Compiled by Richard Longstreth


 2001, revised 7 May 2006



                This listing focuses on historical studies, with an emphasis is on scholarly work published during the past forty years. I have also included some popular histories due to the wealth of information they afford and monographs on out-of-town architects who made a major contribution locally. Institutional histories are generally not included unless they cover the physical dimension in some detail.


                The geographic area covered outside the District of Columbia encompasses Montgomery and Prince George's counties in Maryland and Arlington and Fairfax counties as well as the independent municipalities of Alexandria and Falls Church in Virginia.


                Listings are broken down into the following categories: 1) General, Economic, and Social Histories; 2) Urbanism; 3) Architects, Builders, Engineers, Landscape Architects, and Planners; 4) Architecture and Landscape Architecture, General; 5) Commercial Buildings; 6) Governmental and Military Buildings; 7) Houses and Housing; 8) Institutional Buildings; 9) Monuments and Outdoor Sculpture; 9) Religious Buildings; 10) Residential Development and Neighborhoods; 11) Transportation Facilities and Systems; 12) Pictorial Histories; 13) Guides; 14) Maryland; and 15) Virginia. Studies focusing on building or landscape types, aside from houses, are generally listed under the appropriate typological category even if their subjects are located Maryland or Virginia. The categories were developed for convenient reference, but most listings could easily be in at least two such groupings, so scanning the range of potential categories is recommended. Additional material on Maryland can be found in Richard Longstreth, comp., "A Historical Bibliography of the Built Environment in Baltimore and Maryland," on this website.


                Repositories consulted include the Alexandria Public Library, Special Collections; Arlington County Public Library, Virginia Room; District of Columbia Public Library, Washingtoniana Division; Fairfax City Regional Library, Virginia Room; General Services Administration Library; George Washington University, Gelman Library; Historical Society of Washington, D.C.; Library of Congress; Montgomery County Historical Society; National Park Service, National Capital Region, Technical Information Center; Prince George's County Memorial Library System, Hyattsville Branch, Maryland Room; and University of Maryland, Architecture Library and McKeldin Library.


                Thanks go to Howard Gillette, Eileen McGuckian, Susan Pearl, Pamela Scott, and Richard Guy Wilson for reviewing a draft and adding to the list. Additions and corrections are welcome; please send them to me at rwl@gwu.edu.




G E N E R A L,   E C O N O M I C,   A N D   S O C I A L   H I S T O R I E S



Abbott, Carl, "Perspectives on Urban Economic Planning: The Case of Washington, D.C., Since 1880,"

                Public Historian 11 (Spring 1989), 5-21


____________, Political Terrain: Washington, D.C., from Tidewater Town to Global Metropolis, Chapel

                 Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1999


Becker, Lucy J., Marching on Washington and the Forging of an American Political Tradition, Berkeley:

                University of California Press, 2002


Carson, Barbara G., Ambitious Appetites: Dining, Behavior, and Patterns of Consumption in Federal

                Washington, Washington: American Institute of Architects Press, 1990


Cary, Francine Curro, ed., Urban Odyssey: A Multi-Cultural History of Washington, D.C., Washington:

                Smithsonian Institution Press, 1996


Elfenbein, Jessica I., et al., Civics, Commerce, and Community: The History of the Greater Washington

                Board of Trade, 1889-1989, Washington: Center for Washington Area Studies, George

                Washington University; and Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 1989


Fitzpatrick, Michael Andrew, "'A Great Agitation for Business': Black Economic Development of Shaw,"

                Washington History 2 (Fall-Winter 1990-1991), 48-73, 108-111


Gale, Dennis E., Washington, D.C.: Inner-City Revitalization and Minority Suburbanization, Philadelphia:

                Temple University Press, 1988


Gillette, Howard, Jr., Between Justice and Beauty: Race, Planning, and the Failure of Urban Policy in

                Washington, D.C., Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995


_____________________, "A National Workshop for Urban Policy: The Metropolitanization of

                Washington, 1946-1968," Public Historian 7 (Winter 1985), 8-27


Green, Constance McLaughlin, Washington: A History of the Capital, 1800-1950, 1962; reprint ed.,

                Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976


Gutheim, Frederick, The Potomac, 1949; reprint ed., New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1974


Honnighausen, Lothar, and Andreas Falke, eds., Washington, D.C.: Interdisciplinary Approaches,

                Tubingen: A. Francke, 1993


Jacobs, Kathryn Allamong, Capital Elites: High Society in Washington, D.C., after the Civil War,

                Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995


Junior League of Washington, An Illustrated History: The City of Washington, New York: Alfred A.

