioner, CR, SM; Default paper, CR. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-80-25 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 80, folder 26 contents: Recommendations, applications and qualification for JOP, commissioner, notary public, SO, SM, TA; Application and recommendation for Superintendent state cemetary, Antietam. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-80-26 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 80, folder 27 contents: Recommendations and qualifications for JOP, inspector of lumber, QA, SO, AA, SM, DO, HA; Default paper, DO, HA, CR. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-80-27 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 80, folder 28 contents: Default papers, DO, CH, CR; Recommendations for JOP, commissioner, delegate to state constitutional convention, DO, BA, CH, CR, AL. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-80-28 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 80, folder 29 contents: Default paper, AA, FR, HO; Recommendations for Joseph Routzan, JOC, FR; Recommendations and application for JOP, commissioner, FR, HO; Application for auctioneer, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-80-29 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 80, folder 30 contents: Recommendations and application for P.H. Hodgkin, JOP, PG; Application for sheriff, BA; Default paper, BA; Recommendations for Rev. L. Van Bokkelin, State Superintendent of education. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-80-30 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 80, folder 31 contents: Default paper, PG; Recommendations for JOP, PG, BA; Applications and recommendations for Rev. Andrew B. Cross, State Superintendent of public schools (public instruction, education). No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-80-31 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 80, folder 32 contents: Application and recommendations for Rev. Henry M. Harman, State Superintendent of public education; Recommendations, qualifications and application for JOP, PG, TA, AL, WO; Appointment of State Comptroller; Default paper, WO. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-80-32 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 80, folder 33 contents: Default paper, BA, HA, AA, TA; Qualifications, application and recommendations for wood corder, notary public, armorer, JOC, JOP, BA, HA, TA; Form of "Oath for Enrolling Officers". No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-80-33 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 81, folder 1 contents: Qualifications, application and recommendations for JOP, WA, HO, PG, FR, AA, CR; Default papers, WA, HO, FR, AA, CR. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-81-1 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 81, folder 2 contents: Qualification and recommendations for notary public, JOP, inspector of lumber, commissioner SO, CA, BA, WA, HA, WO; Default paper, CA, BA, WA, HA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-81-2 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 81, folder 3 contents: General correspondence; Application and recommendation for commissioner, JOP, WA, CH, SM, HA; Default paper, HA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-81-3 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 81, folder 4 contents: Qualification for JOP, FR, AL, BA, PG, DO, WO; Recommendation for inspector of grain, BC; Default paper, WO. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-81-4 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 81, folder 5 contents: Recommendation for William T. Dunbracco, inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-81-5 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 81, folder 6 contents: Application and recommendations for William T. Dunbracco inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-6 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 81, folder 7 contents: Recommendation for inspector of grain, JOP, constable, BC, FR, HA, WO; Qualification for JOC, KE. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-7 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 8 contents: Default paper, PG; Qualification for JOP, PG, AA; Recommendation for JOC, JOP, DO, AL, AA, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-8 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 9 contents: Application and recommendations for James W. Binyon, JOP, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-9 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BC, WO, PG; Qualification for JOP, SO. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-10 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 81, folder 11 contents: Recommendations for Commissioner of Public Works, JOP, PG, KE, AA, QA, BA; Default paper, KE; Qualification for JOP, BA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-81-11 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 12 contents: Recommendations for JOP, PG, AA, BC; Default paper, AA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-81-12 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for JOP, JOC, superintendent of National Road, BC, KE, BA, AL; Default papers, BA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-81-13 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 14 contents: Default papers, AA, PG; Recommendations for JOP, AA, PG. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-14 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for Joseph Merryman, JOC, BA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-15 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 16 contents: Recommendations for JOC, BA, WO; Qualification for JOP, PG; Appointment for Circuit Court judge, KE; Recommendation for superintendent of Antietam Cemetary. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-81-16 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 17 contents: Applications and recommendations for state vaccine agent. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-81-17 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 18 contents: Recommendation for Henry Gantz, supervisor of Antietam Cemetary; Application and recommendations for Joshua L. Gatchel, army agent. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-81-18 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 19 contents: Default papers, PG, BA, CH; Recommendation for JOP, QA, BA, CH. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-19 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864. Box 81, folder 20 contents: Recommendation for medical department, U.S. Army; Application and recommendation for Dr. A. W. Colburn, vaccine agent; Recommendations for commissioners for removal of Western Hay Scales, JOP, BC, CA; Default paper, CA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-81-20 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 21 contents: Application and recommendations for JOP, vaccine agent, SO, BA; Default paper, BA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-81-21 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 22 contents: Application and recommendations for vaccine agent, JOP, weigher of hay, SO, BC; Default paper, SO. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-81-22 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 23 contents: Maj. Daniel to Gov.; Edward Goldsbourough, escapees from FR jail; Capt. John Makechney, Maj. Mobly to Gov.; Maj. Mobly to Gov., return of his commission; W. Hoffman to Gov., Gen. Tyler requires pass to cross Monocacy; I. Macomber, rebel sympathizer. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-81-23 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 24 contents: Presentation and acceptance of regimental colors; Lt. Col. G. Vernon to Gov., response to complaints; Gen. John Kenly to Gov., request for command; Dr. C. Cox to Gov., Dr. Lewis Steiner for Surgeon General. [1,2] Presentation by Capt. Richard Wills of 2nd MD V.V. Infantry colors to Gov. and acceptance by Gov., [3,4] Acceptance and description of MD Battery B Light Artillery colors. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-81-24 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864. Box 81, folder 25 contents: Pardon papers for George Grier, BC; Edward W. Belt to Gov. [7] Belt to Gov., negro troops under Lt. Col. Perkins freeing prisoners from PG jail. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-81-25 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 81, folder 26 contents: Requests for death certificate; Forming militia co., FR, BA, BC; General recommendation; Application for QM; Requests for commission; Appointment of 2nd Lt., 2nd MD Vol. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-81-26 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 27 contents: Forming militia co., FR, CR, BC, HA; Request for commission; Telegraphs, transportation of soldiers; General correspondence; Maj. William Harlan to Gov., medical examinations of enlistees; Recruiting paper. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-81-27 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 28 contents: Transportation of soldiers; Raising militia co., FR, WA; Recruiting paper, BC; Application for captain, 2nd Lt.; H.N. Wharton to Gov., requests muster roll; J.S. Waters to Gov., military commission seal; Bounty paper; Recommendation for commission. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-81-28 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 29 contents: General correspondence; Forming a militia co., BC; General recommendation; Recruiting papers; Application for Lt. [6] W. Schnauffer, Editor Balto. Wecker to Gov., raising a German militia co. No. Items: 20 MSA S 1274-81-29 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 30 contents: Recommendation for recruiting officer; Schley to Gov., telegram, raise troops in FR; Requests for commission; Forming co., BC, CR, WA, CE, FR, HO, QA, DC, SO; War contribution. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-81-30 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 31 contents: Muster roll, officers 5th MD Vol.; Request for enrollment book, HA; Transmittal letters for muster rolls; General correspondence, BC Guard; Request for commission; Recommendations for Dr. John T. Tucker, surgeon. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-81-31 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 81, folder 32 contents: Transmittal letters for muster rolls; War Dept. Paymaster office to Adj. Gen., MD requesting report to pay bounties; General correspondence; Requests for certificates of death and discharge; Bounty paper; Criminal paper, Sgt. Charles Stuart. [10] 1864, William Watson and W.J. Tippett to Gov., fear judges will not administer oaths at PG polls, [11] 1864, T. Rieves to Gov., liberation of his slaves, SM, [12] 1864, Stuart, NY veteran cavalry, to Gov., requests release to military authority. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-81-32 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 33 contents: Assignments of co. to 1st, 2nd MD cavalry, "Aged Guard of '62"; Transmittal letter, co. C Purnell cavalry; Request for payment, BC; Criminal paper, Lt. Hiram Winchester; Request for promotion. [11] David Earhart, Judge of elections, CR, to Gov., qualifications of Golden Circle, Knights, Wooden Horse Men or Sons of Liberty taking oath at polls. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-81-33 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 34 contents: Requests for leave; Draft letter to Sec. War; Col. Henry Cole to Gov.; Telegram, Constitutional voting returns; War Dept. to Gov., declines request for battery; Failure to qualify, surveyor, WA; Request for discharge, Co. C E.S. Regt. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-81-34 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 81, folder 35 contents: Telegrams; Vickers to Gov., release of MD soldier from NY artillery; Request for leave to vote; Transmittal letter; Correspondence: Ballot box theft, CA; Interference in soldiers voting, SM; Draft commencement; Requests for promotion and commission. [8, 9] J. Wroth, Judge Thomas Ruth to Gov., questioning use of loyalty oath in election of new Constitution. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-81-35 1/7/5/64
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 1 contents: Petition of protest, MO, soldiers' votes cast outside MD; Correspondence: Interference in conduct of elections, PG, CE, FR; Land title, Antietam Cemetery; Recommendation for MD Regt. pollster; Bounty papers; Report, MD units in Shenandoah Valley. [9] William McFarland, Co. D 11th Regt. MD Vol. to Gov., source of soldiers' pay, [3] Bounties for colored troops in PA hospital. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-82-1 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 2 contents: Request for hospital transfer; Complaints against promotion; Invitation; States Attorney to Gov., illegal seizure of boat; Correspondence, release of MD soldiers from rebel prison; Transfer of co. to 1st MD cavalry; Election returns, 1st MD cavalry. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-82-2 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 3 contents: Requests: Recruits, 3rd MD Inf.; Promotion and draft exemption; Telegram copies, recruiting policies; Election procedures, SM, HO; Application for recruiting agent, DO; Inability to pay for recruiting expenses; Service report on William McDonald. [1] William Rider to Gov., effect of new Constitution on apprenticed children of free negroes, [2] George Handy, JOP, QA, to Gov., voting rights of refugees, [10] Thomas Henry, free negro, to Gov., permission to return to MD and settle estate, [14] Report on Pvt. W. McDonald, Co. J, 4th Regt. MD Vol. Inf. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-82-3 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 4 contents: Gen. E.B. Tyler to Gov.; Request to retain arms, 2nd Bde. 1st Div. Army Corps; Election returns and list of voters; Union and Democratic ballot tickets. [1] Tyler to Gov., case of Dr. Riggs refusing soldier treatment, [2, 3] Presidential electors and state officials election returns and list of voters, Co. E 1st MD V.V.. No. Items: 47 MSA S 1274-82-4 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 5 contents: List of voters, election returns, Co. B, F 1st MD V.V. Inf.; Resignations of: Commissioner, JOC, sheriff, JOP, CR, FR, BA, PG; MD senator, DO; MD Comptroller; Civil list, AL. [11] Resignation of Henry H. Goldsborough as Comptroller. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-82-5 1/5/7/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863-1865. Box 82, folder 6 contents: Resignations of Judge of Circuit Court, JOP, JOC, PG, HO, BC, WO, CH, FR, WO; Qualification for JOP, TA, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-82-6 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864. Box 82, folder 7 contents: Resignation of notary public, TA, WO; Resignation of JOP, HO, BA, SO, DO, CR, QA, FR; Resignation of JOC, FR; General correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-82-7 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 8 contents: Recommendation for notary public, coroner, inspector of wood and lime, CE, BC; Application for weigher of hay, inspector of lumber, BC, CE; Resignation of coroner, BC; Recommendations for James G. Burlin, inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-82-8 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-82-9 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, BC; Applications for inspector and corder of wood, BC; General correspondence. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-82-10 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 11 contents: Recommendations and application for Capt. N. Christopher, inspector of wood, BC; Recommendations for coroner, inspector of grain, inspector of wood, BC, BA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-82-11 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 12 contents: General correspondence; Applications for: wood corder, BC; Commissioner of deeds, NY; Recommendations for: Inspector of lumber, CE, QA; Commissioner of deeds, PA; Keeper of the Hill (?). No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-82-12 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 83, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for: State bounty commissioners, AL, BA; Valentine Foreman, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-83-1 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 83, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for John Sharretts, bounty commissioner, BC, with supporting materials; Recommendations for and resignation of bounty commissioners, CA, CV. [1, 2] Newspaper clippings and receipt, dismissal of J. Sharretts as clerk of auditor, U.S. Post Office. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-83-2 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 83, folder 3 contents: Correspondence; Recommendations and applications for bounty commissioner, CV, CE, CR, CH. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-83-3 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 83, folder 4 contents: Bonds for MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-83-4 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 83, folder 5 contents: Bonds for MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-83-5 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 83, folder 6 contents: Recommendations and application for bounty commissioner, county assessors, CH, FR, DO, HA, HO; General recommendation. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-83-6 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 83, folder 7 contents: Recommendations and applications for state bounty commissioners, KE, CH, SM, PG, MO, QA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-83-7 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 83, folder 8 contents: Recommendations and applications for bounty commissioner, TA, WO, WA, PG, SO; Application for militia commandant, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-83-8 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 83, folder 9 contents: Bonds for notary public, TA, FR, CA, register of wills, WO, DO; General correspondence. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-83-9 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860, 1863, 1864. Box 83, folder 10 contents: Recommendation for superintendant of National Road, AL; Vouchers; John Pearce to Gov., runaway slave in colored troops; Business card; Pardon papers, George Kehlenbeck, AL. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-83-10 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1862, 1864. Box 83, folder 11 contents: Pardon papers, Henry B. Myers, CR. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-83-11 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 83, folder 12 contents: Petition papers for Joseph Smith, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-83-12 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 83, folder 13 contents: Pardon paper, William Potts, QA; Remission of fines, Salomon Eliel, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-83-13 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856, 1862-1864. Box 83, folder 14 contents: Pardon papers, David Ridenour, WA; General correspondence. No. Items: 20 MSA S 1274-83-14 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 83, folder 15 contents: Pardon papers, William Loughlan, BC, James Litten, WA; Remission of fine, Malachi Smith, CV. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-83-15 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863-1865. Box 83, folder 16 contents: Pardon papers, William F. Talbert, PG, Daniel Tilghman, free negro, TA. [7-12] 1863, 1864, Pardon papers, Daniel Tilghman, free negro, convicted of striking a slave. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-83-16 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856, 1862-1865. Box 83, folder 17 contents: Pardon papers, Solomon Carlton (Charles Newman), HO, John Norfolk, BC; Criminal papers, Theodore Bauman; MD Penitentiary statistics; Application for group pardon, MD Penitentiary prisoners. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-83-17 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 18 contents: War Dept. to Gov., soldiers returning to vote; Covington, Vickers, Smith to Gov.; Requests for promotion; Col. Schley to Gov., 5th MD V.V.; General correspondence; Pardon paper, Jacob Bosley; Lawson to Gov.; Col. H. Cole, doctor for 1st Regt. P.H.B. [2-4] George Covington, George Vickers, B. Everett Smith to Gov., military interference in elections, WO, KE, [9] William T. Lawson to Gov., impressment of free blacks by Union steamer. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-84-18 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864. Box 84, folder 19 contents: Organization of MD Hospital; Recommendations for JOP, SO, surveyor of Antietam; Appointment, enrolling officer, WO; Request for pay; Col. W. Revere, reorganization of 10th MD Vol.; Complaint against promotion; E. Belt to Gov.; A. Brickman to Gov. [9] 1864, Edward Belt to Gov., prisoners released by Col. Perkins negro troops. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-84-19 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 20 contents: John Pearce to Gov., slave bounties; Report, 1st PHB Cav.; Consolidation of 10th MD Vol. with 7th or 3rd MD Vol.; S. Jarman to Gov.; Bounty paper, BC; Pardon papers; Request for officers, 5th MD Vol.; S. Clark to Gov., improper appointments, PG. [4] Samuel Jarman to Gov., release of slave from prison to serve as his substitute, [9, 11] Commutation of death penalty for epileptic mulatto James Johnson. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-84-20 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 21 contents: Gen. Hancock, Col. W. Browne to Gov.; Muller to Gov.; Supt. Public Instruction to Gov., school system; Recommendations for JOP, DO, state librarian; H.J. Winterbottom to Gov., charge of disloyalty; Qualifications, constable, JOP, AL; Bounty paper. [2] Col. William Browne to Gov., placing 7th, 9th, 19th Regt. USCT on bounty rolls, [4] Dr. John Muller to Gov., Vaccine Bill. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-84-21 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 22 contents: Col. L.F. Bingham, forming MD Guard; Sketch; Request for recruits, 3rd Bat. V.V. Inf.; Maj. Daniel, charges against Lt.Col. Vernon; Telegrams, Maj.Gen. L. Wallace to Gov., mustering troops; J. Turner, inebriate asylums; Acceptance of commission. