Condition Report Work Sheet


Object #_______       


Location: Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse, Baltimore Bar Library


Date of examination:  08-04-2004





Title/Subject: Stevenson Archer (1786-1846) Artist: Unknown    Date:  c. 1840


Medium: Oil on canvas


Dimensions:   Frame:   41 H x 35 ˝ W in.


Signature/Date           Yes      X     No, Location:


Marks/Labels       X      Yes         No, Location: Bottom center



Description:  Plaque reads Judge Stevenson Archer. ______________________________________________________________________________________


General Condition:


Painting: Poor             Fair           Good    X       Excellent______  


Comments: The painting is in good condition and there are no major issues or conservation concerns.


Frame:    Poor               Fair    X          Good            Excellent______


Comments: There is a glazing over the painting. There are chips, scratches, and various parts broken off the frame (Lower right decorative leaf, Bottom center, left side).


Conservation Priority:   Low     X       Medium                High _____




Additional Comments:




Condition Report Work Sheet


Object #_______       


Location: Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse, Baltimore Bar Library



Date of examination: 08-04-2004



Title/Subject: Luther Martin, (1748-1826)   Artist: Albert, Rosenthal (1863-1939) Date: 1905 


Medium: Etching


Dimensions:   Frame:  33 H x 26 1/2 W in


Signature/Date     X      Yes           No, Location: Lower right


Marks/Labels       X     Yes         No, Location: Center bottom



Description:  Etching reads: Etched copyright and published by Albert Rosenthal, Phila. 1905,  after miniature owned by Mrs. Garrett, Balt, MD; Edition 100 segment proofs.



General Condition:


Etching: Poor             Fair              Good     X        Excellent ___/___            


Comments: The etching is in good to excellent condition.


Frame:    Poor               Fair              Good     X       Excellent_____


Comments: The frame is in good condition. There are a few nicks and scratches through out the frame.


Conservation Priority:   Low      X      Medium                High _____




Additional Comments:




Condition Report Work Sheet


Object #_______       


Location: Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse, Baltimore Bar Library


Date of examination:  08-04-2004






Title/Subject: Reverdy Johnson (1796-1876) Artist: Unknown Date: Unknown   


Medium: Oil on canvas


Dimensions:   Frame:  37 ˝   H x 31 ˝ W in.


Signature/Date           Yes     X      No, Location:


Marks/Labels        X      Yes         No, Location: Bottom center



Description:  Plaque reads Reverdy Johnson



General Condition:


Painting: Poor             Fair    X       Good     /        Excellent______  


Comments:  The painting is in good to fair condition.


Frame:    Poor    X           Fair    X          Good            Excellent______


Comments: There is a glazing over the painting.  The frame is in fair – poor condition. There are major cracks in the frame and pieces of the decorative leaf are broken off.


Conservation Priority:   Low     X        Medium     /         High _____


Comments: Consider reframing the piece.


Additional Comments:



Condition Report Work Sheet


Object #_______       


Location: Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse, Baltimore Bar Library


Date of examination:  08-04-2004






Title/Subject: Luther Martin, (1748-1826) Artist: Cephas Thompson (1775-1856) Date: C. 1804



Medium: Oil on canvas


Dimensions:   Frame:  33 3/16 H x 28 W in.


Signature/Date            Yes      X     No, Location:


Marks/Labels       X       Yes         No, Location: Bottom center



Description:  Plaque reads Luther Martin.



General Condition:


Painting: Poor             Fair     X         Good             Excellent______  


Comments:  There is a medium scratch approximately 5 inches in length in the center torso of the subject.


Frame:    Poor               Fair    X          Good      /        Excellent______


Comments: There is discoloration, chips, and scratches throughout the frame.  


Conservation Priority:   Low     X      Medium                High _____


Comments:  There are no major issues or conservation concerns. The painting was recently restored in 1987.


Additional Comments:


Condition Report Work Sheet


Object #_______       


Location: Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse, Baltimore Bar Library


Date of examination:  08-04-2004





Title/Subject: Luther Martin, (1748-1826) Artist: Rembrant Peale (1778 - 1860) Date: 1815-1825  


Medium: Oil on canvas


Dimensions:   Frame: 33 3/16 H x 28 W in.


Signature/Date           Yes      X     No, Location:


Marks/Labels        X      Yes         No, Location:



Description:  Plaque reads Luther Martin.



General Condition:


Painting: Poor             Fair     X       Good     /        Excellent______  


Comments:  The painting is in good-fair condition and there are no major issues or conservation concerns.


Frame:    Poor               Fair    X          Good     /       Excellent______


Comments: The frame is in good to fair condition. There is some discoloration in the paint and there is a piece broken off the lower left side of the frame. There are also some cracks in the decorative leaf.


Conservation Priority:   Low    X        Medium                High _____


Comments: The paining is placed on an exterior wall.


