Resolution of the Maryland General Assembly assented to on March 18, 1867: 

Resolution No. 14

"Resolved, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That we recognize in George Peabody, Esq., a venerable and eminently former citizen of Maryland, the embodyment [sic] of uprightness and noble charity, and by his disinterested benevolence in the munificent donations he has made to the city of Baltimore, and to the Southern States, for the advancement of science, arts, and the general diffusion of knowledge, he merits the unqualified expressions of our gratitude, ant the most profound admiration of his unsurpassed liberality, and of his efforts in the cause of education for the elevation of his fellow men.

Resolved, That the Governor be hereby requested to forward a copy of these resolutions to Mr. Peabody."

from Laws of the State of Maryland (Annapolis, MD:  Henry A. Lucas, Printer, 1867), 877.