National Directory Odessa, U.S.S.R. Pirdeus, Greece Rotterdam Xiamen Sister Joan Site and Building Program for the Baltimore Municipal Animal Shelter 1981 Site Plan Review Committee Sitting Judges Campaign Six Flags Sixth Street/Brooklyn Skibbe , Loretta Jean Skipjacks Fundraising Herget Skill and Service Delivery Enhancement Training Program Skills Center Eastside Westside Sklar, Sadie "Sky" Slavic Ethnic Group Discrimination Revenue Sharings 1979-80 1979-80 1980-83,85-86 1982-83 1984-86 1985-86 904 830,856 753 49,856 856 1978-79 204 1981 925 1979 70 — 204 1982-86 628,660,850 949 1972 206 1978-81 355 1981-84 1982 1983-86 429,628,915 904 660,850 1979 30,45 1982 1982-85 111 111,825 1980-81 882 1979 488 750 Sludge Patapsco Treatment Plant State Health Department Trash Barging to Other Countries 1981-85 1982-83 1979 1983 628,660 628 628 923 Small, B.J. 1982-83 829 Small Business Complaints 1983-84 1985-86 744,806 811 Small Business Administration 1972-87 425,645,829 989,1009 Small Business (Advisory Committee) 1983-84 741,812