Additional Comments:



Condition Report Work Sheet


Object #_______       


Location: Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse, Baltimore Bar Library


Date of examination:  08-04-2004





Title/Subject: Chief Justice Roger B. Taney (1777-1864) Artist: Miner Kilbourne Kellogg (1814 - 1889)


Date: 1849   Medium: Oil on canvas


Dimensions:   Frame:   75 1/2 x 62 1/2 in.


Signature/Date           Yes     X      No, Location:


Marks/Labels        X      Yes         No, Location:



Description:  Plaque reads Chief Justice Taney



General Condition:


Painting: Poor             Fair    X       Good             Excellent______  


Comments: The painting is fair condition. There is visible canvas and a tear in the lower center of the subject’s torso. There is cracking throughout the painting which seems to be a little excessive.


Frame:    Poor     X          Fair    /          Good            Excellent______


Comments:  The frame is in atheistically poor to fair condition. There are chips broken off, discoloration and cracks here and there throughout the frame. The lower decorative on the base of the frame is almost entirely broken off.


Conservation Priority:   Low            Medium     X            High _____


Comments: The cracks in the painting seem to be a little excessive. Consider having a conservator examine the piece.


Additional Comment

Condition Report Work Sheet


Object #_______       


Location: Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse, Baltimore Bar Library


Date of examination:  08-04-2004




Title/Subject:  Chief Justice John Marshall (1755-1835) Artist: Henry Cooper (1907-) Date: 1990


Medium: Oil on canvas


Dimensions:   Frame:  75 H x 60 W in.   Canvas:


Signature/Date      X     Yes           No, Location: Lower right


Marks/Labels              Yes     X    No, Location:






General Condition:


Painting: Poor             Fair           Good     X        Excellent___/___  


Comments:  The painting is in good-excellent condition.


Frame:    Poor               Fair              Good    X        Excellent___/___


Comments:  The frame is in good-excellent condition.


Conservation Priority:   Low   X         Medium                High _____


Comments: There are no major issues or conservation concerns.


Additional Comments:





Condition Report Work Sheet


Object #_______       


Location: Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse, Baltimore Bar Library


Date of examination:  08-03-2004





Title/Subject: Arthur W. Machler, Sr. (1827-1915) Artist: Thomas C. Corner (1865-1938) Date:  1908 


Medium: Oil on canvas


Dimensions:   Frame:   51 H x 45 W in.


Signature/Date      X     Yes           No, Location: Lower right


Marks/Labels       X     Yes         No, Location: Bottom center


Description: Plaque reads Arthur W. Machler, Sr. Director 1856-1862, President 1866-1915, Library Company of the Baltimore Bar.



General Condition:


Painting: Poor             Fair    X       Good             Excellent______  


Comments:  There are cracks in the painting and a large scratch in the right corner of the canvas near the signature of the artist.


Frame:    Poor               Fair     X         Good            Excellent______


Comments: There are cracks throughout the decorative leaf.


Conservation Priority:   Low      X      Medium       /         High _____


Comments: Consider consulting a conservator about the cracking and scratches.


Additional Comments:



Condition Report Work Sheet


Object #_______       


Location: Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse, Baltimore Bar Library


Date of examination:  08-04-2004






Title/Subject: William Gwinn, (1775-1854) Artist: H. G. McCann Date: Unknown


Medium: Oil on canvas


Dimensions: 41 H x 36 W in.


Signature/Date           Yes           No, Location:


Marks/Labels              Yes         No, Location:



Description:  Plaque reads Wm. Gwinn



General Condition:


Painting: Poor     X         Fair     /       Good             Excellent______  


Comments: The painting is fair to poor condition.  There is exposed canvas and a tear in lower left of the canvas. There is a cracking and bulking on the canvas.


Frame:    Poor               Fair     X          Good     /       Excellent______


Comments:  The upper left decorative leaf is broken off. There are a few chips and cracks through out the frame.


Conservation Priority:   Low            Medium      X          High ____


Comments: The damage to the painting is more than likely a result of poor environmental conditions (relative humidity, temperature).


Additional Comments:

Condition Report Work Sheet


Object #_______       


Location: Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse, Baltimore Bar Library 


Date of examination:  08-04-2004











Title/Subject: Charles Alfred Welch (1816-1908) Artist: Sarah Gooll Putnam (1851-1912) Date: 1903   


Medium: Oil on canvas


Dimensions:   Frame:  54 ˝ H x 47 W in.  


Signature/Date      X     Yes           No, Location:  Upper left


Marks/Labels        X     Yes         No, Location: Bottom center



Description: Plaque reads Charles Alfred Welch. 1903



General Condition:


Painting: Poor            Fair    X       Good             Excellent______  


Comments: The painting is fair condition. The pigments in the painting are extremely faded.


Frame:    Poor               Fair     X         Good            Excellent______


Comments: There are chips, discoloration, and pieces broken off of the frame.


Conservation Priority:   Low      X      Medium      /         High _____


Comments:  The painting is hung on an exterior wall.


Additional Comments: