any time hereafter prophane the Sabbath or Lords day
Called Sunday by frequent swearing drunkenness or
by any uncivill or disorderly recreation by working
on that day when absolute neccesity doth not require it
shall for every such first Offence forfeit 2s.6d sterling
or the value thereof and for the second Offence 5s sterling
or the Value thereof and for the third Offence and so for
every time he shall Offend in like manner afterwards
10s sterling or the value thereof and [in case such offender and]
Offenders shall not have sufficient Goods or Chattels
within the Province to satisfy any of the said Penalties
respectively hereby imposed for prophaning the Sabbath
or Lords day called Sunday as aforesaid that in every
such Case the Party so Offending shall for the first
and Second Offence in that kind be imprisoned till
he or she shall publickly in open Court before the chief
Commander Judge or Magistrate of that County Town
or Precinct where such offence shall be Committed acknow-
ledged the scandall and Offence he hath in that respect
Given against God and the Good and Civil Government
of this province and for the third Offence and for every
time after shall also be publickly whipt and whereas
the enforcing of the Conscience in matters of Religion hath
frequently fallen out to be of dangerous Consequence
in those Commonwealths where it hath been practised
and for the more quiet and peacable Government of this
Province and the better to preserve mutual Love and
Amity amongst the Inhabitants thereof Be it therefore
also by the Lord Proprietary with the advice & Consent

Source: An Act Concerning Religion, 1649, April 21.
GENERAL ASSEMBLY, UPPER HOUSE (Proceedings) MSA S 977-1, f. 357.  
[Words in brackets supplied from the original recording of the law]

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