                Knopf, 1977


Lessoff, Alan, The Nation and Its City: Politics, "Corruption," and Progress in Washington, D.C., 1861-

                1902, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994


Luria, Sarah, Capital Speculations: Writing and Building Washington, D.C., Durham, N.H.: University of

                New Hampshire Press, 2005


McGovern, Stephen J., The Politics of Downtown Development: Dynamic Political Cultures in San

                Francisco and Washington, D.C., Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1998


Melder, Keith, with Melinda Young Stuart, City of Magnificent Intentions: A History of Washington,

                District of Columbia, 1983; revised ed., Washington: Intac, 1997


* Pitch, Anthony, S., “Patriotism and Reconstruction of Washington, D.C., after the British Invasion of

                1814,” in Lawrence J. Vale and Thomas J. Campanella, eds., The Resilient City: How Modern

                Cites Recover from Disaster, New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, 97-116






Early Development


Alexander, Thomas G., “Red Rock and Grey Stone: Senator Reed Smoot, the Establishment of Zion and

                Bryce Canyon National Parks, and the Rebuilding of Downtown Washington, D.C.,” Pacific

                Historical Review 72 (February 2003), 1-38


Arnebeck, Bob, "Tracking the Speculators: Greenleaf and Nicholson in the Federal City," Washington

                History 3 (Spring-Summer 1991), 112-125, 140


Bedini, Silvio A., The Jefferson Stone, Frederick, Md.: Professional Surveyors Publishing Co., 1999


_________________, "The Survey of the Federal Territory: Andrew Ellicott and Benjamin Banneker,"

                Washington History 3 (Spring-Summer 1991), 76-95, 137-138


Bowling, Kenneth R., Creating the Federal City, 1774-1800: Potomac Fever, Washington: American

                Institute of Architects Press, 1988


__________________, The Creation of Washington, D.C.: The Idea and the Location of the American

                Capital, Fairfax, Va.: George Mason University Press, 1991


__________________, “From ’Federal Town’ to ‘National Capital’: Ulysses S. Grant and the

                Reconstruction of Washington, D.C.,” Washington History 14 (Spring-Summer 2002), 8-25


__________________, "The Other G. W.: George Walker and the Creation of the National Capital,"

                Washington History 3 (Fall-Winter 1991-1992, 5-21, 90-91


Brandenburg, David J., and Mellicent H. Brandenberg, "The Duc de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt's Visit to

                the Federal City in 1797: A New Translation," Records of the Columbia Historical Society 49

                (1973-1974), 35-60


Davis, Timothy, “Inventing Nature in Washington, D.C.,” in Arthur Molella and Joyce Bedi, eds.,

                Inventing for the Environment, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2003, 32-81


Dougherty, J. P., "Baroque and Picturesque Motifs in L'Enfant's Design for the Federal Capital,"

                American Quarterly 26 (March 1974), 23-36


Dumbauld, Edward, "Thomas Jefferson and the City of Washington," Records of the Columbia Historical

                Society   50 (1980), 67-80


Ehrenberg, Ralph E., "Mapping the Nation's Capital: The Surveyor's Office, 1791-1818," Quarterly Journal

                of the Library of Congress 36 (Summer 1979), 279-319


Gillette, Howard, Jr., ed., Southern City, National Ambition: The Growth of Early Washington, D.C.,

                1800-1860, Washington: American Architectural Foundation and Center for Washington Area Studies, George Washington University, 1995


