Case Papers Scanning Progress
Cases scanned and posted to the Cases Handled by Davis page, linked from ecpclio
Updated: 8/1/2007

Circuit Court
    Total: 291
    Scanned: 288
    Missing papers: 3
    Remaining: 0

Circuit Court No. 2
    Total: 85
    Scanned: 73
    Missing papers: 0
    Remaining: 0
     Note: possible number problems b/c Evan’s cases mixed in

City Court:
    Total: 214 (115 w/o Habeas Corpus)
    Scanned: 157
    Missing papers: 5
    Remaining: 0

City Court Habeas Corpus Total : 99
City Court Habeas Corpus Scanned: 96
City Court Habeas Corpus Missing: 3
City Court Habeas Corpus Remaining: 0

Common Pleas:
    Total:  31
    Scanned: 19
    Missing Papers: 12
    Remaining: 0

Criminal Court:
    Total: 1222
    Scanned: 73
    Missing Papers:0
    Remaining: 1149

Superior Court:
    Total: 36
    Scanned: 27
    Missing Papers: 9 (includes 4 incorperations, for which there are no papers)
    Remaining: 0

Orphan’s Court:
    Total: 23
    Scanned: 17
    Missing Papers: 6
    Remaining: 0

Total Scanned: 715
Total Remaining: 1149
    Total remaining, less criminal: 0

Not listed is one case from Frederick County, which is the only other case for which there are papers to scan. It has been scanned