Journal of search for 1910-1919 cases
Updated: 09/06

09/06: Rest of cases re-downloaded, will be uploaded today.  Two cases will not download properly from Westlaw, 106 Md. 69; 66 A. 679 and 111 Md. 583. Cases printed and will be scanned as temporary solution. Continue to have difficulties downloading documents from Westlaw, many cases require more than one attempt to obtain a useable copy.

09/02: Discovered a number of Westlaw documents which would not open properly while doing spot check of links. Did complete check of files and found about two dozen Westlaw files not working. Began process of re-downloading new files.

08/31: All cases 1900-1909  retrievedfrom Lexis and Westlaw and uploaded to ecpclio.

08/24: Began working on discrepancies involving
Baltimore City v. Rowe, 107 Md. 704, 67 A. 93 (1907).  Case is found on Westlaw, although the opinion is not derived from the Maryland Reports (which lists the case only in a brief note).  Lexis cannot find the case at all, whether from a general search or from a citation. It also lists a different case at the same Atlantic Reports page as the case found on Westlaw. The original Maryland Reports will be scanned, and the Atlantic needs to be checked.

08/23: Problems with Westlaw-the same search string used on Friday only returns 57 results. Contacted Westlaw live online help, was advised that there was a programming problem with password.  An email will be sent to Ed (as account holder) and Owen when the problem is resolved. The list of Westlaw search results was downloaded on Friday, and contains 85 results.

Primary search terms used for Westlaw

Searched in Maryland State & Federal Cases
Search string used was: MD-CS-ALL TI(MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL & BALTIMORE)

& DA(AFT 1909 & BEF 1/1/1920)
Returned 127 cases

Search to be performed for names of mayors of Baltimore.

Westlaw Search Result Citation List

Primary search terms used for Lexis
Searched in
Search string used was: NAME (baltimore and mayor and "city council"), restricted to date range of 01/01/1910 to 12/31/1919
Returned 125 cases
Search to be performed for names of mayors of Baltimore.

Lexis Search Result Citation List