Grigg, Milton L., "Thomas Jefferson and the Development of the National Capital," Records of the

                Columbia Historical Society [41] (1953-1956), 31-100


Harris, C. M., "Washington's 'Federal City,' Jefferson's federal town," Washington History 12 (Spring-

                Summer 2000, 49-53, 160-161


_____________, "Washington's Gamble, L'Enfant's Dream: Politics, Design, and the Founding of the

                National Capital," William and Mary Quarterly 56 (July 1999), 527-564


Harrison, Michael R., “The ‘Evil of the Misfit Subdivisions’: Creating the Permanent System of Highways

                of the District of Columbia,” Washington History 14 (Spring-Summer 2002), 26-55


Hawkins, Don Alexander, "The Landscape of the Federal City: A 1792 Walking Tour," Washington

                History 3 (Spring-Summer 1991), 10-33


Hodgkins, George W., "Naming the Capitol and the Capital," Records of the Columbia Historical Society

                44 (1960-1962), 36-53


Jackson, Donald E., "L'Enfant's Washington: An Architect's View," Records of the Columbia Historical

                Society 50 (1980), 398-420


Jennings, J. l. Sibley, Jr., "Artistry as Design," Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress 36 (Summer

                1979), 225-278


Scisco, Louis Dow, "A Site for the 'Federal City': The Original Proprietors and Their Negotiations with

                Washington," Records of the Columbia Historical Society 43 (1957-1959), 123-147


Scott, Pamela, "L'Enfant's City Described: The City in the Public Press, 1791-1795," Washington History 3

                (Spring-Summer 1991), 96-111, 139-140


Stephenson, Richard W., "The Delineation of a Grand Plan," Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress

                36 (Summer 1979), 207-224


Verheyen, Egon, "'The Splendor of Its Empire': Reconsidering Jefferson's Role in the Planning of

                Washington," in Erich Hubala and Gunter Schweikhart, eds., Festschrift Herbert Sibbenhuner, Wurzburg: Ferdinand Schoningh, 1978, 183-206



Planning and Public Space


Barthold, Elizabeth, "The Predicament of the 'Parklets': Understanding Washington's Smaller Parks,"

                Washington History 5 (Spring-Summer 1993), 28-45, 91-92


Bednar, Michael, L’Enfant’s Legacy: Public Open Spaces in Washington, D.C., Baltimore: Johns

                Hopkins University Press, 2006


Bushong, William, "Rock Creek Park, District of Columbia, Historic Resource Study," National Park

                Service, 1990


________________, and Piera M. Weiss, "Rock Creek Park: Emerald of the Capital City," Washington

                History 2 (Fall-Winter 1990-1991), 4-29, 106-108


Davis, Timothy, “Inventing Nature in Washington, D.C.,” in Arthur Molella and Joyce Bedi, eds.,

                Inventing for the Environment, Cambridge: MIT Press, and Washington, Lemelson Center,

                Smithsonian Institution, 2003, 31-81


Dolan, Thomas Wright, "Meridian Hill Park, Washington, D.C." M.A. thesis, University of Virginia, 1983


Drutchas, Geoffrey G., “The Man with A Capital Design,” Michigan History 86 (March-April 2002), 27-38

                (James McMillan)


Gillette, Howard, Jr.. "White City, Capital City," Chicago History 18 (Winter 1989-1990), 26-45


Gutheim, Frederick, and National Capital Planning Commission, Worthy of the Nation: The History of

                Planning for the National Capital, Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1977


__________________, and Wilcomb E. Washburn, The Federal City: Plans and Realities, Washington:

                Smithsonian Institution Press, 1976


Hatcher, Ed, “Washington’s Nineteenth-Century Citizens’ Associations and the Senate Park Commission

                Plan,” Washington History 14 (Fall-Winter 2002), 70-95


Helfrich, Kurt, "Modernisms for Washington? The Kennedys and the Redesign of Lafayette Square,"

