1. May 1987 - Italy, Germany, England and the Soviet Union
"Schaefer Leaving for Europe." The Washington Post, 17 May 1987."

2. September 1987 - Japan and Taiwan
"Schaefer, in Tokyo, Tries to Lure Business for Md." The Washington Post, 29 September 1987."

3. May/June 1988 - Canada
("Schaefer Backs 2nd Light Rail." The Washington Post, 5 June 1988.)

4. France? "1989 meeting in Paris"
("Going the distance for Md.;Schaefer trots globe to sell state." The Washington Times, 17 July 1993.)

5. November 1989 - Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia
- "he and an entourage of about 30 left yesterday for the three-nation trade mission and sightseeing tour"; "The mission will cost taxpayers $ 100,000 for Schaefer, three Cabinet secretaries and 13 other state officials. Hilda Mae Snoops, Schaefer's longtime companion and the official Maryland hostess, will pay her own way, as will a dozen business leaders and Schaefer associates who are tagging along." ("Schaefer to Keep Eye on Trade as He Views Sphinx." The Washington Post, 4 November 1989.)
- "Schaefer became the first U.S. governor to lead a trade mission to Saudi Arabia." ("Cashing In on Eastern Europe;Schaefer Planning Trade Mission to Region." The Washington Post, 9 February 1990.)

6. May 1990 - Eastern Europe (Austria, Poland, Hungry and Austria) and the Soviet Union
- 2nd trip to the Soviet Union
- "J. Randall Evans, state secretary of economic and employment development, said it will be similar to Schaefer's six other missions, in which he has led groups as large as 30 to the Middle East, Japan and Western Europe." ("Cashing In on Eastern Europe;Schaefer Planning Trade Mission to Region." The Washington Post, 9 February 1990.)
- "The governor will be accompanied by his secretaries of transportation, economic development and agriculture, plus University of Maryland President William E. Kirwan and executives from 20 Maryland firms." ("Schaefer will leave for E. Europe today." The Washington Times, 4 May 1990.)
- "Schaefer, who led a 50-member Maryland mission to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union..." ("Gov. Schaefer Buoyed By Changes in U.S.S.R." The Washington Post, 17 May 1990.")

7. June 1990 - Scandinavia
"Three state transportation officials, an executive of Hale Container Lines and Baltimore County Executive Dennis Rasmussen will accompany Schaefer." ("Schaefer Plans 7th Trade Mission." The Washington Post, 6 June 1990.)

8. August 1990 - Taiwan and Hong Kong
"Schaefer, along with a contingent of state officials, shippers and union leaders, will leave on Aug. 18 for an eight-day trip to Taiwan and Hong Kong. ";"Schurick said planning for the Far East trip began about two weeks ago. He said he had no estimate on the cost to the state, but added that the nine private persons traveling with Schaefer will pay their own way." ("Schaefer Plans New Trade Mission During Campaign." The Washington Post, 8 August 1990.)

9. March 1991 - Kuwait
"Mr. Schaefer was the only governor in the nation asked to join diplomats, congressmen and business leaders on the inaugural 'Freedom Flight to Kuwait.'"; "Mr. Schaefer will be accompanied by Economic and Employment Development Secretary J. Randall Evans. They join a party replete with notables such as former secretaries of state Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig, Secretary of Commerce Robert Mosbacher and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Jeane Kirkpatrick. The chief executive officers of 20 major corporations also will make the trip."("Schaefer ships off to Kuwait leaving state woes behind him." The Washington Times, 13 March 1991.)

10. June 1991 - Japan and Singapore
-"Joining Schaefer on the trip will be seven state officials and private business people, one of the smallest contingents to travel with the governor overseas." ("Schaefer to Visit Japan, Singapore on Trade Mission." The Washington Post, 8 May 1991.)
-"Schaefer's party to Japan and Singapore includes 11 state officials and four Maryland businessmen, and the cost of the Asian trip is expected to be $ 100,000." ("Schaefer Off to See Japan, Singapore." The Washington Post, 7 June 1991.)

11. May/June 1992  - Europe (Slovenia, Britain, Germany and Italy)
"Schaefer, who has traveled overseas seeking business nearly every year since taking office in 1987, will travel with a handful of aides -- but no private business leaders as on past trade trips." ("Schaefer Plans European Trip." The Washington Post, 22 April 1992.)
"Schaefer, who has been criticized in the past for taking large contingents of state officials and business leaders on trade trips abroad, this time kept the delegation small: six members." (Schaefer on Trade Trip." The Washington Post 28 May 1992.)

12. June 1993 - Europe (Eastern Europe, Germany and the Netherlands)

13. July 1993 -  Mexico
"Partly to avoid criticism, the department has cut back on the size of the delegations accompanying Mr. Schaefer. Mr. Blacklin said he now travels with five or 10 officials compared with as many as 50 in the past." ("Going the distance for Md.;Schaefer trots globe to sell state." The Washington Times, 17 July 1993.)

14. September 1993 - Germany
"A spokeswoman for Mr. Schaefer said the German government is sponsoring the trip and the state will not pay for the governor's travel expenses."; "Mr. Schaefer will be accompanied by a state policeman, whose costs will be paid by the state and will be joined in Germany by the director of the state's European economic development office."; "The other governors expected on the trip are Georgia's Zell Miller, Hawaii's John Waihee, Illinois' Jim Edgar, Iowa's Terry Branstad, North Carolina's Jim Hunt, South Carolina's Carroll Campbell, Tennessee's Ned McWherter and Wisconsin's Tommy Thompson." ("Schaefer set for 14th trip abroad as governor." The Washington Times, 23 September 1993."

15. June - Europe (France, Germany, and England)
("Schaefer leaves on penultimate trip." The Washington Times, 3 June 1994.)

16. October - South Korea, Taiwan and Japan
"My purpose is . . . to open up markets from Asia to Maryland," said Mr. Schaefer, who is heading a 61-member delegation of state government, education and business leaders." ("Seeking ties with Asian businesses, Schaefer delegation to visit Far East." The Baltimore Sun, 24 October , 1994)
"That is why the tour included not just the governor and staff, but 16 professors from Maryland colleges, 20 businessmen and the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. The three-week trade mission to Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan kicked off Oct. 23." ("Wooing Japanese Business." The Capital, 27 November 1994.)