Short form references:

GH	George Howard
BH	Benjamin Howard
CH	Charles Howard
JEH	John E Howard Jr
JMcH	James McHenry
SHR	Sophia Howard Read
JH	James Howard
WH	William Howard

MVS Lot	Mt. Vernon Square Lot
Lot		Lot in 1828 division
GR		Ground Rent

EXAMPLE of Ground Rent Transcription:

16)SHR_gr_183 	[16: sequential # within SHR share, assigned by transcriber;
                   SHR: Sophia Read’s initials; gr: code for ground rent;
                   183: number of this specific ground rent]
Sheathower, Henry, $10 
lot of ground with improvements on Bottle Alley 
leased to William Stewart, 28 April 1797 
7 1/2% amounting to $133.33 2/3 
$10 per annum 

Division of Ground Rent Transcription:

Erin:  	128 -- George Howard, Benjamin Howard, James McHenry
Elizabeth:  124 -- William Howard, James Howard, Charles Howard, John E Howard

html pages for sections of the three distributions:

Heir				Lots	Ground Rents	Mt. Vernon Square Lots
George Howard		137	149			19
Benjamin Howard		151	161			24
William Howard		163	174			31
James Howard		175	187			36
Charles Howard		189	199			43
Sophia Howard Read	200	213			47
James McHenry		214	228			54
John Eager Howard, jr.	230	241			59