J. Steward Davis: Military Records

Draft Registration Card

Service records, from Maryland in the World War 1917-1919: Military and Naval Service Records, Vol. I, p. 487

Corrispondance Book, Headquaters Company, 351st Field Artillery Regiment, Misc. Corrispondance; RG 391; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD
    >in Davis's handwriting

List of Men to Attend Gas Instruction, 24 April 1918, Headquarters, 351st Field Artillery, Misc. Corrispondance, RG 391; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD
    >note: Davis as Regtl. Sgt. Maj; also note Emory R. Cole (Del from BC, 1955-1958)

Special Order No. 81, 14 May 1918, Headquarters, 351st Field Artillery, Misc. Corrispondance; RG 391; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD
    >order naming Davis among those to attend Officers Training School at Camp Meade

Special Order No. 87, 24 May 1918, Headquarters, 351st Field Artillery, Misc. Corrispondance; RG 391; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD
    >order naming replacement for Davis as Regimental Sgt. Major: "He will be obeyed and respected accordingly."

Roster of Officers Attached to Third Ballalion, 351st Field Artillery; Headquarters, 351st Field Artillery, Misc. Corrispondance; RG 391; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD
Also: List of Officers for First Class Passage, 5 Feb 1919, Headquarters, 351st Field Artillery, Misc. Corrispondance; RG 391; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD
    >note Charles H. Houston among officers of 3rd Battalion

Memo, James S. Davis to J. M. Evans, re: departure of 3rd Battalion, 6 Feb 1919; Headquarters, 351st Field Artillery, Misc. Corrispondance; RG 391; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD
    >Davis was Assistant Adjutant; also, he did not leave with first group of 351st FA, but in second group. See Afro-American for information re: departure dates of 351st FA
Special Order No. 14, 4 Feb 1919, Headquaters, 351st Field Artillery, AEF; Headquarters, 351st Field Artillery, Misc. Corrispondance; RG 391; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD

Note that Davis does not appear on list of officers attached to 139th FA as of 11/10/1918. The 139th was an all white unit composed of National Gaurd units from the midwest; no material in the records of the 139th or the 63rd FA Brig. mention the presence of colored troops.

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