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-84-22 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 23 contents: NY State Library to Gov.; Election oath, WA; George French, Antietam land title; Voucher, MD Military Relief agency; A. Sterling, Senatorial election, DO; Request for asst. State's attorney, DO; Lt. J. Armstrong, soldier voting. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-84-23 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 24 contents: Col. S. Graham to Gov.; Recommendations: militia command, Supt. Schools; Requests for commission, asst. state's attorney, DO; Applications: hospital steward; relief agent; Kurtz to Gov.; L. Valentine, loyalty oath, CR; J. Basman, legal discharge. [1] Col. Samuel Graham to Gov., claiming seat of "disloyal" senator, SO, [6] J.F. Kurtz to Gov., charges of taking percent of colored troop bounties. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-84-24 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 84, folder 25 contents: J.S. Berry, S.M. Spencer to Gov., quotas; W. Jones, J.S. Crawford to Gov., BC claims CE enlistees; Recruiting paper, SM; General correspondence; Recommendation for JOP, BA; Vouchers for advertising; Application for JOP, FR. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-84-25 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 26 contents: Voucher; Applications for Superintendent of Schools; W. Bowie to Gov.; General correspondence; J.B. Morton to Gov., emancipation; A. Ridgely to Gov., "contemptible" Freedman's Bureau; George Vickers to Gov., military aid in elections. [4] Bowie to Gov., negro orphans. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-84-26 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 27 contents: Bowman, Dawson to Gov.; Bounty paper; Application for Circuit Court judge; General correspondence; J. Stone, escaped slaves; R. Piggett, social club in BC; Request for pay; Gov. IN; Bounty paper, negro; C. Lusly, power of attorney for negro bounties. [1] Col. S.M. Bowman to Gov., slave owner compensation, [2] A. Dawson to Gov., care of freed slave children, [11] Gov. O.P. Morton, IN, to Gov., MD laws on negro testimony. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-84-27 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 28 contents: General correspondence; Criminal papers, George Purnell, free negro; Transmittal letter; Application for commissioners court, SM; Bernard Carter to Gov.; Pardon paper, Herman Wolke; Acceptance of superintendant of public instruction. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-84-28 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863, 1864. Box 84, folder 29 contents: Pardon papers, Nathan Tue, slave; Resignation as director, B&O RR, aand from Treasury dept.; General correspondence; Bounty papers; Contesting election, judge of circuit court, BC; W. Price to Gov., exchanging RR stock for state debt. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-84-29 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862-1864. Box 84, folder 30 contents: Circular, newspaper clipping and correspondence from William T. Steiger, agricultural college grant; General recommendation. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-84-30 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 31 contents: Complaint against military interference in election, TA; General correspondence; Bounty papers; H. Nichols to Gov.; George Vickers to Gov., removal of Gen. Lockwood; Request for recruits, 6th MD Vol.; Request to muster in chaplain, Harper's Ferry. [6] 1864, H.M. Nichols to Gov., negro soldiers led by free black rampaging in TA. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-84-31 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862-1865. Box 86, folder 1 contents: Pardon papers, Michael Hoffer, WA, John Calvin Foard (Ford?), HA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-86-1 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862-1865. Box 86, folder 2 contents: Pardon papers, John Calvin Foard (Ford?), HA, Richard Clark (Clarke?), BC; Remission of forfeited recognizance, William Buck/John Buck, FR. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-86-2 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 86, folder 3 contents: Pardon papers, James Harris, free black, AL, George W. Coulson, BA; Remission of forfeited recognizances, William Brawner & Peregrine Davis/John Zell (Zells?), William G. Middleton/Marcellus, slave. [1-4] 1864, Pardon papers, James Harris, free black, AL, imprisoned for aiding slaves to escape. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-86-3 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 86, folder 4 contents: Qualifications, AL, BC, AA, BA, CV, CA, DO. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-86-4 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 86, folder 5 contents: Qualification, FR, HA, HO, CH, CE, KE, MO, PG. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-86-5 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 86, folder 6 contents: Qualifications, PG, QA, SO, TA, SM, CR, WA, WO. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-86-6 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 7 contents: Application, recommendations and qualifications for commissioner of deeds, NY, WI, LA, DC, IN. [9] 1864, Recommendation from Enoch Pratt for Commissioner of Deeds, NY. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-86-7 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 86, folder 8 contents: Qualification for Commissioner of Deeds, Missouri, IL, KY, OH, DC, PA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-86-8 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1866, 1871. Box 86, folder 9 contents: Memorial oppoosing 1864 Constitution, CV; Printed State Dept. circular; SecSt. MD to SecSt. U.S. Hamilton Fish, poor in MD; Circuit Court appeals, AA. [3,4] 1866, Appeals, Daniel R. Magruder vs. William H. Tuck, Magruder vs. Thomas Swann, CV. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-86-9 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 10 contents: Gov. to Gov. PA, BC resolutions, Pittsburgh and Connelsville RR; Correspondence, Antietam Cemetery; Circulars, cost of Antietam Cemetery; Act of Incorporation, Antietam Cemetery Assoc.; John V. Findlay to Gov., alleged sale of Gov. house. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-86-10 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 11 contents: Application for soldiers voting register; J.B. Fry to Col. Browne, mustering procedures; Correspondence, death of Sterling Thomas; Request for furlough, BC; Presentation of Regt. flags, 7th, 8th MD Regt.; W. Moody, D. Bertnete; Request for Promotion. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-86-11 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 86, folder 12 contents: Vickers to Gov.; Charles Dana, Francis M. Darby, Judge Weisel to Gov., case of Charles Stewart, WA; J. Revell to Gov., "illegal" sale of oyster boats; Maj. Gen. L. Wallace to Gov., organization of militia, BC. [1] George Vickers to Gov., opposition to 1864 Constitution, [2,3,5,] Jurisdictional dispute, trial of Charles Stewart for murder of soldier. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-86-12 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 13 contents: Correspondence, local defense Regt. for MD, PA; Applications and recommendations for JOP, inspector of tobacco, recruiting agent AA, BC; Circular, meeting of Adj. Gen. of loyal states; Recruiting paper; Military requisition; Consolidation of regt. [11] Consolidation 1 Regt. E.S. with three co. of 11 MD Inf. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-86-13 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 14 contents: Recommendation for watchman at State House, register, SM; Complaint against member of commissioners court, SM; Bounty payment procedure; Confirmation of JOP, PG, CH; Qualification for commandant, CR; Enrollment, men ages 18-20; Correspondence. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-86-14 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 85, folder 1 contents: Application for mandamus against Jonathan Baker, George Ernest, Dr. Julian Magruder, registers, MO; Requisition of William Pruitt from PA; Blind student papers; Criminal papers, James C. Hendersey, Capt. Means' co. independent cavalry. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-85-1 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 2 contents: Correspondence: Jane Boswell Moore, States attorney CV, arson of black church, [?] P. Phelps, Citizens of QA; Bounty papers, slaves of Emma Dorry; Table, oysters and oyster boat statistics; Requisition of Dennis McCarty from DC. [1-5] Jane Boswell Moore to Gov., treatment of injured Michael Manigan, 1st MD cavalry, enclosing regt.'s requests to be mustered out, [7] States attorney, CV, to Gov., conflicting affidavits from McVirlin Beverly and Isaac Boom, negro, violence against negroes, [9] Baltimore Assoc. for Moral & Educational Improvement of Colored People to Gov., suggesting reward for arsonist of black church, KE. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-85-2 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1865. Box 85, folder 3 contents: Dulany Valley & Sweet Air Turnpike Co. update on road & request to charge toll; W. Seward; Memos of MD treasury accounts; Annapolis Water Co. proposal; Inspectors of tobacco and grain, BC, accounts; Legislative resolution. [3-5] 1865, Letters from William Seward and acting Surgeon Gen., quarantine for Asiatic Cholera prevention, [8] Memo of $3000 donation to Washington College, [11] Resolution disqualifying election of Richard Grason as circuit court judge, 8th distric t. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-85-3 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1865, 1866. Box 85, folder 4 contents: Memos of Treasury accounts, inspectors of tobacco, BC; Service report, Warren Seaton; Reverdy Johnson, Navy appropriations bill; M. Blair to Gov.; Maj. McKeever, Asst. Adj. Gen., balance of draft fund of 1862. [7] n.d., Montgomery Blair to Gov., sale of Gov. mansion to Naval Academy. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-85-4 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 5 contents: Account of State with B & O Railroad. [1] Includes accounts paid by state under acts of April 5, 1839 and 1835, Chapter 395, Section 1. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-85-5 ///
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 6 contents: G. Alvey and E.F. O'Brien, Kregg, negro, J. Graham, to Gov.; Acceptance of officer of registration, PG; Telegrams, Gen. Wallace to Gov.; Recommendations, resignations for JOP, AA, KE; War Dept. to Gov., draft fund; Voter registration of soldiers, FR. [1, 2] George Alvey and 1st Lt. Edward O'Brien to Gov., case of Dr. Robert Neil Sr. assault on Calvert Lee, negro, [3] Isac (Isaac) Kregg to Gov., account of his beatings by Rebels, [4] Jonathan Graham, Baltimore Association for Moral & Educational Improvement of Colored People to Gov., burning of church, KE, [6, 7] Wallace to Gov., requesting officers for MD Vols. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-85-6 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 7 contents: Application, notary public, BC; Resignation, recommendation, JOP, BC; Blind, deaf & dumb student papers; Voucher copy for draft fund; General correspondence; War debts, CE; Request for pensions, CR; Pardon papers; Voter registration inquiry, BC. [11] Copy of War Dept. to Gov., revocation of recruiting officer appointments. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-85-7 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 8 contents: General correspondence; Brig. Gen. E.B. Tyler to Gov., capture of accomplices of James Boyle; Qualification and seal, commissioner of deeds, CA, IL; E. Cartwright to Gov., school in Oregon; Reciept of pardons. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-85-8 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 9 contents: Edward Belt to Gov., requistion of Dennis McCarty; E.H. Chambers to Gov., St. Johns College; Qualification, commissioner of deeds, PA, NY. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-85-9 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 10 contents: Recommendation for Inspector General of grain; Supreme Court opinion, B & O Turnpike v MD; Quartermaster Gen. to Gov.; "Banner of Liberty" to Gov., list of qualified voters; Bounty papers; Request for payment; H.N. Congar to Gov. [6] William Lawson to Gov., concerning oyster beds shared by MD and VA, [10] H.N. Congar, commissioner of immigration, to Gov., concerning inducements for immigration, [11] George Stockharn to Gov., educating freed slaves. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-85-10 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 11 contents: Department of State correspondence to Gov., transmittal of "Laws to Encourage Immigration," Homestead Act, and other acts of Congress in English, French, and German. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-85-11 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 85, folder 12 contents: Election returns, constable, FR; Blind student papers; James W. Purdum to Gov., concerning accomplices of James Boyle; G. Fred. Maddox, States Attry, SM to Gov.; Newspaper clipping, registers' meeting; Request for commission, judge of circuit court. [7] 1865, Maj. Gen. O.O. Howard, commissioner of Freedmen's Bureau, to Gov., unity of laws in Missouri, KT, and MD. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-85-12 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 86, folder 15 contents: Correspondence: appointment of local agents for military relief, black troops, case of George Moody & William Jones. [2] Col., PA Vol. to Gov., crediting black troops to MD & preserving status of slaves & free blacks, [4-11] Case of Moody & Jones, arrested after bringing former slaves to PG to visit their families, with list of blacks in PG jail. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-86-15 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 86, folder 16 contents: Appointment, agents for local military relief; Bounty payments, free black Vol., MD, SM; Declination of state militia; Recommendation & acceptances as counsel, MD; Mayor, BC to Gov., Pittsburg & Connellsville RR; Gov. NJ to Gov., Antietam cemetery. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-86-16 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 17 contents: Correspondence: Preservation of black soldiers' status, Opinion of War Dept., MD enrollment in South, Dr. T. Lynch case, Errors in black troops' bounty rolls, Pittsburg & Connellsville RR, Loyalty of E.G. Kilbourn, AA, Offer to give military lecture. [4, 6] Dr. Thomas Lynch charged by military in death of female slave, SM & request for President's intercession. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-86-17 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 18 contents: Correspondence: Missouri resolution, amendment abolishing slavery, Gettysburg cemetery, Conflict in Smith's Indep. cav. co. MD Vol., Oyster tax, BC, Furloughs for 9th MD C.T., Treasury Dept., MD Nat. Guard, Watkins murder; Application for JOC, FR. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-86-18 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 19 contents: Recommendations, applications, acceptance, declination as enrollment exam surgeon, cir. ct. judge & sheriff, BA, bounty commissioner, CH, HA, B&O RR state director, inspector of coal oil, register of votes; MD Hosp. bill; AA citizens, Watkins murder. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-86-19 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 20 contents: Report on MD regts. in WV; Soldier to Gov., requesting aid for wife in BC; MD tax collector seeking interest due him; Request for, objection to promotions; Formation of inf. co.; Telegram announcing draft; Prisoners seeking release; Bounty paper. [1] Prisoner in MD Penitentiary to father seeking help for release. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-86-20 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 21 contents: Recommendation for superintendant of Board of Ed., CV; Correspondence: immigration to MD, Maryland Hospital bill, requests for requisitions, DC, MO, WA, HA, CH; Declination as commandant, AL; Acceptance of bounty commissioner, SO; Requisition, BA. [8] J.W. Crisfield to Gov. concerning position on Constitution of 1864. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-86-21 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 86, folder 22 contents: Requisitions, PA; Requests for requisition, DE; William Price to Gov., requisition of Pinkus Levy, VA. [9-13] 1865, Correspondence concerning return of a flag of 6th Reg. MA Vol. militia to MA by Miss Christie Johnson. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-86-22 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 23 contents: Bond of Hanson P. Jordan, State Librarian; Correspondence, acceptance of Hugh Davey Evans; John S. Berry to Gov., return of flag to MA; Circular for war memorial, National Bureau of Correspondence. [2, 3] Vouchers for salute and funeral procession of President Abraham Lincoln; [5] Brantz Mayer to Gov. concerning transmittal of "Declaration of Freemen of Maryland" (1775) and Gov. William Paca's "Proclamation Announcing Peace" (1783). No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-86-23 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 24 contents: Calling card; Recommendations for D.A. Woodward to paint portrait of Gov. L. Holiday Hicks; Complaint against commission of Capt. Leib as Col., 11th MD; J. Townsend Daniel to Gov.; Edward Stabler to Gov., terms of loyalty oath. [5] Application of Enoch Pratt for bounty commissioner, BC, [9] Provost Marshal Gen. James Fry to Gov., number of MD men (49,522) who served with Union, [10] Telegrams, announcement and terms of surrender of Robert E. Lee at Appomatox, VA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-86-24 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 25 contents: Applications for warden, MD Penitentiary, commisioner of deeds, PA; List of appointments, FR; Vouchers: Government House, transportation of arms; Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, PA; Pardon papers, William Offler, BA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-86-25 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, Henry B. Jones, BC; Recommendation for JOP, Benjamin Parsons, WO. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-86-26 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 27 contents: Recommendation for JOP, post at Crestern House, inspector of flour, BC; Requisition, George Riddle, DE. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-86-27 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BC, gunner, US Navy; Affidavit of Charles Dellinger. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-86-28 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 86, folder 29 contents: Criminal paper; Business card; Recommendations for commissioner of Deeds, AL, WV; Qualifications, commissioner of deeds, WV, NY, OH, IL. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-86-29 1/7/5/69
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 87, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for inspector of tobacco, George Dowell, CV; Pardon paper, John R. Buchanan, rebel; Criminal papers, WA, FR; Recommendation for revenue service; Richard King to Gov., public celebration for returning troops. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-87-5 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1868. Box 87, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for inspector of flour, FR, weigher of hay, woodcorder, BC; Chauncy K. Williams to SecSt., request for proceedings of Constitutional Convention; Application for Secretary of State, William Waterman; General correspondence. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-87-2 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 3 contents: Recommendations and application for JOP, PG. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-87-3 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 87, folder 4 contents: Act of incorporation, Soldiers' National Cemetery, Gettysburg, PA; Reports: Maryland Inebriate Asylum, Visitors of Maryland Hospital, Cumberland Coal & Iron Company; Recommendations, inspectors of fish, BC. [6] Joint Resolution of OH Gen. Assemby to ammend US Constitution, [10] Robert Corson to Gov., PA State Relief Agent and copy of "The Soldiers' Guide in Philadelphia". No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-87-4 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865 Box 85, folder 13 contents: W.W. Busteed, need legislator, QA; Prospectus; Resignation of J. Lee, Delegate, QA; Pardon paper, Charles Thomas; Request for discharge, BC; J. Ritchie, S. Currier, rewards; W. Price, collection of taxes, BC; Application, inspector of tobacco, BC. [2] Preliminary Prospectus of the North German International Agricultural, Mechanical, and Industrial Exhibition, Altona, Germany, [7] Jonothan Ritchie to Gov., reward for Chipley, [12] Simon P. Currier to Gov., reward for capture of fugitive slave. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-85-13 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865 Box 85, folder 14 contents: H. Goldsborough;Request for pay; Request for pardon, CR; S. Graham, JOP, SO; Execution paper, Abraham Coon, WA; Declination of Captain, BC; F.P. Phelps, voter registration; J. Hall, murder of Capt. Watkins; S. Clark, registration act. [1] Henry H. Goldsborough to Gov., recommendation for Hugh Allan Goldsborough as president of C & O Canal Co. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-85-14 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 15 contents: J. H. Emerson, A. Evans, voting registers; M. Bickford, harboring Boyle; J. Hall; Anonymous, rebel intimidation, AA; Bounty paper; Pardon paper; Correspondence, Gettysburg Cemetery; W. Lawson, school commission, SO; J. Thomas, W. Moody; General Corr. [4] Joseph Hall to Gov., negro childred bound by Orphan's Court, CV; No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-85-15 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1865. Box 85, folder 16 contents: J. Ritchie, Chipley reward; Requests for discharge, 1st Regt., P.H.B. Cav.; Acceptance of commission; Bounty paper; Consolidation of units, MD Cav.; Resignation of R. Corson, State Military Agent, PA; Soldier's Guide, Philadelphia; Telegram. [11] Telegram from T.M. Vincent, Assistant Adj. Gen., discharge procedures. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-85-16 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 17 contents: Telegrams; R. Jones, death of inspector of tobacco, BC; Pardon paper; R. Fowler, bounty procedures; L.H. Kell, request for recommendation; Acceptance as bounty commissioner; C. Cox, flag affair; Request for discharge; J. Speed; T.S. Hodson to Gov. [1, 8] Telegrams, T.M. Vincent to Gov., mustering out and discharge, [11] U.S. Attorney General James Speed to William Price, U.S. District Attorney, MD, Gov. to handle rebel pardons, [14] Hodson, Editor, SO Herald, state advertising. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-85-17 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 18 contents: H. Duckworth to Gov., disloyal JOP, AL; Henna Howard to Pres.; General recommendation; W. Dorsey to Gov., improper arrest; Requests for discharge, 1st Reg. PHB Cav.; W. Cather to Gov., son wrongly punished; General correspondence. [3] Freed slave Henna Howard to Pres. Johnson, former mistress taking her children. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-85-18 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 85, folder 19 contents: Pardon paper, Ignatius D. Thomson; Jonathan Frazier to Gov., Hicks monument; Recommendation for Christian Derlinger, JOP; Darius Forbes to Gov.; U.S. Claim Agency forms; Richard King, Relief Agent; Nolle Prosequi papers; Supt. Public Instruction. [4] Darius Forbes, U.S. Claims Agent to Gov., US. Sanitary Commission Army and Navy Claim Agency receiving pension claims, [5] King to Gov., Report from City Point Hospital on wounded officers. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-85-19 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 20 contents: Application for wood corder, BC; State Bounty Commissioner; General correspondence; Vigilance Committee violence, HA: Requests for discharge; Recommendation for Canal Board Director, MO; 1st Regt. P.H.B., Co. C; Request for promotion. [7] 1st P.H.B. Cav. petitioning against retention in service. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-85-20 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 21 contents: Co. K & A, 1st Regt. P.H.B.; 11th Med. Inf.; Telegrams, War Dept. to Gov., muster out of troops, relinquishing colors; General correspondence; J. Wells, books for MD schools; Recommendations, applications for register of soldiers' votes, MO, BC. [1, 2] 1st P.H.B. Cav. petitioning against retention in service, [10] 11th Med. Inf., protesting muster out of service. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-85-21 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 22 contents: Requests for discharge; Recommendations, applications: General, Pres. Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co., voting register, HA; Correspondence, bounties, SM, BC; Citizens of MO, HA, petitions. [9] Petition from MO citizens requesting suspension of School Law. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-85-22 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 85, folder 23 contents: Samuel Hopkins to Gov., draft credits, TA; Declinations of bounty commissioners, DO, SM, KE; Supt. Public Instruction; Military Relief Agents: discharge and relief; Pardon paper, Samuel Brown; Copy, General Assembly Act, substitution. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-85-23 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 85, folder 24 contents: Correspondence: "Press gang", DO, POA Colored Vol., confirmation of nominations, complaint against E. Crouch, tax relief, receipt of commissions; Pardon paper; Telegram, SecWar to Gov.; Field report, 8th Regt. MD Vol.; Senate Act, civil commissions. [1] 1864, Dr. T. King Carroll to Gov., complaint against negro "press gang", DO, [2] 1864, SecWar to Gov., activate militia to defend Baltimore. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-85-24 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 25 contents: Correspondence: General, Release of imprisoned Confederates, Murders in DC, Emigration, Recruiting; Recommendation, bounty commissioner, SO; US Senate & War Dept. enrollment legislation. [3] John Williams to Gov., promotion of emigration of foreign labor force, [11] Edward King to Gov., release from prison hospital on grounds of forced draft into CSA, [14] Provost Marshal to Gov., pardons for enlistment by deserters. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-85-25 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 26 contents: Correspondence: Gov. MN to Gov., issuing commission Sen. Creswell, US Provost Marshal to Gov. (quotas, credit and suspension of draft); Recommendation, Surgeon General MD; Request for pay, Military Relief Agent. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-85-26 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 27 contents: Correspondence: General, Complaint against RR route, Release of imprisoned Confederates; Application, commissioner of deeds, NY; Appointment of hospital inspectors; Military Relief Agents: backpay & relief; Transmittal of laws; National celebration. [13] Telegram, War Dept. to Gov., order to celebrate the restoration of the flag to Ft. Sumter. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-85-27 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 85, folder 28 contents: Application, commissioner, AA; Correspondence: US Senate confirmation of nominations, Requests for: surgeon 1st Regt. PHB Cav., reinforcements 3rd MD Vol., Gettysburg cemetery, MD quota, complaint against State House watchman, legislative action. [3] Pres. Soldiers' National Cemetery to Gov., MD share of Gettysburg cemetery expenses, [6] Complaint against State House watchman as known secessionist, recommendations for replacement. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-85-28 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 85, folder 29 contents: Appellant's briefs, MD Court of Appeals; Correspondence and documents: Antietam National Cemetery. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-85-29 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 85, folder 30 contents: Petition for Mandamus and case summary: Magruder v Tuck, Magruder v Swann. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-85-30 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 85, folder 31 contents: Correspondence and documents: Antietam National Cemetery. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-85-31 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 85, folder 32 contents: Correspondence: Owner claiming slave bounty; Acceptance, qualification, ADC, Andrew Ridgely; Complaints against Constitution of 1864; Letter of introduction. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-85-32 1/7/5/68
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 85, folder 33 contents: Correspondence: Promotions, Gettysburg National Cemetery, Formation of MD National Guard, Meredith Ford Turnpike; Military Relief Agent report; Reorganization of units, PHB Cav.; Affadavits on disqualification of Convention delegates for disloyalty. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-85-33 1/7/5/68
MSA S 1274 ///
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 87, folder 5 contents: Statistics of the Cumberland coal trade; Annual report of Sheppard Asylum; Treasury balance sheet; General order; Resolution. [2] General Order No. 14, suspension of martial law in Annapolis, [3] Henry H. Goldsborough to Gov., forwarding Constitutional convention resolution for tax on secessionists. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-87-5 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1864, 1866. Box 87, folder 6 contents: State cases in court of appeals; Draft, Gov. appointment of commission; Conference addresses; Deaf, blind student papers. [5] 1866, Berne International Congress address, "Militia System of Switzerland in Comparison with Standing Armies", [6] 1864, "Military System of Switzerland". No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-87-6 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 87, folder 7 contents: Commission to move hay scales, BC; Draft warrant for special election, MO; Default papers, FR, DO, AL, CH, WA, TA, BC; Auctioneer returns. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-87-7 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 87, folder 8 contents: Default papers; Bonds, MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-87-8 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 87, folder 9 contents: Bonds, MD Penitentiary officers. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-87-9 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 10 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, GA, DC, TN, LA, AL, VA, MA, PA; Applications for commissioner of deeds, MA, PA. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-87-10 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 11 contents: Qualification for commissioner of deeds, KY; Applications, recommendations and business card for commissioner of deeds, VA, AL, SC, CA, LA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-87-11 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 87, folder 12 contents: Bonds for MD Penitentiary, register, HO, notary public, TA, AA, WA, weigher of hay, inspector of flour, BC. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-87-12 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 87, folder 13 contents: Bonds for inspector of flour, wharfinger, BC, notary public, AL, TA, AA, CE, CR, WA, armorer, TA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-87-13 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 87, folder 14 contents: Bonds for notary public, FR, CE, KE, BC, state librarian. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-87-14 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for JOP, AL, HA, SM, TA, CH; Default paper, AL; Failure to qualify, JOP, SM, armorer, inspector of flour, FR, manager of House of Refuge, inspector of fish, BC; Application for commissioner of deeds, Wisc. No. Items: 24 MSA S 1274-87-15 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 87, folder 16 contents: Recommendation for JOP, AA, SO, Daniel Bride, BC; Failure to qualify, clerk, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-87-16 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 87, folder 17 contents: Business card; Application for commissioner of deeds, CA, JOP, AA; Recommendation for JOP, WA, PG, MO, CE county commissioner, FR; Application for license to sell carriages, BC; Default paper, AA. No. Items: 20 MSA S 1274-87-17 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for wood corder, BC, magistrate, SO, superintendant of National Road, JOP, FR, HA, QA, MO, SO; Default papers, HA, SO, MO; Failure to qualify, JOP, WO, BC, coroner, BC, inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 22 MSA S 1274-87-18 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 19 contents: Recommendations: inspector of lime, weigher of hay, BC, JOP, HA, DO, CA, CH, AL, WA, PG, SM, director, B & O RR, keeper of Antietam cemetary, WA; Applications for auctioneer, BC, notary public, CR, SM; Failure to qualify, notary public, AA, JOP, SM. No. Items: 25 MSA S 1274-87-19 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 20 contents: Recommendation for magistrate, AL, BC, JOP, BC, HA, SO, AL, SM, county court, CA; George A. Thurston to Gov., recommendations for delegates from AL. [11] Perinchief to Gov., overindulgence in whiskey, AL. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-87-20 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 21 contents: Recommendation for JOP, AL, BC, AA; Application for JOP, AL, AA; Correspondence. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-87-21 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 22 contents: Applications and recommendations for JOP, magistrate, AA, CV. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-87-22 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 23 contents: Recommendation for magistrate, AA, BC, BC; Application for JOP, AA, BA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-87-23 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 24 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BA, BC; Applications for JOP, BA, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-87-24 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 25 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BA; Applications for JOP, BA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-87-25 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-87-26 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 27 contents: Criminal papers, warrant for John Boyle, murder of Capt. Watkins; Recommendations for inspector of grain, BC, JOP, BA; Voucher; Application for and resignations as JOP, BA; Default paper, BA; Correspondence. [3] Voucher for Government House linens. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-87-27 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 28 contents: Criminal papers, John Boyle; Voucher; Statistics of the Cumberland coal trade; Qualifications, MO. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-87-28 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 87, folder 29 contents: Recommendation for JOP, DO, BC, JOC, FR; Default paper, FR; Failure to qualify, JOC, MO. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-87-29 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 87, folder 30 contents: Recommendation for JOP, WO, AA, AL, judge of circuit court, WA; Default papers, AL, HA; Failure to qualify, HA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-87-30 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 87, folder 31 contents: Default papers, KE, AA; Recommendation for JOP, KE, AA, judge of circuit court, WA; Application for JOP, CH; Qualifications, PG, CH, SM. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-87-31 1/7/5/70
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1865. Box 88, folder 1 contents: Resignations: Delegates, BC, WA, JOP, DO, MO, QA, SO, state vaccine agent, JOC, WO, Bounty commissioner, WA; Qualifications, JOP, SO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-88-1 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 2 contents: Resignations: JOP, MO, TA, HO, AA, DO, FR, BA; Wood inspector, BC; State senator, DO; Delegate, BC: Director of House of Refuge; Supt. National Road, AL. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-2 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 88, folder 3 contents: Declinations, resignations, recommendations and application for JOP, KE, CH, QA, CV, BC, AL, FR, KE, DO, AA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-88-3 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1867. Box 88, folder 4 contents: General correspondence; Recommendations and application for inspector of tobacco, Allen Forrester as JOP, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-4 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 88, folder 5 contents: Declination, recommendations as JOP, CE, CH; General correspondence. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-88-5 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 88, folder 6 contents: Recommendations and application for JOP, CH, David Roop for inspector of flour, BC; General correspondence; Circular, St. Mary's Academy for Young Ladies. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-88-6 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 88, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for David Roop, inspector of flour, BC, Bounty commissioner, AA; Resignation as collector of customs, state senator, BC, JOP, CA; Application for JOP, QA; Declination as sheriff, AA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-7 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 8 contents: Declination as bounty commissioner, AA; Resignation as JOP, BA; Recommendations and applications for registers, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-88-8 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 9 contents: Applications, recommendations and declination for registers, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-88-9 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 10 contents: Declination, recommendations and application for register, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-88-10 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 11 contents: Application, declination, and recommendations for register, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-88-11 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 12 contents: Declinations, recommendations and acceptance for register, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-12 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 14 contents: Recommendations, application and declinations for register, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-88-14 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 13 contents: Recommendations, acceptance and application for register, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-88-13 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 15 contents: Acceptances, declinations, application and recommendations for register, BC; Business card. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-15 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 16 contents: Acceptance, resignation and recommendations for register, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-16 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 17 contents: Declinations and recommendations as register, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-88-17 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 18 contents: Applications, recommendations and complaint against Thomas W. Griffin, JOP, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-18 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 186, 1866. Box 88, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Griffin, JOP, BC; Application and recommendations for Benjamin F. May, inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-88-19 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 88, folder 20 contents: Recommendations and applications for Brig. Gen. John W. Horn and George Leddon, state wharfinger. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-20 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 88, folder 21 contents: List of names, Criminal Court of BC; Recommendations for JOP, BC, registers, WO; Applications, recommendation and qualifications for commissioner of deeds, ME, TN, Cal.; W. Purnell to Gov., registers, WO. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-88-21 1/7/5/71
MSA S 1274 ///
MSA S 1274 ///
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 22 contents: Recommendations and application for registers, WO; Declinations as register, WO. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-22 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 23 contents: Recommendation and declinations for register, WO; Recommendation for Board of Registration, WO; Correspondence, Board of Regisrtation, WO, SO; Complaint against John Wilson, register, SO. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-23 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 24 contents: Correspondence, register, SO; Declinations and recommendations for register, SM, SO. [8] Leonard Hayden to Gov., concerning George H. Morgan firing 5-7 shots into mob in Baltimore riots. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-88-24 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 25 contents: Recommendations and declinations for register, SM; Correspondence, registers, SM. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-88-25 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 26 contents: Recommendations, declination and acceptances for register, QA; Default paper, QA; Civil List, registers, QA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-88-26 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 27 contents: Recommendations, application and declinations for registers, QA, PG; Correspondence, registers, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-88-27 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 28 contents: Recommendations, acceptance and declination for registers, PG; Correspondence, registers, PG. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-28 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 29 contents: Recommendations and declinations for registers, MO; Civil List, MO; Minutes of Unconditional Union Men, MO. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-88-29 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for register, HA, MO; Correspondence, Thomas Landsdale to Gov. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-88-30 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 31 contents: Recommendations and declinations for register, HA. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-88-31 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 32 contents: Application, declinations and recommendations for register, HO; Correspondence, commission, registers, HO. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-88-32 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 33 contents: Recommendations and declination for register, KE, HO; Correspondence, registers, HO; Memo from secretary, regosters, KE. [6] E.D. McClenahan to Gov., Copperheads, KE. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-88-33 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 88, folder 34 contents: Recommendations and declinations for registers, KE. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-88-34 1/7/5/71
