
Illustrated inventory of Maryland State Archives property stored at the Cheltenham warehouse with images

Minimal security
Thick dust everywhere
Leaking skylight - warehouse staff covered materials directly under the skylight with plastic

Because of the difficult conditions the inventory is an estimate only of the contents and quantity of what the Archives has at Cheltenham.

United States Serial Set - 4 pallets (also 10 pallets of Laws of Maryland?)
Senate Journals (House Journals, also?) - 2 pallets
Maryland Magazine - 3 pallets
Maryland Manuals - 6 pallets
Archives of Maryland - 15 pallets

Agnew book - 1/2 pallet
Board of Public Works History - 2 pallets
Calendar of Maryland State Papers (031) - 1 1/2 pallets
Constitutional Convention by Eney (602) - 1/2 pallet
Constitutional Revision Study Documents (052) - 1 case
Decisive Blow is Struck - 1 pallet
Maryland General Assembly by Everstine (083)
Maryland Governors - 3 pallets
Maryland Soldier - 1 pallet
State House of Annapolis - 2 pallets
Maryland State Papers (008) - 3 pallets
Maryland Time Exposures (pamphlet) - 1 pallet
Old Line State - 11 pallets
St. Mary's City Official Program - 1/2 pallet
State House of Annapolis - 2 pallets
Providence (260) - brought to Archives for Dotty Zimmerman

114 shelves of newspapers
5 pallets of newspapers

Extracts of Deeds
file cabinets (some contain tax accounts) - 8
2 plastic bags of inventories

3 marble columns and bases
3 crates of broken marble

Federalist trailer
horse cart
empty exhibit creates (for the Carroll Exhibit)
miscellaneous chairs
assorted old equipment - some of it quite large


Inventory prepared by Wilder Stewart and Christine Alvey for Ed Papenfuse and Tim Baker