HENING'S STATUTES, VOLS. 5-13 (1738-1792)


The Assembly passed several laws for the clearing of rivers. Some distinguish between above and below Tidewater. They are not particularly relevant to our research; I have noted them to indicate the kinds of laws the assembly was passing regarding rivers.

February 1745-19th George II, Chap. XVIII, (H5:375-77)

An Act, for the more effectual clearing of James and Appomattox Rivers

This acts notes that there is some question as to laws currently in force empower county justices to clear the said rivers above tidewater; this law specifically authorizes them to clear these rivers both above and below tidewater.

October 1745-22d George II, Chap. XXIX, (H6:69-71)

An Act for clearing Rivers and Creeks.

This was a general act for clearing "the rivers and creeks of this colony" many of which were "obstructed, to the great damage of the inhabitants of this colony, and hindrance of trade and commerce." It empowered county courts to clear rivers and creeks in their counties; where they run between two or more counties they are to cooperate, which suggests that it did not apply to the Potomac, which did not lie either entirely within one Va. county or between two Va. counties.

The act made a distinction between above and below tidewater, specifying that "the courts of the counties adjoining to the rivers Maherin, Nottoway, Roanoke, and Rappahanock, above the falls thereof, shall not be obliged by this act to contract for the said rivers."

February 1752-25th George II, Chap. XL, (H6: 291-93)

An Act for clearing Appomattox and Pamunkey rivers.

Applies specifically to the "upper part" of these rivers.

November 1753-27th George II, Chap. XXII, (H6: 394-96)

An Act for clearing Mattapony river.

Applies specifically to the "upper part" of this river.

October 1765-5th George III, Chap. XXXIV (H8:148-50)

An act for clearing the great falls of James river, the river Chickahominy, and the north branch of James river.

The provisions of this act are basically the same as those in the 1772 act relating to the Potomac.

February 1772-11th George III, Chap. XXXII (H8:579-81)

An act to amend an act, intituled an act for clearing Mattapony river.

November 1769-10th George III, Chap. XLVIII (H8:407-8)

An act for reimbursing the inhabitants of King William and Hanover counties the expence of clearing Pamunkey river. [This act is amended p. 416 and continued p. 623].

October 1783-8th Commonwealth, Chap. XX (H11:332-37)

An act for cutting a navigable canal from the waters of Elizabeth river to the waters of North river.

October 1783-8th Commonwealth, Chap. XXV (H11:341-42)

An act appointing certain persons to receive subscriptions and contract with undertakers for the clearing of James river through the South mountain.

May 1784-8th Commonwealth, Chap. XIX (H11:450-62)

An act for clearing and improving the navigation of the James river.

This act is very similar to the act for opening the Potomac. Same method of acquiring capital through subscriptions, of electing a president and directors to oversee the work and so forth.

October 1784-9th Commonwealth, Chap. XLVIII (H11: 530-32)

An act to amend the act "For clearing Mattapony river."

October 1785-10th Commonwealth, Chap. XIX (H12:60-61.)

An act for improving the navigation of the south branch of Potowmack river.

[This act makes no mention of Maryland or Maryland's rights to the river, but the South Branch was not the Potomac itself, but a tributary.]

October 1785-10th Commonwealth, Chap. LII (H12:116-117)

An act to amend an act, intituled, An act for clearing and improving the navigation of James river.

James river co. may extend the shares and reduce depth of canal.

October 1786-11th Commonwealth, Chap. XCII (H12:382-84)

An act for clearing and extending the navigation of the Chickahominy river.

October 1787-12th Commonwealth, Chap. XXIV (H12:508-9)

An act giving a more speedy remedy against delinquent subscribers to the Potowmack and James river companies.

See same act listed under Potowmack River.

October 1787-12th Commonwealth, Chap. LIII (H12:591-95)

An act for opening and extending the navigation of Appamattox river.

October 1787-13th Commonwealth, Chap. LXXXII (H12:792-95)

An act for improving the navigation of Appamattox river, from Broadway to Pocahuntas Bridge.

October 1788-13th Commonwealth, Chap. XLIII (H12:698-701)

An act for opening and improving the navigation of Mattapony river.

October 1789-14th Commonwealth, Chap. LV (H13:73-76)

An act for opening and extending the Navigation of Pamunkey river.

October 1790-15th Commonwealth, Chap. XXVI (H13:146)

An act to amend the act, intitled "An act for clearing and improving the Navigation of James river.["]

October 1790-15th Commonwealth, Chap. XXXIV (H13:153)

An act to amend the act intitled "An act for opening and extending the navigation of Appamatox river."

October 1790-15th Commonwealth, Chap. XLII (H13:163-65)

An act to amend the act, intitled "An act for clearing and improving the navigation of James river."

October 1790-15th Commonwealth, Chap. LXVII (H13:203-4)

An act for opening the navigation of Blackwater river, from Little Town on the said river, to Broadwater bridge. [Amended Oct. 1791, Chap. XLIV, p. 285.]

October 1791-16th Commonwealth, Chap. XXVII (H13:269-70)

An act for regulating the navigation of James River, above the falls of the said river.

October 1791-16th Commonwealth, Chap. XXXIX (H13:278-79)

An act for clearing Banister river.

October 1791-16th Commonwealth, Chap. XLVI (H13:286-88)

An act to amend the act for opening and improving the navigation of Mattapony river.

October 1792-17th Commonwealth, Chap. LIX (H13:568)

An act to amend the act, intituled "An act for improving the Navigation of Appamattox river, from Broadway to Pocahuntas bridge."

October 1792-17th Commonwealth, Chap. LX (H13:568-70)

An act to explain and amend an act for opening and extending the navigation of Appamattox river.

October 1790-15th Commonwealth, Chap. LXI, pp. 193-94.

An act to amend the act, intitled "An act for clearing Roanoke river."

Unlike the legislation concerning the Potomac (see Oct. 1785, Chap. XIX), this law specifies clearing only the parts of these rivers that are within Va.