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858 Box 66, folder 1 contents: Application and recommendation for weigher of hay, BC; "Voters of BA" to Gov., lack of qualified candidates for weigher of hay; General correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-1 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850, 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 2 contents: Recommendation for weigher of hay, BC; Voucher, CV; Acceptance of counsel, Court of Appeals; Application and recommendation for inspector of flour, BC; Application for weigher of livestock, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-66-2 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856-1858. Box 66, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for weigher of livestock, BC; Acceptance and qualification for commissioner of deeds for MA; Application and recommendation for superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-3 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858, Box 66, folder 4 contents: Application and recommendation for superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-4 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for Thomas Keller, superintendent of National Road, AL; General correspondence. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-66-5 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 6 contents: Application for superintendent of National Road, AL; Recommendations for William Haller, superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-66-6 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 7 contents: Applications and recommendations for superintendent of National Road, AL. Francis Madore, Levi B. Porter, Jacob Brown, William R. Dawson, Thomas B. Armstrong, Elijah Fuller. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-66-7 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for superintendent of National Road, AL. George Walker, Jacob Brown. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-66-8 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 66, folder 9 contents: Recommendation for William Hall, superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-66-9 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 66, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for William Hall, superintendent of National Road, AL. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-10 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858, 1861. Box 66, folder 11 contents: Recommendations for William Hall, superintendent of National Road, AL; Application and recommendation for Charles Woodman, commissioner of deeds, NH. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-66-11 1/5/7/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 12 contents: Qualification, JOP, HO; Correspondence, dissatisfaction with corder of wood, BA; Recommendations: hospital surgeon, FR; JOP, HO; Application and recommendations for JOP, BC, WO. W. W. Watkins, Thomas D. Cockey, Dr. Isaac Baer, George W. Carr, Richard R. Batten, Peregrine J. Wilson, George A. Parker, Samuel D. Price, Benjamin Guyton. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-66-12 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 13 contents: Applications and recommendation for commissioner of deeds, California; Recommendations: commissioner, WA; notary public, BC; Daniel Mentzer; Leander Warren; F. J. Thibault. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-66-13 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 14 contents: Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, PA, California, Great Britain. John Russell, F.J. Thibault, David M. Stevens. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-66-14 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 15 contents: Extradition of Enoch Ridgeley, free negro, to DC; Voucher for extradition; general correspondence; Resignation of JOP, BA; Recommendation for Brig. Gen., MO; Resignations: legislature, DO, MD Militia, QM. [1] Extradition of Enoch Ridgely charged with enticing a slave to run away. James E. Allenden, Richard Bowie. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-66-15 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1861. Box 66, folder 16 contents: Appointment and resignation of 1st LT, mounted volunteers, CH; Requisition of Enoch Ridgeley, free negro, from DC; Election results, U. S. Congress; Qualifications for commisioners of tax, CH; Criminal papers, Thomas Wooden, HO. William F. Dement, John W. Crisfield, Edwin H. Webster, C. L. L. Leary, Henry May, Francis Thomas, Charles B. Calvert, John A. A. Price, George H. Carpenter, Charles E. Harmon, Thomas Stewart. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-66-16 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 66, folder 17 contents: Criminal papers, Henry C. Drill, FR, Gen. Nathaniel Hickman, BC, William H. Whiteley, CA. [13] 1860, Application for nolle prosequi for Gen. Nathaniel Hickman accused of embezzeling state funds while registrar of wills, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-66-17 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 18 contents: Criminal papers, Charles Bard, slave, WA, George De Ford; Pardon papers, Joseph Edwards, BC. [2-4] 1860, criminal papers, Charles Bard (owned by Jonathan Hager) accused of stealing silver watch; [5] n.d. Request for nolle prosequi upon condition that George De Ford be shipped to sea for five years; [10-13] Request for pardon for Joseph Edwards for the manslaughter of Adam Barclay Kyle "growing out of election excitements". No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-66-18 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 19 contents: Pardon papers and criminal papers, Joseph Edwards, BC. [2] 1861, Joseph Edwards to Gov., BC; [1] 1861, Correspondence from William Claude, counsel for Joseph Edwards, AA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-66-19 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 20 contents: Pardon papers, Joseph Edwards, James F. Newbold, Hugh Bolton, BC; Criminal papers, Noah Coleman, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-20 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Thomas Roundtree, coroner, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-58-1 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for coroner, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-58-2 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for coroner, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-58-3 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 58, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Robert Goldsmith, coroner, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-4 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 5 contents: Application and recommendation for coroner, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-58-5 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 58, folder 6 contents: List of negligent officeholders; Recommendations for Dr. Edward Stephens, coroner, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-6 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850, 1852, 1854, 1855, 1857. Box 58, folder 7 contents: Failure to qualify, Supreme Court Clerk, BC; Applications for inspector of fish, AA, PG; Requests for auctioneers' commissions, BC; Applications for coroner, BC, SO. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-7 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 58, folder 8 contents: Recommendations and application for inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-58-8 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 58, folder 9 contents: Application and recommendations for William Barnes, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-9 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 58, folder 10 contents: Gen. B.F. Butler to Gov.; Gov. to Gen. B.F. Butler; A. Lincoln & W. Seward to Gov.; Printed copy of proposed amendment. [1] Butler to Gov., Union troops suppresing possible Negro insurrections in MD, [2] Gov. to Butler, commandeering Annapolis & Elk Ridge RR, [3] Lincoln and Seward to Gov., proposed Constitutional amendment, [4] Printed copy of proposed amendment with cover letter. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-58-10 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 58, folder 11 contents: Appointment, Keeper of the House of Delegates, AA; Application and qualification for surveyor, TA; Resignations: JOP, SO; Notary Public, CR; Recommendation for magistrate, CE; Correspondence, JOP, WA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-58-11 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 58, folder 12 contents: Qualification for JOP, WA; Resignations: Chief JOC, CA; JOP, BC; Recommendations for JOP, BC, TA; Voucher; Threat letter to Jacob Routzan; Rough draft of poem (song). [8] n.d., possible early version of "Old Gray Mare". No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-58-12 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 58, folder 13 contents: Report of Commission on Printing; Voucher to SecSt.; Resolution relating to duties on wool, ME; Appointment of R. Johnson to US Senate; Correspondence concerning election of Gov. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-58-13 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 58, folder 14 contents: Report of inspectors of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-58-14 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 58, folder 15 contents: Default papers, BC; Report of Special Commission on Tobacco Warehouse, BC; Annual Report of B&O RR. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-58-15 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1869. Box 58, folder 16 contents: Report of tobacco warehouse, BC; Report of MD inspectors of tobacco; Bank statement regarding Substitute Fund; General correspondence. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-58-16 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 58, folder 17 contents: Acceptance of gauger of liquor, BC; Correspondence, failure of notary publics to report, WA, FR, AL. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-58-17 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 58, folder 18 contents: Gov. to Gov. VA and response; Brig. Gen. Benjamin Butler to Gov. and response; Gov. to Abraham Lincoln; Gov. to Mayor, BC. [1,4] 1861, Gov. to Gov. VA and response, ill treatment of MD citizens by VA troops, [2,3] 1861, B. Butler to Gov. and response, passage of Union troops through MD, [5] 1861, Gov. to Lincoln requesting removal of Union troops from MD, [6] 1861, Gov. to Mayor Brown, BC, convening special session of MD legislature. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-58-18 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 58, folder 18 contents: Gov. to Gov. VA and response; Brig. Gen. Benjamin Butler to Gov. and response; Gov. to Abraham Lincoln; Gov. to Mayor, BC. [1,4] 1861, Gov. to Gov. VA and response, ill treatment of MD citizens by VA troops, [2,3] 1861, B. Butler to Gov. and response, passage of Union troops through MD, [5] 1861, Gov. to Lincoln requesting removal of Union troops from MD, [6] 1861, Gov. to Mayor Brown, BC, convening special session of MD legislature. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-58-18 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 58, folder 19 contents: Resolutions passed by AR Convention regarding secession; Gov. to Lincoln; B.F. Butler to Gov.; Gov. to Lt. Gen. Scott; Gov. to Postmaster, FR. [1, 24] 1861, Resolution, AR, complaints of southern states and proposed vote on secession, [3] 1861, Gov. to Lincoln regarding VA troops at Harper's Ferry and occupation of US Customs House in Oxford (TA) by Tench Tilghman, [4] Buter to Gov., Union seizure of Annapolis and Elkridge RR, [5] Gov. to Lt. Gen. Scott, passage of Union troops through BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-58-19 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 58, folder 20 contents: Gov. to H.H. Goldsborough; Gov. to U.S. SecWar; Gov. to Commander of Volunteer Troops; Gov. to Mayor of BC. [1] 1861, Gov. to Goldsborough (Pres. MD Senate), special session of MD Legislature; [2] Gov. to SecWar, requesting troops, [3] Gov. to SecWar, Baltimore riots of April 19, [4] Gov. to Commander of Volunteer Troops, advising against landing in Annapolis; [5] Gov. to Mayor BC, telegram from Lincoln. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-58-20 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858, 1861. Box 58, folder 21 contents: Deaf student papers. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-58-21 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 58, folder 22 contents: Deaf student papers. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-58-22 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 58, folder 23 contents: Deaf student papers. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-58-23 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 58, folder 24 contents: Qualifications, AL; Applications and recommendation for Commissioner of Deeds, MD; Deaf student papers. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-58-24 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859. Box 58, folder 25 contents: Bills and receipts for installation of gas lighting at State House. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-58-25 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859. Box 58, folder 26 contents: Bills and receipts for installation of gas lighting at State House. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-58-26 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859. Box 58, folder 27 contents: Bills and receipts for gas lights. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-58-27 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 58, folder 28 contents: Gov. to Gov. VA; Assignments and acceptance of state attorney; Gov. to Gov. MS; Executive Chamber to Senate, legal advice; Criminal paper. [1] Gov. to Gov. VA acknowledging receipt of VA resolution declining to send deputies to secessionist conference, [3] Gov. to Gov. MS acknowledging receipt of MS "Resolution Upon Federal Relations", [4] Executive Chamber to Senate, legal advice, appropriations for Washington College and St. Johns College. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-58-28 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 58, folder 29 contents: Docket entries, AL, BC; Application and recommendation for commissioner of deeds, MD; Recommendations for notary public, FR. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-58-29 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 58, folder 30 contents: General correspondence, police commissioners, BC; Recommendation for Div. QM; Criminal paper; Resignation of JOP, BC; Recommendations for inspector of fish, HA; Application for commissioner of Deeds, MD. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-58-30 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 58, folder 31 contents: Applications for commissioner of deeds, MD; Recommendations for commissioner, AL. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-58-31 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 58, folder 32 contents: Recommendations for commissioner, AL; Failure to qualify for JOP, PG; Applications and recommendation for inspector of tobacco, BC; General Correspondence. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-58-32 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 58, folder 33 contents: General correspondence; Recommendations for JOP, BC, CA, HO, QA, MO. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-58-33 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 58, folder 34 contents: Recommendations for JOP, BC, HA, HO, QA, WA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-58-34 1/7/5/41
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859-1861. Box 59, folder 6 contents: Correspondence, election of 1860; Resignation of Benjamin Kirby, JOP, QA; Correspondence, MD Institute for Blind. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-59-6 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1861. Box 59, folder 7 contents: Correspondence, MD Institute for Blind. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-59-7 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1861. Box 59, folder 8 contents: Correspondence, MD Institute for Blind. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-59-8 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857-1859, 1861. Box 59, folder 9 contents: Correspondence and accounts, MD Institute for Blind. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-59-9 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 59, folder 10 contents: Blind student papers; Application for commissioner, MD. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-59-10 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 59, folder 11 contents: Blind student papers. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-59-11 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1859, 1860. Box 59, folder 12 contents: Qualifications, PG; Docket entries, CR; Applications and recommendations for inspector of guano, TA; T. Townsend to Gov., personal correspondence. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-59-12 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 59, folder 13 contents: T. Townsend to Gov., personal correspondence. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-59-13 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 59, folder 14 contents: Applications and recommendations for inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-59-14 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 59, folder 15 contents: Applications and recommendations for inspector of guano, BC; Default papers, SM. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-59-15 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1859. Box 59, folder 16 contents: County Commission reports and qualifications, TA, QA, FR, WO. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-59-16 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 59, folder 17 contents: Qualifications, PG, BA, AL, TA; Bond for WA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-59-17 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 59, folder 18 contents: Appointment of JOC, MO; County Commission report, election, qualification, taxes, QA, HA, SM, HO, FR. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-59-18 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1861. Box 59, folder 19 contents: Election results, WA; Execution papers, AA; General correspondence; Recommendations for JOP, BA; Business card. [3] Hanging of Mary Naylor, slave. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-59-19 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 59, folder 20 contents: Resignations: commissioner, NY; JOP, FR, WA, BA, BC; notary public, AA; Senator, SO; Application and Recommendation, JOP, AA, BA; Acceptance of Charter, Notice of vacancy, commission, FR; Appointment of register of wills, QA; Demand for warrant, BC. [5] Acceptance of supplement to charter, Chester Town Colege. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-59-20 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 59, folder 21 contents: Recommendation for and declination as JOP, AL, CV, FR, HA; Failure to qualify for JOP, CV, HA; Criminal papers, William Thelford. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-59-21 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 59, folder 22 contents: Voucher; Criminal papers, William Thelford, Luke Leuge, John Merriken. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-59-22 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1861. Box 59, folder 23 contents: Criminal papers, William Thelford. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-59-23 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 59, folder 24 contents: Criminal papers, William Thelford. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-59-24 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 59, folder 25 contents: Criminal papers, John Merriken. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-59-25 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1860. Box 59, folder 26 contents: Criminal papers, Charles Coulson, Emanuel Irons. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-59-26 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1859, 1860. Box 59, folder 27 contents: Criminal papers; Declination as JOC, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-59-27 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 59, folder 28 contents: Declination as JOC, BC; Failure to qualify and resignations of JOP, CR, BA, HO; Notice of vacancy, recommendations, application and declinations as sheriff, WO; Recommendation for woodcorder, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-59-28 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1861. Box 59, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for and resignations of JOP, AL, HA, WA; Declination as Col., M.M.; Correspondence, resignation of SecSt. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-59-29 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860. Box 59, folder 30 contents: Recommendation for and resignations of JOP, AA, KE, CE; Business card; Recommendation for commissioner of deeds, OH, PA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-59-30 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1859. Box 59, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for, resignation of and declination as JOP, BA, MO; Recommendations for and reignations of JOC, SM. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-59-31 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 59, folder 32 contents: Resignations of and recommendation for JOP, KE, BA, HA, DO. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-59-32 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 59, folder 33 contents: Declinations as and recommendation for commisioner of deeds, MS, AS, FL, VA; Declination as manager in house of refuge; Acceptance of counsel; Criminal papers. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-59-33 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1861. Box 59, folder 34 contents: Declination as commissioner of deeds, PA; Resignations of, declination as and recommendations for notary public, BC, AL, CV; Qualifications for JOP, SO; Criminal paper, Jacob Adams. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-59-34 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 59, folder 35 contents: Fine and pardon papers, Jacob Adams, Conrad Schwart, William Crooks, James Logan; Correspondence, letters of introduction. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-59-35 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 59, folder 36 contents: Pardon and execution papers. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-59-36 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 59, folder 37 contents: Recommendations and application for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-59-37 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 59, folder 38 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-59-38 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 59, folder 39 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-59-39 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 59, folder 40 contents: Identification card of and recommendation for inspector of lumber, CE; Gov. personal memorandum. [3] 1862, Gov., rough county-by-county personal memorandum of local appointment sought. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-59-40 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 59, folder 41 contents: Recommendations for William Roberts, armorer, TA; Recommendation for notary public, WA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-59-41 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 59, folder 42 contents: Recommendations for notary public, WA; Recommendation for inspector of leather, FR. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-59-42 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 59, folder 43 contents: Recommendations for inspector of leather, FR; Recommendations for inspector of tobacco, FR. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-59-43 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 59, folder 44 contents: Application and recommendation for notary public, FR; Recommendation for armorer, FR; Recommendations and applications for inspector of leather, FR; General recommendation. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-59-44 1/7/5/42