                Washington History 8 (Spring-Summer 1996), 16-37, 90-92


Highsmith, Carol M., and Ted Landphar, Pennsylvania Avenue: America's Main Street, Washington:

                American Institute of Architects Press, 1988


Hosey, Lance, "Slumming in Utopia: Protest Construction and the Iconography of Urban America," Journal

                of Architectural Education 53 (February 2000), 146-158  (Mall)  [revised entry]


Houck, Jeanne B., “Written in Stone: Historical memory and the Mall in Washington, D.C., 1865-1945,”

                Ph.D. dissertation New York University, 1993 


Kohler, Sue A., The Commission of Fine Arts: A Brief History 1910-1995, 1976; revised ed., Washington:

                U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, 1996


Krakow, Jane L., "Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway, George Washington Memorial Parkway, Suitland

                Parkway, Baltimore-Washington Parkway," Washington: National Park Service, 1990


Lee, Antoinette J., ed., "Historical Perspectives on Urban Design: Washington, D.C. 1890-1910,"

                Occasional Paper No. 1, Center for Washington Area Studies, George Washington University,



Longstreth, Richard, ed., The Mall in Washington, 1791-1991, 1991, reprint ed., Washington: National

                Gallery    of Art, and New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002 


Meyer, Jeffrey F., "The Eagle and the Dragon: Comparing the Designs of Washington and Beijing,"

                Washington History 8 (Fall-Winter 1996-1997), 4-21, 90-91


Miller, Iris, Washington in Maps, New York: Rizzoli, 2002


O'Malley, Therese Mary, "Art and Science in American Landscape Architecture: The National Mall in

                Washington, D.C., 1791-1852," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1989


Olszewski, George J., "Dupont Circle, Washington, D.C.," Washington: Office of Archaeology and

                Historic Preservation, National Park Service, 1967


____________________, "Farragut Square, Washington, D.C.," Washington: Office of Archaeology and

                Historic Preservation, National Park Service, 1968


____________________, "Franklin Square, Washington, D.C.," Washington: Office of Archaeology and

                Historic Preservation, National Park Service, 1970


____________________, "Lafayette Park, Washington, D.C.," Washington: National Park Service, 1964


____________________, "Lincoln Park, Washington, D.C.," Washington: Office of Archeology and

                Historic Preservation, National Park Service, 1968


____________________, "Mount Vernon Square, Washington, D.C.," Washington: Office of Archeology

                and Historic Preservation, National Park Service, 1970


____________________, "The President's Park, South, Washington, D.C.," Washington: Office of History

                and Historic Archeology National Park Service, 1970


Parsons, Kermit Carlyle, “Shaping the Regional City 1950-1990: The Plans of Tracy Augur and Clarence

                Stein for Dispersing Federal Workers from Washington, D.C.,” in Proceedings of the Third

                National Conference on American Planning History, Columbus, Ohio: Society for American City

                and Regional Planning History, 1990, npp.


Passoneau, Joseph R., Washington Through Two Centuries: A History in Maps and Images, New York:

                Monacelli Press, 2004


Peterson, Jon A., City Planning in the United States, 1840-1917: The Birth of a Comprehensive Vision,

                Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003 


________________, "The Nation's First Comprehensive City Plan: A Political Analysis of the McMillan

                Plan for Washington, D.C., 1900-1902," Journal of the American Planning Association 51 (Spring

                1985), 134-150


Press, Donald E., "South of the Avenue: From Murder Bay to the Federal Triangle," Records of the

                Columbia Historical Society 51 (1984), 51-70


Reps, John W., Monumental Washington: The Planning and Development of the Capital Center, Princeton:

                Princeton University Press, 1967


_____________, Washington on View: The Nation's Capital since 1790, Chapel Hill: University of North

                Carolina Press, 1991


[Rimensnyder, Nelson F., comp.], "Limitations on Building Heights in the District of Columbia: A

                Descriptive Historical Survey of Selected Executive and Legislative Action, 1791-1975," 94th

                Congress, 2nd Sess., Committee on the District of Columbia, House of Representatives, Staff

                Report, 1 April 1976


Schuyler, David, “The Washington Park and Downing’s Legacy to Public Landscape Design,” in George

                B. Tatum, ed., Prophet with Honor: The Career of Andrew Jackson Downing, 1815-1852,

                Washington: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, and Philadelphia: Athenaeum of

                Philadelphia, 1989,               291-311


Scott, Pamela, Capital Engineers: The United States Army Corps of Engineers in the Development of

                Washington, D.C., 1790-2004, Alexandria, Va.: Office of History, headquarters, U.S. Army Corps

                of Engineers, 2005


Seale, William, "The Design of Lafayette Park," White House History 2 (June 1997), 6-19


Shaheen, Christopher Michael, "Beyond the Grand Design: City Planning in Washington beyond the

                Federal Core, 1919-1941," M.A. thesis, George Washington University, 2000


Solit, Karen, History of the United States Botanic Garden, 1816-1991, Washington: U.S. Government

                Printing Office, 1993


Sonne, Wolfgang, Representing the State: Capital City Planning in the Early Twentieth Century, Munich:

                Prestel, 2003


Spilsburg, Gail, Rock Creek Park, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003


Stanley, Joan H., "Judiciary Square, Washington, D.C., a Park History," Washington: Office of

                Archaeology and                 Historic Preservation, National Park Service, 1968


Todd, Elaine Barber, “Urban Renewal in the Nation’s Capital: A History of the Redevelopment Land

                Agency in Washington, D.C., 1946-1973, Ph.D. diss., Howard University, 1986


Walton, Thomas Michael, "The 1901 McMillan Commission: Beaux-Arts Plan for the Nation's Capital,"

                Ph.D. dissertation, Catholic University, 1980



Urban Development, Infrastructure, and Preservation


Abell, Julie D., and Petar D. Glumac, "Beneath the MCI Center: Insights into Washington's Historic Water

                Supply," Washington History 9 (Spring-Summer 1997), 24-41, 91-92


Cooke, Michael A., "Physical Environment and Sanitation in the District of Columbia 1860-1868," Records

                of the Columbia Historical Society 52 (1989), 289-303


Cowdrey, Albert E., A City for the Nation: The Army Corps of Engineers and the Building of Washington,

                D.C., 1790-1967, Washington: Historical Division, Office of Administrative Services, Office of

                the Chief Engineers, 1979


Crane, Brian D., "Filth, Garbage, and Rubbish: Refuse Disposal, Sanitary Reform, and Nineteenth Century     

                Yard Deposits in Washington, D.C.," Historical Archaeology 34: 1 (2000), 20-38


Crombie, Pauline, “The Gentrification Process on Capitol Hill: A Neighborhood in Transition,” M.A.

                thesis, University of Maryland, 1990


Gale, Dennis C., "The Impact of Historic District Designation in Washington, D.C.," Occasional Paper no.

                6, Center for Washington Area Studies, George Washington University, 1989


Glenn, Marsha L., “The Preservation Movement in Washington, D.C.,” M.A. thesis, University of

                Virginia, 1977


Harrison, Michael R., “Above the Boundary: The Development of Kalorama and Washington Heights,”

                Washington History 14 (Fall-Winter 2002), 56-69


Knox, Paul L., "The Restless Urban Landscape: Economic and Sociocultural Change and the

                Transformation of Metropolitan Washington, DC," Annals of the Association of American

                Geographers 81 (June 1991), 181-209


Maury, William M., Alexander "Boss" Shepherd and the Board of Public Works, GW Washington Studies,

                Washington: George Washington University, 1975


Noreen, Sarah Pressey, Public Street Illumination in Washington, D.C.: An Illustrated History, GW

                Washington Studies, Washington: George Washington University, 1975


Ruble, Blair A., "St. Petersburg's courtyards and Washington's alleys: officialdom's neglected neighbors,"

                in Pep Subiros, ed., Debat de Barcelona III: Ciutat real, ciutat ideal, Barcelona: Centre de Cultura

