1. Staff and Wages

Archives staff will be involved in the project above and beyond their usual duties. Anne Arundel County Public School personnel will be paid through the grant for their time beyond the length of their salary contracts or daily work hours. Otherwise, school staff costs will be considered cost sharing. County school administrators include Kim Bobola (Project Administrator) and John Belser (Financial Ofifcer) whoi together will work a total of thirty days on the project. There will be twelve teachers each participating thirty-five days, and four student teaching aides working in seminars or at schools for twenty days each.

2. Fringe Benefits

All Archives staff are regular, full time employees with a fringe rate of 30%. Anne Arundel County School staff have a fringe rate of 30% during their contract period, but of 8% in times beyond their length of contract or usual work day. Teaching aides are also calculated at 8% fringe

3. Consultant Fees

Scholars include Drs. Lois Carr and Kay McElvey, plus Denton Watson. Kwiesi Mfume and Judge Bell will also be paid honoraria. Contractual computer technical staff will be required to help install software and hardware, provide technical training, and to assist in the implementation of the electronic classroom environment at the Archives and in the schools. The three staff members will contribute a total of fifteen days time to the project. Dr. Stanley Katz of Princeton University will serve as the outside evaluator.

4. Travel

Denton Watson will travel from Long Island, New York to Annapolis, Maryland by train. Dr. Katz will visit from Princeton, New Jersey. Dr. Katz will visit the program on two ocassions, in different phases of the program. Dr. Katz will be with the project participatns for two days during each visit.

5. Supplies and Materials

Production of the digital document units costs include extensive scanning, HTML design, layout and construction. The schools will install the necessary files on their local networks, but CD-ROM and traditional disks will also be needed for transportation and secure backup and storage. Certain inexpensive or shareware programs are needed for maximum use of the digital document packets. Such software must be installed in each of the participating schools. Each school will receive a complete set of oversized posters of original documents for display in their classrooms. (These posters have proved very successful in previous programs and were specifically recommended by teachers to be provided in any future institutes.) The Maryland State Archives usually charges a site license fee for the use of the Documents for the Classroom units to cover copyright and other costs. These fees will not be charged to Anne Arundel County Schools, but their volume discounted value should be counted as cost sharing at the rate of $995 per participating school.

6. Services

Field trips require buses for transportation. The costs are estimated on the basis of previous experience with similar trips for teachers. Anne Arundel County Schools have provided computers for an electronic classroom at the Archives as a central and permanent training facility. The Archives has contributed additional computers, digital projectors, and printers to that classroom for the use of the teachers during training sessions and at their convenience. The conference room in which the electronic classroom is deployed is routinely rented at the rate of $100 per day. Teachers and administrators will be making copies of a variety of their products. The most important service charge is that of computer telecommunications links between the schools and the Archives. The educational freeway requires a T-1 connection for the entire grant period, after which independent funding will be found to sustain the connection. Installing the connection involved additional costs. The Archives will install a Sun Sparc 5 server devoted to providing materials instruction. This server will also permit electronic communication between schools, teachers, and students (see Education Freeway in content).

7. Other Costs

In order for the teachers to participate, they must be free of their usual classroom duties on session days. Substitute teachers will be required at the low rate of $50 per substitute per day. Refreshments include coffee, snacks, and other supplies customary during educational training sessions whether attended by the primary participants or more widely by the many teachers attending in-services. Previous summer institutes have shown the importance of sharing meals as a team-building experience and as an opportunity to talk informally with project staff and visiting scholars. Lessons learned in the past will be applied in this program.

8. Indirect Costs

The two collaborating institutions are willing to accept the standard rate of only 10% for indirect costs although the usual rate for other educational organizations is often much higher.

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