Water Street Watson (Colonel) Controversy Watson Monument Waverly Area Business District Improvement Hotel Improvement Association, Inc. Wax Museum Waxter Center Morgan State College Choir Ways and Means [Committee] Weatherization Project Tactics Webb, Johnnie Mae Webb Seton Hill Tower WEBB Radio Towers Webster Eleanor Jesse Kenneth Weddings February 14 Weekend Commissioner Reports Duty Officers Reports Duty Reports Proposal Reports Weigel, Dallas Weinberg, Harry and Nathan Weisengoff, Paul Welch, Agnes Welcome, Verda 1981-84 468,773 1979-80 898 -- 972 1972,76-80 1972-76 1974-75 1968 1000,1004 189,379 379 1004 81 302,966 1973-74 881 1968-75,80-82 1974 25,252 879 1981 30,252 1977,83-85 1976-82,85-86 1979 37,81,843 379,808 843 1971 302 1981-83 723 1980-86 773,808,908 1973 1981 1976 139 264 379 1977-82 1982 632 891 1982-84 1977,79-80 1976-78 1979 1978-79 829 300 153 881 300 1981-82 379 1977-83 843 1976-81 843 1977-78 139 1977 139