                Contemporania de Barcelona, 1998), 11-27


Striner, Richard, "Preservation and the Recent Past," Information, National Trust for Historic Preservation,

                No. 69 (1993), whole issue


________________, "Reflections on the Work of Historic Preservation in Washington, D.C.," Washington:

                Art Deco Society of Washington, 1990


Torres, Patricia, “Pennsylvania Avenue: Historic Preservation in Revitalization Planning, 1961-1972,”

                M.A. thesis, George Washington University, 1981


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                Engineers, 1996


Wilson, Frank H., “Gentrification in Central Area Neighborhoods: Population and Housing Change in

                Washington, D.C., 1970-1980,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 1995




A R C H I T E C T S,   B U I L D E R S,   E N G I N E E R S,  


L A N D S C A P E   A R C H I T E C T S,   A N D   P L A N N E R S



Balmori, Diana, et al., Beatrix Farrand's American Landscapes: Her Gardens & Campuses, Sagaponack,

                N.Y.: Saga Press, 1985


Beauchamp, Tanya Edwards, "Adolph Cluss: An Architect in Washington during the Civil War and

                Reconstruction," Records of the Columbia Historical Society 48 (1971-1972), 338-358


________________________, "Adolph Cluss and the Building of the U.S. National Museum, An

                Architecture of Perfect Adaptability," M.A. thesis, University of Virginia, 1979


Bedford, Steven, John Russell Pope: Architect of Empire, New York: Rizzoli, 1998


Bowling, Kenneth R., Peter Charles L’Enfant: Vision, Honor and Male Friendship in the Early Republic,

                Washington: Friends of the George Washington University Libraries, 2002


Brauer, Carl M., The Man Who Built Washington: A Life of John McShain, Wilmington, Del.: Hagley

                Museum and Library, 1996


Brown, Jane, Beatrix: The Gardening Life of Beatrix Jones Farrand, 1872-1959, New York: Viking, 1995


Brown, Mary Carolyn, "Porter and Lockie, Washington Architects," M.A. thesis, George Washington

                University, 1990


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                University of Virginia, 1980


Bryan, John, M., Robert Mills: America's First Architect, New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2001


_________________, ed., Robert Mills, Architect, Washington: American Institute of Architects Press,



Bushong, William, “Glenn Brown and the Planning of Rock Creek Valley,” Washington History 14

                (Spring-  Summer 2002), 56- 71


______________,"Glenn Brown, the American Institute of Architects, and the Development of the Civic

                Core of   Washington, D.C.," Ph.D. dissertation, George Washington University, 1988


________________, et al., A Centennial History of the Washington Chapter, American Institute of

                Architects1887-1987, Washington: Washington Architectural Foundation Press, 1987


Caemmerer, H. Paul, The Life of Pierre Charles L'Enfant, Planner of the City Beautiful, the City of

                Washington, 1950; reprint ed., New York; Da Capo, 1970


Carter, Edward C., II, "Benjamin Henry Latrobe and the Growth and Development of Washington, 1798-

                1818," Records of the Columbia Historical Society 48 (1971-1972), 128-149


_____________________, Benjamin Henry Latrobe and Public Works: Professionalism, Private

                Enterprise, and Public Policy in the Age of Jefferson, Washington: Public Works Historical

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* Cohen, Jeffrey A., and Charles E. Brownell, The Architectural Drawings of Benjamin Henry Latrobe, 2

                vols., New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994


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                1977 (John Joseph Earley)


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                thesis, University of Virginia, 1980


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                of Virginia, 1981


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                Ohio University Press, 2001


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                University of Oregon, 1994


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                Catholic University, 1979


Fazio, Michael W., and Patrick A. Snadon, The Domestic Architecture of Benjamin Henry Latrobe,

                Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006


Formwalt, Lee W., "Benjamin Henry Latrobe and the Development of Transportation in the District of

                Columbia, 1801-1817," Records of the Columbia Historical Society 50 (1980), 36-66


Fried, Helene, et al., Lawrence Halprin: Changing Places, San Francisco: San Francisco Museum of Art,



