The Bush River Declaration - March 22, 1775

The Burning of Peggy Stewart
by Francis
Blackwell Mayer
Maryland Commission on Artistic Property, MSA SC
View the Documents
- Ford, Worthington Chauncey. Journals of the Continental Congress. Vol 1, 1774. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1904, plate prior to p.75-p.80. The association for non-importation (boycott) "as determined upon by Congress," Oct. 20, 1774.
- SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (Maryland State Law Library Collection of the Maryland Gazette) page 1 - Dec. 15, 1774, Maryland Gazette MSA SC 2311-1-15. News report of the Provincial Assembly Proceedings relating to the association for non-importation (boycott).
- HARFORD COUNTY COMMITTEE OF OBSERVATION (Proceedings) March 22, 1775, MSA C 946 MdHR 19,959-2. Includes reference to and a copy of the Bush River Resolution (also known as the Bush Declaration and the Bush River Declaration).
Secondary Sources
- Andrews, Matthew Page, History of Maryland: Province & State, (Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc., 1929), pp. 317-318.
- Brugger, Robert J, Maryland: A Middle Temperament 1634-1980, (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988), pp. 112-120. Specific reference to the Bush River Resolution occurs on page 114.
- Preston, Walter W., History of Harford County Maryland: From 1608 (the Year of Smith's Expedition) to the Close of the War of 1812, (Westminster, Maryland: Family Line Publications, 1988 Reprint), pp. 98-104. Specific reference to the Bush River Declaration occurs on pages 100-103.
- Wright, C. Milton, Our Harford Heritage: A History of Harford County, Maryland, (C. Milton Wright, 1967), pp. 63-67, Specific reference to the Bush River Resolution occurs on pages 66-67, pp. 354-356.
Additional Readings
- Barker, Charles Albro. The Background of the Revolution in Maryland. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1940. Reprint. Archon Books, 1967.
- Hoffman, Ronald. A Spirit of Dissension. Economics, Politics, and the Revolution in Maryland. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973.
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