From the Baltimore Sun
How ground rent holders pursue claims
Parties that file bids to seize Baltimore properties are said to 'go
through the hoops'
December 10, 2006
A ground rent holder can file an ejectment lawsuit in Baltimore City
Circuit Court to seize a house if payments are more than six months
overdue, and if the holder received no response to a certified letter
to the property owner's "last known address."
Susan M. Marzetta, the general master for the Circuit Court's civil
docket, and her staff have the job of determining whether ground rent
holders and their lawyers have made reasonable efforts to find people
at risk of losing their homes.
The court looks for compliance with a specific list of rules, though
neither Marzetta nor Evelyn Omega Cannon, judge in charge of the civil
docket, would provide The Sun with a copy of the list.
"The court makes them go through the hoops," Marzetta said. "The court
checks that very carefully."
Often lawyers list steps ranging from Internet searches and sending
certified letters to checking Social Security Administration death
records, estate filings, Department of Motor Vehicle records and lists
of prison inmates.
But they often do not make use of online search tools that could more
accurately track down homeowners.
Court records don't make clear how frequently Marzetta asks ground rent
attorneys for more information or recommends that a judge deny a
request. But R. Marc Goldberg, a Baltimore lawyer who speaks for the
ground rent owners association, said that the judges and Marzetta are
"not looking to give ground rent owners houses."
Requests to seize houses are "kicked back all the time," he said.
"[Court officials] say, 'It's not enough, we're not going to grant
When Marzetta finds the paperwork in order, she recommends that the
court allow the ground rent owner to post notice of the lawsuit on the
property and on a glass-encased bulletin board just inside the entrance
of the Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse in downtown Baltimore.
Many cases are settled before a court hearing if homeowners pay the
overdue ground rent plus all or most of the fees that rent owners can
charge under the law.
The law allows two sets of fees:
• "Actual expenses," up to $500, of collecting back rent before an
ejectment lawsuit is filed. This includes title fees, photocopying and
postage fees as well as attorney fees.
• "Reasonable expenses" of preparing and filing the suit. This includes
attorney fees of up to $700; title fees of up to $300; filing fees,
court costs, expenses of process serving "or otherwise providing
notice," plus taxes, interest and penalties that have been paid by the
ground rent owner. No limit is placed on these latter categories.
Judges sometimes broker settlements at the hearings. If there is no
settlement and a judge finds that the ground rent holder complied with
the law, he can grant a judgment giving the ground rent holder the
title to the house.
Within six months, the property owner can regain the house by paying
all current and overdue rent, plus all legal and other costs.
Otherwise, the house belongs to the ground rent holder.
[Compiled by Sun staff]
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