Gallagher, H.M. Pierce, Robert Mills: Architect of the Washington Monument 1781-1855, New York:

                Columbia University Press, 1935


Gibbs, Kenneth T. “The Architecture of Norris G. Starkweather,” M.A. thesis, University of Virginia, 1972


Greenberg, Alan, George Washington Architect, London: Papadakis Publishers, 1999


Grossman, Elizabeth Greenwell, The Civic Architecture of Paul Cret, New York: Cambridge University

                Press, 1996


Hamlin, Talbot, Benjamin Henry Latrobe, New York: Oxford University Press, 1955


Hines, Thomas F., Burnham of Chicago: Architect and Planner, New York: Oxford University Press, 1974


Hunsberger, George S. "The Architectural Career of George Hadfield," Records of the Columbia Historical

                Society   [40] (1951-1952), 46-65


Jenkins, Beatrice, William Thornton: Small Star of the American Enlightenment, San Luis Obispo, Calif.:

                Merritt Starr, 1982


Kaynor, Fay Campbell, "Thomas Tileson Waterman: Student of American Colonial Architecture,"

                 Winterthur Portfolio 20 (Summer-Autumn 1985), 103-147


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                Boston: Little Brown & Co., 1999


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                thesis, George Washington University, 1988


"Landscape Design: Works of Dan Kiley," Process Architecture 33 (1982), whole issue


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Lawson, Joanne Seale, "Remarkable Foundations: Rose Isabel Greely, Landscape Architect," Washington

                History 10 (Spring-Summer 1998), 46-69, 94


Lee, Antoinette, Architects to the Nation: The Rise and Decline of the Supervising Architect's Office, New

                York: Oxford University Press, 2000


Lessoff, Alan and Christoph Mauch, eds., Adolf Cluss, Architect: From Germany to America,

            Washington: Historical Society of Washington, D.C.; Heilbronn, Germany: Stadtarchiv

            Heilbronn; and New York: Berghahn, 2005  [revised entry]


Liscombe, Rhodri Windsor, Altogether American: Robert Mills, Architect and Engineer, 1781-1855, New

                York: Oxford University Press, 1994


Loeffler, Jane C., "Frederick Gutheim, Capital Catalyst," Washington History 10 (Spring-Summer 1998),

                24-45, 92-4


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                Landscape Architecture, Washington: Dumbarton Oaks, 1982


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                Ph.D. dissertation, George Washington University, 1988


McNamara, Denis Robert, "'One of Our Best and Most Talented Men': Adolph Cluss and German Theory

                in Nineteenth Century Washington, D.C." M.A. thesis, University of Virginia, 1994


Marshall, Ronald W., and Barbara A. Boyd, "Charles Goodman: Mid-century Architect," Modernism

                Magazine 1 (Winter 1998), 34-41


__________________________________, “Charles Goodman: Production, Recognition, and Reflection,”

                Modernism Magazine 2 (Fall 1999), 41-47


Miller, David W., Second Only to Grant: Quartermaster General Montgomery C. Meigs, Shippensburg,

                Md.:  White Mane Publishing Co., 2001


Morgan, William, The Almighty Wall: The Architecture of Henry Vaughan, New York: Architectural

                History Foundation, and Cambridge: MIT Press, 1983


Pandover, Saul K., ed., Thomas Jefferson and the National Capital, Washington: U.S. Government Printing

                Office, 1946


Peterson, Anne E., Hornblower & Marshall, Architects, Washington: National Trust for Historic

                Preservation, 1978


Preddy, Jane, et al., Glamour, Glitz and Sparkle: The Deco Theatres of John Eberson, Chicago: Theatre

                Historical Society of America, 1989


Saunders, William S., ed., Daniel Urban Kiley: The Early Gardens, New York: Princeton Architectural

                Press, 1999


Skramstad, Harold K., "The Engineer as Architect in Washington: The Contribution of Montgomery

                Meigs," Records of the Columbia Historical Society 47 (1969-1970), 266-284


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