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 18 contents: Criminal papers, Pvt. Andrew Russell, Margaret Hull; General correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-83-18 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 83, folder 19 contents: Pardon papers, Jacob Peacock. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-83-19 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 20 contents: Pardon papers, Harry (Henry) Royston, William Andrew.; No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-83-20 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 83, folder 21 contents: Pardon papers, Joseph Mairs (Mears), Joshua Lane (Sane), Clemency Freeman Dudley. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-83-21 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 83, folder 22 contents: Pardon papers, Conrad Rowe (Rou), Jesse Lewis. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-83-22 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 23 contents: Pardon papers, Thomas Brison, James Slaughter. [9] Pardon paper in foreign language, possibly Old German script. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-83-23 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861, 1863, 1864. Box 83, folder 24 contents: Pardon papers, Henry Clay Brown. [16B] Flyer for Levi Brown, dealer of musical instruments and sheet music. No. Items: 21 MSA S 1274-83-24 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864. Box 83, folder 25 contents: Pardon papers, Henry Engle, Thomas Havelin, Edward Ginn; Fine paper. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-83-25 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863-1865. Box 83, folder 26 contents: Pardon papers, James Snyder, former Sunday school teacher. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-83-26 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 83, folder 27 contents: Pardon papers, Frederick Ross, Joseph Richardson (Henry Smith). No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-83-27 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863-1865. Box 83, folder 28 contents: Pardon papers, William Bradshaw and John Brubaker, Alexander Harris (slave). No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-83-28 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 29 contents: Qualifications, commissioner of deeds, PA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-83-29 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 30 contents: Qualifications, MD commissioner of deeds, PA, NJ, NY. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-83-30 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 31 contents: Qualifications, MD commissioner of deeds, NY. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-83-31 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 32 contents: Qualifications, MD commissioner of deeds, NY, CT, MA, NH, ME. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-83-32 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 33 contents: Execution papers, Granville Smeltzer; Recruitment papers, WA; Request for pay, SO; Correspondence: Maj. Gen. Wallace to Gov., arms for militia, S.F. Streeter; Complaints against judges of election, FR, SO; Recommendation for Cpt., 8th MD Vol. [11] Unconditional Union ticket for delegates to the convention, [9] Newspaper article, loyalty oath, [12] Mary Worthington to Gov., conduct of negro recruiting squad, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-83-33 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 83, folder 34 contents: Correspondence: Gov. NJ, S.F. Streeter to Gov.; Pardon papers, William Glass, George Sholtz; Complaint against Lt. Col., Acceptance of surgeon, 7th MD Vol.; Applications for chaplain; Bounty paper; Reorganization of 2nd Regt. PHB MD Vol. as VV. [1] Gov. NJ to Gov., burial of NJ soldiers at Antietam, [8] B.F.M. Hurley to Gov., wounded in DC moved to BC, [12] George Vickers to Gov., enlistment of negroes from KE in PA for bounties. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-83-34 1/7/5/66
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862-1864, 1868. Box 84, folder 1 contents: Correspondence: Vacancies for convention delegates; Qualifications, civil offices, SO, SM, WO; Recommendations, wood corder, inspector of flour, BC; Voucher. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-84-1 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 84, folder 2 contents: Remission of fines, William Dietz; Criminal papers, George Crosby, BC; Appointment of Provost Marshall clerk; Qualifications, civil officers WA, Manager House of Refuge; Default papers, SO, CR. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-84-2 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 84, folder 3 contents: Nolle prosqui papers, George Crosby, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-84-3 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 84, folder 4 contents: Qualifications, civil officers, SO, QA, PG, MO, KE. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-84-4 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1864. Box 84, folder 5 contents: Qualifications, civil officers, HA, FR, DO, CR, BA, AL, AA, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-84-5 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 6 contents: Qualifications, civil officers, BC, HO; General correspondence; Recommendations for JOP, HO, KE; Funeral invitation; Vickers to Gov., quality of JOP candidates. No. Items: 26 MSA S 1274-84-6 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1865, 1866. Box 84, folder 7 contents: Business card; Recommendations for JOP, MO, QA, FR. No. Items: 31 MSA S 1274-84-7 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 84, folder 8 contents: Recommendations, complaint against JOP, FR; Circular, list of qualified voters, FR; Vouchers for Antietam cemetery. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-84-8 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 84, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for JOP, HA. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-84-9 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1865. Box 84, folder 10 contents: James Baulay, PA Institute for Deaf & Dumb; Circular, VT, female college endowments; Correspondence; Criminal papers, John Boyle. [8-19] 1865, Criminal papers, murder of Capt. Thomas H. Watkins. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-84-10 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863, 1865. Box 84, folder 11 contents: Correspondence, Deaf student papers, PA Institute, Columbia Institute for Deaf & Dumb. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-84-11 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865-1867. Box 84, folder 12 contents: Recommendations, inspector of grain, inspector of tobacco, Philemon M. Smith, BC, FR, MO. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-84-12 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1866. Box 84, folder 13 contents: Criminal papers, John Moore (George Lewis); Correspondence; Recommendations and application for William Ewing, inspector of wood, wood corder, BC, inspector of tobacco, FR. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-84-13 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 14 contents: Forming cavalry company, CH, SM; Reorganization of 9th MD Vol.; Correspondence, hay scales, BC; Dept. of Interior, Dept. of State to Gov. [3] Col. Bowman to AA Sheriff, release of negro recruits from AA jail, [6, 7] Judges of election to Gov., loyalty oath in elections, SO, [11] Seward to Gov., legal marriage forms for Minister of Prussia. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-84-14 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 15 contents: Recommendation for Lt. Col., Application for surgeon, 7th MD Vol.; Request for discharge, W. Chrissinger; Recruiting papers, BC Light Art., DO negroes; Bounty papers, Co. B 3rd MD Cav., 2nd E.S. MD Vol.; Pardon paper, R. Gamble; Application of cadet. [10] Essex R. Dorsey to Gov., insolent conduct of colored troops, AA, [12] Joseph S.B. Hartsuck to Gov., request for appointment to West Point. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-84-15 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 16 contents: Bounty papers: BC, Co. C 1st E.S. VV; Recommendation for Col., 1st MD Vol.; Request for commission, Lt. Smoot; Recruiting papers, 3rd Bde. 5th MD Vol.; Application for state vaccine agent; Transfer of officers from 10th MD Vol. to 3rd VV Inf. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-84-16 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 84, folder 17 contents: Request for pay, enrolling officer; General correspondence; Correspondence & circular, States Agricultural College; D. Weisel to Gov., rebel raids, WA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-84-17 1/7/5/67
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 60, folder 1 contents: Election results, comptroller, MD; Pardon papers, Frederick Kainer; Notice of vacancy and recommendation, commissioner, BA; Recommendation for and resignation of JOP, CH, BA, BC; General correspondence. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-60-1 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 60, folder 2 contents: Recommendations, resignation and conditional resignation of JOP, BC, BA,CR, SO; Declination as, resignation of and recommendation for notary public, CV, CE. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-60-2 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 60, folder 3 contents: Failure to qualify, resignations of and recommendation for JOP, BC, BA, CR, AA, QA, PG; resignation of director of Bank of BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-60-3 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 60, folder 4 contents: Resignations of and recommendation for inspector of manure and inpector of grain, BC; Notice of vacancy and resignation as JOC, CV, FR; Resignation of director of MD Penitentiary; Qualification for and recommendation for JOP, BA, FR. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-60-4 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 60, folder 5 contents: Resignation of Adj. of Cavalry; Correspondence, resignation of SecSt.; Resignation of inpector of tobacco; Resignations and appointment of JOP, CR, DO; Resignation of Col., M.M. and Lt., Union Rifles; Resignation of JOC, MO. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-60-5 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 60, folder 6 contents: Recommendation for and resignations of JOP, BC, CR, CA; Resignation of assistant inspector of grain; Resignation of Maj., M.M. Cavalry; Recommendations for and resignation of commissioner, CH; Resignation of inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-60-6 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 60, folder 7 contents: Resignation of sheriff, AA; Notice of vacancy, recommendations and resignation of JOP, CR, BC, MO, AA, FR; Recommendations and application for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-60-7 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866. Box 60, folder 8 contents: Invitation to meeting of Trustees of Antietam National Cemetary; Criminal papers. [2] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 301-320, transcript of questioning and examination, alleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-60-8 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 9 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 321-340, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-9 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 10 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 341-359, transcript of questioning and examination, alleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-10 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 11 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 361-380, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-11 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 12 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 381-400, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-12 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 13 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 401-420, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-13 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 14 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 421-440, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-14 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 15 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 441-460, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-15 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 16 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 461-480, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-16 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 17 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 481-500, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-17 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 18 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 501-520, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-18 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 19 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 521-540, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-19 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 20 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 541-560, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-20 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 21 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 561-580, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-21 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 22 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 581-600, transcript of questioning and examination, allleged misconduct in political appointment of judges of elections. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-22 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 60, folder 23 contents: Criminal papers. [1] n.d., Criminal papers, pages numbered 601-620, transcript of questioning and examination and some exhibits, alleged misconduct in political appointments and defrauding soldiers of their bounties. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-60-23 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 60, folder 24 contents: Election results, HO; Congressional representative, comptroller, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-60-24 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1867, 1868. Box 60, folder 25 contents: Application and recommendations for inspector of grain; Application and recommendation for George L. Davis, commissioner of land office, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-60-25 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1867. Box 60, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for George L. Davis, commissioner of land office, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-60-26 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1867. Box 60, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for George L. Davis, commissioner of land office, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-60-27 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865, 1881, 1882. Box 60, folder 28 contents: Application and recommendations for JOP, police justice, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-60-28 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866, 1867, 1879, 1880. Box 60, folder 29 contents: Recommendations: weigher of livestock, commissioner of land office, AL, BC; Correspondence: tax collector, approval of bonds, DO, PA; Extradition of Joseph Worthington (Joseph Wise) to PA. [10] 1867, Seal of PA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-60-29 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1867, 1871, 1877, 1880. Box 60, folder 30 contents: Extradition of George Hines and John Moran to PA; Recommendation, inspector of mines, AL; Missouri extradition laws; Warden's report, MD Penitentiary. [1] 1867, Seal of PA. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-60-30 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1879, 1880. Box 60, folder 31 contents: Recommendations and applications for police justice, JOP, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-60-31 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1867, 1880, 1881. Box 60, folder 32 contents: Pardon papers, Robert Keppy (Kippy), BC; Recommendations and application for JOP, inspector of lumber, BC, HA; Petition of John Stewart. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-60-32 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866, 1874. Box 60, folder 33 contents: Application for director of MD Penitentiary; Voucher; MD Atty. Gen. to Sec. Navy; Adm. Porter to Gov.; MD Attorney Gen. to Gov., transmission of MD property to U.S. [2] 1874, Voucher for panel of MD arms to be placed in Independence Hall, PA, [3-5] 1866, Correspondence, land title transfer of Gov. mansion to U.S.Naval Academy. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-60-33 1/7/5/43
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1867, 1874, 1880. Box 61, folder 1 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-61-1 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 61, folder 2 contents: Vouchers. [1] 1863, Voucher to sheriff, BC, for "expenses incurred in attempting to secure four negroes". No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-61-2 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 61, folder 3 contents: Vouchers. [19] 1863, Voucher to sheriff, AA, for delivery of fugitive negroes. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-61-3 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861-1863. Box 61, folder 4 contents: Vouchers: delivery of fugitive; Proclamation of Gov., election of members for special session of Congress. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-61-4 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 61, folder 5 contents: Voucher holder. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-61-5 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1882. Box 61, folder 6 contents: Correspondence, cattle disease, BC, FR. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-61-6 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1882. Box 61, folder 7 contents: Correspondence, cattle (tubercular) disease, FR, MO, CR, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-61-7 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1882. Box 61, folder 8 contents: Correspondence, cattle disease, BC, FR; Application, Judge, HA; Requisitions of: William Eaton (Henry Thompson), negro, from DE; Catherine Higgins from NY; Correspondence. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-61-8 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1872, 1879. Box 61, folder 9 contents: Requisition of Alexander Newton from DE for murder of colored man; Correspondence, Alexander Newton; Report of police commissioners, BC. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-61-9 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 57, folder 1 contents: Applications for MD commissioner of deeds, NY, LA, CA, MA, TN; Business cards; Request for qualification. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-57-1 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 57, folder 2 contents: Business cards; Applications and recommendations for MD commissioner of deeds, NY, WV, ME. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-57-2 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 57, folder 3 contents: Applications and recommendations for MD commissioner of deeds, NY, DC, MA, CA, PA; Business cards. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-57-3 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 57, folder 4 contents: Applications for MD commissioner of deeds, NY, MI, OH; Correspondence; Business cards. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-57-4 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1859. Box 57, folder 5 contents: Applications and recommendation for commissioner of deeds, NY, LA, PA, DC; Business cards. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-57-5 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 57, folder 6 contents: Applications and recommendation for commissioner of deeds, PA, OH, NY, DC; Business card. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-57-6 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 57, folder 7 contents: Business cards; Applications and recommendation for commissioner of deeds, PA, NY, IO. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-57-7 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 57, folder 8 contents: Business cards; Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, IL, PA, VA, CA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-57-8 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856, 1859. Box 57, folder 9 contents: Vouchers; Qualification of commissioner of deeds, CA; House of Delegates resolution, secret societies; Newspaper clipping, Baltimore R?, Jan. 28, 1856. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-57-9 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859. Box 57, folder 10 contents: Bonds, clerk of circuit court, QA, sheriff, BA, notary public; Vouchers. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-57-10 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 57, folder 11 contents: Correspondence; Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, NY, FL, DC, PA, LA, GA, MN; Business card. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-57-11 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 57, folder 12 contents: Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, DC, NY, CN, OH, TX, TN, NJ, PA, IL; Business cards. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-57-12 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1857. Box 57, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for constable, board of commissioners, William Davis as inspector of bark, AA, QA, KE, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-57-13 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851, 1854, 1857. Box 57, folder 14 contents: Recommendations for William H. Davis, inspector of bark, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-57-14 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851. Box 57, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for James Hasson, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-57-15 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851. Box 57, folder 16 contents: Recommendations for James Hasson, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-57-16 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 57, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for James Hasson, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-57-17 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851. Box 57, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for James Hasson, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-57-18 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851, 1853, 1854. Box 57, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for James Hasson, William Forward inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-57-19 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853. Box 57, folder 20 contents: Recommendations for William Forward, Albert Dorney, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-57-20 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 57, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for Benedict Yost, William Ireland, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-57-21 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 57, folder 22 contents: Recommendations for William Ireland, Samuel West, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-57-22 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 57, folder 23 contents: Recommendations for Samuel West, Joseph Ramsey, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-57-23 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 57, folder 24 contents: Recommendations and applications for Noah Gill, James Watkins, George Calvert, James Hasson, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-57-24 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 57, folder 25 contents: Recommendations and applications for inspector of fish, coroner, inspector of coal, BC, armorer, FR. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-57-25 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1857. Box 57, folder 26 contents: Recommendations for armorer, TA, FR. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-57-26 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 57, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for Henry Thomas, armorer, TA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-57-27 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855-1857. Box 57, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for coroner, WO, BC, WA, KE; Failure to qualify, sheriff, CE; Correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-57-28 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1852, 1854. Box 57, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Charles Cunningham, coroner, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-57-29 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 57, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Charles Cunningham, coroner, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-57-30 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 57, folder 31 contents: Application and recommendations for coroner, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-57-31 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 57, folder 32 contents: Recommendations for Jesse Magruder, Edwin Crouch, coroner, BC No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-57-32 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 57, folder 33 contents: Recommendations for Dr. Thomas Rountree, coroner, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-57-33 1/7/5/40
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1882. Box 61, folder 10 contents: Resignations and declinations of register, BC, Ch; General recommendation, BC; Correspondence. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-61-10 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1882. Box 61, folder 11 contents: Declinations and resignation of register, BC, AA, CV, HA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-61-11 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850, 1866, 1872, 1881. Box 61, folder 12 contents: Recommendations: State House night watchman; JOP, Officer of Registration, WA; Correspondence, canal appointment; Criminal papers, William Kent, slave accused of attempted murder; Voucher. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-61-12 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1866, 1881. Box 61, folder 13 contents: Correspondence, bounced state check, cattle disease, attorney's fees; Extradition of George Frantz to PA; Resignation, JOP, WA, WO, SM; Recommendations: notary public, weighter of hay, BC; register, FR. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-61-13 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1820, 1826,1831,1836,1844,1845,1866,1867 Box 61, folder 14 contents: Applications, resignations and recommendations, AA, BC, PG; Criminal papers, Negro Henny, DO. [12] 1831, Death warrant of "Negro Henny" for murder of mistress with axe. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-61-14 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1844, 1845. Box 61, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for register of wills, AA, HA, KE; Applications for register of wills, MO, KE. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-61-15 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1813, 1819, 1822, 1831, 1879, 1880. Box 61, folder 16 contents: Request for stay of prosecution, grand jury indictments, recommendation for remission of fines for George and William Mason, CH; General correspondence; Recommendations and application for JOP, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-61-16 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1880. Box 61, folder 17 contents: Recommendations and applications for, protest against JOP, BC; General application and recommendation, BC; Prison statistics. [5-11] Tabes enumerating prison inmate population and describing by occupation, offense, term, education, personal habits, birthplace, county. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-61-17 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 61, folder 18 contents: Printed list of House of Delegates committee assignments; List and qualifications for inspector position. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-61-18 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 61, folder 19 contents: Warden's report, MD Penitentiary statistics. [2,3,6-8] Tables showing number of prisoners, enumerating by occupation, offense, term, age at conviction, [9] Table showing prison accounts. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-61-19 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 61, folder 20 contents: MD Penitentiary statistics and ledgers. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-61-20 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 61, folder 21 contents: MD Penitentiary report. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-61-21 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1877. Box 61, folder 22 contents: MD Penitentiary committee report, ledgers; General correspondence. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-61-22 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1864. Box 61, folder 23 contents: MD Penitentiary Warden to Gov., auctioning of slaves; E.S. Parker and John Coates to Gov.; MD Penitentiary reports. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-61-23 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 61, folder 24 contents: MD Penitentiary statistics, ledgers. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-61-24 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 61, folder 25 contents: MD Penitentiary statistics, ledgers. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-61-25 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860-1862. Box 61, folder 26 contents: MD Penitentiary statistics; List and qualification for inspectors; Sheppard Asylum ledger and report. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-61-26 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 61, folder 27 contents: Cumberand Coal and Iron Co. reports; Frederick and Emmitsburg Turnpike Road Co. reports; Committee on Federal Relations reports and resolutions, secession convention. [8] 1861, printed copy of "Report of the Committee on Federal Relations in Regard to the Calling of a Sovereign Convention": recommending recognition of CSA and end to war. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-61-27 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 61, folder 28 contents: House of Delegates to governors, transmittal of Committee on Federal Relations report; Request of Eatern Shore convention for special legislative session. [2] Eastern Shore convention request for special legislative session due to neglect of E.S. internal improvements and threat to secede from W.S. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-61-28 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858, 1861, 1862. Box 61, folder 29 contents: Summary of charter and J.M. Coale to Gov., Frederick Female Seminary; Commission letter; Gov. NY and MN to Gov., extradition laws; Commission papers, Dulaney's Valley and Sweet Air Turnpike, board of police, BC; Vouchers, MD seal. No. Items: 21 MSA S 1274-61-29 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1866, 1867. Box 61, folder 30 contents: Appointment of tax collectors, BC; Civil list; Loyalty oaths, WA. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-61-30 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 61, folder 31 contents: Opinion in case of MD v B & O RR. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-61-31 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 61, folder 32 contents: Counsel of state to Gov., MD v B & O RR. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-61-32 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 61, folder 33 contents: Correspondence, MD v B & O RR ("Extra Dividend Case"). No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-61-33 1/7/5/44
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861-1863. Box 62, folder 1 contents: Gov. NY to Gov., extradition laws; Deaf student papers, form letter; Appointment of notary public, WI; List of taxes on civil commissioners; Forms: appointment for inspector, Acts of Assembly, commisioner of Hospital for Insane. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-62-1 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1848, 1866, 1869. Box 62, folder 2 contents: Compend, Acts of Assembly relating to civil officers' bonds and deaf students; List of states, their gov. and capitals; Appointment, commissioner of Soldiers National Cemetery; Drafts and notes, use of Great Seal of MD. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-62-2 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864, 1865. Box 62, folder 3 contents: State accounts; Congressional act; Clarification of contested election; Surrender of state banks' charters; Drafts: turnpike co. incorporation; Bill, Gettysburg Soldiers National Cemetery; Congressional election, HA; National day of prayer; Electors. [3] n.d., Treasury Dept. regulations for reimbursement of war debts, [1,2] 1864, Draft of MD statements of war debts; [6] n.d., Incorporation of Meredith's Ford and Janettsville Turnpike Co., [8] 1865, Special session of General Assembly. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-62-3 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1840, 1862, 1865. Box 62, folder 4 contents: Resolution on interference in Mexico, IN; Appointments to offices by county; Election returns for Gov., Lt. Gov.; Executive nominations; Commission as judge; Letter to notaries; MD delegates to Electoral College 1840, 1865. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-62-4 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 62, folder 5 contents: Appropriations for purchase of arm; Criminal cost inquiries from Gov. MA; Correspondence; Request for Gov. annual message; Criminal papers, CR. [4] 1860, Owner of jailed slave to States Atty.; [5-7,15] 1860, consulates of Hesse-Darmstadt and Denmark to Gov., sale of orphan mulatto, sealed, [9-10] 1860, VA and NY inquiries on MD troops and legislature. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-62-5 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 13 contents: Recommendation for Judge of circuit court, inspector of lumber, KE, CE; Opinion of R. Johnson; Appointment of visitors for St. Johns Literary Institution. [2] Opinion of Hon. Reverdy Johnson on proper construction of Article 3, Section 24 of Constitution. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-82-13 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1868. Box 82, folder 14 contents: Recommendation for W. Campbell, inspector of flour, inspector of lumber, inspector of tobacco, JOP, BC, CE, DO; Qualifications, civil officers, WO. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-82-14 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1868. Box 82, folder 15 contents: Recommendation for inspector of tobacco, inspector of flour, weigher of hay, BC; Resignation of JOP, MO; Qualifications, civil officers, WI, SM, TA, WA, SO. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-82-15 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1868. Box 82, folder 16 contents: Recommendation for state librarian, JOP, MO; Qualifications, JOP, SO, HA, officers of registration, CH, QA, BC, WO, WA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-82-16 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1868. Box 82, folder 17 contents: Recommendations and application for William Welsh, inspector of tobacco, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-82-17 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863, 1868, 1869. Box 82, folder 18 contents: Recommendations for George Gold, weigher of hay, BC; Vouchers for advertising, state house stationery. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-82-18 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 19 contents: Vouchers for telegrams, requisition of negro, visit of delegation of Russian ships, publishing. No. Items: 26 MSA S 1274-82-19 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 20 contents: Vouchers for advertising Convention Bill, requisition expenses, boarding, Gov. expenses for organizing MD Vol. during rebel raid. No. Items: 24 MSA S 1274-82-20 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864, 1865. Box 82, folder 21 contents: Voucher for requisition expenses, advertising, telegram. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-82-21 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 22 contents: Vouchers for requisition expenses, firing salute, advertising, telegram, NY Times subscription, engraving. [2] Voucher for $150.00 for transferring state archives from Annapolis to Baltimore. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-82-22 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 23 contents: Vouchers for telegrams, requisition expenses, advertising, maps. [11] Voucher reimbursing Gov. for trip to Army of the Potomac to present flags. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-82-23 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 24 contents: Congratulatory address to citizens of MD from NY regarding new constitution and MD slave emancipation. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-82-24 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 25 contents: Recommendation for inspector of flour, HA; Vouchers for requisition expenses, Johnson Boyle from PA; Application for commissioner of deeds, PA, DC; Qualifications for clerk of circuit court, SO; BC Corn and Flour Exchange to Gov. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-82-25 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) n.d. Box 82, folder 26 contents: Report of Committee on State's Attorneys, draft and final. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-82-26 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 27 contents: Election returns, Constitutional convention delegates, CH; List of members of Constitutional convention; Reports of committees on basis of representation, minority reports, legislative department. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-82-27 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864? Box 82, folder 28 contents: Reports of committees on Declaration of Rights and Constitutional schedule. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-82-28 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 29 contents: Qualifications of officers and delegates of Constitutional convention. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-82-29 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 30 contents: Qualifications of delegates to Constitutional convention. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-82-30 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 82, folder 31 contents: Qualifications of delegates to Constitutional convention. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-82-31 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 82, folder 32 contents: Comptroller reports on bounties, oyster licenses; A. Randall to Gov., Annapolis Water Company, printed circular; Bradford to Gov.; President B & O RR, military movements; Voucher for work on hay scales. [5] Former Gov. Bradford to Gov., recommendation for president of St. Johns College, plot of Annapolis on back. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-82-32 1/7/5/65
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 62, folder 6 contents: Sealed qualifications, recommendation and acceptance for MD commissioner of deeds, TN, PA, CT, Missouri, NH, MA; Business card. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-62-6 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1862. Box 62, folder 7 contents: Sealed qualifications for and acceptance of MD commissioner of deeds, Missouri, TN, NY, Alabama, PA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-62-7 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1862. Box 62, folder 8 contents: Sealed qualifications for MD commissioner of deeds, TX, MA, OH, NY PA, VA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-62-8 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 62, folder 9 contents: Sealed qualifications for and acceptance of MD commissioner of deeds, NY, NJ, CA, MA, DC, PA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-62-9 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 62, folder 10 contents: Sealed qualifications for and acceptance of MD commissioner of deeds, CT, VA, GA, DC, MS, ME, NC, Misouri, OH. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-62-10 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 62, folder 11 contents: Correspondence, Appropriations to and incorporation of E.S. RR Co. and Cumberland Coal and Iron Co. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-62-11 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 62, folder 12 contents: Report of inspector of fish, BC; Correspondence, sale of tobacco warehouses; Report of Sheppard Asylum. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-62-12 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for Warden of MD penitentiary, inspector of hay, BC; General recommendations. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-62-13 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 14 contents: Application and recommendations for Henry Wilson, Warden of penitentiary. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-62-14 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 62, folder 15 contents: Application, affidavit of loyalty, and recommendations for Henry Wilson, Warden of MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-62-15 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 16 contents: Recommendation for Warden of MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-62-16 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 17 contents: Application and recommendations for inspector of fish, BC, CA. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-62-17 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 18 contents: Application and recommendations for inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-62-18 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 19 contents: Recommendations for Noah Gilll, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-62-19 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 20 contents: Recommendations for Richard C. Green, inspector of fish, BC; Application for inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-62-20 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 62, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-62-21 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 22 contents: Recommendations and application for inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-62-22 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 62, folder 23 contents: Blind student papers. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-62-23 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 62, folder 24 No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-62-24 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 62, folder 25 contents: Recommendations for Franklin Metzger, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-62-25 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 26 contents: Application and recommendations for Dr. H.G. Grieves, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-62-26 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 27 contents: Recommendations for John Jones, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-62-27 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 62, folder 28 contents: Applications and recommendation for Dr. Gustave Liebig, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-62-28 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 29 contents: Application for inspector of guano, BC; General correspondence; Recommendations for Dr. Charles Bradford, inspector of guano, BC. [3-10] Recommendations for Gov's brother, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-62-29 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for Charles P. Rogers, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-62-30 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 62, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for Charles P. Rogers, inspector of guano, BC. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-62-31 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 1 contents: General application; Recommendations for: inspector of lumber, WA; Warden, MD Penitentiary; Weigher of Hay, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-63-1 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 2 contents: Applications and recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-63-2 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 3 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-63-3 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 4 contents: Applications and recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-63-4 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 63, folder 5 contents: Applications and recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-63-5 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 6 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-63-6 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 63, folder 7 contents: Application and recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-63-7 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 63, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-63-8 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for Henry Schultz, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-63-9 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 11 contents: Applications and recommendations for John Sprigg Belt, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-63-11 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 12 contents: Application and recommendations for Robert K. Wilson, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-63-12 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 13 contents: Applications and recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-63-13 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 28 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-63-28 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 14 contents: Recommendations and application for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-63-14 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 15 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-63-15 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 16 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC, Businesss card. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-63-16 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 17 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-63-17 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 18 contents: Applications and recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-63-18 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 19 contents: Vouchers for clerks' services. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-63-19 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 63, folder 10 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-63-10 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855, 1856. Box 63, folder 20 contents: Vouchers for clerks' services and advertising. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-63-20 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 21 contents: Vouchers for advertising. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-63-21 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854-1857. Box 63, folder 22 contents: Vouchers for advertising. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-63-22 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 23 contents: Vouchers for advertising. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-63-23 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855-1856. Box 63, folder 24 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-63-24 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 25 contents: General correspondence; Vouchers. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-63-25 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 26 contents: General correspondence; Vouchers, capture of W. S. Bernard (Louis Blumereich). No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-63-26 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 27 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-63-27 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 29 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-63-29 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 30 contents: General correspondence; Vouchers. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-63-30 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 31 contents: Criminal papers, Henry Kreb, murderer; Vouchers. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-63-31 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 63, folder 32 contents: Recommendation for clerk, AA; Vouchers. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-63-32 1/7/5/46
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855, 1856. Box 64, folder 1 contents: Pardon papers: James Ellis, KE; Phoebe Myers, QA, free Negro accused of helping runaway slaves. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-64-1 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1856. Box 64, folder 2 contents: Pardon papers, Jacob Rupp, AA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-2 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855, 1856. Box 64, folder 3 contents: Pardon papers: Jacob Rupp, AA; John Doran, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-64-3 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855, 1856. Box 64, folder 4 contents: Pardon papers: John Doran, James Hughes, William Thompson, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-64-4 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855. Box 64, folder 5 contents: Pardon papers: William Thompson, FR; Benjamin Gerhart, BA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-64-5 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855. Box 64, folder 6 contents: Pardon papers: Anthony (John) Miler, BC; Alexander Norris, HA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-64-6 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855. Box 64, folder 7 contents: Pardon papers: Alexander Norris, HA; John Neal, slave, KE. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-64-7 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 8 contents: Pardon papers: Louis Holly, free negro, KE; Daniel Webster, SO. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-64-8 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1856. Box 64, folder 9 contents: Pardon papers, Richard Hinton, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-9 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1856. Box 64, folder 10 contents: Pardon papers, Richard Hinton, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-64-10 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 11 contents: Pardon papers: Nace Dorsey, free negro, WA; George Davis (Hamilton), BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-64-11 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1856. Box 64, folder 12 contents: Pardon papers, John Willams, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-64-12 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 64, folder 13 contents: Pardon papers, John Willams, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-64-13 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 64, folder 14 contents: Pardon papers: John Willams, BC; Matthias Cooke, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-64-14 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1855, 1856. Box 64, folder 15 contents: Pardon papers: Charles Gentle, AA; Richard Thompson, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-64-15 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1852, 1855. Box 64, folder 16 contents: Pardon papers, James (John) Morton, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-64-16 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1852, 1853. Box 64, folder 17 contents: Pardon papers, James (John) Morton, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-64-17 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851, 1852, 1855, 1856. Box 64, folder 18 contents: Pardon papers, James (John) Morton, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-18 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 19 contents: Bonds: Assistant inspectors of flour and tobacco, notary public, BC; Armorer, TA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-64-19 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 20 contents: Bonds: Assistant inspectors of flour and tobacco, BC; Notary public, AL, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-20 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856, 1857. Box 64, folder 21 contents: Bonds: Notary public, FR, WA, BC; Wharfinger, weigher of hay, inspector of fish, BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-21 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 22 contents: Bonds: Inspector of flour and hay, BC; Notary public, CE; Armorer, AA; State Librarian. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-22 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 23 contents: Bonds: Inspector of flour and toabacco, BC; Notary public, SM; Gauger of liquor, BA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-64-23 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 24 contents: Bonds: Inspector of toabacco, BC; Notary public, CR; Warden of MD Penitentiary. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-64-24 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851, 1856. Box 64, folder 25 contents: Bonds: Agent to pay interest on state debt; Collectors of state taxes, QA; Notary public, FR. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-64-25 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 26 contents: Sealed qualifications, recommendations and acceptances for MD commissioners of deeds, Cal., IL. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-64-26 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 27 contents: Sealed qualifications and recommendations for MD commissioners of deeds, Cal., KS, IA, FL, MI, GA, MA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-64-27 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856, 1857. Box 64, folder 28 contents: Correspondence, qualifications, and recommendations for commissioners of deeds, MA, VA, Wis., OH, CA, NC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-64-28 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for commissioner of deeds, Cal., Wis., MA, DE. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-29 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 30 contents: Application and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, VA, LA, NY, FL, IL, Wis., MA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-30 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 31 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, NY, NJ, DC, IL, VA, MA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-64-31 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 32 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, VA, OH. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-64-32 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 33 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, VA, Missouri, PA, NY, MN, DE. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-64-33 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856. Box 64, folder 34 contents: Qualifications for commissioner of deeds, LA, Wis., TX, DC, CT, MA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-64-34 1/7/5/47
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 1 contents: Recommendations for Robert Hill, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-1 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 2 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-2 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 4 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-50-4 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 5 contents: Recommendations for Jonathan Tracey, weigher of hay, BC No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-50-5 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 6 contents: Recommendations and application for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-50-6 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 7 contents: Recommendations for George Garettson, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-7 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 8 contents: Recommendations for George Garettson, John Cunningham, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-50-8 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1853, 1854. Box 50, folder 9 contents: Recommendations for John Cunningham, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-50-9 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854. Box 50, folder 10 contents: Recommendations and application for John Cunningham, Jacob Walter, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-50-10 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850, 1852. Box 50, folder 11 contents: Recommendations and application for Richard Murray, weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-50-11 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851-1853. Box 50, folder 12 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-12 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850-1852. Box 50, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-50-13 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1851, 1852. Box 50, folder 14 contents: Recommendations and application for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-50-14 1/7/5/33
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 53, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for JOP, CH, MO, BC, CE, BA; Correspondence. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-53-29 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 53, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for John Owens, John K. Smith, JOP, CE, BA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-53-30 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857. Box 53, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for JOP, HO, FR, CE, HA, CH, BC; Correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-53-31 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 53, folder 32 contents: Recommendations and qualification for JOP, FR, BA, CE, TA, PG, WA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-53-32 1/7/5/36
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 54, folder 13 contents: Applications and recommendations for commissioner of deeds, MA, KY, LA, MN, CT, PA, CA; Business cards. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-54-13 1/7/5/37
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1859. Box 67, folder 3 contents: Pardon papers, Nathaniel D. Zimmer, Charles Nagle, David W. Jones (for aiding slave escape). No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-67-3 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 17 contents: SecWar, Gen. Morris to Gov., arms for militia; Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore RR, bounty fund; Mayor of Cumberland, arms for home guard; Commission papers, Samuel Cooner; Dr. J.H. Bayne to Gov., protection of "slave property"; Correspondence. [8] Capt. C. Ringgold, U.S. Frigate "Sabine" to Gov., thanks for resolution recognizing action of "Sabine" crew. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-69-17 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 75, folder 6 contents: Deaf student paper; Correspondence; Lt. Col. Samuel Cooner to Gov.; Recommendations and applications; Business card; Complaint against police commissioner, BC; Requisitions from DC. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-75-6 1/7/5/58
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864. Box 80, folder 33 contents: Default papers, BA, HA, AA, TA; Recommendations for wood corder, JOC, notary public, armorer, JOP, HA, BA, HA, AA, CE; Oath for Enrolling Officers. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-80-33 1/7/5/63
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 62, folder 24 contents: Blind student papers. No. Items: 17 MSA S 1274-62-24 1/7/5/45
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 1 contents: Convention proceedings, support of the Union, FR. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-65-1 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 2 contents: Requisitions: James B. Allen (Henry Jones) from NY; A.B. Stirling (Charles Stone, A.B. Wilson, "Doctor"), Isaac Harper and Frock from PA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-65-2 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 3 contents: Slave population figures; Gov. to sherrifs of AL, WA, FR, HA, and CE; Gov. IN to Gov.; Gov. ME to Gov. [4] 1860, Runaway slaves. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-65-3 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 4 contents: Correspondence: General; Convention of southern states; Request for removal of Judge of Criminal Court, BC; Census figures. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-65-4 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 65, folder 5 contents: Gov. to AL, convention of southern states. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-65-5 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 6 contents: J.L.M. Curry to Gov., southern states convention. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-65-6 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 7 contents: Gov. Ala. to Gov., southern states convention. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-65-7 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 65, folder 8 contents: Election results, JOP, sheriff, constable, BC. [3-8] 1859, Petitions of protest of election results. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-65-8 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859. Box 65, folder 9 contents: Election results, sheriff, DO; Chief JOC, WA; JOP, JOC, clerk of circuit court, constable, BC. [1-9] 1859, Petitions of protest of election results. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-65-9 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859-1861. Box 65, folder 10 contents: Election results, surveyor, BC; Deaf student papers: Helena Linder, CR; Julius Bisset, WA; Andrew Lambden (Lambdin), BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-65-10 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1860. Box 65, folder 11 contents: Deaf student papers: Mary Ann Bramble, KE; William George Gill, BA; David Blair and Mary Jane Blair, WA; William Franklin Brown, TA. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-65-11 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 65, folder 12 contents: Deaf student papers, William Franklin Brown, TA; Recommendation for John T. Mitchell, weigher of livestock, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-65-12 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858. Box 65, folder 13 contents: Recommendations for John T. Mitchell, weigher of livestock, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-65-13 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860. Box 65, folder 14 contents: Deaf student papers: Aaron B. Showman, WA; Florence Louisa Dammann, John Henry Turner, Mary Mast, Conrad Ingledeiger, BC; John Wesley Tylor, DO. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-65-14 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1856-1858 Box 65, folder 15 contents: Deaf student papers: Ann Jane Lawder, Margaret Maher, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-65-15 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860. Box 65, folder 16 contents: Deaf student papers: Alfred Johnson, Elizabeth Johnson, BA; Anne Jenkins, Conrad Ingledeiger, Florence Dammann, BC; John Plummer Ijams, Mary M. Ijams, FR; List of MD students at Deaf and Dumb Institution, PA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-65-16 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 65, folder 17 contents: Deaf student papers, William Peacock, Andrew J. Lambden, BC; Sarah Jane Keith, Celestia B. Clark, KE. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-65-17 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1861. Box 65, folder 18 contents: Deaf student papers, daughter of John Bramble, KE; Qualifications for several offices, TA; Armorer report, FR; Criminal papers, John Price; Recommendations for notary public and coroner, AL. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-65-18 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1858, 1860. Box 65, folder 19 contents: Recommendations and applications, notary public, weigher of livestock, weigher of hay, AL, BC; Report of Agricultural Chemist. [9,10] 1860, Report, farming and its relationship to chemistry and geology. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-65-19 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1850, 1857-1859, 1861. Box 65, folder 20 contents: Requisitions: Thomas Poore from DE; Timothy Reardon and M. Kirby from BA; Criminal papers, Jackson Hamill, BC; Foreign correspondence; Recommendation for notary public, CE; Pardon papers, Samuel Green, DO; Execution papers, Mary Naylor, AA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-65-20 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 22 contents: Bonds: Notary public, AL, CE, FR; Inspector of tobacco, BC; State agent; State librarian; General correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-65-22 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1848. Box 65, folder 21 contents: Recommendations for John T. Mitchell, weigher of livestock, BC; General correspondence. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-65-21 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 23 contents: Bonds: Inspectors of tobacco and flour, state wharfinger, BC; State printer. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-65-23 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 24 contents: Bonds: Inspector of flour, inspector of fish, BC; Notary public, FR, WA, CE, BC, AA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-65-24 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 65, folder 25 contents: Bonds: Inspector of hay, weigher of hay, inspector of fish, BC; Notary public, FR, WA, CE, BC, AA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-65-25 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860. Box 65, folder 26 contents: Pardon papers, Martin Shaw, BC; Recommendations for weigher of hay, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-65-26 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1862, 1864, 1865. Box 65, folder 27 contents: Blind student papers, Olivia Kelley, Caroline Rorke, Charles Moulton, Lorenzo Barkirch, Caroline Ward, BC; Deaf student papers: Sarah Blair, WA; Jane Carlisle, BC; Recommendation for inspector of lime, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-65-27 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 65, folder 28 contents: Recommendations for Seth Venables, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-65-28 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 65, folder 29 contents: Recommendations for Seth Venables, Philip Dawson, inspector of lumber, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-65-29 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 65, folder 30 contents: Application and recommendations for director of MD Penitentiary; Recommendations for inspector of wood and lime, oyster brats, BC. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-65-30 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 65, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for notary public, coroner, armorer, inspectors of lumber and flour, wood corder, FR, KE, QA, TA, HA; Application for manager of "House of Refuge":, AA. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-65-31 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 65, folder 32 contents: Resignations, recommendations and appointment of JOP, manager of "House of Refuge", inspector of grain, AA, SM, BC, CA, BA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-65-32 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 65, folder 33 contents: Declination and correspondence of inspectors of grain, JOP, notary public, HA, AA, CE, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-65-33 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 65, folder 34 contents: Resignations of JOP, inspector of lumber, State Director of Bank of BC, FR, MO, CE. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-65-34 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 65, folder 35 contents: Recommendations for inspector of lumber, CE. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-65-35 1/7/5/48
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 66, folder 21 contents: Fine papers; Criminal papers. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-66-21 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 66, folder 22 contents: Fine papers; Criminal papers. [4] Alexander Smith, George A. Johnson and Orrick Amos, free blacks of Havre de Grace fined for belonging to a "secret Masonic society." No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-66-22 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 66, folder 23 contents: Fine papers; Criminal papers; Pardon paper. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-66-23 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1854, 1857, 1858, 1860, 1861. Box 66, folder 24 contents: Pardon papers, Thomas Offutt, MO; Pardon papers. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-66-24 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 66, folder 25 contents: Pardon papers, Jacob Shock, BA. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-66-25 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 66, folder 26 contents: Fine papers; Criminal papers; Pardon paper. [4-6] 1860, Indictments of George Johnson, Orrick Amos, Alexander Smith, free blacks charged with belonging to a secret society, King David's Lodge and Colored Union Institute, HA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-66-26 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860-1862. Box 66, folder 27 contents: Pardon papers; Criminal papers; Fine papers. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-66-27 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1861. Box 66, folder 28 contents: Pardon papers; Criminal papers. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-66-28 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859. Box 66, folder 29 contents: Criminal papers; Pardon papers for John Walters, BA. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-66-29 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859. Box 66, folder 30 contents: Criminal papers; Pardon papers for John Walters, BA. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-66-30 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 31 contents: Criminal papers, Simon W. Boyer, KE. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-66-31 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 66, folder 32 contents: Criminal papers, Simon W. Boyer, KE; Remissions of fines. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-66-32 1/7/5/49
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 69, folder 5 contents: Extradition of Robert Johnson to PA. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-69-5 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 69, folder 1 contents: Extraditions of William S. Dorsey to MI, John Revill (J.H. Mooore) to PA. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-69-1 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 69, folder 2 contents: Extradition of John and Charles Winkler to PA. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-69-2 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1864, 1865. Box 69, folder 3 contents: Extraditions of Jesse L. Rice to PA, William M. Corcoran to MN. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-69-3 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1864. Box 69, folder 4 contents: Extraditions of Erasmus Levy to DE, Timothy Mehon to NJ, Aaron M. Woohull to PA. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-69-4 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 69, folder 6 contents: Extraditions of Joseph Hooker, Frederick Jahn (Johm) to PA. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-69-6 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 69, folder 7 contents: Extradition of Starr Sperry to CN. No. Items: 1 MSA S 1274-69-7 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 69, folder 8 contents: Extradition of George White to PA. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-69-8 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 69, folder 9 contents: Extradition of Henry Francis to PA. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-69-9 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 69, folder 10 contents: Extradition of Lycurgus F. Gurley to PA. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-69-10 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1863. Box 69, folder 11 contents: Extraditions of John H. Moore to NY, Alexander Haller to PA. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-69-11 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 12 contents: Extraditions of Lycurgus F. Gurley, Thomas Colklesser, Wesley Guy and Pope Fritch to PA. No. Items: 3 MSA S 1274-69-12 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 13 contents: Extraditions of Benjamin Hoffman, William Smith to PA. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-69-13 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 14 contents: Extradition of Edward A. Boury to IA. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-69-14 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 69, folder 15 contents: Correspondence: Maj. Gen. McClellan, Edward C. Carrington, Brig. Gen. James Cooper, Adj. Gen. L. Thomas to Gov.; "C" to Gen. Scott. [2] 1861, "C" to Gen. Scott, threats to Lincoln in BC, [4, 5] 1862, Cooper to Gov. and Thomas to Gov., organization of military in MD. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-69-15 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 69, folder 16 contents: Correspondence: Atty. Gen. PA, Jonathan Meredith, A.C. Gibbs, US War Dept., Col. William Schley, Isaac D. Jones, Maj. Gen. John E. Wool, US SecTreas to Gov.; Receipts for bounty fund for volunteers. [1, 2] Supreme Court case of Emmanuel Myers vs PA, [3, 4] Arms and munitions, [11-13] Complaints from Rotterdam merchants about tobacco inspection. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-69-16 1/7/5/52
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 28 contents: Correspondence: William Parker, Phillip W. Downes, Allegheny Committee, W.J. Gibson, James J. Bowie, Dr. John H. Bayne, Charles H. Poumarah to Gov. [6] Baynes to Gov., slaves escaping to DC and VA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-68-28 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1862. Box 68, folder 29 contents: Correspondence: Elizabeth S. Leonard to Gov.; Recommendation for inspector of grain, BC; Paper stamped Kenly & Tilghman. No. Items: 5 MSA S 1274-68-29 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1862. Box 68, folder 30 contents: Recommendations for William Godwin Jr., inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-68-30 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1862. Box 68, folder 31 contents: Recommendations for William Godwin Jr., inspector of grain, BC. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-68-31 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 32 contents: Recommendations for William Godwin Jr., inspector of grain, BC; Kenley Grey's muster rolls, BC; Union Guard's muster roll, HA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-68-32 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 33 contents: Proceedings of Union Guard; Officers of 1st Light Div. to Gov.; Recommendation; Co. 3 muster roll, BC; Acceptance of William H. Hayward, Brig. Gen. 2nd Bde. [2] Officers offering to replace federal troops in BC. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-68-33 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1865, 1866. Box 68, folder 34 contents: Correspondence between E.W. Ross & Provost Marshall McPhail; J. Marsh McComas to H.B. Hill; Independent Grey muster roll, BC; Requistion of Jesse L. Rice from PA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-68-34 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1865. Box 68, folder 35 contents: Extradition of Anthony Shanabrough to PA. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-68-35 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 67, folder 17 contents: Vouchers for Government House. No. Items: 31 MSA S 1274-67-17 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 67, folder 18 contents: Vouchers for Government House; Requisition of Thomas Lamar, John Wood from DC; Extradition of Peter Zimmerman to PA. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-67-18 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 67, folder 19 contents: Extradition of Henry Floyd to PA, Moses Jacobs and Abraham Levy to NY. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-67-19 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 67, folder 20 contents: Extraditions of Henry Floyd to PA, Moses Jacobs and Abraham Levy to NY. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-67-20 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 67, folder 20 contents: Extraditions of Henry Floyd, Thomas Hill to PA; Requisitions of Joseph MacGinnis, John Gatchell from PA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-67-20 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 67, folder 21 contents: Extraditions of Daniel Haston, David Adams to VA, Eugene Longuemare to MO; Requisition of Max Marshall from VA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-67-21 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 67, folder 22 contents: Extraditions of Enoch Ridgely (free black) to DC, Samuel Waring, John Houseal to PA; Requisition of Max Marshall from VA. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-67-22 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 67, folder 23 contents: Extraditions of Peter Zimmerman, Jacob Perry to PA. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-67-23 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 67, folder 24 contents: Extraditions of Washington Abernathy, Robert Lynch to PA; Requisition of Thomas Connery from LA; Form letters. [6] 1854 MD seal. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-67-24 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 67, folder 25 contents: Extraditions of Joseph C. Wilson to NY, Joseph Summers to VA; Requisition of James Gallager (Capt. Green) from OH; Business cards. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-67-25 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858-1861. Box 67, folder 26 contents: Extraditions of James Graham to OH, F.H. Horn to PA, James N. Slaughter to MS, Albert Yeager to DE; Requisitions of Lewis N. Webb, William H. Royster from VA; A.B. Sterling. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-67-26 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 67, folder 27 contents: Extraditions of James Slaughter to MS, Curtis F. and John S. Dutrow to OH, John Jenkins (free black) to VA; Requisitions of William Wilson, J. Thomas from PA, Henry Diver from NY, William R. Dury from VA, John and Samuel Wright from DE. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-67-27 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 67, folder 28 contents: Extraditions of George F. Gossert to PA, William Frazer to NJ; Requisitions of Lewis F. Bown from VA, Chrles Harden from NJ, Henry Burns from DC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-67-28 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858. Box 67, folder 28 contents: Extradition of Edward Norris Duer to PA; Requisitions of A.W. Banks from NC, John and Ross Bell (negroes) from PA. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-67-28 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 1 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-68-1 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 2 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-68-2 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 3 contents: Vouchers: State House. No. Items: 22 MSA S 1274-68-3 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 4 contents: Vouchers: Government House. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-68-4 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 5 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 14 MSA S 1274-68-5 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 6 contents: Vouchers: Government House. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-68-6 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 7 contents: Vouchers: Government House, State House. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-68-7 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 8 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-68-8 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 9 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 20 MSA S 1274-68-9 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 10 contents: Vouchers: Government House. No. Items: 30 MSA S 1274-68-10 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 11 contents: Vouchers: State House. No. Items: 23 MSA S 1274-68-11 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 12 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 20 MSA S 1274-68-12 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860. Box 68, folder 13 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 24 MSA S 1274-68-13 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 68, folder 14 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-68-14 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 68, folder 15 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 16 MSA S 1274-68-15 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 68, folder 16 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 28 MSA S 1274-68-16 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 68, folder 17 contents: Vouchers: State House. No. Items: 28 MSA S 1274-68-17 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 68, folder 18 contents: Vouchers. No. Items: 24 MSA S 1274-68-18 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861, 1862. Box 68, folder 19 contents: Execution papers, Benjamin Louis Simms, black, BA; General correspondence; Acceptance of Reverdy Johnson, US Senator; Recommendation of Alferd D. Evans, warden of MD Penitentiary; Report of Inebriate Asylum. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-68-19 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862, 1863. Box 68, folder 20 contents: Correspondence: Inebriate Asylum, MA State Prision; Report: inspector of flour, Comptroller; Qualifications of police commissioners, BC. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-68-20 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 21 contents: Letter and memorial concerning NY canals and defence of lakes. No. Items: 2 MSA S 1274-68-21 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 22 contents: Report of the Inebriate Asylum; Correspondnece: Hugh L. Bond, John P. Kennedy, M. Blair, Provost Marshall to Gov.; Declination of James H.C. Brewer to recruit soldiers; Acceptance of Thomas H. Hicks, US Senator. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-68-22 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 23 contents: Correspondnece: J.T. McCullough, Andrew G. Waters, George W. Parsons, A.B. Davis, Lt. Melville R. Small to Gov. [1-5] Military draft. No. Items: 6 MSA S 1274-68-23 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 24 contents: Correspondnece: William T. Duvall to Gov., Cover letters; Pamphlet "Cavalry: Its History, Management, and Uses in War." [1] Rebels in MO. No. Items: 4 MSA S 1274-68-24 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 25 contents: Correspondence: R.J. Jackson, Almira Lincoln Phelps, M. Blair, War Dept., G.L. Dulaney, G.W. Calbaugh, Capt. W.W. Bamburger to Gov.; W.J. Nichols to Provost Marshall M. Blair. [7] G.L. Dulaney to Gov., refugees and deserters in the draft; [9] Bamburger to Gov., promotion of Joseph S. Rice to Lt. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-68-25 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 26 contents: Correspondence: Daniel Engel, John Van Lear, George M. Tyler, Dr. Samuel P. Smith, British Consulate, Almira Phelps to Gov.; Recommendation for medical examiner, FR, enrolling officer and militia captain, BC. [2] Van Lear to Gov., arms collected by Provost Marshall in AL. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-68-26 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1862. Box 68, folder 27 contents: Correspondence: J.L. McPhail, R. Stockett Matthews, G.H. Crossman, Rev. Lemuel Wilmer, Robert Turner, Gen. Anthony Kimmel to Gov.; Recommendation for enrolling officers, BC. [1] McPhail to Gov., suggestions on militia enrollment. No. Items: 7 MSA S 1274-68-27 1/7/5/51
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 67, folder 1 contents: Fine and forfieture papers. [1] McPhail to Gov., suggestions on militia enrollment. No. Items: 8 MSA S 1274-67-1 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860-1862. Box 67, folder 2 contents: Fine and forfieture papers. [1] McPhail to Gov., suggestions on militia enrollment. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-67-2 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1862. Box 67, folder 4 contents: Pardon papers: Jerry Donnelly, John Dorsey, George Robinson, DO, Michael funk, FR, Edward Sutliff, QA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-67-4 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860. Box 67, folder 5 contents: Pardon papers: Peter Reer, DO, David Owens, BC; Criminal papers, Joseph H. Horner, BC; Fine papers. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-67-5 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860, 1861. Box 67, folder 6 contents: Fine papers; Pardon papers: Christiana Hinkle (Hinkley), BC, Moses Banks, free black, DO, John Scott, AA, Simon W. Boyer, Jr., KE. No. Items: 18 MSA S 1274-67-6 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1857, 1860, 1861. Box 67, folder 7 contents: Pardon papers: Nathaniel Hickman, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-67-7 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1861. Box 67, folder 8 contents: Pardon papers: Nathaniel Hickman, BC, Lloyd Loundes, TA; Criminal papers, Gustavus C. Mackey, TA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-67-8 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 67, folder 9 contents: Criminal papers: George Feigley, WA, Phillip Howe, SM, Fanny Halbert, BC. No. Items: 12 MSA S 1274-67-9 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 67, folder 10 contents: Criminal papers: Thomas A. Kennard, BC; Dick Gassaway, slave, PG; Pardon papers, John W. Price, BC. No. Items: 11 MSA S 1274-67-10 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860, 1861. Box 67, folder 11 contents: Pardon papers, John W. Price, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-67-11 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1858, 1860. Box 67, folder 12 contents: Pardon papers, John W. Price, BC. No. Items: 10 MSA S 1274-67-12 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 67, folder 13 contents: Pardon papers: Levi Hoffman, BC, George Bower (Tenner), AA. No. Items: 13 MSA S 1274-67-13 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1860, 1861. Box 67, folder 14 contents: Pardon papers: Thomas Lockey, CA, John Evans, BC. No. Items: 15 MSA S 1274-67-14 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859, 1860. Box 67, folder 15 contents: Application of Charles D. Hiss, JOP, BC; Pardon papers, Thomas Wade, AA. No. Items: 9 MSA S 1274-67-15 1/7/5/50
GOVERNOR (Miscellaneous Papers) 1859-1861, 1863. Box 67, folder 16 contents: Vouchers: Washington Monument, Government House. No. Items: 19 MSA S 1274-67-16 1/7/5/50
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