Mayor and City Council v. Board of Health for Baltimore County, 139 Md. 210 (1921).

Lexis Opinion
Westlaw Opinion

Trial Court Records:

BALTIMORE COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Docket) Coghlan v. Mayor and City Council, Volume WPC 24 pp. 124 and 265 [MSA C326-24, 2/49/8/23]

BALTIMORE COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT (Equity Papers) Coghlan v. Mayor and City Council, filed 18 January 1921, Box 918 File No. 15283 [MSA T696-254, 0/35/10/34]

Appellate Court Records:

COURT OF APPEALS (Docket) April Term 1921 No. 62, Volume 1920/01-1927/10 page 63 [MSA S412-18, 1/67/6/4]

COURT OF APPEALS (Records and Briefs) April Term 1921 No. 62 [MSA S1733- 578, 1/65/5/10]

No COURT OF APPEALS (Miscellaneous Papers) for this case.

COURT OF APPEALS (Opinions) April Term 1921 No. 62 [MSA S393-188, 1/65/14/38]

Baltimore City Law Department:

William F. Coghlan et al v. Mayor and City Council et al, Box 229 File No. 27583 (BCA RG 13-2-27583)